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Question 1A

o I like to read when I find a decent book I enjoy. Over the summer, I made a goal to read as much as I could everyday, 2 -3 hours. I like it, but I also don't. I
read when I have to or when I'm in the mood.
o It all depends on the book. If I am reading a book I like I will like reading it and if I am reading a book I don't like I wo n't like reading it.
o i don't mind reading but i,m not a fan it is boring it is rare that i really like a book but most of the time i think that books a just okay or there terrible
o I sometimes like reading when it's something that I enjoy and I am pretty good at reading, however, there is a lot of things that I enjoy doing a lot more than
reading and reading is very time consuming when there is a long book and I would prefer to be doing something that I enjoy more in that time.
o well im really unpatient with a lot of books and i just like getting to the actual point of the book.
o I only really like reading if I find the book good.
o it depends what I'm reading. If it's info stuff like a Wikipedia page I actually enjoy reading that stuff for some reason, but if it 's an actual book, I wouldn't ever
read unless I was asked to.
o i have never enjoyed reading no madder what book. i have never wanted to keep reading i dont know why depends on the book
o If i am reading a book or a news article for example, sometimes ill enjoy reading it and i wont want to stop reading, on the other hand i wont go out of m way
to read a book.
o i read alot and i enjoy it
o I like learning about history and our world. I often read articles relating to history and also find an interest in historica l novels.
o I hate everything about reading.
o I really enjoy reading, but I don't like to do some reading activities like read theory I prefer ready on my own.
o I don't really hate it but sometimes I just can't find a good book to read. And i got distracted by other stuff around me.
o reading has never been something I liked because all you do is look at words
o I like to read because I love interesting stories. However, sometimes i find the start of a book can be a bit boring. I also have to re -read a lot because I don't
fully understand what is going on in the story. I tend to prefer audio book over regular books for this reason.
o its a waste of time
o I thoroughly enjoy reading but its hard to find a book that interests me
o I like books and stories a lot, I just don't like to read them. I like to listen to books because I feel like I have better c omprehension.
o I thoroughly enjoy reading as it provides an escape from the real world; especially with dystopian and fantasy novels. Reading informative writing is also
incredibly interesting and it inspires me to write my own stories.
o I don't get much enjoyment out of reading and I get bored very fast
o I read every night, and when I get the type of book I like, like a romance book, then I like it but I hate reading about people kissing or of the wrong type of
o Because reading makes my brain hurt
o i don't really care about reading
o I would like to read more but my reading comprehension is not as good as it could be so I don't enjoy it really.
o I read when I'm in the mood or the book is interesting, but I don't like to read like one day i just wanna rea d
o i have never licit to reed
o I love reading because its fun and I love imagining everything. Its also just entertaining and fun. I read everyday for an ho ur or more
o I like how you can learn about different things.
o Because i have not found any books that I have been actually interested in.
o I dislike reading books in English because even I understand the book, it doesn't last long in my brain. But if a book is tra nslated into Chinese, I'll be able to
remember it even after a few months.
o im not a really big reader and i sometimes enjoy it but only certain books
o i dont really like reading its not interesting and boring but sometimes its okay
o I only like certain kinds of books that's way I give it a 3
o I like reading when I don't really have anything to do, but I still read it if I know that the story is very interesting and that I wan't to know even more about it.
o I gave it because I enjoy books and love reading they're just very time consuming.
o I don't hate reading, and sometimes I read for fun
o reading is a great life skill and i love the adventure but i would rather be getting some physical education outside having s ome fun in the snow
o I love reading and being able to escape reality for some daring adventure (because I love reading fantasy) and watching as someone else triumphs in the
face of a great evil. And it's just something that wastes time when I'm waiting for something to happen lol
o Personally I dont think im motivated enough to just pick up a book and read i need something to push me to read, Also I need to find the right book for me to
keep reading it, something always has to be happening in the book for me to keep reading it and not a lot of books have that for me
o im not motivated to read and its hard if i dont find a book that i like because its not interesting enough for me to keep reading
o it boring
o I don't dislike or like reading it just gets boring sometimes
o i like reading because its fun and it kind of makes you like youre in another universe. it also opens your imagination, its kind of like having another life not
really though.
o I enjoy reading because its a good way to learn about whats happening in the world and to get information, but video's I feel are more conevienetnt ( that's
not how you spell that)
o its not my favorite thing to do but i will do it if i have to
o its so boring
o I usually don't read but I'm ok with doing it
o I love to read because I can advance my knowledge in the books I read. Above all I love hearing different stories b eing told all around the world today.
o because i never get intrigued and i can't concentrate, i get bored very fast and i can never find a genre i like besides comi c books, i like looking at the
pictures and reading the bubbles, but i hate novels! i do read everyday but i don't like it at all
o its not the worst
o i enjoy reading fiction books because it helps me escape our ridiculous world and hide with the book characters. its also relax ing and fun.
o It is not enjoyable and it is very boring. I have many better things to do
o I like reading but it depends on the book and I am not very fast at it.
o I believe it helps me gain a more understanding in learning and helps me learn more efficient
o Can be fun with a good story but wouldn't choose it as a fun actvitiy currently
o i just dont like reading because im not interesting
o Reading is great, I have enjoyed it for most of my life. I just haven't read as much and get distracted easily while I read n ow, but I still enjoy it very much. I
love how it just captures you in a world that doesn't exist.
o i get distracted easily
o I read but I don't read because I love to read but I don't hate reading
o three becuase i hate reading but i am alright at it
o It depends on what it is for example if its a news article I'll hate it and not remember anything. But if its a book that I e njoy then I'll be able to remember
o its boring and gives me a head ach
o its boring
o I've never really read
o I like reading about the plot line and adventures. I just don't prefer reading much.
o I don't love reading but I don't hate it. I am sort of in the middle. I think this is because there are just other things that I would rather do such as crafts of
other things like that.
o its just hard to picture whats happening in my head
o its calming activity
o Because I'm ok with reading, but I don't like it very much.
o I don't mind reading if I have to but I don't like to read if I don't need to.
o I don't necessarily like reader, nor do I hate reading.
o i have always liked reading, it has just always came so easily to me
o it is fun and passes the time well

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