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Jl. Pakuan Tegallega Central Bogor, Bogor City 16143

Tel. (0251) 8312206

Arranged by

Dissa Fita Fauziah



Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, for His blessings and mercy so as to be able to complete

the Field Work Practice (PKL) report at the Pakuan University Faculty of Bogor according to the

set time.

This Field Work Practice Report is submitted as an evaluation tool and one of the

requirements for obtaining a PKL certificate.

I realize that this Field Work Practices Report involves many parties, therefore we would like

to thank:

1. Mrs. Erni Rohmawati, M.Pd., as the Head of SMK Pembangunan.

2. Mr. Wira Indrayana, A.Md., as Deputy Head of the School for Curriculum Affairs.

3. Mr Nandan Faturachman, S.Pd., as Deputy Principal of the Student Affairs School.

4. Mrs. Dessy Lestari, S.E., as Deputy Head of School Affairs for Industrial Relations (HUBIN),

and Head of Field Work Practices (PKL).

5. Ms. Yunita Rachmawati, S.Pd., as the Deputy Principal of the School of Facilities and


6. Mrs. Siti Rahmawati, S.Si., as the Chairperson of the Competency for Office Automation and

Management Skills.

7. Mrs. R. Resna Marini, S.Pd., as homeroom teacher for class XI-7.

8. Mrs. Andi Suryaningsih, S.SOS., M.Pd., as the Monitoring Team.

9. Mrs. Siti Musyarifah, A.Md., as Internal Advisor / report.

10. Mr. Martin Ridwan, S.H., as External Advisor.

11. Parents who have provided moral and material guidance.

12. Employees and other parties that I cannot mention one by one.
I realized that this street vendor report was far from perfect. Therefore, I really hope that

constructive criticism and suggestions are for improvement in the future. Hopefully this PKL

report can be useful for readers, especially myself.

Bogor, January 2020


A. Background.....................................................................................1
B. Objectives of Field Work Practices (PKL)......................................2
A. Company History............................................................................4
B. Time And Place of Implementation of Field Work Practices.........4
C. Activities........................................................................................4
D. Supporting and Inhibiting Factors .................................................5
E. Perceived benefits...........................................................................5
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................6
B. Suggestions........................................................................................6


A. Background

SMK Pembangunan as an educational institution that will produce quality graduates, apart

from providing knowledge during learning, also requires students to take part in the

Implementation of Field Work Practices (PKL). Fieldwork Practices (PKL) are an effort to

increase students' understanding, insights, and skills, to complement the competencies that have

been acquired during learning and are an intracular activity that requires students to observe and

practice accounting processing. This is in line with one of the SMK Pembangunan missions,

namely to support the creation of quality graduates who are able to develop and apply science

and technology.

The main hope of implementing field work practice activities is that besides students getting

professional skills and increasing their abilities according to the demands of the industrial

business world, students will also have a work ethic that includes work ability, work motivation,

initiative, creativity, quality work results and time discipline.

To detect the development of students in the business / industry world, a device is needed that

can provide information about the quality and types of student's Fieldwork Practices (PKL)

activities. The device in question is the Student Activity Journal. This journal functions as a form

of student activity reports while carrying out Field Work Practices (PKL) in the business /

industrial world.

B. Objectives of Field Work Practices (PKL)

Implementation of Field Work Practices (PKL) aims to:

1. Apply the knowledge that has been obtained during learning clearly and consistently with high

commitment, especially in the field of accounting.

2. Gaining work experience before entering the world of work.

3. Producing a workforce who has professional expertise with a level of knowledge, skills and

work ethic in accordance with the demands of the world of work.

4. Creating link and match conditions between school programs and the world of work.

5. Improve the efficiency of the education and training process for quality and professional


6. Give recognition and appreciation to work experience, as part of the vocational education




A. History / Background of the Establishment of the University

Pakuan University (UNPAK) is a continuation of the University of Bogor (UNBO) which was

active for decades from two decades to 1980. Several private universities in 1977 functioned

with this university, namely Tourism Academic, IKIP PGRI, Foreign Language Academic,

Academic Secretary of International Management and Academic Islamic Studies with the

organizing body of the Bogor Higher Education Foundation (YPTB).

On November 1, 1980, the University of Bogor officially changed its name to Pakuan University

under the Kartika Siliwangi Foundation for the Trustees of Pakuan University (YKS-PUP), a

new foundation formed by the Kartika Siliwangi Foundation as a substitute for YPTB as stated

in Decree No. Skep / 27 / YKS / VIII-A / 10/1980. This name change was approved by Notary

Mohamad Adam, S.H., In 1980 Unak had 4 (four) faculties, namely: the Law Faculty, the

Economics Faculty, the Teacher Training Faculty, and the Education Faculty, and the Letters

Faculty. One year later the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural

Sciences were opened as well as the Diploma 1 Program in Land Surveying and Mapping

Engineering; at that time there were 14 (fourteen) departments. In accordance with the Decree of

the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. No. 00330/0/1984, the

number of departments in Unpak changed, and became 21 (twenty one) majors in 1977.

B. Time and Place of Implementation of Field Work Practices

I did industrial employment practice at Jl. Pakuan Tegallega Central Bogor, Bogor City It was

started an 16 September 2019 to 16 November 2019 , It was divided on two shift time. First, It is

started at 8 am until 2 pm. The break time is about an hour and the second shift is started at 1 pm

until 7 pm.

C. Activities

1. Write a Disposition Sheet

Namely those who have received the letter must write their instructions on the disposition sheet,

and record instructions from the leadership regarding the follow-up process of letters received

from other parties.

2. Recording incoming letters in the agenda book

Namely, the activity of recording incoming / outgoing letters which is ordered by the leadership

and is recorded back into the agenda book for incoming / outgoing letters.

3. Stamp Certificate

Namely the activity of putting a stamp on a letter that has been legalized or signed by the

Director / other official.

4. Tidy up the verification files

Namely the activity of compiling the assignment file / according to each generation and then

stored in a place according to the year of the generation.

A. Supporting and Inhibiting Factors

1. Supporting Factors:

a. The Pakuan University Fieldwork Practice Place is strategic.

b. The existence of complete equipment facilities to support work.

c. The employees are also very friendly

d. It is very comfortable to be in the Field Work Practice place.

2. Inhibiting Factors

a. Sometimes there is no job so you become bored.

b. It takes time to adapt to the work environment because it is still in the introduction stage of the

world of work.

c. There is no direction from the supervisor.

E. Perceived benefits

1. Adding knowledge that was not previously known by the Field Work Practices students.

2. Gaining a lot of experience in the real world of work.

3. Acquire knowledge and experience in the world of work.



A. Conclusion

From the overall activities carried out by the author regarding fieldwork practice education

(PKL) it can be concluded as the following:

1. Can practice the material that has been learned in school.

2. Ami can understand the meaning of a job.

3. Adding insight about the world of work.

4. A lot of experience and knowledge during the Field Work Practice activities and we can or can

change our attitude to be disciplined, respectful of time and resilient at work.

B. Suggestions

Before I end the writing of this report, the writer would like to convey suggestions to the parties

concerned, including as the following:

1. Suggestions for parties

a. Be clearer in giving instructions or directions.

b. Can pay more attention to students who are doing Fieldwork Practices.

2. Suggestions for the school

a. Provide material provisions for students who will carry out Practical Field Work activities

b. Often supervise students who will carry out the Field Work Practice activities.

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