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In a European newspaper survey these were the top eight problems

They _ talk_____ loudly They __a__watch______TV late at

Their babies __ cry_______ . They _____move____ furniture
They __ ___have____ noisy parties They _____play_____a musical
Their dogs __ ___bark_______ . They ______argue____ with their

2. LISTENING present continuous

a. listen the audio 6.8 and number the sentences with 1- 8

He’s listening to music 8

The baby’s crying 2
They’re having a party 3
She’s playing the violin 4
The dog’s barking 5
They’re arguing 6
He’s watching football 1
They’re moving furniture 7

A. read the article about neighbours. Complete the list of problems with
these verbs. B. 6.10 LISTEN TO THE SOUNDS. Write six sentences to say what’s

argue bark Cry 1 Someone is talking a shower

have move Play 2 Someone is doing exercise
talk watch They´re playing tennis
3 Someone is singing in the shower
4 They are having a meeting
5 They´re exercising
6 Someone is cooking
C. 6.12 Listen to a man on a mobile. Write the six present continuous

1 What are you doing?

2 I’m going to London
3 I’m having a coffee
4 The baby’s crying
5 The train’s arriving
6 What are you doing?

D. mark (X) the problems the villagers of Piloton have with their temporary

1 Their dogs bark.

2 x They throw their rubbish in the street
3 x They listen to loud music
4 Their babies cry all night.
5 x They make a lot of noise.
6 x They go into other people’s garden
7 They watch TV late at night
8 They break things in the village
E. find 8 difference between the two picture:

1 In the picture A the door is open

2 In picture A the girl has a red dress but in picture B she has a blue dress
3 In the picture A Grandparents are watching tv but in the picture B they are angry
4 In picture A there is a couple sleeping on the sofa but in picture B they are eating
5 In the picture A the boy in yellow T-shirt is uncovering a bottle but in the picture B he is talking on the phone
6 In picture A there is a couple that is entering through the door worse in picture B the door is closed
7 In picture A there is a couple hugged but in image B they are dancing
8 In picture A there’s a guy with a bottle of alcohol but in picture B he’s looking at the time

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