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Once upon a time there was a little girl in a town,

the most beautiful that had ever been seen; her

mother was maddened with her and her
grandmother even more so. This good woman had
had him make a little red riding hood and it suited
her so much that everyone called her Little Red
Riding Hood. One day his mother, having cooked
some cakes, told him
Mom; Go see how your grandmother is, because
they tell me she has been ill; bring him a cake and
this jar of butter.
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood immediately went
to see her grandmother who lived in another town.
As he passed through a forest, he met the wolf
compadre, who really wanted to eat it, but did not
dare because some lumberjacks were nearby. He
asked where he was going. The poor girl, who didn't
know it was dangerous to stop and talk to a wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood: I'm going to see my
grandmother, and I'll bring her a cake and a jar of
butter that my mother sent her.
Wolf: Does he live very far ?, said the wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood: —Oh, yes! Said Little Red
Riding Hood, beyond the mill that you see far away,
in the first little house in town.
Wolf: Well, I also want to go see her; I'll go this
way, and you that way, and we'll see who gets there
Narrator: The wolf ran at full speed along the
shortest path, and the girl took the longest, amusing
herself by picking hazelnuts, running after
butterflies, and making bouquets with the little
flowers she found. It didn't take long for the wolf to
get to the grandmother's house; hit
Wolf: Knock, knock
Grandmother: Who is it?
Wolf: It is his granddaughter, Little Red Riding
Hood, said the wolf, disguising his voice, I bring
him a cake and a jar of butter that my mother sent
Narrator: rite of butter that my mother sends him.
The candid grandmother, who was in bed because
she was not feeling well, yelled at him:
Grandma: —Throw the knocker and the bolt will
Narrator: The wolf threw down the knocker, and the
door swung open. He pounced on the good woman
and devoured her in no time, for she hadn't eaten for
more than three days. He immediately closed the
door and went to lie down on Grandma's bed,
waiting for Little Red Riding Hood who, a while
later, came to knock on the door:
Little Red Riding Hood: Knock, knock.
Wolf: "Who is it?"
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the
hoarse voice of the wolf, was first scared, but
believing that her grandmother had a cold, she
Little Red Riding Hood: It's your granddaughter,
Little Red Riding Hood, I bring you a cake and a jar
of butter that my mother sent you
Narrator: The wolf yelled at him, softening his
voice a bit:
Wolf: Drop the knocker and the bolt will fall.
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood dropped the
knocker and the door swung open. Seeing her enter,
the wolf told her, while hiding in bed under the
Wolf: Put the cake and the pot of butter on the shelf
and come sleep with me.
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood undresses and
gets into bed and was very astonished to see the
shape of her grandmother in her nightgown
Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, what big arms
you have!
Wolf: "It's to hug you better, my daughter."
Little Red Riding Hood: —Grandmother, what big
legs you have!
Wolf: —It's for better running, my daughter.
Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, what big ears
you have!
Wolf: —It is to hear better, my daughter.
Little Red Riding Hood: —Grandmother, what big
eyes you have!
Wolf: —It's to see better, my daughter.
Little Red Riding Hood —Grandmother, what big
teeth you have!
Wolf. -To eat you better! And saying these words,
this bad wolf pounced on Little Red Riding Hood
and ate her.
Narrator: At that moment the hunter who had seen
him enter Grandma's house began to worry.
Hunter: It had been a long time and in the case of a
wolf ... God knew it could have happened! So he
went inside the house.
Narrator: When he got there and saw the wolf with
a swollen belly, he imagined what had happened, so
he took his knife and opened the animal's belly to
remove Little Red Riding Hood and her
Narrator: This wolf must be punished well, thought
the hunter.
So he filled her belly with stones and sewed it up
again. When the wolf woke up from his nap he was
very thirsty and as he approached the river, wham!
he fell in and drowned.
Little Red Riding Hood saw her mother and
grandmother again and since then she promised to
always pay attention to what her mother told her.

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