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How To Defend Yourself Against Your “Unconscious” Mind! Warning: This may be the most important, (and maybe painful) letter you'll ever read - and it's based on 3 simple truths. ® © Most peopldslives are runby autopilot Over 90% of people will never achieve Ifyou dou take contral of your own programs and habs that they are tele goals and desires. They willbe mind and the programe ierane~ other completely unaware of, forever stuck inan endless loop of people, the media AND your past..vill Knowing that they cando more ut progeam you for the ret of your life ‘We callthese unconsclons autopilot ever really chleving anything programs The Robot and there ix away ta ‘Once agaln, this is because the Robot eset stop it “The reason you are stuck inthisloop is up tocallect habits and patterns, ole because te The Rabot ppb keep plrpote Ittohave you sleepwalk through cevertbingin your lie the same. The Robot He, ‘wll sghe any change you ty and make. and vie! Buin a moment you willears bow tobreak tha patter, But it can all be changed with thi Embarrassingly Simple Secret That Instantly Unleashes A World Of Choice, Possibility And Opportunity In Your Life... Sa..why da you have a abot? ‘Wellshe anawer avery ample. (on an average day you are hombardedl with milians of bits of ‘information = conversations advertising, TY, Internet, new, Facebook, titer, Digs. -tnformation from work, paying attentlon to cars when driving, ‘hinkiag about the past present and future, your own todo Ut. ‘conversations you overkear, things your lends, your kids, your >ariner or your boss wantyou to do the lst goes on forever! Multiply thie for every angle day you have been alle! ‘And that laexacly why your unconacious created The Robot Ita the only way handle all that information without going abootutely crazy ‘You brain needs to ereare autopilt patterns and habits that require no thought in onder t manage ths tnformation Robot ‘With gotoplot patterns you dont have to re-think and process multins of different bits of information every singe day ‘You don't have to think through the swarm ef information that ies at yu fram every possible ange, al ay long. As long ax The Robot recognizes trigger the habit or program it collected willhe activated. then the next program... then the Forexample, puting on your socks or Driving to work, cemting breast. All programs chat con on autopilot base on a tages in your word that require no thinking from you. But, listen carefully. ‘Your brain also runs programs that don't help you. programs that The Robot created ia your past or from the media or from people around you. © Choosing to deep in Instead of exercising © Avrommticaty picking unbeatty food when you are busy © Procrastinating infront ofthe TY © Spending money on thingsyou dont need © Gerting angry and fighting wich your partner {All these ate also programa that automatically fre off without you realising Itgets worse — You see, you ditt design any ofthese programs they were created without your knaweege.. ‘And In mest case you dont even know what programs eu have running your ite, es not ail ad neve, “There tba way wo tap these programs and take back control of youre, “The seoret va stopping these programs and choosing Whar you want 19 do insvead...stara with est being able t recognize when you are nunning one of sheve negative programa, For most of us these programs are embeddedIn eur fe and we run on autopilot allay, ‘This meana we fret have tobe taughs how to idemtly when theee program are running And once you ean do that ~ then you can work on changing Dow e's abort PUBL e ICM NR Lele P ayia Industry Doesn't Want Published an it really be as simple as: © Recognizing when the Robot fs running an autopilot program © Stopping that program and consciously choosing what to de instead ves! ‘veal i thatsimple And this a0 why you should nor bay another aef help book or course untilyou have heen through thie program. Michael_fneen. [Because the trith inal those ac help hooks and course are malting it move dif or you by cceating labels that post comploate ‘his very simple process © Yon don need va masterihe tw af arteton, = © You don'rneed the set disipine ofa itary general Perens © You dont ned to communicate with our unconscious mind What you want is RESULTS. ae © You dort need to work on your belief stem, j @ You don't need another personal development course or ook ‘What you need is to think for yourself To malke a change using your ability o dink. Allthose books and courses dissing you something to blame ‘when you don't getthe remulyou wart “Ineed t change my bee, need to reorganize my values, need avision board, I need to work on my productivity. Now ‘Whar you need is tolearn the at of accurate thinking. This show you create change in your Bie Because deep down Itink you abeady know that. Self-Help Doesn't Help you have Dough mare than one st help book, arbeen to more chan ane personal development seminar 07 forsome peeple ta the tame seminar tw, theee times, Yu already know that its nov enoush ~ thatthe sel/help, personal development ie 9 more than a banévald. ‘Yau feel gaa for atte while, You make a change foratsle while xe po eee VERY (OST And so you go and ty the next shay new se help tool and spend mere money) maybe chistime you tp your face every morning. 