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Patented Aug. 27, 1935 UNITED STATES Plant Pat. 139 PATENT OFFICE 119 Avocapo [Rudolph G, Hass, Ls Habra Meights, Cait, ‘Apolication Apeil 12, 1 Cat. “The invention relates to 8 new an smpraved vanety Of avocado which has corlain charac teristics which are highly desirable "The oriinal tree is n Chstemalan seedling of 5 unknown parentage. Tt was planted In te spring ‘of 1026, mn a grove on West Road in La Haben Hllghts, Los Angeles County, State of Ceitonts ‘The treo has a medium, upseht hat of swowth, about thirty feet tll, 2nd Ts quite une {orm in feaeral appearance. ‘The new variety hae beca successfully propa ated on thin sbinned Mexican seedliigs as rot stor. "This avocedo is characterized by the rapidity fo growin of budded stock. ‘Two Year cd buds hheve attained a ciameter of somenbat over twee inches. ‘The young branches of the (eee ‘have substantially the same ealor as that of The Pune, “The foliage is distinct, ‘The mature loaves are sreen and are waved ar ippled along the edges, ome fully developed leaves having a length of fourteen inches of tore and a tdi sf abot four inches. The newly formed aves are about the saume width ne thoee of the Puerta, ‘he ine ‘lpal leaf veins are prenwunced ‘ule the anor ‘eine are not latinct and the lea! aa whole ts faute smooth nd ‘ot puckered. ‘The "mature Teaves ave anger and darker gveen than the Pueblo. The upper surface of the leaves. is Smooth and scmewhat glossy. "The lower sul= face i dal with a penyieh cast "The present avorado blossoms in the spring. ‘mie bloom rows in small bunches evenly di tributed nd the leat drop during the blooming ‘sauna is aight, ‘The trees of thle invention bear the second for third year The frute is pyvifoem i sbape ‘Sud is borne on lobe leat greenish-yellow slams ‘wth the stems of larger dlametar thaa tose on ‘he Fuerte. ‘he stems vary in loses from four totirteen nohas afr average betog sis inches ‘The button ‘= normal and the ine of divs between the bution and stem is not partiewsty Pticerble ‘nor the bition cevty, sich is Usually dlspased slightly atone sie ofthe Ian {adinal axis of he rut large. ‘The altachiment ff the bution to the siem and of the sam to the tree is strong so Unat rolatively high winds fe not destructive to the {rut "The fruit erop is consistently hwty and te evenly distributed sbout the tree, ‘The fst mat ‘ies during the summer: namely, trom Mag to September.” There is no tendancy 1 overbear” Ing and consequent stuntlny of the tree. ‘The 1935, Serial No. 16837 (cx 62) fruit when green somewet resembles the Fuerte [extenor appearance but ls mach rougher. "The ‘Hulls average trom six fo ten ounces when ma- ‘ovo, although In young trees the average weltht Ib lighdy higher. ‘The color of tye feulys eom= ‘hon to that of the Custemallans, being dark, ‘lossy grean whea mature on the tee, ‘The sein of the picked truit gradually turns to a mixed purple ‘and. gree and then dark purple as It Sppachos ue ee stage andes caiy “The fit hangs dependent, oeastonally two on tem, utnough itty there Is eiy ne frat "The gencral ouside appearance of the frut Is quia pleasing whieh fs umually hot Une ease with desk frit "The keeping qualities ofthe fruit are very good snd the sin of the frst i thin for a Guatemalan ‘ind isToathory..‘The ehipping alles are there fre excalent, ‘The fruit has no blemishes 9 d6- teste ‘The surface spots are yllow in color, with a fow reddish brown. ‘They are pln point ia size ‘snd medi in number, "The flesh ia a rich cream color of butter can- sistency with no fre and vith exellent sully savor. ‘The all content it 18.307 "The seed Is tight in tho cavitj; the average ‘sci is about one ounce: the surface is smooth, {the color Hsht yellow, tho texture avd. The oc coat Is this, brown and adheres tightly to the see. "The arrangement of the seed in the trait and ‘tee in such that when the seed is removed the rea coat Is always withdrawn wath the seed, the ‘red envity is symmetrically dposed eo that 8 Dirasing appearance ts obtained. "The present avocado difersfeom the Dickinson tn tha! the lafter fas a lower oll content ex (emely hardshell and tanger eed. ‘will be understeod that the characteristics ot this Invention il vary slghtly under various ‘ontions of ciate. topography, sell. and eare "The beneficlal characteristics of unis tree are hat it bears an excellent sal surnmer maturing ful when good small frlt are searee. the frat having a thin, for Guatemalan, leathery sein and Inaving a small Uight seod and with flesh of ex fellanteelor ane nutéy favor, smooth and butter- {ike cha withthe frat borne on tong stems. "Tae present avocado ders trom the Cabnat ‘im that the letter Is round, rough and green, ‘Whereas the present frult is pyriorm and a dark color » 2 ‘The fruit of the invention aifers from the Ccarabas in that the latter Is green and averages fxteen ounces, whoreas the fruit of the present Invention ts purple and averages about elght ‘MY invention has fruit differing from the Colorado'in thatthe Tater fruit weighs one ound or more and has lower ol content and Door flavor and the habits of growth are quite “itterent from the present lovention. ‘The fruit of the present invention difers from ‘the Dutton and the Spinks in that there is no Internal or external rotting ot dropping betore maturity “Tho invention difers from the Mayapan in that ite trait is smoother and ts of good quality and the fruit does not drop; further, the present In ‘vention bears fu with thin sk, for, Gat ‘allan, which is quite a contrast with the thick skin of the Mayapan. ‘The present invention dlifers from the Taft 1m that my tree bears enrlor and bears reeulasty, ‘Purther, it does not seab of erack or drop. 129 ‘The present invention difters from the Mur= Hela Green, which (s a summer trut, in that the latter is dark green and the trees are not vigorous, while the frult of the present avorado Is purple ‘and the trees are of a vigorous healthy growth. 5 “The present Invention differs from Sharpless n that its frult does not soften and decay on the ‘ee. ‘The present invention differs from the Laurel, oleh Also boars summer frut, in that ite fruit does not cruck or split on the end and Is not sts eplibte to blast, and is purple, Tlaim as my invention: ‘The variety of avocado tree hervin deseribed ‘cnaracterined by sta summer ripening, mediim- sized frults, of purple color having a leathery ‘kip which is thin for a Guatemalan, and borne fon long stemps, with s small tight seed and with creamy flesh of excellent color and mitty favor, ‘smooth with no fibre and butter-ike consistency, 20 10 1s RUDOLPH G. HASS, Aug. 27, 1935. INVENTOR FruvaPH G. Hass ATTORNEY.

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