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1. Which of these is NOT listed in Acts chapter thirteen as a teacher in Antioch?

a. Namon.
b. Lucius of Cyrene.
c. Manaen.
2. In Acts chapter thirteen, whom did the Holy Spirit say he wanted to be separated to the work to
which He had called them?
a. Barnabas and Lucius.
b. Manaen and Saul.
c. Barnabas and Saul.
3. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter thirteen: “Then, having fasted and prayed,
and _________________, they sent them away.”
a. “Given them their commission.”
b. “Laid hands on them.”
c. “Agreed to their mission.”
4. According to Acts chapter thirteen, what was the name of the sorcerer on the island of
a. Bar-Jesus.
b. Simon.
c. Sergius Paulus.
5. According to Acts chapter thirteen, what was another name by which Saul was called?
a. Sergius Paulus.
b. Paul.
c. Simeon.
6. In Salamis, Paul and Barnabas were called by the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, to hear the word
of God. But Elymas the sorcerer, surnamed Bar-Jesus, worked against them, trying to turn the
proconsul from the faith. Paul, however, cursed the sorcerer for fighting against God. What
happened to Elymas?
a. He was blinded.
b. He died.
c. He was exiled by Sergius Paulus.
7. According to Acts chapter thirteen, to which city did John travel after he and Ss. Paul and
Barnabas arrived in Perga?
a. Antioch.
b. Patmos.
c. Jerusalem.
8.According to St. Paul’s statement in Acts chapter thirteen, how long did God give the nation of
Israel judges?
a. 100 years.
b. 250 years.
c. 450 years.
9. As St. Paul states in Acts chapter thirteen, from whose seed did God raise up Israel’s Savior?
a. David.
b. Saul.
c. John.
10. According to Acts chapter thirteen, what did St. John the Baptist preach?
a. The baptism of fire.
b. The baptism of repentance.
c. The baptism of forgiveness.
11. Fill in the blank from St. Paul’s exhortation in Acts chapter thirteen: ““Men and brethren, sons
of the family of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, to you the word of this _________
has been sent.”
a. “Salvation.”
b. “Savior.”
c. “Baptism.”
12. According to Acts chapter thirteen, how did the people in Jerusalem fulfill the writings of the
a. By building the Temple.
b. By killing St. James.
c. By condemning Christ.
13. According to Acts chapter thirteen, from which Psalm are these words taken: “You are My
Son, Today I have begotten You?”
a. The first Psalm.
b. The second Psalm.
c. The third Psalm.
14. According to Acts chapter thirteen, who fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw
a. David.
b. Jesus.
c. Abraham.
15. Fill in the blank in St. Paul’s exhortation in Acts chapter thirteen: “Therefore let it be known to
you, brethren, that through this Man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him
everyone who believes is __________ from all things from which you could not be _________ by
the law of Moses.”
a. “Saved.”
b. “Transformed.”
c. “Justified.”
16. Fill in the blank from Acts chapter thirteen: “But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were
filled with envy; and contradicting and blaspheming, they opposed the things spoken by ______.”
a. “Barnabas.”
b. “Paul.”
c. “John.”
17. In Acts chapter thirteen, after the Jews saw that the multitudes were following Paul in his
teaching of Jesus Christ, they became jealous and contradicted what was spoken by Paul. Since
the Jews rejected this teaching, who did Paul say he would turn his teaching towards?
a. The unbelievers.
b. The pagans.
c. The Gentiles.
18. According to Acts chapter thirteen, who believed the message St. Paul preached on his
second Sabbath in Antioch Pisidia?
a. As many as had been appointed to eternal life.
b. As many as stayed in the synagogue to hear him.
c. All the Gentiles in the city.
19. What did Ss. Paul and Barnabas do when they were expelled from Antioch Pisidia in Acts
chapter thirteen?
a. They pronounced a curse upon the city.
b. They shook the dust from their feet.
c. They compared the people of the city to a stubborn donkey.

1. A (Acts 13:1)
2. C (Acts 13:2)
3. B (Acts 13:3)
4. A (Acts 13:6)
5. B (Acts 13:9)
6. A (Acts 13:11)
7. C (Acts 13:13)
8. C (Acts 13:20)
9. A (Acts 13:22-23)
10. B (Acts 13:24)
11. A (Acts 13:26)
12. C (Acts 13:27, 29)
13. B (Acts 13:33)
14. A (Acts 13:36)
15. C (Acts 13:39)
16. B (Acts 13:45)
17. C (Acts 13:46)
18. A (Acts 13:48)
19. B (Acts 13:51)

1. According to Acts chapter fourteen, how long did Ss. Paul and Barnabas spend preaching in
a. A short time.
b. A long time.
c. St. Barnabas stayed a long time, while St. Paul moved on to Lystra.
2. According to Acts chapter fourteen, what caused Ss. Paul and Barnabas to travel to Lystra and
a. They fled the efforts of both Jews and Gentiles to abuse and stone them.
b. They left for Lystra after converting much of the city of Iconium.
c. They were invited by the people of Lystra and Derbe.
3. According to Acts chapter fourteen, what prompted St. Paul to heal the man in Lystra who was
crippled from birth?
a. St. Paul saw that the man sincerely needed healing.
b. St. Paul saw that the man had faith to be healed.
c. St. Paul healed him to refute doubters who were watching.
4. In Lystra, Paul healed a man crippled from birth. The people were amazed, but did not
understand. What did they think about Paul and Barnabas?
a. They believed St. Barnabas was Zeus, and St. Paul was Hermes.
b. They believed St. Barnabas was Hermes, and St. Paul was Zeus.
c. They believed St. Barnabas was Apollo, and St. Paul was Poseidon.
5. Fill in the blank in St. Paul’s words from Acts chapter fourteen: “But when the apostles
Barnabas and Paul heard this, they tore their clothes and ran in among the multitude, crying out
and saying, ‘Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with the same nature as
you, and preach to you that you should turn from these useless things to _______________, who
made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them.’”
a. “The Lord our God.’
b. “The Maker of all.”
c. “The living God.”
6. What happened to St. Paul in Acts chapter fourteen after Jews from Antioch and Iconium
convinced the people of Lystra that he was not a god?
a. The people of Lystra stoned him and left him for dead.
b. The people of Lystra drove him from the city.
c. The people of Lystra tried to convince him to become a priest to Zeus.
7. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter fourteen: “And when they had preached the
gospel to that city and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch,
strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, ‘We
must through many _____________ enter the kingdom of God.’”
a. “Eras.”
b. “Prayers.”
c. “Tribulations.”
8. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter fourteen: “From there they sailed to Antioch,
where they had been commended to the ___________ for the work which they had completed.”
a. “Brethren.”
b. “Grace of God.”
c. “Apostles.”
9. According to Acts chapter fourteen, God had opened what door to the Gentiles?
a. “The door of the Gospel.”
b. “The door of faith.”
c. “The door of salvation

1. B (Acts 14:3)
2. A (Acts 14:5-6)
3. B (Acts 14:9)
4. A (Acts 14:12)
5. C (Acts 14:15)
6. A (Acts 14:19)
7. C (Acts 14:22)
8. B (Acts 14:26)
9. B (Acts 14:27)

1. According to Acts chapter fifteen, from where did the men come who said, “Unless you are
circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved?”
a. Judea.
b. Damascus.
c. Antioch.
2. According to Acts chapter fifteen, who did the Church in Antioch decide should speak to the
Apostles and elders in Jerusalem?
a. Ss. Paul and Barnabas.
b. Ss. Peter and John.
c. Ss. Barnabas and John Mark.
3. According to Acts chapter fifteen, believing members of which sect rose up and said, “It is
necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses?”
a. The Sadducees.
b. The Synagogue of the Freemen.
c. The Pharisees.
4. Who said these words in Acts chapter fifteen: “Men and brethren, you know that a good while
ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and
a. St. Barnabas.
b. St. Peter.
c. St. Paul.
5. Fill in the blank from St. Peter’s speech in Acts chapter fifteen: “So God, who knows the heart,
acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, and made no distinction
between us and them, purifying their hearts by ______________.”
a. “Grace.”
b. “His power.”
c. “Faith.”
6. According to St. Peter in Acts chapter fifteen, were the Jews able to bear the yoke of
circumcision that some desired to be placed upon the disciples?
a. Yes.
b. No.
c. The fathers could only bear it with great reliance upon God.
7. Who spoke these words during the Council in Jerusalem in Acts chapter fifteen: “Therefore I
judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God, but that
we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things
strangled, and from blood?”
a. St. James.
b. St. Paul.
c. St. Peter.
8. The council in Jerusalem sent two leading men along with Paul and Barnabas back to Antioch
with their decision on circumcision. Name one of the two.
a. Barabbas.
b. Barsabas.
c. Bartholomew.
9. According to the decree in Acts chapter fifteen, which of these is one of the regulations placed
upon Christians by the Council in Jerusalem?
a. To undergo circumcision.
b. To abstain from eating animals that were strangled.
c. To reject all artwork as idolatry.
10. According to Acts chapter fifteen, why did Ss. Paul and Barnabas separate?
a. Barnabas wanted to take John called Mark with them, while Paul did not.
b. Barnabas wanted to stay in Antioch, while Paul wanted to go on a missionary journey.
c. Paul wanted to take Silas with them, while Barnabas did not.
11. After Paul and Barnabas’ dispute over who they would take with them, Paul chose to take
with him:
a. Peter.
b. Judas.
c. Silas.

