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Ocean and Coastal Management 185 (2020) 105055

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Analysis of the interrelations between biogeographic systems and the

dynamics of the Port-Waterfront Cities: Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Grace Andreas Montoya-Rojas a, *, Margui Almario García b, Shirly Bello-Escobar b,
Kushal Pal Singh c
Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales, Calle 222 No. 55 – 37, Bogot� a, Colombia
Marine Biology, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Colombia. Mundo Marino, Cra. 2 #11-68, El Rodadero, Magdalena, Colombia
Biogeophysic, National Geophysics Research Institute. Biogeophysics Laboratory, Electrical Geophysics Group, Room No.139, Extension Building 139, Uppal Road,
Hyderabad, 500007, Telangana, India


Keywords: This research shows that the correlations of the Port-Waterfront Cities and their development throughout history
Urban geography have led to conceptual evolution to strengthen and implement: sustainable cities. The main objective of this
Connectivity research was to perform a detailed analysis of the relationships between the Biogeographical Systems and the
Landscape ecology
dynamics of the Port-Waterfront Cities, to make an integrated approach between human and natural relations in
Sustainable city
Marine-coastal environments
these urbanized coastal-marine regions. Analytical tools associated with the General Theory of Systems and
critical thinking are employed. The reliable conceptual documentation is analyzed for achieving the preset ob­
jectives of the present research. Subsequently, a historical analysis of the Port-Waterfront Cities was carried out,
and a conceptual map was prepared by integrating conceptual information and the proposed biogeographic
systems such as the atmospheric, the hydrospheric, the geospheric, the biospheric and the anthropospheric.
Furthermore, a Sankey Diagram was developed to understand interactions between the biogeographic systems
and their dynamic flows entering the marine-coastal urban environment. In the present research, the city of
“Cartagena de Indias” and its surroundings in Colombia have been considered. Finally, sustainability guidelines
developed through a multi-criterion analysis were established as a contribution to urban planning management
and territorial ordering tools in marine-coastal environments.

1. Introduction the study of an integrated urban-coastal marine regions. Therefore,

three axes of analysis were conceptualized: the Port-Waterfront City
There is a disarticulation between environmental, social, economic, (PWC), the smart city, and the sustainable city. A brief historical review of
institutional and governmental aspects in the city of “Cartagena de In­ the milestones associated with such concepts since 10,000 BC until
dias”, this makes the city grow in an unsustainable way (see Fig. 1). The 2008, then, from 2008 to 2018, the state of knowledge of the General
focus of this research is articulated with the Sustainable Development Systems Theory (GST) in environmental management is highlighted, in
Goals, mainly with objective 11: sustainable cities and communities, in order to establish the existing correlations between the Biogeographic
which the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP, 2019) Systems (BS) and the aforementioned concepts. With this information, a
ratifies that “it is not possible to achieve sustainable development Sankey Diagram was constructed to organize the dynamic flows of the
without radically transforming the way we build and manage the urban SB of the study area and to propose sustainable management guidelines
spaces.” When approaching a seaport city with a transnational border, it in urbanized coastal-marine spaces.
is articulated in some way with objective 14: underwater life, where it is To develop an approach to this analysis, the investigation took as a
necessary "... to generate a framework to order and protect in a sus­ practical case the existing correlations of the city of “Cartagena de In­
tainable way the marine and coastal ecosystems of terrestrial pollution". dias” and the surroundings of the swap “La Virgen” in Colombia. With
Throughout the text, a primary analysis is made of how to approach the GST applied to the case and the review of the context of a PWC,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (G.A. Montoya-Rojas), (M.A. García), (S. Bello-
Escobar), (K.P. Singh).
Received 17 July 2019; Received in revised form 22 October 2019; Accepted 30 October 2019
Available online 15 November 2019
0964-5691/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G.A. Montoya-Rojas et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 185 (2020) 105055

