You are on page 1of 19

12 What characterizes a healthy diet?

By Alan Aragon

16 Does cold water immersion enhance training

By Alan Aragon

Copyright © September 1st, 2020 by Alan Aragon


2 Fundamentals & practical points for making

weight in combat sports.
By Scott Habermehl

6 The bright and the dark sides of L-carnitine

supplementation: a systematic review.
Sawicka AK, et al. [published online ahead of print,
2020 Jul 16]. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020;nqaa167. [JISSN]

8 Acute glycemic and insulinemic effects of

low-energy sweeteners: a systematic review
and meta-analysis of randomized controlled
Greyling A, Appleton KM, Raben A, Mela DJ.
[published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 16]. Am J
Clin Nutr. 2020;nqaa167. [PubMed]

10 The influence of cyclical ketogenic reduction

diet vs. nutritionally balanced reduction diet
on body composition, strength, and
endurance performance in healthy young
males: a randomized controlled trial.
Kysel P, Haluzíková D, Doležalová RP, Laňková I,
Lacinová Z, Kasperová BJ, Trnovská J, Hrádková V,
Mráz M, Vilikus Z, Haluzík M. Nutrients. 2020 Sep
16;12(9):E2832. [PubMed]

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 1

that must still be respected. Cutting too much weight too
quickly can be dangerous and/or hinder an athlete’s
Fundamentals & practical points for making abilities. For this reason, extreme practices of weight
weight in combat sports. cutting are not advised.
By Scott Habermehl
There are various ways fighters can cause acute weight
_______________________________________________ loss (AWL) and manipulate their total body mass with the
most common coming from increased exercise and a
Background restriction of total food and fluid intake. The dietary
Fighters are always in search of an edge over their changes usually come from a restriction in carbohydrates
opponents. Acute manipulations in body weight are typical and/or fats and fiber, sometimes with an overall reduction
among combat sports in the attempt to create a potential in total energy of over 35% in the final week and/or 100%
advantage within controlled weight classes. The goal is to restriction on the day of the weigh-in, along with
drop total body mass (weight) prior to the weigh-in and manipulations of fluids and electrolytes. However, being
regain the same or more body mass prior to the fight. This in a caloric deficit in the final week should not be
is known as the “weight cut.” necessary, as the focus should be on the weight of the
food, not the caloric value of the food. All body fat should
Olympic events like Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Free-style have been lost prior to the final week.
Wrestling, Boxing etc. as well as professional leagues like
the UFC, King of the Cage, Bellator, etc., all incorporate Male fighters typically should be between 7-15% body fat,
weight classes in hopes to create an equal playing field with Female fighters being between 16-22% body fat. Of
among athletes. Official weigh-ins are held prior to a course, this is just a range, and can be slightly different
competitive event, or on subsequent days in multi-day from person to person. A leaner fighter is not necessarily a
competitions or tournament-style events, to ensure that better fighter. However, if the required body fat has not all
athletes have met the requirements of their intended been lost leading into the final week, the fighter is not
division. This is known as “making weight.” going to be at their best, as the final week should be about
manipulating gut content and fluids, not body fat.
Timeframe considerations
Determining the amount of total body mass loss needed
Different sports have different timelines from when an within the given timeline and considering the recovery
athlete weighs in, ranging from a couple hours to more time between the weigh-in and the event, tells the fighter
than a day before the actual event. Timelines are based on and/or their coach which approach would be best used.
the rules of the specific sport and organization. The longer Typically, no more than 2-8%, 10% being the theoretical
the timeframe between weigh-in and competition, known maximum for males and 8% for females of bodyweight
as the recovery time, the more options the athlete has to loss in the last week(s) prior to competition, should be the
manipulate the variables. This has allowed athletes the goal. If a fighter has more than this to lose at
opportunity to make further chronic or even acute changes approximately two weeks out from the event, making
in total body mass, thus theoretically giving an advantage weight becomes increasingly more difficult, yields greater
in size, strength, and leverage over a smaller opponent. health risks, and will likely hinder the athlete’s
performance. In this scenario, choosing a later event or a
Despite the original intentions of matching opponents heavier weight class is recommended.
similar in size, fighters often attempt to qualify for a
weight class that is lighter than their day-to-day normal The common mistake being made, is a fighter being in a
body mass. It’s common for these athletes to attempt caloric deficit in the days leading up to the fight in order to
making the lightest weight class possible, allowing the make weight. Dietary restrictions are generally needed to
greatest potential fluctuation in recovering body weight. maximize acute weight loss, but the restrictions should
Performance and the fighter’s health have a breaking point come from amounts and types of foods, not from their
Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 2
caloric value. Avoiding an energy deficit is advised in the If there is less than 24 hours recovery time, shooting for
final week. Strategically manipulating fiber, carbo- ~5% as a max drop in total body mass is recommended,
hydrates, electrolytes, and fluids is the most effective which should be accomplished by the removal of gut
strategy to achieve the desired weight drop in total body content and fluid restriction/dehydration. Note: The use of
mass, while still allowing the restoration of performance a water load has been studied and shown to help further
after the weigh-in. Implementing further reductions of reduce total body mass by means of more fluid excretion,
body mass by means of dehydration and/or glycogen but the positive effects were only slight. For that, it is
depletion may be necessary and are effective strategies but suggested that a water load is to be used as a last resort,
also start to swing the pendulum away from the ability to only if the above protocol(s) do not cause sufficient
recover. results, as the inconvenience, disrupted sleep and
discomfort may outweigh the minimal positive effects.
The strategies in their order of application:
The strategy below is a breakdown of the final week
1) Gut content: removal of fiber and heavier foods
leading up to a weigh-in for an acute weight loss (AWL)
leading up to the weigh-in.
scenario utilizing all of the most effective strategies. When
2) Fluid restrictions & sodium reductions: reduction
the fighter is ready on time, the final week will result in a
from normal intake can vary. May incorporate a
water load. lower total body mass by manipulations of total body
3) Active dehydration: exercise. water and gut residue only, not a loss of fat mass.
4) Passive dehydration: saunas, hot showers/baths Remember, an acute weight cut is highly individualized
etc. (use sparingly). and should be practiced ahead of time. The steps I’ve
5) The depletion of carbohydrates is best utilized outlined below are general ranges and should be fine-tuned
only if the fighter has sufficient recovery time to the specific fighter’s physiology and psychology, as
between the weigh-in and the fight. well as the rules of their given sport and organization.

Assuming the fighter has lost all the required fat mass in Implementing the strategies
the months prior to the final week, he/she should be within
the 2-8% (10% max for men, 8% for women) range of Reminder: carbohydrate and fiber restriction times will
body weight above the desired weight class. Aiming for depend, as gastric emptying as well as glycogen depletion
approximately 1.5-2% body mass loss from gut content rate times can vary from individual to individual, so
and 2-3% from fluid manipulations and mild dehydration practicing the acute weight-cut week ahead of schedule is
(if necessary) should be the primary staples. Glycogen advised. Pay careful attention to the recovery time as
depletion to gain the last drop of body mass is ideally only well, as this should be factored into your approach to the
done when the recovery time from the weigh-in to the fight weight cut.
is greater than 24 hours. For this reason, I like to see 10%
▪ Two weeks out, have a consistent sodium and fluid
for males and 8% for females being the absolute max total
intake as well as the fighters “normal” day-to-day
body mass to be lost but only if the fighter has a recovery
walk around weight.
opportunity of 24 hours or more. This allows opportunity
▪ 7 days out, Assess a hydrated fighters body weight
for glycogen depletion in the final week, and enough time
and body composition in a fasted, well rested state
to replete the glycogen post weigh-in. If a fighter does not
after the use of the bathroom. The fighter should
have a full day or more of recovery, attempting to fully
not be dehydrated.
deplete glycogen is not advised.
▪ If fighter is >10% do not compete. If between 5%-
Remember, the loss of calories from the removal of 10%, consider heavier weight class or implement a
carbohydrates should be allocated to Proteins and fats to low carbohydrate diet, eating <50g/day beginning
maintain energy balance. Carbs = 4kcals/g. Protein = 3-7days pre weigh-in. If <5%, carbohydrate intake
4kcals/g. Fats = 9kcals/g. can remain the same.

