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22, UNCLASSIFIED U.S. ARMY ACTIVITY IN THE US. BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAMS VOLUME I 24 FEBRUARY 1977 UNCLASSIFIED Disarmament end Phase Dove (1969-68) ‘he Biological Defense Research Propran (1973 ™ ors ‘Earunss sd Definition ‘Tate report provides comprehensive review of che U.S. Aray's role ‘in the Biotogteat vaztare (BH) propsoa 66 chat Gongross and other governe ment offictals can assess accurately Bi insacs which are being raieed ‘continually. The report {2 Lintted to the BY cachatcal progean aed the policies and goversnental controls which guided the prosran ‘tue cerouym Bi vill be Used throughout 9 comets biolopieat was pont cod defense peograns. It aleo eaconpasses tho tems "bactortological” ectarial which were used Snterchungesbly tn the early portods. [Bi de defined oo che wee of mlorworgsnians ("geras"), auch ab bacteria, ung, vinuree, risiateiae, and substances (torins) derived from Living forganians (at dletinguished from ayathetie chesicale uted as potsene) to produce death or Aleaace 4m famine, animale, or plants. or BU porporee, the moat effactive and efficient route of entry of ‘Atsonse microorgantand ‘ato the human and aninsl body 42 nemally by ‘resting Site the longs, For plants deposfeion on extemal curtacil fs usually ausfictant to eaute ‘pfection. 25 tog © cotprchensive review of the Arey BW programs, 2 t= ‘the ectivities be portrayed io the context of the tines ond 'n which they gcclrred. For this reason, the create have, co the appropriate period of uations) secsrity activity. Tt han been aifficcie, at tinge, to provide Elaite data ag ona of the ée- ssvediable end every attanpr bac boon Dede fo hee prinary documests of ‘the moet credible derivative dates BA POL of She tattt Seaton rogentingbtologten! wactare betwee Ete forces, and soconlly to retaliate if decerseace felled. Fondsnectal ao" ehe developnene of « decerrent geratecy was the nest £0" « thorough stuly and anelyeis of our welnerebflity 9 both an overt aid covert Steack thile concenttently exantning the Full range of recalistory opttose, ‘cognition by American ectontssty of the potential of Bi ead concers| Shout the Datted Staten inck of preparelsece prompted the start of the ‘U8 program in orld War fl. Thon ita inceptions the program wae hatatteriaed by coattneing in-depth reviev snd partictpacion by the best entnent sclontists, medical cotsultente, Aasustriat experts, ond (ovorment official 4 4 result of Praxident Wizon's ban oo BY weapons in Roveaber 1369 we have daotreyed our linited BW veapen stocks. "hecause x Poteapial [Bi throat atfli- exists, che U.S. still wedacatie a defeneiee BY progean 4 accordance with the 1969 Precidential policy etstenoat, This progres Seeks to develop effective varsing and detaction dovices, protective’ lothéng and equipuect and continues to eercnt the voinerability of the Uist and fee forece eo suray BY attack, She probiens of blologteaL Aletense are greater tolay than at any tine in’ the past becsuee oF the eetnolopical sivencen in the balogles! selence 26 Goapter 1 Tatroductory Survey of Utter Seetee Aray Bologteal Warfare Progress (0) orld Bar 12 tn the fall of 1941, optntons dttfered on the potential effec, of By. Sufficient doubt exfated go that reasonable prodence required thet 1s sertous evaluation be made at to the dangere of a posetble attach. secretory of Nor Henry La Stimioa therefore requested the National Aca2eay of Sctences to sppotat + comitten to mike a complete survey of the 5 sitortdon (two sontha prior to the attack on Pearl Farbor). After careful study, the conaitees cineluded in February 1942 that BY wes feestble and vrged chat appropriate steps be taken co reduce U.S. vulnerability to BY sctack. Secretary Stinson then recomended to President Roosevelt the eeteblishnent ofa civilian agency for thie purpose, Wich approval by the Preotdast, the Wer Hoserve Service (Wis) was forued tn Auguct of 1942 vith George W. Merck of the terck Company, a pharmaceutical Stra, ax Disecter. WS was attached to the Faiersl Security Agency and Served a8 a coorctoating agency using the resources of extating goverinent end private inststottons 1 curry out the BY program. Selontifie olvfce was received frou a comittee fof prominent scfintiats set up by, the Tatfonsl Acadeoy of Scleaces and the attonal Research Counci1. An exchenge of information waa also sesuturated vith the Uotted Kington and Cenad ‘The First task endertaton by 1S wap the devolopuent of defensive ennures aguiost possibte Bi attak, Ite major achteveneat wag the organtzation of « research and devolopeent progran (RAD nov referrud to in che Deparenent of Defense as research, developnint, teat and evaluation, RDI) to extend the pauotty of ksouledge shout BY. Te vas concluded that stgottieas: Knowiedge could not be gotten without larger scale developeental operations. mt a7 ‘ezefore, tn Noveaber 1942, WES requessed the Chantal Narfare Service (GS) of the Army (cedestenated the Chenical Compe én 1946) to prepare 29 acoune responsibility for a larger scale research and developnent proeran, fectodtng construction and operation of Laboratories and pilot plants. Up medi thts efze the Arey hed only been involved 4a the coordfeating comtetee activities of the MBS. The Army chose Caup Detrick, Praderick, Meryland, a suull Netionat Guard Atrfteld, ob the atte for new factitrtes sn construction started {a Apr{l 1943. URS torsed over to the Arsy (G85 alt operational projects but contioued to exercise general svpervision ‘over te entire BY progran. ‘The Office of Strategie Services, alerted che Joins Chiefe of State 4a Decenber 1943 to fodteations that the Gartane night be planning to woe Bi, The BY progran was accordingly stepped up and, Ax Jone 2964, the cigplete progras was croneferred ty dtzoction of the President to che Vor Deperteont. Ar the disection of the Secretary of War, the Chentes) War fare Sorvice vas mide reaponstble for work on Bf agente, for BY intelitgence, od for BH dofonse, ‘The Azay Surgeon General was éisected to cooperate with the GIS on matters of BY defense. The progran continued ac « Joint effort vith Navy and other Federal department pertictpation. The BAD progran was greatly accelerated vith tho addition of field testing facilities and 4 production plant. When the Har Departuent osousod full responsibility, Seeretary Sttnsos appointed Mr. Merck aa e7ectsl consultant on By HE-GIWS Getabcaned the Vetted Staten BY Gomaletes tn Oetaber 1944 ich Me, Merck ao Chetsnsn ond with sentor representatives fron the military servicees 28, ‘Ae Sen peak, che Special Protects Idviaton of the Army CRS, which es the mata clenent for carsying out che program, had 9,900 persoenel, of wbteh 2,600 vere Acer, cesrly 2,000 tvs, and the reneiniag 100 cfvittan. The vork wae carried cur at four fnstallations! Cenp Detrick ‘veo the parent research and pilot plaat center; field coating factiittes were set up $5 the sumer of 1943 1a Mestectppt, another f4ald tasting ree uae eoteblished 4= Desh to 1944; and » production plant vas conscructed 1m indtana £m 1964, ALL work was conducted ander the atrLetest secrecy - Jn addttion to the coordination with the United Kingdon snd Cavada, a joint ‘propran war undertaken by an Aertcan-Cenadian tenn to develop defenses apateee cinderpest Aiseace of cattle, During World Yar TI, che polley of BM use topltctty paralleled the polley for Chentcel Narfare (GD; that 4s, retaliation only. Wale the ‘eteed states had not ratified the Gnave Cas Protocol of 1825 which prohtbtted Gi aud Bi, President Racsevelt aad Prine Minteter Ghurekil2 ‘emounced this policy ia vnilateral statessnte in the epriag of 2942. (Bod of Word War I ‘Ac the eid of World War TT, the constmccton acttetttes and the testing ‘prograne were teiinated and the remainder of the activities gradually phocet dove to a resesrch status. ihe ploduetion plant, Vigo Ordasuce Works, com stricted at Terre Haute, Indisns to provide a retaliatory copabittty wstag criel boabe, cqased operation before safectious BY agents production began. uly a harntese atculent biological agent (Bacillus globtett ox 36) vas produced. The profect wae terminated and the plant was subeequencly 2old to M3 29 fhe Charles 4. Fftzer and Coopany for eomerctal use. 2y the end of World Var 1%, a wide variety of dtnease agents effective agatoet naa, sntnala, aod pleats hed been atuiied and Matted field testing ceondeceed. Excenaive vork on aafety messures to perfor BY research and develogieat bid been sever ry 28 bo conprehensive procedures, nethodo~ opts or egetpseat had bees avatlable et the stere, Even to, Sefections cccurred. These wore Later reported pubifely 4a the extocates Wer Dopert~ facut press release ou BY tn Jemusry 1946, The release was the Firat notification to the nation and the vorld of Usited States work in Bi. It reported, dn part, thaet "in alt wort on Moloptcal warfare cerrfed oa tn the tasted States, extrene care vee taken to protect the pertletpacing ‘personel fron infection. any new toshadgues vara devised co ‘Beevent infection and proved highly oueceecful. Hospitals asd ESepensaries were saictained at all iortallaticas, staffed wich toe drwy and Hay Personnel and vere oqripped fo treat sceldencal SSfections. so the reeaie of the extraovdsasry precastions fais, tere oceacred only eizty cases of proven infection caused by ‘Sccldencal exponues fo victient blolepleal warfare agente utich Foqutrod exeatnent. ifey-tvo of these Tesovered completely: of fhe efghe coacs Fensining, all are recovering sattotaccertiy~ ‘Bere vere, tn eddition £9 the sisty proven cates, 159 accidental ‘zpocuree to agenta of wainows coaceatratioas, Ail bet one of these Teeetved proapt treatnent aad id aot develop any infection. Sa one deatencey the Slividuel Gia not report exposure, developed tie dioease, But Fecoverod after exeetment. ‘Aithough renaviable achtevenente were uaie, the poteattal of BS had by / nn means been exaplotely ecasured; and Ye. Merck in hie final report co the Secretary of Mar recomended that the progizn be continued on a sufficteat ~ scale to provide an adequate defense. sumary of accomplishnents stated fn che report are tho af dnaee Ae * i t 30 coapter 2 anang Years After World Wor TI (1946-49) (0) Research end 8 Besgonetbitey en suthorter, Wien Wocld War 12 ended, the OWS had as Sts major mizeton preparedeese for OU cad BY in the content of a polley of retaliation only. the 3 ‘progres of the Chenteal Corps was justifiat annually to Congress along with ovher Asay prograne. During the hearings tn 1916 before the Subcossittee ‘of the Coomittes on Appropriations, House of Representatives, on the Military Hetebitohnent Appropristions BLL1 for 1947, the Gulef Ghentesl offteer dtecoased the BY program snclufing the accomplishaente applicable to public health and wellace and the potential effects of Mological warfare. In the 1547 hearings to the ena eubcomitten, « question war teteed as to why the Gheatest Corps should be retained aa a scparete branch of the Army. Generel atte defended t= retention on the basis‘of te past conteibuttens and the future need for Sto techateal mtlitary expertise. This inoue vas eertously denated in the Army at tna tine and was resolved in favor of conciauing ‘he separate Aray Chemical Corps. A suamary:of the extent to viich Congress vas avace of the BY progran is at Asnex 3. ith the establishoent of the Office of the Secretary of Defence (050) $n 1947, overall technteal dixcetton of the HY RAD progran vos vested in ‘he "Basearch and Developnint Sosrd" of OSD which was constituted at the size tise, The osed hed 2 Comittee on Chenical aul Blological Waréare witch carried out this responsfhility, The Guratttee constoted of « full- tise ehiee man execu ive staSf