0 maybe you bulla vilon board =v muy you uae subliminal affirmations, “The problem ie, All those different processes, tools and technique don't address the core problem - THE ROBOT AND ITS AUTOPILOT PROGRAMS. Because the truth is... You Will Only Achieve Success When You Stop Running Your Life On Autopilot Let me ask you a question you know Michael Breen He Iscurrenty one of only 30 Hite Coactes in the UK, group of coaches so good they fet nearyallthe exeousive and celebrity coaching business in the UK. He is also one of he workda heat NLP Master Trainers and has personally worked with Richard tandlee the orator ef NL), and Paul Mckenna (warld famous hypnotist) ‘ull and run the largest NLP Training School In Burepe, Altogether Michael has over 30 years of experience in coaching, hypnosis and NLP ~ and tralned well ver 80,000 people Why am | telling you this? [Because for 30 years Michaethas helped people achieve tht goals and overcome limitations to heir success And, from working with tens of thousands of people over the last 0 years he worked out ‘hat the reason ae many people needed hie help ‘Why ao many people sruggled ro make lasting changes. degpite going through the personal development merry go raund - rotating fam ane course tothe next. Michael Breen sbecause they didi ¢ know how to think Bastell they coulda't spot thelr own autoploc patterns, and they didnt know tow to think thelr yay througte these pastemns ato Jouingfelong change! ‘Their entire Ufe was run en programs and habits that they werentteven aware of Allofushave these programs and habits, Allefushave starles~ the Lea we tell ourselves to uly why we cant bee that weight, or why we cant make the money, or Why we fant quit that fb, approach that gl follow that dream. Iteallstales! Just lies that we tell ourselves as a reason for not doing what we want. ‘And you know what ~thoge sores are. The Reb! “Those Lice ae the robot doing is ob and Keeping everything ust the way ele And the reazon we know this labocause Michael has made a career out of making people realize that ts not you its your behaviors habs and patterns that are holding you back. And ifyou ever have the apporninity with towork with Michal fone.n one then ita thie moment that you waule experience Sehatislenown a5"a breaehrough. you finally reaie haz your Ue hasbeen running an auapilor programs, and they are ruining ‘your ie, AND you wake up toyour nue sel (Oras Michael pute it~ hisjob eto poke the Robot and wake you wp. "Your entire life has been running on autopilot - using programs from your past, imaginary stories of limitation, and negative habits... all of which are holding you back... its time for you to WAKE UP! “This was the exact topic Michael ran a 2-day seminar on recently fewaca lve seminar nhere Michael revealed the truth about why people don't succeed, about how the Robot is holding everyone back And he shared his tools and techniques to "poke the Robot", Inthe seminar Michael covered © wry the Robor can nuln youre and afew simple treks that yout can use to become a winner © Woy you aay you want something but your actions do something diferent © How to contra the Rabot and start using your power to choose what your next action willbe © How you can achicwe consistent positive results day ater cay © Why you havent been able ta recognize when The Rabo is running a programa and how te change that © How within uta few minstes you can identify the ber, «question the pattern and make a change © Why the advice in the personal development books are ‘causing you mere harza than good © How te dlacover what itis you realy want. not What jou ‘think you dhould want ‘The seminar was a huge access and the participant experience massive shifts in their shining. More importantly learned a ail shat they wll bave forthe resto hele te, “The aby to think for themselves ta change - ta wake up tathele true aeif- and ta create af of thelr chong? Jn fact the feedback was to good that we decided to release the recordings ofthe seminar in ahome eudy pack. Announcing! "Thinking For A Change" RUE Lo 9 Cer eet Pee ee ee eee Cees _y the time you ish the program you wil he able ra make better decislons and changes ealy, fect more confident and certain about yon goal. and have clarity and an aetion plan for what you need todo in onder to achieve ther ‘You wil gals. the abit > think Sor youraei. reat lasting change in just 5 easy steps © 0 Mentify whet you