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 3

▪ 120 hrs or ~5 days pre weigh-in, reduce sodium to during the final week as well as avoiding GI discomfort
<500mg/day. leading up to the event will help to determine the amounts
▪ 48-96 hrs or 2-4 days pre weigh-in, reduce fibrous of Carbohydrates necessary. Full glycogen stores may not
foods and total daily fiber intake to <10g. be necessary.
▪ 24-36 hrs or 1-1.5 days pre weigh-in, restrict total
fluid intake and utilize regularly scheduled training To summarize, the final week and implementation of an
to promote further water loss thru sweat. Added acute weight cut involves a complex interaction of many
clothing, increased temperature, etc. can also be factors and variables. The rules of the sport, organization,
utilized here. recovery time between weigh-in and competition are also
▪ 0-24 hrs or <1day pre weigh-in, the use of all things to be considered when designing the approach
dehydrating techniques such as hot baths/showers, and methods used to accomplish the acute weight loss and
saunas etc. Ideally best to keep this limited and as should be practiced ahead of time and catered the
close to the weigh-in as possible. individualization of each athlete.
▪ Immediately post weigh-in, begin the recovery
process. Take-away points

The recovery process will vary tremendously, depending ▪ Be ~2-8% (10% max for males, 8% max for
on the methods used for the acute weight loss, so its females) above desired weight class 2 weeks out.
impossible to give it a template. The key is to rehydrate ▪ Know your recovery timeline and implement the
with some fluids, electrolytes and carbs immediately post appropriate AWL accordingly.
weigh-in, followed up with strategic fuel based on the ▪ Day before weigh-in = 5-10% body mass drop.
recovery timeline. Sports drinks like Gatorade, Powerade, Same day weigh-in = 2-5% body mass drop.
etc. are great examples, or you can use water, salt and ▪ Deplete gut content first.
some candy etc. The goal should be to take in 125-150% in ▪ >24 hr recovery time warrants a glycogen depletion
terms of liters (L) vs. body mass lost in kilograms (kg) strategy. If not, stick with fluid and gut content
from fluids. So, for every kg lost, you want to try and manipulations.
drink 1.5 L from post weigh-in to a couple hours before ▪ Use active dehydration over passive dehydration if
the event, with an immediate 600-900 ml drink, combined possible and minimize passive dehydration if you
with some sodium and sugar post weigh-in. Follow this implement it.
with sipping consistent fluids at a rate of approximately 1 ▪ 600-900 ml immediately post weigh-in, include
L every hour up until 3 hours before bed, continuing again sodium & carbohydrates.
in the morning up until 3 hours before the event. If it’s a ▪ Sip fluids at a rate of 1L/hr. and carbs at ~0.3-1.5
same day weigh-in, same rules apply, only you stop g/kg/hr (if depleted) until ~3 hrs before the event.
drinking approximately 3 hours before the fight. ▪ 8-12% above the desired weight class after weigh-
in, prior to the event is an indication of a successful
Research shows that an approximate 2.8% dehydration
was recoverable within 3 hours of aggressive refueling, but
6% dehydration was still not recovered even after 15
hours, so it’s obvious now why being too dehydrated for a Further reading
weigh-in on the same day as the event would be so
Matthews JJ, Stanhope EN, Godwin MS, Holmes MEJ,
Artioli GG. The magnitude of rapid weight loss and rapid
Carbs should ideally be taken in liquid form for the first weight gain in combat sport athletes preparing for
couple meals, followed by acute feedings between 0.3-1.5 competition: a systematic review. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc
g/kg. I like to use 1 g/kg with foods you are familiar with Metab. 2019 Jul 1;29(4):441–452. [PubMed]
and know will not cause any digestive issues or
discomfort. The amount of glycogen depletion accrued
Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 4
Reale R, Slater G, Burke LM. Acute weight loss strategies
for combat sports and applications to Olympic success. Int
J Sports Physiol Perform. 2017 Feb;12(2):142-151.
[PubMed] [ResearchGate]

Reale R, Slater G, Burke LM. Individualised dietary

strategies for Olympic combat sports: Acute weight loss,
recovery and competition nutrition. Eur J Sport Sci. 2017
Jul;17(6):727-740. [PubMed]

Reale R, Slater G, Cox GR, Dunican IC, Burke LM. The

effect of water loading on acute weight loss following
fluid restriction in combat sports athletes. Int J Sport Nutr
Exerc Metab. 2018 Nov 1;28(6):565-573. doi:
10.1123/ijsnem.2017-0183. [PubMed]

Scott Habermehl
Owner & Head Coach at Hollywood Built

▪ McGill Method Certified plus 2x’s

Master’s Assessment Certification
▪ Bio-Force Certified Conditioning Coach
▪ 3x’s Bayesian Bodybuilding (4, 5, & 8)
▪ PN1 Nutrition Certification
▪ Strength/Performance/Conditioning/
Prep Coach for over a Decade

I’ve spent over a decade coaching 100’s of individuals from general

weight loss, body re-composition and low back pain to sport specific
training for amateurs and pros alike.


Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 5

(P)articipants: human subjects
(I)nterventions: oral L-carnitine (LC) supplementation
The bright and the dark sides of L-carnitine (C)omparisons: supplementation versus placebo,
supplementation: a systematic review. supplementation versus control, or pre- and post-
Sawicka AK, et al. . [published online ahead of print, 2020 supplementation conditions in a single group
Jul 16]. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020;nqaa167. [JISSN] (O)utcomes: muscle protein regulation, body composition,
strength, and various clinical parameters
BACKGROUND: L-carnitine (LC) is used as a
(S)tudy design: randomized controlled trials, non-
supplement by recreationally-active, competitive and
randomized controlled trials, non-randomized non-
highly trained athletes. This systematic review aims to
controlled trials.
evaluate the effect of prolonged LC supplementation on
metabolism and metabolic modifications. METHODS: A Another strength of the review was its inclusion of studies
literature search was conducted in the MEDLINE (via lasting a minimum of 12 weeks. Exclusion of multi-
PubMed) and Web of Science databases from the inception
ingredient supplements containing LC lowered the
up February 2020. Eligibility criteria included studies on
confounding potential of other active compounds.
healthy human subjects, treated for at least 12 weeks with
LC administered orally, with no drugs or any other multi-
ingredient supplements co-ingestion. RESULTS: The
initial search retrieved 1024 articles, and a total of 11 The authors acknowledged that the 12-week minimum trial
studies were finally included after applying inclusion and length could have also served as a limitation since
exclusion criteria. All the selected studies were conducted elevations in muscle carnitine would require at least ~100
with healthy human subjects, with supplemented dose days of supplementation.1-3 Additional limitations they
ranging from 1 g to 4 g per day for either 12 or 24 weeks. mentioned were varied study designs involving different
LC supplementation, in combination with carbohydrates
supplementation protocols, different outcome measures,
(CHO) effectively elevated total carnitine content in
and a high degree of heterogeneity of the subject
skeletal muscle. Twenty-four-weeks of LC
characteristics across the studies. I would add that the
supplementation did not affect muscle strength in healthy
authors did not implement an established quality control
aged women, but significantly increased muscle mass,
improved physical effort tolerance and cognitive function system such as the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items
in centenarians. LC supplementation was also noted to for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines,4
induce an increase of fasting plasma trimethylamine-N- or the systematic review protocol set forth by the Cochrane
oxide (TMAO) levels, which was not associated with Collaboration.5 An extra step toward ensuring
modification of determined inflammatory nor oxidative methodological transparency could also have been taken
stress markers. CONCLUSION Prolonged LC by registering the systematic review in the PROSPERO
supplementation in specific conditions may affect physical database.6
performance. On the other hand, LC supplementation
elevates fasting plasma TMAO, compound supposed to be Comment/application
pro-atherogenic. Therefore, additional studies focusing on
long-term supplementation and its longitudinal effect on The main findings of the systematic review can be
the cardiovascular system are needed. FUNDING summed up as follows:
SOURCE: This work was supported by National Science
▪ The collective evidence of LC’s effectiveness in body
Centre in Poland, grant number 2014/15/B/NZ7/00893.
fat reduction is best described as modest & mixed.
LC supplementation failed to increase fat oxidation
and improve exercise performance by in trials lasting
Eligibility criteria was pragmatically based on the PICOS up to 4 weeks. However, it’s possible that these trials
strategy, which was applied in this case as follows: were simply not long enough to allow sufficient
Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 6
accumulation of muscle carnitine levels. In 3. Wall BT, Stephens FB, Constantin-Teodosiu D,
Askarpour et al’s recent large meta-analysis of 43 Marimuthu K, Macdonald IA, Greenhaff PL. Chronic
RCTs,7 it was found that LC supplementation oral ingestion of L-carnitine and carbohydrate increases
modestly decreased bodyweight by an average of - muscle carnitine content and alters muscle fuel
metabolism during exercise in humans. J Physiol. 2011
1.13 kg, and fat mass by an average of 1.16 kg.
Feb 15;589(Pt 4):963-73. [PubMed]
However, LC supplementation did not significantly 4. Liberati A, Altman DG, Tetzlaff J, Mulrow C, Gøtzsche
change body fat percentage or waist circumference. PC, Ioannidis JPA, Clarke M, Devereaux PJ, Kleijnen J,
In another recent meta-analysis of RCTs, Talenezhad Moher D. The PRISMA statement for reporting
reported similar findings.8 LC decreased body weight systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that
by an average of 1.21 kg, and fat mass by 2.08 kg. evaluate health care interventions: Explanation and
However, there was no significant reduction of body elaboration. PLoS Med. 2009;6:e1000100. [PubMed]
fat percent or waist circumference. 5. Henderson LK, Craig JC, Willis NS, Tovey D, Webster
AC. How to write a Cochrane systematic review.
▪ LC supplementation has shown beneficial effects on
Nephrology (Carlton). 2010 Sep;15(6):617-24. [PubMed]
muscle protein balance (synthesis versus breakdown)
6. Schiavo JH. PROSPERO: An International Register of
and anabolic signaling molecules in animal studies. Systematic Review Protocols. Med Ref Serv Q. 2019
However, the evidence for muscle anabolism in Apr-Jun;38(2):171-180. [PubMed]
humans is lacking.1,2 7. Askarpour M, Hadi A, Miraghajani M, Symonds ME,
▪ LC supplementation has shown benefits for Sheikhi A, Ghaedi E. Beneficial effects of l-carnitine
increasing lifting performance study,9 and supplementation for weight management in overweight
disappointing endurance training effects.10,11 and obese adults: An updated systematic review and
▪ Protein retention via LC supplementation in male but dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled
trials. Pharmacol Res. 2020 Jan;151:104554. [PubMed]
not female sarcopenic patients was seen.
8. Talenezhad N, Mohammadi M, Ramezani-Jolfaie N,
▪ LC supplementation may impart antioxidant effects Mozaffari-Khosravi H, Salehi-Abargouei A. Effects of l-
as well as reductions in muscle soreness. carnitine supplementation on weight loss and body
▪ TMAO elevations have been seen as a result of LC composition: A systematic review and meta-analysis of
supplementation, but the clinical significance of this 37 randomized controlled clinical trials with dose-
is questionable. response analysis. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2020 Jun;37:9-23.
Despite glimmers of usefulness, LC supplementation has a 9. Koozehchian MS, Daneshfar A, Fallah E, Agha-Alinejad
scarce evidence basis for enhancing resistance training H, Samadi M, Kaviani M, Kaveh B M, Jung YP,
adaptations, and a weak basis for enhancing endurance Sablouei MH, Moradi N, Earnest CP, Chandler TJ,
performance and body composition. I’d personally save Kreider RB. Effects of nine weeks L-Carnitine
supplementation on exercise performance, anaerobic
my money for groceries.
power, and exercise-induced oxidative stress in
resistance-trained males. J Exerc Nutrition Biochem.
References 2018 Dec 31;22(4):7-19. [PubMed]
1. Shannon CE, Ghasemi R, Greenhaff PL, Stephens FB. 10. Lee JK, Lee JS, Park H, Cha YS, Yoon CS, Kim CK.
Increasing skeletal muscle carnitine availability does not Effect of L-carnitine supplementation and aerobic
alter the adaptations to high-intensity interval training. training on FABPc content and beta-HAD activity in
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018 Jan;28(1):107-115. human skeletal muscle. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2007
[PubMed] Jan;99(2):193-9. [PubMed]
2. Stephens FB, Wall BT, Marimuthu K, Shannon CE, 11. Rafraf M, Karimi M, Jafari A. Effect of L-carnitine
Constantin-Teodosiu D, Macdonald IA, Greenhaff PL. supplementation in comparison with moderate aerobic
Skeletal muscle carnitine loading increases energy training on serum inflammatory parameters in healthy
expenditure, modulates fuel metabolism gene networks obese women. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2015
and prevents body fat accumulation in humans. J Physiol. Nov;55(11):1363-70. [PubMed]
2013 Sep 15;591(18):4655-66. [PubMed]
Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 7
studies enrolling patients with type 2 diabetes, the effects
did not differ by type or dose of LES, or fasting glucose or
Acute glycemic and insulinemic effects of low- insulin levels. This review and meta-analysis was
energy sweeteners: a systematic review and registered at PROSPERO as CRD42018099608.
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
FUNDING SOURCE: Unilever, a commercial food and
Greyling A, Appleton KM, Raben A, Mela DJ. [published beverage manufacturer.
online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 16]. Am J Clin Nutr.
2020;nqaa167. [PubMed]
BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that low-energy
sweeteners (LES) may be associated with an increased risk This paper is conceptually strong, since there has been a
of metabolic diseases, possibly due to stimulation of lot of confusion and controversy about the adverse
glucose-responsive mechanisms. Objective: We conducted potential of artificial sweeteners on the proposed basis that
a systematic review and meta-analysis of human they elicit similar acute responses to sugar. The PRISMA
intervention studies examining the acute effect of LES (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
intake on postprandial glucose (PPG) and postprandial Meta-Analyses) guidelines were employed in order to
insulin (PPI) responses, in order to comprehensively and establish quality control of the literature included in the
objectively quantify these relations. METHODS: We systematic review/meta-analysis.1 Transparency of the
systematically searched the Medline, OVID FSTA, and review methods was bolstered by registering the paper in
SCOPUS databases until January 2020. Randomized the PROSPERO database.2 A relatively large number of
controlled trials comparing acute postprandial effects on studies qualified for the analysis (34 trials examining
PPG and/or PPI after exposure to LES, either alone, with a postprandial glucose, and 29 examining postprandial
meal, or with other nutrient-containing preloads to the insulin.
same intervention without LES were eligible for inclusion.
PPG and PPI responses were calculated as mean Limitations
incremental area under the curve divided by time. Meta-
analyses were performed using random effects models The authors diligently acknowledged the following
with inverse variance weighing. RESULTS: Twenty-six limitations:
papers (34 PPG trials and 29 PPI trials) were included.
There were no reports of statistically significant ▪ The authors did not have an a priori hypothesis that
differences in the effects of LES on PPG and PPI the individual sweeteners would differ in the
responses compared with control interventions. Pooled physiological responses they elicited. Thus, the
effects of LES intake on the mean change difference in authors chose to pool the effects of the sweeteners
PPG and PPI were -0.02 mmol/L (95% CI: -0.09, 0.05) together. However, a post hoc network meta-analysis
and -2.39 pmol/L (95% CI: -11.83, 7.05), respectively. The was done to determine whether there was any
results did not appreciably differ by the type or dose of meaningful heterogeneity, and this was not the case.
LES consumed, cointervention type, or fasting glucose and ▪ Most of the studies had relatively small sample
insulin levels. Among patients with type 2 diabetes, the sizes, which inherently compromises statistical
mean change difference indicated a smaller PPG response power.
after exposure to LES compared with the control (-0.3 ▪ Due to the sweet-tasting nature of the experimental
mmol/L; 95% CI: -0.53, -0.07). CONCLUSIONS: treatments, only a small number of the studies were
Ingestion of LES, administered alone or in combination double-blinded. This opens the possibility for bias
with a nutrient-containing preload, has no acute effects on on the part of the subjects as well as the authors.
the mean change in postprandial glycemic or insulinemic However, a post hoc analysis of only the double-
responses compared with a control intervention. Apart blind studies in the analysis had similar results to the
from a small beneficial effect on PPG (-0.3 mmol/L) in main analysis.

