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When I think about both my op-ed and the visual piece that I am most proud of is my op-ed.

This is because I haven't

done anything like that on my own and that just makes it special to me. Something that i am proud of is that particularly
is that the final product was something that i could hand in thinking that I did my best.

One of the things that I ran into that I thought was difficult was the visual piece. This is because I didn't know what to do
for the longest time and I was putting it off. Something that helped me deal with this was thinking of ideas that I could
do for the project. I think something that would have helped me avoid this difficulty was not putting it off as long as I
didn't. I think it could have been more successful and more refined if I didn't.

I think the most important thing that I learned from this project was that the Woman Riot. And that the woman in the
Woman's Riot fought to make the lives of them and all around them better. I can explain this in my final project with the
visual piece. What it says is “Everyone Has a ​Right​” Why it says that is because the women were fighting for equality.
Also in my op-ed I was talking about the BLM Protest (Black Lives Matter) and these two are similar because they were
both fighting for the same thing they were trying to make everyone equal.

In this op-ed I feel like I put more content on the paper. In which that makes sense and instead of putting worthless
words down. I feel like I have written better in this op-ed because I can type faster and but I can put more words down
better to the topic instead of talking about random things. One specific example of this is” ​For instance breaking into
prisons and releasing prisoners, the sitting on men act (which was an act that women followed men around
that did something bad to a woman making the men feel bad for what they had done), chanting and dancing in
the streets, and burning down buildings.” ( Julia Glotfelty) I think that I say a lot but in little words and all of it
makes sense.

I am giving myself an eight out of ten. This is because I am prepared most of the days with all of my materials but
sometimes I forget papers or assignments. I also am usually on task but sometimes I get off task and it's hard for me to
get back on task. And mostly I usually engage in the topics but sometimes I get off task and hang out. Why I gave myself
an eight is because usually I'm prepared and on task but sometimes I procrastinate and get off task.

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