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मत्ृ यु से सम्बंधित शब्द

1. Death – मौत/मत्ृ यु (Death can come anytime.)

2. Dead – मुर्दा (Dead cannot speak.)
3. Soul – आत्मद/रूह (I saw his soul.)
4. Bier – अर्थी/ मय्यत (There were many people in his bier.)
5. Last journey – अंततमयदत्रद (His last journey was telecasted on the TV.)
6. Pyre – चितद (His pyre is burning.)
7. Bury – र्फनदनद (He will be buried in Delhi.)
8. Coffin – तदबूत (लकड़ी कद बक्सद) (He will be kept in the coffin.)
9. Grave – कब्र (His grave is near the tree.)
10.Shroud – कफन (He could not get even shroud.)
11.Graveyard – कब्रब्रस्तदन (This is the biggest graveyard in our area.)
12.On deathbed – कब्र में पैर लटकनद (He is on deathbed.)
13.Funeral – अंततम संस्कदर (Why did you not come in his funeral.)
14.Funeral house – मर्ु दाघर/मुर्दाघदट (There is a funeral house at the bank of
Yamuna river.)
15.Mortuary – शवग्रह (His dead body is kept in mortuary for last 3 days.)
16.Rest in peace (R.I.P) – ईस्वर उसकी आत्मद को शदन्तत र्े (May he rest in peace.)
17.He died – वह मर गयद
18.Passed away – छोड़कर िले जदनद (He is passed away.)
19.May the god lift him – ईस्वर उसे उठदले|

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