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Notion Press
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Chennai - 600 031
First Published by Notion Press 2016
Copyright © Kaushalya Kuwadekar 2016
All Rights Reserved.

ISBN 978-1-945497-84-1

This book has been published with all efforts taken to make the material error-free after the consent
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No part of this book may be used, reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
In gratitude, I bow to you, my Sai, for being patient with me and
humorously coaxing me to complete this book. I humbly thank you for the
many mystical and magical experiences that have helped me to grow. I
know you were the source in creating them.
Much gratitude to all my teachers and the Masters I have met along this
journey, for you have taught me, and I have learned. Every teaching is joy,
and every ‘aha’ moment is enlightenment.
I thank you, my husband and my soul mate, Naren, for your solidity and
for always holding my hand tightly. I am grateful to my children – Komal,
wise beyond her years, for reading through this manuscript and putting
forward her perspective and inputs and Kunal and Meenakshi for their love
and support.
I thank my grandson, Vivan, who always urged me to continue, through
his query ‘How many pages have you written?’ with pride in his voice.
I would also like to acknowledge and thank the team at Notion Press for
their assistance in creating this beautiful book.
I thank you all from the depths of my heart.


Chapter One: 1987 – The Beginning

Chapter Two: The Love of God
Chapter Three: 1992–2000
Chapter Four: The Oneness University
Chapter Five: The Gift of Prayer
Chapter Six: The Spirit Doctor
Chapter Seven: 2010
Chapter Eight: The Power of Vows
Chapter Nine: Lourdes, The Capital of Prayer – 2009
Chapter Ten: How Do I Heal Myself
Chapter Eleven: Master Sha – 2010
Chapter Twelve: 2010–2013
Chapter Thirteen: The Gift of Sai Baba
Chapter Fourteen: Meeting with a Master
Chapter Fifteen: Wings to Freedom
Chapter Sixteen: More Snake Stories
Chapter Seventeen: The Detox
Chapter Eighteen: The Song of Tara, Goddess Earth
Chapter Nineteen: The Gathering
Chapter Twenty: Messages from the Angels
I find it a great honour to be writing a foreword for Beyond Shirdi. To be a
part of anything associated with my endeared Sai is a blessing. Thank you
Kaushu (what I lovingly call our author) for this opportunity.
I met Kaushu through a common friend and we got along instantly. Ever
since we have always shared our spiritual experiences and knowledge. We
exchange notes on the great Masters we meet and introduce new
opportunities to each other. It’s been ten years now since we met and here
I am writing a foreword for this fantastic book of hers.
Kaushu has been through so much in her life. Right from her childhood
she has faced so many tough situations. But what amazes me is that her
every experience moves her more and more towards spirituality.
When I read her first book Road to Shirdi I couldn’t hold back my tears
every single time I opened a new page. I was shocked to realise that the all
time warm and smiling Kaushu had been through so much. I can’t imagine
how people close to you can do you so much harm. But Kaushu’s faith and
courage paid off. She now has a beautiful family and a loving husband.
This book speaks beautifully of how people are placed in your life at
certain times only for your own growth. You either take it in your stride
and work on yourself or you keep complaining and let your life get
stagnated. Kaushu beautifully escalated spiritually from overcoming
everything with the help of her Divine.
The part in this book that struck a cord in me was when she met Shri M.
Kaushu has been blessed to meet the right Masters who have sensed her
spiritual energies and guided her for more growth. She is a great healer and
a guide to so many.
Kaushu’s books have taught me many insightful details about
spirituality. Like in this book I learnt something completely new about the
serpent loka which blew me away.
I am so sincerely grateful to the Divine to have sent Kaushu in my space.
There is so much to learn from her. I rarely meet like minded people and
I’m truly blessed to have Kaushu as a spiritual companion.
Smita Jayakar
Actress, Spiritual Teacher and Counsellor
Sai Baba Speaks – 2006
I stood in the sanctum sanctorum in front of the Dhuni in which the eternal
flame lit by Sai for the well-being of his children continued to burn, giving
love and salvation to his many believers who flock to Shirdi.
My husband stood to the left, beside me. This was his first visit to Shirdi.
With gratitude in my heart, I thanked Sai. Without his blessings and
permission, it would not have been possible for us to be here. Strangely, it
was a rather quiet time. We both stood there contemplating our own
Then I heard a strong booming voice in my head.
‘Ab tu meri leela dekhti jaa.’
Slowly I turned around to see who had boomed in my ears.
There was nobody.
I turned to look at my husband. He was as he was, standing beside me,
completely absorbed in his own world.
I understood that this was a message from Baba. I stood waiting, hoping
to receive more messages.
Again he repeated, ‘Ab tu meri leela dekhti jaa.’
There was laughter in his voice.
Translated, the words mean ‘From now onwards, watch my play.’
The Divine Voice had spoken.
Life at Play
In the book Road to Shirdi, I mentioned how my mother passed away.
Though her transition was not easy, I saw Baba ‘at play’ in my life. My
heart was set on making her happy in the last few years or months of her
life as her health had been fragile.
Along with her health, my health played games with me too. My mother
had been almost blind. I too suffered from severe eye disorders since
childhood. My stomach churned. For years I had been suffering from
stomach infections and irritable bowel syndrome. Having hormonal
problems as well, left me crying often. It was not easy.
Neither was it easy to handle the elderly. My father-in-law depended on
me for everything. My hands were full. Elderly parents are like children.
They need our time and attention. I had no time for myself. When I did
have time, I was either praying or crying or doing both; sometimes I was
angry too because I felt helpless.
I believe we are blessed if we are given a chance to care for our parents
because it goes a long way in clearing ours and our ancestors’ karmas.
Secondly, it is a debt of gratitude we owe them for bringing us into this
world. We are given a chance, through them, to purify ourselves, our
world and therefore to make way for our descendants to lead happier lives
by doing good deeds. We are karmically and genetically connected to our
It was a part of my life to look after my parents which was a natural
manifestation of love and caring, which reminds me of the story I once
read about Tibetans in the last century.
A child from every family was given to the monastery to serve the divine
in order to clear family karma. I believe our ancients knew this to be the
Also today, if a person in a family is inclined to carry out spiritual work,
the family soon starts benefitting from the good cause created by this
person through spiritual practice or any other method of service to God,
especially to humanity
What I think now is that this one person, who dedicates himself or
herself for a spiritual cause, actually spreads pure vibrations to their
families which in turn purifies the lineage.
And yet, whatever happens in our lives is a precondition, a contract;
therefore, no one is to be blamed for the negative events or wrong things
that take place in our lives, although it is painful and unfortunate when we
go through suffering.
It is easy to blame our parents for the misfortune we experience, but
when we are on a spiritual path, we start understanding the deeper aspects
of life and begin to take responsibility for ourselves.
When we seriously consider the situation and stop playing the blame
game, then our life begins to take a positive turn, and things start falling in
place in our favour.
We are spiritual beings living in the human world of our choice.
Therefore, we have access to both the material and the spiritual worlds. It
is up to the individual to make the choice. One can live in this human
world of experience and yet be divinely connected. And when that
happens, clarity takes place, and then there is only gratitude for all aspects
of life. That doesn’t mean that we won’t go through problems, but our
perspective changes, and therefore life becomes an experience lived.
As we get older and gain experience, we realise that there is actually no
one to blame for the misfortunes we have gone through.
Life is at play. Let us watch ourselves play and enjoy the ride.
I do not write this because I want the reader to feel sympathy for me; I
do this because I know that there are many like me, and if this book can
give hope and consolation to you, then part of my job here is done. A part
of my contract with you will be completed. For that, I thank you for
picking up this book.
Secondly, who am I to write a book about Sai Baba and my spiritual
experiences? It is He who guides me to do this. I am ordinarily not a
writer, and yet He makes the words flow. Ordinarily, I am not someone
who writes, and yet He makes the words flow from me. He will reach out
to whom He wants to.
This is what I have heard from readers who have been guided to pick the
book Road to Shirdi, which was my earlier book guided by the great Sai
and Archangel Michael.
One person said that he had refrained from buying the book. But
whenever he passed through a bookshop or airport, the book kept falling
into his hands. Six months later, he decided he had no choice but to buy it.
It helped him immensely to understand many things.
Therefore, each book has energy, and that energy will reach out to
whomever it has to. We do not pick up books randomly. They come into
our hands because they have a purpose and a mission like we all do.
A book is like a person. All books have much to share including the
energy of the writer. A book is a soul created by the author.
This author has been guided by Master Sai and Archangel Michael.
There are different Masters who flow in and out. Sometimes I know them;
sometimes I do not. Clearly, that is not important. What is important is the
messages they convey, even if they be simple ones.
All of us are beings of energy. It is not possible to connect with
everyone, and yet books help us to connect because it is creative energy,
and all creation arises from the universe.
I also thank my mother, Kishni, my mother-in-law, Nirmala, and my
father-in-law, Prabhakar, for teaching me the many lessons of life, from
love to pain and everything in between.
Thank you for helping me to serve you. In serving you, you helped me.

I was not interested, but coercion landed me in a group practising

Buddhism. I had always been attracted to the Buddha, and though I had no
inclination to join the group, the chant was mesmerising. I could
immediately tune into it and connect.
It was ‘nam myoho renge kyo’ which is the distilled form of the book
The Lotus Sutra – teachings of Lord Buddha – that was espoused by him in
the last eight years of his life, a culmination of his life’s work.
We had meetings which were another story. We studied from the
Goshos, which are the writings of Nichiren Daishonin, a Saint from the
twelfth century who resurrected the chant ‘nam myoho renge kyo’.
I attended for the sake of making my friend happy and through the
suppressed yawns, I felt good I was doing someone a favour. I heard many
a quotation and words like ‘The Lotus Sutra’ and ‘Mt. Eagle’s Peak,’
never giving further thought to any of them.
The practice of chanting was enticing and enchanting, enough to sustain
the daily joy I received from it; the rest I happily ignored.
When the magic and mystical experiences began, it took me on a journey
of awe. It blinded me to everything else. The chant became my life. I lived
it; I breathed it; I loved it. I was romancing myself with the chant. My life
now had a deep meaning and a purpose. I felt fulfilled. There was no
looking back, until one day my life was shattered.
My group leader told me I had slandered the law and that I was never to
chant again or attend any meetings. My heart broke. I asked, I begged and
I pleaded. I knew I had not done any wrong. I was given no explanations.
It took me a year of tears, anger and soul-searching to get over what I
thought was the wrong done to me. My ego was marked and blemished.
Every time I tried to chant, the tears would fall in pain. The question was
always, should I not chant, or is it ok to chant? I was confused.
Within a year, I was with another organisation based in Japan, Sukyo
Mahikari, which was established by Mr. Kotama Okada in 1959. The
practice here was to radiate the ‘Light of God’ through one’s palms which
cleanses and purifies the soul.
The journey was beautiful and the miracles synchronistic ally continued
in tandem. Five years flew by when my heart told me it was time to move
on. I did not heed my intuition even though it was strong.
I continued for another five years thinking I was pleasing God. There
was too much fear in me to leave. Secondly, it had become a full-time job;
what would I do if I left? It gave me purpose. I was reluctant to use my
free will, and therefore I was truly confused because I was not being true
to myself. Besides, I loved to radiate light because I could feel the
vibrations and the higher frequencies around me.
But when you don’t listen to the guidance from your heart, the universe
has a way of shoving you out, and that too, inappropriately. It was the
same in both cases, the same repetition. What pattern was I holding on to?
It took guts, and it took a long time for me to walk away, and finally I felt
free, not bound by misconceptions about myself.
Going forward I decided never to join any organisation or follow any
Guru, but life has its own way of pushing you in the direction you are
meant to go in. The organisations have helped me to prosper in wisdom;
the teachers and gurus have shared their light with me for which I am
eternally grateful.
My experiences began at a young age. There were things I did not
understand as a child; the things I saw sometimes scared me and at times
made me happy. I could see spirits and discarnate entities. I could see
lights and angels. For me these were normal happenings. I did not share
my sightings with anyone for I knew somehow that they would deem me
I went through much physical discomfort and quite a few surgeries, and
each one had a lesson for me – ‘Love yourself’. But do we listen? Did I
Many stories are soul-stirring, and a few are the ‘believe it or not’ type. I
ask you to read from your heart and discern. For me, they are as they
happened because they were meant to, as the guides have told me.
Everything has a reason and a purpose, and these magical happenings
helped me to understand many a thing first-hand. They helped me to
believe in a God I hadn’t seen. When I saw ‘God,’ there was only love and
light inside and outside of me. When I was initiated by God via my third
eye, once again I fell into a swoon and saw love everywhere. When I
profusely interceded for another soul’s suffering, I saw the golden ball,
and my body started radiating light.
When I went through surgery, I was taken to another world. I was
spoken to, was told certain things, and sent back to my body. Again, I saw
only love.
I do not know if it is karma that has seen me through much physical and
mental torment, but I do believe that at this time we are completing our
soul journeys as group souls. We, who are the ‘light workers’ (as we are
rightly called) took it upon us to free the groups in which we have
incarnated many a time. To free another soul in our group, we take his or
her karma on ourselves. Many are doing this unknowingly, and yet many
know this from their hearts.
We came to Earth as group souls; therefore, we are social beings. We
need each other. When one soul completes his or her soul’s contract here,
he or she reincarnates to help other members of the soul group move
We have small soul groups, as in families, which extends to a larger soul
group, as in relatives, and again a larger soul group, as in friends, and so it
A Master takes upon himself to help large soul groups with whom he or
she has been in touch over many lifetimes and on various planets.
We all move together as one people of this earth world.

It was a beautiful evening. In a few minutes, the evening sun would touch
the horizon, where the sea meets the sky, with its golden glow,
illuminating the ocean with its red and orange rays.
Magic was in the air.
The children laughed and gurgled in glee, enjoying splashing about in
the swimming pool. There was joy around us. I stepped out of the
swimming pool and stood there watching the children having fun.
A deep surge of love invaded my whole being. As I looked upon the sky,
and then at the horizon beyond, a beautiful energy of love manifested in
the form of a rainbow-coloured light, dancing and weaving its way over
everything in my sight. As it slowly and surely meandered its way to the
trees, I watched in awe as every blade of grass, the trees, the buildings, the
people, and the sea were blanketed in a spectrum of twinkling colours.
The rainbow lights were ethereal, something hard to describe. Not only
was everything blanketed in the light, but everything became this light. So
a person became a colourful, shining person, and a swaying tree became a
colourful, shining tree dancing in the colours. There were only beautiful
colours within colours. And they all shone and twinkled.
I waded into the colours and then submerged myself into every aspect of
the universe that was in front of me, which was glowing with the seven
colours. The whole world looked beautiful. Everything sparkled with the
divine light of God. I seemed to have become the rainbow light.
In that moment, I was shown that all that is in this world is the creation
of God, created in great love for the sake of the beings that he has created.
I saw that everything, animate or inanimate, was throbbing with life, and
that it was the breathing, pulsating energy that is God. This world is a
dancing spectrum of colours.
How long did I stand there in a trance?
My perspective shifted. The awareness of the oneness of everything on
this planet humbled me. I realised with great joy that in this tapestry of
life, we were created in love, interconnected and woven with Divine light
and love.
As St. Michael told us:
We are like drops in the sea; together we make the ocean. We are the
leaves, the bark, and the roots of the tree; together, we are the tree. We
are the grains of sand that make up the beach! We are the stars, the
planets, and the solar system. This whole world is beautiful, and we are
the world. We are not separate from anything or anyone.
Together we are the one radiant Light made up of many colours!
Suddenly I became aware of the water dripping onto my shoulders. As I
looked upon my body, I saw gently whirling colours of the rainbow that
was my body. I stood in awe of the Universe as it manifested God’s divine
energy in me and around me, showing me that we are all children of light,
living in a world of light. We are the colours of the Light manifested on
this beloved planet of Love.
Everything and everybody in my vicinity was a dancing, joyous rainbow.
God was everywhere.
Slowly the colours receded into the Light; eventually the Light dissolved
into normalcy, leaving me in wonder at what I had experienced and
witnessed. For some reason, I was shown the Light – that we are living in
a world of Light.

My Story, Our Stories

This life has been such an amazing one, a great journey, not just for me,
but for the many acquaintances I have made along the way. It has been full
of lessons, love, forgiveness and wholeness on many levels. Prayer has
brought about faith, light and information. The lessons have made me
wiser. Forgiveness has helped me to heal others and be healed. Gratitude
has opened my heart to love, to peace and prosperity and to the recognition
that we are all One – that there is no separateness and that we need each
other – for that is the way we are created. We are here to grow, and as we
grow in awareness, we are unconsciously helping others to grow. Every
individual is important.

In the Past
In May of 2010, I went through a past-life experience, which was not as
spontaneous as my other past-life experiences had been. I was induced into
a deep state of relaxation and meditation.
I receded back into a time when there was no time, and there was no
earth. There was nothing, absolutely nothing – a great void. How can one
describe void, a pure nothingness? Have you ever felt this void? Yes, in
deep meditation, many have experienced it. I was in the void; I was the
void. In the silence of the void, I heard the breath which breathed the
sound, the eternal sound of creation, and I knew that this was the
beginning of our earth and our universe. I learnt then that we are a
manifestation from the void.
Then I traversed forward in time, maybe millions of years ahead. There
was what felt like a fierce movement of air, almost like a violent,
continuous wind. They were the great winds, like storms moving into the
nothingness. I could ‘see’ the winds. This went on for a long time. How
long did it go on? It was the earth kind of ‘forever time;’ it felt like
As I moved forward a few more million years, I saw a big, red sun. It
had a fierce darkness around it – a huge red, round sun with a blackness
around it as if it had just come into being from an unknown blackness. It
was the beginning of the solar time. And the sky was red. Although it
looked ominous, it wasn’t.
Then, all of a sudden, I felt the pain. It was the pain that belonged to
Creation, as our Earth came into the birthing process. The tears rolled
down, and I cried as Mother Earth was born. Why was the birthing process
Is it because we separated from the Spirit?
Again as I progressed ahead a few more thousand years, I beheld the
earth with its foliage of scattered trees, greenery, and giant animals! The
residents of planet earth were huge grey dinosaurs, living on plant life! I
saw them all and was awed by the history of our planet and the time and
work it had taken to complete the task of designing and making our world.
As my journey progressed through more years, I beheld, the world; it
was beautiful, as originally created by God – Planet Earth, our Home!
People were living joyously in a thriving land of plenty. The grass was
green, and the trees laden with fruits. There was happiness, joy and
laughter in a land filled with lush abundance.
While I basked upon the glory of the land, a great big light appeared. The
Light came forward, and the voice said:
This is how your earth came into being, and I have been with you from
the beginning of time. Time as you know it, as you perceive it, has been
shown to you. I have been with each and every one of you. I know each
and every soul.
Each and every one of you wanted to descend upon this earth that was
created; all of you wanted to ‘experience’ it, for this is beauty in
creation, and each one wanted to be a part of this beauty in action. Out
of your own volition, you decided to be here, to care for this planet and
to grow with it.
The Voice continued speaking, and I listened knowing that it contained a
great truth about our beginnings.
The Light then told me that we all have to live our lives in joy and
happiness with each other.
Live Happily and Joyously with each other.
With Authority, the Voice continued:
This is a Divine Command.
This is an order given to us, which means that our lives are precious, and
each moment is to be truly lived in joy and happiness, more importantly,
with ‘each other’!
Archangel Michael then appeared through the Light, and I saw him from
the corner of my eyes. In that moment, a great peace descended within me.
He said:
Your life’s purpose is to move forward in joy, and I will always be
beside you, helping you and guiding you.
You are here to help others as they are here to help you, and you will
be ‘shown’ all those you must help as you will ‘see’ those who are here
to help you.
Many a time you will fall and fail, and it will be difficult for you to
move forward. Sometimes I will help you; sometimes I will not, but I
will be watching over you, and you will have no choice but to move
forward. In this lies your growth and the growth of others.
When you were put upon this earth, the pain that you felt was that of
separation from the One, the way you felt the pain of Mother Earth
when she was being born.
From what I understood, I believe that we were separated from the One
Source that is Light, which is our true self, and therefore we carry the pain
of separation in the recesses of our hearts. It is this ‘emptiness’ that makes
us feel incomplete, and consequently we end up seeking and searching,
which is the need in us to fill up the emptiness. This separation also
created the fear of the unknown.
I was told that many of us were ‘brought’ from other planets and places
and ‘put down’ on earth to continue our journeys here. Many of us were
‘seeded’ here, and many are still being seeded at this opportune time.
There are also those who have walked into bodies through a prior contract
with the soul that walks out of a body (a Walk-in), and in so doing, the
soul that walks into the body takes upon itself the karma of the soul that
For some reason, I was shown the beginnings of life on our Earth, and I
believe that this is encoded in the memories of each and every human
being and all the souls who have inhabited this planet at various times. It is
now a time of remembering, and many are waking up and realising that
they are divine souls, here for a divine purpose. We are enlightened
beings, and yet unknowingly we hanker after enlightenment! We are
humorously naive!
Mother Earth is precious. For this reason, we need to connect with her on
a daily basis, offering our prayers of gratitude for her. She has sustained us
for aeons; let us all do our best to become one with her.

The Void
Interestingly, as I concluded this chapter, my friend Aparna who is a
creative-dress designer dropped by. As if on cue, while we were bonding
over a cuppa tea, she put forward this query: ‘What is the void?’
How could I explain to her what I had experienced, seen and felt in my
‘The Great Big Spirit is the Void. It is nothing, and yet it is everything.’
The words flowed.
‘I was in the void; I was the void. At first all I saw was this black dot. It
was so tiny – a pinpoint. I was mesmerised by it because although it
seemed to be standing still, it was moving.
‘As it rotated, on an invisible axis, it started becoming bigger and bigger
until I was within it. I was in the blackness of the Void. It was black; it
was the blackest of blacks. There was nothing else. Yet I had an identity; I
was the subject experiencing the black object, which was nothing.’ Was it
really nothing?
‘The black object changed colour; it was red with gold and silver in it. It
continued dancing and rotating as it changed into different colours of blue,
green, purple, orange, yellow and finally white. The white object was
huge, and it filled me up.
‘I believe they were all the seven colours of the rainbow or the seven
main colours of our chakra system. From black to white, through this
colour-filled journey, a humming sound emanated – a breathing, pulsating
sound of the universe: Aaaa…Oooo…Mmmm…Amin…Om…Amen. It
had its own rhythm.
‘I was in the white Light. I was the Light, and yet I was separate from
the Light as I was being all this and yet experiencing it.’
‘What is the Great Big Spirit?’ she asked.
‘In my words I can explain it as being the Ocean. A drop is separate
from the Ocean, but it knows all about the ocean since it has lived and
birthed in the ocean. The Great Big Spirit is like the ocean; and you are a
drop in the ocean
‘Similarly we are breathing the air; we feel the air that we breathe
because we know it is moving through our nostrils, yet we cannot see the
air. The Great Big Spirit is like the Great Big Air. We are in it, yet we
don’t know we are in it until we feel the movements of the air around us.’
‘I am a Spark?’ she asked incredulously.
I nodded.
‘The Great Big Spirit comes from the Void. We come from that Void.
We are that void.
‘The Void was full, and in its fullness, it had to break itself to create this
creation. Since we are from this Void, we hold everything – all the
memories that were in the Void before it came into the creation process.
There is nothing that we don’t know. We all hold creation within us.
‘In order to experience the creation process that had begun and as it
continued, we decided to come into bodies, not only to experience what we
had created with The Great Void and Spirit but also to continue creating
our lives in order to experience the fullness of everything that we had
‘I hope this is easy for you to understand,’ I said as I reminisced.
‘Since we decided at this time to be in the third dimension, which is a
dual world, we will obviously learn to know the opposites – the duality,
the good and bad. They are two sides of the one coin.
‘I hope this makes it easy to understand?’
‘So there is really nothing bad?’ She asked.
Well, the good and bad are the third-dimensional reality. As we move
into the fourth dimension, we are realising that everything is for a purpose.
We have now moved into the fourth dimension, and as we move into
higher realities, there is one thing that we will all know.
With a sigh, she said, ‘There is only Love.’
‘So there is only love. The purpose of the game is Love.’
Looking at the whole perspective, we stared into each other’s eyes. Both
of us were living in realities we had created for ourselves. In the moment
the whole thing seemed mind-boggling and yet so simple.

A Time to Say Good-bye

I was ten years with the organisation of light, Sukyo Mahikari when I
finally decided to walk away. It was a very difficult decision for me to
make. I no longer found that love there, as I felt everyone seemed to be
operating from fear. Therefore this was nature’s way of arranging
situations which showed me that my time here was done. I had put my
heart and soul into the organisation, and when things started going from
bad to worse, I wanted to abandon the ship before my emotions sank me.
Again, it took guts.
I have retained the teachings and have imbibed them, having seen the
truth in them and having experienced them personally and with the people
I met. When one works hard for long hours at one thing, one becomes an
expert at it. I learnt about life and spirituality and how the two are
connected eternally. Science has begun to understand this as well.
While radiating light, I witnessed the light; it taught me to be
compassionate to others. At times, I became that person whom I was
giving the healing to, feeling and sensing their emotions as also their life
conditions. There was no need to ask them any questions. I just knew their
life stories.
However, when I started reading people’s minds at the Mahikari Centre,
I got scared because I did not like what I was hearing. A person would
smile but his or her thoughts were contrary to that smile. There was much
fear. It continued for a few more days, and I vehemently refused this
phenomenon as I really did not want to pry into others’ thoughts. It
troubled me.
I prayed for an outcome. I told God I did not want to know another
person’s thoughts; they were his or her own; why was I able to listen, even
from across the room? I told God to forgive me and to make me ‘normal’
again if he expected me to ‘serve’ him.
He complied, and it was a relief to be normal again, but in those few
days I had gained deep insights about people.
The Saint – Shri Gajanan Maharaj
In 1994, on my way to the Sukyo Mahikari centre, I would sometimes
make a stop at Balapure Kaka’s house. He was a follower of Gajanan
Maharaj. He was a healer, and the work he carried out interested me.
He would eradicate black magic or spirits from a persons’ body and take
these negativities upon himself. I felt saddened when I saw him suffering
another person’s pain. He would sit with a bucket in front of him and
continue vomiting vile stuff for hours. He would become weakened and
drained though he always recovered. It was his life’s purpose to help
people this way.
This was the period I read Gajanan Maharaj’s Pothi (a spiritual book
compiled on his life and the miracles that occurred around him). When I
completed reading it, I witnessed the Saint in many places, at home and
outside on the streets. Once I saw him standing in a blue lungi (a piece of
cloth wrapped around the waist) outside the aeroplane garden at Juhu. My
car happened to stop beside him as it was taking a turn. I shifted my gaze
towards him and saw him looking directly at me. It was a message I could
not comprehend. His arms were uncannily long, and he seemed to be in
another world, and yet he was speaking to me.
One day, as I approached Balapure Kaka’s house, I saw there were no
visitors except for me and my friend Kokila. He was seated at his prayer
table. He asked me to sit in front of him. He then told me, ‘Your right hand
is bigger and longer than the left. You give more light through the right
hand.’ Since I had never thought of this, I gazed at my hands, and indeed I
saw that my right hand was actually a half inch longer and much wider.
Then he put some vibhuti (ash) on the right hand which turned dark in
colour. He placed a little ash on my left hand which retained its colour,
only slightly turning a shade darker. There was ample difference in the two
colours. I gazed thoughtfully at it in wonder.
While he was speaking with Kokila, I went to the large picture of
Gajanan Maharaj hanging on the wall and stood beside it. I looked directly
at the Saint with hands folded in prayer pose. What happened next was
incredibly scary. My soul rose from my heart and started moving towards
the picture. (Or was it my astral body?) I knew at that moment that I had to
stop and move away from there, but I was transfixed. Suddenly my friend
called out to me and pulled me away.
I don’t think Kaka knew what had just taken place nor did Kokila realise
that something had transpired at that time. Henceforth I decided to be
careful and not go poking my nose into other people’s photographs. If it
was a Saint there, then he or she would not need my soul; that’s for sure.
I have many a time seen pictures and photos of persons who have passed
on, and if one looks carefully, then one can see movements. That actually
means that the departed soul connects with this world through his or her
picture. That is the reason the teachings said not to keep any photos of
departed souls as they might have attachments to their bodies and latch on
to their picture.
Let me divert a little here from the original story.

