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Learn to securely share

/les on the blockchain
with IPFS!
Coral Health
Feb 20, 2018 · 10 min read

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Before reading this article, we recommend

reading our previous post “Code your own
blockchain in less than 200 lines of Go!”.

Interest in the blockchain has hit feverish levels

lately. While much of the buzz has been around
applications of the blockchain such as cryptocur-
rencies and ICOs, the technology itself is just as
exciting. The blockchain provides a democra-
tized trust and validation protocol that has al-
ready disrupted banking and is on the verge of
overhauling healthcare, Bnancial services, social
apps and more.

However, from a technological perspective, the

blockchain is not without its warts. Current
proof of work consensus mechanisms have
slowed transaction speeds to near crippling lev-
els. Waiting for Bitcoin transactions to complete
makes the platform nearly unusable to some and
Cryptokitties almost brought the Ethereum net-
work to a grinding halt.

This makes storing data or large Bles on the

blockchain a non-starter. If the blockchain can
barely sustain small strings of text that simply
record a balance transfer between two parties,
how on earth are we ever going to store large
Bles or images on the blockchain? Are we just
going to have to be OK with limiting the utility of
the blockchain to things that can only be cap-
tured in tiny text strings?

Enter IPFS
The most promising solution that’s available to-
day is IPFS, or Interplanetary File System, cre-
ated by the folks at Protocol Labs. It’s a peer-to-
peer protocol where each node stores a collec-
tion of hashed Bles. A client who wants to re-
trieve any of those Bles enjoys access to a nice
abstraction layer where it simply needs to call
the hash of the Ble it wants. IPFS then combs
through the nodes and supplies the client with
the Ble.

You can think of it as being similar to BitTorrent.

It’s a decentralized way of storing and referring
to Bles but gives you more control and refers to
Bles by hashes, allowing for much richer pro-
grammatic interactions.

Here are some simple diagrams so you can see

the workPow of IPFS.

1. John wants to upload a PDF Ble to IPFS

2. He puts his PDF Ble in his working directory

3. He tells IPFS he wants to add this Ble, which

generates a hash of the Ble (you can tell it’s
IPFS because the hash always starts with

4. His Ble is available on the IPFS network

Now suppose John wants to share this Ble with

his colleague Mary through IPFS. He simply tells
Mary the hash from Step 3 above. Then steps 1–
4 above just work in reverse for Mary. All Mary
needs to do is call the hash from IPFS and she
gets a copy of the PDF Ble. Pretty cool.

Security Hole

There is an obvious security hole here. As long as

anyone has the hash of the PDF Ble, they can re-
trieve it from IPFS. So sensitive Bles are not well
suited for IPFS in their native states. Unless we
do something to these Bles, sharing sensitive
Bles like health records or images is a poor Bt for

Enter Asymmetric Encryption

Luckily, we have tools at our disposable that pair
very nicely with IPFS to secure Bles before up-
loading them to IPFS. Asymmetric encryption
allows us to encrypt a Ble with the public key of
the intended recipient so that only they can de-
crypt it when they retrieve it with IPFS. A mali-
cious party who retrieves the Ble from IPFS can’t
do anything with it since they can’t decrypt it.
For this tutorial we’ll be using GPG for asymmet-
ric encryption.

Let’s edit our workPow diagram a bit so we in-

clude encryption and decryption:

1. John wants to upload a PDF Ble to IPFS but

only give Mary access

2. He puts his PDF Ble in his working directory

and encrypts it with Mary’s public key

3. He tells IPFS he wants to add this encrypted

Ble, which generates a hash of the encrypted

4. His encrypted Ble is available on the IPFS


5. Mary can retrieve it and decrypt the Ble

since she owns the associated private key of
the public key that was used to encrypt the

6. A malicious party cannot decrypt the Ble be-

cause they lack Mary’s private key

The Blockchain
So where does the blockchain Bt into this? Be-
fore we go on, we encourage you to read our
popular post: Code your own blockchain in less
than 200 lines of Go!

Of particular importance is this diagram:

From “Code your own blockchain in less than 200 lines

of Go”

Pay attention to the BPM part. This kind of sim-

ple text recording is all the blockchain can really
handle today. This is why cryptocurrencies are a
good Bt for the blockchain. All you need to
record is the sender, recipient and amount of
Bitcoin (or Ether, etc.) being transferred. Be-
cause all these hashes need to be calculated and
veriBed to preserve integrity of the chain, the
blockchain is horrible, absolutely horrible at
storing Bles or large amounts of data in a block.

This is why IPFS is so powerful when coupled

with the blockchain. Instead of BPM above, we
simply store the hash of the IPFS Ble! This is re-
ally cool stu`. We keep the simplicity of data
that’s required on the blockchain but we get to
enjoy the Ble storage and decentralized peer-to-
peer properties of IPFS! It’s the best of both
worlds. Since we also added security with asym-
metric encryption (GPG), we have a very elegant
way of “storing”, encrypting, and sharing large
data and Bles on the blockchain.

Revised block diagram

A real world application would be storing refer-

ents to our health or lab records in each block.
When we get a new lab result, we simply create a
new block that refers to an encrypted image or
PDF of our lab result that sits in IPFS.

Enough talk already. Show me

how to do this!
In this tutorial we will do the following:

• Set up GPG

• Set up IPFS

• Encrypt a Ble with someone else’s public key

• Upload the encrypted Ble to IPFS

• Download the Ble from another computer

(or Virtual Machine) and make sure only the
privileged party can decrypt and view it

Things you’ll need

• A second computer or a Virtual Machine in-

stance. The second computer simulates a per-
son with whom you want to securely share
your Eles.