1. A (Acts 15:1)
2. A (Acts 15:2)
3. C (Acts 15:5)
4. B (Acts 15:7)
5. C (Acts 15:8-9)
6. B (Acts 15:10)
7. A (Acts 15:19-20)
8. B (Acts 15:22)
9. B (Acts 15:29)
10. A (Acts 15:37-38)
11. C (Acts 15:40)

1. In Lystra, Paul found a disciple who was the son of a Jewish woman and a Greek man. He
wanted him to accompany him in his travels. Who was this disciple?
a. Silas.
b. Barsabas.
c. Timothy.
2. Timothy, being the son of a Jewish mother and a Greek father, left with Paul on his journey.
Before they left, however, what did Paul do to Timothy?
a. He baptized him.
b. He circumcised him.
c. He changed his name.
3. According to Acts chapter sixteen, the decrees that the early Christians were to keep were
determined by whom?
a. The leaders of each individual church.
b. St. Paul.
c. The Apostles and elders at Jerusalem.
4. According to Acts chapter sixteen, where did the Holy Spirit prevent Ss. Paul and Silas from
a. Asia.
b. Phrygia.
c. Galatia.
5. What led St. Paul to believe that the Lord was calling him to preach in Macedonia in Acts
chapter sixteen?
a. A commission by the Church in Antioch.
b. A vision in which a man of Macedonia asks him to come help them.
c. A request from St. James that he go to Macedonia.
6. According to Acts chapter sixteen, who was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira?
a. Lyra.
b. Lydia.
c. Lucia.
7. According to Acts chapter sixteen, the slave girl in Philippi was possessed by what kind of
a. A spirit of divination.
b. A spirit of sickness.
c. A spirit of oppression
8.What did the Philippian slave girl cry out in Acts chapter sixteen?
a. “These are false prophets, come to deceive us!”
b. “Free me from my masters, servants of Jesus!”
c. “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.”
9. According to the Philippian slave masters in Acts chapter sixteen, how did Ss. Paul and Silas
exceedingly trouble the city?
a. By teaching customs which are not lawful for Romans to receive or observe.
b. By exorcising their slave girl.
c. By stealing from the temple of Apollo.
10. What event might have freed Ss. Paul and Silas from the Philippian jail in Acts chapter
a. An angel of the Lord released their feet from the stocks.
b. The jailer opened the door after becoming a Christian.
c. A great earthquake opened the doors, and the prisoners’ chains were loosened.
11. How many prisoners escaped from the Philippian jail in Acts chapter sixteen?
a. All of them.
b. None of them.
c. Only Ss. Paul and Silas were enabled to escape.
12. Who said the following in Acts chapter sixteen: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
a. The masters of the slave girl.
b. The chief magistrate of Philippi.
c. The Philippian jailer.
13. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter sixteen: “So they said, ______________,
and you will be saved, you and your household?’”
a. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.”
b. “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
c. “Accept the gospel.”
14. According to Acts chapter sixteen, how many members of the Philippian jailer’s household
were baptized?
a. Only the jailer.
b. The jailer and his wife.
c. All his family.
15. According to Acts chapter sixteen, why were the Philippian magistrates worried after they had
Ss. Paul and Silas beaten and jailed?
a. Because Paul and Silas were innocent of any crime.
b. Because Paul and Silas were Romans.
c. Because they wondered how Paul and Silas had converted the jailer.

1. C (Acts 16:1)
2. A (Acts 16:3)
3. C (Acts 16:4)
4. A (Acts 16:6)
5. B (Acts 16:9-10)
6. B (Acts 16:14)
7. A (Acts 16:16)
8. C (Acts 16:17)
9. A (Acts 16:20-21)
10. C (Acts 16:26)
11. B (Acts 16: 28)
12. C (Acts 16:30)
13. A (Acts 16:31)
14. C (Acts 16:33-34)
15. B (Acts 16:38)

1. According to Acts chapter seventeen, how many Sabbaths did St. Paul spend reasoning from
the Scriptures in the synagogue of Thessalonica?
a. Three.
b. Five.
c. Seven.
2. When Paul went to the synagogue of the Jews in Thessalonica, he explained and proved that
two things were necessary for the Christ to do. Name one of these two things.
a. Be proclaimed king by the people
b. Rise from the dead.
c. Ascend into Heaven.
3. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter seventeen: “And some of them were
persuaded; and a great multitude of the devout Greeks, and not a few of the _______________,
joined Paul and Silas.”
a. “Jews.”
b. “Leaders of the city.”
c. “Leading women.”
4. According to Acts chapter seventeen, whose house was attacked by a mob in Thessalonica?
a. Lydia’s.
b. Jason’s.
c. Silas’.
5. According to Acts chapter seventeen, what allegation did the mob make against St. Jason and
other Christians in Thessalonica?
a. They said that Jason and the others criticized Zeus.
b. They said that Jason and the others were possessed by demons.
c. They said that Jason and the others claimed that Jesus is king, which was contrary to the
decrees of Caesar.
6. According to Acts chapter seventeen, how frequently did the Jews in Berea search the
Scriptures to determine whether the things taught by Ss. Paul and Silas were so?
a. Daily.
b. Every Sabbath.
c. Every time they spoke with Ss. Paul and Silas.
7. Who, according to Acts chapter seventeen, stirred up trouble for St. Paul in Berea?
a. The magistrates.
b. The Philippian slave masters.
c. The Jews of Thessalonica.
8. According to Acts chapter seventeen, who stayed in Berea after the Christians sent St. Paul
a. St. Silas.
b. Ss. Silas and Timothy.
c. St. Timothy.
9. According to Acts chapter seventeen, why was St. Paul’s spirit provoked in Athens?
a. He saw that the city was given over to idols.
b. He saw that the city was given over to philosophers.
c. He saw that the city was given over to atheism.
10. Fill in the blanks in this passage from Acts chapter seventeen: “Then certain __________ and
__________ philosophers encountered him. And some said, ‘What does this babbler want to
say?’ Others said, ‘He seems to be a proclaimer of foreign gods,’ because he preached to them
Jesus and the resurrection.”
a. Socratic; Platonic.
b. Aristotelian; Cynic.
c. Epicurean; Stoic.
11. According to Acts chapter seventeen, where did the philosophers take St. Paul to hear him
speak about his “new doctrine?”
a. The Acropolis.
b. The Areopagus.
c. The Parthenon.
12. Paul found one particular altar in Athens very interesting and used it as a point of reference in
his sermon to the Athenians. What was the inscription on this altar?
13. Fill in the blank in St. Paul’s speech on the Areopagus in Acts chapter seventeen: “And He
has made from one blood[c] every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has
determined their ____________ times and the boundaries of their dwellings.”
a. “Complete.”
b. “Fulfilled.”
c. “Preappointed.”
14. Fill in the blank in St. Paul’s speech on the Areopagus in Acts chapter seventeen: “…so that
they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is
not far from each one of us; for in Him _______________________, as also some of your own
poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’
a. “We are completed and perfected.”
b. “We live and move and have our being.”
c. “We are adopted and made worthy of eternal life.”

