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According to the text write 13 question, simple past tense and past progressive

Don´t forget to use W A S A C O

Example: What did he do in the supermarket?

1. When did he see the old man?

2. Where was the old man standing?
3. How much time was the old man standing there?
4. Did the guy offer to help?
5. Whom did the guy offer to help?
6. What was the old man looking for?
7. Where did the old man leave his glasses?
8. Did the guy find the can that the old man wanted?
9. Why did the old man feel so grateful?
10. Who was the guy talking to on the phone?
11. What was the guy’s friend talking about?
12. Did the old man find what he was looking for?
13. Did the guy use to have cats?

Sadith Samanta Solarte Santana

Medicina Veterinaria
Grupo 6
Inglés III

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