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1. Alex: My best friend is always flirting with my girlfriend. He always pays her lots of
compliments like “Wow! You look fantastic tonight!” In addition, when we went to a
party he asked her to dance. It is making me angry.
2. Lizzy: I share a flat with a friend and she keeps borrowing my things without asking.
At first, it was just little things like books and DVDs but now she has started
borrowing my clothes. Last week I wanted to wear my favorite dress, I found it on
her bedroom floor unwashed!
3. Peter: Two weeks ago, I invited over 40 people over for a big dinner party tonight,
but I had totally forgotten about it. They are arriving in 20 minutes. I was going to
cook a big roast turkey but I put the oven temperature too high and it burned! The
dinner is ruined!


4. Dana: I have a friend who is really tight-fisted. Every time that we go out for a drink
or a meal, he says he does not have any money or he mysteriously disappears to
the toilet when the bill arrives. At first we thought “poor John he never has any
money”, but he works 6 days a week so he must have some money. Yesterday, we
were having lunch when he received a phone call and disappeared, so we had to
pay for his meal.


a. What should they have done? (Write 2 judgements)

b. What would you have done? (Write 3 opinions)
c. What would you do in the same predicament? (Write 3 suggestions with
supportive information)

CLUES: You can follow the next steps to do your task

1. Recognize the mistake

2. Think about your point of view
3. Suggestions for the present and future.

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