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Jl. Dr. Mansyur No.66, Merdeka, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara

Telp 061-8218928 email :

26 October 2020
To :
Head of Dental Care Unit
Prof. Drg. Joseph Hopkins
Hospital University of Sumatera Utara
Jl. Dr. Mansyur No.66 , Medan

Dear Prof. Joseph,

RE : James Roddy, age 32
Jln.suprapto no. 4b, Pematangsiantar

Good day , Prof ! I am drg. Micheel Cordes , a dentist from pearl dental lounge
in Pematangsiantar. I am writing to refer a patient named James Roddy for futher
treatment in USU hospital because we are lack of detal equipment.
James arrived 4 weeks ago at Pearl Dental Lounge. He had already consulted
me for about two times. He said that his teeth bothered him when he have to chew a
lot and its bothered him when he eats something sweet or cold. His gums are also
sore. After taking x-rays , I saw an inflammation and I see an evidence of futher decay
may build.
A temporary diagnosis that I got was tooth 3.8 in a oblique position and it
needed to be treated and extracted, the case was an impact tooth 3.8. then there were
teeth that started to become cavities and had the potential to get worse , the case was
teeth 1.1 and 2.1 pulpitis.
I have given Mr. James advice regarding analgetic medicine and tell him that
analgetic medicine will be relieves pain in the teeth. Im planning to give a futher
treatment but in our clinic the dental drill is still under repair and we’re running out resin
compisite. I hope you are willing to give futher treatment for Mr. James, Prof.
Thus I send this referral letter, thank you for your attention.


Micheel Cordes

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