different elements and relationships were identified that allowed us to integral actions and modernization not compatible with the natural
understand the different interactions with BSs in these urbanized environment. For what it is worth joining the goodwill of different ac­
coastal-marine spaces, as a basis for their management. In this sense, it is tors, and implement specific sustainability strategies.
clear that due to the globalized society increasingly consumer and The interrelations of the BS with the dimensions of sustainability
dependent, “the smart” loses its appeal as an innovative agenda. On the allow us to identify key aspects in marine-coastal environments, as a
other hand, it is closely aligned with the existing modes of urban strategy to alleviate the problems caused by urban population growth
development, which depend on neoliberal and consumerist modes of and accelerated urbanization (Veselitskaya et al., 2019), therefore, At
economic growth, putting at risk the expectations of “sustainability." the end of this paper, guidelines are incorporated that encompass the
However, the holistic vision carried out helps to identify the in­ dimensions of sustainability and their relationships between human -
terrelations between the natural and the human, to generate prospective natural, socio-cultural, economic - technical, governmental - adminis­
proposals for localized management, in those places where there were trative, and institutional - organizational.
pieces of evidence of nodes or focal points of tension between such in­
terrelationships. This work shows the importance of creating own 2. Methodology
models of management, according to the reality and particularity of
each territory. An exhaustive review was made on the themes of PWC, sustainable
Several studies or forms of analysis existing in the social and natural cities, and smart cities, in order to establish a solid and forceful rela­
sciences partially capture these interactions. The TGS emerges with new tionship between them. A review was made of outstanding authors on
concepts for natural and human systems (Liu et al., 2007a, b). As the topics endorsed by the scientific community,1 the experience of the
mentioned by Chin et al. (2014), these interactions also present authors was incorporated into consultancies and works associated with
ecological phenomena that vary their temporality, spatiality, and in­ sustainability, terrestrial and marine ecosystem services, in geoscientific
tensity of manifestation in terrestrial landscapes (Lew et al., 1999; analyzes, territorial studies, in soils and in landscape ecology; and the
Walker et al., 2004; Folke, 2006). In marine-coastal environments, experiences with different institutions, sectors, private entities,
planners need to diligently incorporate these analysis tools as pro­ governmental and academic.
specting inputs, since in these environments, such phenomena tend to be To organize the information and make the construction of logical and
more dynamic, intense and frequent. analytical thinking temporarily, historical milestones were identified
The GST has been used in complex studies of landscape ecology or from 10,000 BC to 2008, and to establish the state of knowledge, the
landscape system because this facilitates the delimitation of territorial importance and the relationship of the General Systems Theory (GST)
units (Mazzoni, 2014) as a starting point in the development of ideas and with environmental management, the decade between 2008 and 2018
procedures of territorial environmental planning (Rodríguez et al., was investigated. With this information, a conceptual map was con­
2012). The socio-cultural approach corresponds to taking into account structed that interweaves the BS with the concepts and the object of
the wealth of manifestations of different human groups in the analysis.
human-natural relationship. From the economic and administrative To apply the utility of the GST and identify the correlations of the BS
point of view, environmental management must have a pluralist vision, with the concepts of interest, the authors took as their object of study the
where creative and viable proposals are generated to respect the func­ city of Cartagena de Indias and the surroundings of the swamp of “La
tioning of ecosystems and maintain their productive capacities (Mon­ Virgen”, in Colombia. In these marine-coastal spaces, there is a cultural-
toya-Rojas, 2011). Finally, from a political, institutional and legal historical weight recognized worldwide (UNESCO, 2018), the land­
perspective, it is essential to include a governance approach where au­ scape, despite human intervention and urban pressure is still attractive,
thorities and civil society define mechanisms to process decision-making there is an international port to analyze local, national and cross-border
in favor of the common interest within a framework of legitimacy, dynamics. In addition to this, it is the interest of the District Council of
consensus, trust and transparency (Collazo, 2008; Gonza �lez, 2002). Cartagena de Indias, to make the city sustainable and competitive in the
One of the relevant conclusions was that the sustainability of the City coming years (PND, 2016).
is not only to value the cultural richness and the historical burden of Taking into account the above, the GST is a useful tool for marine-
Cartagena de Indias but also to rescue the landscape, biophysical and coastal management analysis. The systemic analysis approach can be a
geophysical richness found in this part of Magdalena watershed, the complex alternative that initially may not propose immediate solutions,

Fig. 1. Location of the analysis area.

largest basin in Colombia. Cartagena, a very important city for Colombia

and the Caribbean region, in addition to being a seaport and border of
international scope, currently suffers from strong comprehensive 1
With search in databases of journals and indexed books.

G.A. Montoya-Rojas et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 185 (2020) 105055