and exinent consultant acxbere fron science, foduscry and goverment. a 31 ‘the authortey channel of motgenent contzot we fron the Secretary of etease through the Wir Departuent (cenamed che Department of the Ary) to the Chief Chentest Officer end oo to Caxp Detrick, Ml{tary comand at canp Detrick wee Halted to aduintstratton of the tnetsllation earvice end vppore activities; direction of the techalcal propean fe che Isboratories ws the assigned responetbllity of the Techafeal Director. Both che Comunding Jttoer and Technical Dixector were wer the Chief Cheatesl OfFteer. S008 of BH Prose sine Bi work wis peimactly confined to Canp Detrick with a gmail mamber of contracts An universities and {adustry. Astivittes were concentrated ot te; sone applied rereareh ca dissoninattion ‘i agent eseareh and defensive 43 devices; the collation and digestion of the large scale R60 effort es cot during World Wer 11; and the forsation of sound research and developnent progran freseverkt, The research end developmiat progran ie discussed $e wore detail tn Annes Cs st the vulnerability of the United Stator to on BH to constier tie implications of BH in eabotage te extension of « stuly ty « Spectat “Ad Roe Panel on Sabotage." Tn October 1948, the GommttEee sub- steed a "Report on Speesal HY Operattons™ cooeLuding chats BY was welt adapted to subversive ose; 0.8, was particularly cuséeptibie to attack by Ini operstions which preseuted a grave danger, and. the current BY RED prea 44d not sect the requtrenente to defend apatost subversive BY operations, ‘tee Comatttes provided a bluepetit on goals, objectives, orgenization, sod examples of projects. One of choir dafeacive project examples wes conduct of vulnerabeltty teste on". . , test ventdlutiog systems, avbuay aystens, 32 ‘and water cupply cyecons vith senoeuous orgentene . . "Thule recoomend= of shtch vere fn rapport of the Contrel Intelligence Agency (CIA). Ae & rooult of the otudy recomendation © Special Operations ($0) Division was established a Coop Detrick, 1D fn tay 1949, ite aout of the Bi 4D program concentrated on the entépersoanel pects of SU, there are also sealler progcine in ontianinel end a sero BW as outgrovehs of the Worid Nar IX effort, The antianteal program was closely Linked to the antiperscanel prograe since certeta diseases profuced ffects in hunaas and anfants, and the seleatifte dizciplinee savolved are Adentieet o& very etatlar, The antierop 86D program dttfer ‘gat ttcantly tn chat agrteulearel seeiattfte ctectplines were roquised. Additionally, © Canp Detrick also included RED on chenicel substances ich could be wood agatnet plante for either defoliation or crop destruction. ‘he Letter war considered Ol but wan performed at Camp Detrick ap « matter of Fron the end of Horld War TI until 1950, fo production wis carsiad cot for purpese of eperationst, readiness faetlictes were available for ory scale research end pilot plant Jevelopaeat proceeded « natyrel extenefen of the research prograns. Rev factitties for pathogente 1B agent pllot plane production vore else planned dering this period. (Annee cane Dp. [AE the end of Worlé Hor IE, all the fe (of Duguay Proving Ground, wore absdened and the printtive Granite a 38 eet etce at Dugaty Proving Ground, Utah wae insctteaced. Pathogente agent eating at Coop Deteick wis contined to eloced Yaborazory stze chanbere and sw directly related co agone eveloatton end wedleal defensive aspects. To his perfod, no control expertoentatton on hunans had yet teen conducted 1 camp Detrick oven though such experimentation vas an acceptable practice 1a the developeant of vaccines within the U.S, aedieat comunity. Sox1L scale outdoor testing with two biological simlants (BG, « spore forming ntercorgucion; Serratia marcescens, a vegetative orgenicn comonly referred to ae 69) and inert material such af! tale, wore condscted at Csup Detrick. sete sceiate vate cenLdnred tobe coal harlene hy aslantiie ecient oe miton uel) eat aphere (the Largest fo the world) wae bulIt at Cxop Detrick and explosive suaition tests with pathogens vere started. ‘the fiest open aie sen tests with biological slsnlancs were conducted 40 1950 board 9.8, naval ships fn the Atlantic Occea off Worfoll VA. Stealant clouds were relested to earelop ships so as co an bility and to tent prototype BH electronte detection devices. An0ex & provides « chronological Lett of the open air corte conducted F étscueser sone of the teste wich have appeared {a the seus receatly. Open ate testing of Snfectdiue Dfologieal agents wat considered coseatial to an ultinate understanding of BY potentialities because of the many usknows factors affecting the degradation of uicroorgsatent 1s the ataosghere, ovever, the prisitive test experience in world Wr TZ, siyested that too Iietle we know on low to assure sbeolute coatrol of Iintecttous organize: in the open atx from ¢ safety and eavtronmantal a4 standpoint. Safety and wedical aspects Sm BW B&D as vell co testing were atvaye of overutelning concerns and adequate safety procedures and controls to the tntetation of any new B6D BY projects Annes @ sumeasizes the IM safety progres. oun 3a addttton to tts tnteroet MY technteal work, the Ary provided vat vas tantamount to "contract services," ¢o other mtlitary services and sovernsent agencies stage 4¢ bad the moet couprahencive and longest 3 progras, row Ste forestica, ‘serearch on potential methods of eneny covert BW attack and alco to assess the Bi Lopltcattons of the groving concer about sabotage in the’ cold war, Activities of 80 Division in eupport of GIA vere investigated and recorded in the 1975 Report of the Heariage in Septeaber by Senator choreh, 0 soudy Covernosntat Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities and, ‘herefore, vill not be discussed fn detatl tn tte reperts Brogeda end Policy Reviews ‘he wlittary etgattteance of BH and the neod far 8 BY progr constantly revleved at the ighest levels of OSD between 1948 and 1950, 1a July 1948, « comparative study of Bi, cH and rhdtologteal warfare (OH), ss made by the Research and Developnent Hoard at the request of the Jotat Chiefs of|Sea8f (30S). Subsequent atedtae wore mide pertodieally co evaluate coopsrative atlitary eepects; tine to accouplish RED, system coste and echateal fenstbility. Tn March 1949, the Secretary of Defense 35 established 4 committee to seport on the etatee of the BY progras, sme comutttoe report tn July 1949 dndiested that the U.S. BW defense pottare needed teprovenan. ‘he general United Seater poltey for vse of CHR warfare, Lue. ose {te use by an chexy, was ceevelutted at cooly 4 rataltatton a che Highest siLteery aod cfvtan lavois in 1948, The culninated tn eoreery 1950 whon the President approred coctiouatton of the retaltatton enty potter. tn October 1549, at the direction of che Secratary of Defense, the repeareh snd Derelopsent Board established aa Ad Woe Coamiteee on COR care to tnvestigate all the technical and ctrategte aspects of the In Jone 1950, after extensive ceseareh, ehe Coamsttec eubaicted 3 seport recommending chaages An CHR vespoct polley, establishment of bi production {4ctlity, that fleld teste of BY agente snd minttions be conducted snd 212 aspects of BY receateh proprans be expended { 36 Chapter 3 [pansion of the BW Prograx Daring the Korean War (1950-53) Atcaimont of BY Rotaltatory Capabsiiey [AE the onset of the Korean er on 25 June 1950, the report of the Moc Ceunttten on GFR Wurtare wee under reriex by the Secretary of Defense. The Korean Uar spurred efforts to agata develop a BY retaliatory capenclscy ba on the cuisous threat of USSR favotvenent ut there ‘was reluctance to publiotee the prose on 27 Getober 1950, ee Secretary of Defense forty approved ail ‘of the Ad Hoe Comtttoe on CBR Warfere recomendations except one relative > changing 0. [Bi retaLiatory poltey, sod dlzected chess tapleneatation. The US. Arey Chentee) Corpa seeuned prize respon btltey for carzytag fut the coumtttoe recomendations. the Ary wae cuthorieed to construct BY production factlity at Pine Hoff Ars 1 (PR, near Pine Biaté ‘Ackensas). Design of the facility waa accelerated and exoind wie broken 2 Feorunry 1951. The Ftzot Lintted BY retaldatory capability wis achteved dn 1952 ‘een an ant crop buh van developed, tected end placed im prodvctien for ‘the Afr Force, Antterop Agent production sites were carefully selected ‘Sor safety with the covkdination and approval of the U.S. Departuent of sarteuteare. ‘Enpunded Propeam "The BW cent progran war also accalerated fe his pertod. (hanes 1). 1m Late 1949, vulnerabtatey teat with elaulante were started {n response to the Report on Special HY Operations Vhteh posated out the U.S. auseep~ LIMLity eo covert BW attack, The fiset Lerge srea vulnerebtlicy test mn 37 ‘wan condcted dn San Trmeiaco Bay im Septenber 1950 uaing che siealente 1h, SWand Suorencent! particles. (Hocus #. Seal weale pethopente eld vesting at Dugway Proving Ground was reswwed in 2950 afcer « five yest Lapue and expanded 4n 2951. (faaenee Hand 1), he ftroe anti nina BH tet conducted tn July 2951 at Bylin Atr Force Bose, Florida. ‘in 1954, the antdaninal BY progren was discontinued because £© was com ‘cluded that 42 lacked military worth. Tate 42 covered So nore detetl So ‘i Soptonber 1951, the JCS aeetgned priorities to the Ary for the ovelopnent of epectfte BY agente. Alo, the state of CER realoess was sevloed by the ‘Secretary of Defense x Yovenber 1951 vith the emeleetes snd tore manpovor was roqutrod fn the development of CH and BY munitions. A directive to improve CHR resdiness ‘ven tooved to ald elenoats of the Defense Depurtueat en 21 Decesber 1851. 4a early 1952, the Pine Bluff Arsenal BM antipersonnel agent plast veo 40 percent complete (haner b) and the total cost was extinated at 9 eunne Production was echeiuled for October 1952 but aid not begin stil Decenber 1953. Production readiness to meat entinated requinenents ‘wus achteved 4 the epring of 1954. the final totel cost of the plant vs $90 nat tton. ‘Wajor research facilities to cupport the expanded Bi TAD program vere constructed at Caop Datrtek an tn 1953 over $10 million worth of aber ory end pilot plant fectisetes vere completed. With the expaneteo of the EY reeelsatory prégcan, there wae also “ fecrease tn the defensive work, ¢og+) the research progres in protection estnot mY vee atnoot doubled Sn 1952. Mach date sere developed tn 3 38. ‘persomel: protection, decontamination, and ‘apuntsation. Farly detection research vas started ut peogsess wt the vechnteat protien. ‘The preceding acceleration sctione during the Kortan War wire, in Dare, caused ty te concerns of the £ie1d comanders. They decane very apprehensive over the possibility of the eneay fotttating GY ané/or 2 ‘because of the Sntensive propagsads campaign accusing the U.S. of weiee 1k. Te was reccomended that the Untted Nations Forces should mafaease seteliatony ‘cepabilittes and defensive preperedsess in OH and Bis 1m response to the Decenber 1951 DoD Directive to deprove CBR resists the Secretary of the Aray cotablishad committe to evaluate sexy efforts 4h and BK, The resulting roport {nfieated a pood to tnprove nanagenent of the OY and BY effort ty reorganizing to operate Dé and Gi eleaente' on stich basis. The report ae revieved ty a panel of General Officers. ‘he panel supported the baste thrust of the Gomsistee and prppored "contractor operation” of the BM propren with a pnsll government monagesent etatt for supervision, paralleling the AEC nanagenent approdch. Ae 4, rooult, an Atctatant Gilef Chemical Officer for BK was appointed Sn the fesrly fell of 1953 ent the BY elenente of the Chenicel Corpe were < consolidated under Min in otober 1953, This action was a proparatory neasure prior to eigning © contract with large comercial chentcal