The Spirit in the Picture

I visited Jyoti, a distant relative in Sion. She loved me dearly, but I rarely
met her. Once I had radiated light to her, and since then, she had always
been hungry to receive more. On one particular day, as I radiated the Light
of God around her house, I could feel the presence of a spirit. I looked at
the photo on a wall down a long passage, which was facing the main
entrance to the house. The eyes in the picture were moving. I could feel
her presence. Secondly, I could also feel her anger. It was a picture of her
Later, as I was giving light to Jyoti, I asked her if her mother-in-law had
visited her after her death. At first she was reluctant to disclose anything.
So I explained to her that her mother-in-law was attached to the house as
she was living through the photo.
The truth surfaced, and Jyoti replied that every night her mother-in-law
would stand beside her bed. In the daytime, if anyone tried to even open
the steel cupboard in the corner, she would at once appear and not allow
anyone to touch it. Her mother-in-law had stored her silverware in this
cupboard and while alive had always guarded it. So she was attached to
her things! She could not move into the light because of this reason.
I, however, continued offering prayers and divine teachings to the
photograph, and then I told Jyoti to remove the picture, wrap it in a clean
cloth and put it away.
Her life certainly sorted out after this incidence. The cupboard was
opened, and the silverware was distributed amongst the family members.

Let’s Return to Our Story

Kaka actually gave me a small statue of the Saint, Gajanan Maharaj which
I kept in my home temple. At times, I would see smoke emanating from
the chillum (Indian cigar) which was in the Saint’s hands. Did that mean
that He was there, making his presence felt? Yes, I believe so.
Somehow this Saint was magical.
I introduced him to my sister Kiran, and she was hooked. She
experienced his many miracles. She made a promise to visit his Samadhi
as soon as possible.

Shegaon – 2013
Twenty years after she had made the pledge, we flew to Aurangabad and
then drove to Shegaon, the Samadhi place of Saint Gajanan. The vibrations
were incredibly peaceful and vibrant. They were very strong, and again I
was drawn into a state I could not fathom. I was in quietude. A nectar of
bliss flowed through me. When that happened, my body was filled with a
fragrance which emanated from every pore.
For three days and nights I was in a state of peaceful serenity, radiating
fragrance. All hunger had vanished, but I had to eat with my sisters (my
elder sister Raju and my younger sister Kiran) and my friend Archana, or
they would have been concerned. They were already looking at me in
wonder because the fragrance was overpowering.
There was a divine feminine presence which was giving off the perfume.
I was like the musk deer initially until I found the scent was coming from
within me. Was there a Goddess within me?
I discovered that I was the Goddess and that we all are Gods and
Goddesses; we have to look within to find the fragrance and the light.

Yoga – 2000
My visits to the Mahikari Centre slowly became fewer; I felt the
emptiness, but nature took its course, and slowly and surely I moved away
from the fear. At this time, though I missed the Centre of Light, I
continued giving light to whoever asked for it, and the miracles continued.
I learnt Yoga and the deeper aspects of it. Many teachings correlated
with Buddhism. Whereas Yoga goes into the deeper aspects of the mind,
Buddhism simplifies the same. I was at the university studying Yoga and
philosophy with a group of friends. It was a three-year part-time course.
In 2000, I was initiated in Kriya Yoga at Igatpuri, a centre of Yogoda
Satsangh, the Self-Realisation Society of India. The experience was
exhilarating though my stomach churned with pain, discomfort and
nausea. It had become a part of my life by now – this tummy issue.
In 2002, I became very despondent. I was turning fifty, and my health
was incredibly fragile. During my monthly periods, I bled profusely which
had continued since my first period in my teens.
In August of 2002, I had the hysterectomy. I felt a part of my
womanhood had gone forever, but I had no choice given the
circumstances. I cried knowing that God had abandoned me.

Messages from Beyond

A week later, though weak and tired, I went to see Sam Bell the psychic,
who was in Mumbai for a week. Somehow the arrangement was made
although she was constantly busy.
The first person who appeared was my grandma, my father’s mother.
She told me that I had to go through what I had to because it was my
destiny. Although there was no judgement in her voice, I felt so tiny, I
wanted to disappear. Had I committed so many sins?
Next, Ajoba, my husband’s grandfather appeared and spoke through the
psychic. He said that he was proud of my husband and my children, and
they had lined up new things for my son to do. Messages continued from
various grandparents. This shows us that our loved ones as also our
ancestors are always looking out for us.
My son did go on to do different things with his line of work.
I had not told my in-laws about the surgery I had undergone as I did not
like worrying them unnecessarily. I was the pillar of strength for them;
how could I afford to collapse? Soon, my father-in-law had to undergo a
small surgery. I was with them most of the time, but I was tired. I was
exhausted. I didn’t have the strength to go on.

A Birthday Gift
A month later, I would be turning fifty; my birthday was around the corner
–a golden age, I believe; a time to let go and live, but my duties were not
completed yet. I was always concerned about my in-laws and my mother.
‘Beloved God, please give me the strength to go on. It is my birthday
today. Give me a sign to show me that you love me,’ I said, and then I
reluctantly got out of bed.
I drew aside the curtains and opened the windows, looking out at the
horizon. When we had moved here to this house, there was a jungle of
trees, and now it was surely and slowly turning into a jungle of buildings.
It was cool; the weather was good in December, and the sun was already
up in the sky. My husband came and stood beside me. Both of us were
looking out. I turned to look up at the sky, and what did I see?
Unbelievable! My name was beautifully scribbled in the sky in running
handwriting – Koshu. The ‘K’ was in capitals. We both looked in wonder.
The universe was wishing me ‘Happy Birthday’ and blessing me.
My husband said, ‘God really loves you, Koshu.’ I nodded because I had
nothing to say.
As we watched, the last letter ‘u’ of the name slowly started moving
away, changed shape, and disappeared, and the rest of the letters followed,
until they had dissipated.
When I think back, I get goose bumps. Was it because I selflessly served
my in-laws? Was it because I helped whoever was in need, wherever and
whenever I had a chance to? Was the Universe pleased with me?
It was time I started loving and appreciating myself, honouring myself as
a child of the Gods, but the insecurity was deeply ingrained in me. It takes
time to release toxins, childhood conditioning and the genetic heritage.
We are here to serve each other, but first I have to serve myself. In
honouring myself, I will be able to honour others. The microcosm is the
macrocosm; as within so without. We only give out what we have within
us. When we find God within us, we will truly be able to serve each other
and the planet earth selflessly.

The founders and the spiritual leaders of the Oneness University are
Amma and Bhagwan which is situated at Vardhepallam on the outskirts of
Chennai. They have also built a temple there which is known as the
Golden Temple, not to confuse it with the Golden Temple at Amritsar.
I was at the Golden Temple, at Vardehapallam in Chennai in May of
2009. The day itself was golden as I basked in the divine energy of the
temple and its surroundings. My whole being was excited. I awaited my
turn to meet Shri Bhagwan. There was a deep sense of awareness that I
was in the right place at the right time, doing what I had come for. I
believe I had surrendered to the Divine; therefore I was in the flow and joy
enfolded me.
My mobile beeped. It was a message from my friend Smita Jayakar. She
was always excited about the spiritual work she did. It was apparent in her
text message: ‘Tell Bhagwan about the book you have written!’
I smiled. ‘Was it all right to tell him about the book?’ I wondered.
‘Won’t I sound egoistic?’ I looked at the message again.
Before I knew it, I was in the presence of Shri Bhagwan. His aura
permeated the large room. It was indeed this aura which radiated peaceful
serenity throughout the temple complex. His eyes looked at me with
immense love and concern, just as a Father would look upon a child.
Shri Bhagwan asked me, ‘What can I do for you?’
‘I have written a book,’ I said. And then I blurted out, ‘Smitaji asked me
to tell you this!’
‘Where did that come from?’ I thought to myself.
I still didn’t have enough confidence in Sai Baba and Archangel Michael
who had led me to write the book.
‘What is the name of the book?’ he asked with gentle curiosity.
‘It is called Road to Shirdi,’ I said as I looked into his eyes.
Shri Bhagwan smiled and told me, ‘Sai Baba of Shirdi is my friend, and
he sends many of his devotees to me.’
Sai, my Beloved, had sent me here for a reason – maybe to gain some
knowledge? The ways of the Masters are mystical, unknown to us, and
beyond human reasoning.
The last time I had been here was five years ago in 2004, at the ashram.
Even then, I had been reluctant to meet another Master for the simple
reason that I did not want to get involved with an organisation. I had
travelled with a bunch of friends to visit spiritual places of the south, and
meeting Shri Bhagwan was on the itinerary.
I had experienced mystical energies here. Somehow, despite having
experienced and seen unbelievable things, I still had no inclination to
return here, but recently, after a gap of over five years, a deep desire to be
at the Oneness University at Vardephallam had overtaken all my human
reasoning. I could not talk myself out of it.
I felt compelled to be here; the magic was palpitating, as it always is
when the divine guides me. My trip itself was magical; my heart was
singing with joy, and I was in a state of bliss. My fear of travelling alone
had vanished.
I remembered the first time I had met Shri Bhagwan in 2004. When I
touched his feet in obeisance, the fragrance of sandalwood permeated into
my hands, and I knew for certain that Sai Baba himself made his presence
felt with the fragrance of sandalwood. The fact that the sandalwood
fragrance was overpowering told me that Sai was definitely there with me.
‘What was I to learn from here?’ I wondered.
‘Your book will do well,’ he said, adding, ‘It will help many.’
I remembered Sai telling me that all the ascended masters work together
for the sake of humanity. When a person or people are committed to help
humanity selflessly, then the ancient masters, who are the keepers of this
planet, manifest their energies to bring about a change in the consciousness
of man.
Somehow I understood why I was here again. I was to become a channel
for the deeksha energy. Sometime in the future, I would be guided to do
so. My belief is that we are guided on our journeys which we ourselves
had planned before we descended upon this planet. To meet a Master or to
learn a spiritual practice or any other manifestation from the one source is
to help us to expand our consciousness.
Somehow I feel that ‘the more we think we know, the less we truly
know’. We are at the periphery of the circle of the knowledge we have
gained, and beyond the circle, knowledge is abundantly flowing, and we
continue expanding our circle of knowledge. Learning is an endless
Our truth lies in learning to know ourselves first because the spark of the
divine resides in us. Our inner guru is the compass, the guiding force.
Having found myself, it was easy to connect with others; it was easy for
compassion to flow. But the journey did not end here. The mind was still
Everyone’s journey is separate, and yet in our separateness, we are all
connected to the One Source.

Oneness Blessings
At the Oneness University, when I received my first blessing, I saw sparks
of light, like electricity flying around my head when the dasa or the
oneness helper placed her hands on my head. Other visitors had
experienced various healings and had encountered deities and ancestors;
therefore, in a sense I was also expecting something unusual to happen to
me. Not so; I ended up with a massive headache and nausea. It was so
powerful! I felt that my head and especially my brain had been ‘operated’
upon – a surgery had been performed, and yet through it all, I knew I was
meant to be there.
About enlightenment, Shri Bhagwan said, ‘Man cannot make it on his
own; it has to be given to him.’ He explained that He was rewiring our
brains; in other words, ‘When deeksha or Oneness blessing is given, a
series of neurobiological shifts within the brain are set in motion. The
frontal lobes of the brain get activated, and others within the parietal lobes
get deactivated, resulting eventually in a different perception of reality or
an enlightened state.’
My mind reeled. That Oneness blessing helps one to be enlightened was
a new concept for me and hard to fathom. Could it really be this easy to
become enlightened? And yet, I know that we are all seekers, seeking God
or the source in our individual ways because we are made that way.
However, as I looked around, I did see many people in different states of
awareness. It was strange to watch people lying on the ground, not being
aware of their whereabouts. It was amazing to see swarms of people
walking from villages, coming to see Shri Bhagwan on the lawns of the
ashram. In his presence, many would again be seen swooning or sobbing
or laughing or falling to the ground. I was a spectator watching in awe at
life unfolding its manifestations in his presence.
My mind was in a state of scepticism, refusing to believe the
manifestations around me. Were they all pretending? At this level, it was
not possible. There was no place for pretence here. The simple villagers
arrived in droves and sat in quiet humility and reverence.
There was definitely something big going on here. However, Shri
Bhagwan did say many interesting things; one was that ‘No two people
can experience enlightenment in the same way; a million people meant a
million different types of enlightenment.’
It made true sense. We read books; we read people’s spiritual
experiences and wonder when the same would happen to us, but as
explained, no two people are alike; we are all different, and that is our
uniqueness. We are similar, and yet we are different from each other. What
a fine species we are – alike, yet dissimilar and diverse.
And now I was here alone – no family or friends. Simply because there
had been an inner calling, and my intuition was goading me, I had come
here to discover, if possible, why I was here.
The rest fell in place, automatically.

The Golden Ball

Inside the huge Golden Temple, there is an area where there is a big
golden ball. One day, seeing many people sitting on the periphery of the
Golden Ball, I joined the crowd, squatting on the floor. I could not see
clearly due to poor eyesight, but the energy drew me to sit amongst them
As I looked ahead at the golden ball, I watched as Amma herself
appeared from it. She was draped in a red-and-gold sari with white flowers
adorning her hair. Somehow, when a mystical experience occurs, I tend to
see everything clearly, which is a strange occurrence in itself. Amma
walked up to me, stood in front of me and, placing her hand on my heart,
she pulled out a thick thorn which had pierced all the way down to my
lower extremities. It hurt as it slowly came out. Quietly as I sat there
watching her, I saw her holding the brown, heavy thorn. She raised her
hand in blessing, and then she walked away with it towards the golden
ball, disappearing into it.
The tears rolled. Did God really love me so much?
Later, I realised I was quieter and felt freer. There was a deep hurt in my
heart which she had pulled out. The pain and hurt had turned into a thorn,
but at last I was free from whatever it was.
I did have a strange experience though on the same day. Every time I
passed by the huge photographs of Amma and Bhagwan, I would start
either laughing or crying. Somehow I believe I was enjoying it, though
most of the time I was unaware of the worldly reality around me. I was in
another state of consciousness and had no control over my emotions, nor
did I realise those emotional moments. It was like I was watching
everything from the outside, with no connection to anything, yet I was
experiencing what was happening to me and around me without any
attachment. I was in everything, and yet I was separate.
In life as time moved forward, I understood at every moment how
blessed I have always been to receive much assistance from the universe. I
must have done tons of penance in a past life because in this lifetime, it is
pretty difficult to take up even one of the many spiritual practices I have
learnt and do it seriously.
The ten days of the blissful workshop ended; loads of learning and
cleansing had taken place. It was time to leave the ashram. I was a
‘deeksha’ or oneness blessing giver now.
Returning home, I realised that I was in a state of peace, a deep quietude.
Many shifts continued in my consciousness. There were no thoughts in my
head, which was usually abuzz with activity. Going about my daily routine
and chores, I was serene. Twenty-one days later, the peaceful activity of
the brain slowly started abating as thoughts re-entered my head, bringing
me back to normality.
It had been so wonderful not to think at all and to just be. Alas, all good
things also come to an end. I was sure there was a big leap in my
consciousness thereafter as it’s now easier for me to get into a quietude
when I so desire.
Shri Bhagwan said, ‘When mass enlightenment happens, our collective
sense of ego separation dissolves, and we are instantly freed from the
conditioning and karma inherent within the ancient mind.’
He also said, ‘Humanity is entering the most crucial phase of its
existence. The coming decade will witness the most unprecedented and
undreamed of changes in the course of its long evolution. There is nothing
much humanity can do about it other than to understand the changes that
are overpowering it. Towards the end of this phase, humanity will enter the
new Golden Age.’

Amma – 2004
We went to Amma’s ashram where mass havans were being performed.
The fragrance and the energies were both powerful. The rituals and the
chanting made me serene.
Personally meeting Amma did not do anything for me, but again, I was
amazed to see people’s faith and belief in her. Tons of villagers were
crying and falling. I was in the front in the VIP section, an arrangement
which had been done for us through a devotee. It felt strange that though I
was a nonbeliever, I was seated at the front, whereas those devotees crying
for Amma’s love were in the back behind us. There were thousands of
people in the huge tent.
When Amma raised her hands in blessing to the crowd, I felt the blissful
energy. She did not speak; she only smiled, and the crowd would go crazy
chanting her name, swooning and falling again.
And now in this year of 2009, five years on, although I was not a
believer, Amma had actually removed a thorn from my heart! And I had
experienced various states of enlightenment.

This is what Sai had wanted me to experience. I understood that we come
from the Source itself; therefore we are enlightened souls, but on our
journeys, we have collected much dust and dirt. All we have to do is
cleanse and purge ourselves of the toxins that we have accumulated over
our lifetimes; not only our personal karma but also the karma of our
ancestors and with the lands we had occupied in various lifetimes – all
those souls who have crossed our paths from the beginning of time and
with whom we have had normal or deep relations – the karma even there
needs to be purged.
In freeing ourselves, we will be freeing them all.
Therefore, when one wonders about life and philosophises about it, then
we realise how many souls we and our ancestors have interacted with from
the beginning of our earthly life. We all have invisible connections with
each other. We are related to each other through the One God. Another
thought that comes to mind is that we are also our own ancestors, having
incarnated again and again!

We are born into a relationship. I am a daughter; I also am a sister, a
granddaughter, a niece, and so on. As I grow older, I become a wife, a
mother, a mother-in-law, and so on and so forth. We are known to live our
lives through and within our relationships. Therefore, it is important to
nurture our relationships with each other.
Somehow, I realised that the relatives or people who gave us the hardest
times were the ones who were helping us to grow.
There were times when I blamed my parents for the mishaps in my life,
but as I grew spiritually due to my spiritual practices, the realisation
dawned that I was responsible for my life and not my parents. They had
given consent to my ‘learning needs’ in this lifetime by giving me birth
through them. And this is true for every soul who decides to incarnate
here. We all have contracts with each other, which each soul tries his or
her best to complete for the good of all concerned.
So, our parents do not become our parents by accident. They are meant
to be my parents, and I have to learn what I need to learn so I can move
ahead through forgiveness, understanding and through prayer, which is my
mode of practice.
When we learn to forgive and let go, we are actually freeing ourselves
and them who we believe have hurt us. Every pain and issue that we carry
forward binds us. These are the loads that we carry as burdens.
In my Buddhist practices, I learnt to pray for those whom I had hurt and
asked them to forgive me, and I saw the results very quickly. The energy
of those people actually changed towards me.
No one is truly to blame for the incidents that happen in our lives.
Everything is planned, and yet destiny lies in our hands. When we decide
to let the change in, our situations improve, and the universe responds
because when a lesson is learnt, growth has taken place; then it is time to
move forward to the next phase in the drama of life.

A Past-Life Connection and Relationships

My stories are stories within stories. As I write, connected experiences pop
up, and I know I have to share these with you before I forget. Some stories
are strange and unbelievable, but that’s exactly how things happened.
It was around the middle of 1997, and I was on the path of light. I spent a
lot of time giving light not only at the Centre but also at home. I also
visited people who could not come to either of the places. I met many
people and learnt many a thing from their lives and their problems.
I was at the peak of compassion at the time and could not refuse anyone
the warm and healing Light of God.
One day, I decided to take a break and spend the day in prayer between
myself and God. I was in the shower when the phone rang. Since no one
was at home, dripping wet, I answered the phone. A woman on the other
side informed me that she had got my number from the centre, that she
would like to receive light, and she would like to come over. I took her
number down and informed her that I would make other arrangements for
her to receive the light. This was my response to her.
As I resumed my bath, a voice told me to call her back and ask her to
come over and to give her light. It was a command, as usual. ‘The story of
my life,’ I said as I sighed.
She came over the same day. Suchita was her name. We became friends.
She was a singer by profession, teaching as well as learning. She opened
her life up to me. She was disturbed as her past-life memories were
troubling her.
Her husband in this life was her brother from her last life. It was difficult
for her to be intimate with him. Her mother-in-law was her real mother
from the previous lifetime. She knew each and every soul in her life from
the past life. Her teacher was her husband from the previous life. She was
in a dilemma. How could one guide a person who remembered a past life
and could not come to terms with this life? I understood it was very
difficult. How could I help her? I couldn’t. Secondly she said no one in her
family would understand if she explained it to them. They would deem her
crazy, and she dare not try.
I continued regularly giving her light for a couple of years, hoping the
balm of light would heal her troubled soul. I constantly thought about her
relationships and how difficult it must be for her.
Isn’t it interesting how we as group souls take birth again and again
together to clear out our personal and individual karmas?
The surprising feature was that once as I was giving her light, I saw us
both as healers, working together in a past unknown time – not surprising,
only mystical.

The Aliens
Sucheta told me an interesting story about her life. When she was eleven
or so, one day at school, while doing exercise training with her P.T.
teacher on a big ground, she saw a round and rectangular silver-coloured
object hovering above the heads of the students. Evidently she was the
only one who could see this flying object.
Then she told me that she was taken aboard at some point where big-
headed aliens worked on her body, doing something to her. She still
remembered the stifled feelings of being on the spacecraft. I could relate to
her story and found it interesting that somehow I was meeting someone
who had a similar background like mine. We both had past-life memories,
and we both had been on board spaceships.
We shared much, but after some time, she disappeared from my life. I
believe she was fearful, in case I disclosed her story to her in-laws.
Many years later, I was doing the Living in the Heart Meditation in a
workshop as taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek. There was an empty chair
beside me. As the class was about to start, a woman approached and asked
me if the chair was taken, and then she sat down beside me.
She was laughing and smiling, and I smiled back. ‘Koshu, don’t you
recognise me?’ she asked. I stared at her. No, I couldn’t place her.
‘I am Sucheta; you used to give me light.’ I was stunned. I stood up and
hugged her. It was more than twelve years since we had last met.
On our journey our paths had crossed once again. We met a couple of
times, but then we went our own ways. Destiny has a way of making
completions with people, places, situations, and so on.
Talking about relationships, and taking the teachings into perspective, I
learnt that one has to let go of even good friends and relatives when the
surrounding events caution us. Love everyone; enjoy them; help them
when, and if, necessary and yet set everyone free including your children,
relatives and friends. We all have our individual soul lessons to learn, and
each one is being guided. We just need to ask for the help in our own way.
We all have been given similar opportunities to grow.
We just need to take a forward step and call this helpline. It is a wireless
connection. You can make the call with your heart, mind or soul. Using
sound, our voice is the best medium. Our emotions will help us connect
from the heart. Connect and ask.

‘Make your life a prayer,’ the voice of Sai Baba told me.
‘How can I do so?’ I asked.
‘Be consciously conscious of your every thought!’ Rightly so, I am
When I had first started praying by chanting the mantra ‘nam myo ho
renge kyo’ in the year 1987, I had felt elated. Miracles and mystical
happenings had become everyday occurrences. My prayers always seemed
to be answered. The difficulties of life seemed to be overcome easily, and
the problems did not seem so problematic.
There was a sense of knowing that everything was temporary and that
the sad parts of life would quickly come to an end with the help of prayer.
There was an inner strength and an inner wisdom which seemed to guide
my outer life. And there was peace. Praying made me peaceful.
At the time I did not realise that chanting was a form of prayer. All
chanting is prayer. It could be the chant of any mantra that one feels
attuned to or powerful words like love, peace and joy. Whatever one
chants, one becomes.
‘Nam myoho renge kyo’ means ‘I bow before the mystic law of the
universe,’ and perhaps that is the reason my life became mystical and
miracles occurred.
As I write this, I believe we all lead mystical lives; it is only when the
time is right that we realise this, usually when we overcome a difficult
situation. And then when we look back, we can see the synchronicity that
led us to overcome the problem; especially when a life lesson is learnt, we
become aware of the bigger picture that our life is.
As I continued praying, I felt and saw myself changing. Initially when I
started praying, it was to fulfil my desire for my eyes to heal, but as time
progressed, my attitude changed.
Soon I was in quest for God; my utmost thought was to seek God, to
know God and in so doing to find God, to make him an integral part of me.
I didn’t know if I was doing the right thing by chanting and had doubts
about the practice many a time. My mind was the monkey mind,
constantly chatting and getting in the way of a good thing.
Chanting felt wonderful though. Taking this action to pray was making a
big difference to me – within me and around me. I realised that as I
prayed, I was actually taking full responsibility for my life! This is what
the Buddhist Teachings taught me.
If there was a problem, I would sit down to pray, and it truly helped me.
A deep calm would arise inside me, which created a ripple effect outside
me! Some sort of divine energy was released which made me peaceful,
and the problems were either easily faced with, or a solution would arise.
Prayer was helping to change my mentality as well.

The Body Is a Temple

And then strange things started happening with my body. I could feel heat
emanating from within me, and my head would turn hot. At times my head
would get so hot, I would feel like I was burning inside and my body
would continuously sway and shake. The vibrations moved my body.
I also received guidance during this time. A voice would tell me what I
needed to know. Sometimes it was a loud voice; sometimes a whisper, and
at times the words were typed into my head to read. Since I chanted with
open eyes, I would see visions on the blank wall.
Sometimes I heard the tinkling of bells and various sounds like drums
beating, water falling or horses galloping.
The heat created by chanting mantras works on the chakras where all our
emotions and life experiences are stored. As the energy cleanses the
central system in our body, the heat rises from the lower chakra where the
coiled kundalini rests at the base of the spine. The heat awakens it, and as
it moves upward towards the head, it burns the toxins and poisons. The
tears were incessant too, which was the cleansing required purifying me. (I
learnt about the kundalini much later.)
In the nights, my spine would vibrate. This was the time I did a lot of
astral travel. I was always guided by some being, and I was never alone. I
was shown the wonders of the astral world and sometimes various planes
of existence. Many a time as I returned and moved into my body, I could
hear myself laughing. By this I understood that in the nights, we are meant
to return to the roots of our soul world to reconnect with ourselves and to
enjoy the fruits of the sacrifices we make on planet earth. We refresh
ourselves in the nights; we check on our path here and re-establish our
missions for our life plan. Sleep is very important.
Sometimes I would feel a heavy weight on my head, and I would know
this divine energy was entering me. One day, as I was speaking about God
to Kokila, a friend of mine, we came to the topic of halos, which is around
the heads of Saints, that we see in pictures. My head felt heavy, and yet I
was in bliss. My friend looked at me and said, ‘There is a halo around your
head!’ There was wonder and amazement in her voice. Since the room was
in semi-darkness, the halo was very clear.
My son, Kunal, played with the halo, and I could feel his movements. He
put his books in the halo. My daughter Komal too played with the halo.
Kunal said, ‘Mom, it feels like loads of energy.’
Though I don’t look in the mirror when I feel the halo around my head, I
know it is there. It usually appears when I speak of God or divine things or
when my heart fills with kindness.
This does not mean that I am special; it only means that we all have
halos. In time, we can experience our own halos. It is all energy, though
we cannot see it, we can feel it or sense it. Everyone is made differently;
therefore each one’s experience is different.
The more we chant, the more the various processes continue, until finally
one day, we experience the light. The more a mantra is chanted, the more
powerful it becomes. As it works its ways into the cells of our body to
release the accumulation of toxins, heat is created. This heat burns the
negativities and toxins which we have either created and/or inherited.
Therefore, as we pray, we expand mentally and spiritually in
consciousness to receive a larger flow of the divine energy. We also
release energy from within. As the negative energy is released, the
universe transmutes it to positivity because the power of prayer rides on
our innermost attitude which is pure during prayer time.
As I give my vibration to God in prayer, similarly I receive his expansive
vibration in return. Secondly, when we initially pray, we pray with our
minds, which is where thought arises.