• A test Ble. We recommend downloading this,

which is a sample PDF lab result. This is the
exact type of sensitive, personal data we
need to protect and since we’re a healthcare
company, it’s a nice example. Put this Gle in
your working directory.

That’s it! Let’s get started.


Let’s download GPG on both our main and sec-

ondary computers.

Follow the instructions in this article for your

OS. On Mac, the easiest way is to open your ter-
minal and brew install gnupg assuming
Homebrew is installed.

Generate a key on each of your computers after

GPG installation. Use the following steps:

gpg --gen-key and follow the prompts and pick

the default options. Make sure to securely re-
member or store the password you choose for
your username and email.

You’ll get to a stage where gpg asks you to do

some random things to generate entropy. I just
typed a bunch of random characters until the
process was Bnished.

Success message

After the key has been generated on the second

computer, we need to add that key to the
keyring of the Brst computer, so we can encrypt
Bles that only the second computer can decrypt.

Export your public key on your second computer

into an armored blob using the email address
you chose when creating the key

gpg --export --armor -email > pubkey.asc

Move the pubkey.asc Ble you just created to

your Brst computer. Make sure to do this secure-
ly. A USB stick is better than sending it over

Once the pubkey.asc Ble is on your Brst com-

puter and your working directory, import it into
your keyring like this

gpg --import pubkey.asc

You can check to see it was imported correctly

with gpg --list-keys . My second computer’s
name was Cory Heath and it shows up correctly:

Great! We’re done with GPG setup. Let’s move

onto IPFS.


Follow the instructions to download and install

IPFS for your OS here for both computers. Once
you’ve done that, initialize IPFS with ipfs init

on both computers and start your daemon with

ipfs daemon on both computers:

Nice! We’ve set everything up. Let’s get to en-

crypting and uploading our PDF Ble to IPFS.

Remember the sample lab result we downloaded
earlier? Make sure to move that to your working
directory on your Brst computer.

Let’s encrypt that Ble (I renamed it myriad.pdf

since the lab result was produced by Myriad Ge-

netics) using the public key of the 2nd computer
(in my case, named Cory Heath).

gpg --encrypt --recipient "Cory Heath"


If you check your directory now with ls you’ll

see a new encrypted Ble named myriad.pdf.gpg

Only your second computer can decrypt and see

this Ble. Try it! Email it to another friend and try
as they might, they won’t be able to open it!
Even if they rename it back to myriad.pdf

We’ve got our encrypted Ble now. Let’s upload it

to IPFS!

Uploading to IPFS
To upload to IPFS, all we need to do on our Brst
computer is

ipfs add myriad.pdf.gpg

We get an output like this:

The Qm... string is the hash of the Ble. You can

send this to your friend or anyone to whom you
wish to give access so they can download it from

Let’s just double check to make sure our Ble is

available on IPFS with ipfs pin ls

Highlighted hash

You can see the hash of our Ble is indeed present

and now available on IPFS!

Downloading from IPFS

Let’s now switch to our second computer. Re-
member, we are simulating a second person. To
make this more realistic, swap in the second
computer throughout this tutorial with a friend!

In our case, instead of a second computer we’re

using a Ubuntu VM with Vagrant. This is not a

On your second computer, download the posted

encrypted Ble from your Brst computer from
IPFS using the same hash:

ipfs get



This is what it should look like when successfully


Since we’re on our second computer, and this
encrypted Ble was encrypted with the second
computer’s public key, in theory we should be
able to decrypt and view this Ble without any is-

Let’s give it a try.

Decrypt the downloaded Ble and let’s rename it

to myriad.pdf

gpg --decrypt QmYqSCWuzG8Cyo4MFQzqKcC14ct4y‐

bAWyrAc9qzdJaFYTL > myriad.pdf

Moment of truth:

Let’s open this Ble and if all went well we should

be able to see it on our second computer.

open myriad.pdf

TADA! We successfully downloaded, decrypted

and opened our Ele which was stored fully en-
crypted on IPFS, protected from anyone who
shouldn’t have access!

Recap and Next Steps

Give yourself a pat on the back. What we just ac-
complished is incredibly powerful and addresses
some key issues found in blockchain technology

Let’s do a quick review of what we did:

• Recognized that the blockchain is pretty bad

at storing large volumes of data and Bles

• Got IPFS up and running, connected to the


• Secured sensitive Bles using GPG and stored

them on IPFS

• Understood hashing in IPFS and how we can

store the hashes on the blockchain to com-
bine the strengths of the blockchain with
distributed Ble storage

Where you take what you learned here is com-

pletely up to you. There are many places to
branch o` from this. Consider deploying these
examples to live servers to act as your own IPFS
nodes to store important Bles. The drawback to
IPFS is that if your Bles aren’t very popular,
when you stop your node, your Ble is gone from
the IPFS network. You can prevent this by spin-
ning up cloud servers to act as their own IPFS
nodes, so you can host them yourself until more
nodes become interested in your Bles and start
storing them.

Check out our previous “Code your own

blockchain” tutorials, Parts 1 , 2 and 3 and 4.
Once you’ve gone through those, try integrating
IPFS and blockchain with your own large, en-
crypted Bles. You can also learn about Byzantine
fault tolerance, Turing completeness and other
advanced blockchain concepts here. If you’re so
inclined, here’s how to start your own Hyper-
ledger blockchain and here’s how to build a
DApp on Hyperledger.

Also, make sure to tell us what you want to see

next! We really love doing these blockchain-re-
lated technical tutorials. The best way to contact
us and following along is in our Telegram chat
and on Twitter! We’d love to hear from you!

To learn more about Coral Health and how we’re

using the blockchain to advance personalized
medicine research, visit our website.

Blockchain Ipfs Encryption Gpg Ethereum

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