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 8

▪ Most of the studies examined the effects of a single should not be ignored. It’s inevitable that different LESs
low-energy sweetener (LES) administered alone. In have different physiological effects.5 A recent example is a
the commercial/real-world, most food and beverage 12-week trial by Higgins et al,6 comparing the effects of
contain a combination of 2 or more LESs. sucrose (table sugar), aspartame, stevia (rebA), saccharin,
Nevertheless, the authors remain skeptical of a and sucralose. Sucralose was the only sweetener that led to
combination of LESs having different effects on a significant decrease in energy intake compared to
glucose homeostasis compared to a single LES. baseline. Saccharin led to an increase in bodyweight, and
hunger ratings in the saccharin group were significantly
Comment/application greater than all other groups. Fortunately, saccharin is
nearly commercially extinct with the exception of the pink
The main finding of this systematic review & meta-
packets of Sweet N’Low at your local greasy spoon diner.
analysis was an overall lack of effect on acute postprandial
glycemic and insulinemic responses. Importantly, this lack
of effect occurred whether ingested alone or in
combination with other nutrients. Compared to control 1. Liberati A, Altman DG, Tetzlaff J, Mulrow C,
conditions, LESs do not independently change Gøtzsche PC, Ioannidis JPA, Clarke M, Devereaux PJ,
postprandial (post-meal) blood glucose or insulin Kleijnen J, Moher D. The PRISMA statement for
responses. This finding was observed on a standard 120- reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of
minute postprandial period of analysis for glucose and studies that evaluate health care interventions:
insulin. This was also observed in studies with test periods Explanation and elaboration. PLoS Med.
shorter than 120 minutes. A valid concern is the effect of 2009;6:e1000100. [PubMed]
LES on glycemic control in diabetics. This question has 2. Schiavo JH. PROSPERO: An International Register of
been addressed by Behnen et al,3 who examined 9 clinical Systematic Review Protocols. Med Ref Serv Q. 2019
trials totaling 490 subjects. They concluded that LESs Apr-Jun;38(2):171-180. [PubMed]
imparted no significant effects on glycemic control and 3. Behnen EMT, Ferguson MC, Carlson A. Do Sugar
insulin response (regardless of type 1 or 2 diabetes). The Substitutes Have Any Impact on Glycemic Control in
practical/clinical implications of the present meta-analysis’ Patients with Diabetes? Journal of Pharmacy
findings align with a recent consensus paper by Ashwell et Technology. 2013;29(2):61-65. [JPT]
al,4 which concluded the following: 4. Ashwell M, Gibson S, Bellisle F, Buttriss J,
Drewnowski A, Fantino M, Gallagher AM, de Graaf
“Based on reviews of clinical evidence to date, the panel
K, Goscinny S, Hardman CA, Laviada-Molina H,
concluded that LCS can be beneficial for weight
López-García R, Magnuson B, Mellor D, Rogers PJ,
management when they are used to replace sugar in
Rowland I, Russell W, Sievenpiper JL, la Vecchia C.
products consumed in the diet (without energy
Expert consensus on low-calorie sweeteners: facts,
substitution). The available evidence suggests no
research gaps and suggested actions. Nutr Res Rev.
grounds for concerns about adverse effects of LCS on
2020 Jan 13;33(1):1-10. [PubMed]
sweet preference, appetite or glucose control; indeed,
5. Hunter SR, Reister EJ, Cheon E, Mattes RD. Low
LCS may improve diabetic control and dietary
Calorie Sweeteners Differ in Their Physiological
compliance. Regarding effects on the human gut
microbiota, data are limited and do not provide
Effects in Humans. Nutrients. 2019 Nov
adequate evidence that LCS affect gut health at doses 9;11(11):2717. [PubMed]
relevant to human use.” 6. Higgins KA, Mattes RD. A randomized controlled trial
contrasting the effects of 4 low-calorie sweeteners and
A final wrinkle I would throw into this discussion is that sucrose on body weight in adults with overweight or
while meta-analyses are important for gaining a big- obesity. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 May 1;109(5):1288-
picture view of the evidence, individual study findings 1301. [PubMed]
Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 9
culture, CKD plus resistance training has never landed in
the peer reviewed literature, until now. To my knowledge,
The influence of cyclical ketogenic reduction diet the present study is the first of this kind to make it into the
vs. nutritionally balanced reduction diet on body ivory tower. Subjects had a minimum of one year of
composition, strength, and endurance resistance & aerobic training experience. The CKD
performance in healthy young males: a assigned to the subjects was reflective of CKDs typically
randomized controlled trial. engaged in the real world: 5 days keto (carbohydrate
maximum of 30 g/day), 2 days high-carb (8-10 g/kg
Kysel P, Haluzíková D, Doležalová RP, Laňková I, LBM). Protein was set at 1.6 g/kg, which is sufficient in
Lacinová Z, Kasperová BJ, Trnovská J, Hrádková V, Mráz most cases for facilitating muscle gain or retention.
M, Vilikus Z, Haluzík M. Nutrients. 2020 Sep Ketosis was objectively assessed via urinary & blood
16;12(9):E2832. [PubMed] ketone levels.
BACKGROUND: The influence of ketogenic diet on
physical fitness remains controversial. We performed a Limitations
randomized controlled trial to compare the effect of The authors acknowledged that the trial duration (8 weeks)
cyclical ketogenic reduction diet (CKD) vs. nutritionally was short, and sample was small (25 subjects). Only men
balanced reduction diet (RD) on body composition, muscle were included – leaving the response of other populations
strength, and endurance performance. METHODS: 25
to this intervention open to speculation. Although the
healthy young males undergoing regular resistance training
assigned intakes were specified, the actual intakes were
combined with aerobic training were randomized to CKD
not reported in the manuscript (despite the mentioning that
(n = 13) or RD (n = 12). Body composition, muscle
strength and spiroergometric parameters were measured at subjects kept food records, with weekly compliance checks
baseline and after eight weeks of intervention. RESULTS: done by a nutritionist). Big questions remain in the
Both CKD and RD decreased body weight, body fat, and absence of this information. As it stands, we don’t know
BMI. Lean body mass and body water decreased in CKD how close or far the accrual intakes were form the targets
and did not significantly change in RD group. Muscle assigned. The results might also be limited to the training
strength parameters were not affected in CKD while in RD protocol used. Strangely, although the training split was
group lat pull-down and leg press values increased. specified (3 days per week, each day focused on a different
Similarly, endurance performance was not changed in muscle group – chest, legs, back), sets, reps, and load were
CKD group while in RD group peak workload and peak not specified. The training session was reported to last 60
oxygen uptake increased. CONCLUSIONS: Our data minutes, including a 30 minute run at 70% TFmax (130-
show that in healthy young males undergoing resistance 140 beats per minute), but this still leaves missing details
and aerobic training comparable weight reduction were about the resistance training protocol, since a wide
achieved by CKD and RD. In RD group; improved muscle variation of loading permutations can occur within a 30-
strength and endurance performance was noted relative to minute timeframe.
neutral effect of CKD that also slightly reduced lean body
mass. FUNDING SOURCE: This research was funded by Comment/application
Funded by CZ-RO (“Institute for Clinical and
Experimental Medicine—IKEM, IN 00023001”) and RVO
VFN 64165 to M.H.