since it implies the understanding that the system has diverse elements, and Vikings occurred (Morris, 2008) and by the beginning of the 1st
in addition, it is made up of subsystems and, therefore, levels of century and the end of the 5th century, the cities took on greater
complexity they increase and each level, in turn, establishes a different importance, enriching themselves with buildings and markets. These
organizational model (Vega, 2005). Even so, the systemic analysis pro­ aspects increased pollution, awakening the interest of citizens to create
poses an organizational process that has a common purpose, where it is ways to combat the growing deterioration of nature, without affecting
necessary to understand the relationship between society and the the commercial functions that enhanced the ports. For the seventh
environment as a determining factor, which actives processes of change century to the ninth, trade became a consumer economy, however, by
in the environment. Therefore, the role of the human being and its ca­ the end of the tenth-century trade and smuggling through the ports
pacity to generate changes and reactions in the goods and services of resurfaced, giving an uncontrolled urban expansion towards the end of
ecosystems is analyzed (Bertalanffy, 2006). This understanding of re­ the twelfth century.
ality allows us to understand the dynamics of urbanized coastal-marine The new forms of construction of docks appear in the 18th century,
spaces and the reason for the various existing phenomena. due to the first steam engines. Rudimentary defenses, telescopes, and
For a PWC where so many elements converge, the three criteria of mooring systems appeared (Martner, 1999), which will facilitate import
complex thinking (Bustamante et al., 2018) were incorporated into this and export in port pages. By the nineteenth century, the port lost
research are: the dialogical, because the natural and human environment importance and only those ports that exported raw materials had greater
interact, the recursive, because such interactions react mutually, making dynamism (Wallerstein, 1996), this was the product of what became
the best bilateral benefit, despite their mutual disturbances; and the known as the century of protectionism, due to a growing concern for the
hologramatic, since all the parts of the analysis space are studied conservation of natural resources. From there arose the term ecodevel­
comprehensively, for the case, as previously mentioned, the BS are opment as a representation of commitment, which sought to reconcile
grouped as follows: atmospheric systems, hydrospheric system, geos­ the increase in production, with respect for ecosystems (Sachs, 1994).
pheric system, biospheric system and anthropospheric system (Mon­ Continuing with this ideology, equilibrium strategies were proposed so
toya- Rojas, 2018: p.52). The complexity of the socio-ecological aspects as not to collapse the ports, so for the twentieth century, the port
(García-Onetti, et al., 2018), constantly interact in complex environ­ manages to integrate itself into the binding dynamics of exchange
ments between continent and sea. With the GST, an environmental mainly between the local and the global (Fossey, 1997). With these
management system can be established, with an integral perspective, advances and new visions, enter the space-time relationship to the ports.
where a series of activities are defined within the complexity of the With the influence of technology and telecommunications, together
biogeophysical, social, cultural, political, and economic relations of the with the development of transport, the socio-economic relations of the
local and global environment (Vega, 2005; Morín, 1998). The effects of ports were empowered. Developers and environmentalists undertake
these relationships manifest themselves in time and space. (Gonz� alez alliances to analyze and innovate in solving problems that inhabitants of
and Rolda �n, 2003). port cities were facing (Dixon and Fallon, 1991; Solow, 1991) such as
By breaking down the applicability of the GST in the environmental alteration of the landscape, impact of soil regulation services due to
management systems of cities, the ability of this theory to organize the changes in the use of land cover, floods increased, pollution of inland
different elements of the object of analysis is identified. In Fig. 2, this and maritime waters increased, altering the healthiness of groundwater,
analysis is outlined for what concerns cities of the marine-coastal contraband, social decomposition, insecurity, accelerated growth of
environment and all the steps and aspects that were taken for the cities without adequate regulation of the impacts on marine-coastal
research. biodiversity, among others.
Taking into account that the PWC is a dynamic system that contin­ In the 19th century, the concept of the smart city began to develop, to
ually transforms its environment, a Sankey Diagram was prepared generate solutions to particular problems of each city and, for the 20th
(Sankey, 1898 cited by Schmidt, 2008). According to Smith (2008), this century, humanity was immersed in an experiment where the rural
diagram was an important aid to point out the inefficiencies and po­ became rapidly urban (Girard, 2013), due to the more significant ad­
tential savings and administration to the use of resources (Schmidt, vances and better opportunities. Finally, for the 21st century, the
2008), which applies to the natural system and its human demands. In concept of ecological city or eco-city becomes important, it is the inno­
the diagram, the perception and initial intuition about the dynamics of vation niche of the urban planners, since alternatives are created to
complex systems in an organized way were represented (Moeller and avoid energy waste and reactivate pollution control instruments,
Rolf, 1995), in this case, the dynamics of the BS, in the object of study accompanied by various initiatives of virtual socialization (Colado,
was: Cartagena de Indias and the swamp of “La Virgen”. With the rep­ 2014; Illescas et al., 2018 in According to the Population Fund
resentation of the diagram, the BS flow was schematized when inter­ for the United Nations (2007, UNDP, 2019), by2050,2 the world popu­
acting with Cartagena and the swamp, and the state of the BS once these lation will have increased by 70%, and the majority will be concentrated
spaces have metabolized them. in cities. Coastal cities will increase the risk to natural phenomena due to
Finally, with the contribution, the discussion of experts, and through the low rate of implementation of integrated urban planning, that is, the
the analysis of the interactions of the BS in the study area, sustainability harmonization between human and natural dynamics that interact in
strategies and guidelines were proposed for each of the BS studied. these spaces. By 2030, it is expected to see results of adequate man­
agement in the case of cities with the Sustainable Development Goal 11:
3. Results sustainable cities and communities, one of the objectives with which this
research is articulated.
3.1. Brief retrospective: historical milestones associated with Port-
Waterfront Cities 3.2. Conceptual correlations of the biogeographic systems (BS) between
the Port-Waterfront City (PWC) and the sustainable city
The concept of PWC is not recent. The first housing infrastructures
began to be developed more than 10,000 years BC, and humans began The city is the territorial center of the accumulation of capital, the
irrigation and crop rotation techniques (Morris, 2008), practices that collective instrument of social production, the spatial center of the dis­
strengthened their settlements. This gave way to the creation of means tribution and exchange of goods and services (S� anchez, 2016). For
of transport such as ships, rural paths, roads and ports, used for mar­ others, it will be the space for the idealization and projection of life,
keting merchandise, which remained as a surplus of agricultural activ­
ities (Martner, 1999). During the tenth and fifth centuries BC the
construction of maritime ports of commercial importance by the Romans 2
“In 2050, the figure will be 6,500 million people, two thirds of humanity…”

