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The Rigged Election. The Final Election.

This election is indicative of the

reprobate. From the top:. Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution
of Slavery, The Federal Reserve, Tuskegee, All Wars, The Industrial prison complex,
Pharma, Malcolm, Kennedy, Martin, Lumumba, Patriot Act, War on Drugs, New World
Order, Clintons, Obama, James Amos and J Edgar Hoover, BPP, Palestine, All The
United States Presidents, Congress, Supreme Court, Departments, businesses,

These are all corrupt mechanisms within what is known as the U.S. Corp. Or The
Dead. Chances are 100 percent; the Election of 2020 is fraught with frauds. The
entities Barack and his predecessors were working with since the beginning of the
establishment of the Eye found out the bad news. The message was " It is over!".
This message was given to Horus, Isis, Ra, or whatever they chose to worship. The
physical Trump in the White House is the physical manifestation of the spiritual
Trump of The heavens calling an end to the of Rule of those 200 entities.

The Rigged election is an attempt to continue their rule. All of those who voted
and are apart of any organization was and is in support of the Frauds. That is the
Media. They all feel the OVER. If you understand, then you can over stand that the
corrupt foundation of what was established ends with the corrupt "selection" by the
establishment. There was never a vote, ever. The Satans through the Pope, Kings,
Queen lead the people astray using the illusion of wealth, and false gods.

So, as The Master Of Ceremony to the heavenly procession, and The Chosen One, let
me say: "Ladies and Gentlemen, Children Of all ages. This is the Moment You have
been Hoping and Praying For never to come. I present to you.......The End." Enjoy
the Show.

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