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Fransiska Dianita

Thesis Writing Design B-2
Tuesday, August 29th 2017

Politeness Strategies Used by Host Indonesia Morning Show Net TV with the
Participants (Broadcast on August 2nd, 2017)

Talk show is a common programs which broadcast on electronic media like radio and
television. Talk shows on television become more interesting than other electronic media
because people can hear the voice and also can see the live images through the screen. There
are various types of talk show on television which can be seen as talk show features with
celebrity guest, talk shows about the political issue, talk show about the news, and many
more. According to A. G. B. Nielsen, a general features of talk show as a program that
observes particular problem through conversation, discussion, interview, and interaction
among host or moderator, guest star, and audiences. Talk show is also categorized as a soft
news. Soft news is the interesting news which consists of important information that
delivered in-depth by the host[ CITATION Mor08 \l 1057 ]. Nowadays, talk show which talks
about the newest issue packed in a relaxed form that people can enjoy it such as Hitam Putih,
Ini Talkshow, Dr. Oz Indonesia, Sarah Sechan, Just Alvin, Satu Jam Lebih Dekat, Indonesia
Morning Show, Apa Kabar Indonesia, etc.
Indonesia Morning Show is one of the favorite talk show programs in Net TV, the
program broadcast every day on 06:00, which this program can be the only one program in
Indonesia that broadcast about news event to display updated information through hard news,
light news, entertainment, and sport. It is interesting to be analyzed how Indonesia Morning
Show delivered the happening issue with a smooth conversation. So, the viewers can enjoy
while watching it. A good conversation is not only delivering a message, but also make
listeners feel comfortable by the content of the message. It means that to build a good social
relationship between the speaker and the listener is required a communication process and it
should be establishing a smooth conversation. The episode which is selected to be analyzed
has a topic of “Waspada Penyakit Menular Pada Bayi, Penyakit Rubella!”. In that episode,
Indonesia Morning Show invited two informants, Dr. Elizabeth Jane Soeparti as Direktur
Pengawas Kesehatan Kemenkes and Niken Trishardiane as Anggota Rumah Ramah Rubella
and also a dentist, from different fields, but they have same purpose which discussed about
campak and rubella. This episode is interesting to be analyzed because the hosts tend to make
the same style of conversation while talking with Dr. Jane and Niken, even though Dr. Jane
has an older age rather than the hosts. The hosts have to be awared in discussing with the
participants who have different age and field about the topic, but they also consistent in
making the talk show to delivered the happening issue with a smooth conversation to make
the viewers can feel comfortable by the content of the message. So, the hosts need to use
politeness strategies to make discussion run well.
To analyzed the utterances that use of politeness strategies in one of the episodes of
Indonesia Morning Show, Brown and Levinson Theory is applied in this study. Politeness
strategies are divided into four types: bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness,
and off record or indirect strategy [ CITATION Lev87 \l 1057 ] . In this case, this study was
purposed to analyzing the politeness strategy which appears in the Indonesia Morning Show
talk show based on those types. The statement of problems that will be described are what are
the politeness strategy used in the Indonesia Morning Show, in what context politeness
strategy used in the Indonesia Morning Show, and why politeness strategy used in that

Works Cited
Brown & Levinson . Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Morrisan, M. A. Jurnalistik Televisi Mutakhir. 2008.

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