G.A. Montoya-Rojas et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 185 (2020) 105055

Fig. 2. Applicability of the GST in environmental management.

which enriches the visions and specific ways of using these spaces. Such are projected.
aspects offer an opportunity to organize and plan coherently with the The PWC are characterized by being decisive centers of exchange in
natural supply of a basin and/or region with specific biogeographic coastal regions, considered as the economic backbone (Akhavan, 2017)
characteristics and existing, preexisting and projected human in­ that energizes these territories. This type of cities face challenges
teractions. Here the main the emphasis is given on the PWC of “Carta­ derived from congestion and pollution mainly from air and seawater
gena de Indias”, as a case to analyze the articulation of the BS, the ideals (Monios et al., 2018), as in the first instance, the exhaust gases from
of sustainability, and in which the concepts of a possible intelligent city combustion that occur very near the continental and insular coasts, at

G.A. Montoya-Rojas et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 185 (2020) 105055

sea level, they greatly affect environmentally sensitive areas (Tichavska addition to this, energy-saving and support for renewable energies are
and Tovar, 2015). Secondly, marine pollution, by ballast and bilge basic elements of Hamburg’s sustainability strategy (Bosca, 2013). In
water, which have been associated with the introduction of invasive this sense, the systemic thinking of all the Biogeographic Systems (BS)
species (ballast water) and the entry of organic and inorganic materials that interact in these spaces, applied in the cities, can be adopted as a
(bilge water), threaten biodiversity, marine economic activities such as management tool to face the environmental crisis, since it is unavoidable
fishing, food supply and nature tourism, therefore, human health (Bax to apply an integral approach, where solutions for the transformation of
et al., 2003; Gerhard and Gunsch, 2018). This pollution brought about technical knowledge are addressed, accompanied by the vision of in­
by the aforementioned activities affects the initiative to turn these cities dividuals (Costa and Ferreira, 2017), and in the same way, it is under­
into sustainable ones since the possibility of creating enough to thrive in stood that each action generates an impact that can be positive or
themselves and their environment is undermined (Pinzo �n-Botero, negative for the environment.
2015). In the same way, developing cities suffer from overpopulation, It is clear that for the PWC of “Cartagena de Indias”, the main chal­
with high energy demands that suppressing the water resources, and lenge begins with actions that lead to sustainability, the concept of smart
therefore, programs of efficient use of water and energy in infrastructure city, for the moment, will be a further step. Fig. 3 illustrates the analyzed
are among the priorities on a global scale (Pereira-Ribeiroa et al., 2018). interrelationships of the SB, such as the atmospheric, the hydrospheric,
It is evident that the need to solve the problems that affect the envi­ the geospheric, the biospheric, and the anthropospheric, with the con­
ronment, have appeared with greater boom in recent years in urban cepts of PWC, sustainable city, and smart city in a marine-coastal space
innovation, with proposals to handle emerging challenges in the pro­ of the Colombian Caribbean Sea.
vision of urban services, as promoted by the concept of smart city (Al­
bino et al., 2015). Likewise, new models of agriculture (urban 4. Discussion
agriculture) have been sought, which has helped to increase the quality
of life and to solve the problems of food security, in some cities of the 4.1. Dynamics of biogeographic systems (BS) in the study area
world (Ferreira et al., 2018).
The smart city is known as a territory with great learning and The City is a key space in the strategic plans for the future, since it
innovation capacity, creative, with the presence of research and devel­ plays a vital role in local, regional and global sustainability (Miguel-­
opment institutions, higher education centers, endowed with digital Velasco et al., 2017), the demand for the natural supply of the watershed
infrastructure and communication technologies, together with a high where it is located. In this sense, the City can be seen as a dynamic
level of management performance (Liugailaite-Radzvickiene and Juce­ system or a space to accommodate a large part of human activities. For
vicius, 2014; Sikora-Ferna �ndez, 2017). For a city to be smart, it must this reason, to see in a holistic way the correlations of the BS, will serve
have participatory human and social capital, communication infra­ as an input to organize the large volume of information systems (Big
structure, both traditional and modern, and that conform to the theory Data), facilitate reliable communications (Gonz� alez, 2002), will guide