15. Fill in the blank in St. Paul’s speech on the Areopagus in Acts chapter seventeen: “Truly,
these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent,
because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man
whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by ________________.”
a. “Raising Him from the dead.”
b. “Sending the Son of Man into the world.”
c. “The gift of the Holy Spirit.”
16. According to Acts chapter seventeen, which of these individuals is NOT listed as having
believed St. Paul’s preaching on the Areopagus?
a. Dionysius the Areopagite.
b. Damaris.
c. Cyril the Athenian.

1. A (Acts 17:2)
2. B (Acts 17:3)
3. C (Acts 17:4)
4. B (Acts 17:5)
5. C (Acts 17:7)
6. A (Acts 17:11)
7. C (Acts 17:13)
8. B (Acts 17:14)
9. A (Acts 17:16)
10. C (Acts 17:18)
11. B (Acts 17:19)
12. A (Acts 17:23)
13. C (Acts 17:26)
14. B (Acts 17:27-28)
15. A (Acts 17:30-31)
16. C (Acts 17:34)
1. According to Acts chapter eighteen, what husband-and-wife team did St. Paul meet in Corinth?
a. Ananias and Saphira.
b. Aquinas and Prudence.
c. Aquila and Pricilla.
2. According to Acts chapter eighteen, why were Ss. Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth?
a. Because Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome.
b. Because Nero had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome.
c. Because they had been commanded by James to start a church in Corinth.
3. When Paul arrived in Corinth, he met a man named Aquila and his wife Priscilla who were in
the same profession as Paul. What did they do for a living?
a. They were potters.
b. They were tentmakers.
c. They were bakers.
4. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter eighteen: “But when they opposed him and
blasphemed, he shook his garments and said to them, ‘Your ___________ be upon your own
heads; I am clean. From now on I will go to the Gentiles.’”
a. “Blood.”
b. “Sin.”
c. “Transgression.”
5. According to Acts chapter eighteen, whose house was next to the synagogue in Corinth?
a. Crispus.
b. Justus.
c. Aquila and Priscilla’s.
6. According to Acts chapter eighteen, which ruler of the synagogue in Corinth became a
Christian with his household?
a. Crispus.
b. Justus.
c. Aquila.
7. According to Acts chapter eighteen, how long did St. Paul teach the word of God in Corinth?
a. Six months.
b. One year.
c. One year and six months.
8. What charge did the Jews of Achaia bring against St. Paul in Acts chapter eighteen?
a. “This fellow persuades men to worship God contrary to the law.”
b. “This fellow persuades men to reject Caesar.”
c. “This fellow persuades men to refuse to pay their taxes.”

According to Acts chapter eighteen, what happened to Sosthenes, the ruler of the synagogue
in Achaia?
a. He became a Christian.
b. He was beaten by the Greeks before the judgment seat.
c. He debated with St. Paul about the meaning of Scripture.
10. According to Acts chapter eighteen, what did St. Paul do at Cenchrea as a result of a vow he
had taken?
a. He fasted from food and water.
b. He let his hair grow long.
c. He had his hair cut off.
11. According to Acts chapter eighteen, why did St. Paul leave Ephesus after only a short while?
a. He was eager to keep the coming feast in Jerusalem.
b. He was eager to speak with St. James in Jerusalem.
c. He was eager to preach in the Temple in Jerusalem.
12. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter eighteen: “Now a certain Jew named
Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and __________________, came to Ephesus.”
a. “Strong in the Lord.”
b. “Mighty in the Scriptures.”
c. “Full of the Spirit.”
13. According to Acts chapter eighteen, which baptism did Apollos know?
a. The baptism of John.
b. The baptism of fire.
c. The baptism of the Spirit.
14. How did Apollos demonstrate in Acts chapter eighteen that Jesus is the Christ?
a. He showed this using the Greek myths.
b. He showed this from the Scriptures.
c. He showed this using the Roman myths.

1. C (Acts 18:1)
2. A (Acts 18:2)
3. B (Acts 18:3)
4. A (Acts 18:6)
5. B (Acts 18:7)
6. A (Acts 18:8)
7 C (Acts 18:11)
8. A (Acts 18:12-13)
9. B (Acts 18:17)
10. C (Acts 18:18)
11. A (Acts 18:21)
12. B (Acts 18:24)
13. A (Acts 18:25)
14. B (Acts 18:28)

Questions about the Book of Acts

Acts is the fifth book of the New Testament. The book of Acts has often been called “The
Acts of the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is referred to more than fifty times in this one
book. This book is of the highest importance because it is the only inspired account of
the beginning of the early work of the Church. The book of Acts can be divided into eight
parts: 1) The Waiting Church. 2) From Pentecost to the conversion of Saul. 3) From the
conversion of Saul to the first missionary journey. 4) The First Missionary journey. 5)
The council at Jerusalem. 6) The second missionary journey. 7) The third missionary
journey. 8) From Jerusalem to Rome. The author of this book is Luke. Listed below are
questions on the book of Acts. These questions can be used freely for Sunday school or
bible study to help all young Christians study the scriptures. I believe that if you ask
yourself questions about God’s Word you can learn as you study. My prayers are with
you always and may God bless you in your studies.
Acts Chapter 1

1) Who wrote the book, The Acts of the Apostles? (Acts 1:1)

2) What did Luke say he wrote about in his first letter to all who loved God? (Acts 1:2)

3) How did the apostles that Jesus had chosen receive their commandments? (Acts 1:2)

4) Did the apostles see Jesus after His resurrection? (Acts 1:3)

5) Did he prove to them He was the same Jesus they had walked with and talked with?
How? (Acts 1:3)

6) How many days was He available? (Acts 1:3)

7) What did He talk to them about? (Acts 1:3)

8) When they were assembled together what did Jesus tell them to do? (Acts 1:4)

9) Did He remind the apostles He had already told them about this? (Acts 1:4)

10) What did Jesus tell the apostles would happen very soon? (Acts 1:5)

11) When the apostles met together with Jesus what did they ask Him? (Acts 1:6)

12) What did Jesus answer the apostles when they asked him if he would now restore
the Kingdom of Israel? (Acts 1:7)

13) What did Jesus tell the apostles would happen to them after they were baptized with
the Holy Ghost? (Acts 1:8)

14) To whom did Jesus tell the apostles to witness? (Acts 1:8)

15) After Jesus told His disciples to whom they should witness, what happened? (Acts

16) After Jesus was taken up into Heaven and the apostles were staring after Him what
miracle happened? (Acts 1:10)

17) What did the white robed men tell the apostles would happen? (Acts 1:11)

18) Where did the ascension of Jesus happen? (Acts 1:12)

19) How far from Jerusalem was Mount Olivet? (Acts 1:12)

20) What did these men of Galilee who watched Jesus’ ascension do after returning to
Jerusalem? (Acts 1:13)

21) Who were present at the prayer meeting in the upper room in Jerusalem? (Acts

22) During one of the prayer meetings after Jesus’ ascension and Peter talked to the
disciples, how many were present? (Acts 1:15)

23) What did Peter tell the 120 people about David’s prophesy? (Acts 1:16)

24) Was Judas one of the twelve apostles? (Acts 1:17)

25) What did Peter say that Judas did with the money he received for the betraying of
his Lord? (Acts 1:18)

26) How did Judas die? (Acts 1:18)

27) What did the people at Jerusalem call the place Judas had bought? (Acts 1:19)

28) What did Peter say David had prophesied in the book of Psalms? (Acts 1:20)

29) Where did Peter say they must find a man to take Judas’ place? (Acts 1:21-22)

30) Who did the apostles choose to vote on to take Judas’ place? (Acts 1:23)

31) Did the apostles choose prayerfully between Barsabas and Mathias to take Judas’
place as an apostle? (Acts 1:24-25)

32) How was Mathias elected as an apostle in Judas the Lord’s betrayer’s place? (Acts

Acts Chapter 2

1) Where do we find the apostles on the day of Pentecost? (Acts 2:1)

2) While the apostles were all together in one place on the day of Pentecost, what
attracted their attention? (Acts 2:2)

3) When the apostles were baptized with the Holy Ghost, on the day of Pentecost, how
did it affect them physically? (Acts 2:3-4)

4) On the day of Pentecost what nationality of people lived at Jerusalem? (Acts 2:5)

5) Why did the multitude assemble together when they heard about the great miracle
that came to the apostles on the day of Pentecost? (Acts 2:6)

6) When the apostles spoke in unknown tongues, who did it affect the most? (Acts 2:7-

7) How many different nationalities were represented who listened to the apostles on the
day of Pentecost? (Acts 2:9-11)

