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Technology has become an increasing threat to the environment due to the low quality

policies about the disposal materials once the devices no longer work. This is a real problem in
a short and long term due to the lack of importance that companies give to the environment. If
we look back in the last decade, the weather conditions were more predictable and farmers
knew when to plant and crop but nowadays the Climate Change is more evident and it has
brought natural disasters, famines and health issues. I consider that if this uncontrolled
production of devices and the lack of regulation continues, problems such as global warming
and environmental pollution won’t have a point of return in the near future. countries are
more focus on achieving an economic growth without taking into account the rates of poverty
and having zero birth control on population as it is now in some developing countries where
the population growth is measured and controlled based on the country resources. Moreover,
the rapid urbanization in some undeveloped countries is showing a natural resources scarcity.
Therefore, if current trends continue we’ll reach a point where there will be more people to
live in than resources available to supply human being need. In order to overcome these
situations, Governments need to set up clear regulations about production and disposal of
materials. The United Nations (UN) can put some pressure on countries to maintain ecological
policies and those countries with most natural resources need to take measures and actions to
preserve all those resources and look forward for as stainable development based on products
that don’t impact natural goods. In my personal opinion, the pollution of rivers, fires, pollution
of the oceans and global warning are not just events that occur because of natural causes, I
believe that companies don’t have any controlled regulations where they can avoid these
effects on the environment. I think that the UN should push every country to implement an
educational program on their inhabitants on how to maximize the use of devices and avoid this
“device trend” of upgrading mobiles, cars, laptops, etc. once there is a new one available. With
these little changes we will start to understand that material objects are not as important as
our health.

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