of sustainable development (Sikora-Ferna �ndez, 2017). Therefore, some the development of the thriving infrastructures and other functional
clarifications should be made about how the city becomes intelligent, elements of the cities. These issues constitute the challenges in research,
such as understanding that intelligence is about creating/knowing and innovation, and development of the XXI century in the watershed-city
not just about technologies; the social system of intelligent action must integration. However, there are ecological concerns both for the
create knowledge from both the internal and external environment, global dynamics of the Earth and for the effects of the cumulative im­
applying it in decisions to successfully perceive emerging changes pacts of previous and actual human activities. The study of the systems
(Sikora-Ferna �ndez, 2017). and their processes, has been carried out from models that are usually
However, in many cases as the urban infrastructure is digitalized, the called black boxes (Herrera, 2007), where inputs, natural phenomena (or
development of tensions that undermine the expectations and claims irregular entries), storage, and outputs associated with identified BSs.
that the smart city can and will provide urban sustainability is promoted Therefore, to this primary analysis, the Sankey diagram was intro­
(Martín et al., 2018), among these tensions is it has: (i) economic growth duced (see Fig. 4), as an instrument to outline the dynamics of the said
is unsustainable (Piketty, 2015), (ii) the benefits of digital innovation black box. In this research, the swamp “La Virgen” was chosen, where the
will be distributed unequally (Hollands, 2014; Wiig, 2016), (iii) digital PWC of “Cartagena de Indias” is located within the central part of the
innovations weaken and marginalize to citizens, (iv) digitization of Caribbean front of the Department of Bolivar, Colombia, covering about
urban infrastructure recently to protect the environment (Gabrys, 2014; 520 km2 of extension (Torregroza et al., 2014). The marsh, in addition,
Hollands, 2014), and that (v) consumer cultures are unsustainable of the entry of water by the sea and rainfall (IDEAM, 2013), has been for
(Viitanen and Kingston, 2014; Montoya, 2014). Yigitcanlar and Kam­ many years the main receiving body of rainwater and wastewater of the
ruzzaman (2018) suggest that for the success of smart cities, it is City (Beltr�an, 2003; Maldonado et al., 2011), which convert it into a
necessary to provide certain elements to cities, such as the ability to storage system (Tirado et al., 2011). On the other hand, it is charac­
develop its unique technologies for its own problems and development terized mainly by the presence of mangrove ecosystems
needs, in a way that contributes to the establishment of a local economy (Ya�nez-Arancibia et al., 1998), which have the capacity to tolerate and
of innovation and prosperity. It is good to promote, that the technologies grow in saline and oxygen-poor environments (Agraz et al., 2006), of­
are not exclusive for the urban elites, but also inclusive for those un­ fering an endless supply of ecosystem services, which make the swamp
fortunate population, which will promote socioeconomic equity. Like­ meet an important ecological role that affects the inhabitants of “Car­
wise, reforming cities through the adoption of principles of sustainable tagena de Indias favorably”. For example, it is a carbon storage that
urban development, for example, minimizing the urban footprint, provides food and regulates the flow of coastal tides. It must be taken
establishing urban farms and using renewable energy sources, would into account that the water exchange capacity is very limited, which has
generate ecological sustainability, and finally, equate cities with highly resulted in problems such as the reduction of the lagoon flow and loss of
dynamic mechanisms for better plan their growth and manage their its environmental dynamics (Moor, 2002; Beltra �n and Suarez, 2010
daily operational challenges. Tirado et al., 2011). Coastal-marine habitats with vegetation like man­
Taking into account the above, one of the clearest examples of the groves, salt marshes, grasslands and other seagrasses, are storing much
development of a port city, which has focused on using ideas of sus­ of the carbon emitted by humans into the atmosphere, known as “blue
tainability and, therefore, elements of a smart city, is the city of carbon"(García-Onetti, 2017).
Hamburg. It has a port, which occupies the second position in the Eu­ Fig. 4 reflects that dynamic flow that Sankey allows to point, so it is
ropean ranking of ports and implements logistics systems based on in­ suggested that from the dimensions of sustainability: natural, socio-
formation technologies of the Smart Port Logistics (Rosales, 2018). In cultural, economic-technical, political-administrative and institutional-

