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In Vietnam, the family is considered a foundation of culture and society. There are major
differences in family life and responsibilities between Vietnam and Western countries. The principle of
the extended family is alive with usually three to four generations living together in a house in Vietnam.

While Western culture promotes individuality, the family unit is very important in Vietnamese
culture. Family members are expected to work and behave for the good of the group. Even though the
family is viewed as a unit, the father or an older male has the ultimate responsibility and acts as a leader
while assigning tasks and involving others in decision making. Respect for the elderly is also important in
Vietnamese society and it is rare that other family members will go against the wishes of parents and
grandparents. However, it doesn’t mean that younger members of the family members of the family are
ignored. Respect runs through every level of society. Some members of the family leave home to head
for the big cities. Therefore, on some special occasions in the year, they are likely to return home if

As a member of a family, you receive moral support and material assistance from other
members. Vice versa, you are also expected to help other members in your family when they are in
need. Family ties are reflected in emotional support, materials and financial issues as well.

In conclusion, relationships between family members in Vietnam are close-knit and each
member show a certain amount of respect towards each other. Everyone is encouraged to maintain
independent views and voice their own opinions if necessary.

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