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Cumulative Reflection

Chance Webster



Throughout my life I have had many experiences – work, school and athletics – that have
taught many different skills and problems solving techniques. With school there was on class
that taught us the best way to learn to optimize remembering the material for the long term. My
work experiences, through Collins Aerospace, has taught me nay skills but mainly
communication, documentation and perseverance. Through athletics I have learned the
importance of hard work and teamwork.


The course that taught the most efficient way to learn was Intro to Electrical Engineering,
taught by Mani Mina. Mani taught us that trying and making mistakes was the best way to learn.
When you make a mistake, you remember that mistake because you do not want to make that
mistake again. In his classes, we spent most of the time doing problems first to try and figure it
out on our own and then he would shows us how to do it so we could see our mistakes and learn
from them. This concept will help me continue to learn throughout my life because every time I
make a mistake, I will tell myself to remember it and to learn from it.

The work experience at Collins Aerospace, taught me the proper way to work in a team.
The team understood that people will be doing parts of the project on their own, and it is
important they document what they did so everyone is on the same page. It also showed me that
perseverance will benefit the project. For example, we were failing a test for our product and the
engineers were getting pressure to fix the issue from management, but instead of trying to just
minimize the failure so we could pass. The engineers instead look at completely solving the
problem, which would take longer, and now the issue is completely resolved.

In my first two years of college, I ran cross country and track for Southwestern
Community College. During this time, I learned that the individual effort of each member of the
team affected the efforts of others. If one person decided to work extra hard, the other team
members would work harder to keep up. Most people think that cross country is an individual
sport, however if the team works to push each other everyone will get better which in turn makes
the team better. There was a meet we were complete underdogs, but we ran the race together and
when the last mile or so came it was effortless to increase our speed and pass people, because we
were together.


In conclusion, each one of these experiences have taught me different skills that I will
use forever. When I make mistakes, I will learn from them to avoid that mistake again in the
future. Documentation is a very important part of a team project because everyone needs to
know what and how a task was completed. This will benefit the team, because everyone thinks
differently, and some people might want to change something. Working hard individually will
benefit both the individually and the team because everyone wants to beat each other, it is human
nature, and if someone works harder than everyone else is will help increase productivity all

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