G.A. Montoya-Rojas et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 185 (2020) 105055

Fig. 3. – Conceptual correlations of the biogeographic systems between port waterfront city, sustainable city, and smart city.

organizational, a commitment is generated that identifies urban spaces guidelines are proposed in each of the dimensions of sustainability
as catalysts for development through the spatial fixation of organized proposed for each BS, as shown in Table 1.
industrial and economic activities, in favor of the coexistence of natural
wealth and the interest of many to settle in the City, even more so with a 5. Conclusions
port of historical transcendence as Cartagena has it.
The proposal of this manuscript focused on analyzing information
4.2. Guidelines for the sustainability of the PWCs of “Cartagena de and consolidating it analytically, to guide the incorporation of own
Indias” models of sustainability based on the particular biogeographic condi­
tions of the urbanized coastal-marine spaces, in a holistic, integral and
A PWC like Cartagena, has the current challenge of propending for organized way. The PWCs are crucial in the regional, transnational, and
sustainability and in a later stage of the construction said desire, will be global connection; therefore, their management strategies must be
coupled some benefits of the concepts of smart city in order to allow a specific to each biogeographical location. The GST was incorporated as a
progressive economy (Akhavan, 2017), without sacrifice the historical useful tool for analyzing complex environments. Therefore, the review
richness and the natural environment that characterize it. On the con­ and conceptual analysis of BS and dynamic flows analyzed in the Sankey
trary, it will be necessary to strengthen spaces where natural resources Diagram helped to specify interrelations and key connections, which
are managed efficiently, that allows improving the quality of life of allowed to propose some guidelines of sustainability for the PWC of
citizens equitably, through the use of technologies and trained human “Cartagena de Indias."
resources (Pereira-Ribeiroa et al., 2018), that can contribute to finding Analyzing cities as a system that has a complex behavior, implies the
solutions in a practical and local way (Gonza �lez, 2002). Propending to recognition that there are hidden relationships between its elements and
increase the use of technologies in “Cartagena de Indias” can bring with other systems, which may remain that way or become more evident
benefits, such as: “reduction of the consumption of resources, especially at any moment of time, and that also involve processes that can trigger a
energy and water; the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and the transformation of the environment, that is why it is important to detect
improvement of the use of existing infrastructure” (Harrison and Don­ those relationships.
nelly, 2011 cited by Veselitskaya et al., 2019). However, the suggestions When referring to the environment, generally it tends toward
and proposals for guidelines for sustainability are proposed in a specific reductionism, prioritizing the biological and physicochemical elements,
manner within the framework of the BS and the sustainability di­ however, it is necessary to include the human being and all its material
mensions mentioned and proposed for this research. and subjective manifestations, since their relationship produces a
In an analogous way, environmental management becomes a diffi­ notable impact, which It leads to analyze the environment from a sys­
cult task when the complex dynamics of this PWC are not disentangled, temic perspective, fundamental to provide tools that serve as support in
therefore, with the historical milestones of the PWC, the understanding the solution of environmental problems, which put sustainability at risk.
of the conceptual correlations among the BS, valuing the utility of the The environmental management of urbanized coastal-marine envi­
GST for the management of marine-coastal environments, and observing ronments should be aimed at creating elements of development for all
the flows of inputs and outputs from the city of Cartagena, some dimensions of sustainability, for each of the BS, in this way,

G.A. Montoya-Rojas et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 185 (2020) 105055

Fig. 4. Diagram of Sankey of the PWC of Cartagena de Indias.

