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i might see you tomorrow

sarah might forget tl phone

it maight snow today
it might be late tonight

mark might not be here next weed

i minght not have time to go out

i might see on monday

i meght see her on manday
i might have fish
i might get a taxi

i might get a new car

might get up early

he is not working tomorrow
he might be at home tomorrow morning
he might watch tv
he is going out in the afternoon
he minght go shopping
can you ski?
can you play chess?
can you run ten lilometrs ?
can you drive a car ?
can you ride a horse?

i can ski i can not run kilometres

a can play chess i can not drive
a can run ten kilometres i can not ride a horse

can see
can not hear
can not find
can speak

coild not eat

can not decide
could not find
can not go to
can not go to

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