8) Can you name the nationalities represented, who listened to the apostles speak on
the day of Pentecost? (Acts 2:9-11)

9) What effect did the apostles’ speaking in a language all nations could understand,
have on the people who heard them? (Acts 2:12-13)

10) When the people who heard the apostles speaking in a language all nations could
understand, and decided they (the apostles) were drunk, what did Peter tell them? (Acts

11) In Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost what did he tell the people, that, God
would do in the last days? (Acts 2:17)

12) What did Peter tell the people on the day of Pentecost, that God would do for his
servants and hand maidens? (Acts 2:18)
13) What did Peter tell the people on the day of Pentecost, about the wonders He would
bring about in the last days? (Acts 2:19-20)

14) What important promise did Peter make to the people on the day of Pentecost?
(Acts 2:21)

15) On the day of Pentecost, how did Peter remind the people of what they did to their
Lord and Savior? (Acts 2:22-23)

16) On the day of Pentecost, how did Peter remind the people, of God’s raising Jesus
from the dead? (Acts 2:24)

17) Did Peter remind the people, on the day of Pentecost, of David’s prophesy? (Acts

18) How did Peter emphasize the fact that David’s prophesy was not about himself but
the Christ? (Acts 2:29-30)

19) How did Peter remind the people on the day of Pentecost of David’s prophesy
already being fulfilled? (Acts 2:31-33)

20) What proof did Peter give the people on the day of Pentecost that David’s prophesy
was not of himself but the Lord Jesus? (Acts 2:34-35)

21) How did Peter, on the day of Pentecost warn the people of what they had done to
their Lord and their obligation to Him? (Acts 2:36)

22) What effect did Peter’s sermon the day of Pentecost have on the people? (Acts

23) In Peter’s first gospel sermon on the day of Pentecost, what was his answer to the
question, “Men and Brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:38)

24) On the day of Pentecost, did Peter tell the people, to whom God gave the promise of
the gift of the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:39)

25) On the day of Pentecost what did Peter insist the people do? (Acts 2:40)

26) How many people were baptized on the day of Pentecost? (Acts 2:41)

27) After the day of Pentecost, how did the Christians follow up after their baptism?
(Acts 2:42)

28) After the beginning of the church did the apostles perform miracles? (Acts 2:43)

29) How did the Christians in the first church show their acts of love? (Acts 2:44-45)

30) How did the first church show their happiness? (Acts 2:47)

31) Who did the Lord add to the first church? (Acts 2:47)

Acts Chapter 3

1) Why did Peter and John go to the temple at the ninth hour? (Acts 3:1)

2) Why was the crippled man at the door of the temple? (Acts 3:2)
3) What happened when the crippled man at the gate of the temple asked Peter and
John for alms? (Acts 3:4-6)

4) What happened at the gate Beautiful when Peter took the cripple by the hand and
lifted him up? (Acts 3:7-8)

5) How did the healing of the lame man at the gate Beautiful affect the people? (Acts

6) When the lame man was healed at the gate beautiful, did Peter let the people believe
that he and John, had the power to heal? (Acts 3:11-13)

7) At the healing of the lame man at the door of the temple, what did Peter remind the
people, what they had done to Jesus during His trial before Pilate? (Acts 3:13-14)

8) How did Peter remind the people of how he and John knew about what they did to
Jesus? (Acts 3:14-15)

9) At the gate Beautiful did Peter tell the people how the lame man was healed? (Acts

10) Why did Peter say he believed the rulers and the people crucified our Lord? (Acts

11) What did Peter tell the people about the prophesy, of Jesus? (Acts 3:18)

12) What did Peter tell the people who had helped to condemn Jesus to do about their
sins? (Acts 3:19)

13) Did Peter tell the people that Jesus is coming again? (Acts 3:20)

14) How long did Peter say, Jesus would stay in Heaven? (Acts 3:21)

15) What did Moses prophesize about Jesus? (Acts 3:22-23)

16) Did anyone besides Moses prophesize of Jesus’ coming and who? (Acts 3:24)

17) Did Peter at the gate beautiful remind the Jews that Jesus was one of them? (Acts

18) After healing the lame man, how did Peter tell the Jews, that Jesus blessed them
first, after His resurrection? (Acts 3:26)

Acts Chapter 4

1) When Peter and John were speaking to the people at the gate of the temple, what
people were disturbed? (Acts 4:1)

2) Why did the priests, the captains of the temple and the Sadducees arrest Peter and
John? (Acts 4:2-3)

3) How many men did Peter and John convert, before their arrest for preaching the
resurrection of the dead? (Acts 4:4)

4) The next day after Peter and John were put in jail, who met to question them? (Acts
5) What important question did the many officers at Jerusalem ask Peter and John?
(Acts 4:7)

6) Who prompted Peter, what answer to give to the question, “by what power have you
healed the lame man?” (Acts 4:8)

7) What was Peter’s answer to the elders of Israel? (Acts 4:9-10)

8) What did Peter tell the people about the greatest cornerstone any building could ever
have? (Acts 4:11)

9) In whose name did Peter say that all men are saved? (Acts 4:12)

10) Regardless of Peter’s and John’s ignorance, how did they convince the people that
they knew Jesus? (Acts 4:13-14)

11) After the council commanded Peter and John to leave, what was their big discussion?
(Acts 4:15-16)

12) What did the council at Jerusalem command Peter and John not to do? (Acts 4:17-

13) When the council at Jerusalem commanded Peter and John, to not preach in the
name of Jesus, what was their reply? (Acts 4:18-20)

14) The council at Jerusalem did threaten Peter and John, but why did they let them go?
(Acts 4:21-22)

15) Peter and John were arrested for healing in Jesus’ name, what was the first thing
they did, after being released? (Acts 4:23-24)

16) During the apostle’s thanksgiving prayer for the release of Peter and John, whose
prophesy did they mention? (Acts 4:25)

17) How was that David’s prophesying fulfilled? (Acts 4:26-28)

18) What did the apostles pray for themselves at this time? (Acts 4:29-30)

19) After the apostles prayed for power to heal and signs and wonders might be done in
the name of Jesus, what did God pour out upon them? (Acts 4:31)

20) After the Holy Ghost fell on the apostles was anyone converted and who? (Acts

21) After the apostles prayed for power what kind of witness did they receive? (Acts

22) How did believers show their love through charity? (Acts 4:34-35)

23) What did Barnabas the Levite do? (Acts 4:36-37)

Acts Chapter 5

1) What did Ananias do? (Acts 5:1-2)

2) What did Peter ask Ananias? (Acts 5:3-4)

3) To whom did Peter say Ananias had lied? (Acts 5:4)

4) What happened to Ananias after he lied? (Acts 5:5)

5) Did the death of Ananias frighten anyone? (Acts 5:5-6)

6) After Ananias was buried, what happened to his wife? (Acts 5:7-8)

7) After Sapphira, Ananias’ wife lied about the money they received for their land, what
did Peter tell her would happen to her too? (Acts 5:9-10)

8) After the death of both, Ananias and Sapphira, how did it affect the church? (Acts

9) After Ananias and Sapphira were buried, where do we find the apostles? (Acts 5:12)

10) While the apostles were together at Solomon’s porch, what were the believers
doing? (Acts 5:13-14)

11) Did the people believe Peter had healing power? (Acts 5:15)

12) Were the prayers of the apostles that God would send healing power in the name of
His Holy Son Jesus, answered? (Acts 5:16)

13) What did the high priest and friends among the Sadducees do? (Acts 5:17-18)

14) When the apostles were in jail, what did the angel of the Lord do? (Acts 5:19-20)

15) When the angel of the Lord told the apostles to go speak in the temple, they did so
early in the morning. Then what did the high priest do? (Acts 5:21-23)

16) When the officers found the prison empty, and were confused, as to where all this
would end, what were they told? (Acts 5:24-25)

17) When the officers brought the apostles from the temple to the council, why did they
do so without violence? (Acts 5:26-27)

18) After bringing the apostles before the council what did the High Priest ask them?
(Acts 5:28)

19) What did Peter and the rest of the apostles say about obedience? (Acts 5:29)

20) Did the apostles preach a sermon to the High Priest and council? (Acts 5:30-32)

21) After the apostles’ gospel sermon what did the council plan to do? (Acts 5:33)

22) What kind of man was the Pharisee Gamaliel, who advised the council? (Acts 5:34-