comprehensive, articulated, and coordinated actions are guaranteed. biogeographic systems with the highest requirements. In the Sankey
Even for future lines of research, the proposed guidelines may have their diagram, the flow of entry of this system to the study PWC is not fully
own monitoring and control indicators, which would serve for the evident, but the superficial, subsurface, freshwater and salty water part
processes of accountability and decision makers. are very varied in the area. So when plating sustainability guidelines in
From the atmospheric system, the conceptual map and the Sankey this system, it is concluded that the first thing to do is diagnose the state
diagram, reflect that the most relevant is to reduce greenhouse gas of these bodies of water, investigate the water surface supported by the
emissions in public transport and the port complex. It is necessary to bathymetric depths, and the potential to generate tidal energy. Also,
manage knowledge and research about the baseline of air quality, fixed study the flow of groundwater that connect with the marine part will key
and mobile sources of electromagnetic flow, visual pollution, and noise. aspect for manage the water resources in the right way. Also, it is
It will be necessary to strengthen the institutional framework and the concluded that the water resource must be seen from the guaranteed
articulation of environmental policies associated with the atmosphere. minimum for the human being, and that must be demanded rationally
This system is further intertwined with the biospheric by identifying in and regulated by the industry, aspect that needs to be handled coher­
land cover and marine ecosystems, core areas that serve as carbon sinks ently by the administrative and governmental dimension of the Carta­
and protect them (such as mangroves). gena. It was also specified that the institutional framework must be
When analyzing the geospheric system, we conclude that the most strengthened and articulated with the regional, local, and international
important thing in Cartagena is to reduce the conflicts of use associated scope, the latter marked by maritime borders.
with agro-industry and the transformation of land cover. The expansion Trends of saving and utilization of the water resource are suggested
of the infrastructure is causing alterations in the landscapes in an abrupt efficiently, reusing it in washing activities and carrying out a treatment
way. It is also highlighted, the need to increase the knowledge associ­ that allows its continuous recirculation, contributing in the state of the
ated with the marine-coastal geoforms, to lose sight of this information ecosystems and, therefore, of human well-being. Also, it will be neces­
is to ignore an important part of the territory, for this reason, the sary the increase in ballast and bilge water treatments. When thinking
institutional framework must strive to improve the availability of the about the prioritization of the human need for water as a vital resource,
bathymetric data in these areas, as well as the dynamics of marine it is oriented to sectors such as agriculture and mining must have limits
sediments, as well as natural phenomena related to geological and of use of water resources, reducing waste. The organization of the public
geomorphological dynamics of the Caribbean Sea. It will be necessary to and private sectors is recommended so that follow-up and monitoring
reduce the use of agrochemicals, pesticides, and organic waste in the processes are carried out on surface water bodies and aquifers.
agro-industry to have healthier and more resilient soils and The biospheric system is one of the most transformed biogeographic
groundwater. systems in the area, from the analysis of the historical landmarks of the
Regarding the hydrospheric system, it is evident that it is one of the PWC, we can detect the great landscape transformations that these

G.A. Montoya-Rojas et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 185 (2020) 105055

Table 1
Sustainability guidelines for the Port-Waterfront of Cartagena de Indias.
* Natural Socio -Cultural Economic - Technical Governmental - Administrative Institutional - Organizational

Atmospheric Identify the sources of fixed and Change in lifestyles, Promote the use of Articulation of environmental Institutional strengthening for
mobile contamination of from the training of efficient energy in the policies associated with air the management and
Greenhouse Gases, human resources to port. quality. prevention of the risk of air
electromagnetic flows, noise, reduce emissions of Reconversion of the pollution.
and visual quality. greenhouse gases. public transport system Control and monitoring of
Identify the natural phenomena Generate awareness in to electric motors. existing regulations on
associated with the climatic the consumption and greenhouse gas reduction
conditions of the Caribbean Sea management of solid
and the meteorological waste.
variations of Cartagena
throughout the year.
Geospheric Decrease the use of Promote sustainable Investigate Promote the valuation of the Link the academy for land use
agrochemicals, pesticides, and local productive systems bioengineering soil resource, not only as a planning.
organic waste. that mitigate techniques for the resource for agricultural Promote spaces for inter-
Diagnose the type of soils that desertification. expansion of sustainable production but also for institutional dialogue to
the basin-city has. Promote the infrastructure on land biodiversity. generate solutions in land use
Identify the natural phenomena consumption of organic and at sea. Reduce land-use conflicts, conflicts.
associated with geology, the products or with lower Incorporate respecting the offer of the Manage knowledge for the
geomorphological dynamics of concentrations of biotechnology for same. scientific classification of soil
the coast, the deltas, and the agrochemicals. agricultural use and in the basin-city in waterfront
marine sediments. minimize impacts on areas.
Hidrospheric Characterize the state of Create culture on the Prioritize the human Articulate environmental Control, monitoring, and
groundwater and surface water. adequate use and use of need for water as a vital policies associated with water surveillance of surface water
Increase in ballast and bilge water resources resource. resources. bodies and aquifers.
water treatments. efficiently. Limits of use and Tax incentives for the efficient Institutional strengthening for
Identify the natural phenomena Reuse of domestic exploitation of the use of water. the promotion of research,
associated with the dynamics of waters. agricultural and mining Incentives to improve the innovation, and development
the bodies of continental, Water rationing in the and energy sector. quality of water discharge. associated with water
underground, and marine industry and the hotel Promote techniques that Include nautical scales in resources in coastal, marine,
waters. sector in high season. avoid waste. territorial planning. and oceanic areas.
Improve the available Educate about marine Research tidal energy. Regulate and articulate with Institutional strengthening for
bathymetric information. and oceanic borders to international policies, the the implementation of
generate an integral degrees of shared regulations associated with
territorial responsibility of water in ports. water in international transit
appropriation. ports.
Biospheric Promote marine, coastal, and Decrease the culture of Harmonize between the To demonstrate the benefits of Structure knowledge networks
oceanic research. species trafficking. economy and the base of conservation, protection, and for the promotion of the
Reduce the generation of solid, Educate about the the economy (the natural management of ecosystems adequate use of biodiversity
organic waste, among others. effects of invasive or resources that sustain it). and biodiversity for the and ecosystem services.
Protect marine and coastal pathogenic species in Strengthen sustainable development of the Visualize the connection of the
ecosystems. marine-coastal interdisciplinary work for City, the Region, and the PWC in the global scope,
Zoning the potential areas of environments decision making. Country. within the country, and in the
ecosystem services of regulation, Increase environmental Harmonize the instruments of region, to do integrated and
provisioning, and culture. education to reduce the territorial planning of marine- holistic management.
negative impacts on coastal environments
different life forms and coherently.
their environment. Implement national and
international policies on
biodiversity and ecosystem
Antropospheric Know the state of the Promote collaboration Invest in port Empower an own model of Raise awareness about the
relationship of the population and solidarity among infrastructure with mixed integral management of the cross-border biogeographical
with the port. citizens, allowing for and efficient energies. marine-coastal environment of position.
Identify the sense of equity. Explore circular Cartagena. Encourage international
appropriation of the population Take advantage of economies to increase Develop participatory and cooperation for the
regarding the natural offer of the resources somewhat and natural and human dynamic governance with key management of PWC and its
city and its surroundings. reduce conflicts over welfare. actors identified strategically. particular human-natural
Analyze the state of the art of land use. Incorporate risk Promote public policies that environments.
sustainability of the City and Value spaces for good management into natural are binding and coherent with Strengthen capacities for risk
specify actions in the short, living. disasters, to invest in the needs of the PWC. management in the face of
medium, and long term. Orient healthy habits in structures that safeguard natural phenomena associated
the style of feeding (with lives. with marine-coastal
less agrochemicals and landscapes.
less animal protein

