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kNectov Space '!- Let CF,t,-) be a ficlal, The elements of F axe called scalars. let V bea non-empty set Whose elements age calle? Vectors. Then Vis a vector space over the flelcl F, denotect by Ver) if following condpons ave sasisfied, @ theve js an ternal composition in V called odd itton of Vectors Which ts denoted by “+? such that for this composition V ts an abelian gsoup. he. (11 h* BEV fox all a pev OY O4 Bs Bix for all «BEV, Gi? OO CBI) =e pry for all vB. ve V Go dan element OEV Such that Ata =Ork for all EV. This clement, OEV is Callech the zevo vector, (4? To every vecto’ KEV, these exists a : Nestoe —AEV such that > ed)sOe rx (b) These 3s aN external composition in V oves F called scalar multiplication anc) ts denotes mattipllortvely ie. aveV for all AEF, WEV. In other wsorxts, V 13 clesse) to.p.t. Scalar reer ttiplicestion (©) Scalax wattiplication arch vector aclebitton satisfy the Pellowing conditions. @) ACB) =axc, ap. Yaek ard) Vor pew Gi? Gara = ackyoad, M abéeF ard Yon V Gi) Cabo = ACL) , Va,beF and VoleV (iv) ta =a MoEV ane) Tis the units of the fieled F,

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