Recognize whenyou Catch the Rabot Plan the change Make the change: really want ane ronning avtoplot So ce practiealy happen. Change programs stopping you Inevitable sutomated timing from getting what you programs ‘want and itatll new more ‘wreful ones, Here's A Sneak Preview Of What You'll Discover On This Program re crting "secre at wl completely tranefrr your life and your thinking. tha one bit ld change your le overnight, © Why flowing the idiculous repetitive alee In personal development books willlack you Into an endless loop of fare an frustratlon © Howto quickty and easly cancel out “bad” thinking. and finally take © what nearty allot Miche’ famous celebrity clents are doing wreng and how you can “ree” yur rom this timation. you get to beret ram hele mistakes anc get result faster quicker and eaxer, Why 00% af ll NLP, Personal Development and Hypnosis trainers totally asthe boat when ‘mes tothe “unconscious” mind (Michael acts this right in the frst hour af the program) © How completing the fist asignment Michael gles on ths program wil ncrease the chances of youacbieving your goal. @ Make changeeat an accelerated pace by quickly and easily ‘canceling’ out the emotional charge ‘thas comes with the staries ana leg you keep tling yours © "shore Cur’ thinking strategies you can leara to use matter what stuation you ° 1 questions you can ask yourself tcreate a massve shiftin your thinking . and you © xaely haw ta identyautapior programs and habins thar have bees hlting you back and what todoinsvead, © whys importa arde when doing'eat thinkin © The “secrets to leveraging your worst experiences and problems to move you further and faster towards your goal, and how Michael need hia fathires to get towhere he la tody © How ist ew amall changes In your thinking can lead Yo exponential reaultaia your Ue it doesn't take much a allto oe big changea in every part of your © Howto reactivate" dead, forgotten and lastresources from Your past..thie athe fastest wayt9 ‘ils up your confience and elle in youre. © The most overlooked ‘hidden reason why most peaple don't get what they want. (Hint It go to ddowith what you says what ually do) © atch as Michael “Rusher out the rea reason people don ger whacthey wantin the lve active ‘coaching ot seats © why you create states and WHY yo alone is worth the price af the ert program. 3 verbatiaing what you want, this one concept © proven and wildly effective way to get out of your head”. alot of people tell you that you need tot out of your ead bat Michact actvaly shows yon how 0 thi. @ Why you really don alblock an lmting belles In order to get what you want..In fae Mich sonstrate why there Jeno guch thing asa mental Block i © what aprofeacor of mathematics can shaw you about identifying and magnifying athe vantages you have in your tie. even the onea you have og forgotten abort, @ HowbMichacte40 minute session on the Framing tool willhelp you interrogate every pater, Uniting Bellet and habit that sno longer serving you. In ust afew ralnutes © 2overloaked questions you ean ask yourself that wil almost magically open up new possibilities land appormunitien...tworka every angle time you au the questions How to avoid the ‘hal formed” goals dsease hie the man reason why most people n achleve ther gat. and a quick and easy way t ensure you always bave enough dary an. you ° ‘why you shoul never ty ta comminicate with your unconscious and what todo insta ‘Why your fear floes Is stopping you from creating a Aneaky way to use your body 1 Identify when you are nning astoplae programe ‘Asurprisingly easy way to make change a certainty. thas todo with maklog the “signal” value of yourchange stronger than the ‘signal sal 00 00 ‘of your BS sto {An almos foolproof way to enaure that you're the one programming your mind..and hw t9 [peemanently puta end tobelng programmed by the medi, your past and others around you © The secret technique all successful people use 19 get things done... and how the personal development industry is topping you ing thstechique © The one question mask yourself tat alos: guarantees that youl have aber future (© anda mh non y How To Avoid Yet Another Year Of Defeat, Below Expected Results, And Failed Goals 3By the end of thi program I guarantee that you wil be abe to sake charge cfyour fe. ‘You wllbe ables easly identiy and interrogate all your autopll programs and habitat are holding you back. ‘Yau willuterally choose what dlrectlon you want your Ife 10 0 Jn, Move money, better heath, stconger relationships ~ ts your cholee, Best of al, not oly Is this a permanent change ~ tsa generative Ie change meaning it mteratically spreassand positively {nuencesall other agpects of your lie forthe bern, ‘When you appty the tool and thinking yu learn on thia program yourtfe wil ner be the aa You willnalongerbe under the spell af the Robots outdatee programa. bind your trie abies, You