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1.2 Principle ‘The main concept behind the Smart Dustbin using Arduino project is Object Detection. We have already used Ultrasonic Sensor in Object Avoiding Robot, where upon detecting an object, the Robot will change its course of direction. ‘A similar methodology is implemented here, where the Ultrasonic Sensor is placed on top of the dustbin’s lid and when the sensor detects any object like a human hand, it will trigger Arduino to open the lid. Figure 1.1 Smart Dustbin Dustbins (or Garbage bins, Trash Cans, whatever you call them) are small plastic (or metal) containers that are used to store trash (or waste) on a temporary basis ‘They are often used in homes, offices, streets, parks etc. to collect the waste. In some places, littering is a serious offence and hence Public Waste Containers are the only way to dispose small waste. Usually, it is a common practice to use separate bins for collecting wet or dry, recyclable or non-recyclable waste In this project, we have designed a simple system called Smart Dustbin using Arduino, Ultrasonic Sensor and Servo Motor, where the lid of the dustbin will automatically open itself upon detection of human hand of as well. For teachers, its conveniently based on the Processing programming environment, so students leaming to program in that environment will be familiar with how the Arduino IDE works. Open source and extensible software - The Arduino software is published as open source tools, available for extension by experienced programmers. The language can be expanded through C++ libraries, and people wanting to understand the technical details can make the leap from Arduino to the AVR C programming language on which it's based. Similarly, you can add AVR-C code directly into your Arduino programs if you want to Open source and extensible hardware - The plans of the Arduino boards are published under a Creative Commons license, so experienced circuit designers can make their own version of the module, extending it and improving it. Even, relatively inexperienced users can build the breadboard version of the module in order to understand how it works and save money. 2.3 Arduino UNO ‘The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by The board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (1/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits Figure 2.1 Arduino UNO The board has 14 Digital pins, 6 Analog pins, and programmable with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) via atype B USB cable. It can be powered by the USB cable or by an external 9-volt battery, though it accepts voltages between 7 and 20 volts. It is also similar to the Arduino Nano and Leonardo. The hardware reference design is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share- Alike 2.5 license and is available on the Arduino website, Layout and production files for some versions of the hardware are also available. The word "Uno" means "one" in Italian and was chosen to mark the initial release of the Arduino Software. ‘The Uno board is the first in a series of USB-based Arduino boards, and it and version 1.0 of the Arduino IDE were the reference versions of Arduino, now evolved to newer releases. The ATmega328 on the board comes preprogrammed with a bootloader that allows uploading new code to it without the use of an extemal hardware programmer While the Uno communicates using the original STKSO0 protocol, it differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip Instead, it uses the Atmegal 6U2 (Atmega8 U2 up to version R2) programmed as a USB- to-serial converter. 2.3.1 Background ‘The Arduino project started at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII) in Ivrea, Italy. At that time, the students used a BASIC Stamp microcontroller at a cost of $100, a considerable expense for many students Figure 2.2 Early Stage of Arduino 5 2.4 Pin Description of Arduino UNO ————_@~ oe == se ——_ea— ——e—] | ——— oe | soe] a 2 ra | ap 8 re] a AUR) DIGITAL @NALOO GSNED GERAD SPI 2c ED Figure 2.3 Pin description of Arduino UNO 2.4.1 General pin functions + LED: Thereis a built-in LED driven by digital pin 13. When the pin is high value, the LED is on, when the pin is low, it's off + VIN: The input voltage to the Arduino/Genuino board when it's using an extemal power source (as opposed to 5 volts from the USB connection or other regulated power source). You can supply voltage through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via the power jack, access it through this pin + SV: This pin outputs a regulated SV from the regulator on the board. The board can be supplied with power either from the DC power jack (7 - 20V), the USB connector (SV), or the VIN pin of the board (7-20¥). Supplying voltage via the SV or 3.3V pins bypasses the regulator, and can damage the board. + 3.3V: A33-volt supply generated by the on-board regulator. Maximum current draw is 50 mA. CHAPTER-3 ULTRASONIC SENSOR 3.1 What is an Ultrasonic Sensor? ‘An Ultrasonic sensor is a device that can measure the distance to an object by using sound waves. It measures distance by sending out a sound wave at a specific frequency and listening for that sound wave to bounce back. By recording the elapsed time between the sound wave being generated and the sound wave bouncing back, itis possible to calculate the distance between the sonar sensor and the object. HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic sensor mainly used to determine the distance of the target object. It measures accurate distance using a non-contact technology - A technology that involves no physical contact between sensor and object. Figure 3.1 Ultrasonic Sensor ‘Transmitter and receiver are two main parts of the sensor where former converts an electrical signal to ultrasonic waves while later converts that ultrasonic signals back to electrical signals. These ultrasonic waves are nothing but sound signals that can be measured and displayed at the receiving end It gives precise measurement details and comes with accuracy (resolution) around 3mm, terming there might be a slight difference in the calculated distance from the object and the actual distance. un coe Tabagrecepopcn can HC-SRO4 Pinout Figure 3.2 Ultrasonic Sensor Pinout Table 3.2 Pin Description of Ultrasonic Sensor No. | Pin Name Pin Description 1 ‘vec ‘The power supply pin of the sensor that mainly operates at 5V DC. 2 [Tg Pin | Itplaysavitel role to mitialize measurement for sending ultrasonic waves. It should be kept high for 10us for triggering the measurement. 