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NOVEMBER 9, 2020


Contact: Debbie Higgins, Director of Communications, 314-682-8282

On Friday, we became aware of an off-campus Halloween party referenced in the St. Louis County
press conference this morning and took immediate action to ensure compliance with health and safety
guidelines on campus. We identified and quarantined all students who were in attendance at the
party, which was not a school-sanctioned event. We are extremely disappointed and frustrated by the
poor decisions that led to the party in question.

Since we began school in August, we have worked in close partnership with the St. Louis County
Department of Public Health. Also, since school began in August we have not had a single known
student-to-student transmission of the virus on our campus. Any students who have tested positive or
have been in quarantine have traced transmission to off-campus events and activities.

We are grateful that we have been able to provide a safe, on-campus learning environment for our
students and faculty. This situation reminds us all of the need to be resilient during this challenging

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