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Writing Topics:

Open for Business (or) Acts of Kindness

Choose ONE of the writing prompts below and write a paragraph of 6-8 thoughtful and thorough sentences in response
to the prompt.

1. The governor of Georgia had made headlines recently for his decision to re-open non-essential businesses such as
nail salons, bowling alleys, tattoo parlors, gyms and dine-in restaurants. Although his state was one of the last to
issue shelter-in-place orders, finally doing so on April 3rd, Governor Kemp believes it is safe for people to resume
some sort of semblance of normal life. A set of guidelines issued by the federal government requires states to have
at least a two-week period of declining cases of the virus, and although Georgia has not such a benchmark,
Governor Kemp has said that he believes it is safe for people to break their quarantine. What do you think? Is
this a good idea, or is this a mistake. Choose ONE side of the argument and support your opinion with at least two
solid reasons for that opinion.

2. Throughout the crisis we have been facing for the last six weeks, stories have emerged of people helping people in
various ways. Corporations have donated money; people have donated their time to run errands and hand out
food; restaurants have donated meals to health care workers; communities have held parades for children who
can’t have parties for their birthdays. Choose a story that really touched you, and write a thorough paragraph of
6-8 sentences explaining 1) the act of kindness, 2) who was impacted by the act, and 3) why you were so touched
by the act.
*** If you have participated in such an act, please write about 1) what you did, 2) who was impacted, and 3) why
you felt compelled to help. (I would love to hear about your experience!)

This is a FORMAL writing assignment! Be sure to write in complete sentences, and remember to use proper grammar
and formal language. Use capital letters and punctuation!

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