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The virtue of Humility

1. The parabola of humility

Do not put in the first place, do not put in superior level, we see this in the Gospel
What is the virtue of humility?
"The virtue of humility," he says, "is to stay within one's own limits, without trying to attain
things that are upon one, but by submitting to the authority of the superior"
Saint Ignatius Teach us the pride is the mother all sins, look a our selfs and say a do want to
obey, is the signal of satan.
Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues hence, in the soul in which this virtue
does not exist, there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance.
—St. Augustine
The opposite the pride

The people who are pride, look at them selves like superiors to others, by the age, by
intelligences et.
The people who are humble reconcile that all that he has have come from God put at the
last place in the table of the life. Like Mary.

Why is important in hour life community

If we make and effort to get humbles, we will get peace in our community:
I realize that the most practical virtue for peace in community life is humility. Humility
before God helps us trust, for humility is self-knowledge, and who knows himself can
expect something of himself?... Crazy would be if I didn't expect everything from God.
Humility fills our dealings with men with peace. With it there is no argument, there is no
envy, there is no possible offense... who can offend it anything? I strongly ask Mary to teach
me in what she was a teacher. humble before God and before men.
1. Pray for it
2. Accept humiliations
3. Obey legitimate superiors
4. Distrust yourself
5. Acknowledge your nothingness
6. Think better of others than of yourself

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