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Reading Questions- David Hume “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” Sections 1 and 2

Enquiry, Sections 1 and 2

1. What are the two types of philosophy Hume mentions in Section 1? What are the characteristics
Hume lists for them (what are their respective strengths and weaknesses)? Where does he place
empiricism? Where does he place rationalism?

2. What is Hume’s recommendation for pursuing philosophy? What advantages does he list?

3. What is the difference between impressions and ideas?

4. What is/are the origins for all ideas, according to Hume? What two “sources” do we have for

5. Hume gives two arguments for his claim about origins of ideas, what are they? What counter-
example does Hume provide that might defeat his claim? Does it prove him correct or incorrect?

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