*Sustainability dimensions proposed to generate action guidelines in plans, programs or projects in the PWC.

marine-coastal spaces have, under pressure from the different activities ecosystems, so investing in research is the need of the hour.
that take place there. They also develop due to the low capacity to Subsequently, with the analysis of the conceptual correlations be­
implement integrated urban planning strategies. Additionally, there is a tween sustainable cities, smart cities, and the PWC, it is concluded that it
deficit in knowledge management of marine-coastal ecosystems, which is necessary to incorporate biodiversity and ecosystem services into
play a fundamental role in connectivity between terrestrial and oceanic urbanization decision making. The proposed sustainability guidelines

G.A. Montoya-Rojas et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 185 (2020) 105055

are due to the promotion of research, the introduction of geographic Funding

information systems to detect “hotspots or core areas” of protection and
conservation, in addition to the reduction of species traffic and envi­ Ingeniería, Geociencia y Sostenibilidad (INGEOS SAS), Colombia;
ronmental education that increases the assessment of the natural envi­ The World Academic of sciences (TWAS), Italy; Council Scientific and
ronment by its inhabitants and sectors, incorporating some principles of Industrial Research (CSIR-NGRI), India; Universidad de Ciencias Apli­
the circular economy. cadas y Ambientales (U.D.C.A), Colombia.
In addition, the conservation of biodiversity improves soil conditions
and their regulatory ecosystem services, making marine-coastal envi­ Acknowledgment
ronments more resilient to the intensification of natural phenomena.
From the governmental-administrative and institutional dimensions, it This manuscript is part of the research project: “Analyze the ecosys­
will be necessary to unite efforts with all the key actors in the PWC, temic benefits of regulation coming from soils in the environmental history of
taking into account the cross-border connection, local and regional the city-basin relationship,” and it is presented as an input within the
commitments of Cartagena. On the other hand, the international framework of the postdoctoral fellowship. We are grateful to the Uni­
agreements and policies associated with the protection of biodiversity versidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales fo the city of “Cartagena
and ecosystem services are contributions that Colombia assumes as one de Indias” and its surroundings providing time for research. We
of the countries with the highest biodiversity in the world. sincerely acknowledge Jorge Tadeo Lozano University for academic
Based on the analysis of the explored retrospective of the PWC, the discussion spaces and The World Academic of Science (TWAS) and the
conceptual correlations, and the Sankey diagram and the guidelines of Council Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for their support to Dr.
the sustainability matrix, it is concluded that the anthropospheric system Grace Andrea Montoya-Rojas via CSIR-TWAS.
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