ftra. 4m Inte December 1953, vite final nepottettons were Re effort over a five year period, The Secretary of Defen ought advice on expanding the CW/BV veapens program and asked ts exployment doctrine be {doneified, He was advised that present rataltatory expabil= ties wete out of date and seeded miderntections 4 U8, operational capability should be mantsined as a deterrents U.S. forces must be capable of opersting Sa onle enetrounent; an Sncressed AUTE progres essocced to qualicative operetional requtrenente was needed, and the Service chiefs should be requested to {doneity qualttative operational In late October 1939, the Chief Chenlca Offscur was directed by the (cates of dey Research and Devolopasnt to prepare an expanded five year progean. The DORE 10 revived, che Aray's anttorop progran which had been phased out in 1957 because of the decreased intereut of the ALF Force, By the end of 1959, the Chemical, Corps sfecion reached « height of coptanis unprecedented since WWII, The military Services vere subaltting equitentat® for Bi musitions, which included dlerenioation means for artillery, mtestles, drones, and other Tessar weapon'eystens. (See Annex 44 ©, Research and Develeyaent). To further the eaphects the Secretsry Of Defense set up 6 Bolopicat and Chenteet Defense Planning Bossé, fo establish progran prioritlex ané objectives, The Mosré had eninest sotenttats, engineers, and RAD asaegers from Sndustry, acadents, and ‘eporg of June 1960, che board recommeded, Sater sila, sajor cophaste in the Bi retaliatory and dafeasive programe, The DORE ‘approved the recommmndations tn August 1960 and che Services were dizected te tneresse thetr fonding to attain Ideatified RU/EW objectives, The cold war yeare of posetble dtroce muctear confontation (U.S. vt USSR) had bees ‘Honsl voupons, In about the sess period, the Soviet Union var begtnatee sited harasseent tactics, ous, the elocing off of Aighuty access to Perlin, resulting in the Merlin AIcltft, The advent of United var end snall scele conflict evoked 3 weed for weepons which could a ceatroltieg conflict with ainimun caeuatet Controlled eanporary fnespacttation, therefore, becane an ROTE wexpons objective, and CH and |B weapons offered the aoet promising techaical possiblities, The Bt program was then ehifted to exphasize incepucteation. 1 eke summer of 1960, the GH/BH national polley of "preparedacss for ‘wee at the ctacretion of Prestdent™ which had been revised from "retaltattos ‘only! ts arch 1958 wae revaltdated. Coogrece became interested in CAR ‘tsarmanent at about the caue Ciné and che Sonate Subccmnittce oo Disarstoeat held heartnge publiched a report (Gee Annex). Stimulated by this. > — snitiative, the Departacat of Dafente wodicted ext ove studtes ehevagh 1961, concluding that for the Metee periods 1962-65 and 1965470 no single 45 sgepection procedere oF coubioation of procedures were evetlable that would otter a high level of aesurence agetate militertly significant violation Gf BW ares Linteattonss" aod that “there wae no Saspection procedure that ve agelnet clandestine use of these weapons.” vould dn tmedtate major Defense thrurt of the Kennedy Adninistration we & reasseseuent of SW/CW. In May 1961, the Searstary of Defense sated thet the JOS: evaluate the potentialitier of Bi/eu, ccastdering alt possible applications; prepare a costed plin for developuent of on adequate w/Ci ogtorreat capability, Tals project te Monber 112 of about 150 witch the new Defence lenders were exphasising, The JOS, using primnrtly che [August 1960 report of the Defense Motogtcal Planning Soard and an Aray CGunteal Gorpe special suiaission, stat thelr stay te Seeretary of Detea wetanara in early June, accepting the Board's Baste findings and generally scpported additional exphasie, The JOS ortimted chat the cost for obesining Secretary of Defense Mellmara's complete spect SH/0M capabitity was 4 battten dotlare, ‘Me Acceleration Plane Wentn O5D, the JOS atudy was refered ro the Décestor of Defense esearch and Eapineesiog for roriav prior £2 subuieeton to the Secrgtary of Defense, sue DORE made © finite review of the JCS recommendations. resell, he strongly coneurréd in the JCS view that cheve weapons’ had reas potential however, he felt that they could be ecnstéered operations nly fo the vost Liaised cence and that the cask of measuring their tnpsct accurately sti11 bad Eo be done. The BORE recomended that Ris office, ‘m cooperation vith the JCS, coms up wish a phate approach for achieving so 6 ‘te Seccetaty of Battate accepted the Jos catstumidattoine oh wilt by the DORE aod tn Jity 15615 4 oD tack group tisind, Merojaet i12 it Besvlee epresestatives. They thea prepited d couprahtieive piat for exseution ote Gtowp! sue eet up by the Dilley Mitt folnt stat sich sar sutatseed (a September 1961 0 DORE, Ms pla lafd out prectee tasks, tizgot dates'and asatqued action, the Lack of adequate Held testing san aldo highisghted with the retonneddatton Hit a Jotat Task Force (cintiay to the mucisar testing Jolne task Force) be established under JOS control, whch would condict service tests. Overall, the profect resulted tn large tucrescex Se U.S. Arey Bi prograns, tlnce the Arey ‘chenteat Corps was rerponstite for condicting I Agent research fob aft ‘The Arwy chtet Chonteat Officer tas notified by the Offtee of the Deputy Chiat of Seast cor Logtsties (BOSiOG) on 1d Kovenbet 2961, thet he wee responsible for carrying out the major"portien of Arey Proect 112 actions. 2 Juccture, the Chef Chenicel Officer was tnder the direct! forks Glction of the DOSLOG with teshitetl channel to other General end Spectal State elencats of the Army, notably the Arty Chief of Research in Developaent, ‘veere the primary Army focal potnt for Project 112 wus Located. The Aestetant cick chentcal Ofticer for Bi (eatablished t= 1955) was shortlived dad had been abolished 4a 1954 won the new Chef Chenical Officer realigned the chenteal Corps to the‘tvadtetonat feneHonaY approach, With modest: cheiges, 4 ronntned ebet way entoigh i96i: a7 1m 1962, che Arny bad 4 najor reorganization viich abolished che chtets of Bochnienl Services fo include the chief Cheateal Officer, ike technical operating functions were {ategrated into the aeuly formed tinitions Coming of the Amy Materiel Comand, Selected noa-techatesl staff functions were “areigned to 4 nou office within the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (D0S0E5), with the Chiet Chesical Officer ae its Dixector, iniefally wich 2 ataff of 70, Within the Menteions Comind, the 3 progran ‘at Foot Detrick which had operational coatrol of evbeoqueatly was ceate i protuetion activities af Pine Bluff Arsansl, Tn 1962, mY costing wae svshgned to 4 separate Testing end Bwaluation Comsat rogram Accom] ‘tae BY program Sn 1962 reflected the objectives eateblished by Froject 112, bn antterop wespons systan.for eho Air Force resueod in 1962 with the pretaction of agent. Within the increased progran, $20.1 al1lion wer approved for woditcation aed expansion of the producti abled Arent, The developaent of vaccines for Q fever and Tulareala evelopeent vork on @ fever end talarenta to proceed co standardiestion as i agents, (2.9 million wes authorteed for procurenant of breed spectrum ‘sctibtoties for Bi carualties. ot iat Center ‘he a vosute of Project 112, the Aray activated 2 Bu/CU casting orgint= sation im Yay 1962, Deseret Test Center (DEC) was established at Fert Douglas Sn SA1t take Cley, Ueeh, Te wat suthorised 227 nilitary and e&vtLian personnel and ar jotatly staffed and supported by the Ary, Hayy, Air Force, and Macine Gotps. Liataon was netaeataod vich the US Public Besteh ss 48 ‘zation, and fonctions were approved By the Sworetery of Defence, UiC-uar to coordinate the regutrenen ‘or, plan, conduct, and evaluate casting of Mologiesl (snd chemictl) wesposs end Aetenee systens. While reporting thyough the Assy Chief Ghenleal Ofetcor and Aray Chief of State, UIC bad co obtain approval of the JOS for conduct of tenes, to Snclude materiel, personnel, and funds, Ta dition, reviau snd approval by OSD (BURKE) and the President (President's Scientific Advisory Comittee (RSAC)) were vagutxed, The Secretary of the Atay tsp partietpaved since he cubattted the propoded test progress to the Secretary of Defense on a parallel baste vith the Aray Chief of seat subuLesions 0 the JOS. Yor etemple, op 22 August 1962, the Secretary of the Assy provided recomendations wish supporting detatled rationale ‘or the DIC tests, Coupled with che Deputy Seerstary of Defense approval of only part of the taste, chese decimate denoastrate the extreme care ‘alan to assure the ultiaate in-aafaty, cht highest level of roviov aad ‘approval, and appropriate govermmant coordination, These teviews of proposed ‘bxfou tnits focused on the need to place goveramantal controls of say ecperiasnt chat could have adverse tects onthe envisoaaents end precipitated 2 statenent on natfossl policy on 17 Apéii 1962, ite ecate- inant ragutied that che Prectdeat give prior epprowal for any actentieié fo techeological experiments whch aight hava proteucted efsests on the iysteal or biological exvivoment. OSD implenented ehts'polSey on 30 Apeil 1963 by Sasuing 2 DOD Tascrvettow t4tLed, "Large Seale Selentitic OF Techaotogicel Experinento," which epelted out precise contzolLing 49 Guapter 6 ‘Atepcation of the BY Progran to Coutertosurgenciee — ‘he Vdoenan Har Yours (1963-68) (0) Zecimtoal Programs, aroeghout the Wetnan War, the 5M progran was guided cesentiatly by the roqutrenents delineated tn Project 112. ‘he overall emphasis {a Defense progress during ths pertod vas co owpporting the Vietaum ler aod che BW'progron was Lintted accordingly. The forte vere disected towed necting production priory retaltatory Bi stlerep opeats. Production factitetoe roreizeamat of antiperecunel and ‘Pine Tutt Arsenal were completed and between 1964 and 1967, the pleat produced several dtsterent 34 agente, Yartous types of Bi munition harduare vere delivered to Pine BLUSE Areenal, fed, ant atored ol swoitfons were never shipped anyubere, except for test purpores. Production of antlerop agent was accelerated {a 1969 snd continued unttl Anguet B69. stiorop agent cultivating bathode, originally devaloped at Fort Detrick, were subsequently refined under a contract Bepioning 40 2963. The agent van ecbeoqueatly produced end delivered £0 Fort Detrick at'the termina tion of the contract Se June 1966. Shasta uerbtetdes ‘ased on the epecial sctentifte advisory efforts of the OSD Advanced esesich Prijesta Agency to South Vietnam and eupported by epectal fundo Provided by thon, tho Uatted Scater Army and Afr Toree vere requested to conduct chentoal herbicide epray experineste 4s South Vietnan, The purpose vas to deteraine thei operational euttabiLity for defoliation of jagle vegetation to prevent aniich along key travel routes and for destruction of sees, The technteal work ‘4e1a crope grom by te Jnourgente in react a 50 on the herbicides and veninatton devices was done by Fort Detrick personae! sad the U9 Alz Fores provided stveraft and plot aupport. ‘shete netions west not Bf but some confusion resulted hocause Fort Detrick carried out the AUTH activities as 2 port of their overall sctentitte progsam, Subsequent 1.8. ‘ntroduetion of herbicides operationally 9 1963 and rapid increase ia these se well teraination im 1970, resulted fo North Vietnanese accurations thet he U.S, ose using GH and Even Di. The Sapact of these actions on the U.S. as ee ee eee whieh ceuses severs short tera incapacitation (known as food or ptomaina a ee eee eee ee a ae re on en repre rappin ee ee ee ae eee SS ee particularly Setvactive as agente beeaute math tece enterotoxin 4 Tequtred SS ep een ors eet eer ee ae ee es production, hunta volunteer testing, and