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Since the begining of the time, stereotypes have been part of human life.

Stereotypes are
based on ideas and experiences with certain groups and then extended to apply to an entire
group. Stereotypes can be negative and positive but mosto of them are the fisrt one. Some
stereotypes could be harmful because these do not allow people to fully express as they
think. People have their own feelings, whims, likes and a varietry of interests that
differentiates us from other people. Negative stereotypes can deny educational, emplument,
housing and other opportunities. For example in the last century women should stay home
while men work, they could not play soccer. The man could not cry because that was
considerated as a weakness and others old- fashioned ideas. The fight and efforts allowed
people to express themselves as they are. Those efforts gave opportunities for people
regardles of genders, race or culture.

Some people and even us can think sometimes that the world is only our country, city or
town. We put people into categories consciously or unconsciously and thus- stereotypes are
formed. We are thinking wrong. The world is huge, in each country there are all kind of
people with different races, cultures and genders. Breaking stereotypes allows people to
show their best side.

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