Everything in the Universe is energy. We are beings of energy, and at
every moment we are releasing thoughts, which are manifestations of our
energies. As I pictured it, the world was full of human thoughts, of human
energy, all jumbled up, moving around us. And all the thoughts that all the
human beings of the world were thinking was creating and manifesting our
We were at the same time either attracting the thoughts from around us,
or we were creating them, because as beings of energy we are in a motion
of either receiving or giving. It depends on the action that we take for the
manifestation of receiving; the purer the thoughts, the greater the goodness
that we attract into our lives.
The spiritual action of chanting was releasing the purest form of energy
into the universe. Besides this, all the negativity that was released from
within me was automatically being transmuted into a pure form of energy.
The universe is very compassionate! With time, I also realised that with
prayer I was ‘doing my bit’ of creating positive energy in the realm of
Since we human beings are all interconnected, interrelated and
interdependent, it would make a difference to our world, no matter how
tiny my contribution was! My contribution was prayer – only prayer.
For whatever problem I was encountering in my life, whether big or
small, I would sit down to pray. Prayer became an addiction and an
enjoyable habit. It was exciting. It felt wonderful to chant. I felt alive, and
I felt connected.
However, unknowingly, I had opened ‘my own’ Pandora’s Box.

The Cleansing Process

The cleansing that was required to purify me began. It is at this point of
time that many give up praying, because purification can be difficult. It is
not necessary that everyone goes through this cleansing, but many do. This
was the time for me to be brave and continue.
This process is known as ‘chemicalization,’ and is discussed at length in
the book The Healing Secret of the Ages by Catherine Ponder.
As I would pray, the tears would flow continuously. My throat would
choke up in pain, and it would feel as though my heart was bleeding. It
was like being cut up inside. There was a wounded animal inside me in
severe pain, longing for release. Where was all this pain coming from?
Why was there so much guilt? I was carrying loads of burden. At times I
felt blinded by my own cries, not realising that it was my soul that was
crying for help.
My soul wanted to be free.
How much we carry within us! Our body becomes a storehouse of our
emotions, and at some point these stored emotions and feelings manifest as
disease within us.
We are unconsciously programmed to repeat patterns from our childhood
that we try to manifest the same situations, the same problems, the same
Many of our physical conditions are absolutely linked to our past,
whether it be our past lives, birth traumas in childhood, or childhood
conditioning, our illnesses and physical problems are almost always rooted
in some form of negative, unconscious memory that can be discovered and
released through methods of alternative healing.
It was time to start releasing – to be free. The power of God – the energy
released through prayer – was breaking through the negative, imprisoned
thoughts and patterns created from lifetimes of conditioning and belief
systems which had rendered me helpless. The blocked emotions were
slowly releasing.
I didn’t know that it would take a long time, that it would be a long
journey – a long process! And this journey of healing would take me on
various modalities and paths for healing.
I only know that on this path I have had to face many obstacles,
disappointments and my own ghosts. I have fallen, been bruised and
pained, but at every step something within me has pushed me to go on and
Miracles and mystic happenings goaded me on this journey. Prayer
became my greatest ally. I depended upon myself and the universe to
guide me.
Prayer has been my greatest friend.

Yet, there have been times in life when I have felt stuck and didn’t know
what to do. There was a time when I wasn’t doing much prayer, having
been disappointed by rigorous training and cleansing and death in the
family of two beautiful children.
My younger sister Hansa lives in Florida. She had two children, Duxie,
who was twenty-three years old, and Anita, two years younger. In
February of 2004, Duxie died in a freak accident. In order to recover from
the pain, she and her daughter, Anita, came to live with us in Mumbai. In
another freak accident, Anita was killed. Both her two children died in the
span of three months.
As I prostrated in front of the Divine, I was told that it was their destiny,
and their work was over in this lifetime. Even the Divine cannot interfere
with karma. Once the law was set in motion, God could not intervene.
Perhaps I am right in thinking that once the Law of Cause and Effect is
set in motion, God cannot interfere, because it is a destiny we have created
for ourselves in order to learn and grow.
In order to help my sister to heal, I offered to teach her to pray, and
although prayer becomes a spontaneous act when one is suffering, I was
blown away by her statement.
‘I don’t believe in prayer; I believe in suffering,’ she said.
I was deeply affected and puzzled by this statement, but ultimately I
realised that she had chosen this arduous path of purification. It’s the
preferential choice of the soul, and one can only empathise with love and
understanding and not force anyone to do practices against the will of his
or her higher self.

The Medium
In the same year, a few months later, I was living in London with my
daughter Komal. I wanted her to recover from the trauma of Anita’s death.
In order to do so, we visited the psychic Sam Bell.
Anita came through and told me that I was not to blame myself and feel
guilty as she had died while staying with us in Mumbai. She emphasised
that I was not to blame myself because I was not responsible for her death.
Her time was up, and no matter where she would have been at the time; it
was time for her to go home.
My daughter had her private reading with Sam Bell where Anita narrated
what had transpired between them – the thoughts, music, chats and clothes
they had shared and the boys they had spoken about.
Meeting the psychic and having a reading, which confirmed all that they
had shared together, healed Komal, or she came to terms with Anita’s
death. No longer was she haunted by guilt that although they had been in
the same car at the time of the accident, she had survived and her cousin
had not.
Anita also told her that the days she had spent with Komal were the best
ten days of her life.
For me, it was difficult to deal with Anita’s death. Although I did not
share my feelings with anyone, I would constantly re-enact my few days
with Anita.
I distinctly remember her face glowing on that day. In the morning I had
asked her to have breakfast, but she refused. I asked her to have lunch; she
refused saying that she was not hungry. In the evening, all dressed up, as
she was stepping out to go for a party with Komal, I felt the need to hug
her and hold her tight. I looked into her eyes. They were twinkling. Her
face was radiant.
Did she realise or know that these were the last few hours of her life on
planet earth, this time around?
It is said that the soul knows when the time is up. Therefore that was the
reason she was all glowing. Her mission was complete.
She had a difficult childhood, and I understood that’s possibly why some
of the best times of her life were the ten days she had spent with Komal.

Another Death
It was Janmashtami, Krishna Jayanti. Komal and I were in London. The
day had been cold and balmy, not at all exciting. I was making supper
when my husband called.
‘Aaiga just passed away,’ he said. ‘She had a heart attack.’
I was shocked and shattered. My mother-in-law was my best friend, and
I hadn’t been able to spend much time with her that year due to the
circumstances of the two deaths in my sister’s family.
My mother-in-law had been a Krishna devotee, and that day she had
spent abundant time in prayer and serving offerings to the deity. In the
evening she was patting our dog Toccata while chatting with Naren when
she heaved a deep sigh. In an instant Naren was beside her. As he held her
in his arms, her eyes rolled, and she quickly passed on.
That night I called my friends from Sukyo Mahikari and asked them to
radiate the Light of God to her body. The Light has the power to further
purify the body and help the soul to transcend to a peaceful realm. While
the body is receiving light, the changes in the body are very obvious. If the
eyes are open, they slowly start closing. The skin colour changes to a
brighter colour, and there is a sense of deep peace.
However, I was restless the whole night and walked around the house,
wondering what to do. It was a while since I had prayed. It was four in the
morning; I squatted on the floor with tears in my eyes and painful regret in
my heart for things that could have been. Why had I not spent more time
with Aaiga?
The moment I started chanting for my mother-in-law’s soul, a light
appeared before me, a beautiful golden aura; within this aura stood my
mother-in-law, her father and mother. Her father, Ajoba, as we used to call
him when he was alive, raised his hand in blessing towards me, smiling.
Behind them stood her brother and sister who had passed on earlier. They
were all smiling. There was a happy radiance and a glow that emanated
from all five family members. As I watched them in awe, peace calmed
Slowly they faded away, leaving within me a deep knowingness. Divine
love and wisdom of the afterlife flowed into me. Things and life is meant
to be the way it is. Acceptance is our teaching.
I had been again allowed to know that life is eternal and that we never
die. It is only the body that undergoes the transformation of returning to
the elements. The soul is forever young and healthy. I slept peacefully
after this experience.
Prayer had come to my rescue again.
Prayer has been the most powerful tool for me to connect with the
Divine; it has given me peace and a connection with myself – to the
divinity within myself. The action of prayer continues giving me joy and
peace, and a deep satisfaction that all is happening the way it is meant to.
There are times when it is difficult to pray. There is lethargy, or there are
disappointments in life that hold me back.
Remembering the benefits, I push myself. Once in the groove of prayer,
peace and calm descend.

The Message – 2003

My mother was in a state of coma in the hospital at Pune. She was dying.
Or so we thought.
As I radiated the healing Light of God on her forehead, she spoke in a
strong voice in our mother tongue of Sindhi. I translate:
‘We are not doing what we have come here to do.’
‘What did you say?’ I asked her in surprise.
‘We are not doing what we have come here to do,’ she repeated.
‘What have we come here to do?’ I questioned.
‘We have come here to chant the name of God and to praise Him,’ she
‘What have we come here to do?’ I again asked.
‘We have come here to chant the name of God and to praise Him,’ she
Incredulously I watched her as I continued radiating light on her
forehead, my mind in a state of contemplation.
Was this a message from an Angel or from a Master?
When we chant the name of God continuously, we are actually practising
‘the presence of God’ in our mind which ultimately radiates into the cells
of our mind and body.
The powerful words help us to become one pointed or single minded,
thereby not allowing negativity to pierce through. As our aura strengthens
through this practice, our body and mind start being purified.
Slowly and steadily, our hearts open and radiate love.
Ultimately we become beings of love.
This is our truth.
Another meaning to this as I grasp is that all the work we do is to be
done as universal service. Everything we speak and say is to be done as
love for the Divine. As God gives us, so are we to serve, in whichever way
we are permitted to serve, with gratitude and love.

The Power of Prayer

There are many ways to pray. As there are many individuals, there are
many methods to pray; hence, no two prayers are alike. The words used
may be similar, and yet the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions, the desires
are all relatively different, also bringing into consideration one’s belief
system which play a large role in the manifestation of the prayer.
The chanting of a mantra can be considered to be a prayer, as mentioned
in the previous chapter. The meaning the mantra holds and carries its own
For example, one could use simple words like ‘peace,’ ‘love,’ ‘joy;’
these carry their own meaning and vibration. Chanting of these or similar
positive words manifest from the conscious to the subconscious, thereby
being integrated in our auras which radiate within the body and then into
the close vicinity of the person chanting. Thereby the attitude towards life
becomes one of love.
Love is the vibration from which we emanated. In order to return to love,
the opposite of love will need to be released. Feelings, thoughts and
emotions which are contrary to love are stored in our minds and body, as
also are negative habits and patterns that we have either inherited or are
part of our conditioning from our childhoods, our surroundings and past
Life can be beautiful, challenging or beautifully challenging. In our own
perception of it, we live it accordingly. When we involve prayer to play an
important and a disciplined role, joy becomes a motivating force, and
guidance automatically arises from within whenever challenges arise.
Besides this, a feeling of peace constantly emanates which brings about a
detachment because the soul has, through constant chanting and prayer,
learnt to surrender to the Divine.
There is, and there will be, a deep sense of knowing – an intelligent
wisdom that flows through you, a ‘knowing’ that everything is the way it
is meant to be. There is total surrender – complete trust and full faith. One
abides in peace and harmony with oneself and the surroundings. Life
Our lives are meant to be magical and mystical. It is this magic and
mystique that add an exciting mystery to our lives. What next? You
wonder. And you look forward to more meaning and growth on your
journey of journeys.

We were in London in the earlier part of the year of 1993 in the

Wood Green area, walking past the local mall. I suddenly
stopped, or something made me stop. I remember that there were
absolutely no thoughts in my mind. All I knew was that I wanted
to go into WHSmith, the bookstore. Some invisible force had
overtaken me. My body wended its way onto the escalator to the
first floor. With my husband following me, I walked right into
the middle of the store!
What was I doing here?
There was a bookshelf in the centre of the room; I bent down to reach the
bottom shelf, on all fours. My hands picked out a book, which I couldn’t
see. I pulled it out and looked at the title. It was called Healing Hands by
J. B. Hutton. Very interesting! Why had I been guided to pick up this
When we are on a spiritual path, we are continuously being guided, and
some of the time we don’t know why we do strange things, but at that
moment it all just feels right. Angels were continuously by my side, yet I
was largely unaware of them, though I knew they were there. All I had
done was to let go of all inhibitions – the questions of why and how and
just let myself be. It was not just a matter of surrendering to the universe; it
was a deep trust which made me feel neutral, and unconsciously I followed
the guidance, though with awareness.
When I returned home to Mumbai, I read the book. The book speaks
about the partnership of Mr. George Chapman and Dr. William Lang in
their healing work. Dr. Lang had lived in Britain in the twentieth century.
At the tender age of eighteen, he had qualified as a Member of the Royal
College of Surgeons and later became an assistant surgeon in the Central
London Ophthalmic Hospital.
Now, in this century, at this point of time, George Chapman was a
fireman. He became the medium and channel for Dr. Lang’s healing work
and soon they were working together full-time to heal many people. Dr.
Lang would use George Chapman’s body for healing. The healing and the
communication were being done by Dr. William Lang.
I was aware of spiritual healing and channelled healing by the spirit of
another, usually a high-level soul who had the desire to help the people of
this world. This soul being, who had passed on to the astral, or to another,
dimension would then use a willing person’s body for the divine work on
planet earth. This is actually a contract between the two souls, for at some
time, they had planned it together.
But now for me, this felt new and exciting. I was thrilled when I read
about Mr. Chapman and his work, and no matter what, I had to see him!
The desire was so great.
I didn’t know why I had to meet him, and I didn’t know how to contact
him. There was a purpose and a reason.
A couple of months later, I had an urge to go into the bookshop at the
Taj Hotel, Mumbai. I browsed, not wanting to buy anything, not knowing
why I was looking at the books, when suddenly I was attracted to a kind,
gentle face looking back at me from the cover of a book. I had never seen
this homely looking face before. The author was Betty Shine, and it was
her face smiling at me! Randomly I opened the book and read, ‘George
Chapman, the greatest healer of our times…’
Excited, I delved further, and found out how to contact George
The next evening, having enquired at the Psychic College of London and
obtaining his phone number and address, I called George Chapman at his
residence in Aberystwyth, Wales, and spoke with him. He told me to write
to him for an appointment. I did.
I had to wait a couple of months to see him.

What Is Wrong with Me?

Meanwhile, I realised something was wrong with me. My health had not
been right. I knew I was deteriorating, I was sick most of the time; I was
emotional and sad. I had become pale and had started putting on weight.
The many doctors I consulted with couldn’t diagnose my ailment.
Despite my deteriorating health, I continued chanting and praying,
crying most of the time, receiving light and giving light – the healing
practices I was doing at the time. One day, out of desperation, I kneeled on
the cold marble floor, and prayed. I told God to heal me or to take me
home. I told him that I could not bear this pain and discomfort anymore,
and then I apologised. From the depths of my heart, I apologised. The
apology just happened. I cried and I cried, profusely apologising, and in so
doing, I was so desperate! I don’t know for how long I cried or what I said;
all I remember saying was ‘Sorry, sorry, sorry….’ I continued apologising
for two more days.

Help Arrives
On the fourth day, Dr. Joshi, a dear friend came over to visit after a long
time. The moment he saw me he said, ‘You look like your one leg is in the
grave.’ I stared at him as he verbalised my feelings. I wanted to cry, but I
put on a brave face.
He instantly told me that my thyroid was underactive and if untreated for
a long time can greatly affect my health. Once on medication, I quickly
recovered and lost all the weight I had gained. I was normal again but with
one exception, my body was in severe pain. The act of even picking up a
pencil was painful. Each and every cell in my body ached and ached.

I was soon on my way to Wales to meet with George Chapman and Dr.
Lang. The green, undulating countryside in Wales was breathtakingly
beautiful. The woolly sheep grazed peacefully, and all seemed well with
the world. As we waited outside, my husband, my son, Kunal, and I
chatted with Michael, George Chapman’s son.
There were a few visitors from different parts of the world, and they all
had their own healing stories to narrate to me. I asked them questions as I
was curious. We were sitting in the waiting room awaiting our turns.
Then the door opened; a man took a step outside, and there he stood –
Dr. Lang. What did I feel? Immense love was pouring out of the room
from where he was standing. His whole countenance was one of selfless
love. Oh, there was so much love! If one could see love and feel it, I did,
and I was in awe of that love – to know that a human being is capable of
loving truly and unconditionally, the divine love of God! In that moment I
knew what Divine love was, and that we, as the children of the One God,
are capable of loving each other deeply because we are made from God’s
love. We are love.
Dr. Lang looked at me through George Chapman’s lightly closed eyes
and said, ‘Hello, young one! Come in!’ He was very chirpy and bantered
on and on probably to make me feel at ease. I had never experienced
anything like this before; my heart was beating excitedly, and I was

Spirit Surgery
The room was in darkness as he led me to sit on a stool while he stood
behind me, his hands resting on my shoulders. I felt he was gauging
something; he was screening my body as he made light talk and joked. His
eyes remained closed. Then he asked me to lie on the table. As I did so, I
heard him speaking to someone, and although I could not see anyone else
in the room I knew that there were several ‘others’ in the room. I felt their
Then I smelt ether – the smell of spirit – the ether that doctors use for
anaesthesia and injections. But I could see nothing – no cotton wool, no
instruments, nothing! I heard clicking sounds, and then his fingers were
above my throat; I felt something cool and wet had touched me, and all I
could smell was the surgical spirit. He had touched me with an instrument
that was invisible to the eyes. When he was done, he turned on the tap in
the nearby basin, washed and wiped his hands.
Then without touching my body, he moved his hands above and over my
body from head to toe. He told me that my circulation was not good but
that I would be fine now. In curiosity, I had watched him throughout the
surgery that he had performed on me. I had never seen or experienced
anything like this before! It was amazing!
I had been touched and healed by the spirit world. Dr. Lang and his
contemporaries had performed a surgery on me, which I had felt, sensed
and experienced, yet there was no pain and no medication – only love.
On our return journey by train to London, I realised that I had no more
pain in my body. I felt light, happy and healthy. My prayers had been
answered, and I was healed! I kept in touch with him through letters, and
he continued sending me absent healing. At times, in the nights, I would
see him standing at the foot of my bed. The healing energy of love was
powerful at those times.
The second time I visited him was the following year. My sister Kiran
who lived in London was with us. Both of us had a healing session with
George Chapman and Dr. Lang. The experience with him again was
enlightening. Now my sister was in awe of what she had experienced and
Aberystwyth is a quaint town located by the sea. There are seagulls
everywhere, and they can be pretty noisy squawking away sounding like
naughty little children fighting. As we were leaving the hotel, Kiran
crossed the road and sat on the cemented chair facing the sea, opposite our
It was bitterly cold, and yet our hearts were happy. A light drizzle started
falling as I joined her. The sky started turning grey. Then Naren came and
sat beside me. The three of us were sitting on a bench, looking out at the
clear sea, which was so clean that we could see into its depths.
In the distance, towards the left, we saw coloured lights materialise in
the depth of the waters. We stared at this wonderful sight. The colourful
light rose from the waters to turn into a rainbow – a huge, bright rainbow
that lit up across the dark sky and moved into the sea on the right, the other
side. We could see the beginning and the end of the huge rainbow in the
waters and the sky, a perfect semi-circle! At that moment I knew that this
was a sign from God. We were at the right place at the right time, and all
was happening the way it was meant to happen.
A contract had been fulfilled.
With tears in my eyes and gratitude in my heart, I thanked the Divine for
guiding us on this journey. The rainbow had formed beautifully from
within the sea, casting over the sky, all the way to the other side, into the
water again, where we could see all the seven colours clearly. The rainbow
remained for a few minutes, and then it retreated slowly from the right to
the left until it disappeared completely into the water. The three of us were
in our own world of awe until the rain started coming down, and we
reluctantly woke up from our reveries. The Divine had presented us with a
This scene has remained etched in my memory forever.

Gift from Heavens

Rainbows are a special gift from the Heavens. When you are on the
right path, having accomplished the right thing, having set it into
motion in order to complete your mission, the Divine presents you with
gifts. Look around you. When your hearts are happy, look around. See
the gifts.
Rainbows always excite me. Somehow there is a change in the energy of
the universe before a rainbow appears, and the three of us, my husband,
my daughter and I, we somehow seem to know when we are about to
experience one. We run helter-skelter from one window to the next in
Rainbows are a divine connection and a divine guidance.
When I see a full rainbow, I know that there is a completion. One and a
half rainbows denote completion and well into the next task. It is as if the
universe is saying ‘Well done,’ patting me on the back. A double rainbow
is a big one; it can mean a big mission is about to begin. It is up to one to
discern, looking upon one’s life plan. Sometimes I know the rainbow is not
mine; it might belong to my daughter; then I make a wish upon the
rainbow for good to befall upon whoever is on my heart and mind at the
time. Therefore, anytime is rainbow time!
As I completed this book and sent it for publishing, I went on a holiday
to Manali, a valley in the Himachal Pradesh. On the third day, a beautiful
full rainbow appeared on the mountains which lasted for a long time. It
disappeared for a moment and another one appeared! I knew then the
universe was messaging me that I had completed another mission!.
I visited Dr. William Lang and Mr. George Chapman a few more times,
guiding souls to visit him for healings. George Chapman is no more. Now
as I write this, I think Michael Chapman is carrying on his father’s work,
in conjunction with Basil Lang, the son of Dr. William Lang.
This information is on the Internet, where further knowledge can be
gained about most of the people I mention in this book.
At that time, although I was on the path of light, I never could have
dreamt then that one day I would be doing powerful healing work myself
and that my friends and my acquaintances would see my spirit body
healing them in the nights! Personally I don’t know how that happens, but
in this mystical world of ours, anything is possible! All I know is that I
hold the intention to help, and I pray for that person to heal in whichever
appropriate way God wants the healing for that person to take place, and I
step away.

Another Rainbow
On our return trip from Shirdi one time, I asked Sai for a rainbow, and as
we were nearing Ahmednagar, out of the car window I noticed a rainbow
far ahead to my right. We stopped the car. It was a huge, circular rainbow
above our heads. It was three in the afternoon; the sun had started
descending. There were no clouds in the sky. The rainbow was strong and
huge and lent magic to our universe. I thought to myself, ‘I could have
asked for anything from Sai, and yet I asked for his presence, and He gave
it to me through the rainbow.’
There are other signs in the sky. Some sunsets are extraordinarily
beautiful especially in the rainy season. Many a time I have seen ‘Om’ in
the sky. It is said that there are plenty of rainbows and ‘Oms’ in the
Himalayas, I have seen pictures of.
Then there are those special dragon deities in the skies. They are shaped
just like dragons. I know that they are the keepers of our planet and keep a
watchful eye out for us. We see them frequently when the weather is brisk.
Sometimes one can also see figures and shapes of Gods or Goddesses.
These are all signs from the divine. Angels appear very often too.
When we moved to our present residence, two beautiful, big and bright,
double-full rainbows appeared, and we all stood in awe as the rainbows
embraced us with their beautiful divinity. Somehow I knew that this was
perfect. God and the universe had placed us in the perfect place, our home
of all homes, for we had moved frequently.
Years later, I understood that the double rainbows meant that our house
also was used for divine service, to give light and much later to hold
spiritual classes. Our house itself is a conscious being, doing its service. It
has a soul.
If we really look, silently listen, the meaning of the signs come through
our intuition. We also learn to understand the meanings through our
present life situations by connecting them to the symbols we see in the sky.

Moving Forward
I really thought I had been healed. For some time I was but life has its own
way of catching up with what I needed to learn through sickness. I went
through various health issues though I continued healing others, for I knew
what it meant to be sick. Sickness made me compassionate towards
people. I wanted to heal others, and I also wanted to be healed.
The journey towards good health has been a long one, but I am almost
there. The mysterious magic followed me, guiding me. I have learnt many
a thing. I am on the path to freedom, from sickness to wellness.

Another Surgery
Less than two months ago, towards the end of November 2010, I had
undergone a surgery for the removal of a gallstone and the gall bladder.
The whole process of moving towards the surgery had been a pain-filled
journey. It had made me fearful and insecure. I wanted my body to heal. I
wanted to be healthy again.
Lying in the hospital bed, on the second night, I was overcome by an
allergy. The doctor did his best to help me, but throughout the night my
spirit was moving in and out of my body. I desperately wanted out. I did
not want this life anymore for I felt that I had encountered too much
physical and emotional suffering. I couldn’t bear it anymore.
Every time I moved into the body, the pain, the darkness, and the
horrible sensations in the body felt unbearable, and when I moved out of
the body, there was only peace. My body was suffering but my spirit was
at peace. I begged God to take me home but was constantly refused,
rejected and pushed back into the body. I was fighting with God, and He
was fighting with me! At the physical level it was very frustrating. At the
Soul level I knew that I had to be here. However unimportant I thought I
was and however small my contribution to my mission was, I had to
complete it before I could return home.

The Other World, Our True Home

I did not fear death because I had in the past, travelled to what I believe
was the astral world. I had also had an out-of-body experience in 1990
when I had a three-and-a-half-hour back surgery.
I had seen the Light and been with it. I had been sent back to my body.
After the surgery, I had felt the pain in my back, but it seemed to not
belong to me. All I felt was an ecstasy within me and a deep love for
everyone who came to visit me.
I later realised that this feeling was because I had not only gone home
but had also connected with divine beings from a higher realm. I saw, I
experienced and I returned after touching base. Memories are still with me,
but much was obliterated because I believe it would not have served the
purpose of my later physical, earthly experiences had I remembered
This was one big experience which changed me in many ways. This out-
of-body experience led me to search for literature about near-death
experiences (NDEs).
What I found, certainly educated me. I understood that there were many
like me who had various NDEs, and many remembered the astral world!
There was confirmation of the afterlife and the astral world in more ways
than through reading books.
My departed loved ones had also explained through dreams that the
astral world is beautiful. My father had also been in touch with me after
his death. At one time he appeared to me in flesh and blood, in his physical
body, touched me and conversed with me. It was eleven in the morning,
and I had just finished praying. I was very aware, and his appearing to me
was not a dream. I distinctly remember the love emanating from him and
the lightness around him.
What we don’t know or understand, we fear. We don’t know death. We
don’t understand it. Therefore we fear death. We do not understand birth
either. The baby cries when it comes into this world. We are joyous when
a child is born; similarly, when we die here, we are reborn or return to a
place which was home to us before we made the decision to come here.
Our friends and relatives rejoice when we return home.

Our Guardians, Our Angels

On the other side, our Akashic records are available to us – the way we log
into a computer – we open our files and scan our lifetimes with the help of
our guardians. As we do this, we understand from our soul what we have
learnt and what more is to be accomplished and under what circumstances.
Each person on earth has guardians whom we call angels looking after
them. Many a time, when we do not listen to our intuition, the guardian
angel steps in and whispers to us, and most of the time we ignore these
voices. At times Angels step in by taking a visible form to help us and also
by invisible means to get us out of harm’s way. Many have recorded Sai
Baba the Angel helping them in such a manner, which we call miracles.
Many people are not only seeing but hearing Sai. Many are channelling
Sai Baba’s words, poems, paintings, and so on.
He is one of the greatest guardian angels guiding many over the world,
overseeing us and our loved ones. He is always with those who remember
him from their hearts.
Similarly, in the astral world, we each have a Guardian who understands
us, takes care of us and guides us. The Astral world is home. We cannot
compare the astral world to this earth world. The astral is vast and
timeless. Without the heavy human body, the astral body is very light. The
astral body can travel by thought.
Our true home is beautiful. The trees, the grass, the mountains, and the
sky – they all respond to us as we learn to respond to them. But the
learning does not stop in the astral. We continue our journeys.

My Life, My Responsibility
In Buddhism we are asked to take responsibility for our lives, for the
simple reason that we have chosen our lives. Which means we have
chosen our births according to the planetary movement; we have chosen
our parents and all the people and situations that we will encounter on this
earthly sojourn to learn, remember and grow. Due to the heaviness of
planet earth, in this third dimension, we forget who and what we are and
why we are here. We end up blaming others for our unfortunate situations
which is not the true case of our life.
However, since we have moved into the fourth dimensional energy,
many of us are smiling more and recognising ourselves as divine beings
and remembering our beginnings and our purpose for being here.
There are persons or people who do and can travel into the astral world,
converse with the beings there and receive messages. These messages can
also be received through the mind during meditation or through automatic
writing. Our departed loved ones are allowed to look into our world, feel
and know our thoughts and lives. And they are always ready to help us,
whenever they are allowed to do so. They need to seek permission,
however, when they want to help us from the other side.