field testing are in Annexes ©, Dy Sous Living elevoorgantons, such se Q fever and WEE, were clso considered but were not a# destsable ap toxins becauce of the concer about possible 2 BL seead, the predtetabliity of effects oo the target population, aad avetlable tausledge aboat these long term effects on the exvizeonent, Other associated prograns were alee carried out and are darcribed ip the ansoxes Listed abow vo certoce consideration wae elven to chete wie in the Wetman Nar aZthoogh sees thett potential, ‘hypothetical analyees were made t2 Defensive BY Govelopuente in this period expbastzed rapid detection syotens, extention of avatlable vacctnee and teproved therapy and prophylax iso, a cast wes conducted eo determine the vulnerability of persomel én an urban subsay eysten to covert Bi attack, serten of ertale wore conducted 4a chree mujor north-south cubsay Lines in aldatiohattan, Hew York city, 13 jue 1966, & hareiose simalant blologtesl agest (Bo) waz dleseminsted Ulthte the subway tubes and fron the street fats the subway seatéens. The ctostant data ven translated ‘eto equivalent covert attecks with pathogente agents duting peak eratfte periods sndiected that Large nosbere cof peeple coutd be exposed to infectious doses, ith the need for Snzreasing noney £0 support che U.S, Army's increased involvenent in the Vieteae War od the mounting efforts én the Untted Nattons (BH) to achieve cone type ‘of dtearnaneat sgroment 1a CH/B, che fundieg support of Aray BM progcens resident Mixon banned U.S. BW veapens, Ia FY 73, shen the Aray biological teeuay Seppe on 38 ain tn 4 66 9 #8 Ltn fn FY OF wo | defense program had stab{lized, the anount had dropped to: Hf i 82. coapter 7 Disamanent and Phase Down (1968-72) (0) Prosidentsal Ban of (0 25 Noveeber 1969, Prosiéent Mixon smmounced a uajor peltey dectston fo the United States chealcal and Malogical wartare progran. ith reopect 0 OF ho renounced the fret use of Lethal and incspacteating chenteals ‘ad he ocated that he vould resubatt the Ceneva Protocol to the U.S. Senete cor ratitteation. With regerd to he HY program, Pres she wee of leche ‘other aethoge of Mologteal warfere, and he disected the Defense Departzent jetertologteal (Otological) agente and vespone and alt 0 nake recomendations for the dispocal of existing BY wespone. Ne further stated that the U.S. wold confioe {te Bologicsl research to defensive mecoures such ae Semunteation end eatery neccures. Questions rensined, How lever, on whether the policy applied fo biological toxins. Ov 14 February 1970, 4 inde Houre annownceuant extended the policy to bological toxins ‘The President tal anacunceneat vee culminated by several eajor reviexe of U.S. poltey conceming chanical aud Mological werfare by aattenal security Andtcated in Chapter 6, the origin of the policy ‘change dates from criticism of U8. application of chenteal herbicides end slot controt agente a the Wietoon War begioning in the mid-€0's. In addstion, svudiea of & cooidinated U.S, policy on BW and Gi were Sattiated by the Defense Departnent and the State Deparment in Gctober 1963. These stuiles continued nto 1965, 09 $ Deceaber 1966, the General Assenbly of the Untted Natfont potsed a resolution for all States to observe the princinies of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 1m Deceaber 1966, recerseadetton wae made that the tniced Seater should esnounce a poltey of "ao firee vas” of biological Uieed Nations btsomasene Efforts Tatoraattonat attention on chenteal warfare vas hefghtened a January 1967 by the roporeed use of toxte material tn the Yeuan Civil War. The effec st che United Nations oo the nec etty to develop nev Sostruments to extend the oneva Protocol. A case was mace by the Unieed Kingdon to eoparate Bi end Gi cAlicate disarmament progress fn this ares. Tn 1968, the Righteen-Racton Comieces on Disarsanent (EICD) recommended that the Secretary Generel epreint 1 group of experts to exanive the dangers to naukiad represented by explayzent of OF and ‘Tee group ves cubsoquently appofnted folloving « UM General Aaseabiy resolution to thts effect on 20 Decesber 1968, They net sn February, tort and June ond subeitted thete report to the Secretary General of the Ut tn Late June 2969. Zn July 1969, the Sacretary Generel accepted the report ct wryed Mad Le the devetopunaty production wd otiehptting of at OF eed agente and proposed eliatnation from the stockpile, ie alae appested to ‘it States co accede to the Geneve Protocol and to apply dts provistons to 21 chenteat ant btological warfare agent ooleh organteattoe subodtted a separate roport to the 1 on she hestth sepects of chemical ond biological wospons. Boch reports exphastzed che mpredtctabthtey, rok 4a, and lack of couteol of BY 1a major sdtery exployeent. Ax the Ui, chere nes gonerpl agreenent that no nev Snstroment other th needed fo preclude the use of Cb weapons 54 but that e ni apresnent would be needed eo prohibit thetx development, production, and stockpiling. ‘The UK continue to push for « separation of GF and Bi and on 10 ely 1909, thay subattend to the Conference of the Committee on Dissraamant (660) 1 dvafe Convention for the probibttien of the davelopeent, production nd stockpiling of bactertolopteal (blotoglesl) « conte weepons. (Phe UE arate wie revised to include tovine at the suggestion of the U.S. and was erubattted on 16 Augese'1970.) The USER subettead's competing dlsamszent Convention encompassing Gi and MI co eb (General Asueably (x September 1969 Twas i ete Exomork of Snternittonsl debate Ett President Wixon mde Is proseptive soniuncement of vatlatersl Mf disarmament by she United States 4m preparation for'the Prestdeat'e announcentat, the Department of the ‘ray tn August 1969, wae directed to Somsétately ceace all production of tarint sod biological agents and filling of distenination devices, Guidelines for i dentitearzation plone wore forialated and plaas vare taittated for éteposal of a antipersonnel agents and sisntttond st Pine Bluff Arconst and al snéi crop material it Port Detrick, Ricky Hovntain’ Arsenal and Beate Alx Force Ba ‘The plans emphasise operettonal safety and eoatrol, eotal decoiatabtlicy for alt material, and abeolite vertétiation of destruction th the form of scontrovertiblé data. ‘The plans vere revieved actonstvely by Aray exparte ‘and by ULS, Dejnctnante of Heslth, Eéscation and Wolfers; Iaterto rscolsare: ‘he avironmantal Protection Agesiy} and appropriate state and oes = officiate, Accompanying eivitoumatal Sapact ctatenants wore £11ad vith the Precidait'e Counett on suyizonsontal Quality ‘the Committee oo Diaarasnent (C2)" £2 ‘he onoe of the conference wea chang Ey otal destruction of DOD enetpersonnel Bi etocks and suntctons was scemplished Sesveon 10 May 1971 ané 1 May 1972. the factlittes at Pine BLutE Arsensl vere conplevely dacontantnated and turned over to the Dood and Drug Adaintstration to pecous the Kaciousl Genter for Sonteologtcat esearch, Total destruction of DOO anticrop agents and decontaninacion of factiCeses at che three storage points wee accoaplished between 19 April 1971 and 15 Bebousry 1973, ‘he oftensive BH experimental program was also texatosted én 1969 with a coaplete Sovencony of sll Bi materiel at fort Detrick and Dugwey roving Ground and destruction of all tent except thove aseential co defencive Bd research, The Bi production factlitine nent decontaninated fo the Nattonal Cancer Inststate (HCI). The NOX hee performed work throueh 4 contractor at che former Biological laboratories since 1972 under oa soveria agzeozent; final transfer should be completed ia 1977, Finatly, mu aes 0 progza menageaent and operations vere tranaferred to Rdgewood Arsenal, Detsils of the BY dentliartestion progein axe contained in Aenek be convention and Zn March 1971, white che U3. BY dentiicartestion progsia ute Sn progress, the Goce and West stalemate regarding soptration of Bi snd Gi weapons was broian and a mutually accoptable draft convention applied to Bi slone wis sbmLtced to the Gener Assosbly. The convention was apptovid by che Assexbly in Decenber, stgued in Washington, London, and Mosoow on 20 Aprél 1972, Hacifieatton by the U.S, Senate u delayed by thete consideration of the Geneva Protocol and the quastion of adding herbicides and riot control agents co the defénition of Gi agents ‘The question vas resolved by President Fort in the Latter part of 1974 ben the Adatatetretton xenounted as ¢ mutter of policy che first ues of 56 fof riot contre) agents arid herbfetcen 4a ure except under specttte ‘conditdoas of defense to save Lives, The Senate approved both the ‘Protocol ané the Convention on 16 Deceaber 1974 sud Presideat Ford tgned documents of ratiftestion on 22 January 1975. 87 Ghaztes $ ‘The Bioiogteal Defeuse Research Frograa (1973-77) Progran Real dgorent ‘Since the Prestder:'s ban on offensive I! Sx Novenber 1969 (extended ty the ban on Biological toxing An Fobrusry 1970), the Aray hap confined ta DE technical program to dendttarization and to defensive developuent 4Anvolvisg physical protection ad"vedtcal procedste ‘tee cevsiitertustion prograns have been discussed in the previous chapter end elaborated in ones Le 1 Aprtt 1972, Tort Detrick vas transferred from the U.S. Aray Materfel ‘comand (JMC) to the Office of The Surgeon Ceneral, Ar s result of the anit 40 omership of Fore Detrick, the Analytical Setence Offtee and the Mologtcal Defense Matertel Divieton were treneferred fron Fore Detrick t0 Bigewood Arsenal, Maryland. On 1 July 1973, fort Detrick and the U.S. Asay uzrtson was reasotgaed to che U.S. Aray Health Services Command also uader ‘he Surgeon General. Civilian persomel, equipaent and factiistes of the Plane Sctences Directorate of Fe Detrick ware traneferred to the U.S, Depart ent of Agstcuttare to cotinue the wotk ou defense technology agatagt crop inouse Sn accordance vith # PSAC-recomendgtion ‘he U.S. Arey Medical Hovearch Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAGIID)* Aocated at Fort Detrick fe the center of the Army's program on the nedical spect of 3 defense. The physical defense propren 2 coniucted by the Biological Defense Group, vith approximately forty personnel, aosigned t0 the Directorate of Developosat ant aptncering st Eigevood Arsenal. Pleld test support of the Edgewood Arsenal effort is provided by Dugway Proving Ground. Under an OTE Project (Fochaseal Assescusct of Foreign Biological ‘Terest), Dugway Proving Ground has the aecton of exanining the U.S. and sen Araed Forces’ wulnerabtlity to blological attack. "This funetion 4 ‘FippOTTnREsly 461 aastened personnel. - en 38. ssigzed co a cote of eten nnlots inthe Studien Bvlston vo exanine vetlatiesnteliigoce ceprte, curantIsboratoryseesreh an reute of setneebtley tenting with x oral eseeman of shee acintion unerabisdcy antesonuntsporlly Save sly qn evtauton reach 2am lsteriery HD; hovever,stmuant forte may be coded vine addttost este dace tu eee Pooling for the cotsh ATE effort bat vctad fron $20.2 nftion 42 17173 eo fh whiten i FE 76. Yat of the Sede proniancel 65 of (16.2 mAttion fe FY 77) have been applied to The Sergeon General's ‘medical defense prograne. ‘ystcat Defense Progren ‘The Btotogteat Defense Group has reepoostbtisty for beste recearch cod developeent of bialogicel detection end slare device Aevetopnent of gh etue arto ening ma sacionenimet, ae well adevetonene ead evetuation of devices, systens, nethode, and protocols for physical protection and deconteninatton. The major thrust of che physical onze progres during-the 1972 to 1976 tine freue bas been tovards the end ttex developaent ofa Biological Detection and Warning Systen for the ftelé Arey. ‘the current progean for baste recesrch oa blolopteal detection has ccohestsed studies oa renote detection concepts. This research hae