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The following are physical activity programs implemented by the DOH and WHO to
promote an active lifestyle to prevent death caused by communicable and non-
communicable diseases, except one;
2. Which of the following is NOT a communicable disease?
3. It involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions that result in the
expenditure of energy.
4. It is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force.
5. It is the ability to move a joint without a pain over its entire range of motion.
6. It involves large muscle groups that perform rhythmic and continuous movement for a
prolonged period of time in order to improve aerobic capacity.
7. It refers to the total make-up of the body using the concept of two component model, the
lean body mass and the body fat.
8. It refers to a planned program of physical activities usually designed to improve physical
fitness with the purpose of increasing physical fitness level.
9. Which of the following statements does not explain the benefits of the Filipino Pyramid
Activity Guide?
10. The type of exercise that increases the elasticity of muscles and tendons surrounding the
joint in order to improve flexibility.
11. It refers to a condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands of daily
activities and still has the energy to enjoy other active leisure activities.
12. It is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the
working muscles efficiently in order to sustain prolonged rhythmical exercises.
13. The type of exercise that requires the muscle to contract against an external load in order
to improve
muscular strength, muscular endurance, and bone strength.
14. It is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when performing multiple repetitions of a sub
maximal load.
15. The behavioral patterns that are performed unconsciously.
16. There are five stages of change to healthy habits, this is the stage when the individual
consistently practiced the new behavior for more than six months.
17. This is the stage when the individual initiates the new behavior.
18. The principle of exercise training that states that no two person persons are the same and
their rate of adaptation to the same workload differs.
19. The principle of exercise that is also known as principle of disuse, it states that if energy
system is not utilized, they deteriorate to a level that matches your activity.
20. The smallest blood vessels where exchange of gases takes place.
21. It states that the body must work harder than what it is used to in order for it to adapt and
it ask “how hard”.
22. A health-related physical fitness test that measures abdominal muscle strength and
23. A health-related battery test measured by Hamstring and Hip flexor test and zipper test.
24. The test that measures the muscular strength of the shoulder and upper arm.
25. A series of specific movements that mimics the actual activity it also refers to skills that the
sports requires.
26. A FITT Principle that refers to the duration or distance covered in an exercise session.
27. A FITT Principle that refers to the number of sessions per week.
28. The oxygen carrying red blood cells.
29. It is a multi-joint movement that has the ability to show neuromuscular deficit in the core
muscles and the lower extremity muscles.
30. The pulse taken from artery at the wrist, in line with the thumb, using the tips of the pointer
and the middle finger.
31. It can be developed through dynamic stretching exercise.
32. Another term for the cool-down where the body is returning to a resting state.
33. An exercise that is performed after the sports or exercise proper that hold the joint in
stationary position for a period of time that will develop flexibility.
34. Pre-participation Screening that evaluates the currents fitness level of an individual.
35. The Dominant source of energy and is more utilized when there is less available
carbohydrates for the working muscles.
36. Test for Cardiovascular Endurance level based on how quickly your heart rate will come back
down after a physical activity.
37. The classification or category of the Body Mass Index beyond 30.
38. It is one of the best aerobic exercise that require minimal training equipment.
39. It occurs when muscle pairs have different strength or if the muscles surrounding the joints
are tight and can be detected through movement screening.
40. The following are aerobic exercises except one.
41. It is uncontrolled contraction of muscles which is usually a result of dehydration, fatigue or
electrolyte imbalance.
42. Which of the following is an example of a dynamic stretching exercise?
43. The normal Body Mass Index.
44. An energy system that refers to the simplest and the fastest way of producing energy and is
the dominant source of muscle energy for high intensity physical activities.
45. It is a type exercise to increase aerobic capacity protocol involves repeated maximal work
combined with active recovery in between. The “all-out” work is usually between 30 -45
46. A type Resistance Training characterized by high repetitions because it emphasizes on the
ability of the muscle to resist fatigue.
47. A factor for hypertrophy that refers to diet should contain adequate amount of essential
amino acids which are the building blocks for synthesizing protein in the muscle fiber.
48. A type of flexibility training program that incorporate rapid movements to lengthen the
muscle-tendon unit.
49. It is a muscle pain commonly experienced a day after workout.
50. An automatic contraction of the muscle to prevent injury. It counteracts the stretch and
increases the stiffness at the joints which limits the range of motion.

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