23) Did Gamaliel remind the council of what happened to other men who attempted to
lead the people and failed? Which men? (Acts 5:36-37)

24) What did Gamaliel advise the council to do? (Acts 5:38-39)

25) What did the council do, after they agreed with Gamaliel? (Acts 5:40)
26) How did the treatment that the council at Jerusalem gave the apostles affect them?
(Acts 5:41-42)

Acts Chapter 6

1) As the church was growing tremendously, what was the complaint of Grecian
Christians against the Hebrew Christians? (Acts 6:1)

2) Did the apostles quit preaching and take care of the widows in the church at
Jerusalem? What did they do? (Acts 6:2-3)

3) What was more important to the apostles, preaching or charity? (Acts 6:4)

4) The seven men that the church at Jerusalem appointed to take care of the physical
needs, we think of as deacons. Name them. (Acts 6:5)

5) How were the seven charity men in the Jerusalem church ordained? (Acts 6:6)

6) As the Jerusalem church was growing rapidly, what important people were converted
to the faith? (Acts 6:7)

7) Stephen was so strong in the faith, what great things did he do? (Acts 6:8)

8) Who argued with Stephen? (Acts 6:9)

9) Stephen’s enemies could not deny his great power. What did they do with him? (Acts

10) When the false witnesses came before the council at Jerusalem what did they accuse
Stephen of doing? (Acts 6:14)

11) What physical appearance did Stephen give before the council at Jerusalem? (Acts

Acts Chapter 7

1) When the high priest in the Jerusalem council asked Stephen if the accusations
against him were correct, how did he begin one of the greatest sermons ever preached?
(Acts 7:2-3)

2) How did Stephen tell the people that Abraham obeyed God? (Acts 7:4)

3) What did Stephen tell the people that God promised Abraham? (Acts 7:5)

4) What did Stephen tell the people that God for warned Abraham about the Israelite’s
bondage in Egypt? (Acts 7:6)

5) Stephen told the people that God had said He would judge the people who held the
Israelites, under bondage, what did He tell Abraham would happen to his descendants?
(Acts 7:7)

6) What kind of covenant did Stephen say God gave Abraham? (Acts 7:8)

7) Who did Stephen say was Abraham’s son, his grand-son and great grand-sons? (Acts

8) What did Stephen say happened to Joseph? (Acts 7:9)

9) Stephen said God was with Joseph, what did God do for Joseph in Egypt? (Acts 7:10)

10) During the terrible famine in Israel and Egypt, did Stephen say why Jacob sent his
sons to Egypt? (Acts 7:11-12)

11) What did Stephen tell the people that happened, the second time Jacob’s sons went
to Egypt to buy food? (Acts 7:13)

12) What did Stephen tell the people Joseph did after he made himself known to his
brothers and Pharoah? (Acts 7:14-15)

13) Stephen told the people that Jacob died in Egypt, where did he say Jacob was
buried? (Acts 7:16)

14) Did Stephen tell the people what happened in Egypt, when the number of the
Israelites grew and a new king took charge and what did? (Acts 7:17-19)

15) What did Stephen remind the people about what happened to the baby Moses?
(Acts 7:20-22)

16) What did Stephen say Moses did when he was forty years old? (Acts 7:23-24)

17) Stephen said “Moses thought his brethren understood God’s plan as he did,” Did that
supposition do him harm? How? (Acts 7:26-28)

18) Where did Stephen say Moses went after he killed the Egyptian? (Acts 7:29)

19) How many sons did Stephen say were born to Moses in the land of Madian? (Acts

20) What did Stephen say happened to Moses after forty more years? (Acts 7:30-31)

21) When Moses became frightened, what did Stephen say the Lord said to him (Moses)?
(Acts 7:33-34)

22) What was the first thing the Lord said to Moses from the burning bush? (Acts 7:32)

23) What did Stephen say about Moses after God spoke to him from the burning bush?
(Acts 7:35-36)

24) What prophesy of Moses did Stephen mention? (Acts 7:37)

25) Did Stephen also mention Moses receiving the law at Mt. Sina? (Acts 7:38)

26) Did Stephen mention what the Israelites asked Aaron to do? What? (Acts 7:39-41)

27) What did Stephen say about God allowing the Israelites to worship idols? (Acts

28) What did Stephen say about the tabernacle, God told Moses to build? (Acts 7:44)

29) How long does Stephen say the Israelites carried the tabernacle? (Acts 7:45)

30) Did Stephen mention David wanted to build the temple? (Acts 7:46)

31) Why did Stephen say he actually built the temple? (Acts 7:47)
32) What did Stephen tell the people that God said about His dwelling place? (Acts

33) What three questions did Stephen say God asked the people? (Acts 7:49-50)

34) How did Stephen describe the people he was preaching to? (Acts 7:50)

35) What did the people do to the prophet, who prophesied the coming of Jesus? (Acts

36) What did Stephen tell the people they really were? (Acts 7:52-53)

37) When Stephen accused the people of murdering Jesus, what was their reaction?
(Acts 7:54)

38) How did Stephen react to the mob’s anger? (Acts 7:55-56)

39) When Stephen said he saw the heavens opened and thee son of man, standing at
the right hand of God, what did the people do? (Acts 7:57)

40) When they stoned Stephen what did they do with their coats? (Acts 7:58)

41) After Stephen was stoned, he died praying. What was his prayer? (Acts 7:59-60)

Acts Chapter 8

1) What young man consented to the stoning of Stephen? (Acts 8:1)

2) After the stoning of Stephen, what happened to the church at Jerusalem? (Acts 8:1)

3) Who buried Stephen, according to verse two? (Acts 8:2)

4) After Saul consented to the stoning of Stephen, what else did he do? (Acts 8:3)

5) After the church at Jerusalem was scattered abroad, what did the people do? (Acts

6) Where did Philip go to preach? (Acts 8:5)

7) Was Philip successful preaching at Samaria? (Acts 8:6)

8) What sort of miracles did Philip perform in Samaria? (Acts 8:7-8)

9) What did Simon the sorcerer do in Samaria? (Acts 8:9)

10) How did Simon, the sorcerer, deceive the people? (Acts 8:10)

11) After Simon had bewitched the people in Samaria, what effect did Philip’s preaching
have upon them? (Acts 8:12)

12) What sorcerer was converted to faith in Christ? (Acts 8:13)

13) Who went from the Jerusalem church to Samaria to help? (Acts 8:14)

14) What great work did Peter and John do in Samaria? (Acts 8:15-17)
15) What did Simon the converted sorcerer try to buy from Peter and John? (Acts 8:18-

16) When Simon tried to buy the power of the laying on of hands to give the Holy Ghost,
what did Peter tell him? (Acts 8:20-23)

17) Was Simon the sorcerer frightened when he thought he might have fallen from God’s
grace? How do you know? (Acts 8:24)

18) Where did Peter and John go, after finishing their preaching in Samaria? (Acts 8:25)

19) Where did the angel of the Lord tell Philip to go? (Acts 8:26)

20) Who did Philip meet on his way to Gaza? (Acts 8:27)

21) What did Philip find the Ethiopian doing? (Acts 8:28)

22) What did the Spirit tell Philip to do when he saw the Ethiopian? (Acts 8:29)

23) What did Philip first ask the Ethiopian? (Acts 8:30)

24) What Prophecy was the Ethiopian reading? (Acts 8:31-33)

25) What did the eunuch ask Philip? (Acts 8:34)

26) How did Philip convince the Eunuch what he should do? (Acts 8:35)

27) After Philip preached Jesus unto the Ethiopian, what was the first thing he wanted
done? (Acts 8:36)

28) How did the Ethiopian confess his Lord? (Acts 8:37)

29) What happened immediately after the Eunuch confessed his Lord? (Acts 8:38)

30) After the Eunuch became a Christian, was he happy? How do you know? (Acts

31) What did Philip do after he baptized the Eunuch? (Acts 8:40)

Acts Chapter 9

1) With what was Saul busy? (Acts 9:1-2)

2) What happened to Saul while on his way to Damascus? (Acts 9:3-4)

3) When Saul asked the Lord who he was, what answer did he get? (Acts 9:5)

4) When Saul said to the Lord, “What wilt thou have me do,” What did the Lord
command him to do? (Acts 9:6)

5) Did the men who were with Saul hear the voice speaking to him? (Acts 9:7)