cooststed of theoretteal analyses of the feasibility for detecting moro~ biologtest serosol clouie in the ataoeptere area-sesnning ssthods.” Yo ‘evorisental studies have yor been conducts tthe harduare developasnt rogran was acconpanted and supported by sx active progren of systen analysts to provide a logical baris for the 2 89 fvtabLichaane of perfomance characceristies for the proposed systens. Stodies tachuded threat analysis, target analysis, field slam crray stucies and the Sopagt of detector arrays on canvalty reduction, eyeten Loste atadtes, 24 related concept Of use stulles Lending to a better definttton cof systys roqutreaents. Coupled ufth the detector developsent uas the ‘paraliel developaone of a lage voluna field canpler vhtch would be rkasered by en alam to collect @ sazple. Eaploratory davelopasnt of biological, agent dacontanination continued aFoughout the 1972277 parted. A contrece package was prepared for the ‘exploratory development of & decontanination syscen for bologteal coucaninated ‘persomel, equtpuant, and enclosures, This would be a four year techateal ‘effort plaaned for F£77 through FY00, Baste researeh Sn this area 4s divested at evaluating the concept of econtaninating mlesob{ologicel aerosols with 2 countar-aerorol of © chaateat Atsintectant auch an lactic actd. 1m the area of physical protection, peripheral lealage tests oo ‘yo nev mick prototypes wll be completed, and evaluation of the teatage characteristted ané performance of individust and collective protection equtqnent under developeent for the Aray will be continued. Medical Rasesrch proses ‘the objective of the medical rorserch program is she dovelopuant of 3a effective, Intagrated gadteat sonse against Mological weapons and highly Antactious agents. Nev and class{esl vechniqués 4a visology, ‘emunolory, ‘and pathology axe employed to dovelop methods for che early diagnosis, prevention and/or trestsons of Dological agent casualties, and rapid Inboratory identitication of BM agcate as well as other extrencly inggetious Alacases of topoctance in military operations. A anjor effort of reseszch 61 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. ARMY ACTIVITY IN THE U.S. BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAMS VOLUME It 24 FEBRUARY 1977 UNCLASSIFIED 62 B.A, ape Acrryremes me [DNTEED STATES BIOLOOTCAL WARFARE PROCRAYS awia-tst7 svete 68 Bologteal Werfure—eport to the Sectutany of Bax by George Hr Marek Bologtcel Warfare Research ant Developeeat ‘aepondix Fore Detcick WIE aype Contracts Production of Biciogical varfare Agente and Arpentizee Schematic of Mologtcel Test tog ri-Serretia eaveescent dntection aiEEstract foe Hoube Report Noy 615, Research ‘in GEL. A Report of the Comittes of Setence and setronsuties. Tre How ‘of Haprenencetiver, 6th Congten Sesetons rHloleplat Tied Teettog (Gronstogieat ighiéghted Teste 1 Program Safety Yedtent/Safety Considerations for Conduct of open Ate Toate vith Pavbogene nvironntntel and Eoclogy Progrons Teaeportation of Boieptcal and efological Materials Iman Yolateer Testing ‘Appendix 1—Ohio State Contract Studies Dewtiiterisatton 64 ye REA ‘REPORE 20 THE SECRSCARY OF WAR BY YR. GEORGE X. MERCK, ‘SPECIAL COMBULNU POR BIOLOGICAL NAREARE Hote to whe Eitvore: Invel2ssence reports of aventisation sonsustes ay Military iacettigarce ageccies in Japan afver the oovwpation ae receives there efter ic. Hersh had prepared his report to the secrevary of tar shov {Bist dapen mad made definite grogrene in Biolosieal verzere, Yroa eee Envecteqations ie ie known thes the Japenese hay fostered offeaaive co= velopacnts in thiz field fron 1986 uqeil ar Iete er 2505. Ioteneive efforts vere expundod by Japanese military veo tower’ ‘onging biolosiesl agente toto practical Yeapons of effeasive var‘erey Soatfiections of various veapont developed throngh teseareh da thei Ietorstories wore Hloliverted at Aruy proving grounds were field expert ‘Rests vere algo conducted in the tee of bacteria for vorposes of =sboteee: These oftorte vere pursued with energy and ingenuity. nile definite ‘progress ves sade, the Japanese iad sot at the tine the iar ended recched 'pocieien mareky theoe affonsive projeste could have Been bussed ‘perstional uses ‘mare is no cvideaze thet the eneny ever. resorted to thts nsces of verfare, Mather the Japanese Arxy cold have perfected these vespas {2 ‘Eibe ead would have eventually eed thas nad tae var continued fe af course ot hooves “Hovever; defenses against Siclogicel vasture.vere the st ‘Of an active research aod developoont prograr {0 this caustey. ‘eta report, sote forth the covbined efforts of suericen sotostiets and sngurery working with the armed forces and in cooperation with siailar tgeaciet tn the Uatted Kingies end Consda to Gevelop defenses to enexy sttacks by Mologton. warcare, sate the mitstary davelorsants cannot be éiteloned in the Snterest of atsontl secursty the research cvsisatuted.sigrivicurt bnowiecar to rant tefectine mans, ‘type ot vente sat ois ete been emioyd tn forts ar IT 8 Bieincien: varrare may be eefineé te the use of teoveris, fugly ekeltsies, tnd torie agents fre= sSviar creantens (as dtgeingciehed Foon spathetis cbevieai teed ao gases or poiten) profuce death or lecase in ter, simi, or plaste, ae tyoe of verfare veg aot uno En'voria tar I sithouth fe was exployee only on = very Lintted scale, Shere is {neonteovervibis avidenee, for example, thet in 1607 cermin ‘the Allies vith Gieeure-producing bacterie, ha silvery sen ia say coumstiery and sany Cane te ‘Spe of rarfare vas possible or sven prominie sn the future, AE ‘Thesiver perioa drev to a shore, opinion in the United States es to the Dosstbilicy of tichogiea) warfare ae ay a0 avaus unieed, but ecmzon prudecce Einteted ts the responsible or the tion's datense thet they giv Steious eonetderation to the possttle tangent in she fel. abe cout SF those alert to the possile danger was formaly trosght ve the atvertice SE the far Degorcocns In the P81 Of 2041, wheresgon Secretary Seiveon Greeny sewcrrtod tin allonnt fonder of felcnces 20 egoach ¢ exit steaiese ‘Acer careful study, thts committee - mow as tha WEG comatttee ‘nie nepsrt et fatrunry bole ta bitogieal "ame value of biclogical vertere itl pea lebetatle cseetion urtil fe tas ‘Seen clearly proven or aiopeoven ty ex Pesiences, fhe wise sonmption Ze thse Exp aethog hich eposcrs to offer eavantecte mo toe tation se war Hitt De visssouny Sfclere ty thar ation "Tare Se Be coe SDplech course se pursue, aacely, 20 20 fhe possibilities of such sarfare Pron ‘every angle, ashe ovary preseration fox 66 ‘With those conchusicas Sefwre ‘ta.. Secretary Seinen recommended to President Boosevedt the ertabticnsort of s sivilten agency to take 2a fhasge of ait capects of Es.onsfes mca, Syem eae opivovel ef tor Preslcert, the Wer Sesearch Sqiviog wish Be. Gecrge ws Keres aa Decector wus orgunisoe cn ee gamer of JS att vas etiacaee io the Peiersl Security Ajsucy. 25 the interests of offieseasy, ssononyy eed e007 9 Ur esearch Stovice reasines s suai) arganiaaticn, ie s0eved Seisediy ses coordansting agency are dre op the ceccistsec, personel, and ok Derlence already ectaving in the Orieranent and geivate institutions Tes Fecmendations vere inpiowenved by ordara ent directives ‘saved ty the ‘Yeriow tranches of the Armed Services, pacticuiarly the Medical Services Sr the Ary and the Nery and the Chemica! Wesfare Secvise of the Arye AP propriate Liaison van saineaiged vith the Armed Services, the U.oe DinLic Health Service, the Bepartuene of Agriculture, and the Déparcaent of the Ereerior,intelnigence wns cbteined fron the Aen, toe Sefice of faval Tateliigence; end public reletiene matters were Bahdied fa cecperaeice sath the Bareot of Puslic felstions of the War Departaent, tae Office of War taforantiony and the Office of Censoranip. A comsittce of pranssent scienticte — kiove a2 the AGL Comisvee —~ was eet ap oy the Hetione! ‘eateny of Setences ant the Tationsl Research Cowes? to avian Her Teseerch Service oa ite special research protien, ‘Te exchange of infornsiten on this subject viieh bad been inaugurated one sont before ith the United Kington and Cann was continued eed Provision wes wide for the Snterchange of biological wirfase persoased ‘etvece the three. counties, ‘us firet najor tank unterteken ty War Research Service wes the de- velojaent oF defensive neseues against possible biologics) varfrre.afcesk Measures vere taken in coojerstion wish the soned Services to protect ‘the Supply of water, food, ant mile on the maialandy in Huntly she Geetha areas penttouteiy she Gone fesey sat Hinaiy sit overenae jn extensive progres for the collection of satellsgence on bfolosica!” vverfare vas eutablsoued, gaiing use of the Sntelligeace collection egeastes (of he fined Forces, tte 085, and the FSZ, and arvangenenve vere nae 20 Seod specially tvaited inteliigaace offieére into eperssicnil arent £2 timate the coluection of intelligence on biological warfare. * {he neler schlevaxent of Var Reecerch Service, however, was the orsaniastion of « progran of research and developoens co extend the Yomderies of inowiedge concornicg the ee of pathogenic agents. ag a weapon of wer sot the means o¢ srotecticn spainet possible enesy ar of fgente,” ALL linv potiogentc ageue vere subjected 29 shorosgh crwiy and Serecning Wy sclentiete of tho highes™ ccapatence in their respective Fields to dcteraine the posstbilisies of atch egeate being wsee ty the sumyy. “Those disecsonprosucing egenes which aesued to cffer scoe prosise ‘vere Sosigned to various tnivercisy ant private sesearon laborstories 20 a3 or seceastve qvposiorstabion fo Seine ast Sabah sreperetes, ean of Begiettne Bei gakincs cr eectave exiger tonte ucts As thn prosen Eibetcuscay soworars Sv fro) teanav sav hae ememctte investigations SE GESNdeidedgurtute asian, tivir sar as woepaney sod seane 38 pre~ tien Seninct thes cools not bo ashacved witbous Langer weate deveiogm Shed eprestions. ‘te Novesver 19h ser eceenen Service requested the Chendesl rte sccviee of the hry vo grepare to aosume responsiblity ior a larger aeete Bf specialiy dostmes ieboretorses auf plict plants. She site chosen fr held festiicine es ct oexp aetsich, Preasrise, Macyland, waco son Ehuccion see Sega in April 2543. ien thece fectiities vere put 1st Gperetion, research projects which hse tess developea unger sposeorenip of SES Receetch Service vere turned over vbe Cheaical Varfare Serviee for [Ruther devetopasct ct aap Detrich. Wer Besaarch Service coneisued 22 Eroreise generci auperviaien over tae cutire Feld and continued to sponsor ‘Rindenectel seaearch stulies Jy universiviee ana private suevseutione and Go netp eecure aeiestifle personnel eae equlpaert for the Caxp Detrick ‘perettonss in Decesber 1042, the Office of Strategle Service reported to the goint chtete of eect that there vere sone indieations Coat the Coreans Sight be planning to use Mologtoal warfare agents, While the evicence {het the Germans migne uae ouch ugeate vas insonsiuctve, shere vis son Hieratle concrete intormcion avaiisiie tron rove which haa been cerricd Ge ia the United Stetec, the Unsted Kimgiou ana faved that etteck ™ Sledogises agents wes feasibie, secordingly, it vac decided sn Sumury Youd do stop up tlt work in thie field, pertieslariy $9 terme of tho protection of Eroope against possible camy use of these weapons, and te ‘Egheter a lange pare of the Feoponeibaisty for the biological var‘are Bron to the ins Depertanse. ‘ie ceplete transferee ectapsiel oy ‘en unis vecpoustile for tar progees in the her Dypavtuane with the Cooperation of the Gefice of the Sungeca Geveral on certein inportant SRssire guaes. Se fee Deparenert continct mabe Sopertest outrfbutions to the progran and continued to rore in close colieborstt ‘en th War Deparcene fn th cians Fo reenrh ed Seveleyecs Progra vas grostly accelerated, aitnsugh iv vas sizeseed thst 50 Biological wectece agents anculd ba prostoee i= qaaatity usthoue epestite approval of the Socretary off Wer. Ih Tact, no large seeks of these fgpave have ever been eotumuleted. pen ereuption of the Wer Deparizant of Alt responstDAhity in this Heid, the Secretary of lee sppoinved she Divgotor of Var Renearch Service e© ‘eis Spectea onsuioaoe ca Mategionl Wartare ent catenbishea he trite: Souter Bouogioal wer‘ure Concittes, with fe, Versk ac chairman, to aivise bir o2 Jolicy setters aid to mainvan sloce idatvon with the British ant camaten Erouse concersed with Dologieal warfare, Mats Cumaittee mes srpored Fepresenvatives a Hoa, the Office of she SurSweR the chantesh arfare 68, =P cea eres — wea foraed = “Yutional Aesteny of “etican! Sgeearch Councti $0 afviee the Har Depertoeat fe aapecte of she exhort. 