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1)The following are critical components of communication except

a) Symbolic
b) Transactional
c) Socia
d) Values

2)Communication is intentional means

a) Both the sender and the receiver should be willing to communicate.

b) Communication should have feedback:
c) Communication should base on communicator’s skills.
d) Communication should be effective.

3)The following are forms of communications except

a) Oral communication
b) Non-verbal communication
c) Group communication
d) Written communication

4)Which statement is wrong?

a) Written communication takes long time

b) Verbal communication is time and money saving device
c) With non-verbal communication, it is sometimes not easy to interpret what the communicator
wants to mean
d) There is a permanent record of what is communicated with verbal communication

5)One the following is not non-verbal communication

a) Frowning
b) Winking
c) Waving a hand
d) Letter

6)Encoding a message means

a) Receiving a message and interpret it

b) Thinking about what to communicate and then use symbols or other means to put it down
c) Giving feedback
d) Using channels to transmit a message
7)Health care providers communicate with patients to

7)Health care providers communicate with patients to

a) Establish and maintain a relationship

b) Promote inequality in that relationship
c) Provide information
d) Promote recovery

8)The following are communication skills except

a) Paraphrasing
b) Summarizing
c) Active listening
d) Using silence

9)When with a patient a good listener should do the following except

a) Rise above hostility

b) Be patient
c) Minimize distraction
d) Receive a call from other health providers

10)Which one is not among the qualities of a good heal communication

a) Talk slowly and clearly

b) Use a positive language
c) Be confident
d) Ask close-ended questions only

11)One of the following is not a characteristic of effective communication

a) Builds on ideas, concepts and practices that people already have

b) Promotes actions that are realistic and feasible within constraint faced by the community
c) Uses demonstration to show the benefits of adopting practices
d) Uses unclear language and never emphasizes short term benefits of action

12)One of the following is non-therapeutic communication technique. Which one?

a) Sharing humor
b) Giving advice
c) Sharing observation
d) Self-disclosure

13)All the following are non-therapeutic communication techniques except

a) Value judgment
b) Incongruence
c) Overloading
d) Using touch

14)Which statement is wrong

a) Non-therapeutic communication will make the patient feel uncomfortable

b) Therapeutic communication techniques make the patient comfortable enough to talk
c) Therapeutic communication techniques are used with patient at health centers and hospitals only
d) Non-therapeutic communication should be avoided to promote good relationship with the patient

15)Among the following methods. Which one is very convenient for teaching about how to use bed

a) Using demonstration
b) Lecturing with discussion
c) Debate
d) Guest speaker

16) The following are qualities of good message except

a) Concise
b) Capable of being carried out
c) Convincing
d) Not too easy to be understood by all uneducated people

17)The following are communication barriers except

a) Poor retention
b) Prejudices
c) Distortion
d) Patient type

18) The following personality traits can become a barrier to your communication except

a) Quibbler
b) Internal questioner
c) Talkative
d) Communicative

19) Bcc stands for

a) Behavior change communication

b) Behavior centre communication
c) Behavior collateral change
d) Behavior communication change


1)Byukusenge Yvette comes to you for counseling service. choose the best answer that indicates the
respective areas of change that are likely to occur throughout the whole session

a) Perception attitudes and behavior

b) Mindset behavior and physical appearance
c) Behavior beliefs and level of emotional distress
d) Beliefs, lifestyle and level of love
e) Appreciation critical thinking positive behavior

2) A counselor and a medical doctor are both health professionals who have similarities and differences
in their work. Indicate at least three differences that you know.

3)Circle the correct answer in counseling you should avoid

a) Arguing with the client

b) Advising the client
c) Emphasizes
d) both (a) and (b)

4)Choose the correct answer. The counseling process comprises the following

a) comprehension, exploration and action

b) understanding, empathizing and action
c) exploration, understanding and action
d) organization, action, understanding
e) reflecting, summarizing and action

5) indicate by using true or false to the following statement

 couple counseling involves other people who have similar experiences and characteristics as
the client F
 in a counseling session the main goal is to influence client attitudes ,beliefs and behavior to
those of a counselor f
 empathy refers to an attitude of showing your client that you are also a person with emotions
and understand what they are going through
 counseling help people to understand their feelings and emotions better
 in humanistic approach ,the counselor is an expert

6) Suppose that you are a professional counselor and you want to conduct a counseling session. Name
five skills you are likely to use for effective session

7) What does SOLER stands for in counseling session ?

8) Answer by adding the theories that corresponding with the following concepts


a) Individual potential for growth

b) Early childhood experience
c) People are trustworthy and genuine
d) Our thoughts influence our behavior
e) Oedipus complex
f) Unconditional positive regards


NYABYENDA is a 30 years old man a young graduate from university of Cape

town and luckily enough has been appointed in two different jobs in the country.

The first job is in the banking industry and the second job is in any international
organizational . he is handsomely supposed to be paid in the first job but with
little allowances while in second one his pay is lower compared with the first one
though with high allowances. As of now he is confused as to which of the two
jobs he can go for .with this confusion NYABYENDA comes to your counseling
office for professional help

 Using knowledge gained in introduction to counseling help this client to

come out of his dilemma and take up one of the jobs.

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