wills longerbe suck with Limitations programmed into you ftom athers, without your knowledge! You wilthave the power of choice... jgullopen up 2 world of posaibiles..and youltbave the abity vo decide what YOU want 19 de (aor wharyow have been programmed toda) worked far everyone on the lve seminar and ie will work for you Have A Look At What People Said About The Course And Michael Seeing aud waehing Michaal se action an experfanoe Il never forget. Iiert through ar of senna, read hundreds of bonks and there nas, stripper down to ‘my ore and inant gen te tous do rb myself sowing auc reaping atte ame time as Michael pit 1 ory rare to access people of hs intellectual stature and mare than that, people so rofuiy touching, Twas donplyalfeoted by what I learned na went through) Yemlled and eringod and faughad, Hetened and observed che beauty with which Mlzhas!onaoted his peyoho-surgor, by aloaseglng us wore options oehaze from and be espanlae fr Laurent Beretta, UK waa differnt person, Poe grown up at of a sudden! This ts we than gating of personal development, ar coaching. Ite an eye opening expertence into the magle of the mn, the magic of our perceptions and haw ce cat change er” “the course was brillant. veity anf geting mh rime and pace ta analysand observe ry Yabo from diferent ages. “The workshop helped me neak rough acouple of rental oops that Tas gag uc im wis pursuing my oun gous as wel as working with ahers eee fraing wish a new ere of early a5 wll as an expanded Coot ht from oi to create from" Damien Senn, UK "This couse wes abeoutelyexcallent {coupder this couse abso Important that i ts an absolute provaqulse for anyone sej}emplayed, or who runs thelr owns hudness; an for hase wha are empaned who are frustrated a thet level of focus, speed of progress an guantatve/quatleatve utp r 1 reaogitae that te wot for the fatut-heartd, hut, quite snp, fe-changing? Francesca Lubenko, UK “This course fp me change my thinking. My thinking is different. oan hear my story an 2 stop 2am finding tt easier Just get on ar do tings foot Lave some tots i bag that I didnt have before and some that {had are sharper tha ever” Andi, UK “Michael Brean an extremely siled trainer, very Intaligent and rery good amore Myseif an Micha! collaborated on many profects ane used to rain together for ‘year He some ofthe nicest people Thave ever met. 1 eonminend him very highly? nl Mexenna selling Author, enter, And celebrity Hypnotist Be Do You Really Want To Achieve More This Year? Stop fora moment and think about thi. ‘Are you ontrack to achleve every goal you want this year? id you do what you cal you would. or more importantly did you do wat you wanted ta dat you didn - you now know the reason why —"The Ratt rake ‘contrl rants programe. and kept everything constant, Now thnk about a year fom tay ‘Where willyou bea year from now ~ where do you want tobe? Willyou stile srugiing tobe, do and kave what you want? Will you be attending yet another personal development course, Daming your vakies, your bees or some other label created by the peraonal development industry. Con worse wil you be beating our selfup and blaming people around you ..maybe even people clase t2 you, If you want something different ... Now is the time to pay attention... THINKING FOR A CHANGE FOCUSES ON HELPING YOU THINK LIKE A CHANGE MASTER... GIVING YOU ACTIONABLE INSIGHTS ABOUT HOW THE "ROBOT" KEEPS THINGS THE SAME AND MOST IMPORTANTLY HOW TO CHANGE IT, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU'VE FAILED TO CREATE CHANGE AND MAKE IT STICK JF yousegerlous about making 2 change... about improving your heath, wealth, rebatlonshipg, confidence ~ or anyother area hate Jmportant to you “Then heres your solution -a program that teaches you how to think for yourself and ereate permanent chang ow to identify when you are running autopilot programs that you dott even know abot, Hr wostop those programs and deside on an actin of your action that wil ake you that one step closet to what you want! ‘You wil take control of your ie, And you will determine a new course for your fife, theough discovering haw to Think For AChanget ‘This she rea seoresof geting what you wantut of fe - when you want ‘whats mere, You Risk Nothing And Have Everything To Gain Participants on the tive seminar pad $70 fr this progr and from the feedhack we have received, and the resus those participants gotin their ife- Michael really should have charged more ‘Now naturally some of you may be thinking that you would have benefited from the ability to ask Michael questions in the Ine seminar Well forthe first 40 people who buy this product {havea specll hoows. Something we hive never offered before and tobe honest sre unlikely to offer ever again. Lets just sey you willbe ale to ask Michael end I your questions... But on the other hand, ‘youre thinking that a recording ofthe enar ill nt be as good a