2b the neigee of its cevetopment, the pected Projects! Divtaton of the Ghentect ienfure Service of tha Amy, saien calried the main 2 Por the progres after dane itt, hed a total personel, noariy 2902, 2° mutch ance 2800 vere Aray perscane!, nearly 1000 ivy) and Seasiy 100 civiiian. te projects carried on by the Special Projects Diviston a: fa four inocelistions vere combined operations —- wish Amy, Tiety, and civilcan pereoune: vorkiog together tn she cho ‘Taey'vorued taser hign pressure aolthe strictest cecrecy. Their achieve ‘beats ave bean Gost rensrisbie. ‘mee first Snatetiotion, established Wy the Special Frofects Di 4m Apeth 1965 ves the pareat esearch und pilot plane veneer in laxyzends ‘te second, Haid ceasing facilities established ia the sumer of 1963 30 Ussisstge!; the thica e plant designed for the taversigation of aazger fseake produrvion soquirea early im i5th in Indsanay and he fourth Foie ‘esting fuctistses established ta the sumer of 194i in ech, uose Inscellations vere tique in many Pespectr requiring, az they ais, special desigsing to nect tho eowplately nev problene wader investigation, Soe feed for grest precision ana rigid saety aiuirenente sreticd snay conplex eogineering protiens, “Special equipesat tad to be designed, constroctety snd inatelied to handle processes Rever betore exploited and cue scale of operation sever before undertaken. Malte 2¢ ic not possible to reveal at this tine the specttic agente on viteh intensive vork ves data at those Sastallations, the gunere! sobuce of the protien and the type of antocmatien that was cheained in thie fuel fan novibe told, TE atowa be eumhucised that while the main objective in SSL feos ecdesvore vas to develop nevhods Zor dazending ourselves ngainet Posstale eneny use of Bolopical wartare egentay St was necersary Yo ioe Westigete orteasive passibtistiee Se order to loam what mestures coed be ted for Gerense,” 12 vas equstiy chear that. the poseibtitty of vetslsstion En Hind could act be disregarded ta the evant such agents were used tgnsnet fe. Acsorsingiy,, the grotaeaa of ofttaer aid defence vere clossly Severs ‘Litked in ali the iovectigastous eonaucves. mig fa Saplisit so the aie cussion wick Zoltows, Avia variety of agents patvogenie ror wan, animals, aad ylante woe ccnettored. “Azente selected for ssnevettye davestipabion were mde 2: ‘Wipulent at posettie, orotuced io gecdeliy sozestes eulvure aocia and tor SERS seeahioe: fi grt, ie fetes sioese meteine see Gf this fete, sschuling stuiies of Bev veil various orgstes: of HtSn ‘cece piocusteg pover vould retain thei virulence snd hav long they WoulA Senain slive under sitterest svorege' sontieions; miotepiest, paysienly aad p65 69 Evie chanicals (or coagette) wea ieee “ish petiqueris ageats OF SUS ag elucteing theis discuss prosusine powers,” Proz snece and Sa aetas Sint cate auch nev infofeeston she, wea pebuiasee Sa Felqutitio ounuaie, wilt nate cignisiocnt contriinttone to the adeaiceneoe Se Eiscdeiges Brtetetve atucior of bouostea! ana sheatoat aguste satel Slaht Late been used hn attacking oxt-orops renuieca in cestain dis Sotertea satsh WIL) undoubtedly grove of great valor to agriositure. Suadies were made of uethots ant nezzs ty whieh Miclogiecs wersere agente nigne be caployed against us, This tavolved poe omy the perfection SF entisctctage nctsttes anfonmdtcon on"vhieh tas aade araiitie #2 ovoptiate eivsiian and ailitary aumuoriesee — bet eis cesties of te Serwoes types of sunivions thot night be esplcyed for the disseniastion of Uoisgicel vatfere agente. A strong Lavobligence program vas aust ited Shick operated very etfectcvely in all thessere of gperatica ith the Poot shee a chorbugh kooulogge of Carman activitiee in Chis field vas also Sesuisea, eintvar investsgentona of Japanese ectswsctee (are ov being) Nero Scndusted. then these fuvestigntions are completed st will be posssble te Svaiuate ‘aly tha work carried om in this field bp our ebenies: All eidence to date insicezes that fhe hele povest vere beuiza the Guived Staten, the lnstea Kingcon ane Conade ‘a their wort on Biologics wactere, Beis tiso knows that sfver early il2 Gerauny Sbtained ao anforeavion Soncerning Unies Seater activity ip Malogioa warfare, sof hat no Senicu ieaks of sefocncticn on this eubfort ocemed fa this comtry. Tee Snteliigest ani waoiehearted cooperetion of She prese and raiio of the pation, sorting in cousuaction vith the Gctiee of Censorship, belped very Pateriaily sn this regards Ze eLl ork on Reckigioal varfare oarried on in she Uaited States, cqxtrese cose ue ten to protest the purtioiperiag perconsel Sroa sa” ‘Postion. Many sev achaiguer were devised to prevese infection exe proved igaip successful Boepctaie ant aloponcecies vere naiotuined st elt EoStelaations, starred sit soth Angy ane Buty poreconal ane veil egiigne® “io trout ascldentel intecticos:” Ar the secu? af the excrecreunary. ‘precextions teuun, there oooured nly sixty cnses of proven infection Eoised by scsidental exgorare to virulent bisiopicel wassere ogezts viLch Soquired trentnens, luy-ivo of these secorerss campieeelys ef She SES ates remaining, ail are fecovering sstisfustorliy. there weve, i= ‘ttaieson 20 she etsty proven cesta, 159 ecessental exposures to agects of Bitter coscentratuotur Mii bir ode of these seocived sroast sreataoat eat Ga aot Govelop tay tafecticn, “aa ene tnotance, the dascvieusl 264 not feport exporare, seversped the disesce, ove sesovercd after trestmns. corto ot of thee carey var brut ste intent, nd Yalushle inforsacton was cbtainad fren their treatnent, parteculerly with 70 4 v0 ay aavfbiotice, ehaothurspeatte spurs, and draunasiog pro~ Eiguy perhogante egante bandisc, the goele of operutione the relatively Jerge nimber af people faveived, tae safety Teoare of OF sogiow1 rte progeen So truly reacuabie ‘ho sctivities of the Unieat States én the field of biological varfure, undertaken under the good of necessity and einod grinar‘iy tovera securing for this nation aad tee cveape in tho Cleld adequste protection against the Yosatble use By our ezenies af biological verfure egerta, were carried 08 With that ceanvore vilon bea eharestercees 9 sany of our efforts in var ‘ine, "The Sraacaes of the Arey ané Hevy, nary ectilien cclestis Solveraity ana pravaes roseareh inecitusions, aod several Deparsneste of “he Govermnent 2 worked together 0 she comon nd, hie var a aubter of great srpency, tna sany of the probleas vere wiigue tnd noes complex. Ske cajective was svtaineds adequate. sevenses seninst a potentially’ fangercus method of varfare vere devised, che possivality of surprise ‘yo fads quarter van corestaluct." Apert freq she maivany objestives Heese facilities vill be of lnegtinitle wales oftware silitary et exviilen Biological investigations, In general temas, teve vere 2002 of ‘he more inportent acconplisiments of the Brograni 2, Developaant of methods ant factlitses for the ma of microotgantess sad tueie proaustes se mnutdg binant of motos for be rap ant ecomute fetection 1... production and isolation, for the first tix ‘rystantine bacterial toxin, wich hae opened the vey for the ote nore histay puritied amutsing toxoid 5." Developeent ant profuetion suftioteat quanticies to protect lange scale opt etare toot ta sone ehosla ths 6. ‘signtrtcant,coutributions to imovleége concerning the developasat fof sauunsty fn bnamn beings ani animale ageinet Certain ingeetiogs aiesses ‘T, teportast advances in the sreutuent of certain intectiou protective clothing and equlzsent. os ro a ig strains oF expert leis yeovegeannte techniques to the stair ia etety of laboratory procscaree. 2000 aieterent chesicat UL, atusies of the production end comsrel of certain atceases of natant aaes oath ie, Bea ee eer eon apie Re ‘Shut bologicel warfare So ett dn the veal of gm she conse that it tes not ectuelly eon Used ‘che fincinge of the Unceee Staten sn this stele rt be discounted ington and Cansta bes ty those of tht tnéotvors, during She var gr Bloiosioes varfetn sn sorne of siz sreventiy haus potenti ‘ceplares means of revelfavion vaceh papat havo been Ueed, aé tush course etes cna bounds of 28s ype of warfare have Uy uo seand ‘bees consletely Eeosured. Wore ia this fuels, sor of the necessity of var, connor be gnored in Use 0 joued oa seffictent feale £2 provide an eleqiste decense te Seportant vo note that, wnldke the develogaent of the atoate bast Sout weapons Caving the wer, be Soveloment of agents for Biom Sceieat sareare 42 yoosidie in aany souitrier, Large end omall witeoue vost expenditures of poney or the contre Tee claus that the davelopment of biological warfare SO¥ld Yory vel ‘proseed in many coutries, perhaps isder she guise of 2egitimte nadical (or becteriologionl research. se concerning the inplenesvation ‘hoceglenl wassese Ta vbaterer ¢eliberstions ther este pl of a tasting pocte in the worté, the potentialsties antot cutesy be ignored, necpecttuliy youre, oorae Mee Sonraleant babe 2 iar EL. the ctrict secrecy and urgency inposas during Norld on the BM progsem prohibited public knovLedge and reselted 2a cooly curoty Congsesstonsl review." Hovever, Hey Congresslonsl Leacers wose luept gensvally aveze of the projrin through Secretary of War Stinson and Me conavltane for Bi, Gaorge W. Marck, At the end of WIE, an official report (ox unclassified vection of Me. Merck's anccet report to the Secratary of Wax) was released and published. The seport, entitled "Implications of Mologicsl nurfice," was Aneludad io a voluve of U. 5, Seiontific Atonte ‘nergy Information transaitted to che United Wattous Aton Energy Consission June 1946 Wy Bornacd M, Harach, the United States Representative. Coo- comitantly, selective Bi work wte euthoriced for publication in seteatisie Journals. “Dering the petted 1946 t9 1972 over 1,600 sefentiste papers by Wort Detrick ecientiste vere published in the open Literature, ost World Wee TT, During, the period 1946 to 1952, information on the I progeem ts provided to members of the House Arad Services Committee saad the Defense Subcoanitees of chi Rouse Comittee on Appropeiations Because of he classitted ature of the diacusésons, a munber of the portions lof the hearings are aot reflected fn the Congressional racsrds, Ta the 1966 nearfifi Ehe Chek Chantal Officer discussed the BI program Sn detail including scconplishacnte applicable eo public health. Ia the hearings before the Defense Subcomitses of the House Comiztee on Apprepriettont for 1951, Me. George M. Mahoe, Texas, Chotcasa, reflected eke view supressed at tines by otner Congrecetonct senbere when be daert ta "enenge of our 3 poles ta ig pete seiogtcal vertore n ve ave eprading for Biologtesl sé spend movey for a0ch poryorse”... ¥ do not soe hae sey usetel purpose bas been s ‘ove Korean Wer, Te hearings before the Defense Subeamiceee of the House Commietee on Approprittions for 1953, the record shows che need for an tnezetsed