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Censorship is no different than "to the victor goes the spoils".

This is why its

important to understand "spells". And how they are used by the fallen entities.
This is Facebook, Google and all other artificial platforms. To better understand
consider the Zionist Agenda, which consists of population reduction. By means of
war, disease, abortion, incarceration, food poisonings, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Censorship is the Zionist way of codifying "illusion, untruth, history" into the
conscious as acceptable. It infers also a state of superiority. This is the basis
of white supremacy. The control of perception, such as the case involving the negro
bible. It extends to the modern media; which is fake news or network news. This
medium or entity(s) known as "news", music, entertainment are responsible for the
censorship or distortion of the human perception.

Which in turn causes the deviance present between the Almighty and the creation of
illusion by the fallen; through and by the use of currency or the establishment of
the Eye. "All Seeing" is also an illusion. The fact that one has knowledge without
wisdom is Foolishness. Thus censorship is to 'fool' people or lead them astray
(i.e. e.g. goyim, Talmud, new world order).

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