6) Saul could not see after he was stricken blind, how did he get to Damascus? (Acts

7) How long did Saul fast during his blindness? (Acts 9:9)
8) What disciple in Damascus did the Lord speak to in a vision? (Acts 9:10)

9) What did the Lord tell Ananias to do? (Acts 9:11-12)

10) Of what did Ananias complain to the Lord? (Acts 9:13-14)

11) What great things did the Lord tell Ananias He had chosen Saul for? (Acts 9:15-16)

12) How did Ananias do what the Lord told him to do? (Acts 9:17)

13) What happened after Saul was filled with the Holy Ghost? (Acts 9:18)

14) After Saul’s baptism and he was staying with the disciples in Damascus, what did he
do immediately? (Acts 9:19-20)

15) How did the people accept Saul after his conversion? (Acts 9:21)

16) How did the Jews accept Saul’s preaching Christ at Jerusalem? (Acts 9:22)

17) What did the Jews plan doing to Saul? (Acts 9:23-24)

18) How did the disciples prevent the Jews from killing Saul? (Acts 9:25)

19) When Saul left Damascus, how did the disciples at Jerusalem accept him? (Acts

20) How did Barnabas identify Saul to the church at Jerusalem? (Acts 9:27)

21) Did Saul work with the disciples at Jerusalem? Doing what? (Acts 9:28-29)

22) When the Grecians planned to kill Saul, where did the church at Jerusalem send
him? (Acts 9:30)

23) After Saul went to Tarsus did the Jerusalem church: fold up, prosper, or close its
doors? (Acts 9:31)

24) While Peter was visiting the saints at Lydda, what happened to Aeneas? (Acts 9:33-

25) Did the healing of Aeneas impress the people? If so, how much? (Acts 9:34-35)

26) What happened to the disciple who lived at Joppa? (Acts 9:36-37)

27) After Tabitha died, why did they send for Peter? (Acts 9:38)

28) Was Dorcas (Tabitha) greatly missed? By whom? (Acts 9:39)

29) What did Peter do for Tabitha? (Acts 9:40-41)

30) What effect of Peter’s raising Tabitha from the dead, have on the people present?
(Acts 9:42-43)

Acts Chapter 10

1) Who was Cornelius of Caesarea? (Acts 10:1)

2) What man living at Caesarea is described as “godly?” (Acts 10:2)

3) What kind of vision did Cornelius have? (Acts 10:3-4)

4) In the vision that Cornelius received, what did God tell him to do? (Acts 10:5-6)

5) What did Cornelius do after the angel left him? (Acts 10:7-8)

6) While the men of Cornelius were on their way, what happened to Peter? (Acts 10:9-

7) While Peter was in a trance, what did he see? (Acts 10:11-12)

8) While Peter was in the trance, what did the voice say to him? (Acts 10:13)

9) When God told Peter to rise, kill and eat, what was his response? (Acts 10:14)

10) What did the voice say to Peter and second time? (Acts 10:15)

11) How many times was the sheet let down for Peter? (Acts 10:16)

12) While Peter was wondering about the vision and the voice, who appeared asking for
him? (Acts 10:17-18)

13) While Peter was wondering about the vision of the sheet, what did the Spirit say to
him? (Acts 10:19-20)

14) When Peter obeyed the Spirit, and told the men from Cornelius he was the man they
were looking for, what did the men tell him? (Acts 10:22)

15) When Peter went from Joppa to Caesarea, who did he take with him? (Acts 10:23)

16) What witnesses did Cornelius call in? (Acts 10:24)

17) When Cornelius bowed to worship Peter, what did Peter tell him? (Acts 10:25-26)

18) How did Peter’s vision at Joppa affect his thinking? (Acts 10:27-28)

19) What important question did Peter ask Cornelius? (Acts 10:29)

20) About what did Cornelius tell Peter? (Acts 10:30-32)

21) What was Cornelius’ reaction to Peter answering his summons? (Acts 10:33)

22) After the Spirit told Peter what to do, about Cornelius, what was Peter’s conclusion?
(Acts 10:34-35)

23) To whom did Peter remind Cornelius that the preaching of the good news of Jesus
had already been done? (Acts 10:36)

24) Where did Peter tell Cornelius the preaching of the gospel began? (Acts 10:37)

25) What did Peter tell Cornelius Jesus did after God anointed Him with the Holy Ghost?
(Acts 10:38)

26) Did Peter emphasize the fact that the apostles were eye-witnesses of the crucifixion
and resurrection of Jesus? (Acts 10:39-41)
27) What did Peter tell Cornelius that God had commanded the apostles to do? (Acts

28) Peter reminded Cornelius of how God had told the prophets about what of Jesus?
(Acts 10:43)

29) What happened while Peter was talking to all in the house of Cornelius? (Acts

30) How did the pouring out of the Holy Ghost on the Gentiles affect the Jews? (Acts

31) When the Jews at the house of Cornelius heard the Gentiles speak with tongues,
what did Peter say? (Acts 10:47)

32) What did Peter command the Gentiles in the house of Cornelius to do? (Acts 10:48)

Acts Chapter 11

1) After the apostles and the brethren of Jerusalem heard about the Gentiles receiving
the word of God, what did they accuse Peter of? (Acts 11:1-3)

2) Did Peter tell the apostles and the brethren at Jerusalem all of his vision? (Acts 11:4-

3) Did Peter relate how the three men from Caesarea had arrived for him? How? (Acts

4) Did Peter tell the brethren at the Jerusalem church what the Spirit told him to do
about the house of Cornelius? What? (Acts 11:12)

5) When Peter was relating to the Jerusalem church how the Holy Ghost fell on the
Gentiles, what did he say he remembered? (Acts 11:16)

6) What did Peter tell the brethren at Jerusalem his conclusion was? (Acts 11:17)

7) How did the brethren at Jerusalem accept Peter’s explanation of why he understood
God’s forgiveness to the Gentiles? (Acts 11:18)

8) After Stephen’s death, and the scattering of the disciples, they went to Phoenicia,
Cyprus and Antioch, to whom did they preach? (Acts 11:19)

9) To whom did the believers from Cyprus and Cyrene preach? (Acts 11:20-21)

10) Who did the church at Jerusalem sent to Antioch? (Acts 11:22)

11) Was Barnabas pleased with the faith he found at Antioch? (Acts 11:23)

12) What kind of man was Barnabas? (Acts 11:24)

13) Why did Barnabas go to Tarsus? (Acts 11:25)

14) How long did Barnabas and Saul stay at Antioch? (Acts 11:26)

15) Where were the disciples, first called Christians? (Acts 11:26)

16) Who besides Barnabas did the Jerusalem church send to Antioch? (Acts 11:27)
17) What did the prophet Agabus prophesize? (Acts 11:28)

18) What did the brethren at Antioch do for the brethren who lived in Judea? (Acts

Acts Chapter 12

1) What did Herod the king do to James the brother of John? (Acts 12:1-2)

2) What did Herod the king do to Peter during the Passover celebration? (Acts 12:3)

3) When did Herod plan to kill Peter? (Acts 12:4)

4) While Peter was in prison, what was the church doing? (Acts 12:5)

5) Was Peter well guarded while in prison? (Acts 12:6)

6) When the angel appeared to Peter, what happened? (Acts 12:7)

7) When the angel loosed the chains in prison what did he tell Peter to do? (Acts 12:8)

8) When Peter was told to follow the angel out of prison, did he understand what was
going on? (Acts 12:9)

9) What happened when Peter and the angel came to the Iron Gate leading to the city?
(Acts 12:10)

10) When the angel disappeared from Peter’s presence, what did Peter decide? (Acts

11) When Peter finally felt released from prison where did he go? (Acts 12:12)

12) What happened when Peter knocked at the door of the home of John Mark’s mother?
(Acts 12:13-14)

13) When Peter knocked at the door where the Christians were praying, what did the
maid Rhoda do? (Acts 12:13-14)

14) Did the people at the prayer meeting for Peter think the maid Rhoda had lost her
mind? (Acts 12:15)

15) Did Peter continue knocking, until the ones who were praying for him opened the
door? (Acts 12:16)

16) Did Peter tell the believers how the Lord had released him from prison? (Acts

17) Who did Peter ask the people to tell about his release from prison? (Acts 12:17)

18) Were the soldiers distressed at Peter’s absence? (Acts 12:18)

19) What did King Herod do with the keepers of the jail when he couldn’t find Peter?
(Acts 12:19)

