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Not If I Can Help It

By: Carolyn Mackler

Adapted for Readers Theatre by Teagan

Aune, Jennifer Aceves, Yessica Cancino

Characters: Narrator- Teagan Aune

Willa- Yessica Cancino

Ruby- Jennifer Aceves

Narrator: Our story is called, “Not If I Can Help It” by Carolyn Mackler.
Our performance will capture the opening scene of the story. Now we
will welcome to the stage Willa, played by Yessica, a 5 th grade girl
with Sensory Processing Disorder who hates tight socks with seems,
shirts with tags, or any slimy foods and her best friend Ruby, played
by Jennifer Aceves. Willa and Ruby met almost a year ago and
instantly bonded over their love of gummy bears and ice cream. Both
girls attend the same elementary school and are excited to see what
middle school they will be headed to next fall. Willa lives with her dad
and brother and Ruby lives alone with her mom. Ruby and Willa have
just ended the school day and are headed to their favorite ice cream
shop, “I Scream.”

Ruby: Wanna play best part worst part?

Willa: “Sure, I’ll go first…ummm my best part is definitely now. You

know how much I love ice cream, especially when I can put gummy
bears on top.

Ruby: Yessss, gummy bears are the best! This or getting to play
soccer in gym would definitely be my best part too. What’s your worst

Narrator: Willa knows the worst part of her day was gym. She doesn’t
know how someone could find running around and avoiding getting
hit by balls enjoyable, but she doesn’t want to offend Ruby, so she
changes the subject instead.
Willa: Why do you think your mom and my dad want to meet us at I
Scream today?

Ruby: Probably because ice cream and sorbet covered in gummy

bears is an awesome way to spend a Thursday afternoon.

*Willa shrugs*

Willa: Maybe our middle school acceptance letters came in!

Ruby: I’m not sure, I’ve been checking the mail every day and haven’t
seen anything. I guess the reason they are meeting us will remain a

Narrator: As the girls turn the corner near the ice cream store, they see
their parents waiting for them. Ruby’s mom says hello and they all headed
inside. Ruby’s mom says that she and Greg, Willa’s dad would like to talk
to them.

Willa: (whispering to Ruby) Greg……your mom never calls my dad Greg.

Ruby: Whatever the gummy bears are calling us.

Narrator: After the girls get their ice cream and sit at the table, Ruby’s
mom shares the news that she and Willa’s dad have been dating.
Willa begins to shake her head from side to side as she is not
pleased with this news.

Ruby: Willa this is so cool! Your dad is my mom’s boyfriend!

Narrator: Though Ruby is excited, Willa is overwhelmed with the

news. She looks up to see her dad holding Ruby’s mom’s hand.
Angrily she rushes out of the store. Suddenly her socks are too tight,
her shirt is too itchy and everything seems off so she stops on the

Willa: (tugging at her clothes) This is not right, this is not right!

Ruby: Willa are you okay?

Willa: No, this is definitely my worst part!

Narrator: Willa’s dad and Ruby’s mom exit the store. They decide to
move to a quieter diner and try to continue the discussion, but Willa
still can’t believe the news. So, will Willa ever be able to accept her
new reality or will this just become one of the things that she cannot

Ruby: Willa, it’s going to be fun, our parents are going to get married!

Willa: Not if I can help it.

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