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LR Concerns

LAC Concern Proposed Steps to Address the

LAC 1 Bulk reports/ sessions were Manage time well to accomplish
conducted simultaneously the tasks
Lack computer knowledge and Ask for professional help/
poor internet connection colleagues/ experts
LAC 2 MELCs Unpacking of competencies,
studied the SLMs and combined
related competencies into
learning objectives
LAC 3A WHLP Since the learning modality is
common to all (Modular
Learning), lesson designs and
assessments were lifted from
the CapSLETs, WHLP were
accomplished on a weekly basis
LAC 3B Learning Resources/ Poor Not all learners have access to
internet connections the internet, they were issued
with textbooks
Encourage parents and
guardians to access DepED
Commons and LRMDS resources
LAC 4 Professional Development Attend LAC sessions and
Session webinars to improve skills in ICT
and other related competencies
to the new normal

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