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Anna Gassett

Benjamin Reed

World Lit Since 1600

17 October 2020

Liza Strikes Back

Dear Underground Man,

I am absolutely repulsed and disgusted by the way you treated me this morning in bed.

Ridiculing my profession and my lifestyle isn’t exactly the way to coax a woman into liking or

admiring you. It was as if making me upset moved and fascinated you. Having power over me

got you off. I cannot believe how you proceeded to convince me that I will have no respect or

mourning from even loved ones when I pass away. Your words were hurtful and vulgar. Being a

prostitute may not be the most respected career, but I do it to survive. My health, morals, and

virtues may be thrown away, but I have enough people tell me that already. I understand that you

do not believe in sex without any kind of love and connection, but I do it not only purely for

pleasure, but for income. This is your belief and I respect that. I would hope that as a woman, my

needs and wants would be respected and accepted. There was no reason for the elaborate,

lengthy, moralizing speech. Your point would’ve gotten across in a few sentences. You need to

get off of your high horse and realize that you don’t know all. You are not the all-knowing God,

so I would prefer that if I do choose to see you again, that you treat me as a valued woman, not

as speck of dust under your shoe. Thank you.



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