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Key points to remember

List of key points to remember when working on RF Sharing configurations:

 SW faults are listed in the LGF (List of Generic Faults) documents, published in NOLS regularly. The
LGF documents describe the current unsolved problems in different SW releases as well as their possible
workarounds and correction targets. Although the documents are NW element and technology specific,
they also contain cases related to RF sharing configurations.
 In RF sharing configurations, only certain Master-Slave BTS SW combinations, SW upgrade paths and
configurations are tested, recommended and officially supported. Using any other SW combinations,
upgrade path or configuration might cause unknown and unexpected problems. In worst-case scenario,
the unsupported upgrade path might permanently damage the HW.
 Check that the running BTS SW in the System Module (SM) is the correct version, before
commissioning. Upgrade the BTS SW, if needed.
 Always use the matching BTS Site Manager version, considering the running BTS SW version.
 In RF Sharing configurations, the Radio Master (either WCDMA or LTE) determines the running RF
module SW version for all shared RFMs. Therefore, if a certain RFM SW fault causes a problem (e.g.
unexpected alarm) in Slave BTS, the Master BTS SW upgrade might well be needed to fix it. So, check
the Master (WCDMA or LTE) LGF documents as well even if the problem is visible only in Slave BTS.

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