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Storyboard- First sketch. CASC:::.DE Scene 1: corporate scene. Looking back on it, when we first started the company, I can see that the original vision for Cascade was actually kind of fuzzy. We'd come from backgrounds in the corporate world, where we'd seen people's daily struggles to find meaning in their work We'd also seen how woefully inadequate the software solutions were at the time to solve this problem - with clunky old HR software being as close as. most companies ever got to implementing a system to link goals to strategy Scene 2.lauching the first version. The first version of Cascade ended up being |ittle more than a modern(ish) corporate goat management tool.|Some of the more open-minded HR| departments liked and implemented it, anda few, smaller companies liked tthe idea of moving from no| structure ati alll to\| at least some form of goal-based management, We launched a simple performance management module, as well as some functionality to manage role descriptions and career progression. But the truth is that our hearts were never really in to make Cascade into another |HR software, and so we never fully committed to taking the software in this direction. Scene 3. Strategy. As an alternative, we started to lean into the ‘strategy’ space more and| more. We published hugely popular blog posts on topics like 'How to write a vision statement’ and started to attract a reasonably large community of business professionals who were passionate about strategic planning and execution. We were also very popular with consultants as our software took the concepts that have been around in strategic planning for years, and turned them into a platform that a broader audience could relate to. Scene 4 & 5. Rocket The) strategy) phase jof our company brought | huge amount of| growth | and product awareness, Despite being completely bootstrapped,| we | managed ta grow tthe company tto| $4m jin revenue jand|achieve the top| ranking on software review sites in the /Strategiq Planning Software’) category! We also had quite a few reasonably large enterprise deployments | behind) us, where Fortune 500 companies, | governments and ther | large entities had deployed Cascade (some more successfully than | others) to hundreds jon thousands of people and were using jit to drivel| a level of cohesive strategic reporting that most fi them were happy\| with,

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