Messages from the Masters

These mystical experiences, faith in Master Sai and in my guardian Angel
St. Michael, have helped me move forward. Many a time I had been angry
with them; when I had so much faith, why were they not helping me with
my health issues? The guidance I received from them was always the
‘Take care of your health. Eat correctly and wisely,’ the Angel would
‘Watch my leelas. Have patience!’ Baba would reply.
For years I had suffered from stomach ailments which at times made it
difficult for me to even have a proper meal, and by now I knew that there
were some emotions from the past blocking me. Had not the Voice of God
told me that ‘Your body is a storehouse of emotions’?
I knew I was holding on to the past painful emotions, though I had
diligently done many spiritual practices. Although it was easy to know and
it was easy to forgive, somehow it was not easy to forget. Why?
For years I had received abundant divine light. I had seen the Light and
been blessed by it. I had practiced Reiki, given myself healing and seen the
parrot-green light filling my stomach with light, and pushing some ‘stuff’
out, but the pain always returned, no matter how much I prayed. Although
my body received the healing, it was a temporary respite from pain.
Much later, on this spiritual path, I learned that although I had forgiven,
the charge had remained, and therefore I could not forget. A charge is like
an electric impulse; it is a root which is embedded in the tree of negativity
and must be uprooted. It carries and holds all the memories, and each
memory is connected to another memory. Every time a situation would
occur, the charge received an impulse and the roots would give a boost to
grow another leaf. Unless the root is uprooted or destroyed, the branches
and the leaves will continue to flourish.
Every time I had to undergo a surgery, I was reminded that the Law of
Cause and Effect was coming to a full circle. I had to complete what I had
started at some point in time. The ‘sin of the blade,’ as spoken to in
Buddhism was coming to pass. If you have killed by the sword or blade,
you will have to face a similar situation in order to work out the karma.
Since there are no more swords in the modern world, the karma is
completed through surgery! I don’t know if I am right in saying this, but it
had felt so at that time.
It just humbles me when I think of having remembered the many lives I
have lived here on this beloved planet earth and on various planets, I know
not where. I have lived, and lived forever, considering the past lives that
have flashed through my memory.
We are eternal Beings of Light, here to experience both the dark and the
light, the duality consciousness of this Planet.
Recently I have started thinking that when we love the good, then why
we cannot embrace the bad because even that has a purpose. By accepting
the bad and the ugly, we overcome our anger towards it. We take away its
power by loving it, and in so doing, the bad will naturally move away from
our lives. We live in duality; therefore we are here to experience both. It is
easy to accept the happiness and joy, and yet we find it difficult to
experience the sadness and pain. Since it is energy, we can also transmute
it into love.

The Manifestation
The next day of the surgery, I was shown the light grey stone that had been
lying in my gall bladder. It was huge, long and thick – a hard stone that
jutted with things that resembled thorns. I looked at it. How much anger
had I stored in my gall bladder! The colour of anger was grey; it had
thorns in it, and it looked ugly. All the injustice that had been done to me
in my childhood had created the anger, and this anger had manifested itself
in my body! It just wasn’t pretty to look at!
Somehow, it made me incredulous to know and believe that on this so-
called ‘spiritual journey,’ I, me, and myself could carry negativity. Me, the
person people looked up to for kindness and love, I, the being who healed
people, myself, the woman who was loved and adored, how could I carry
anger and pain?
The manifestation of the gallstone was the proof that I carried a variety
of negativity within. The ego surfaced; I felt defeated and crushed. How
could I digest all this about myself? The more I reasoned with myself, the
more truth I saw, things that I was not willing to look at otherwise about
myself. How we fool ourselves! I saw myself crumbling. All my beliefs
about myself surfaced, and I had no choice but to see myself and my truth
– the way I constantly misled myself.

Thoughts Are Alive

Thoughts are energy, and anger is the worst type of energy. It manifests.
All the things that we think, say and do consciously or unconsciously – the
criticisms, the judgements, envy and jealousy – they all take form. They
are an extension of us; therefore they find place to reside in us. They form
disease in our bodies. They also can manifest as financial and relationship
problems. It is when we release these that our life slowly changes.
Anger, jealousy, pain, hatred and many emotions stem from fear. The
fear arises out of the separation – when we moved away from the spirit
into the individual cells. When we realise that there is absolutely nothing
to fear, that we still are a divine part of the one and that the little separated
consciousness is the one spirit, then the fear will leave. There will be no
more negativity. Patience is a great virtue. Being true to oneself is another
big one. The whole truth about your life is you, only you.
Somehow, we are habituated to wrong, negative thinking. Our mind is
on the go – criticizing and complaining, we expend so much energy and
tire ourselves without realising why we do get tired! The more we focus on
what is troubling us, the more we concentrate on negativities, the more
miserable our life becomes and the more misery we attract in our lives.
Most of the time we are not even aware of what we are doing to
The more we think of a terrible situation, the more we energise it.
Thoughts are energy. We help our miseries to grow stronger until we can
no more handle them. At some point, they have to burst.

Power of the Word

We are beings of energy, and at each moment everything we do in our
lives produces energy, which carries our frequency. As electromagnetic
beings, we are constantly emitting waves. Our emotions and our feelings
are generators of these energies that we so easily produce with our bodies
which are storehouses of our thoughts, actions and words. We generate
them through our bodies, as also through the stored emotions and feelings
that we do not always disclose. Everything is stored and recorded in the
cells of our biological body.
We have heard about the power of the ‘word,’ and all that we say and do
does create our world. Every positive word that we utter becomes a reality.
Indeed sometimes I think it is easier to be ‘in silence’ and ‘in prayer’!
But can one be thoughtless? It is the feelings connected with the
thoughts, the thoughts themselves that create our lives and our karma.
Knowingly or unknowingly, we are in constant flux with the law of karma.
For example, we hear a person repeatedly saying, ‘I am tired;’ ultimately
the conscious mind transfers this message to the subconscious mind, and
upon receiving this command, the body becomes ‘tired’. On the other
hand, we can always say, ‘I need to rest,’ which would be a gentler way of
dealing with the feeling of tiredness.
This is what the teacher had explained to me in the past. I never heard
him use any negative words. He moved the vocabulary around in order to
bring positivity through the sentences. It is quite a spiritual practice!
We consciously and unconsciously make vows and promises through the
spoken word on a regular basis and don’t even realise the implications they
will have in our lives and later lives! As our ancestors have done before us,
we continue in their footsteps of creating our own realities based on our
belief systems brought down from them – all those who have gone before
us, our families – our conditioning from our childhood experiences, which
we believe to be our truth, and those that have been stored in our
We can to a certain extent bring about a change in our lives by using
positive affirmations, creating a belief with repetition of powerful words,
thus enabling them to pierce into our subconscious to form our ‘new
reality,’ which will then create the life that we want through the vibration
and frequency we generate.
The Universe is always listening. It listens to our feelings, thoughts and
We get what we give out. We attract what we focus on. So if our mind
focuses on the negative, that is what it attracts and same for the good.

My World, My Pain
My thoughts constantly revolved around the pain in my stomach. I
undertook a naturopathy diet, sat in the sun, rested and walked slowly on
the terrace chanting affirmations and mantras. I would talk to my digestive
system, telling it how much I loved it and thanking it profusely for being
so strong.
I had learnt a long time ago that our body responds to our words and
Once, many years ago, I had been travelling and had not partaken of a
morsel or water all morning. I was very hungry and thirsty. When I
reached the hotel, I made myself a cup of tea and sat down to enjoy it. As I
took a second sip, a voice from within me said, ‘Thank you!’ My body had
spoken with me! It was showering me with gratitude because it needed
Since my body is capable of speaking with me, why can I not speak with
my body?
Our body is intelligent. It is programmed to serve us. Our bodies house
our souls. Our bodies and our souls both need nourishment – one from
Mother Earth, the other from the Heavens.
During these transitory difficult times, the angels would converse with
me, and Sai would make me laugh, but it was all short-lived.
Although I wanted to avoid medication, for me it was a boon, to shut
down the pain, if only temporarily. I would bless all medicines and urge
them not to leave any toxic residue in my body. Everything is life, and all
life has a divine purpose; so does the medicine that we ingest.
God wants us to be comfortable. Having set the law of karma in motion,
He couldn’t take it back, but He could help us in various ways, and He
does. God never forsakes us.
When I constantly nurtured the pain in my stomach, how could it go
away? All my energies were focused on getting better; all my thoughts
revolved about how to improve my health. What I didn’t realise at the time
was that I was constantly giving it more energy to exist. If I denied the
pain, saying no to it, surely it would go away, since it was energy? Maybe
if I ignored it, it would go away?
No, that just wasn’t possible. It was already ‘stored’ in my body; how
could I ignore it?
I learnt one thing. We can learn to choose our thoughts. Thoughts are our
companions; at every moment our thoughts change according to our
I would watch my thoughts the way I watch a movie. I learnt to say yes
to good thoughts, and I refused to process the negative ones. It was a tough
job. I didn’t know if it was getting me anywhere but I persevered.
In itself, it is a spiritual practice.

January 2011
Although at times I felt better, there was this constant pain in the tummy.
There were moments when I still felt as though some massive situation
still had to be resolved.

A Promise Is a Promise
I stood under the shower. As the warm water ran down my body, I cried
out in pain, trying to push the pain out of my body, with the help of water,
trying to visualise it being released. The agonizing pain in my stomach had
a will power of its own. Helplessly, I sobbed, ‘God, help me! Heal me!
What wrong have I done? Why am I being punished? Please help me!’
Tears springing from my eyes mingled with the water running down my
body, my hands caressed my stomach. The pain became unbearable; I
couldn’t breathe. I reeled; thinking I was going to fall, I held on to the
railing in the bathtub. When everything was about to turn dark and I felt
the blackness overcoming me, due to the pain, I struggled to take a deep
breath. In the silence of the pain I heard a voice:
‘Have you forgotten the promise you made on Mount Eagle’s Peak?’
My ears perked up, and I quickly returned to the present moment.
‘What promise?’ I feebly asked.
There was silence. I waited. The sound of the water running in the
background felt soundless compared to my anticipation to hear the voice.
My frustration mounted. I became irritated and annoyed.
‘What promise? When did I make a promise? Why did I make a
promise? If I did, then I release all the promises I ever made, here and
now; I let them go!’ I screamed with the little strength that I had. Then I
‘Tell me more! Please!’ I begged of the voice.
Then the voice replied, a little ironically, I later thought.
‘So, you have forgotten the promise you made on Mount Eagle’s Peak to
suffer for the sake of humankind?’
I waited with bated breath to hear more, but the voice refused to divulge.
I felt confused, hurt, angry, annoyed and cheated. If I had made promises
in the past, I did not remember them. Why was I being penalized for it in
this lifetime? I didn’t want this suffering anymore. It did not serve my
life’s purpose now; in fact, I believed that it was not helping me to move
forward on my journey, but again perhaps it was helping me to grow in
some way?

The Promise
I was in a state of despair. When and why had I made the promise that the
voice had told me about? I had heard of Mount Eagle’s Peak, but where
was it?
I prayed and knew that the answers would come shortly.
They always did.
A month later, I was in Surinder’s house. We had planned to chant for an
hour, but it was not meant to be. Her friend Manuj whom I met there
started probing me about my practice. Then out of the blue he said, ‘Do
you know why we chant?’ I replied in the negative.
‘A long time ago we had made a promise on Mount Eagle’s Peak to the
Buddha to become the votaries of The Lotus Sutra. By chanting “nam
myoho renge kyo a”, we would prove its power.’
My ears perked up and I told him to repeat all that he had just said. He
did, further explaining to me about the meeting of Divine Beings from
Heaven and Earth on Mount Eagle’s peak or Griddhakutta as it is called in
Hindi, which also means ‘Vulture’s Peak’.
‘Where is Mount Eagle’s Peak?’ I enquired.
‘In Bihar at Bodh Gaya,’ was the reply.
I now understood. A promise is a promise. A vow is a vow. It has to
Human beings are so powerful, and the words that we use, sometimes so
very casually, also manifest. The promises that we make knowingly and
unknowingly are embedded in our consciousness. Life after life, we
continue living our words.
As I got up to leave, in strode Anup Aunty with the book The Lotus
Sutra under her left arm. Instantly I could connect with her. I walked
towards her and hugged her. I felt I knew her from somewhere as she
reciprocated my hug. I told her I was leaving and would catch up with her
another time.
She said, ‘Wait a bit; I have something to share with you!’ She opened a
page in The Lotus Sutra and read to me the promise that the votaries of
The Lotus Sutra had made to the Buddha in the past. I was amazed at how
quickly the Universe was answering my queries. Two people, who did not
know each other, nor did they know me, were answering my question,
‘Why am I suffering so much?’
So was I a Votary of The Lotus Sutra? It seemed so. I had continued
chanting through all my journeys on the various spiritual paths. No matter
how much I had tried to let go of the chant, it was imbued in my mind,
body and consciousness. In sleep, my body would be chanting, and at
night when all was quiet, the walls of my prayer room were distinctly
echoing the words ‘am Myoho Renge Kyo,’ and the voice was always
mine. Sometimes, there were other voices too. These were of the divine
beings who were guiding me to continue chanting.
Mantras are powerful words, blessed by Divine Beings. They carry a
frequency. When chanted, these frequencies help raise our frequencies by
clearing out toxins and negativities which are lodged into our various
bodies. We are aware of the gross physical body. Then there is the mind,
which is the mental body; the astral body; the emotional body and the
spiritual body.
The more we pray, chant and meditate, the more we release, ultimately
freeing ourselves! Similarly, the more a mantra is chanted, the more
powerful it becomes. The more the people chanting it, the more power it
holds for manifestation as it clears our dense energies, purifying and
cleansing them making space for the divine to work its mystical magic in
our lives and in our world.

Clearing the Vow

In January of 2011, when I had heard The Voice telling me that I had made
a promise on Mt. Eagle’s Peak to suffer for the sake of humanity, I
instantly decided to break the vow, even if it was made for the sake of The
Law of The Lotus Sutra. It did not serve its purpose in my life anymore.
Many people think that it is wrong to break promises which we have
made to the Divine. Perhaps at the time of making the promise, it was an
inner need, thereby deeming it necessary and there being a reason for it to
be made.
Everything in the universe works on the Law of Cause and Effect. And
yet we cannot continue with something that is no longer necessary. Life
changes. Life situations change. We change.
‘There is constancy in change and change in constancy,’ a Buddhist
saying goes.
It is a simple yet powerful statement, which gives us much to think
about. Our life is constant, and yet it is changing all the time! Therefore we
and our lives are continuously changing, moment to moment!
When the promises are deeply imbibed in the consciousness, then we
continue living the vows in future lives. During the inception of the vow, if
fear is created with the thought of dire consequences in case we cannot
complete the promise made, we continue living in fear or pain of certain
things, perhaps never knowing the reason of the fear.
My example has shown this.
Who made the vow in the first place? It was me. So it is fine for me to
break it too. The vow I had made eons ago had become a block in this life
and continued manifesting as sickness. There is no judgment from the
Universe; it only comes from within us. We innocently and randomly
make promises and bind ourselves. And yet, it is so easy to release it again
by the power of words, intent and prayer. I thought, and I hoped.
‘Here and now I release; I release; I release the vow I made to the great
Buddhas on Mount Eagle’s Peak to take on suffering in order to prove The
Law of The Lotus Sutra, in the latter day of the Law which is now. I
release all the promises to suffer for the sake of humanity. I set myself
free. I am free. It is all done now.’ For there were many Buddhas or
enlightened beings who had gathered here hundreds of years ago. During
this ‘meeting,’ I had shared my desire to serve mankind in the latter day of
the law which is kalyug, now, at this time.
I chanted the mantra, ‘Nam Myoho Renge Kyo’ in order to release these
vows visualising myself as healthy, happy, strong, and whole and
complete. I set the motion of freeing myself and waited for the Universe to
respond. I knew it would take place sooner than later.
I repeated the release again at home and over the period of next year and
a half; having set my freedom in motion, I knew that something incredible
would happen in order for me to be healed. Meanwhile, I continued
meditating and praying for good health to manifest in my mind, my
emotions and my body, trusting that the Universe would answer my call in
its own way, in its own time, though I did ask for it to be speeded up!

Breaking the Vow at Bodh Gaya

I wanted to visit Mt. Eagle’s Peak in order to break and release the
promise I had made to the Divine Beings, at some point in the past ‘to
suffer for the sake of humankind in order to uphold the practice as
expounded in The Lotus Sutra’.
‘Nam Myoho Renge Kyo’ is the distilled form of The Lotus Sutra. The
practice itself is to chant the mantra, ‘Nam Myo ho Renge Kyo’.
My wish to visit Bodh Gaya manifested after more than twenty years!
On the first evening of our arrival, we visited the MahaBodhi temple.
The prayers offered in various dialects by different communities made the
temple feel very busy. Yet, it was very peaceful and serene. It felt special.
I sat under the Bodhi tree, closed my eyes and prayed, thanking the
universe for all the arrangements made. Then I thought, ‘Lord Buddha, I
would love to have a leaf from the tree.’
A few minutes later, someone tapped on my hands which were in prayer
pose. A man was standing there with two leaves in his hands. ‘You want
these?’ he asked me. ‘They are from the tree. I picked them up as they
I thanked him and wondered. ‘Why do you want to give these to me?
There are many people here,’ curiously I whispered to him so as not to
disturb other people who were praying.
‘A voice told me to give them to you,’ he replied.
‘The universe definitely listens to us!’ I thought.
When I mentioned this tale to Anup Aunty, she said a similar thing had
happened to her. As she had sat under the Bodhi Tree and asked for a leaf,
two fell on her lap – Buddha’s love and compassion.

Buddha’s Cave
We visited the Dungeswari Cave temple known as Mahakala caves where
the Buddha had meditated for six years prior to him becoming enlightened.
A statue of him was in the cave depicting him as skin and bones.
The monk there explained to us that the Buddha did not have any food or
drink for that period and had starved himself while meditating. After this
period of time, the Goddess of the cave had appeared to him and explained
to him that he would not receive enlightenment here and that he must
return to the outside world.
He walked down to the village and sat by the riverside. Sujata, a village
woman offered him food. This is when he realised that it was necessary to
live a balanced life; therefore his teachings advocate the middle path.
I clearly remember Lord Buddha from my past life. He had been my
master hundreds of years ago, so it was only natural for me to go on a
pilgrimage in his footsteps!

Mt. Eagle’s Peak

Finally, in October of 2012, I walked up to Mt. Eagle’s Peak. The weather
was warm, and the sun beat down upon us. Despite these, my heart was
singing and chanting; the air was vibrating with magic, and we were
immensely happy and grateful. Anup Aunty, my friend, had made all the
arrangements for me to be in Bodh Gaya at this time!
Our walk up the peak of Griddhakutta was a pleasant one, even though it
was unbearably hot. I was holding Anup Aunty’s hand, helping her climb
the stairs up the mountain.
There were a lot of people around us selling their wares. There was some
festival; therefore local people from around the area were dressed in all
their finery, while visiting a nearby Vishnu temple.
As we walked upward, it became quiet. There were just the three of us,
Anup, my husband, Naren, and I. It was very peaceful. All of a sudden
something or someone pushed me hard, and then a big baboon jumped past
me. Accidently the baboon had run into me. There are no accidents in the
universe, I have learnt; therefore there was a reason the monkey had
hurtled into me. It was strong and big, and it hurt my back. Three huge
baboons swirled past us to sit on a tree nearby at the edge of the mountain.
They were curiously watching us. We ignored them though I was fearful
of being ambushed by them. I continued chanting, and I knew Anup Aunty
was doing the same.
Upon reaching the Peak, I was surprised to see that it was a very small
area. I had expected a big mountain top but it was a rather small plateau I
wondered how three thousand Buddha’s from heaven and Earth could have
met here a long time ago? How would they fit here?
Realisation dawned. The Divine Souls had convened a meeting here
thousands of years ago. A soul without a body is but so tiny, little bigger
than a speck. It is light. The divine Soul Lights had met here and discussed
the future of mankind for the future Dark Age or Kalyug or ‘the latter day
of the law’ as mentioned in The Lotus Sutra. Those who wished to serve
mankind at this time obviously raised their hands. Well, that’s how I saw it
in my mind’s eye.
Sometimes I wonder why I did this. Our nature is thus. We are in service
when we help from any level of our being.
As I stood on the top of The Peak, I chanted the magical words and lit
candles and incense sticks. I bowed down and apologised to all the
Buddhas and Divine Beings for wanting to break free from the promise. I
said that I didn’t want to suffer anymore and that I released myself from all
the bonds that I had created by making vows and promises from the
Beginning of Time not only to all The Divine Beings, but also to all
people, places and all things that were holding me back on my journey to
freedom. I said that I had suffered enough and that my destiny did not
want me to hold on to the past anymore.
I helped Anup aunty to light the candles she had brought with her in all
four directions. I sat in the centre of the small, flat mountaintop. I knew
that the Buddha used to sermon from here in his last few years of life.
As I bowed down, a warm breeze started blowing. I offered a prayer of
gratitude to all the divine beings, the keepers of this planet, all our teachers
and angels who had looked after us and continuously guided us. I thanked
all my ancestors from the beginning of time. With my head bowed low,
tears washed my eyes touching a core in my heart, and the spark grew to
encompass all the beings who had been with me from time immemorial. I
thanked them all.
I thanked The Buddhas for their compassion, love and all arrangements
for and of my life that they had made and asked them to continue guiding
me on the path of love.

A Magical Moment
The sun was blazing down upon us as it was already noon. There were two
ladies on the peak when we had arrived. They paid no heed to us. One was
holding an umbrella under which both were sitting. The mistress was
reading a thick prayer book and didn’t bother to look up at us. She must
have been praying for quite some time, it seemed.
As we were about to descend the Peak, the pujari appeared. We
requested him to give us some mud from where the Buddha had sat, and he
dug some up for us. This was quite a divine arrangement, and my heart
was filled with gratitude.
When we reached the bottom of the peak, we rested awhile. The Tibetan
lady who had been reading prayers on the Peak approached us. I invited
her to sit with us under the tree. She shared an experience with us.
She said that when she had arrived at seven in the morning, the steps
were filled with many baboons, and it scared her and her maid. There was
no human being in sight and she was worried in case the monkeys attacked
them. She offered a prayer of protection to the Buddha. Suddenly three
loud gongs were heard which frightened the monkeys, and they all fled.
She said that there were no gongs in that area.
What a beautiful experience! We were all in awe and praised the Divine.
The Eagle soared as I looked up. It was time to move on.
PRAYER – 2009

‘Koshu, I am going to Lourdes next month.’

Kiran, my sister from London, called me.
‘Can I come?’ excitedly I asked.
The following month, early morning saw us boarding the flight from
London to Pau, which is at the foot of the Pyrenees Mountains in France.
As we drove to the small town of Lourdes, the beauty of nature was awe
inspiring. Greenery was everywhere, in and out in the near distance,
undulating hills, Rocky Mountains in the background, beautifully
blossoming trees, and the wide expanse of blue sky.
Through sleep-tortured eyes I gazed wide in wonder.
After settling down in the small hotel overlooking the river, we walked
towards the Shrine of our Lady of Lourdes. This place is very picturesque
– little bridges across the river and the town dotted with restaurants, hotels
and shops selling items and wares related to the Shrine.

Bernadette and the Virgin

The story of the Shrine at Lourdes begins in 1858. Bernadette, a fourteen-
year-old girl, her sister and her friend had set off to collect wood in order
to sell it to buy food for their families. There was a natural grotto in
Massabielle Rock on the banks of the river gave in which they spotted a
pile of dead wood.
Looking towards the Grotto, this is where Bernadette saw a lady in
white. Frightened, she seized her rosary. The apparition made a sign of the
cross. Bernadette did the same and began to pray until the vision was over.
Altogether Bernadette saw eighteen visions and received messages from
the lady, Virgin Mary. This is where the Shrine of Lourdes, centred around
the Grotto, grew little by little.
The water from the Massabielle spring is used for drinking and as
purification for the body and soul.

Prayers for the Soul

Bowing my head in reverence at the Grotto, where our Lady had appeared
to Bernadette, I humbly apologised to the Divine Mother for all the wrong
I had done, knowingly and unknowingly in this life and past lives. I asked
her to forgive me and my family and asked her to guide us and help us to
always tune into God’s will for us.
Then I did something I had never done before.
I prayed for myself while basking in the peaceful vibrations; I silently
asked the Divine Mother to heal me of all the sicknesses I had been with
for years.
I had sat in prayer over time for many years, praying for others to be
healed, feeling their pain in my heart and apologising on their behalf.
Sometimes I wonder what goaded me to take on praying for others.
Perhaps this was my connection with those for whom I felt helpless to help
I had always had the desire to help people, and it had felt the right thing
to do when as a human being physically I could not help them, but I could
pray for them! There is much suffering around us, and this was the easiest
to do. Prayers connected me to people and to God with whom I have had
the best conversations.
Now, it felt odd to pray for myself, and yet it felt perfect too.

My sister’s friend Jyoti is originally from Mauritius. She selflessly made
arrangements for us to travel to Lourdes with her.
She told us that when her mother was forty years old, she had been
guided to come to Lourdes to offer prayers for a child to be born to her as
she was barren.
Soon after, within a year, Jyoti came into this world. She was born
through the grace of the Divine Mother. Jyoti is a gift to her parents from
the divine mother; therefore she comes here to offer her gratitude every
year. She seems to be familiar with every corner of Lourdes. She also
speaks the French language.
She showed us around. We visited the nearby towns, walked the
mountains to cross over to see the beauty of the nearby streams and rivers,
soaking our feet and admiring the snow-capped mountains in the distance.
The water was very blue and cold as it meandered its way from the snow-
capped mountains.
We ate croque monsieur and crepes. We drank wine with cheese which
we had bought from the border of Spain and France at the foothills of the
Pyrenees. We joked and laughed.
My stomach ached, but I was determined to enjoy myself.

The Bath
At the ladies’ side of the baths where the water flows, the volunteers
helped me to dip into it. It was freezing cold. Before doing so, I was asked
to make a prayer to the little statuette of Virgin Mary placed before the tub
My prayer was the same – to be fully healed.
For the five days that we were here, we visited the Grotto every day. In
the evenings we joined the Marian Procession with candles in our hands,
chanting ‘Ave Maria’. It is a divine procession, and the vibrations made it
easy for us to become one with the crowd of visitors. Millions of people
from all over the world come to this Capital of Prayer. The prayer ends
with ‘Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us’.
Many cures and healings have been recorded here. One can see the many
wheelchairs and stretchers left behind after the healings have occurred.
I was sure that somehow my prayer to be healed would be answered.

The Visitation
We returned to London.
One night, Amber, the family cat, crept into my room. She jumped into
my hair sniffing at me. I woke with a jump, startled. She stared at me. She
meowed. I stared back at her. Then I opened the door and threw her out,
closing the door behind her.
It was not her fault, scaring me like that! I was the stranger sleeping in
her bed, in her room!
My last night in London arrived not too soon. It was always wonderful to
spend time with my sister and the family, and yet I was looking forward to
coming home to Mumbai.
Around four or five in the early hours of the morning, a beautiful
fragrance, gentle and soft, a flowery fragrance, surreal, not of this world,
covered me. It overtook me as I basked in the lingering perfume.
I felt a strong female presence hovering near and over me. I tried to open
my eyes to wake up, but I could not do so. I was very aware of the divine
vibration which rendered me peaceful and serene.
I went into a deep state of love as the fragrance overcame me, making
me blissful. I was basking in love for maybe two hours.
When I finally opened my eyes and sat up in bed, the lingering fragrance
of The Virgin Mary was slowly dissipating from the room.
In gratitude, I humbly bowed down to The Mother for blessing me.
I knew that somewhere, somehow, I would be fully healed soon.