Cyclical ketogenic dieting (CKD) has been discussed

within the bodybuilding and fitness community and in the
lay literature since the 1990’s with Dan Duchaine’s
Bodyopus and Mauro DiPasquale’s Anabolic Diet, and in
the early 2000’s with Lyle McDonald’s Ultimate Diet 2.0.
Despite roughly 30 decades of existence in physique
Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 10
As shown above, both groups significantly reduced body conceded that their results are consistent with recent well-
fat, which is expected. However, reductions in lean mass controlled trials showing that ketogenic diets impair
and body water were not significant in the control diet endurance performance.3,4 I would also add the greater loss
(RD), but were significant in the CKD. of lean mass in the ketogenic diet group is consistent with
several recent studies reporting similar inferiority in lean
mass retention or gain.5-8 In the case of the present study, it
appears that the 2-day carb-ups (8-10 g/kg LBM) were
insufficient to compensate for the ergolytic effect of the 5-
day ketogenic periods. More research investigating this
model or similar would provide more definitive

As shown above, the CKD failed to cause significant
increases in lifting strength with any of the 3 exercises, 1. McSwiney FT, Wardrop B, Hyde PN, Lafountain RA,
while the RD caused significant gains in lat pull-down and Volek JS, Doyle L. Keto-adaptation enhances exercise
leg press strength (both diets failed to increase bench press performance and body composition responses to training in
endurance athletes. Metabolism. 2018 Apr;81:25-34.
2. Tzur A, Roberts A. Critical analysis of mcswiney et al’s
2017 keto study. Updated June 2017. [Sci-Fit]
3. Burke LM, Ross ML, Garvican-Lewis LA, Welvaert M,
Heikura IA, Forbes SG, Mirtschin JG, Cato LE, Strobel N,
Sharma AP, Hawley JA. Low carbohydrate, high fat diet
impairs exercise economy and negates the performance
benefit from intensified training in elite race walkers. J
Physiol. 2017 May 1;595(9):2785-2807. [PubMed]
4. Burke LM, Sharma AP, Heikura IA, Forbes SF, Holloway
M, McKay AKA, Bone JL, Leckey JJ, Welvaert M, Ross
ML. Crisis of confidence averted: Impairment of exercise
economy and performance in elite race walkers by
ketogenic low carbohydrate, high fat (LCHF) diet is
reproducible. PLoS One. 2020 Jun 4;15(6):e0234027.
As shown above, RD improved several measures of 5. Vargas S, Romance R, Petro JL, Bonilla DA, Galancho I,
aerobic performance (peak workload, peak oxygen uptake, Espinar S, Kreider RB, Benítez-Porres J. Efficacy of
peak workload per kg, and work capacity at a heart rate of ketogenic diet on body composition during resistance
170 beats per minute) while the CKD failed to training in trained men: a randomized controlled trial. J Int
Soc Sports Nutr. 2018 Jul 9;15(1):31. [PubMed]
significantly increase any of these measures. Overall, the
6. Greene DA, Varley BJ, Hartwig TB, Chapman P, Rigney
control diet, targeted to contain 55% carbs, 15% protein, M. A low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet reduces body mass
and 30% fat, was the superior performer, for both body without compromising performance in powerlifting and
composition outcomes (lean mass retention, specifically), olympic weightlifting athletes. J Strength Cond Res. 2018
and measures of aerobic fitness. Dec;32(12):3373-3382. [PubMed]
7. Kephart WC, Pledge CD, Roberson PA, Mumford PW,
At the outset of the trial, the authors hypothesized that the Romero MA6, Mobley CB, et al. The three-month effects of
CKD would be more effective more efficacious in a ketogenic diet on body composition, blood parameters,
improving endurance measures, as seen in McSwiney et and performance metrics in crossfit trainees: a pilot study.
Sports (Basel). 2018 Jan 9;6(1). pii: E1. [PubMed]
al’s trial, where the ketogenic diet group lost body fat and 8. Vargas-Molina S, Petro JL, Romance R, Kreider RB,
(erroneously) reported that endurance performance was Schoenfeld BJ, Bonilla DA, Benítez-Porres J. Effects of a
improved (those interested in an in-depth discussion of the ketogenic diet on body composition and strength in trained
crucial flaws in the methodology and reporting of women. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2020 Apr 10;17(1):19.
McSwiney’s study can go here).2 Ultimately, the authors [PubMed]

