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A Folktale fron Mexico


Cuckoo was a veru beautiful bird. "She ma!j
be ver!j beautiful," squowked the parrots, "but
she's not ver!j helpful. All she does is sing."

"C'koo, c'koo," Cuckoo sang all dcu and

into the night.

"Cuckoo," cooed the doves. "PIease stop

singing and go to sIeep. We have to collect the
seeds for ~inter tomorrow. We need ever!:Jone
to heIp."
But the next morning, Cuckoo sang as she
clwuus did. All the other birds collected as man!:J
seeds as theu could. Thcu collected them írom
acorns and peppers.squosh and tomatoes. Then,
thcu dropped them near the woods.

Once theu had finished their work, the birds

fcll asleep. Even wise old Owl fcll asleep. .
Theu were all so tired.


Cuckoo was not pleased. She did not like it

when no one listened to her singing.


While wondering what to do, she saw
something red moving through the branches.
1 wonder what that is, she thought. 1 hope ít's
not a bírd as beautiful as me!

But it wosrr't -o bird. It wos fire!

Cuckoo quicklu flew from her brunch
ond woke Owl to tell him of the dcnqer.

Owl called to the birds, "To the woods! We
must save the seeds!" But theu kept sleeping.

So Cuckoo began to co11ect the seeds.

She worked a11night long. The fire scorched
her colorful feothers, and her e!:Jesgrew red
from the smoke.
When she hod finished, she tried to sing, but
011 she could monog e wos, "Coo, coo-coo."

The stronge noise woke the birds. Thcu sow

thot the woods were burned ond block. Where
were the sceds? Whot would the birds eot during
the winter?

Then, the birds saw en ash-colored bird

circIing above them. "Is that !]OU,Cuckoo?"
theu cailed as theq wcited for the bird to Iand.

The gra!] bird Ianded. It was Cuckoo.

She told them that. the seeds were safe. She
had managed to coilect them ail!

AlI the birds were surprised at Cuckoo s

hard work.· "It just shows ~ou. You can't tell
much cbout. a bird b~ Iooking at its feathers,"
said Owl.

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