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In every scenario or aspect there should be a source. Without a source, there is no sender.

That means source plays a vital role in these illustration. Source must come first then followed
by the sender who is encoding what its trying to convey or imply to the receiver. And in extent,
we have the channel that serves as the medium the we used to express our thoughts or ideas
throughout the receiver. This process is what we called the message. Along the process, there are
some barriers or hindrances that takes place. For an instance, I'm in a phone call with my friend
and in the middle of our conversation, there is a tricycle that is passing by with a loud sound and
we happened not to understand one another because of the sound. That barrier is called a noise.
When the message is being transmitted by the receiver and it happened to be understandable then
the receiver will respond and that is an act of decoding. And transmission of the message will
send to the sender and that process is a feedback.

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