In the morning, at the dining table, I narrated to my sister, this mysterious
visitation. We spoke about our spiritual experiences and then we
remembered the time twenty years ago when we used to chant together for
Early morning around five, we used to hear chanting emanating from the
loft upstairs which was our prayer room. My sister used to think it was me
chanting, and I used to feel it was her doing the chanting.
Neither of us was upstairs, and yet we used to hear the chanting which
sounded like our voices. The family used to think that it was either one of
us chanting.
Not so, but I believe that we were always being guided to continue
chanting, knowing and realising that we were never alone.
Many a time, when I prayed and chanted alone, I could feel the presence
of many souls sitting around me. There were times when overtones could
be heard, a sound like a long ‘Om’…with bells tinkling above my head.
There would also be this familiar fragrance, sometimes.
The Angels and our Spirit guides were chanting along with us, including
all those souls who were connected to us through prayer or karma, I
Therefore, it was necessary to continue praying in order to open the
doors to freedom for all of us.

The Journey Process

My sister had taken a prior appointment with Tracy, who was a
practitioner of The Journey as taught by Brandon Bays. Tracy is a
wonderful, graceful woman. As she spoke with me, tears fell. She said that
I had prayed a lot, and therefore my prayers were being answered. She said
I was on the path to healing.
As she worked on my body, I felt relaxed. My tummy was aching, and
she tried to soothe the pain with lavender oil. I was peaceful. I was deep in
trance when she asked me, ‘Who are you?’
I replied, ‘I am the angel Arria. I am here to help people; I am in
service.’ I wondered who was talking through me or was that who I was on
the other side?
The mysteries never end.

Lourdes to Nevers
A year later, my husband, my daughter and I travelled to Lourdes. It was
warm, humid and hot; the weather was unbearable. Despite the heat,
visitors were there.
We are constantly being reminded that global warming is upon us. The
climate throughout the world has changed. It is not as it used be anymore.
We decided to go to Nevers to see the body of St. Bernadette which lies
in a little chapel there. We hired a car with a driver; from Paris it took us
three hours.

Bernadette – 1858 and Thereafter

In order to protect Bernadette from the crowds of visitors who came to her
house incessantly after the visitations by Our Lady of Lourdes, the Church
arranged for her to live in a boarding house at the hospice of the Sisters of
Charity of Nevers in Lourdes.
In 1866 Bernadette left for Nevers, never to return to Lourdes. In her
short span of life, she became a nun and nursed many wounded soldiers
during the French and Prussian war. She worked hard despite her ailing
health. In 1879 of April, she died, having served God all her life.
In 1909, as part of the procedure to canonise Bernadette, Pope Puis X,
instituted an enquiry into her ‘reputation of holiness’. Her body was
exhumed in the presence of the Bishop, the mother superior of the convent,
the civil authorities and two forensic experts.
They found Bernadette’s body intact.
The forensic report of the first exhumation concentrated on describing
the outward appearance of the corpse. Bernadette’s skin, nails, teeth and
hair seemed in perfect condition. Stranger still, her veins, which could be
seen quite clearly through her skin, showed that her internal organs had
also been spared the normal process of decay.
Finally, during the third and final exhumation of Bernadette’s body, in
April 1925, forty-six years after her death, she was declared blessed. The
autopsy revealed the perfect condition of her internal organs.
Canonised in 1933 by Pope Pius XI, today the body of St. Bernadette lies
in a glass casket in the chapel of Saint Gildard’s Convent in Nevers.

The Chapel
It was hot and humid outside. Yet it was cool inside the chapel.
The body of St. Bernadette, lying there like sleeping beauty in a glass
casket, looked ethereal.
The energy was very peaceful. Sitting there, on a bench, I thought of
how powerful human beings can become when they work steadfastly for
‘But she is a Saint,’ I thought, ‘and Saints are like Masters.’
They continue serving humans even after death. Their very energy helps
to revive and shift our consciousness, healing us in many ways. Our soul
recognises that the dirt is being cleansed. This is when the tears flow.
Here, in the presence of St. Bernadette’s body, the tears fell in gratitude.
I wished I could sit here for days in silence, drawing upon the divine
energy. I sincerely felt that if I did this, I would become enlightened. I
could feel layers of grief and pain peel off.
I remembered and thought about the Saints and Masters of India – Sai
Baba of Shirdi, Shri Aurobindo and Mother in Puducherry. Even after their
deaths, people flocked to their Samadhi to receive their blessings.
Reluctantly, I left the Chapel. I walked into the little store selling candles
and knick-knacks and browsed, all the time wishing I could stay in this
little town a little longer.
‘Maybe another time,’ I said to myself.
Our driver, who was European but not French, remarked that he had
never in his life felt so peaceful in any place of worship as he did in this
small chapel where the body of St. Bernadette continues blessing all those
who visit her.

November 2014
I travelled to Ahmednagar to visit Meherabad and to sit in front of the
Samadhi of Meher Baba.
My cousin Ramlu had never been here before. I saw her relaxing and her
face was glowing with joy and an inner happiness.
This is what divine places do to us. They help to shift our consciousness
to higher levels. These are the points of sacred power, like the Samadhi of
Sai Baba.
Our souls know of our contracts and continue guiding us to where we
need to be and with whom in order to grow.
As I stretched my arms on the Samadhi of Meher Baba, I held one prayer
in my heart.
I said, ‘Please guide me to always be humble.’
A few tears flowed from my eyes.
I saw a vision in my mind’s eye – Meher Baba sitting on the ground with
one leg folded, with his head upturned.
Clearly I heard him say, ‘Look Upward.’
I thought about this message.
When one constantly looks to God in prayer, then I believe one can
remain humble.

Virgin Mary
I went to Maya and Soji’s house for lunch and to spend a few hours with
them at Ahmednagar. These two youngsters are very close to my heart,
and I love them dearly.
They had recently moved to their new house.
Upon entering the house, the presence of the Divine Mother was upon
me. As I hugged her, I asked her, ‘You pray a lot, don’t you?’
The familiar fragrance of Mother Mary was very evident.
‘Yes,’ she replied. ‘I pray all the time, even while working.’
I looked upon the statue of Virgin Mary and the picture of Jesus Christ
on the altar in her living room.
The light fragrance permeated the whole house.
‘Do you light incense?’ I asked her.
‘No, I am allergic to them,’ she replied.
Once more I was encountering the blessings of Our Lady at Ahmednagar
in Maya and Soji’s house – two simple beautiful souls who love God.
When we love God, we only want to serve him. Serving Him means to
purify ourselves, especially our thoughts. It is our thoughts that create
action. Serving God means we must hold love and patience in our hearts
for all.
Divine Mother, please pray for us to always be pure in thought, word and
action. Thank you!

12 April 2016
It was Ramlu’s birthday, and I decided on the spur of the moment to go to
the Mount Mary church in Bandra. As we sat there in the pews, looking at
the divine beings, Mary and Jesus, our eyes closed in prayer.
I made a deep prayer for Ramlu as she needed healing. Her health hadn’t
been great. I prayed that they protect her through her health and guide her
to become strong and healthy in both body and mind. I wished her an
abundance of peace and love.
The energy vibrated. Prayer actually rides on our emotions, and if it is
the correct emotion, it reaches the heavens. I was really amazed as I felt a
strong bond from the divine beings.
Ramlu narrated to me in the car that as she prayed, a light came in from
the Mother and the Son and blessed her in the heart, and then it blessed me
and returned to them. It happened twice.
She was in bliss that day; she had been gifted with a divine blessing on
her birthday.

It was already eight months after the surgery, and I was looking
for ways and means of healing myself. Besides the vow, I knew
there was another reason why I was suffering.
From my childhood to my adult life, up to the age of forty, I used to
‘see’ these ‘beings’ in my mind’s eye or in my dreams. For years I was
scared of the dark until I came to terms with the fear by bringing in the
light through chanting until finally and ultimately I overcame the fear of
the nocturnal aliens, realising that they meant me no harm. In a couple of
years, the fear vanished completely, despite my still ‘seeing the beings’.
I had been to an introductory seminar by Dr. Eric Pearl in the year 2009,
the month of December. He is the founder of The Reconnection and
Reconnective Healing. The Healing that I witnessed here was amazing.
‘I want to do this,’ I said to myself. And when something excites me, I
know my heart is guiding me for what is right for me. I was attracted to
this modality of healing. I very much wanted to become a Reconnective
healer, but strange things happened before I could become one, although I
had experienced various states.
A few years earlier I had decided that I would not learn any more of this
spiritual stuff since my health had not improved despite spiritual practices
and various healing methods. Nor had I achieved bliss because health
issues kept me imprisoned in body and mind.
I prayed for an answer. My heart wanted me to do the workshop, and yet
I was confused. No harm in trying, but would I be able to manage the four
That night I dreamt. I saw my hands radiating blue light. It was a vivid
dream which woke me, and I quickly sat up in bed looking at my hands.
There was a distinct blue light flowing out of my hands which quickly
receded as I stared calling out to my husband to show him the miracle.
I had gotten my answer.
A few days prior to the seminar, I received a copy of Life Positive, the
spiritual magazine. A page mysteriously opened as I glanced through the
magazine. It was an article on a new modality of healing.
‘How interesting!’ I thought to myself. It was.
For some reason I felt I was being guided to meet this lady who was
practising and teaching this modality of healing.
Procuring her phone number, I called her to make an appointment. I will
not name her; I will call her the ‘Healer’.
Sometimes when things are meant to happen, then the arrangements are
quickly made by the universe. I believe our lives are meant to be full of
miracles. What we call ‘miracles’ are but a way of life. Of course by now,
we know there are no coincidences; things happen because they are meant
to. Life is meant to flow, and it will as long as we don’t interfere by
blocking it with our negative thinking.
I also know that when we believe that our lives are full of miracles, then
our lives do become synchronistic with miracles and divine help. Expect
the miracles; when they occur, accept them and enjoy them, knowing that
you truly deserve them, knowing that all has a divine reason and purpose.
The more gratitude one holds for the good things in life, the more we
manifest good things; miracles always follow.

Memories from the Past

I rang the doorbell and waited. My stomach was churning with excitement
at this time.
The Healer opened the door holding her eight-month-old baby boy in her
arms. His looks caught my attention. I knew I was looking at a very
ancient, wise soul. His demeanour was thus. He gurgled and laughed at
me. Had he recognised me or was he laughing at the tapestry of life?
The beautiful, young woman looked at me as she sat across from me.
‘What can I do for you?’ she asked.
‘Well, I have this pain in my stomach, and it doesn’t seem to want to
leave. I have been guided for some reason to see you,’ I replied.
She looked deeply at me, her eyes piercing mine.‘So you know you have
a chip inside you?’ she asked.
I was taken aback. How had she known? Only recently had I come to
terms with this knowledge though I had known it for a long time.
Sometimes we just don’t want to believe in certain things because they
hurt the ego.
‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘I only became aware of it a couple of years ago.
Despite medication, the pain doesn’t go away, and I feel something hard
moving in this area.’ I held my hands on my tummy showing her the area
that hurt.
‘Do you want me to remove it?’ she asked.
‘Yes, please. Can you do this?’ I was incredulous.
In anticipation I waited. She was in deep thought.
‘However, this chip was implanted for a reason. You are constantly
being monitored by these aliens, and as long as you have it, you will be
safe during the transition period of 2012. Then it will probably
automatically leave your body.’
She asked again, ‘What do you wish me to do?’
‘I want it out.’ I replied. ‘I just cannot bear the pain anymore. It’s been
too long, and if I am meant to die before the shift, it is fine with me. I just
want to be healthy for now even if only six months of pain-free life is
given to me.’
She thought for a bit and said, ‘Ok, I will work on you for a while and
see what comes up. I will not touch the chip now. Let’s see how you feel
after the session.’
She somehow seemed to know that we would experience something
strange; or perhaps she thought I was queer; I could tell by the changing
expressions on her face. She made me stand with my back facing the bed.
I, on the other hand, had no expectations. Standing quietly, I did as she
told me. She offered a prayer to her Guru and God while I waited.
She faced me, intently scrutinizing my body. Then she touched me
lightly at one point on my shoulder with her index finger. I rolled and fell
on the bed on my back; I actually flew, not knowing what happened. No, I
wasn’t pushed. It was an involuntary movement over which I had no
control. Imagine a grown-up woman doing a flip!
As I lay on the bed, a shift occurred in my memory; in the deep recesses
of time gone by, I saw and experienced the past. I saw her and I saw
myself in different bodies, in another time, entering a beautiful temple
with white pillars. Our clothes were flowing white gowns, and we seemed
to float, not walk, into the temple.
It was peacefully serene, a divine place, where we, the healers converged
to initiate and heal those who sought a higher life, to put them through a
process of initiation and awareness of the spiritual journey and speed the
enlightenment process. I had regressed to a time in ancient Greece where
we were both healers!
Time roller-coasted me to various lifetimes with her; I realised the
healing work we had done together, and then I was overcome with guilt
and a deep fear – guilt brought on by not being able to fully heal and
awaken the initiates to a higher level of consciousness and fear for not
being able to help those who came to me for help. It was my work to heal
people at all levels of their being, clear out their core issues, guide them
and walk them through towards enlightenment.
No wonder I was carrying guilt and felt the need to help and serve
It is in our consciousness that we carry our emotions and our feelings.
Karma guides us to come back again to right the wrongs or to make
completions because we bind ourselves through our thoughts, feelings and
It is by no chance that I am a healer in this lifetime. What I could not
complete in those lifetimes, I am here to compensate by helping and
healing people. I was meeting people who seemed familiar because I was
here to complete what I did not complete in the past. I am here to complete
the responsibilities I had taken on a long time ago.
It is a knowing. It is an understanding. And all these realisations were
I left without the chip being removed. I was disappointed but an
awakening had occurred, and I was grateful for that experience.

The Healing
A few days after the healing session with the Healer, I went for the
Reconnection with a Therapist. I lay on the bed, not expecting anything to
happen, and yet there was an inner excitement, and an inner knowing that I
had been guided to be here. It felt right.
As the Reconnection Therapist worked over and above my body,
reconnecting me, I was amazed at the reaction my body and emotions were
experiencing. There were movements I had no control over. My hands
were on my stomach, trying to push away the pain as it increased in
momentum until I could not bear it. I cried and sobbed. Suddenly the
session was over.
I cried until the next morning when I had to return for another session.
This time, I felt something lift from my stomach. I actually felt
something move away where the pain was, where the pain had been
lodged for years. Next day, I went for the Reconnection workshop. There
was no pain as I sailed through the four days. We did lots of practice.
What inspired me most was Dr. Pearl’s lecture. It was all about self-worth.
For years I had been healing people, believing that I was working for
God, and I actually believed I was doing well for mankind. In reality, I had
been downsizing myself throughout my life, which had been a continuous
process. For me, it was not even about the money, it was about self-
respect. I gave healing continuously wherever and whenever I got the
chance to, be it a party or a gathering. For years I continued healing
people, knowing that God was using me for His work.
It took years for me to realise that God never uses us, but it is our guilt,
insecurity and self-worth issues that drive us because at some point we
want to be accepted, loved, respected and honoured by the people around
us. We become martyrs for ourselves, believing what we want to believe.
We don’t even realise we are doing this to ourselves! Incredible!
In time I have learnt that I cannot heal anyone; it is Divine will that will
heal, and healings will occur when the time for that soul is right, when the
karma is cleared.
When I fully serve the Divine without even the thought of receiving
acceptance or praise from the outside, not caring for it but doing the work
because it feels right, then I will truly be serving the divine. And the
healings will take place.
I have also learnt that I have to first of all learn to love, respect and
honour myself in order to be loved and accepted by others. My outside
world is the mirror of my inner world. The changes are to come from
within, and the without will respond accordingly.

Aliens and Angels

I was very young at the time, maybe five or six years old. My elder sister
Raju had her arm around me as we stood in the garden. There were two
tall, beautiful beings, white and shiny, standing in front of us. They were
speaking to us. Love was flowing all around us. I wasn’t listening, or
maybe I didn’t understand what they were saying. All I remember is being
loved and feeling happy. Probably they were our guardian angels? I don’t
On one quiet night, light streaming into our room woke me. I was twelve
or thirteen or younger. I clearly remember the bright yellow vehicle
outside the window. The light emitting from it was very bright. I
automatically walked towards the window. I was pulled there by some
unknown force. There was no thought of resistance. I remember three
people looking back at me. They had masks on their faces, more like
helmets. One alien was short. I distinctly got the feeling that they were a
I don’t remember anything after that.
In the morning I looked out the bedroom window, thinking it to be a
dream, and yet it had been very real. There was no sign of any vehicle or
craft. The veranda was clean, and the trees, crisp in the morning sunlight.
Behind the apple tree, I could see the African woman in her colourful
dress, singing and humming a tune while lighting a fire to cook the
morning meal.
Everything seemed fine with the world.
But for me, there were dreams, there were faces and there was fear.

The Present Moment

A few months later, after the Reconnection workshop, I was in Pune. I
received a text message from the Healer asking me to meet her. A few
more messages followed. When I returned to Mumbai, I texted her asking
her when I could meet her.
At noon the next day, I entered her bedroom and sat on the bed with my
legs folded. She sat on a chair looking at me piercingly and asked me why
I had wanted to see her. I said that it was because she had messaged me a
few times to come meet her. She said that she had not texted me at all. She
had only replied when I had asked to meet.
Unfortunately I was in the habit of deleting phone messages, so I had no
proof to show her.
All said and done, here was another mystery. It was amusing.
‘What’s up?’ I thought to myself. I stared at the Healer, and she stared
back at me.

The Return of the Aliens

I sat there, piqued, wondering who wanted me here in her house, and why
was I summoned mysteriously? All was quiet and peaceful. My mind was
But then, what I was sensing? She was quietly sitting there watching and
observing me. We both knew something was up. I could feel that she was
waiting for a reaction from me.
‘What’s in this room?’ I asked her.
‘You tell me,’ she said.
In my mind’s eye, I saw a black blob with hair that looked like soft
bristles clinging to the wall behind where I was sitting. It was breathing; it
was alive. My hair stood on end. I had goose bumps I had no control over.
‘There is one being here, and he’s on the wall behind me. More will
come. Who are they?’ I asked the Healer.
She explained that this being had arrived a few days earlier. Prior to that,
her laptop, phone and television had stopped working, and this had been
repeatedly happening again and again over a period of a few months,
despite the electronics being repaired.
Maybe these beings used energy from the electronics?
Suddenly, my head snapped back, and I started speaking in a voice
which was not mine. This being, this Alien, was channelling through me,
giving her messages!
The Healer asked questions, and they were all answered.
They were here to help her with the work she would be doing in future.
They would guide her. No harm would come to her or her family.
‘My name is Marcus,’ the being said.
‘Where do you come from?’ the Healer asked.
‘From Andromeda,’ was the reply.
With a massive headache, I returned home and slept. I didn’t even have
the energy to ask ‘Why me?’ Crazy things happened to me very often.
In the evening, I surfed the Internet seeking answers. There was one:
‘The Andromeda is the Gateway to enter planet earth.’
That’s it? I thought. Marcus is an ordinary name anyway, and loads of
Marcus’s would be there if I googled the name, which would be
It was a pity a basic question, ‘Which planet do you come from?’ was
not asked.
So we will maybe never know, but the aliens have been with us from the
beginning of time. Today, they walk amongst us. Something we are
learning to know and understand and come to terms with.
As I narrate this incident, I did find the answer to the dark, hairy beings
in the book by Judy Satori. This book had been telepathically transmitted
to her by higher-dimensional Beings of Light. It is an interesting story
which is claimed to be true. It is another book that reminds us of who we
are and where we come from.
On page 22, ‘Clustered together, was a small group from the galaxy of
Andromeda – dark, strange-looking creatures of many hairy arms and with
a protruding head like that of an insect.’
I am constantly amazed that some of my unbelievable experiences are
validated in some way or the other by the universe.
There is much more.

I next surfed about alien implants.
So there had been an implant inside my tummy!
It was all very interesting but painful for me. Had I signed up for this? I
remembered my friend Dolly. She had an implant in her toe from her
childhood, and it still hurt years later.
Much of this made sense to me now. All those sonographies had not
shown the large stone in my gall bladder. So the implant was not a
physical one but one on my mental or emotional or etheric body, and
somehow it had blocked out the stone?
The anger and the fear came from the painful memory when the implant
was placed in my body?
I was being studied by these beings? It seemed so. I remembered the
past-life regression I had gone for in search of healing my tummy ailments
a few years earlier.
I saw myself lying on a couch with my hands and arms tied. There were
tall, slim Beings with large eyes looking at me and poking me in the
stomach. I was getting angry and irritated.
As I narrated this scene to the person who regressed me, he retorted,
‘Come back; I don’t want you to go there.’
I had wanted to go there. I wanted to know more about myself and why I
had been abducted by the aliens. I wondered why I was not allowed to
know about the implant procedure.
There is no one to blame. There’s always a reason. Maybe the time was
not right.
There are questions and again questions. Some are answered, sometimes.
The rest of the answers will come when appropriate.

The Flower of Life

Just before autumn, in the year of 1997, I signed up with the nine day
‘Flower of Life’ workshop with a facilitator, in London. There were nine
participants, me being the only Asian.
The course was very intensive as we learned about Sacred Geometry, the
Aliens, Gods and Goddesses, initiations, Atlantis, Mu, Egypt, India and the
power points of the world. We also learnt to form the Merkaba with a
certain type of breath. We lit candles and meditated. It opened me up to
more knowledge of our beginnings as Drunvalo Melchizedek guided us
patiently through the teachings.
I fully understood them from within me. These were my ‘aha’ moments
because on another level, I knew it all was real. These teachings awakened
me. All the mystical happenings of my life were being validated. I was
facing the truth about ourselves and remembering.
I had, during the course of my spiritual endeavours, travelled to many
planets and been taught during these nocturnal journeys, only to forget
most of it. What was necessary to remember had remained with me.
Horus, the birdman, had been my teacher.
At another time, while receiving light on my forehead, I had been taken
to a time in ancient Egypt when I was kneeling in the sand waiting for the
spaceship to land on top of the Pyramid of Cheops, chanting ‘Rah Rah
Rah,’ waiting for the God Ra to descend.
This workshop was a reminder of the past with a knowledge that brought
in Light. It made me understand that our life has a bigger purpose than we
know. There is much to remember that we have forgotten, and hence life is
mysterious as it unfolds.
Anyhow, there was a tall English girl in our class. Her name was Tuli.
She was a Tera Mai Seichem grandmaster. At tea break she narrated her
During the meditations in the workshop that morning, she had regressed
in time. She saw that she was a High Priestess. Her work was to initiate
people. This initiation took place in a chamber in the big Pyramid of
Cheops. There is a slab there, a table upon which the initiate lays. Through
a powerful process and chanting, the High Priestess guides the initiate to
move out of the body and travel to a higher dimension. She then guides the
soul back into the body. This was the initiation process in those days.
Well, what happened was that she was not able to bring back many souls
to their bodies, and they had died. In this life, she recognises the people
who come to her for healing. She knows that it is the trauma that they had
faced of not being able to return to their bodies that causes them grief. She
has to heal them, and in doing this, she is freeing herself from the guilt she
has been travelling with.
As I heard her speak her story, I turned pale. I had the same past-life
regression during the meditation, and I saw myself working with her as a
High Priestess in the Pyramid of Cheops.
In that life, I could not handle the guilt; therefore I took poison which
burnt my stomach, and I died. Therefore in this life I was holding on to the
feelings of burning in my tummy!
My story continued though. After I died, I travelled to another world and
quickly descended as Anubis, the God with the head of a dog, dark in
colour. Now, all those who would come for the initiation would be safe
because Anubis was the God who helped souls to return either to their
bodies or to a better world or the astral world.
I did not know Anubis, but I had a book of Egypt; I looked for the Dog-
faced God-man, and I found myself.
It is by no chance that I am a healer. It is my destiny to complete my
work. This lifetime is therefore a culmination for many of us. We are here
to complete the work we had undertaken at some point of time.

The Path of Light and Love

I like to refer to Sukyo Mahikari as the Path of Light and Love because I
have seen the golden light on many occasions, and when the Light appears,
immense love is projected. This has been my experience.
A month later after The Flower of Life workshop, we travelled to Japan,
my husband and I. We were doing the advance course of Sukyo Mahikari.
There are no coincidences; we know, and at the time I was enthralled. The
Teachings of Drunvalo coincided with the Teachings of Sukyo Mahikari.
In fact, it was a continuation of the teachings. It was exciting.
Having opened my world to the knowledge of Sacred Geometry, I
looked at the emblem of Sukyo Mahikari and understood the deep secrets
of not only this path but also of the many religions of the world. In awe I
walked around and through Suza (the temple to Creator God) where the
prayers and ceremonies are held, and I beheld the mysteries that are hidden
in the sacred geometry embossed and ingrained throughout this beautiful
temple. It is undoubtedly the most wonderful vision to behold. It is divine,
and the vibrations of divinity and God are positively present here.
I am blessed. I am in awe. This life has been a difficult one, but the gifts
that I have been given oversee the unfortunate time. The unfortunate times
have taught me much. The lessons are learnt, and graduation looks
I have no regrets.

The Reconnection
What I learnt here really impressed me. Although I was quiet throughout
the four-day workshop, I could feel the energies. There were loads of orbs
floating around which were probably the angels, masters, pleiadians, and
so on. Pleiades is a planet probably the closest to earth, and the beings who
inhabit it are called Pleiadians.
Have a look online, and you will know many a thing about our past. It
seems they were the first to mix with the humans as also to share their
knowledge with us. They have been with us many a time, especially when
the earth goes through some havoc. They are here to help and guide us,
and we cannot deny them as they have intermingled with us from the
They are here again at this time when we move towards the golden age
for our earth.

I did many reconnecting healings, and each healing worked amazingly.
Then I did about fifty reconnections in that single year. Except for two
people out of the fifty, they all saw ‘blue’ people hovering around us. I
believe the ‘blue’ people are Pleiadians, and they were doing the work; I
was only the channel. Certainly, the energy was and is very powerful, and
healing occurs at a different level through photon energy.
When I think of ‘blue people,’ I think of Lord Krishna. Was he not blue?
What I learnt still churns through my mind when I start to give a
Reconnective healing.
Self-worth is very important. Secondly, there is no need to pray before
you give the healings as you yourself are the divine spark. You are God.
I love my heart and soul; I love all humanity; Join Hearts and Souls
Love, Peace and Harmony; Love, Peace and Harmony!
I certainly wasn’t looking for a Master or a Guru to guide me. All I was
looking for was for someone to heal my mind and my body which was
filled with emotions. I was very aware that I was carrying childhood
‘stuff,’ and despite various healing modalities and spiritual practices, I still
felt I was carrying a massive burden.
Though I was at peace with myself, many a time stress made me
aggressively angry. Those moments troubled me, and then guilt would
build up and override my life. It was a cycle. This was no way to live! I
wondered what animal was inside me which when unleashed made me
unbearably angry.
I remember St. Michael telling me, ‘Your body is a storehouse of
emotions.’ How could I eradicate these emotions which were ruling me
and making me miserable?
We carry emotions in our body which enter through the five senses into
the mind. These impressions then are stored in our bodies, mainly in the
chakra system; which rule the various parts and organs in our body related
to the inputs from our past lives to our present lives. All our childhood
conditions form our belief system, and accordingly we progress in our
lives because our conditioning is what we know about our life. It becomes
our pattern or a blueprint on ‘how to live and conduct your life’.
And then again we carry ‘stuff’ in our genes.
In my search for good health, I was led or guided by the universe to meet
Master Zhi Gang Sha, an impressionable Chinese person from America
teaching Soul Healing.