atending ie. You would be wrong! Jn fact, your probably earn faster, easter and better by ceserlencing the home acy couree than Ifyou were learning in person! ‘may sound eraay but te abusuely tue! Let ie explain why. 1 you attended the Ine semanas then you'd probably gohiome and. forget parts of what you hear (Ok {know what your thinking - whats it going 1 cost? Solets atk abour price, se honest stmugeled with haw ta peice this you aee tesa hgh defintton video recording of Michaets latest seruinar with alls most up te date thinking on the mind and personal ‘change. And be Ia really realy good at what he does! ‘And, llleryou in ona ine arorer here..when Michael or Richard Sandler for shar mater work one on ane with anyone... ta NEVER “The people arening 1 the tveraction gain just as wet rom the aoaehing ~ Ios ane of the reasons why the audience members had huge abifts in their thinking..chey Ustened in to late of hot seatst So you see ust by Hstening s the program and the hot seats you will experience shifis in your thinking and invegrate the leanings ‘uch much fazer. pus thlaik your apportunttyt ste in on one of Uka te Executive Coaches doing what he dacs best. So Let's Recap... You get access tolve video recordings af Michael reenialitert geminar - inking For A Change - by then enc of hia progtam you willbe able to easy recogntze unwanted aucoptoc bebavors, efforts siap them and consciously choose wht you want to do snstead, Ths the fastest and easiest way to make alasing change in any aspect of your Ie 1Eyou were te buy these procucts separately you would pay elose on $700.00 forthe opportunity and you wouldnt gera recording of the breakrough workshop, ot enjoy the specifically reconded audios and assignment workshop made exctuevely forthe home enidy course. However you won't have to pay $700.00, you can get the entire package for.. For thls investment, YOU will receive recordings of dhe entire h O68 06 6 @ je stucly ke, whl 38:HD Videos from 51 Page"ailor Made 3580 Immediately MPS audio Lifetime access to ‘The Lives Day Action Workbook Videos romThe —-«dowiloudable Assignments Neconted the course, “Woekshap For (PDF) Te 3 Day Specialy Por Wewing On ‘workshop To The Hone Stuy ‘Your Smart FV or Phiyback On Version ofthe Lange mionicor youremartphone eoune Srvablet So grab your copy today before your copy now before this training goes back into our vault. 100% 30-Day Money Back Guarantee ee eee Come Scena eg cee See ene ae ee ee Ee RE ua etg2 pee an your thinking CHANGE im as CHANGE Just contact me and 11l refund you the full amount rig perk Grab Your Copy For Just $297 "To order cick the ato art button below where youlIbe directed to the arder page to complete your checkout ‘Cheekout With PayPal ‘ySuniting Your Omir anes Acknoedgedand Apesto the CetomerAprement Please Note: This tea downloadable pragram. Youll NOT receiv a physteal package shipped ey tn the mall The eve package wl be mmediagely aaa jor youro downioad and get stared right aay after anertng The pragram le NOT avalabl sors, 29 994 cam only aczessteshrough this wsbsie. Toyonr success, Tom PS, Current research estimaiasthatas mich as 60% of ourlives happen on auio-pllot~ habituated responses - under he control of “he Rahot Your Robot a making decisions without your awareness. Ices this for everyone. (Unless you knot owt get in and shange 1) 1m fat, most people walk around completely ablsious to the Impact the Rabot has on thelr ie. Stapping them from ezeating the ‘wacceas they want, ear afer sear things frustratingly ay the same. They rarely know why (or wa: toe about i), They at know shar they aren making te prgrecs they are capable of, Decisions are defersed, There isles of procrastination, hestancy and things don't ger ary better no matter wha they ry Dont ke thi geting for what ifr (ea, happen 29 yo. Ontertaday and dlscover how-to take back contra Michael ilteach you how to hack the Rober ane make Lt your powerful servan, ke he bas dene fr 0 many others, Once ou have Jollowet the simple § weep process outlined inthe course, your You'll quickly see your hfe get eter and erter without no extra efart seal ‘You eldenty find yourvel doing what sou aay you youl, without trying to force yourself or uae willpower You siaply startachlexlng bigger and bigger renuts, You start enjoying more fulte for your efforts: How valuable isthat result for you? Are you wing t invest a sal amount today t exjyafetine of ie enbancing benefit, DPS, Remember hat the mettiod tang in tls course hasbeen proven by Michael, over hla 30 years of coaching and raining 8,000 people, tobe the quickest and most powerful way we know of creating lasting change and mo confident about Thinking forA ‘Change that fm letting yu tryout the program fra full 30 days. fit doesit rock your world IM give ou your money back, Dre Hereand statrlghtaway.

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