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 11

individuals. Competitive athletes at the elite level can have
2-4 times (or more) the total daily calorie requirements of
What characterizes a healthy diet? deskbound weekend warriors. While obesity from chronic
By Alan Aragon overeating is a major public health problem, the other side
of the coin is that chronic over-dieting is common among
athletes of all levels.
What is health? According to the World Health
The female athlete triad is a pathological progression that
Organization, health can be defined as having complete
begins with disordered eating and/or under-eating, which
physical, mental, and social well-being; not merely the
leads to the disruption & cessation of the menstrual cycle,
absence of disease or infirmity.1 There are tons of fad
and finally a decrease in bone mineral density that can
diets, and most of them are not just ridiculous, but
ultimately manifest as osteopenia or osteoporosis.3 One of
unhealthy—for not just the body, but the mind as well.
the cornerstones of preventing the triad’s progression is
Yup, fad diets create unhealthy and sometimes dangerous
simply eating enough to maintain a healthy weight and
relationships with food, in addition to having poor long-
body composition. Relative energy deficiency syndrome
term effectiveness. The purpose of the following
(REDS) also involves inadequate energy intake, but
discussion is to clarify the universal qualities that define a
encompasses a larger range of dysfunction, including
healthy diet. Note that these are not in any particular order
impaired metabolic rate, menstrual function, bone health,
of importance.
immunity, protein synthesis, cardiovascular health, and
psychological health.4 The threshold of energy availability
A healthy diet respects personal preference.
below which the Triad and REDS can manifest is reported
Consider for a moment the absurdity of the following to be 30 kcal/kg of lean body mass.
statement: “A diet consisting mostly of foods you hate is
ideal for long-term adherence.” Now switch the word According to perhaps the most diligent research in this
“hate” with “love” and it just makes so much sense— area, normal/healthy ranges for body fat percent among the
almost a “well-duh” level of sense. What’s amazing to me general public were 13.4-21.7% for men and 24.6-33.2%
is that the principle of honoring personal preference is for women.5 These ranges reflect earlier research by
probably the most over-looked and under-utilized weapon Abernathy and Black,6 who reported that the best health is
in the dieter’s arsenal. This isn’t just a pet intuition of seen fat percentages averaging between 12-20% for men
mine, there’s science to support it. Quoting a recent review and 20-30% for women. Some may look at those ranges
by Koliaki et al:2 “…the most effective strategy to achieve and immediately think of elite athletes who are far leaner.
long-term weight loss and good cardiometabolic health is Newsflash: elite athletic performance and optimal health
shifting to a healthy dietary pattern, compatible with do not always run parallel. In fact, the nature of sport is
individual food preferences and lifestyle habits.” often to challenge the limits of human survival under the
most stressful conditions. For those interested, I covered
A healthy diet provides enough total energy to support the body fat ranges of athlete populations in this graphic.
physical & mental performance goals, as well as healthy
body composition. A healthy diet covers macro- and micronutrient needs.

A diet shouldn’t just suit your personal taste preferences, it This seems rather obvious, right? Too bad people routinely
should also provide adequate energy to optimize the mess up both aspects. Macronutrition—protein, carbs, and
performance of every move you make. The heart of this fat—is an area that’s ripe for creating boundless fallacies
involves eating enough calories (and nutrients). There’s a and quacky lore. As for micronutrition, it’s not easy to
very broad range of physical activity demands across meet the recommended amounts of all the essential

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 12

vitamins and minerals. Calton et al7 assessed the vitamin D, protein, phosphorus, and potassium reveal milk
micronutrient sufficiency of four popular diets and found to be the number 1 single food contributor of each of these
them to be, on average, 56.48% deficient in meeting the bone-related nutrients with the exception of protein in all
recommended amounts, lacking in 15 out of the 27 age groups of both sexes…”
essential micronutrients analyzed. These findings
underscore the importance of predominating the diet with a A healthy diet respects food intolerances & allergies.
variety of whole and minimally refined foods. The
At the same time that certain food restrictions are based on
findings also build a strong case for taking a
pseudoscience, imagination, and gimmickry, there are
multivitamin/mineral if you’re dieting and/or consuming a
individuals with various food intolerances, allergies, or
narrow range of foods (refer to the December 2013 issue
drug-related contraindications that require the strict
of AARR for more commentary on multivitamin-mineral avoidance of certain foods. However, it’s worth noting that
supplements). It also illustrates the importance of being sometimes there can be flexibility in these matters. For
cautious about eliminating foods or food groups, which example, Wilt and colleagues17 reported that the majority
carries an inherent risk for incurring nutrient deficiencies. of individuals diagnosed with lactose intolerance can have
up to 12 grams (equivalent to 1 cup of milk) in a sitting
A healthy diet has no unnecessary/unfounded food with minimal to no symptoms, particularly if consumed
restrictions. with other foods.
A great example of unfounded elimination is the Paleo
A healthy diet is convenient.
diet, which bans nutritious foods like grains, legumes, and
dairy. The rationale for eliminating these foods is that In other words, a healthy diet shouldn’t be a needless time
they’re harmful to health. This is a bold claim that lacks & effort-depleting burden. Tupperware and coolers can be
scientific evidence.8 In the case of grains, the focus is on useful, but not when they become an obligation every time
either celiac disease or non-celiac gluten intolerance. you have to leave the house for more than two hours. The
Conservatively speaking, over 90% of the world does not idea that everyone must eat multiple, tiny meals
have either condition,9,10 and therefore can safely consume throughout the day in order to “stoke the metabolism” is so
gluten-containing foods. Furthermore, the types of mythical and incorrect. Multiple controlled studies
commercially available gluten-free grains outnumber comparing low and high meal frequencies have failed to
gluten-containing grains by more than double. What’s detect differences in thermogenesis in the short term, and
ironic is that the Paleo diet aims to ban problematic foods, the influence of meal frequency on body composition in
yet allows 4 of the 8 major allergens identified by the by the long-term has yielded equivocal results.18 The
pendulum swings the other way, where folks think special
the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection
clinical adaptations result from lengthy stretches of fasting,
Act.11 It doesn’t make sense to issue a universal ban on
but that’s equally wishful and lacking scientific
foods that cannot be tolerated by a small minority of the
support.19,20 Meal frequency should therefore be based on
the individual goal, personal preference, and individual
Legume banning per the Paleo doctrine is silly. They are a tolerance. There’s no magic with extreme lows or extreme
staple food of some of the healthiest populations on highs in meal frequency.
Earth.12 There is an abundance of their health benefits in
and a scarcity of evidence of harm.13,14 As for dairy, the A healthy diet is affordable.
current weight of the evidence supports the net health One way to over-pay for food is by subscribing to the
benefit of dairy consumption.15 Here’s a memorable organic label, which often doubles the price. But is it
excerpt from Rafferty and Heaney’s research on the worth it? Thus far, a substantial body of research evidence
nutritional contributions of milk:16 “NHANES 1999–2000 strongly suggests that it’s a gamble at best.21 Several
and CSFII 1994–1996 analyses of food sources of calcium, systematic reviews have concluded that there’s no