I was at a Health Centre. I was being treated for the various stomach
ailments I was suffering from. Living on natural foods, raw and cooked
vegetables, fruits, nuts and juices made me miserable. I felt unhappy. I
want to be a normal person, living a normal life, eating normal food. Was
that too much to ask for?
This universe is bountiful; I didn’t want to be denied the precious fruits
of the earth. According to my thinking, it was fine to eat meat as long as
one was disciplined about eating it. There was nothing wrong in drinking
wine; the Gods drank too, and we are only human, their descendants. As
our birthright, it is fine to enjoy everything. It is also fine to be a
vegetarian or a vegan, but to deny the desires would only torture our souls.
Sai Baba himself prepared two different meals, one for vegetarians and
the other for non-vegetarians. He loved all people, no matter what their
diet. All He wanted and asked of us was purity of heart and love and
kindness towards each other.
The meat eaters who became vegetarians created meat-tasting foods,
which meant the craving for meat was still there. No offense. It’s a fact.
Those who eat meat justify it by saying that our ancestors were meat
eaters, and our body needs protein since it is made of protein. It is such a
paradox. Life! We create much guilt within ourselves.
Let us be ourselves. Let us enjoy everything that has been bestowed
upon us. Let us feel blessed. Let us all fill our hearts with gratitude for
everything we have received, for all that we are able to enjoy and for all
that we are able to share.
We are here to experience everything that has been created for us. By
being vegetarian one believes that one is pure. One can be a non-
vegetarian and yet be pure of heart. The true way is to live fully enjoying
every moment of everything. As long as one does not harm anyone in any
way, one can enjoy a happy conscience and therefore a happy existence.
I remember how I was often ostracised by my Gujarati friends in school
because I came from a meat-eating family. They not only made fun of me
and ridiculed me but did not speak to me at all. I would sit by myself and
feel miserable wondering what wrong I had done. On a personal level, I
did not like eating meat, and my elder sister had become a vegetarian at a
very young age which my parents did not like; therefore I was forced to
eat meat to compensate for her vegetarianism.
Personally I feel that being a vegetarian is wonderful. The body feels
lighter. I also believe that spiritual practices become deeper, and the mind,
‘Overeating is a crime to the body. The body is not a dustbin.’ A Master
had once taught us at a seminar. It is a temple to be well taken care of.
That is the reason the disciplines for the body were created by our
ancients. The body is the vehicle for spiritual growth. Therefore utmost
respect through proper nutrition, exercise and good thoughts goes a long
way in keeping us healthy.
He said:
The body is very intelligent, even if you give it the same food daily, it
will create the energy it needs and form the nutrition for the cells that it
requires. A cow eats grass and yet it gives us white milk. God has
created a wonderful vehicle for us; no matter what we eat; it knows
how to process the food.
There’s much food for thought when we think about this statement.
My Guru, whom I met in 2015 has said to me that God created
everything for human beings to make use of, so it is not important whether
one is vegetarian or non vegetarian. Make use of everything in a proper
manner without wastage and gratitude. The animal, plant, mineral world
are in service to human beings as we are in service to them.

Patricia and Donna

When I arrived at the Health Centre, the song, ‘Love, Peace and Harmony’
was playing. The tune is beautiful. A crowd of maybe thirty were swaying
and dancing to the musical lyrics. I joined in.
Patricia and Donna were the Soul Healing teachers conducting the class.
Laughter is therapeutic as is dancing.
As we were leaving, my friend Naina who had accompanied me was
very happy and insisted that we learn Soul Healing at the Healing Hands
workshop which was to be held in Pune two days later over the weekend.
However, I was not keen to as I did not want to learn anything new
again. This time around, I decided that I was really done with all this
spirituality. I was happy in my cocoon, doing my thing – chanting and
praying as time permitted.
When Naina persisted, I wasn’t adamant enough, and I obliged. I
decided to join the workshop and lightly make a holiday out of it.
Strangely, I enjoyed it.
Mysterious moments persisted.
A lady came up to me and asked me if I knew St. Bernadette. I answered
in the affirmative. I had returned from Lourdes in France a few months
earlier. I had prayed at the chapel and bathed in the waters at Lourdes.
‘Yes, why do you ask me?’ I asked.
‘I see her around you. She is blessing and protecting you,’ she answered.
How did this stranger know that I had asked for healing at Lourdes? I
‘Isn’t it amazing how the divine is constantly giving us messages?’ I
thought to myself, becoming pensive.
At some point, when I was asked to lead the class in a practice session, I
actually witnessed orange light around the room. Later, a few students
confirmed the same. A few saw Sai Baba standing behind me on one side
and Archangel Michael on my other side. I was really amazed. Although I
haven’t personally seen them clearly, I have known them to be around me
very often, especially when I was writing the first book.
It was not only me; there were others too who were being guided by
various masters and angels. Many were seeing these beings around us
besides coloured lights and orbs.
It was fascinating.

Sunita was teaching Soul Healing at the naturopathy centre on
Wednesdays. More than being attracted to the teachings of Master Sha, I
was impressed by her devotion to this Master. She fully believed in what
she was saying and teaching. This endeared me to chat with her. Her
humility and her strength in Master Sha’s work enveloped me in warmth,
and I wanted to practise what she preached.
As we conversed, she pointed out that she was looking for a place in the
western suburbs so she could teach once a week. The following
Wednesday afternoon, Sunita came to my home to teach. There were
almost thirty participants. They all enjoyed the three hours of practice. We
scheduled a class for the following Wednesday.
Sunita didn’t turn up but the participants did. They all looked at me. I
was nervous, but an inner strength and a confidence that I did not have
overtook me. I taught, writing on the white board, explaining the spiritual
matters and helping everyone to do the practices. Was this me teaching?
This is how I came about to be a teacher though I did not consider
myself as one. The practice that I had voluntarily repelled became a part of
my life. Wonders never cease. There was a bigger picture here which will
unfold as the story moves forward.

Master Sha at Home

On his first visit to India, Master Sha came home for dinner. Patricia,
Donna, and Paramjit were his teachers in India. They had previously sat in
front of the statue of Baba in my library and received messages from him.
Sai Baba’s energy is very positive here, and whoever has visited here has
felt it.
Hearing about Master Sai, from his three teachers, Master Sha was keen
on greeting Sai. By now the statue of Sai Baba which was in my library
had become quite important.
‘I am not doing anything; it’s all just happening,’ I think.
‘There is leela within leela. If we can see behind the curtains, I am sure it
will be humorous! Let’s see what happens next?’ I was curious.
Before dinner, the whole group of thirty persons which had accompanied
Master Sha including his cameraman came upstairs to Sai Baba’s room.
They invaded my peaceful sanctuary! One thing I have certainly noted is
that Sai Baba is very happy when visitors come, and the room buzzes with
more energy.
Master Sha’s group was an international one, and each one was
interesting. They all loved Him; I could see that. They all sat quietly on the
floor in reverence of their Master Sha and Sai Baba.
The camera rolled, and the movie began. Master Sha offered prayers and
gratitude to the Masters while we looked on. There were wonderful
energies in the room as new ones emerged. Those who were sensitive
enough to feel them could feel the changes, and the rest felt peaceful.
I wanted to laugh at the expression on my husbands’ face, which is
usually expressionless. ‘Poker face,’ he calls himself often.
I was also wondering what game Sai Baba was playing now.
One thing I did understand firmly was that Sai really wanted me to learn
or do something from here on.
After dinner was over, Master Sha and Patricia decided to do a free
‘reading’ for me, so he called me to the terrace. It was raining softly, and
the drizzle made me wet. They were discussing me. Was I that important?
Well, the next moment, it all came crashing down.
Master Sha decided after looking at my aura, he said that I had lots of
impurities, and if I was not careful, I would suffer tremendously. Plus I
was carrying my own sins and baggage from the ancestors including some
As a favour for the dinner, he did a karma clearing for me and gave me
healing words to chant to my stomach. I was very grateful, and yet I was
upset for a few days. Bringing in optimism, thoughtfully I ventured,
‘Somehow, somewhere, sometime, something or someone will heal me. I
know it’s a matter of time! I know this! I feel it!’
I chanted for a few months, loving my inner body parts, but nothing
seemed to change. I had already done these practices of loving my body
with the teachings of Catherine Ponder.
I quickly cleared my head and decided to rely on God.
I continued being sceptical, and yet I continued teaching the spiritual
practices. Was I being a hypocrite? Yes and yet, the practices were good
and helping people.
I attended a seminar by Master Sha. I was impressed by his power on
stage but there were things which did not fit in place. Was there something
wrong with me?
Karma Cleansing was something big that He offered. I often wondered
how anyone could clear my karma? I was responsible for my actions alone
therefore I and only I can do my best to clear my karma with love and
kindness and a helping hand towards those who need it plus spiritual
And yet, I personally have seen light around him. I have seen his power.
When I look back, I know that these are Siddhis (spiritual powers) that
are acquired through spiritual practices or bestowed upon one by a Master.

Master Sha speaks about the Soul.
‘The most important factor is the Soul,’ he states.
‘The Soul has consciousness, intelligence and creativity. It also has the
power to heal and bless. Not only your soul, but also the souls of your
systems, your organs, and your very cells have the power to heal
themselves and to heal you. In fact, we can communicate with the souls of
our body, systems, organs and cells, and ask them to heal themselves.’
Therefore he teaches us to converse with these and love them, praise
them in order to heal them. ‘Soul over matter,’ he says, ‘as a complement
to and major enhancement of mind over matter.’
‘Soul healing is the key. The fundamental principle is heal the soul first;
then the healing of the mind and body will follow.’
It is all very interesting.
He states that there are three causes of ill health. The first is matter
blockage which happens inside the cells of the body. The second is energy
blockage which happens between the cells. The third is spiritual blockage
which happens in the message centre which is in the heart and is due to
bad karma.
He states, ‘Karma is the root cause of success and failure in every aspect
of life.’
He gives us techniques and methods to remove soul-mind-body
blockages. There are practices and yet more practices.
On my journey, I have been blessed to meet many a Master, and yet only
very few have made any impression on me. Meeting with the Masters
becomes very interesting as one constantly learns not only spiritual
practices, but one learns about the Masters themselves!
Though I did not have any inclination to seek out a Guru or a Master,
strangely I was being guided to meet quite a few. I applaud their work for
humanity, and yet I feel when you are ready, the true master will find you.

A Healing Practice
Everyone enjoyed this practice of healing of issues, whether it be
relationships, financial, health, emotional and so on.
According to the practice, everything has a soul. So if one has a problem
with relationships, then we invite the soul of that relationship in the divine
circle and pray. If there is a problem with health, then we invite the soul of
the health.
We will work on the relationship issue. Take a few deep breaths and
relax yourself.

1. We invite all the souls of your divine beings and masters to come
and sit in a semi-circle in front of us where we can see them, for
example, Sai Baba, Archangel Michael, your guides and guardian
2. As we do this, we can feel their presence and even if you don’t,
give yourself time to understand that they are there, sitting in front
of you.
3. Thank them for coming.
4. Now invite the souls of your relations like your parents, siblings,
people at work, whoever they may be who are affecting your
5. Thank them for coming. Welcome them, and ask them to be seated
in the divine circle.
6. Then invite the soul of the blocks to the relationship into your
7. Thank the soul of the relationships for being with you.
8. Thank everyone and explain to all the souls that you would love to
have a beautiful relationship and that you love them all.
9. Apologise to all the souls.
10. Sing a beautiful chant with them or a mantra that you enjoy
chanting. They will reciprocate.
11. When you feel serene, stop the chant, and thank them all. These
souls also want to be peaceful, as love and peace is our true nature.
12. Ask the souls to return to where they came from which is very
important to see them go back home.
13. Thank the divine souls, and let them return too.
14. Thank yourself. Know that all is well.

This concludes the practise. This can be practised until your goal is
achieved or a few times until your intent has resolved that all is well. The
intent, the apology, the gratitude, the humility are vibrations which will
clear the blocks.

Healing Meditations
Although I was not ready to teach meditation, destiny veered me towards
teaching. At each meeting, I would offer deep prayers. For me, it was a
privilege that though I did not know much, I was being guided to teach,
and I did my best with what I knew or what I was ‘asked’ to teach. Many a
time it was not me teaching; it was a higher order from the universe, doing
the work. I was only an instrument.
The body and voice were mine; sometimes I was aware, and at times I
was not aware of what teachings were coming through me. Those were the
times the divine would take over my faculties to teach. It was truly
humbling. I always felt I was not good enough to teach, and yet maybe it
was part of a prerogative of the divine plan for me.
Though the students were not many, sometimes ranging from five to at
least thirty, the messages, the energies were always giving us a vibration
and frequency greater than us. Many were healed; many lives changed.
I take no credit for it. The higher power does what it has to.

There was a young girl, Megha by name. A few years earlier, she had had
a stroke and part of her body was partially paralysed. We noticed that she
could not fully open her mouth which was slanted; her one eye was almost
closed, and her arm could not move fully. She also walked a little
sideways. She was chubby and very conscious of her looks and her
As our meditation classes progressed, I saw her transition. Initially her
skin started glowing, and she became happy. Slowly her mouth and eyes
became normal. One day she sang a beautiful Sai Baba song for us on
Guru Purnima Day. We were in awe of Sai and His miracles.
A year later, she was fully healed. Although she stopped coming for the
meditation classes, at one time, I saw her walking on the road. She was
slim and trim with her hair tied back and her face in perfect order; she was
confident. I praised God in gratitude.
I believe a shift had taken place within her consciousness.
Sometimes people disappear from your life, and you wonder why, but
then there is God who is playing all the games, so who are we to ask why?
Her work with me was over.

Rita was Megha’s teacher and was teaching her to sing. Rita had brought
Megha to the class. The classes were magical, to say the least. We all met
once a week.
One Thursday, about twenty of us, were meditating on the terrace. I
often used to give deeksha to these lovely people. This was the deeksha I
had learnt at the Oneness University, which I mentioned earlier. I gave this
blessing to everyone.
One particular day, at some point, everyone decided that they would love
to sit in front of our Sai statue. Upstairs we went. An hour later, everyone
was still sitting silently either in meditation or in reverence of Sai. The
energies were powerful.
It was time to close the class, but no one could find Rita. Finally, looking
lost, she wandered to Sai’s room, wondering where everyone was.
She had sat alone on the terrace for almost an hour totally and
completely absorbed in God. The Oneness blessing is amazingly powerful!
She looked dazed and didn’t know where the time had flown. She was
Not only did our meditations heal people but showed them various states
of consciousness. It was not just the Oneness blessings that healed people,
but there were a lot of divine beings around us, Angels, Gods, Goddesses,
Guardians, Masters, Ancestors and beings from other planets who were
doing the work of healing us. Every student was important as each one was
sharing their own energy. These classes would not have been so magical
without the group. It was a magical group! Everyone derived something.
Everyone honestly shared their realisations.
I was a witness to all, unsure of what was taking place but at the same
time pleased that everyone was being helped, except me. Why not me? I
had many health issues though I did not tell anyone or show it. People
thought I was naturally thin.
Though many a time I had thought that since my body was toxic, how
could God still be using it to help people? There are some things we will
never know. I only know that I had a strong desire to help in whichever
way I could, and that is the way it happened.

She is a hardworking Beautician who specialises in facials. Her story got
me thinking. I would personally spend time with any new person who
joined in order to know them.
After about three meditation sessions, she told me that the Goddess
Jagadamba, a shakti energy, manifests in her body. Every full moon, her
house gets crowded with people seeking favours and questions from the
She said she had met a Tantric who had seized her powers, and though
she felt the Goddess was with her, she did not appear anymore. Also her
facials were clearly not as good as they used to be.
Smilingly she told me that her powers were returned to her; her facials
were good again, and the Goddess was speaking though her. Her joy was
intoxicating. She was very happy.
I was learning loads of things!
I thought, ‘Why does a Goddess need to attach to people?’
Well, the answers were obvious. They did not have a human body. They
wanted to help people, but for that a physical body is required. The
Goddess found a body which was perfect for her requirements. The
Goddess was happy, and Sheela was happy.
It was definitely a contract between the two!

Body and Soul

A human body is very precious, and yet, largely, we ignore it and treat it
like a dumping ground and abuse it in various ways. Some people even
commit suicide, not knowing that it takes aeons, maybe two or three
hundred years before one is allowed to reincarnate. Basically we are
reborn to complete and finish our ‘stuff’ which we had started in some
lifetime. It’s not easy for some people, as they go through so much
suffering that they find suicide the best choice. Next time around, these
people definitely learn to look after their bodies to complete their mission.
This body is also the only vehicle towards growth and enlightenment.
The Soul resides in the body. The Soul knows the blueprint of our lives
and what needs to be done. When we pray and meditate, we learn to listen
to the Soul which is connected with the one Universal Soul whom we call
God or the Creator.
Otherwise, the ego gets in the way.

After Sheela healed the energies within her, she brought Leela to meet
with me. Sheela talks non-stop, and Leela is a quiet sort of a person,
maybe perhaps because she does not speak the English language.
Leela was a very simple, graceful woman, slim with her dark hair tied
back and wearing a bright yellow salwar kameez suit which looked good
on her. Her skin was a little on the darker side, and she was beautiful. She
looked regal. She was shy to speak. I closely looked at her and noticed her
arms. She had scales on her arms! I thought that perhaps it was severe dry
skin or maybe some skin disorder. She was so lovely, I felt compassionate
towards her.
Before she could speak, I asked her, ‘Are you from the Planet of the
She nodded.
‘Tell me your story,’ I said.
This is what she told me.
In the village when she was born, the midwife placed the little baby girl
on the mat while she took care of her mother. When she went to pick up
the baby, a huge cobra, with its hood up, was standing beside her. It did
not allow anyone to come close to the baby.
After six hours, they called a priest who offered a prayer to the snake. He
told the Snake that if they did not feed the child, it would die, so please
The cobra left.
Throughout her childhood there were all types of snakes around her.
When she woke in the mornings, she was surrounded by them. They did
no harm to anyone in the house. They just seemed to come from
Her father had the same dream few times when she was young. A huge
cobra appeared and told him that he was not to get her married or she
would be doomed.
He did not heed the advice and got her married forcefully at sixteen.
Leela would see a huge Cobra with a human like body standing beside
her when her husband touched her. Her body would turn clammy like that
of a reptile which disgusted her husband. The cobra man was always
standing around her bed when her husband was with her, and he scared
Leela for only she could see him.
She had three children, and then one day her husband left her and the
young children, never to return, leaving them in a lurch to fend for
themselves. She started doing odd jobs and somehow managed to make a
living. She lived in a rented house with her children. Her children grew up
with snakes appearing out of nowhere; they were so used to the snakes!
The cobra man was in her house every day. He was sinister. She worried
for her and her children’s safety.
One day Leela came early. It was her sixth meditation class. She smiled
happily and looked at me. She was glowing! I took her hands in mine, and
suddenly I noticed the scales had disappeared! She was radiant. She was
doing well in her life. She had just bought a new car. Her daughter had
also secured a good job. I was amazed at how much help she had received.
It’s really good to connect with God! We take one step towards the
divine, and he takes ten towards us!

Leela’s Story
She told me that she was a princess in her father’s kingdom on the planet
of snakes. She attended all the meetings. One day while the durbar was on,
one of the ministers, who was in love with the princess, made a pass at her.
She had never liked him. That day, she was enraged. She pulled her sword
out of its sheath, and in front of the ministers and her father, she cut off
this cobra minister’s head.
It was this cobra minister who was standing beside her and was always
in her home looking at her. For years she had endured this fear.
And now, six months later since she had started meditating, she told me
that the Cobra man from her last life had not come anymore to bother her.
Her daughter was now working, and she was doing well. I asked her to
continue her spiritual practice.
Two years later, I stopped teaching. I could not connect with Leela. I
told her that one day I would write about her; I want more information
about the Kingdom of the Cobras and Snakes, but I cannot find her. Her
phone is disconnected, and she is not in touch with her friends who had
brought her to me.
This has been an amazing life story for me; it sounds unbelievable, and
yet it’s true.
Many Planets, Many Life Forms
There are such a vast number of planets and life forms that we cannot
fathom. We see it in the movies and have become aware of them. Guru
Nanak has mentioned about this in the Guru Granth Sahib.
I also feel that souls who create karma whether on this planet or any
other place in the universe, are sent to planet earth to vitiate this. It
certainly feels so when we see the suffering humankind goes through.
I look at Australia and wonder at it. It is beautiful. My mother used to
tell me that a long time ago, criminals were sent there as a punishment
from America and different parts of the world. Human beings made
Australia beautiful.
God sent us on planet earth to cleanse ourselves and then to create a
beautiful life for ourselves. Sadly we seem to be destroying ourselves and
our beloved planet.

It was the year of 2006. My mother had passed on in May. Her

room lay empty. I missed her sometimes.
Diwali was around the corner. I asked Naren if we could buy a marble
statue of Krishna. I wanted only One God in our temple at home. My
father-in-law and my staff collected pictures of various deities, and they all
ended up in the temple. It confused me.
God is One Supreme Energy, and yet He has many faces. Would not one
suffice to please all?
The temple continued to look cluttered. I would rather have an empty
temple with a candle burning. That is all my altar needs. I can create a
peaceful energy in my temple through prayer and meditation, yet I cannot
override the belief of my extended family. If I could put one Universal
Statue, then everyone would be happy and I could do away with the many
pictures and small statues.
Or so I thought.

We walked into a shop that sold marble statues. It was full of deities, both
large and small. I looked at all the Krishna statues but was not attracted to
any. He is a beautiful God, one with a peaceful countenance, yet where
was my Krishna?
He is also compared to Christ as Kristo. Christ as an Avatar of Krishna.
In Kriya Yoga Bhagawan Shri Krishna and Jesus Christ are revered as
Kriya Yogis. It is written that Jesus did disappear for a period of twelve
years in His youth probably to join the Secret Mystery Schools of that time
where He practised Kriya Yoga, as did Moses and Siddartha, The Buddha.
Some say even Guru Nanak was a practitioner of Kriya Yoga.
I don’t know. I am only sharing what I have either read or heard.
Shri Krishna in the standing pose is symbolic of the Kriya Yoga practice.
In brief I will explain what I understand.
Inside the mouth, behind the nose, there is a cavity, towards the third
eye. In time, through the practice of a particular kriya, the tongue is able to
reach this area, where there is a gland. When the kechari mudra is
achieved, nectar flows down from the gland onto the tongue. This nectar is
amrit, and hence the Yogi lives in a higher state of consciousness or bliss.
Hunger for food vanishes.
The tongue of the cow touching the foot of Krishna is symbolic of this
action of connecting with the divine mother, the kundalini energy. In the
physical world, the cow sustains us, gives us food, milk, yogurt and ghee
which Krishna loved. Kundalini is also the divine mother who resides in
our root chakra.
Another reason is this: the tongue represents the male organ of Shiva and
the cavity represents the female sex organ. When the two meet and unite in
ecstasy, the gland releases nectar. It is a high state of spiritual ecstasy.
The three curves in the standing pose represent the three Knots or
Granthis which are pierced as the prana moves up from the root chakra on
its way to the third eye or the brahmarandra. The first Knot is the Brahma
granthi located at the navel, the second is the Vishnu Granthi located at the
heart centre and the third knot is located at the throat chakra.
The flute in his hands represents our spine, the backbone. The seven
musical notes represent the seven chakras. As one breathes the kriya
breath, prana moves through the spine and the chakras. With regular
practice, a time comes when the breath moves automatically in the subtle
body of the spine, and the Yogi can hear the internal music as the notes
vibrate through him.
The Yogi becomes still like Krishna as prana moves through the spinal
cord because the body stops breathing, but the prana keeps on doing its
work of connecting the shakti with Shiva.
Our Gods are symbolic of mysteries which are slowly unfolding. They
hold deep meanings to different aspects of our lives. The knowledge is
always interesting and inspiring.

Sai Baba
We were in the marble statue shop in Mahim. Since I did not fancy any of
the Krishnas, the Manager of the shop walked us to another store down the
There were only two krishnas in the other shop. Somehow I had known
that I was in for a treat and awaiting the next. There was also one Radha
statue. I chose my Krishna idol. I loved him the moment I set eyes on him;
both of us did. I nodded to my husband, and he winked his naughty smile.
I was still awaiting the ‘unusual thing’ – the treat that I knew was in
store for me.
I walked towards the back of the store, where there was a counter. Below
the counter, there was a statue covered in jute cloth. I asked the man to
show me what statue it was, and he refused. I persisted. Then I told him
that whoever it was, it belonged to me so to please let me have a look.
After much resistance, the jute cloth finally came off, and there was Sai
Baba in all His glory! I stared in wonder.
‘I want this Sai,’ I said.
The man refused, saying it belonged to his boss and was not for sale.
Having purchased the Krishna, we left. It was to be delivered in a couple
of days, polished and cleaned.
A few minutes later, the mobile rang.
The Manager said we could have the Sai Baba and that they will deliver
both the statues together. I was elated. My knowing smile became a big
loud laugh.
Sai Baba is naughty. He is humorous. He reminds us never to take life
very seriously but to find our funny moments.
Sometimes I myself do not know why I insist on having certain things
though I know that I do not require them. It is a guidance that I usually
want to avoid. This one was very strong that I could not ignore it.
Having said this, I wonder if we are puppets on a string. He is pulling the
strings, and we are merely experiencing the experiences, collecting them
for the benefit of the Source?

The Visions
We placed him in the library. The Statue of Sai Baba filled up the space
with his energy – the convenient place where my altar is since it has been
empty from the beginning except for a candle I light when I chant. I
personally believe that there is no reason to have statues or pictures of
deities or Gods because I have seen the Light that is God, and He is
everywhere. He is in everyone and everything.
When God appears, He shows himself as Light. A bright, beautiful
White Light in a huge oval shape. The Light radiates Love. A love which
enters you and becomes you as it touches everything inside you and
outside you. It is a love so pure that it brings tears to your eyes, a love so
beautiful that it encompasses you. How else can I describe God?
Yet, I was not prepared for what was to come. I knew there had to be
some reason for Sai being here in my library where I had been praying
from the time I had moved into this house.
I would sit in front of the statue of Sai, either just looking at Him or
My eyesight was not perfect, so when I saw a movement, I thought it
was the astigmatism and the floaters playing games, showing me different
faces. I moved closer to have a clearer look.
I stared. I blinked. I stared. My eyes watered. What was taking place?
What was happening? I knew there was a lot of energy in this Sai, but
what followed really intrigued me!
There was a white light around the statue. The head area had a golden
yellow tinge. I put on my eyeglasses.
The first face I saw was an ancient Chinese or a Tibetan-looking Man,
who I realised was one of the greatest Masters on this planet. Somehow,
we just know things. He had a wide and large flattish face, a broad nose
and was almost bald. He was very strong both physically and mentally. I
felt His presence. I somehow knew that He was a foremost Master from
the Himalayas, one of the Masters of all Masters, really Ancient and a
Teacher of all Masters. I really don’t know how to explain the feeling. He
was a wise One who knew it all. He was always the first one to appear, and
then the magic began.
As I watched, another presence moved in, another Master, different face.
This one was thin and oval with a longish nose and was good looking.
Somehow I seemed to know him.
Then another one moved in while the previous one disappeared. It
reminded me of the TV ads where one face would move into another. But
there was a vast difference. The faces that moved in and out were very
distinct. Each energy was very powerful. I could feel the presence of the
Masters. Some I knew, some I didn’t know or I had forgotten. As I saw the
faces, I knew that I knew them somehow.
Moses, Guru Nanak, Lahiri Mahasaya, Karthikeyan, Jesus and the list
goes on.
Why? What is the reason that they are here? Is this statue of Sai Baba a
Portal for the Masters to appear, to come and go as they wish for some
reason? Why my home?
I asked my husband to look. He saw nothing.
He said, ‘It’s only for you to see.’
I asked my daughter to have a look.
She saw movements but could not see the faces.
The Masters were there for some reason. Only time would tell. And my
stories unfolded with time and space.
The Light and Buddha
A year or so later, my cousin Dhuru paid me a visit. She had come from
Manila and is Bina Aunty’s daughter. Bina Aunty actually is my
grandmother’s youngest sister. There is a thirty-year difference between
the two sisters. I have spoken about both of the ladies in Road to Shirdi.
My father had adopted Bina as a younger sister when she was five years
old, so she practically grew up with us in our small town of Kabwe in
Zambia until she married and moved to the town of Ndola.
Dhuru my cousin walks into the Living room. She saw the black statue
of the Black Buddha in the corner from the main door. It attracted her. The
Buddha was surrounded by Erica palms with a bamboo tree behind it. The
statue was the centrepiece of this room, bringing serenity and quietude.
She was mesmerised by it.
‘The Black Mother Quan Yin,’ she said. She was perceptibly shaking.
‘Where did you get her from?’ she asked me.
‘Dhuru, this is not Mother Quan Yin. She is Buddha or Kannon. See,
there are no breasts,’ I reply.
An argument ensued. I know she is right.
She said that in the Philippines, the Goddess most revered is Mother
Quan Yin. There is the White Quan Yin and the Black Quan Yin. It is very
lucky and a good omen to possess the black Mother who is the Goddess of
I feel both blessed and pleased at the same time that this gorgeous black
Goddess had decided to make this house her home.
Dhuru was waiting for me to tell her the story about how she had come
to my house, and I didn’t really know how to begin telling her this story. It
was quite interesting, and this is what I narrated to her.

