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FALSE - structured Poems 1. Free-verse poems follow strict number of syllables,

lines, stanzas or rhyme schemes.

FALSE – Inverted 2. In anastrophe the normal word arrangement is followed.

TRUE 3. In anadiplosis, word or phrase at the end of a clause or a sentence is used

to begin the next clause or sentence.

FALSE- English Sonnet 4. Italian sonnet is a 14-line poem that follows the rhyme

TRUE 5. Paradox is a contradictory statement that seems impossible but actually

holds a measure of truth.

TRUE- 6. Atanaclasis is a repetition of a word but in two different usage

TRUE -7. Metaphor is a direct comparison of two things.

FALSE- EXAGGERATION 8. Hyperbole is the use of an understatement to heighten the

impact of a line

FALSE—FILIPINO 9. Tanaga a traditional Japanese poem that consists four lines with
seven syllables each. It follows the rhyme scheme AAAA.

FALSE- TROPE 10. A scheme is a literary device that involves word association,
contrast and comparison.

TRUE 11. Limerick a five-line poem that follows the rhyme scheme AABBA.

FALSE- PARALLELISM 12. Anastrophe is achieved by using the same parts of speech
or same sentence structure in two or more lines.

FALSE - FREE-VERSE13. Traditional poems that do not follow strict measurement

and are free-flowing.

FALSE- HAIKU 14. Tanka has three lines with 17 syllables wherein the first line has
five syllables, second has 7 syllables and last line 5 syllables.

TRUE 15. Periphrasis the substitution of descriptive word or phrase for a proper name
or of a proper name for a trait associated with the name.

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