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 13

meaningful difference in nutrient quality or nutrition- contest diets also fall into this category, no matter how
related health advantages between organically and “healthy” someone thinks their semi-starvation diet is. It
conventionally produced foodstuffs.22-24 Another way to bears emphasis that physique competition is not a
over-pay is through supplements. While there are cases physically nor mentally healthy endeavor. Do many people
where supplementation is useful for either exercise compete in physique sports and come out of the process
performance25 or preventing nutrient deficiency,7 the unscathed? Yes, but does it make it healthy or without
majority of products range from an inert waste of money to serious, potentially long-lasting risks (particularly for
a dangerous waste of money. varying degrees of disordered or dysfunctional eating)?
No, and this reality should be acknowledged at the outset
A healthy diet is socially acceptable (and not hazardous of the endeavor. The good news is that people can achieve
to the public). long-term adherence by individualizing their diets to suit
their personal preferences, tolerances, goals, and
I realize that people have all kinds of bizarre eating rituals ideologies.
and proclivities. However, when it lowers the comfort
level, raises the anxiety level, or worse yet—endangers
those around them, that’s when it goes too far. One
obvious example (aside from non-consensual cannibalism) 1. Grad FP. [Commentary on the] preamble of the
is the dichotomous nature alcohol consumption. While a constitution of the world health organization. Bulletin
moderate intake (i.e., 1-3 glasses of wine per day) has been of the World Health Organization. 2002, 80 (12).
associated with health benefits,26,27 abusing alcohol can [WHO]
affect nearly every bodily system.28 Another thing that can 2. Koliaki C, Spinos T, Spinou Μ, Brinia ΜE,
cause social disharmony is the judgment of others based Mitsopoulou D, Katsilambros N. Defining the Optimal
on their diets, which brings us to the next point. Dietary Approach for Safe, Effective and Sustainable
Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults.
A healthy diet is compatible with personal ideologies. Healthcare (Basel). 2018 Jun 28;6(3):73. [PubMed]
3. Female Athlete Triad Coalition. What is the triad?
Personal ideology refers to someone’s personal or
subjective beliefs that frame their food choices. For
4. Robertson S, Mountjoy M. A Review of Prevention,
example, vegetarianism is an ideological choice that many
Diagnosis, and Treatment of Relative Energy
people decide to make. A healthy diet for vegetarians
Deficiency in Sport in Artistic (Synchronized)
would be one that follows the rules that the individual
Swimming. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2018 Jul
decides to impose within the chosen variant. There is a
1;28(4):375-384. [PubMed]
multitude of ways to compose nutritionally complete diets
5. Kyle UG, Schutz Y, Dupertuis YM, Pichard C. Body
that happen to have philosophical, cultural, or religion-
composition interpretation. Contributions of the fat-
based restrictions. It’s not healthy for people to feel
free mass index and the body fat mass index.
pressured to force foods that don’t fit with their ideologies.
Nutrition. 2003;19:597–604. [PubMed]
Now, here comes the disclaimer. If you have truly wacky
6. Abernathy RP, Black DR. Healthy body weights: an
ideologies and think that going on a 40-day water fast is a
good idea, you might need to re-examine your personal alternative perspective. Am J Clin Nutr. 1996
ideology in the interest of your own survival. Mar;63(3 Suppl):448S-451S. [PubMed]
7. Calton JB. Prevalence of micronutrient deficiency in
popular diet plans. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2010 Jun
A healthy diet is sustainable in the long-term.
10;7:24. [PubMed]
Any diet you cannot permanently adhere to is simply not a 8. Aragon AA. The Paleo diet: claims versus evidence.
healthy diet. Fad diets fall into this category, although NSCA Personal Trainers Conference, 2013.
some folks are tenacious enough to drag them out for a 9. Rubio-Tapia A, Ludvigsson JF, Brantner TL, Murray
good, long time before realizing how pointless it is. Pre- JA, Everhart JE. The prevalence of celiac disease in
Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 14
the United States. Am J Gastroenterol. 2012 Intermittent versus continuous energy restriction on
Oct;107(10):1538-44. [PubMed] weight loss and cardiometabolic outcomes: a
10. DiGiacomo DV, Tennyson CA, Green PH, Demmer systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized
RT. Prevalence of gluten-free diet adherence among controlled trials. J Transl Med. 2018 Dec
individuals without celiac disease in the USA: results 24;16(1):371. [PubMed]
from the Continuous National Health and Nutrition 21. Vigar V, Myers S, Oliver C, Arellano J, Robinson S,
Examination Survey 2009-2010. Scand J Leifert C. A Systematic Review of Organic Versus
Gastroenterol. 2013 Aug;48(8):921-5. [PubMed] Conventional Food Consumption: Is There a
11. US Food and Drug Administration. Food Allergen Measurable Benefit on Human Health? Nutrients.
Labeling And Consumer Protection Act of 2004: 2019 Dec 18;12(1):7. [PubMed]
Questions and Answers. [FDA] 22. Dangour AD, Dodhia SK, Hayter A, Allen E, Lock K,
12. Buettner D, Skemp S. Blue Zones: Lessons From the Uauy R. Nutritional quality of organic foods: a
World's Longest Lived. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2016 Jul systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009
7;10(5):318-321. [PubMed] Sep;90(3):680-5. [PubMed]
13. Bouchenak M, Lamri-Senhadji M. Nutritional quality 23. Dangour AD, Lock K, Hayter A, Aikenhead A, Allen
of legumes, and their role in cardiometabolic risk E, Uauy R. Nutrition-related health effects of organic
prevention: a review. J Med Food. 2013 foods: a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010
Mar;16(3):185-98. [PubMed] Jul;92(1):203-10. [PubMed]
14. Becerra-Tomás N, Papandreou C, Salas-Salvadó J. 24. Smith-Spangler C, Brandeau ML, Hunter GE,
Legume Consumption and Cardiometabolic Health. Bavinger JC, Pearson M, Eschbach PJ, Sundaram V,
Adv Nutr. 2019 Nov 1;10(Suppl_4):S437-S450. Liu H, Schirmer P, Stave C, Olkin I, Bravata DM. Are
[PubMed] organic foods safer or healthier than conventional
15. Thorning TK, Raben A, Tholstrup T, Soedamah- alternatives?: a systematic review. Ann Intern Med.
Muthu SS, Givens I, Astrup A. Milk and dairy 2012 Sep 4;157(5):348-66. [PubMed]
products: good or bad for human health? An 25. Kerksick CM, Wilborn CD, Roberts MD, Smith-Ryan
assessment of the totality of scientific evidence. Food A, Kleiner SM, Jäger R, Collins R, Cooke M, Davis
Nutr Res. 2016 Nov 22;60:32527. [PubMed] JN, Galvan E, Greenwood M, Lowery LM, Wildman
16. Rafferty K, Heaney RP. Nutrient effects on the R, Antonio J, Kreider RB. ISSN exercise & sports
calcium economy: emphasizing the potassium nutrition review update: research & recommendations.
controversy. J Nutr. 2008 Jan;138(1):166S-171S. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2018 Aug 1;15(1):38. doi:
[PubMed] 10.1186/s12970-018-0242-y. [PubMed]
17. Wilt TJ, Shaukat A, Shamliyan T, et al. Lactose 26. Arranz S, Chiva-Blanch G, Valderas-Martínez P,
Intolerance and Health. Evidence Reports/Technology Medina-Remón A, Lamuela-Raventós RM, Estruch R.
Assessments, No. 192. Rockville (MD): Agency for Wine, beer, alcohol and polyphenols on cardiovascular
Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2010 Feb. disease and cancer. Nutrients. 2012 Jul;4(7):759-81.
[PubMed] [PubMed]
18. Schoenfeld BJ, Aragon AA, Krieger JW. Effects of 27. Snopek L, Mlcek J, Sochorova L, Baron M, Hlavacova
meal frequency on weight loss and body composition: I, Jurikova T, Kizek R, Sedlackova E, Sochor J.
a meta-analysis. Nutr Rev. 2015 Feb;73(2):69-82. Contribution of Red Wine Consumption to Human
[PubMed] Health Protection. Molecules. 2018 Jul 11;23(7):1684.
19. Haiyan M, et al. Effects of intermittent fasting and [PubMed]
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20. Cioffi I, Evangelista A, Ponzo V, Ciccone G, Soldati
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Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 15