The Year of Light

Before we moved to this house, we were looking for an ornament or an
artefact to place in the corner of the living room which looked too barren
despite the plants that we had placed there. Something was amiss.
More than twenty-five years ago, we had visited an antique shop in
South Mumbai. It was a large shop containing many Chinese vases and
various artefacts and antiques. Somehow nothing seemed to attract me.
Finally, being disappointed, I stood quietly waiting for my husband to
finish chatting with the owner so we could leave.
Suddenly, a man tapped me on the shoulder from behind. I turned. He
was one of the staff members working there. He said that he wanted to
show me something that I would definitely like.
I followed him. There was a passage leading to a small room which was
in darkness. I could barely see two black statues. He switched on the light.
I gasped. They were both antique pieces of the Buddha, in black metal.
Both were beautiful, but I liked one more than the other, and I started
having a conversation with it.
I told the Buddha, ‘You are beautiful. I love you. I want you for myself,
but you are too expensive; I cannot afford you, but you belong to me.’
I knew my thoughts were ridiculous, but that’s me, the way I am.
I longingly and lovingly looked at the Statue, thanking all the people and
beings who had worked hard to put it into this one beautiful piece of art.
The Buddha looked very serene. His eyes spoke volumes.
Reluctantly I left, touching it gently saying goodbye.

Reconnecting with the Buddha

Often, looking at the empty corner, I would remark to my husband,
‘Whatever is meant to be in this corner, will find its own way here.’ I
never realised in those moments that I was speaking the prophetic word.
A year or two later, we were invited by our friends for lunch at their
house. When I got up to use the restroom, she, the hostess, pointed to her
daughter’s room, telling me to use her bathroom.
At the entrance to the restroom, I stopped and I stared. My beautiful tall
Buddha was standing there in all His glory. I looked at it, touched it and
again had a conversation with it.
‘I am glad you found this house for yourself. These folks are lovely. You
will be very happy here,’ I said.
Again, the eyes of the Buddha spoke volumes. Reluctantly I walked
away again.

The Path of Light and Love

It was nine in the morning. I was almost out of the door, when the phone in
the living room rang. I picked it up.
‘Bhabiji, are you at home today?’ the voice at the other end inquired of
‘No, I am just leaving for the Mahikari Centre. Why do you ask?’ I
And then in my minds’ eye I saw the black Buddha, again in all His
glory with a golden light shining around him.
It was Arunaji calling, the lady with whom we had had lunch the other
day and who owned the black Buddha.
‘I want to send you something,’ she said.
‘Is it the Buddha?’ I inquired.
She was taken aback.
‘How did you know?’ she asked.
‘I saw it in my head just now when you called,’ I replied, ‘and I cannot
accept it, because it is too expensive a gift.’
‘No, I have to give it to you,’ she insisted.
‘But why?’ I queried her.
Then she narrated her dream to me.
She said the Buddha was standing there with a golden light around it and
a loud voice told her, ‘Send me to Kaushalya; I belong to her!’
The dream was very real for her. In the morning, she told her husband
who then asked her to send it to me.
I instructed my staff at home to leave the parcel outside the door when it
arrived and that I would personally place it where I wanted it to be when I
returned home.
At four in the evening, I came home, but by this time, I had forgotten
about the Buddha. My staff boy opened the door to me and said that they
had put the parcel in the living room.
I walked into the living room. And there He was, my black Buddha, in
all his serenity and majesty, the Master of the Living room!
The Buddha had found his way home!

This was the year the Buddha came home. This was the year I joined the
path of light, Sukyo Mahikari. This was the year my family, in the latter
part of the year, joined me on this path. This was the year we went to
Japan to Takayama and had all the blissful experiences of Light.
One day in July, the Japanese teacher came home for dinner. He heard
my story about the black Buddha. He said that the black statue was God
Kannon. He turned the heavy five foot statue to look for any inscriptions.
In Chinese characters, in bold print were the words ‘Made in the Year of
Very appropriate, very prophetic!
Here was my cousin Dhuru telling me that this statue was of Mother
Quan Yin!
Many a year later, when Master Zhi Gang Sha visited us at home, he
confirmed that this was indeed the Dark Goddess Mother Quan Yin.
I remember the melodious chant he taught me for Mother Quan Yin. It
Namo Armi y dofu, namo armi y dofu.
It is very enchanting to chant these words. They flow beautifully. One
can feel the presence of Mother Quan Yin.
Some people also refer to her as the Indian Mother Tara devi. In the
Asian countries there are 21 Tara Goddesses, all in different colours.
Mother Tara is also the original name of Goddess Earth, whom we call
Bhumika Devi. In the ancient days, Mother Earth was named as El-Tara
which I discovered online, after Ma Tara had channelled a poem to me and
signed it off as El-Tara.

What Is Mine?
Somehow, my experiences have shown me that what belongs to you will
come to you anyhow, no matter what it is. Similarly, what does not belong
to you will be taken away from you. We are all temporary owners of our
belongings, so why do we attach ourselves to them? It is good to enjoy
everything and yet be free of the attachments.

The Kingdom of Serpents

Sheryl found me on Facebook. She had read my earlier book and was keen
to speak with me. After a few months, she mentioned her Guru Sri M to
me and persuaded me to meet with him.
As usual, I was reluctant. She told me to read his autobiography,
Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master – A Yogi’s Autobiography. I
purchased it online, and once I started reading it, I could not put the book
‘What an interesting journey!’ I would think.
There is a chapter in this book which is called ‘The Fireball from the
Sky’ which makes for interesting reading and answered and confirmed
certain queries I had about snakes. While reading this chapter, we realise
the connection we have with snakes! He writes about being initiated by
Nagaraj who arrived as a ball of fire in His Guru Babaji’s cave in the
middle of the night.
I quote from the book as it makes sense with Leela’s story of her past life
as a snake princess in the previous chapter. Babaji explains:
In the Milky Way, there exists a stellar system with seven planets and
eighteen moons. One of these planets is called Sarpa Loka, and is
entirely inhabited by highly evolved hooded snakes. The serpents are
called the Naga Devatas. The person you saw is the deputy chief of this
realm and is called Nagaraja. The supreme head of the Nagas is the
five-hooded golden serpent, known in Indian texts, as Anantha.
Thousands of years ago, when humanity was still in infant stages of
mental evolution, there was regular contact with Sarpa Loka. The wise
and evolved Nagas frequented the earth, and spent long periods of time
here, teaching and educating human beings. The snake worship you
come across in all ancient civilisations is a tribute to the advanced
Nagas of yore. Their images were venerated for the deep wisdom that
they possessed. They also taught the secret of the kundalini energy
initially, again symbolised by a serpent. Patanjali, who gave your
world the Ashtanga Yoga Sutras, was himself a Naga, and is depicted
as half man and half snake. The snake on the pharaoh’s head and the
snake coiled around the Yogi-God Shiva are all symbolic
representations of wisdom and power, imparted to certain human
beings by the Naga teachers.
But then, as always seems to happen, human beings, as they become
more powerful, began to also become more self-centred and cunning.
Humans, or at least a majority of them, were ready to even kill for
personal gain.
At one point, there were large-scale massacres of the Nagas. The
supreme Naga Chief decided to recall the Nagas from earth and cut all
connections, except with some human beings who were highly evolved
The serpents and snakes that exist in the world today are the
descendants of those who were left behind, and who, through years of
inbreeding, have become retarded and no longer possess the great
qualities of their ancestors. However, the channels of contact were kept
open with the highly evolved of the human race.
What I read next really amazed me. I was very pleased to have read this
book as it answered my questions and feelings about the snakes and
cobras. Also our great Guru Sai Baba, who is one of the greatest Masters
who walked upon this earth, comes in at this point.
Babaji continues:
When the great Sai Nath of Shirdi left his body for three days, and
returned on the fourth day, to the astonishment of the general public
who had thought that he had died, he told his close circle of associates
that he had gone to settle a dispute in some other world.
The other world he spoke of was the Sarpa Loka.
And so the book continues sharing incredible stories of Sri M’s journey
in the Himalayas.

Meeting with the Master

Sheryl told me Sri M was going to be in Mumbai. He would be giving a
satsang or a spiritual talk at an auditorium at Malad. ‘Please go see him,’
she implored in her message to me.
Many a time I did not want to go anywhere because of my health issues.
I was tired most of the time; my digestion was poor as was my eyesight.
However, since I knew he was a Kriya Yogi, I was interested.
Secondly, his book had so impressed me that I wanted to see him, if only
to have a glimpse of him. My husband accompanied me. Some of my
students followed us to the venue to listen to him speak.
I forget the topic. It was probably about love, I think.
My husband and I were seated in the front row, to the extreme end on the
right. Sri M gracefully walked up the stairs and sat in the centre of the
stage with folded legs on a mattress. He was such a gentle soul.
The lecture began. During the discourse, Sri M kept on glancing in my
direction. At one point my husband asked me, ‘Do you know him?’
‘No,’ I replied.
‘He’s constantly looking at you,’ my husband said.
‘Probably from another life,’ I replied.
Once the talk was over, I went over to get my book signed. I touched his
feet. He did not even glance at me as he was busy signing books.
I spoke with his assistant and asked her if I could personally meet him?
She said that he would be in Pune a few days later and gave me an
appointment to meet with him.
It was 14 September 2011 when I walked into the apartment where other
visitors were waiting to meet with him. When our turn came, my husband
and I walked into the room where Sri M was seated on the bed. He
immediately rose and came towards us. My husband gave him a bag of
apples as an offering of gratitude.
As I lifted my hands to say ‘namaste,’ he held both my hands in his and
the first thing he said to me was, ‘I know you.’
So I asked him, ‘How do you know me?’
He replied, ‘These are things you can’t explain, but I know you.’
He continued as I tried to grasp what was taking place.
‘I have been wondering when you would come to see me.’
To say the least that I was taken aback would be an understatement! My
mind implored to know more: where did he know me from and why did he
say this to me? These questions were for most buzzing in my head so that I
could not concentrate on what he was saying next. He continued chatting. I
knew he was a true master; there was love and concern in his eyes for me.
Then he asked me, ‘How can I be of help to you?’
‘Can you give us kriya initiation?’ I asked.
‘I generally don’t give kriya diksha, but come to Madnapalle in October
or January, and I will give you diksha.’
And then he told me that he had read my book, Road to Shirdi.
‘Oh, how did you get the book?’
‘I don’t remember who gave it to me. I enjoyed reading it,’ he said.
He also said that he was a follower of Sai Baba and that before
publishing his book, he took it to Shirdi.
This was all very amazing for me to know.
We quietly left the room. My head was swimming, wondering what had
just taken place, and how did he know me, from where and when?

I recount from my diary:
On 5th January, 2012, we went to Sir’s place, Sri M’s home in
Madnapalle. There were many visitors. The place was very calm and
serene, very nice. Finally at 10.30 we met him. It is wonderful to meet
him and speak with him. He makes you feel at ease. He said he will give
us diksha in the morning.
There is a meditation hall which has a strong divine vibration. Then
there is an inner smaller room as you walk through the hall to the end.
The energy here is palpitating. There is a picture of Maha avatar
Babaji on a cushion, and a picture of Maheshwar Baba, his Guru, on
the right side on the wall.
The room is small. A few people are meditating. There is fragrance
though I cannot see any incense. It is quiet, serene and immensely
peaceful. Divine energy flows.
We sit down quietly. I try to do the kriya I know. After some time, tears
come into my eyes and then all of a sudden I stifle a sob. I quickly get
up as I cannot stop crying, so as not to disturb others. The fragrance is
I step outside from the hall onto the balcony. I stand there holding on to
the railing. My whole body is vibrating. The fragrance is intoxicating.
As I cradle my head into my arms, crying, I realise that the fragrance is
coming from my body. Each and every part of my body is giving out
fragrance. It is so very powerful! I cannot stop crying. I realise that I
am in a different realm and feel intoxicated.
My husband holds me and walks me to the car. The fragrance
On 7 January 2012, I write:
Yesterday was 6th January, 2012. In the morning we received Kriya
initiation from Sir, Sri M. Isn’t it surprising that ten years ago, on 6th
January, 2002, and I had received Kriya initiation from Swamiji Giri at
Igatpuri ashram of the Yogoda Satsangha? At the time, my whole spine
had vibrated and unabated tears had fallen.
Nothing of the sort happened but I was very happy.

I sometimes wonder what all these experiences are about. I wonder about
how Sri M was waiting to see me. I have some realisations. He knew that
one day I would write about the Serpent Kingdom. He probably knew that
I would meet a princess from this kingdom who would come to me, and I
would need the answers. He provided the answers before I met Leela
whom I have spoken about in the last chapter.
When I saw the scales on Leela’s hands, I remembered Sarpa Loka from
Sri M’s book. It all made sense to me.
The Masters know everything in advance, and I was being prepared.
Perhaps more people will understand about the different worlds,
dimensions and realms, through the little contribution this book makes.
Although I have not met Sri M again, he is often in my thoughts.
Who knows, if life permits, we shall meet again.

My Facebook friend, young Vivek, came to visit me. It’s

wonderful to meet youngsters who are on a quest and seek out all
that is available on a divine journey. He was a nomad. In his
spare time he would wander in Himachal Pradesh and to the
caves of the Masters, and with excitement he narrated to me the
places he had visited.
He called and met me a few times, and then he disappeared from my life.
We are all travellers, and we meet whom we are meant to meet, even if
only briefly. Therefore, it is always wonderful to enjoy all the good
company, for that moment will not repeat itself. Only the happy moments
thrive in the heart.
Vivek told me about Gurunath Yogiraj Siddanath, the Kriya Yogi who
has an ashram at Pune. He brought me his DVD which was called Wings
to Freedom and a book with the same title. It is about a Journey of a Nath
Yogi and mystic revelations from Babaji and the Himalayan Yogis. I
thoroughly enjoyed the DVD and the book. Gurunath looked very strong
and powerful. ‘I would like to meet him,’ I thought, ‘at least once.’

The Angel Workshop

I had quite a few students doing the angel workshop with me. We had
loads of fun, as well as mysterious moments with angels.
It was November of 2012. A student, Jyoti by name, mentioned that she
was going to Pune to meet Gurunath. My ears perked up, and I asked her if
it was same Gurunath who wrote the book Wings to Freedom. ‘Yes!’ she
She told me that he was a true master and very powerful.
The angels were certainly sorting out my wishes!

In December the weather is good. That particular day, there were no other
visitors at the ashram. Gurunath chatted with us and read his beautifully
written poetry in Marathi for us. It was a wonderful, joyous meeting. He
was definitely as powerful as he looked.
We walked up to the huge Shiva lingam which is made of mercury
which he has built and consecrated on the Sinhagad mountain there, I
believe it’s called the valley of Sita Mai, the female aspect of this area of
Sinhagad. Enjoying the cool breeze and the view from above, we sat down
on the cool marble floor inside the temple, beside the Shiva lingam to
meditate. The energy was very palpitating.

The following year in March, we were invited for the Mahashivratri
We watched as Gurunath made arrangements for the stage to be properly
fixed. It’s amazing to notice how Masters were very particular about
having things done perfectly.
My sister-in-law Viju was taking Gurunath’s pictures on her phone. She
came up with blanks. I happened to mention that she needs to take his
permission from her heart, and then the pictures would show. She quietly
bowed her head and offered her prayer. I happened to see Gurunath at that
moment look directly at us.
When she clicked again, the photos were there!
Later on I heard that one needs to seek his affirmation for photos to be

The Celebrations
It was freezing cold in the mountains. A Bharatnatyam dance troupe came
on the stage and began their performance, which was relating the story of
Shiva and Parvati. The costumes were brilliant; the dance was gracefully
beautiful. I was enchanted.
At some point during the festival, the energy suddenly changed. We
could feel the presence of divine beings. They had come to enjoy the
festivities and bless us too! The cold freeze turned into strong heat. It was
amazing to experience. A few minutes later, it became cold again. There
was a thunderous applause; everyone seemed to have been enthralled by
the performances.
So much grace in this one evening! Everyone was happy.
The food served was very tasty, and we enjoyed the evening. Later, we
sat around the dhuni chanting mantras. There was magic in the air,
electrifying everyone with laughter, joy, fun and peace. It was three in the
morning when we left, reluctantly.

April 2013
The Initiation
I attended the five-day Kriya Yoga retreat. It was more like a holiday.
We learnt the Surya kriya which taught us to energise ourselves and to
release negative energy, if any. We practised the disciplines we were
taught. Every night Yoginath would send us energy. My spine would
vibrate, and I would sit up for a long time on my bed meditating.
Yoginath explained that a true spiritual practise is based upon three
One – that the practise has a lineage. Second – that it works with the
spine. Third – that it works with prana, the life force.
The lineage of kriya yoga goes back to the time of Shiva and Parvati.
Prana is breath or life force. When one dies, it is the life force that leaves
the body.
On the fifth evening as we, the 120 participants sat under the grass
canopy, in the large open garden, Yoginath arrived and sat on his asan
which was a bench decorated with cushions. Today was our final day, and
tomorrow we would be leaving.
Gurunath asked us all to look at him and not to blink. If our eyes hurt, he
would clap to take away the pain. We were all to receive Shivapat from
him in which one could ‘experience his Soul Consciousness of thoughtless
I was sitting on the floor right in front of him, maybe eight feet away. I
was wondering what we were to experience.
The initiation began. As I watched, I saw a white light around him. Then
I saw his body and his face change. There were different faces, different
bodies. I recognised some; some I did not.
There was Bholenath Shiva, Moses, Jesus, Ardha Nareshwar, Guru
Nanak and the list went on. My eyes hurt but I stared at him or I stared at
the Masters who were using his body to give Shivapat to us. Shivapat is
the consciousness of these masters given to us in order to elevate us
I don’t know how long it went on. Finally He said it was done, and he
quickly and briskly got up and left, and as he walked away, I could still see
his body shape shifting.
This Shivapat initiation was over.

Home Sweet Home

I sat in front of the Sai Statue at home. I had a conversation with him. Now
I understood much more. The way of the Masters seem strange to us. Why
had Sai sent me to the ashram of Gurunath?
As I have previously narrated, the Sai statue at home was doing the same
thing that Gurunath had done! It was Shivapat! To understand my own
questions, he had put me through another journey with a kriya yoga
master. This was an act of uplifting our consciousness!
While all this time, whenever I saw the various divine faces on Sai, I
would wonder, ‘What is happening here?’
No wonder, Sai was initiating visitors at home who came and sat in front
of him! To say the least, it was not just our Sai Nath but the many avatars
he had taken who were appearing in the statue at home plus the many
masters who were the keepers of our planet and who were constantly
looking out for us.

The Star Light

As cousin sisters, we had lots to share. Dhuru told me that she believed in
Sai Baba of Shirdi. So I took her upstairs to my library to have a look at
our Sai Baba statue.
She was stunned. She is sensitive to energies and immediately felt it
here. She squatted on the carpet and sat in front of him. I left them alone.
When I returned, there were tears streaming down her face. I gave her
tissues and quietly sat beside her.
Then she told me that she saw a white star on Sai Baba’s forehead. The
Star was very bright, and then it moved towards her piercing into her
forehead. She was in awe. The tears flowed.
I believed that she had just been initiated. Many different miracles had
taken place around this statue, with various people who had visited. It was
her personal space and time with her Beloved Sai.

Another Initiation
Another person came to visit me. She wanted to click some pictures of our
home. I agreed to walk her around.
We went upstairs towards the library where the Sai Baba statue was
placed. Monica was not interested in even looking at him, so I did not
insist. As we walked past the library, I heard the voice telling me to bring
her forward and sit down with her. She refused. ‘I don’t believe in him,’
she said matter-of-factly. However, I told her Baba wanted her to be with
him for a few minutes, ‘Maybe he wants to say something important to
you.’ Reluctantly she sat on the carpet; I sat beside her, holding her hand.
She looked scared, and I wondered why.
As we quietly sat, he started speaking with me. Monica could hear him
speak; I believe so for she held on more tightly to my hand. All of a
sudden I heard a sound of cracking coming from her body. It was loud.
She moved forward with every ‘thuk, thuk, thuk;’ I counted, and there
were nine ‘thuks’ in all. What was happening? She was terrified, and I was
When the sounds ended, she was crying and shaking, asking me what
had taken place.
‘It seems you were initiated,’ I said. ‘It was initiation on your chakra
system.’ ‘I am sorry; I don’t understand what happened, but it was
something big.’
A voice told me that indeed he had initiated her and that I was to remove
the excess energy from around her. I stood up trying to help her to stand
up, but she could not move. She was dizzy. Finally I reached out with my
hands to brush away the extra doses of energy from around her.
In some time, she stood up still swaying. She said she had never
experienced anything like this before.
Neither had I.

Shivapat continues even today as I write. All the masters, some of whom I
know and some I don’t, they continue bestowing their grace when I
sincerely look at Sai. Initially I thought he was trying to convey a message,
but once I learnt that this was the divine way of clearing our consciousness
and guiding us to be uplifted through this help, I accepted and understood
that there is a portal in Sai for the divine masters to come and go as they
wish. Why our house? I certainly don’t know. The future will answer the
Slowly I have come to understand that there is a vortex of energy in our
library near the Sai. I don’t know if I created this through my prayers,
chants and divine service.
God has his own way of entering our home through our hearts.

I was doing a workshop with a well-known Reiki Master. We were
learning about core empowerment techniques, which I don’t remember
about now. It was a four-day programme at a bungalow.
The room was quite spacious, and the mattresses were spaced out in a
circle for the thirty participants. During lunchtime, the students surrounded
the teacher for her attention.
My friend Kokila and I sat there on the mattress chatting, watching the
fun. Suddenly, by instinct I felt something was below my mattress. I
slowly lifted it up and to my astonishment saw a slim snake about fifteen
inches long. It was the most beautiful snake I had ever seen.
Since I had disturbed it, the snake started crawling up on the wall. Kokila
and I watched it in awe. It was very colourfully shiny, with maroon and
blue and green and orange hues. It is actually very difficult to describe its
beauty. Its long tongue was flicking in and out. The most amazing thing
about the snake was that it had a light around it. The golden white glow
attracted us to it, and I felt he was a divine being, somehow lending its
energy to our workshop.
It seemed that Kokila and I were the only participants watching the
snake. The rest were unaware of the whole situation.
I called the gardener and asked him to remove the snake and place it
gently and safely in the garden. When we left in the evening, I kept a small
bowl of milk for the snake to drink, but at that time I did not know that
snakes don’t drink milk; they survive on smaller breeds like insects and
frogs. Milk can be poisonous for the snakes.
Kokila and I could not stop talking about the maroon snake and its divine
beauty. We seemed to have been mesmerised by it.
The next morning, Kokila called me. She said that last night she was
sitting up in bed reading her prayer book. She felt a movement at her feet
so she pulled on her bed sheet to uncover her feet. She was shocked to see
the same maroon snake with its hood up looking at her. It was glowing.
She was too stunned to move. As she gazed at it, she was overcome by
immense love. Suddenly the snake vanished.
She looked around the bed and the room but found nothing. Her husband
was fast asleep, snoring.
We both wondered what this was all about and what the message was.
All I felt was that she had been blessed by the snake for some unknown

Yet Another Snake Story

Maybe I was six or seven years old. We lived in the small town of Kabwe,
Zambia. It was then known as Broken Hill in Northern Rhodesia. It was in
1964 that we got Independence from the British when the names of the
town and country were changed.
Our house was a small two-room apartment on the ground floor. The
passage from the main door lead to a few rooms, and each room was
rented out. We could open our door and could look into the neighbours’
It was a small community type of living where everyone knew what was
happening in each other’s houses. Times were different then. We had few
belongings and fewer desires. There was no wanting more; everyone
seemed satisfied.
It was Diwali, and celebration was evident. My elder brother was with
his friends from the building lighting a few crackers and sparklers. I was
standing aside watching them although I didn’t like loud noises.
All of a sudden I saw them burning something with the sparklers. It was
a double-headed snake. They broke its body, and one part of the body with
the head crawled away into the inside room where a young girl was
sleeping in her bedroom. They shouted her awake yelling that a snake was
in her room and that it was poisonous.
Next I saw them burning the live snake, digging a hole in the ground and
burying it. What cruelty! I was disgusted, even at that age. What right do
we human have of killing a life that we have not created, especially for
fun? Fear of the unknown makes us do terrible things. Other animals do
not kill unless it is for survival whereas we seem to make it a sport.

Sarpa Dosh or the Curse

The serpents and cobras were our helpers and our keepers, a long time ago
which is the reason some cultures still worship them. Killing these snakes
and serpents would mean we were inviting a curse upon ourselves.
I was not aware of this until I got married and learnt many a thing about
pujas and ceremonies. They are all symbolic and were created to free us
from the wrong we had done in many past lives, including the wrong done
by our ancestors. I don’t know if these types of worship and prayers help,
but sometimes, in some way, I am sure they do.
It is a way of apologising to the snakes and a means of appeasing them
so the curse could be removed.

The Meeting
A few years ago, my husband wanted me to see the land he was planning
on purchasing in Goa. We had an afternoon flight. In the morning I went
downstairs to walk in the garden behind our building.
There was a tennis court surrounded by a lawn, and at the far end was
the children’s playing area. There was an old banyan tree overlooking the
tennis court from one corner. In the mornings, it was full of birds singing,
and the flowering trees were beautiful.
There was no one in the garden, and as usual I was alone with the
surrounding beauty. I was chanting my mantra as I walked. On the third
round, I saw a raven sitting on the fence of the court staring at me. I felt
strange. After some time, a few more joined, sitting on the fences.
Before I knew it, the tennis court was full of dark black birds cawing and
squawking away. All turned in my direction. I had a fearful thought. What
if they all decided to attack me? I tried to be positive chanting strongly
while watching them from the corner of my eyes.
There was some sort of a crow-raven meeting going on. There were so
many ravens and crows in the tennis court, sitting and on the fences the
sentinel ravens, that I had goose bumps all over my face and body.
I remembered one of my teachers, Drunvalo Melchizedek, saying that it
was good luck to see a lot of birds, that it was a good sign from the
universe. This thought kept me walking around on the path.
Then, all of a sudden, with a loud whoosh, all the birds flew away
together. What a sight it was! I stood and stared, but they had all gone
except for the few sentinel birds. I realised that my fear too had

At Goa
The universe is always speaking with us, but are we listening? There are
signs everywhere, but the learning and the knowing does come with time.
One learns to understand the meaning of birds flying in certain different
ways than usual, the shape of the clouds, the meaning behind the rainbows,
the way the wind blows and so on. It is all learning. In the days gone by,
the shamans, the gypsies and the indigenous races had done just that. They
listened to messages from the elements. Today we have forgotten this
natural art.
While driving to the land at Goa from the airport, which I was to approve
of, I would look at the sky. I only saw crows sitting on telephonic and
other wire lines. I spent my time counting them, recalling the morning
This land was untouched, in its natural state. Tall, golden yellow grass
and lots of coconut and cashew trees stood in all their glory. In the
distance I could hear the peacocks making their loud noises.
The sun was beating down. It was very hot, and the perspiration ran
down my spine. My husband went on ahead to survey the land with his
surveyors while I stayed behind with the young owner who had inherited
this land from his ancestors.
He asked me if I would like to see the temple of the deity of the land. As
we moved ahead, he told me that every time a buyer came to purchase the
land, a snake would appear in a dream to one of the brothers or a snake
would be seen on the land itself. The meaning to this was clear. If the
snake appeared, then the land was not for sale to this purchaser.
Then he continued telling me that since my husband had come last
month, the snake had not appeared which meant, he said, ‘You will buy
the land. It belongs to you.’
He was so sure that I was a little taken aback.
We approached the small temple which was probably two feet by two
feet by two feet, in height, breadth and length. Within it lay a small stone
‘This is the deity of this land,’ he said. ‘Every land has a deity. They are
the keepers of this place. Once a year, people from all over the close by
villages come here with offerings and pray.’
I stood at a distance. I bowed my head and thanked the deity of the land
for allowing me to be here. There was gratitude in my heart, and I was in
awe listening to this story.
It was very still. There was no breeze, no movement.
Behind the little temple, at a distance was a banyan tree. While my head
was bowed, leaves from the tree started raining on me. I looked up to the
sky and realised that the nearby trees were showering me with their
blessings. I laughed. I felt very happy.
When the shower stopped, the owner who was witnessing all this
commented, ‘The deity of this land is very happy with you; I know you
will buy this property. It is a very good sign.’
As I was listening to him, another shower of leaves fell on me vibrating
with his words. I did not comment, but I knew in my heart what he was
saying was true. The deity, the universe had chosen us to be the owners of
this place.

