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Nanotechnology will have the following uses in ICT:

 Personal computers with the power of

today’s computer centres
 Chips containing films with over 1000
viewing hours
 Miniaturised data storage systems with
capacities equivalent to a whole libraries
 Flexible display technologies and e-paper
 Printable electronic circuits

Did you know?

Inside many computers including the Apple iMac is

an Intel chip containing transistors which are so
small that 100 of them would fit in a single human cell.

Cognitive science

Cognitive science is the study of the mind and it concerns how knowledge is obtained and used. Cognitive
science embraces philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology.

By understanding how the mind works scientists can buld computers which behave in a similar way.


Robots have been widely used in manufacturing for years especially for painting and welding in car factories.
Robots are also used for picking and packing goods in large warehouses.

Robots have been developed for use on farms and these robots can perform a variety of farm tasks such as
planting, weeding in-between crops, spraying crops and picking the crops.

Biotechnology is technology based on biology. Biotechnology seeks to turn aspects of biology such as
genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology and cell biology into useful forms of ICT or robotics.

Problems and abuses of new technology

The people who create new technologies are often more influenced by the commercial benefits than to worry
about any social problems that could be caused. Many of these problems and abuses could not have been
envisaged at the time. For example at the time of the development of the first computers people did not
envisage others creating viruses.

Here are some recent problems caused by new technology

 Violent videos being posted on social networking sites.

 People doing very dangerous things such as a workman being swung around in a digger or people
running across a motorway.
 Use of encryption techniques allowing terrorists or criminals to have conversations which can be
kept secret from the police and security forces.
 Illegal sharing of copyright material such as software, films and music.
 The ease by which people can sell stolen goods on Internet auction sites.
 Problems with addictions – people may become addicted to chat rooms, social networking sites,
pornography, gambling, playing of computer games etc.
 Irresponsible internet sites – promoting terrorism, drug taking etc.
 Loss in privacy – everywhere you go you are videoed by CCTV cameras and your internet access
can be monitored.
 Risk of identity theft.
 Encourages a throw-away society – mobile phones and computers become obsolete after a short
period of time.

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