20) When Peter was released from prison where did he go from Judea to live? (Acts
21) What did the people of Tyre and Sidon do? (Acts 12:20)

22) Did King Herod make a big show? (Acts 12:21)

23) What did the people say about Herod? (Acts 12:22)

24) Why did the angel of the Lord smite Herod? (Acts 12:23)

25) As the word of God grew and multiplied who returned from Jerusalem? (Acts 12:24-

Acts Chapter 13

1) When a group of prophets and teachers were worshipping at Antioch, what did the
Holy Spirit tell them to do? (Acts 13:1-2)

2) What did Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, and Saul do before they obeyed the
Holy Spirit when he said, “Separate me Barnabas and Saul?” (Acts 13:3)

3) When Barnabas and Saul obeyed the Holy Spirit where did they go? (Acts 13:4-5)

4) When Barnabas and Saul sailed for Cyprus, who did they take with them? (Acts

5) Who did Barnabas, Saul and John Mark find at Paphos? (Acts 13:6-7)

6) What did Sergius Paulus, the deputy ask of Saul and Barnabas? (Acts 13:7)

7) What did Elymas the sorcerer do? (Acts 13:8)

8) What did Saul (also called Paul) say to the sorcerer? (Acts 13:10-11)

9) What happened to the sorcerer in verse eleven? (Acts 13:11)

10) What happened to Paulus the deputy, after he witnessed the doctrine of the Lord?
(Acts 13:12)

11) Where did Paul and his company go when they left Paphos? (Acts 13:13)

12) What did John (Mark) do when he, Paul and Barnabas landed at Perga in Turkey?
(Acts 13:13)

13) When Paul and Barnabas left Perga where did they go? (Acts 13:14)

14) When Paul and Barnabas arrived at Antioch where did they go? (Acts 13:14)

15) When Paul and Barnabas say down in the synagogue, what did the rulers of the
synagogue day to them? (Acts 13:15)

16) When Paul had the opportunity to speak in the synagogue, what did he do? (Acts

17) In Paul’s message in the Jewish synagogue did he mention how God had brought
them out of bondage in Egypt? (Acts 13:17)

18) Paul mentioned how long the Israelites wandered where? (Acts 13:18)
19) Did Paul mention how God divided the land of Canaan, among the Israelites, after
destroying ____________ nations? (Acts 13:19)

20) What did the Israelites have for 400 years before the prophet Samuel? (Acts 13:20)

21) What did Paul say God did when the Israelites wanted a king? (Acts 13:21)

22) What did Paul say after Saul was their king for 40 years, who God chose in his
place? (Acts 13:22)

23) As Paul began his sermon he mentioned that Jesus was a descendant of whom?
(Acts 13:23)

24) What did Paul say John the Baptist said of himself when he was baptizing unto
repentance? (Acts 13:24)

25) What did Paul remind the people of how John the Baptist described Jesus? (Acts

26) Who did Paul say the word of salvation is sent? (Acts 13:26)

27) What did Paul tell the Jews about their fulfilling all prophecies? (Acts 13:27)

28) Who did Paul say were responsible for Jesus being put to death, even though he was
innocent? (Acts 13:28)

29) What did Paul say happened to Jesus after he was laid in the tomb? (Acts 13:29-

30) Who did Paul say saw Jesus many days after the resurrection? (Acts 13:31)

31) How did Paul prove to the Jews, that God’s promises had been fulfilled concerning
Jesus? (Acts 13:32-33)

32) What did Paul say about Jesus never seeing corruption? (Acts 13:34-35)

33) What did Paul say about the difference in Jesus’ and David’s deaths? (Acts 13:36-

34) When Paul was speaking in the synagogue what did he tell the Jews about Jesus’
saving power? (Acts 13:38)

35) What did Paul say about the justification of the Law of Moses? (Acts 13:39)

36) When Paul was speaking in the Jewish synagogue how did he warn them against
unbelief? (Acts 13:40-41)

37) When Paul finished preaching in the synagogue and the Jews left, what did the
Gentiles do? (Acts 13:42)

38) In the synagogue at Antioch, when the congregation was broken up, who followed
Paul and Barnabas? (Acts 13:43)

39) At the synagogue in Antioch, what did Paul and Barnabas persuade the Jews and the
religious proselytes to do? (Acts 13:43)
40) After Paul presented his first gospel message at Antioch, what happened the next
Sabbath? (Acts 13:44)

41) When the whole city of Antioch came out to hear Paul and Barnabas, the second
Sabbath, what did the Jews do? (Acts 13:45)

42) Why did Paul and Barnabas stop preaching to the Jews, and turn to the Gentiles?
(Acts 13:46)

43) Did Paul and Barnabas say why they turned to the Gentiles? (Acts 13:47)

44) What did the Gentiles do when they knew, salvation was for them? (Acts 13:48)

45) When the word of the Lord was published through all the region of Antioch, what did
the Jews do? (Acts 13:50)

46) When the Jews expelled Paul and Barnabas out of their coast, where did they go?
(Acts 13:51)

47) What happened at Iconium when Paul and Barnabas arrived? (Acts 13:52)


The First Missionary Journey

(Acts 13-15)
The Missionary Team is Sent Forth From Antioch

In Acts chapter 10 we learned that in the city of Caesarea, Cornelius and other Gentiles heard
the Word of God preached by Peter, believed it and were saved (see Chapter 6 of these
notes).  In Acts chapter 11 we learned that a great number of Gentiles in Antioch believed the
gospel and were saved (Acts 11:20-21).

God wanted the good news of salvation to go to other cities as well. Other Gentiles (and Jews
too) needed to hear the gospel message. The believers in the city of Antioch wanted the same
thing God wanted. They wanted to send forth God’s message of salvation to others. As these
believers prayed and looked for God’s will, the Holy Spirit set apart two men. Who were
these two men (Acts 13:2)?     1) ____________________    2) ___________ God had a great
work for these two men to do!

Who sent forth these men on their missionary journey (Acts 13:4)?
_______________________________________________  The Lord Jesus once told his
disciples to pray and ask the _____________ of the harvest to send forth laborers (workers)
into His harvest (Matthew 9:38). God sends forth the workers into His harvest field!

The believers in Antioch also had a part in this great work. Before Barnabas and Saul were
sent forth, the believers prayed and laid their ___________ upon them (Acts 13:3). This
laying on of hands communicated the following: "Barnabas and Saul, we know that God has
called you and set you apart for this work. We are putting our hands on you because we are
identifying with you in this work and we want you to know that we will be praying for you
and asking God to bless your ministry."

God’s laborers or workers for this important mission were Barnabas and Saul, but there was
another man who came along to be a helper. His name was ____________ (Acts 13:5), who
was also called M_________ (Acts 12:25). This was the same man who later wrote the
gospel of Mark. Mark was the cousin of Barnabas (Colossians 4:10).

The Missionary Journey

This first missionary journey lasted about a year and a half, and the missionary team traveled
hundreds of miles by sea and by land. The following map shows all the places where they
went. As you read Acts chapters 13 and 14, you can refer to the following map to see where
Barnabas and Saul went.

[The above map is taken from The MacMillan Bible Atlas by Yohanan Aharoni and Michael Avi-Yonah (The
MacMillan Company, NY), 1968, page 154.]  The starting point was Antioch seen on the far right.

The Island of Cyprus

The missionaries began their journey by boarding a boat and sailing to the large island of
Cyprus. Barnabas knew this island well because Cyprus had been his home (Acts 4:36).

Their first stop was the city of Salamis where they preached the word of God in the
____________________________ of the Jews (Acts 13:5). A synagogue was a place where
the Jews would assemble together to pray and to read the Scriptures. Usually when Saul and
Barnabas entered a city, they would stop first at the synagogue and preach Christ to the Jews.
Next they traveled to the other end of the island to the city of Paphos. Here they met a
magician named Barjesus or Elymas (Acts 13:6-8). This man was a Jew who claimed to be a
true prophet of God. Was he really a true prophet or was he a false prophet. (Acts 13:6)?
__________________________ Was he a friend or an enemy (Acts 13:10)?
________________ Was he a child of God or a child of the devil (Acts 13:10)?
_________________________________ Whenever God does a great work, Satan tries to
hinder it and stop it. Did this magician want Sergius Paulus to hear God’s Word (Acts 13:7-
8)? _______

God’s hand came down upon this evil man in judgment. What happened to the magician
(Acts 13:11)?

a. He was struck down dead.

b. He was blinded.
c. He was afflicted with leprosy.
d. He became deaf.

