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pu GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA PAYSLIP No. PAY MONTH PRINTED NEXT APPRAISAL PRESENT APPOINT | | 755 30, 11, 2016 15, 12.9016 Of. 10. 2017 01. 10.2 i EMPLOYEE No. NRC MAN No. SALISCALE (00280119 249727/68/1 ¢ mr HENRY LUNDA bancaac Bolweri CLASS TEACHER - DIPLOMA 5 North Western-Sola Education Distr eave ACOALIED: 10040 KALAMBOSHT BAST TENE a 03 BASIC SCHOOLS ~ NOR PENSION LIFE T/O: 0, 00 PAYMENT METHOD: EFT Payment [TAXABLE INCOME covel DESCRIPTION PER| PAYMENTS | DEDUCTIONS 000 [Basic Salary 999 3 649, 58 024 Housing Allowance 999 27,92 posi \Remote Hardship 999 912,40 071 [Transport Allowance 999 96 400 |P A. Y.E 599 INAPSA EE contr 999 Zam Nat Union O 999 Funeral Insvarance EE | 999 | TOTALS: 5, 656, 86 232, 01-| ist | | NET PAY: 4. 824,85 [North Western Education DS WELCOME TO PAYROLL MANAGEMENT & ESTABLISHMENT CONTROL SYSTEM Overpayments and non-recovery of loans and advances should be reported PY0585199

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