fending Level to pap for new biological Iaborstories Bhar Wish chose actions and the noad to Juetity finde for @ continuing Amy Bi program, Congressional oversight wae expanded to the Level of serutiay afforded other atttcary programs having cecuetty aplicacions and gradually extended to the yotnt shove spectal Congraretenal Commitee couprebsasive reviews vere conducted starting 9 1959. The Rove Conmictee on Sclence and Astronautics held a two-day Hearing fn Jone 1939 on Chemical, Blolepteal ang Radt oaseal Wastare Agents, chaired by Congrasensn Overton Brooks and tnelvces ‘mong others, Congressman Joba W, Metorasek, Joseph 1. Marcin, and Olin E. Teague, A study on CIR Warfare and Its Disarmsant [Aspects var prepered ix August 1960 by the Subcom ttee on Disarmsrent ‘the Committee on foruign Eoletions of the Uattod Stat Charman was Senator Hubare X. toaphray aed fncludes, esoag others, Senator Johe Prank chured. ‘These special xevsous tupennced che samt Anup budget justification cviniecione and cercinony to the Congress Sx which chs dmay I. progrena wore spostftcalty idencified and vere, ar tines, the cubject of extensive discussion: a nenvings before the Sefeare Suocomiitess of the House Azpropsiations comittes £2 1959, Conzzesssan Robert sthee, Tiorita, asked Sucoatery 74 0. veto Netlsoy for a review of the chenicat and Bi propinas baczute gy ar6 noth operating nov on 8 naeger Messe,” Ou 26 HAESh 1856, HeJor ‘cecaral William %. crossy appented a6 a viscous before the aforenuutionsé cubsomiguce. General Cresey's tectéaony totals 20 pages tn be Congressional ecard and covers m extensive unker of srvas relating co the oversit chonieel and SY progress including the terting prosran end che necessity to wee husan volunteers, Budgetary requizeaente, public inforsction ede, securtty cepacee, offensive and doteosive BY, and other steas of congressional (acarest are reflected in bearings Before the Subcsamtstee fof the House and Senate Comnistece on Appropriations for 1959, 1960 (H.R. 7450), (Rext 6), and 1961 (Bart 6) (HL 11998, Rare 2). coresin coagresonen alas mtintafn 2 continving svareners as 4 result of reptonal ‘ad personal interest. For exaaple, Seontor Charles M. Vathlea bas hed seneral toovledge of the! Fort Desvick Bi progrene at Frederick, Maxylésd because of {ts location fa hls one toon and Bis past participation in ite U.S. Havel Reserve Uste as weil past District Congresunan ond subsequently as U. Senator. Key comtttee neubers cleo visited the inttallations involved in the IW prosram. Tn 1858, Representatives Nopzel, Teague aad Mahler eoured the producttin ‘facility at Pine Bluée Arsecal and received a classified brisfing on 402 siscion and operations : seat ass. “ts the four of Congres erly November 1969, the BY progran again became onal serstay <> 108 Kende ff Congress cated upon the President to take actions to review chenssal and bioLogteal warfare, 8 16 November 1969, the House Subcom nal Securlty Polley and Scleatifce Developments of the Comictas on Foreign Affaire searced - extensive hearings on United States polley with respect to chonteal and Bs 7 Loving of Si. Since then Congressional saview hes been somstént ané at sue {otense. The poltey reviews continued {a 1971 wich he Seneca Gunatetce ou Foreign Relations hescines on the Ganava ptotocel, 0.5. Frogean heve Been either reviewed oF onde sows to thy aypropstare ‘nd desiganted elements of Gongrese. The ealy aspect which could be viewed 0 an exception wae the echnical work done By the DLS, tamy for the Geateal Tetelligence Agency (CIA). Under She auebpritacive "grouné rut by CIA, Ente was chet rasponssBility since they provided che funds ‘The cose errangesant obtained with the other'ailitary Services and Fevevet fepenclar von they requested Cecknteal csetetsiee from che Asay ta 5 sctivisies pertatatng to their retponsibitteies 4m Septenbor 1975 the CIA connection with the Bi progsas at Fost Detzick wat thoroughly revieued by the Senate Select Comittae to 5 oversnent Operations with Respect to Tatelligencevictivittes.. Tt wi ring these beartags that the question of I vulnerability casting, including he New York subway ceots, was sitsed by Senator Hert, Detatte of ehte eppect of the progran are covered in the Senaté Seluct Committee report. Bh 76 Bsetegsort fur spent Intzoductign. Research ant evelopment of offensive and ¢ofensive spect of Ff wen initiated shostly oSter the ontsy of che United States Into WEE as a resule of tnceltigence reports indteating an offensive ‘hele powers. Ae dtecussed in Chapter 1, reeponathitity for implementation of the, RD pro siz was assigned to the Chentcal i Service (Gi8) ks Novesber 1942 and construction of Casp Detrick, the princtpsl Bt RSD center, was initiated Sp April 1963, The resgsrch effort st Fort Detrick began efght months Zater under the Spactal Projects Division of the GIs, Fort Detstek renatuod the center of I research ‘nd developneat and was afded by many scadente snd snducteiat agencies, ett termtoation of the’ Bi offensive programs {n 1959. (Appendix T) Sctonciste uorking at Fort Detrick published 1616 articles in scdentifie and cachnteal journals 1H petensive’ Research ind Devslomment, The HY offencive prosra= sb concerned priacipally with enttpertensel and anticrop agents and sasoetated ‘otivery capabilities end to a mich Lecter degree with antianinal agents. Ainetpersonnel igtat research covered a wide range of highly infectious pathopente bs 2 fungh and axtronaly tone products of biologteal ortein (toxins). , Soseareh efforts vere directed tovard-selection and preservetton of tho nost virulent strafne, establich- ng Sinus dosages, echtnctag atoregesbility, and survival shen reloaded az 1 aoroset, Tectsology for lasge ceale production of the nose provising ageats' ves developed. To assist pzoductton, cevaloyment, and tasting ettorts, hanales siwolent agente vere seldcted and affores expanded 2 obtain Saproved simslénts, Duricy the twonty-ix years of BY offensive 7 research, ooly OGRE anttyeraoasel agents were standardised. “ancterop rosoerch at Tort Detrick concerned I agents 66 well ov agents, Aves, chenteal hurbieldas aed defoliants. The letter will, not be etecussed further as they vere ot part of the BH aterobtal prow ecestch on BN agents included eteain celection, evaluation of nutritiansl saqutrencate, development of optimal grovth conditions and Barvestiog cectaiques and preparation in s form auttable for Gtseonination, Extensive ‘seld tenting was done to ancone the effectiveness of agents on cr076. uy candidate antterop BM agente were ecroenod resulting in five stante diced BW aneterop agents esearch and developsent on Hi mations otartad by adaptation of horster expe beths avatlable froo the British ani was extended to saprovid tater type munitions, aubmunttions, ea explusten bonbe, various types of Line source eprey tanks and highly epectalized projectiies and generators ao velh ax insect vectors. Ia the early ytaee, the research and developoent ceascut telly pgrelieled the experience gatsed tn the developuent of GF masttions pring WIE. -Research activities facluded eptintsing configurations, testing performance and developing-harduare proiuction and {111455 techaol0s7~ ‘anctanindt réeearch toga {a 194? and was Saitially concerned with Aevetoptng sethods for yortecting our Largo livestock population agetact ‘be attack, Tide eescerch rorelted in the developaust of taceiots to protect agatost rloderyest, a deadly cattle Aiseasa and Weveastle disease, @ serious pobltry affiterton, Fosesreh wae carried out at Camp Detrick inttlalty bit when vhere vos @ need for Langer ecale roseerch, = facility vas estsblished ‘at Coup Terry oo Plum Tsland, tow York, Iwo fleld tests of potential sntisntes) agente were conducted weing bog cholera virus and Nevoastie 3 ; virus, ‘he progsim at Canp Detrick vas terminated fo 1954. By egreeneat between the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Agriculture, the Departzent of Agriculture asnuned respousthtiity for the defense of our sveetock againet BY attack, and the Plum Teleo! fectlicies vere transferred 9 tha agency Defensive BU Bosearsh nd Development. ncioded aafery, plysieat and nedieal protection. the bioldgtcal defence progran. ‘me eatery prepran pervaded che entire BY research and dvelopaont effort to provide protection of both exptoyecs end the surrounding commmity- The progran ‘cluded personel and laboratory safety practices cormensurate vith the extrescly Inesardous agente faratved, desten criteria for site operating equtpoeat and factlicies, facility nenttoring devices, and weament of handlisg procedures for I munitions. ‘The physical protection progran wee svected eavard detection tdent~ ‘ftectton and warning eystias pothode, Detection dnd varsing efforte etarted in 1948 have Led to snpinccrtng developaene of « fact-respense atipereomel IM detector ayot oleh has not beso standandic Ae the present tine, there Se no fteld + 1 detector, ont oily conventions! Mologieal Ldentssication vechasquee face evatlable, Reroarch on protective m clothing and cheitera wap closely tnterrated with the chenteal defense rogrons. Maay coapounde vere screened for use se decontaniaante and decontantnant dispeanere were developed for Stald tae, However, sone chenteale Witch are the eoct effective decontaninasts are also toxte and/or carcinogenic. esesrch in this aren ts continuing t0 find safer os 79 1 aftorte on medical aupecte of protection related to BW have been cxzensive throughout the héstory of the prosran and beve involved close cooperative efforce between fray, USPHS, and other KEW agencies Major accouplichnoats tn thie program include development of vaccines, sapld sdeattfteation procedures and trestnent aathode Which have boos responofble for the excellent safety records, Mologieal tefonse Research Today. The current Mologisat defence techoology progran fe divided dato two major aress: Detection and arming rnvestigettons and Peconcantnation and Protection, Bfort in detection sod warning 2 of an exploratory nature and Ss directed toxard concepts, veinetples and epproashes for reptd datection of Motogteal sereseis end evaluation of candidate devices. soup epecitic temmologteal methodology, remote and/or ares alarte, ‘weckeround interferance elininstion nathodology and computerized pattern recogettion techatques. Decontanination snd protection research fe directed tovard concepts, princtplee and approaches for the decontantaation of Mologieal materials, personnel protection nd Mological eveluation of other aatertel under evelopment. Concepts under consideration Snciue antioaerosol and protective cloud vecheolony, decontentnetton agent generatore, tndtvidsal ‘and group collective protectors, and continuing chentcal acreesing program {or vow lese torte vangr-phage decontantnents fot closed epsces. Terouhout the research and-developaeat procese, there fe a requtrenent ‘to kot hypothects and developzentel equtpaent ‘tent, Tn the BY progra, ‘ats necossttated the uss of Bi sinslante and agente in a wide variety of 80 : 81 denen to Append 6 — mam or comnact zene. oer peates. one rrrn Comics Atzewate Armonenta, Ine ‘ ce 2951 Feb 1956 Nay 1962 Bo 1s iin bes far i363 agen or xmact rama Boy Bee Mir 130s ae == sa ae 2at Corp 2 Jun 1966 wey 1968 Aerojet-Ceneral Corp a oct 1956 Sow 1958 Sen 1967 tor for 1338 My 86s See. kee dshesoareh We, Co, 2 sage 1966 sep 1960 Sen 1963 Ret toed by ses fpr i961 Son 1 Sp ee ao ses s2 nantes Reseaceh Associates 1 sug 1957 sen 1958 Sep tose tet 196s tee Sen 1938 Son 1980 ja Be 33 bes sntted chee, corp 3 sys 1957 sn 1968 Feb ise dos Ber i ss ig sr Son 136 te Ber Bee 58 Sia 1953 Be neil Aatied Helicopter Service, 1 aoe er sep 1967 16s Mer Ber Te ee Bee 1963 Be a Be dochan Producte, Ine. 1 fg 1959 san 1961 es dpe 1968 bs as