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ü 1 cup of rice
ü 1 chicken breast
ü 1 onion
ü 2 spring onion pieces
ü 3 garlic cloves
ü ¼ bell pepper
ü Salt
ü Sprig thymes
ü Bay leaves
ü Saffron
ü 1 oil spoon
ü Half cup of choppped carrot
ü Half cup of peas
ü 2 cups of water
ü Half cup of choppped frengh beans

1. In a pot with water at a medium heat introduce the chicken breast, then add half onion, 1 spring
onion sprig, 1 ½ garlic cloves and sprig thymes, bay leaves and salt as you like.
2. In a second pot place the other half of the onion, but this time chop it in small pieces, do it the
same way with the left spring onion piece, garlic and the bell pepper.
3. When the chicken breast is well cook, take it out and mince it, then add it to the second pot with
the spoon of oil and let cook for about five minutes.
4. Then add two cups of the chicken broth left on the other pot.
5. To be almost done, introduce the rest of the vegetables as carrot, peas and french beans (wich i
recommend to previously cook to reduce the strong flavor it has) also add a bit of saffron to give
it the characteristic color of this plate.
6. Finally add the cup of rice and mix it all the ingredients and let it boil.
7. When the water is almost dissapear lower the heat and let it dry as much as you like.
8. Then it is ready to be assemble on a plate, you can use lettuce or tomato to decorate.

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