3 [Echo Pin | This pin remains high for short period based on the ime taken by the ultrasonic waves to bounce back to the receiving end 4 [Ground | This pinis connected to ground. Most ultrasonic transmitters and receivers are built around timer IC 555 or complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices. These devices are preset- controlled variable oscillators. The preset value of the working frequency is likely to drift due to mechanical vibrations or variations in temperature. This drift in frequency affects the range of transmission from the ultrasonic transducer. The ultrasonic transmitter and receiver circuits described here use CD4017 decade counter ICs 13 the frequency to 4 kHz. Transistor T3 (SL100) amplifies the 4kHz signal to drive the speaker Use a 9V PP3 battery to power the receiver circuit House the transmitter and receiver circuits in separate small cabinets. If the 40kHz transducer under test is working, the receiver circuit produces audible whistling sound. 3.4 Working of Ultrasonic Sensor The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic (US) sensor is an ultrasonic transducer that comes with 4 pin interfaces named as Vec, Trigger, Echo, and Ground. It is very useful for accurate distance measurement of the target object and mainly works on the sound waves ‘As we connect the module to SV and initialize the input pin, it starts transmitting the sound waves which then travel through the air and hit the required object. These waves hit and bounce back from the object and then collected by the receiver of the module Figure3.7 Working of ultrasonic sensor Distance is directly proportional to the time these waves require to come back at the receiving end. The more the time taken, more the distance will be. The waves 7 externally to the shaft, The optical encoder always watches the number of rotations and the position of the shaft Servo motors are rated in kg/cm (kilogram per centimeter) most hobby servo motors are rated at kg/cm or 6kg/cm or 12kg/em. This kg/em tells you how much ‘weight your servo motor can lift at a particular distance. For example: A 6kg/cm Servo motor should be able to lift 6kg if the load is suspended 1cm away from the motors shaft, the greater the distance the lesser the weight carrying capacity. The position of a servo motor is decided by electrical pulse and its circuitry is placed beside the motor. 4.2 Servo Mechanism It consists of three parts © Controlled device © Output sensor «Feedback system It is a closed loop system where it uses positive feedback system to control motion and final position of the shaft. Here the device is controlled by a feedback signal generated by comparing output signal and reference input signal (+5V) me (GND) Figure 4.1 Servo Motor Here reference input signal is compared to reference output signal and the third signal is produces by feedback system, And this third signal acts as input signal to control device. This signal is present as long as feedback signal is generated or there is 21 Figure 5.1 Arduino Uno USB cable 5.2.2 Download Arduino IDE Software ‘We can download Arduino Integrated Design Environment (IDE) at https: /hwww arduino cc/en/Main/Software. You can get different versions of Arduino IDE from the Download page on the Arduino Official website. You must select your software, which is compatible with your operating system (Windows, 10S, or Linux). After your file download is complete, unzip the file “Opening ‘You have chosen to open: §B which is: WinRAR ZIP archive (148 MB) from: https://downloads.arduino.ce What should Firefox do with this file? >) Open with | WinRAR archiver (default) ‘Save File [©] Do this automatically for files like this from now on, Figure5.2 Arduino IDE zip file 27 springs). Longer stripped wires increase the likelihood of short-circuits on the board. Needle-nose pliers and tweezers are helpful when inserting or removing wires, particularly on crowded boards Figure 6.1 Jump Wires Differently colored wires and color-coding discipline are often adhered to for consistency. However, the number of available colors is typically far fewer than the number of signal types or paths. Typically, a few wire colors are reserved for the supply voltages and ground (e.g., red, blue, black), some are reserved for main signals, and the rest are simply used where convenient. 6.5 Block Diagram Ultrasonic Servo Motor {attatched to Waste [> Seasor Dustbin lid) Arduino UNO Microcontroller Figure 6.2 Block Diagram of Smart Dustbin 6.6 Circuit Diagram The following image shows the circuit diagram of the Smart Dustbin using Arduino. Itis a very simple design as the project involves only two components other than Arduino Servo Motor — wv ELECTRONIC: Ultrasonic Sensor Figure 6.3 Circuit Diagram of Smart Dustbin 6.7 Design of the project ‘The design of the circuit is very simple, but the setup of the components is very important. The Trigger and Echo Pins of the Ultrasonic Sensor are connected to Pins 5 and 6 of the Arduino. Servo motor's orange wire is connected to Pin 11, red wire to 5V and black wire to ground of the Arduino. Servo motor gear is attached with the lid of the Dustbin. Arduino Uno is connected to power supply by SV adapter or using USB cable 35 Figure 6.4 Working of Smart Dustbin If the Ultrasonic Sensor detects any object like a hand for example, Arduino calculatesiits distance and ifit less than a certain predefined value, Arduino will activate the Servo Motor and with the support of the extended arm, it will lift the lid open. After certain time, the lid is automatically closed. 6.10 Applications It keeps the surroundings clean and green, free from bad odour of wastes, emphasizes on healthy environment and keep cities more beautiful + Reducing manpower required to handle the garbage collection. © Itis helpful in reducing reproduction of mosquitoes and various flies which are harmful. * We can take a major step in SWACHH BHARAT mission using this application, 38

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