This man was already spiritually blind (John 3:19-20; 1 John 2:11) and suddenly because of
God’s judgment he became physically blind also! As a result of this miracle, what did Sergius
Paulus the deputy do (Acts 13:12)? ___________________________________

In Acts 13:9 we learn that Saul was also called ____________. Before Acts 13:9 he is always
called "Saul" and after Acts 13:9 he is always called "Paul."   From now on in these notes we
will refer to him as PAUL.

Antioch in Pisidia

The team left Cyprus and arrived in Perga (this trip was about 180 miles over water). It was
at Perga that John Mark decided to turn back (see Acts 13:13 and 15:38). From this point on,
Paul and Barnabas would travel without Mark.

The next city which they came to was A_________________ in Pisidia (Acts 13:14). On the
map (shown earlier in this chapter) you can see that there were two cities called Antioch.

Paul and Barnabas entered the Jewish synagogue on the Sabbath day (Saturday) and sat down
(Acts 13:14). After the Scripture was read, the rulers of the synagogue asked Paul and
Barnabas if they had anything they wanted to say to the people (Acts 13:15). Who stood up
and began speaking (Acts 13:16)? ________________________

Paul’s message is found in Acts 13:16-41. In his message he talked about certain things from
the Old Testament which were very familiar to the Jews (such as the time when God
delivered the Israelites from Egypt, the wilderness journey, the period of the judges, King
Saul and King David). He then preached Christ to them. At the end of this message he told
them how they could have their sins forgiven and how they could be justified (Acts 13:38-
39). According to Paul, who will God forgive and justify (see verse 39)?

a. All who believe

b. All who believe and are circumcised
c. All who believe and keep the law of Moses
d. All who believe and try to live a good life

Some Gentiles also attended the synagogue services. After Paul had finished preaching the
gospel, who wanted him to return to preach again on the next Sabbath--the Jews or the
Gentiles (Acts 13:42)?  _______________________ Who returned to hear Paul one week
later--a few people or a great crowd (Acts 13:44)?

Who caused trouble for Paul and Barnabas and forced them to leave the city of Antioch (Acts
13:45,50)? __________________ Why did Paul and Barnabas shake off the dust from their
feet (see Acts 13:51 and compare Matthew 10:14)?

The unbelieving Jews were filled with _______________ (Acts 13:45) or jealousy, but the
saved Jews and Gentiles were filled with ________ (Acts 13:52).  The Holy Spirit was doing
a mighty work in the hearts of men and women.


The next city was Iconium (Acts 14:1) and again Paul and Barnabas entered the synagogue
and preached the good news of salvation. According to Acts 14:1, did some Jews believe?
______  Did some Greeks (Gentiles) believe?  ______   Who caused trouble for Paul and
Barnabas (Acts 14:2)?  The unbelieving   ________

Did they stay a short time or a long time in this city (Acts 14:3)?
________________________ Did God perform miracles through Paul and Barnabas (Acts
14:3)? ________

The city was divided--some were for Paul and Barnabas and others were against them (Acts
14:4). They had friends and they had enemies. Some loved them and others hated them.

Was the same thing true when the Lord Jesus preached? Were the people divided (see John
10:19-21)? _______

Finally Paul and Barnabas were forced to flee from the city of Iconium because their enemies
were about to S________________ them (Acts l4: 5-6)!

Lystra and Derbe

The next city they came to was Lystra. Here they found a crippled man who never had
W_____________ (Acts 14:8). What happened to this man (Acts 14:9-10)?

The people at Lystra were very superstitious. When they saw this great miracle, they thought
that Barnabas and Paul were gods that had come down to earth in the likeness of men!
According to Acts 14:12, they called Barnabas J___________________ (or Zeus, the King of
the gods) and they called Paul "Mercury" (or Hermes, the messenger of the gods). In Greek
and Roman mythology, Mercury was the god who carried messages from the gods to men.
He had winged feet. They probably thought Paul was the messenger god because he did most
of the talking.

When the people of the city were about to sacrifice animals to these two "gods," who stopped
them (Acts 14:13-18)? __________ Paul was able to use this opportunity to preach to them
about the true and living God. Read Acts 14:15 and MATCH the following:

1._____  Paul and Barnabas A.  The One who made heaven
and earth and the sea and all
things that are in them.

2. _____  "these vanities" B. "We are just men like you."

3._____   the living God C.  The false gods and idols that
  the people of Lystra worshipped

Paul’s enemies from Antioch and Iconium were not satisfied that Paul had left their cities.
These Jews chased after Paul and Barnabas and came all the way to Lystra. They wanted to
stop Paul from preaching once and for all. What did they do to Paul (Acts 14:19)?
__________________________________ Did Paul mention this in 2 Corinthians 11:25? 

After they did this wicked deed, they dragged Paul out of the city, thinking that he was
________ (Acts 14:19). Was he really dead?   _____ Not many people are stoned and then
live to tell about it!  The Lord took care of Paul in a remarkable way.  Paul rose up and the
very next day he traveled to Derbe. God strengthened Paul in a wonderful way! If this were to
happen to someone today, he would probably need at least a month in a hospital to recover!
But God worked in Paul’s body and strengthened him so that he could travel and preach

Derbe was one city where Paul was not greatly persecuted. In all of the other cities, the
unbelieving Jews had persecuted God’s missionaries and even tried to kill them. Read what
Paul says about other Jews who tried to persecute believers (1 Thessalonians 2:15-16).  The
Jewish people were very hostile to the preaching of the gospel.

The Return Trip

After preaching and teaching in Derbe, Paul returned again to Lystra (where he was stoned),
to Iconium (where he was almost stoned) and to Antioch (where he was expelled from the
city)–see Acts 14:21. Why would the missionary team want to return to these places? Either
they were very crazy or they were very courageous!

Paul and Barnabas were concerned about the believers who were in these cities (Acts 14:22).
They wanted to encourage these disciples (Acts 14:22) and make sure that each church had
men who could lead and teach the believers (Acts 14:23). The disciples were told to
C____________________ (Acts 14:22) in the faith (to stay true to the Lord even though
persecution might come and things might get very difficult). Paul and Barnabas told them
that through much T_________________________ (trouble, pressure, difficulty) they would
enter into the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22). Did Jesus tell his disciples to expect tribulation
(John 16:33)? _______

Sometimes people receive God’s Word with joy, but when tribulation or persecution comes
because of God’s Word, then they fall away (Matthew 13:20-21). Paul and Barnabas did not
want this to happen to the believers in these cities. They wanted them to continue in the faith
and to trust God to help them overcome every difficulty and danger. The same God who
helped Paul and Barnabas and protected them in a wonderful way was the same God who
could take care of these new believers.

Finally the missionary team returned to Antioch, the church from which they had been sent
forth (Acts 14:26). Paul and Barnabas gave a wonderful report of the great things God had
done, and especially how God had opened the __________ of faith unto the
G_______________ (Acts 14:27).

What Must The Gentiles Do In Order To Be Saved?

Certain Jews from Judaea cane to Antioch and told the Gentile believers something that was
false. They said, "You cannot be saved unless you are CIRCUMCISED after the manner of
Moses" (Acts 15:1). Circumcision was something that was done to every Jewish man (usually
eight days after birth). See Genesis 17:10-14. Other Jews began teaching that the Gentiles
must be circumcised and they must also keep the law of Moses in order to be saved. Was this
teaching true or false? What does the Bible say?

1. When Peter preached to Cornelius the Gentile, did he tell him to be circumcised and keep
the law of Moses, or did he tell him to believe in Christ (Acts 10:43)?
2. When Paul preached in the synagogue in Antioch (where Gentiles were present also--see
Acts 13:42), did he tell the people to be saved by circumcision or did he tell them to be
saved by faith (Acts 13:38-39)? ____________________________
3. According to Peter, are people saved through circumcision and keeping the law, or are
people saved by grace (Acts 15:11)?____________________________
4. What does Acts 16:31 really say?  (circle the correct answer)

1. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be circumcised and thou shalt be saved."

2. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and keep the law and thou shalt be saved."

3. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."

Have you done this?  Are you saved?  How do you know you are?  Are you thankful that the
gospel message has gone to the Gentiles?  Are you thankful for the simplicity of the gospel

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