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Materials for sociology,

1. In sociology the data alone are not informative because:

a. Data needs theory to offer explanation

b. Data has two components
c. Data without theory is not sociology
d. Both a and c are true

2. The importance of theory is:

a. To know the correlation between ice cream consumption and crime rate
b. Aggregating data for large groups of people in Europe
c. Gaining better understanding of social the phenomena
d. None is correct

3. Which of these theories is the best?

a. Structural functionalism
b. Conflict theory
c. Social constructionism
d. All theory are complementary

4. Conflict theory was developed to:

a. Limit persecution
b. Motivate solidarity
c. Limit solidarity
d. Limit competition

5. Sociology can be defined as:

a. A process of educating citizens on their rights, duties and responsibilities

b. Study of exchange of ideas
c. Attempts of science about how people live together and are related to one another
d. Study of behaviors

6. Sociological research methods are identified as:

a. Characterization and experiments

b. Quantitative phenomena and prediction
c. Qualitative and quantitative phenomena ®
d. Characterization and qualitative phenomena

7. In order to perform scientific sociological method the following steps are followed:

a. Isolation, satisfaction
b. Characterization, hypothesis, prediction and experiment
c. Characterization and data analysis
d. Qualification, hypothesis and prediction

8. While sociologists were developing sociology they believed to build a world required:
a. Happiness and modernization
b. Development, progress and solidarity
c. Solidarity, attainment of social goals and equality of social classes
d. Behavior changes, poverty reduction and justice

9. The person who emphasized the importance of cultural idea and values of society change

a. Robert Merton

b. Harriet Martinea

c. Marx Weber

d. W.E.B de bois

10. Deviance is violation of

a. Cultural norms

b. Legal norms

c. Religious norms

d. all of these

11. When gender equality is not respected it may result in some deviance including
violence. Gender equality refers to:

a. Both women and men have equal opportunities.

b. Men are more promoted than women

c. Men and women respect government laws

d. Men and women have equal opportunities and complementarities

12. Which of these is correct according to the meaning of norms in Rwandan traditional

a. Women could milk cows

b. Man could sweep and build houses

c. Women were allowed to eat goat’s meat

d. None

13. Society refers to:

a. A group of people who live together sharing the same church and beliefs
b. A group of people who share the same purpose of gaining profits from their hard
c. A group of people who share the same resources.
d. A group of people who share a defined territory and culture

14. Culture is important in society because:

a. It is useful in maintenance of respect
b. It helps in keeping records of beliefs
c. It helps in shaping the moral values of the society
d. All of them are correct
15. Culture can only exist where:
a. There is a conflict
b. There is a society
c. There are many sociologists
d. There is development

16. Society is almost synonymous with bureaucracy. What does the term bureaucracy
a. It is the situation in which all people participate in the ruling of the society
b. It is a type of organizational and institutional management in which people are on the same
c. It is the place where leaders of the society meet in order to discuss ways to improve their
d. It is a group of government that has many complicated rules and ways of doing things
17. One social trait often used for ethnic classification is

a) Football
b) Nationality
c) Psychology


18. Individual should be treated differently according to:

a) The knowledge
b) The house
c) The racial classification
d) The number of children

19.The racism is expressed by the following terms except

a) Explicit thoughts that promote inequalities among races.

b) Explicit feelings that promote inequalities among races.
c) Explicit of acts that promote inequalities among races.
d) Developing thoughts feeling, acts that socially promotes equalities among races.

20. Sociology is defined as

a) A scientific study of governing groups and countries of Africa.

b) A scientific study of human mind and behaviors.
c) A scientific study of human social life.
d) A scientific study of all living things in their environment.

21. In sociology, racism can refer to the following beliefs and behaviors:

a) Race is the primary determinant of human capacities.

b) Individuals should be treated differently based on racial classification.
c) All people are created with equal right and intelligence.
d) Only a ,b ,and c are correct

22. The process of education begins at :

a. Adolescence stage

b. Adult stage
c. Birth stage

d. Old stage

23. The goal of education is:

a. Eradicate poverty in the country

b. To enable student to work hard

c. The growth of students so that they become productive citizens

d. To promote gender balance in the country.

24. Definition of health is

a. The way of living possessing all basic needs
b. The state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing.
c. Living without illness
d. No answer

25. The meaning of medicine is

a. Prescription of medication to a patient.
b. A process of giving psychological counseling
c. A science of diagnosis, treating, preventing, and maintaining health.
d. Giving drugs to patients.

26. Alternative medicine was criticized as

a. More effectively and easy way of treating.
b. Having poor diagnosis and delaying way of treating.
c. Fast method of treating diseases and is more accurate.
d. No answer.

27. Culture is complicated phenomenon to understand because

a) Misunderstanding of people in their society

b) It is both distinct form but clearly associated with society

c) Culture are influenced by white people

d) If people didn’t accept to be cultured process of cultulization

28. Norms are:

a. Set of common understanding that they employ fashioning their actions and
Make society possible by providing common framework of meaning

b. Are social rules that specify appropriate and in appropriate behavior in

Given situation

c. Are a broad ideas regarding what is desirable correct and good that most

Member of society share

29. Long and Hadden carried out a reach on socialization by joining groups and came up with
the new definition, such that;
a. Socialization is the way people live in the society
b. Socialization is the process in which people lean skills, knowledge, values, motives and roles
of the groups to which they belong.
c. Socialization is the process incorporating new member s of a group from a pool of new
comers, carried out by members and their allies
d. Socialize is the study of human life.
30. After carrying out a research about socialization and death preparation, Marshall found that
people in retirement home,
a. They well exited to live to live there
b. They came to find appositive life style as well as accepting and preparing for their impending
c. They became more disparate and lonely
d. None of these is correct.

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