Sai Baba
My husband had a partner who was overlooking the work on this property.
A couple of years later, a purohit or a priest came here to this land. He
said that he wanted to buy a piece of land for his house, and he purchased
He said Sai Baba had appeared to him and told him that there would be a
Sai Baba temple next to his house. He found the exact location he had seen
in his dream and bought the plot next to it.
I am sure he is still waiting for the prophecy in his dream to manifest.
Sai Baba will make it happen when the time is right.

May 2012 – March 2014

It was evening. Looking outside the window, beyond the ocean, I could
see the golden sun dipping into the sea. It was time to say goodnight. In a
few moments, the shadows would be gone. The stars would twinkle like
diamonds in the night sky, bright and beautiful.
I sighed – another day done, every precious moment gone in a wink. Yet,
my day was not done. I was tired, very tired. I had been tired for a long
The doorbell rang. I wondered who it could be. I wasn’t expecting
anyone. I opened the door.
A chubby woman stood at the door. I squinted to see who it was. I didn’t
know her.
She said, ‘Didi, don’t you recognise me?’
‘No,’ I said. ‘Who are you?’
‘I am Dr “Detox”,’ she said.
I thought. My mind came up blank. I shook my head.
As she explained, my memory stirred, and I remembered. I hugged her
and led her into the living room. She had been my masseur, two decades
‘What can I do for you?’ I started saying, but she burst out, ‘I want to put
you through a detox,’ she said as a matter of fact. She sounded urgent as if
something was goading her. ‘It is my speciality. I am trained in it. I am a
Doctor. I am an Osteopath and a Naturopath.’
I listened to her life story. She said she had studied and worked hard and
had many patients whom she had treated successfully.
An excitement ran through me. This was what I had been praying for. I
wanted to be healthy and strong. Were my prayers finally going to be
I trusted God, but did I trust her? My thoughts were in a jumble and yet
the excitement running through my body told me that I needed this.
But first I wanted to know why she had come to me after twenty years?

Dreams and Visions

The Doctor said she meditated at four every morning. In her meditations
she had seen Sai Baba and Lord Buddha, and in the middle she would see
a face she did not recognise. When she asked who the face belonged to,
she was shown the name of the building where I lived. For a month she
saw this vision, and finally she came to see me.
The face was mine.
The next day onwards, the vision disappeared.

The Treatment
A week later, she started working on my body especially the muscles and
the chakras. The first day went in a haze as I was experiencing strange yet
happy energies. Fragrance started flowing throughout the house, and
somehow I knew that it was the divine mother dancing around the house,
happily. I felt her presence. For some reason, the divine mother was
looking out for me.
The Doctor added that she had learnt to work on the chakras from a
Tantric woman. I once had the chance to speak with her on the mobile
though I could not understand the (shuddh) true Hindi she spoke.
On the second day, the Doctor made me drink coffee with sugar and
milk. I did not drink coffee as I found it acidic, and yet she said my body
needed the energy to release the emotional toxins stuck there. Well, the
coffee agreed with me, and my coffee habit started.
Concoctions were prepared from the spices and herbs in the kitchen to
calm my stomach. She made cleanses in the form of juices. I was also
given oil to drink in warm water every morning in order to lubricate the
intestines and the internal organs.
She worked on the body with various oils like coconut, castor oil,
sesame, walnut, and jasmine. She used yogurt and fruit to clear the
pigmentation on the skin. An extra cleanse would be salt or whisky added
to the scrub of yogurt. Sometimes there were protein packs which were
dals soaked and ground.
My hair was oiled almost every day, and she applied packs of ground
hibiscus leaves from the garden and sometimes yogurt. After the
applications, I was made to lie in the sun to absorb the D vitamin.
Then she started teaching me to do various pranayam (breathing
exercises) in order to release the blocked emotions. The moment I started
doing them, the tears would flow, and anger started releasing. At times, I
would cry like an animal, and my staff would hear the cries and pity me.
I learnt a new method of surya namaskar which she said was practised by
the Tantric yoginis, and I could feel the chakra in my tummy moving
round and round. I would do twenty to fifty surya namaskars at a time. She
made me eat everything in order to strengthen my immune system and the
She made me walk through the markets and streets of Mumbai, because
that was a way to strengthen me. I abhorred the dirt and the fumes, but she
was strict with me. I was eating at smaller eateries as we travelled to and
fro in the markets.
From the chrysalis, a new me was being born. A new body was coming
into being.
After the workouts, the massages, the sobbing and crying treatments, I
would sleep deeply. I slept around fourteen hours a day.

The Final Treatment

The ultimate treatment was to remove the negativity which was deeply
imbued in me through other’s jealousies and also from the healing work I
had done. Sometimes in succession, memories which were not mine would
come out in screams. I would cry the moment she started clearing the
negativities from my body.
She would chant mantras while she was working, and as she released the
salt and the mustard seeds into the burning coal, the air would stink of
chemicals or poo. This went on for almost eighteen months until finally
there was no more stink left. I was clear.
As the work progressed, my skin improved, it started glowing. I put on
weight, from being a skinny woman to a normal one. I was healthier and
I realised that healing the body is spiritual work. This was very important
and needed, and the universe had sent me a healer who knew exactly what
was necessary for me.
Besides the above rigmarole, she joked. She was a stand-up comedian,
and my laughter was as loud. I felt I had not laughed at all in years as all
my burdens fell off, and I truly started enjoying myself, my life and my

In those one and a half years, I experienced divine energies. There would
be light in my hands which would glow. Various Masters walked in and
out of the house enjoying their strolls. My Sai was the happiest.
Sometimes scary things occurred too. There were energies that did not
want me healed. They would interfere. I would unnecessarily become
angry. One time I awoke in the night and started shouting. My husband
didn’t know what to do, so I cried out to him to bring some rock salt and
circle it around me.
As he threw the salt in the basin in the running water, a flame arose and
burnt his finger. Another time, when he did the same, the plug point blew,
and there was a fire. I heard the sound and the smell and told him to go
check. Indeed there was a fire around the plug. There was something or
someone who did not want me healed. I felt it.
A couple of times the Doctor was pushed and got hurt as she fell. She
knew she had been pushed by an invisible being.
Weird instances took place as also good ones. Where there is goodness,
there is also negativity. What a dual world we live in. I was experiencing
the truth. God wanted me to live, and the Satan was interfering.

The Doctor and I travelled to Gujarat to visit the various temples. We went
to the Krishna temple at Dwarka which was immensely crowded. I could
not see anything as there were tons of people chanting and clapping and
praying, barring the way to go inside. The evening prayers seemed
unending, so we decided to walk around the temple grounds which were
inhabited by smaller temples.
I approached a sentinel and asked him how to see Lord Krishna as the
doorway was jammed with people. He replied that there was no way and
walked away. As we wandered around, a few minutes later, the same
sentinel approached us.
He offered to take us inside where the murti of Shri Krishna could be
seen in the mirror. He shooed the people away making way for us to enter.
As the Doctor pushed aside the curtain, we were inside looking at the
deity. Piles of offerings of food, beautifully decorated lay in front of us.
Slowly, the Doctor partook of one ladoo (sweet meat) putting it her mouth;
she grabbed another and stuffed my mouth with it. The Pundit was
watching, quietly horrified, but then he let us go with a twinkle and a
The sentinel was waiting outside for us. He wanted to show us around,
but we declined. I offered him some money which he refused to take.
Finally he accepted it. Looking at the money, he started crying, saying that
he needed to pay his daughter’s fees tomorrow and that was the exact
God killed two birds with one stone, which means both the jobs were
done. We got to see the Lord, and the sentinel got to pay the fees. It was an
arrangement for all of us.

It was sad to see the dirt and plastic bags floating around. The stink was
unbearable, and this place was one of the pilgrimage havens for Shiva
devotees. The pundits bothered us for money, but somehow we refused
and pushed our way through.
Remember, this was my training to be tough in the outer world?
The only place I was impressed with was the Gajanan Maharaj sanctuary
on the way to Ujjain. The energy was awesome, and the place was very
clean, including the toilets.

Jagannath Temple – Puri at Orrisa

We were at a respectable hotel in Puri. The hotel had employed some
pundits from the temple to take devotees for darshan to the temple. All
arrangements were made by the pundits. A rickshaw was sent to pick us up
at an appropriate time in the evening.
Tons of people swarmed the temple. We conveniently waited. It was ten
minutes to nine, so we had a ten-minute wait until the Pundit called us.
The Doctor ran as she had to use the toilet. The Pundit went looking for
her, but she was nowhere. Finally, he tightly grasped my hand, and we
walked into the cavern where in all their glory, stood the three deities,
Lord Jagannath, Balabadhra and Goddess Subhadhra.
It was superbly decorated, and the cavern was empty, not a single soul,
no pundits, expect the Pundit beside me and the three Gods. The Pundit
offered a prayer for me and my family, and I stood there wondering what
the message was from God? How was it possible that despite so many
visitors, I had the cavern to myself?
I could feel the energy; it was both light and dark, if you understand
what I mean – it was the coming of two energies together. I was given the
time to understand the same.
It was time to put the Gods to sleep, so we left the temple in quietude.
I was stunned by this occurrence and consider myself lucky to have been
blessed by these Gods.

Karar Ashram
The next day, with a prior appointment, we visited the Samadhi place of
Sri Yukteshwar Giri of the kriya lineage. He was the Guru of Sri
Paramhansa Yogananda.
The energy here was palpitating, and I felt his presence. It was very
strong. The whole ashram was radiating this divine energy of the Saint. As
I sat at the Samadhi, the tears flowed; my heart was expanded and filled
with his love. Grace was here.
It is so amazing to again know that the Saints leave behind their energy
in their bodies which continue serving us to lift our consciousness for

The Detox
The treatment continued for almost one and a half years. I had no time to
write. I had always kept a diary and wrote almost every night, but in these
two years, I did not write much because I was sleeping most of the time
and enjoying the energies around me. I am writing this through memory.
One day, as the Doctor was removing the negativity from my body, the
Kali mother appeared in my body. My tongue stuck out, and the voice then
told the Doctor that she had been summoned here for the reason of not
only cleansing and purifying me but also to clear the masters who were
defiled and needed cleansing. Human beings had done much damage.
Then one by one, the masters entered my body, and she cleared them
chanting the mantras.
Why would the masters need a clearing? They clear us, don’t they? Can
this be possible? But I saw a few of them standing there, and I smelt the
toxins burning in the coal, and I felt the movements in and out of my body.
Why me? I am nobody special, nor do I want to be special; I am happy to
be one with everyone.
Everyone has their own mission; I was living mine.

The Message
One morning as I lay fast asleep, I saw the feet of a huge person come
flying down. There were strong, brown sandals on his feet. I stood up to
see who it was. He was tall, brown and dressed in a light-coloured robe.
There was a rolled scroll in his hand. He looked at me matter-of-factly,
opened the scroll and said in a booming voice:
Thou hast lied twenty-eight times in this lifetime. Thou shalt not lie
again! This is a command.
He rolled close the scroll, looked deeply at me without any emotion and
flew away up, where he had come from.
That was definitely Saint Michael, the Archangel. ‘Had I lied so many
times?’ I wondered. When and how? But I didn’t remember.
I consoled myself, ‘We all lie, don’t we, for some reason?’

Meditation Classes
The meditation classes continued. The energy was stronger.
The deities were making their presence felt, and various lights were
appeared in the room. There were orbs and various coloured lights in the
darkened room.
One big lady was unconsciously going up and down (flying) on her seat
which was amusing to look at. She was fully unaware. I was too until
someone tapped me and showed me.
The Gods were clearing negativity as well as amusing themselves.
When I look back, I really wonder at what was happening. There was
much magic.
At some point I stopped taking the classes. I think it was the wish of the
masters for me to do that.

Another Message
Another great master appeared to me and told me to start writing. ‘I will
dictate,’ he said.
Purposefully I have not mentioned the names of these masters, because I
believe they want to keep it that way. I certainly know that parts of this
book are being channelled as I type.
All good things come to an end as did my treatment. The Doctor and I
parted. She had completed what she had come to do. It was difficult for her
to let go of me, but I knew that our time together was done.
I was emotionally cleared of the negative memories I had been carrying
for years. The burden was gone. I felt light and free.

Meeting the Saint

My cousin Ramlu took me to visit a Saint who worked quietly, serving
humankind. Although the Doctor had cleared most of my ‘stuff,’
something still remained. I felt a deep restlessness for no reason. This bit
hadn’t moved away from me.
The Saint was given my name and my mother’s name, for he said, ‘A
mother is a mother; she is most important for each person because she is
the true nurturer.’
The following day, he told me what I had subconsciously known. I had
been a victim of black magic and spirit attachment. Someone had
purposely sent these negativities to me.
Human beings are capable of intense love and of intense jealousy.
Sometimes some people cannot bear to see another happy. They can use
negative sources of energy not only to block our lives but also to destroy
It took three days to clear the negativity which had been imbibed into
Another thing I learnt was that people who do such vile things do suffer,
not only in this lifetime but their lineage also continues to suffer until the
negative balance is cleared, which sometimes takes many generations.
As a teacher had once remarked, ‘Those who do black magic will
continue suffering until finally their lineage is wiped off.’
Therefore it is always good to accept the happiness of others and
continue blessing everyone. In this way, we accrue good karma.
It’s been more than a year now; I am free and happy and healthy. I feel

I have walked upon this land many a time,

I have held your hand again and again,
Do you remember?
I am here now to remind you,
I am here to clear the mist,
To remind you of the days gone by;
When you walked beside me,
Holding my hand,
You promised never to let go
As time passed, you forgot;
I am here now to remind you
Of the glorious days
Those splendid moments,
Intertwined with love and light
The playful times, the happy times
When we jumped and laughed together
There was no sadness
You whispered love filled words
Into my ears
My face was a-radiance
As you held my hand
And you promised to never let go
Do you remember?
I am here again to remind you.
Of the love filled days
To tap into your memory
To remind you of whom we were
Walk beside me again
Hold my hand
We will walk through the love filled light
Of remembering who we are
We will together remember the promises we made
Among the stars we rode
Between the moonbeams we danced
In those glorious days of aforesaid
I am here to remind you of your beginnings
Of the time gone by
When we were one
And we made the promises
To dance together again
When the time was to come
Now that time has descended upon us
I am here again
Do you not remember?
Is your heart not a-glowing?
Are your tears not burning upon your cheeks?
As you remember who you are?
We will dance again, amongst the stars
And chase the moonbeams
We will catch the colours of the rainbows
Amongst the moon dust
We will do the pixie dance
As we did; once upon a time
I am here to remind you of our beginnings
Let down your mask, do away with it
Feel my breath upon your breath
I send my kisses to remind you,
Of our beginnings; of our togetherness.
I hear your laughter from the days gone by
I remember you smile and the twinkle in your eyes
As you beamed at me
Do you remember?
I will always hold your hand,
No matter what or where
I will continue this dance
In the shadows of your heart
I am here to remind you now,
Of whom you are,
Do you not remember?
I romance with the world,
Yet they know not I am here.
I skip here, I skip there,
Knowing that they know not
Yet I touch their hearts
And in their unknowingness,
They do know me!
Who Am I?
I am the Mother, You call me Mother Earth
I am that, which I am; call me by any other name,
I am still thine mother.
I am Mother Earth;
None other than the Beloved El-Tara
The Goddess that sings and dances
Along with the stars, the sun and the moon
I am the Goddess who sings her own praises
For I know who I am
I dance through you, unto you
Knowing that one day,
You will know I am with you, within you.
You can call me tricky
Or you can call me naughty
I am here to awaken you
For I run deep within you
In your arteries and your brain
How can you not know me?
I have been here, dancing with you
From the beginning of time
Waiting for you to return to me
You all know who I am
You all know why I am here
I am with you within
Dancing and singing and showing my clout
And yet you do not know
I am beside you
Can a blind be blinder?
Open your eyes my child
I know you are mine
For I created you
I nurtured you
I prayed for you and
I saved you
You know not that I walk beside you
You are no stranger to me
Yet I am a stranger to you
You know not me
For you have forgotten
The stories of long ago
Told by your forefathers
who loved me and revered me
They sang with me and sung to me
They loved me and
They knew me for what I was
My beloved children
Open your eyes
My beloved children
Open your hearts
I am always dancing beside you
Hoping you will remember me
I am Tara, the Goddess
Of the Dawn and the Goddess
Of Light
The Goddess that I am
I am that I am.
I remember
Here I am to remind you
Of who you are
Awaken O sleeping ones
I am here now
Awaken my children
From the call of the dark
To the light of the dawn
I am here to awaken you.
And when you do
You and I
We shall dance together
Into the Light
The dance of togetherness
El-Tara, the Golden one.
They called me in the days of yore
Now, in this age of the beginning of Light,
The farthest light, the Light of love
That dances to open the way
To Light the Dark
Awakening all humanity in Oneness
To dance the dance of Togetherness
The bright star, the one
That has always been the brightest star
That illumines your heart
That guides you to joy
I am the joyous one who loves to
Dance in the shadow
Of your hearts to awaken you
I am Love
I am the redeemer
I am the brightest star
The Galaxy will ever see
And I come today
To lighten your load
So that you may dance with me
I continue leaving my fragrance
With you for I love you.
I am the greatest dancer of all times
I will dance golden rays of light
Upon you
To lighten your path
To help you to dance
And we will celebrate
Our homecoming
Remember my children,
You are here to remember
Now is the time
The Forever Time is upon you
I am amongst you,
I am within you
Remember my children of light
I am here to banish the darkness
So you can see the Light
Be the Light!
O my children
I love you!
Come dance with me
The dance of Light
And know the truth that
I am that I am!
I am here to remind you
You are ‘I am that I am’
I am your mother
I am the Golden Tara
who you called upon with your tears
that warmed me
I could not keep away my child
I had to come to you my dearest
For I love you.
I am always with you
Love always,

This was a congregation – a meeting place of sorts. I could feel it within
me as I clearly saw it. There was a definite ‘knowing’. The Angels were
showing me and confirming what they had told me. This was not the first
time that I was seeing Aliens.

We had all decided to take part in the Planet Earth Project from the time of
its conception. It was all in universal order of the Divine Plan for the Earth
that was birthed aeons ago. We, in conjunction with each other and the
high-level beings whom we call the Masters, plus the rulers of the
Galaxies designed and planned planet Earth. We visualised it, and putting
our plan into action, we created it.
It took aeons, and here we are destroying it. Destroying this planet
means the destruction of our species that we think are the highest forms of
beings here. We are also destroying many other species that we believe are
lower forms. Not so. Spiritually, the other species are in fact of a higher
nature because they sustain us in many ways. They are in service to human
The birds that fly above our heads are constantly clearing and cleansing
our higher space working with the vibrations and frequencies. How they
do this, we do not know for it is their mission. The grasslands and the trees
sustain us, creating clean air for us to breathe. The flowers constantly
bestow us with their grace bringing beauty and purity into our lives. The
smaller animals, our household pets, bring emotional balance into our
beings. Nature feeds us. There is no end to the way we are helped by the
We have been bestowed with many gifts and grace which we have
We, the human beings and the Humanoids whom we call Aliens have
always worked in conjunction. They, the Aliens, whom many of us fear
have been with us from the beginning of the inception of this Project. They
watch us, guide us and help us as we progress at all levels whether
scientific, spiritual, emotional or physical and so on. They have through
time procreated and settled down with us and created a stronger breed for
our race as per requirement to work towards our goal, which was
conceptualised through the Source That Is.
Of course, there are those breeds which are negative in nature. They are
also here to learn and grow. Life on our planet is both yin and yang. It is
up to each to make a choice which one to feed or how to learn to live in
balance with both.

The Present
We were in Lisbon, my husband and I, in a busy area where the restaurants
and the shops are located. I was hungry, and there was nothing vegetarian
in sight.
Finally we entered an eatery. I was awed by two people who looked like
and were dressed as Native Americans with long, fine feather tribal bands
around their heads. Their dialect was local, and they were goading people
to follow them. Their energy was pushy, and they were impatient to gather
people. Thankfully, they left us alone without a glance in our direction.
As I munched on my carrot and butter sandwich, sipping the camomile
tea, I turned to look out the window. There was definitely something going
on. I felt it. I got goose bumps all over my body. My invisible feelers were
up and ready to feel the action. The Red Indians were asking people to join
them, from what I understood. They were playing some sort of a game,
which was a misnomer, in order to attract people.
Then I noticed a bunch of elder people who seemed to be just watching
everyone. Their eyes seemed to be scanning everything. Suddenly I was
very interested. I knew something big was going on. Somehow these
people did not seem to me to be of this world. They were ‘checking’ the
outcome of the experiment.
I looked around with a wider sense of interest, and what I saw stunned
me. I had never in my life, in any place, seen or viewed so many different
nationalities and races, various types of humans, many of them humanoids,
going about in their hustle and bustle.
Some were aware of what was going on; the rest moved on.
The experiment which we had all decided to be a part of seemed to be
coming to a completion. We are the ones experiencing the experiment. It
has come to a full circle. Life can only get more interesting.

21 February
What does Sai mean?
Sai is the embodiment of God. He is Love. He has all the attributes and
qualities of God.
He has left behind a great legacy of divinity for all humankind to tune
into at Shirdi which is steeped in Divine Light; the very soil of Mother
Earth has been sanctified by Baba’s presence and continues sanctifying
the pilgrims who flock here. The energy of Sai helps illuminate our own
consciousness when we come into close proximity to Baba’s abode.
Baba is everywhere. Whenever one thinks of Him, Baba blesses that
soul with his humble presence. Though Baba left His body for the
heavenly abode, He continues working for humanity to awaken us to
the divinity within each of us.
The Dhuni which Baba lit continues burning bright, thereby showering
faith within the devotee’s heart. Every pinch of Baba’s udi contains
Baba’s divine vibration, and this udi will help us towards our healings.
This udi is still of the same consistency.
What we understand about the Dhuni is that for every soul that comes
forward in prayer to this divine fire, automatically his or her
negativities are burnt, slowly yet steadily, thereby transmitting healing.
Baba always said that God is one. Therefore all paths lead towards
God, and the truth is that there is One God.
Manifestations of the One God are many. He brings us to Him through
diverse means – religions, faiths, organisations, Gurus. Ultimately all
lead to the One God.
Baba was and is like all the other Masters, like Jesus, Buddha,
Mohammed. Baba left behind for us his divine vibrations so that every
human being can be uplifted. Baba guided all devotees to have faith
and to practise patience in their lives.
Baba loved all equally, man and animal, plants and birds.
As your planet moves into the fifth-dimensional energy, your heart
centres have opened and are expanding. We are intensely becoming
aware of the love that we are. Sai continues guiding us into this energy
of love as we relearn to love and respect each other, including
Our greatest religion He says is our humanism. Our duty here entails
us to help ourselves and each other to grow through love, in love and
establish love, and in so doing, we realise our true potential is love;
our basic nature is love.
Baba is here guiding us to do that.

June 2013
This world will come to an end if humans do not realise themselves, if
they do not realise that they are the Keepers of this earth, their planet
which is their home.
As keepers of this planet, humans need to change themselves to beings
of love.
There is too much corruption and greed which begets poverty. Wealth
has to be gotten as clear channels of love. You all have the potential to
become love.
As long as you do not realise your true selves as love, the poverty and
corruption will continue. It is these desires which lead humans to their
own disgrace.
As beings of love, you are not playing your roles as children of God. As
long as you want and want, how can you save the world? These wants
are not permanent. Your true nature as love is permanent. Seek your
true nature, and return to your origin as Beings of love and keepers of
this planet earth.
You were not set down here to steal and plunder; you are here to enjoy
the bounties bestowed upon you, to love and cherish every aspect of the
Godhead in his creation.
When there is starvation and poverty, how can the soul have the
freedom to grow?
Dear Sai Baba,
Are you and Sathya Sai Baba one and the same? (This is a question many
were asking.)
We are different energies. We work in manners separate from each
other. He has His mission, and as He completes his mission, he will be
free to work from the other side.
Do not judge him. He is doing what he has come to do, and in doing so,
he has helped and healed many souls.
Levels of soul beings are various. Teachings and learning methods are
different. All teach. What is right for one, will he so encounter at the
time in order to learn, to learn and to gain wisdom.
All are here to remember. As I have said earlier, everything is encoded
in the memories of all beings here on Planet Earth. You are here to
remember of your beginnings and to know who you are. Step by step,
you are awakened as you are taught through varied experiences.
Much is taught here. The ways of this world are different compared to
the ways of the divine. We see no separation. They are connected, and
they manifest according to life lessons to be learnt.
You will be attracted to what your soul wants you to know in your
moment in time to help you to remember and grow.
Never judge anyone, for in condemning or judging, you are doing so to
Do not forget that each and every soul on this planet is connected to
you; what you think and do has not only a repercussion on you and
your own but on the planet as a whole.
We came to teach and tell you that we are still imparting these lessons
to you from a higher level of frequency. Our work becomes easier as we
work in conjunction with the divine realms to help humanity. There is a
plan that manifests on earth; therefore all that has come to pass was
meant to be.
If only you human beings could be in the flow, you would understand.
Have faith in the Godhead, and be patient, as each one of you connects
with the Godhead within you, and then each one of you shall know the
Truth – that you are not separate from God. He dwells within you.
We are here to help and guide you. Have faith and be patient, all in
good time.
Meanwhile continue doing what feels right for you. There is no right
and no wrong. All is.
It is when you go against what is happening, you create trouble for
yourselves. Patience brings acceptance. At such times, deeply observe
yourselves; look within and enquire of you; then a deep peace will arise
and you will not react the way you do during such situations and
We are here to help you. We wish you to help each other grow in love.
Complete your journeys in love, for this is what it is all about.
These are messages from the Angels and from the energy of Sai. They
are simple truths.
Our earth is an ancient experiment. Many civilisations have come and
gone; there are no traces left behind of many of them in our history.
There are those whom we call Gods because they had powers which
were beyond our understanding. They came from various planets in their
flying objects as seen in our epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana.
There was a time when we were equivalent to these beings as our DNA
with the twelve strands was intact. At some point, our DNA was mutated
by other beings to lower our frequencies so that we could remain in
We need food for survival; similarly, there are beings and energies
whose food is fear; they feed off our anxiety, pain, anger and so on;
therefore, in the past they had mutated our DNA genetically. Our
negativities became their survival.
However, the Gods are here now, bringing in their love, because love is
their food. Where there is love, there is knowledge, wisdom and light.
It is now time to awaken, to remember and recognise ourselves for the
supreme beings that we are.
Many ‘aliens’ are helping us to do that. They have always been here,
those who give and those who take away from humanity.
There is expansion into different worlds and realities as we converge,
and our frequencies adapt to the changes. We are learning and
remembering who we truly are!
It is now time to recognise ourselves as the Gods that we are.
The experiment that we all at one time decided to try out and be a part of
has come to a completion, as we evolve, and our DNA is steadily changing
and finally finding its way to its origin as we remember. The memories are
Therefore, there is much chaos and disturbance as the dark turns to light
within us; the darkness will disappear, and we will be ready to explore
ourselves and our creation alongside the creator in the fullness of our
We are travellers on our journeys, moving from this world to the next,
from one dimension to another, and as we travel we continue creating our
own realities. That’s who we are – the divine beings who incarnated at this
time on planet earth, this amazing time when we are experiencing major
growth in all the realms.

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