after high-intensity exercise. CWI improved recovery of
explosive muscle power but not strength.
Does cold water immersion enhance training
recovery? In 2014, Broatch et al’s findings presented a stiff challenge
to the validity of CWI.3 For the first time in CWI research,
By Alan Aragon a placebo condition was included. The placebo condition
_______________________________________________ was the same thermoneutral water immersion (34.7°C),
except the subjects were (deceptively) told that it was as
Background effective was CWI (10.3°C). Thirty males performed four
30-second sprints, followed by one of three 15-minute
A common practice among athletes at the elite level is
recovery conditions: CWI, thermoneutral water immersion
post-exercise immersion into an ice-water bath at
placebo, or thermoneutral water immersion control. Leg
approximately 10-15°C for 5-10 minutes, sometimes
strength after maximal voluntary isometric contraction of
longer. The intention of this practice is to reduce soreness
and/or swelling, and expedite recovery. The traditionally the quadriceps and ratings of readiness for exercise, pain,
proposed (and somewhat far-fetched) mechanisms include and vigor were significantly impaired in the control
the constriction of blood vessels as a means to “flush” compared with those in CWI and the placebo condition,
waste products and slow down or inhibit physiological which were similar to each other. The authors concluded
processes involved with tissue breakdown.1 Back in 2010, that A CWI placebo is as effective as CWI itself in muscle
a review by Lateef described the state of the evidence for strength recovery over a 48-hour period.
cold water immersion (CWI) as follows:1
A similar phenomenon has been seen recently by in a
study by Wilson et al4 involving resistance trainees led to
“Despite this being a practice among some athletes,
believe that their placebo (a cornstarch pill) was BCAA.
especially elite ones, it is not an evidence-based
CWI was no more effective than the placebo at affecting
recommendation and studies performed thus far have
markers of recovery.
been small or inconclusive. Some have argued against
this practice as it offers no benefits for pain, swelling
In 2015, Peake et al5 presented another blow to the validity
or isometric strength and function. In fact, some
of CWI, this time investigating potential mechanisms in
observations have been made to show that this
the context of resistance training. A direct comparison was
practice may cause muscle soreness the day after.
made between the post-exercise effects of CWI versus
Perhaps it is the placebo effect that is being utilized.”
active recovery on inflammatory cellular markers and heat
shock proteins (HSPs) in skeletal muscle. There was no
Well, ten years have elapsed since this publication
advantage of CWI compared to active recovery (10
claiming that CWI is not an evidence-based practice. The
minutes of a self‐selected low intensity on a stationary
question is, how far have we come in terms of evidence for
cycle ergometer) for reducing inflammation or cellular
or against it? Fortunately, there has been a substantive
stress after intense resistance exercise.
amount of research since 2010 examining this question.
Let’s have a look and then draw some conclusions.
In 2016, a meta-analysis by Machado et al,6 it was reported
that “CWI can be slightly better than passive recovery in
The march of the data
the management of muscle soreness,” and a dose-response
In 2012, a meta-analysis by Leeder et al2 found that CWI was relationship was observed. CWI with a water temperature
effective in alleviating DOMS after high-intensity exercise at of 11-15°C and an immersion time of 11-15 min were the
24 and 48 hours. It was concluded that CWI may reduce most effective. The impact of soreness reduction on
muscle soreness in the first 96 hours post-exercise, especially recovery may or may not have meaningful functional

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 16

consequence for all goals. The goal of muscle hypertrophy ‘pre‐season’ or preparation phase, particularly where
comes immediately to mind – more on this in a bit. the goal includes a hypertrophic response, due to the
potential of dampening the adaptive response to
In 2017, a meta-analysis by Higgins et al7 found that CWI training.”
was beneficial for recovery at 24 hours (countermovement
jump, all-out sprint, and neuromuscular function) Toward the points made in the quote above, a 2017 study
following team sport. CWI was also beneficial for by Lindsay et al10 showed the positive effects of CWI for
lowering fatigue at 48 and 72 hours However, CWI was reducing soreness and biomarkers of inflammation and
not effective for accumulated sprinting following team physiological stress following mixed martial arts training,
sports. Regarding subjective measures of recovery, CWI which involves impact stress. A 2018 study by De Paula et
lowered perceptions of fatigue at 72 hours following team al11 reported that CWI improved subsequent 5 km running
sport, but did not reduce perceptions of muscle soreness. time trial performance, when implemented after unilateral
Nevertheless, since there indeed appeared to be recovery eccentric knee flexion exercise and 90 min of treadmill
benefits, Higgins et al’s practical recommendations for running at 70% of peak oxygen consumption.
CWI were as follows: 2 to 5-minute immersions of 10°C
with 2-minute seated rest in ambient temperature between Also in line with the points made in the quote by Allan and
immersions, with total immersion time being at least 10 Mawhinney,8 concerning effects on pathways toward
minutes. muscle hypertrophy have been observed repeatedly. A 12-
week trial by Roberts et al12 reported significant increase
It bears repeating that the studies in this area lack a in satellite cells, number of myonuclei, anabolic signaling,
placebo (sham) condition. As Peake et al4 demonstrated and muscle strength & mass in the active recovery group,
previously, it’s possible that the placebo effect can play a while no significant increases in these parameters occurred
significant role in CWI’s effects. Speaking of Peake et al, in the CWI group. They concluded that, CWI inhibits
in 2017, they compared the effects of CWI with active surrogate and concrete endpoints of hypertrophy, which
recovery on inflammatory & cellular stress markers may result in lesser gains in muscle size & strength in the
following resistance exercise in a well-controlled long-term. Congruent with these findings are subsequent
crossover trial.8 Anticlimactically, CWI was found to be resistance training studies spanning to the present year,
no more effective than active recovery (10 minutes of a showing anti-hypertrophic effect of CWI through the
self-selected low intensity on a cycle ergometer). inhibition of molecular factors involved in muscle
growth,13 impairment of muscle protein synthesis,14 and
Hope for endurance-oriented, quick turn-around sports, blunting of muscle fiber hypertrophy.15
bummer for hypertrophy

In light of the previous findings, a 2017 review by Allan Concluding perspectives

and Mawhinney9 offered the following perspective, worth Going back to the question in the title, you can see that the
quoting directly: answer is not simple. CWI might be useful for enhancing
training recovery, but this might not apply to the specific
“Meta‐analyses and performance studies conducted in
pursuit of muscle hypertrophy. Interestingly, this anti-
the area show us that CWI may be useful within hypertrophic effect was not accompanied by compromised
competition settings, particularly those requiring a strength gain in a 7-week trial,15 but it’s not implausible to
short turn‐around (such as tournament situations, speculate that inhibited muscle growth would impact
athletic meets and cycling tours), of a particularly muscular strength potential beyond the initial stage of
damaging nature, or in high environmental strength gains in untrained subjects. A final thing to consider
temperatures. However, there remains a lack of is that the benefits of CWI could be largely due to the placebo
justification for using CWI regularly during a effect. So, the degree to which it works for recovery might

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 17

depend on the degree to which you believe it does. I and cell stress responses in human skeletal muscle
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Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 18

“Until you change your thinking, you will always recycle
your experiences.”
– Biggs Burke

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Alan Aragon’s Research Review – September 2020 [Back to Contents] Page 19

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