oes oer one ner Gyenaaid Co 2 tar 1968 oy 1365 ie 528 ath iss Bel 1838 eg Fe 1969 wee i Be soectoa taetieate of 2 ge Be Jen 1965 ee tae 970 be te be Anersoan type cultace 1 Jem 1966 vay 1967 Be bec Bes Gattection ie. Be ir B63 Bo pad snout Chenleal Co 2 var 1967 ss 1969 Be May 1970 Sen 1962 ee 1963 deroprojeces Tne s sep 1950 Mey 135 ‘samrkenn type Culture 7 AGF bat Bo ist Toitection 1 Jon 1952 sen 1958 tor 1832 2g 1858 ‘on 1935 nl is3e snetiee €2., Jae 1 un 1951 sug 1952 Sal 336 ge 13st , Bsr ie 1358 Applied Setence Laboratories ‘ep 233 peer The. 1 Jon 1961 sot 1962 Bor 332 Eb 154 toe 388 Sea 870 serotee Comp 1 Jon 1935 ove 1956 Agenda Aviation 1 Mar 1963 ove 1963 “grtesteoral specialty Co 2 Jun 1963 Mer 1965 82 83. agen oF comemace Zama 9 =m. ‘oxrmscron ‘SomrsAcrs SATE Tae eee antes ow bat ote, of Arison 2 en 1961 Jet 1970 pe es a ay Sen 1963 Dee 1965 ages Das. of Arkaneas 3 Sep 1958 ow 1935 2 ov 1955 How 1936 ‘ete Fog Mossla, Tec 1 ue 1951 sen 1952 Now 2958 Row 1957 end Com a sun 1962 sun 1964 Argpur Research Fovné 5 oy 1951, sep 1955, a ae eal fates : Ney 1955, Apr 1955, Monetice Researeh 2 ar 1966 may 2987 Jon 1855 Bee 1955 ‘iboratoriee Sea 1957 Sep 1988 ys Son 1858 Moseareh Co 1 Fe 1962 Yar 1965 Anchor D. Lettie, Ene ‘ age 1950 var 1951 ag 2350 dee 1852 Bio-Search & Developuent 1 se 1962 Sep 1968 San 1350 Sep 1352 He Bee 1982 ct 1855, Byostecen Research 1 a 1964 su 165, Axsoctated Nucleoniee 3 Fe 1960 ee 1860 peeeeeorean ine tay 2961 pe 1862 Jon 196k | Ay 1862 lack Mtg. co. 1 sun 1951 a 1952, Actas Powder Co. 1 ov 1966 sol 1986 Boos-A2ten Applied 5 Feb 1957 ay 1962 Sasesrehy Toe ut 1962 Ep tae ‘born Research Fada: a Mer 1953 ee 1957 iS knee 7 sop 1958 Oct 1984 det 1955 ore, sop 1938 ce 1965, = Sep 1368 oyoe-Thonpeon Tas 3 son 1963 on 1966 Sen 1368 ce Jon, 1964 eg 1365 pe 1908 acess or 1969 Daletaore Biologteat : Brooklyn College 1 1960 sop 1981 they 1 ape 1963 ay 1966, coeoa vclaelt Unt. 2 t9s2 Jon 1953 Bettole Memorial Institute U1 ape 3932 oct 1952 nien alee dpe 1952 ar 1954 wer 1953 tax B54 uféalo Electzo-Chentesl 1 Feb 19st Dee 1951 dpe 1083 Aer 135 eee aL 1936 dss 1835 . bee tase eb 1056 state of catttorsis - 2 got 1981, sep 1952 sun 1956 Sep 1958, Jan 1953 Boe 1955 dpe 1837, Sal 1936 : Dee 1962 Hes 1866 atv. of catstornta 2 ge 1950 sep 1955, Sep 1954 eb 366 Sep 1950, og 195 se 1965 2 1865 tar iss el 1953 Ao 1851 sg 1382 Baylor Cottege of Madicioe = hug 1986 Jen 1972 op 1952 et 1936 et 1956 bee 1835, Ben Venue Labs, Tae oe eval un 1958, eeelaea pestinas bet 1956 ee 855 wes ret 8 commcron ‘comreacrs Caxbridge Tecbaclogy, 2 CEtR, Tee a atv. Of ohteago 13 Uatversiey'of Cénetnath 5 colaabia Uatvenssty 1 Commercial Sotvete Cory 1 Conttnentat oi Go 1 Coperol Date corp. 2 (Gomacly CER, tae.) corese Corp. 1 Cometi teronastical 1 Comet vitv. 2 cyclo chenteat corp 2 Bes wer Sei Dee 1963 ey 1966 or 1967 Now 1968 ay 1968 em 1388 var 1959 er 1957 Sep 1963, Dee 1959 Sai ise tae 1958 Dee 1958 Aug 3965 ef 1960 bce 1968 pr 1363 en 1866 Sep 195) ur 1333 Sep 1953 dpe 1533 Ste 1356 Jun 1956 Dee 1965 Des 1966 ce 1965 ee 1962 er 1953 Nar 1955, Bain Dentetson Hanut, co. Paotet, Mann, Johnson Dorr-oltver, Tae. Donghaw Cor. of ow Chendeat Co. Dey-treeze Corp. Elo corp. evry Date Breredy C2. arizonnentel Rach, Carpe Behl corp. Fatechtnd mag ‘Airplese corp- Pairehtld Stratos Corp. 85 SORTEACES ae re ae ae 959 967 135 ass 982 1863 i967 3904 3367 ass st ose oss B86 see 1936 ass 3967 367 1959 i366 ‘Foon Dare ee s Feb toe ae 1968 1955 1957 1953 864 3570 508 a6 195 ise set 1956 16s 1957 1968 pn 966 2960 1964 ose 86 87 wan oF conmact Fora nar OF commacr rama. comrcton conTEAcrs ARE How pare coemacror aE ma contd ape 2360 un 3962 cont'd ay 2983 sun 3363 St set Sop i962 Sun 1563 Des 2568 Bep 1963 Nay 1966 Paleon Plastice a Dee 1958 en 1959 Feb 1366 Dee 1367 arvand Optica? Co. 2 sm 1956 tor 1958 General Hille, Tae. 7 tor 1930 an 1951 Dee 1957 ‘ep 1958 ‘Sat 1950 Dee 1350 ay 1952 Sus 1858 Pam Plastics Cov, Ine 1 Mar 1961 dog 2962 Dee 1832 Kor 1935 Dee 1955 Dee 1983 Fletcher Eoanel Co. a Pec 2950, Dee 1951 dog 956 May 1957 oy 1956 ov 2957 atv. of Fla, ‘ un 1956, Son 2957 pus 2955 ay 1956 George Washington tote. 2 Sow 1952 ape 2358 ‘ton 2963, Sn 1965 Nay 1936 iar 1959 er 1808 yay 1370 pe 1952 Yay 2254 Georgia Tech Rech Tost. 5 Jun 1950 eo 1951 Sen 3955, Sep 1955, 7 Sue 3881 Sen 1953 faa 1953 ea 1984 Moria State Uaty. 3 Mer 1951 Sep 1951 Sin 3358 ‘un 1955 Sep 1951 on 1353, ron 1956 1a 1957 Sab 2955, un 2956 3B. H. opodrteh co. 2 gat 2953 dug 1954 4 sn 1366 Poe 1965 Ben 1385 ea 1956 im 1365 Sin 1967 Sen 1966 ier 1867 Grtaneti Go., Zee. 1 Jan 1954 Mor 1958 Bep 1965 Feb 1970 rondhan Taha Ee Mana Medteal 2 oct 1953 Jen 1936 than Tet. > ear 2966 ra wer ‘Soluege # worpicat tov 1358 ar 338 ‘on 3965, eb 1966 ervard Coltege 5 sa ys. Sep 1952 Fostoria Presses Steel a sa 2966 war 1956 ‘yu 1865 oe 1961 ‘compe Ig 1981 fa Bs ‘Sep 1935 a Foundatton for Research 2 Dee 1963 aor 1968 Sen 1963 Bop 1968 on the Nervous, System dor 1968 ce 1969 : avait, Univ. of 2 Mey 1967 sen 1968 Franklin Mectrontes, Te. 2 May 1966 un 3966 Sen 1368 Sun 3870, Pesskdin Inet. 2 sion 1968 Jan 3970 ‘eazy Ford Hospital 2 gut 1951 ut 1952 der 1968 ee 1970 bee 1932 ‘suk 3953 Colman Tastrument Oo. ot apr 1366 ape 1968 iile-Wetanse 02. 2 Jen 1957 Sn 1958 Gesera Anertesn Transp. 2 ove 1962 yen 1966 Moluee & tarver, Tne. 1 sua 1968 ov 1969 oe en 1862 ‘an 1963, eneral A ° 21 Regulator Co. 5 Sea 1955 dee 1956 a rte ce. 1 suse oct 1966 eee su 1955, aoe 1857 Feb 1937 ape 1358 Gener Deuces Corp. 1 Nay 1955 sor 1956 Sie 136 tbe 1962 Dee 1961 ape 1962 Generel Mactete 60. Yor 1960 May 1961 89 88, o moar oF commsace remo wars, conrmact comrmacron, comrAcrs Dag How ba covzzacron eomacrs nae ae ta. Hoping Ua. 2 gun 1955 Fe 1963 Tooker Chenteal Corp. 1 ay 1966 ap 1965 ae 188 Sep 1958 San 1950, Sel Bost Wyland tabs, Tre. x ion 1966 Fe 1866 as ist 1st 1935, pe 1951 oct 1952 {DT Research Inge w sep 1962 sien 1963, tg 1951 See 1952 or 2362 sa see Gee 1952 fee 1956 Som 1955, Dee 1956 Nov 1958 ee 1953 ey 1963 ‘Ton 1968 war 1053 Mir 1955 ay 1368 Ye 1967 he 1955, Mar 1936 Nay 1365 ye i965 ape 1963 May 1972 Yo Lose Sep 62 Se ses ‘en 1970 Ney 1968, 1366 1 sep 1960 Noy 1962 Jen 1968 i370 Ragese Seaze Univ. of 5 May 1936 ua 1958 Blinots, univ. of 7 ove 1950 res etic. & Applied Selence Dee 1962 Sut 1363 San tgs Sea 1958 ore 1358 2s 1360 Sep 1952 Sim 1956 se 1860 fet 1361 apr 1836 ee 1957 Sep last Sep 1382 Ste 1855 sey 1860, bee 1963 Sex 1st ety, of Kan “ sox 1949 Joo 1951 peer) ey 1968 Sh bs Son 1952 Indiana, Uaty. of ‘ ar 1953 dpe 1955 Brats) Son 95h ay 1351 for 1933, pr 1963, ie 1906 sae Kennedy Co. a sat 1999 gut 1960 5 set a 1866 a sodustetet Corp. a ou 1962 spe 1903 =e 2 = Rontvelyy Research Pas 1 ay 1958 Ju 10 asect Control & ech, Tne. 3 sm 966 son 1956 ad bet 1963 Tem 1958 Balter Kidde & 69. Tne. 1 an 1955, age 1958 Dee 1860 ep 1863 ‘International Business a an 1968 mar 1969 ee :

Bosearsh Con ms sew ases ee 1965 Unie. of Mant L doe 1900 sep 1970 Sim isce fee 1988 lige 1967 Bie Ise? wouttpore Pitter comp. 1 Jen 1954 bes 1958 3 bs Fob es ine Safegybypliencen co. 5 sue 1333 ja 2 ootaaa State Tay 1 en 1967 ov 1970 tm os? i Be Be O2r 1360 assarch & Dowslopment 1 sat 1960 tag 1961 iat fev 1363 Le : 28 Jen 1964 Bowglat M, Meets, Tne 2 sen 1959 st 1957 esneapolLectoceywel . Bey 1959 Des 1954 ebonaall Douglas 6o 1 sen 1980 ar 1965 apstscor cor Be 1553 Sep 1955 1 Dowehen oor Dep 1952 Feb 1956 Mactonal Academy of t bee 1557 bee 1962 tv. 18 sun 1950 ar 1952 7 Sat 359 Sep Haae aston Reseoseh Corp. 1 we. Mar 961 Sat dost SS be Sm Bat iy 358 atv, of Rebreske 2 wa tor 994 3a 88 a se Be iy 1351 ae be Sun 1933 get 1952 Bee 1953 uy Mexico Cottage tor 853 Mir 1955 eetoulture 6 Mocheale Acco 1 Suk 1960 bee 1962 the 1333 Sep 1953 Bhs Sen 1355 Now Werico Seate Ua 1 on 1964 bee 1968 i 3 Son 1956 Hy 1356 Son 1858 ow York Ua 1 Jan 1956 Sia 1956 Ber 138 Sep 1957 Sem B64 Bet 1965 Research Pad. of Stace > ocr 1952 var 1565 Se ber Bee 1955 nav. 08 Row Yank Sco wes as 1967 ie bs By toot Som ina Sat 1989 eb foes Bee ios ser 196) sin 1970 Mosth Amasteas Avatation, 2 ee 1957 way 1959 ‘ae, {en 1362 pr 1982 Nlansestynd State 2 ey 1951 spe 1953 ‘allege : 28 153 A 1955 orth Caroline State of 2 ag 1969 Sep 1963 : iain, of 8-8, say 1 Sam 3560 Takv. of itententppt 3 set t951 sep 1952 ier Bt Jus 1953 Moses atota Agetealtursl 2 spe 1960 sep 1960 scp 152 iy 1955 cal ‘ge ist Scr iset ote, of tssoent 2 ay 1930 tox 1952 Norehsop Cony. 1 un 1866 ay 1967 ‘aly, of Korth Carolina 2 oot 1951 Jas 1956 rea 95 O4 ‘man oF coxmuce remo ed ree conrascrot cannes a ca ore sosracron samen at bi Northwestern Univ. 2 Sep 1950 oct 1951, — gas 1938 Ape 1955 a2 Bit oct BE iy 1 Bs Boe at Sen oat sey Bs B58 Univ. of Notre Dasa at yo 1952 Mar pee 1953 bet 1956 Des 1954 1956 ‘Apr 1957, Oct 1958 ou York Ua 1 sor 195, ov a Mov 1955, ‘Park Thospson 1 Dec 1950 ast tate, of Wotre Bebe ‘ sn 1933 oh : fen 133 pad alg M, Parton Co » oct 951 st Mar 1951 ol 1956 pee br Sep 1954 Sep 1955, Pa a Sep 1958 eg 1960 Paine en Woy 1962 ‘Jan 1965 ‘Aer 1952 a Si ten ise G. 0, Noville & 1 ‘Aug 1953 Jul 1957 pa ae Oc Hovttte & 52 st iit ig ist i333 Ohio University 2 Fed 1955, Jen 1957 a 1954 Jan 1997, Jan 1958 Ponnsalt Chem. Corp. 3 i962 Dee 1965 Ohio State Univ. 6 Oct 1952) Oct 1955 169 ‘Bap 1970 ‘Reasearch FIN. Jan 1935 Dec 1958 1969 Sep 1970 iy is58 Bar i ws wy war enyivana State Cottage 3 got st sup 1953 Oct 1962 Oct 1965 Sse 1953 May 1870 Mar 1963 ‘Dec 1965 Salona Ape 1971, ia Be Bip tes, 3 Bs Sep 15 Pemnptoents tate. of “ way 1058 sow 1987 3 ib ss Okanagan Copter Sprays Ltd. 1 Jun 1967 Sun 1967 oe pa 3 inet a3 ber ceLaomn Ags. 6 saahom he 1 sep 51 ves vss tise, Chsiee 6 0., 186.3 er ee ver 1964 Okishoma State Univ, 2 Mar 1963 Jun 1963 Jom 1968 on 1864 i bee ibe east ‘Philee Corp. 1 Jun 1962, Nov 1966 Ouin athteson Ghenscomp, 2 sep 1855 nb 38 ie ws re ootonechantens, 18, 2 fer Bs es 962 te Techotoy TH. 2 ~ay 36 cor 1 ja co ey ey ay tg reeset Uatn. of 1 age 1951 sea 953 a Ll oes ae Plaaatng Rsesteh Corp. 1 ge 1960 ee 1968 ‘Oregon State Univ, 2 Jan 1964 Dec 1968 ‘Plax Corporation x Lala Sep 1952 3m Bs ier ise 6. 0 bese,“ 1 Jon 1966 sup 967 arte, Davie 6 co, 7 Jon 1951 Hor 1954 reas 96 scxmancron ourescrs, Prew-Dynantee Corp b Potaresd Corp ‘ Prengle, Dobler & Cramp 1 Princaton Unt 1 Purdue Research Fada. ‘ hom Wanuscturing Co. 1 1 1 ‘atgers Cottege 1 itgere Uate. | Don utgere, The State Uatv. 2 yan Aorooautieal Co. 2 Sharplay Laboretortes, Ine, 1 Shit chanted orp. x Sterea Engrs. Co, 1 Southern Caltf., Univ 2 commer Fe 19st Son 1952 Son 1955 ep ash sen 1836 age 1958 May 1961 set 1950 ay 1953 op 1953 Jen 1967 gen 1952 San 1935 Sat 1963 en 35s Peo 1869 Son 1963 mar 1952 Jen 1951 Mar 1953 ce 1950 ce 1951 ‘ep i962 May 1963 ar 1959, ow 1958 ses 1966 pe 1353 sui 1953 oct i962 ace 1952 Sea 1835 Jan 1966 Jon 1952 og 1934 Bee 155 aye 1837 ‘pe 1360 iar 1966 oct 1950 dpe 1958 ‘ty 1035 oct 1969 Jen 1952 ow 1954 be 1936 Ba 1966 Ie 1968 og 1970, ee 1969 ape 1956 var 1952 er 1935 Sop 1953 ‘op 1865 rot 1963 ee 1966 Mey 1959 sot 1965, 1933, = 1953 1958 a 1869 en 1955, ep i957 Southern Resoareh Tast southoost Reseeesh Inst, Sperry Pledmnt co Sperry Ueab co. exp, Spraying 876 co, Squtth, 8.6 Sone stanford, Leland Je. tat, Seaford Reveateh Tas Temessse, Univ. of Benue Agro. Moctanteal Col. 97 6 Ft a isn aot F wt 55 iss Be 855, 134 i936 36 1960 1360, set 1957 1965 sea 1968 1952 BS 19st 17 154 954 55 Ba 836 1968 ser Be 15 51 ise zea. = a ws 3S 3933 1953 1358 93s 1938 1356 1335 ws i357 Bet 4863 i982 1965 1965 1965 ese 1356 ws 959 ss sss 356 1958 1966 1369 ws 1952 1365 wos 90 98, naga oF cownact remanea- waaen oF comreace edo cosrmscron camiacrs ar ‘hoe bare comeucros cara Zar ‘ow pa cost ov 1955 ow 1956 cont a son 1958 Sun 1955 ov 1336 Sen 1338 on 1938, ag 1388 Sa 335 3 se 1936 oe 1937 , fu 1968 De 1570 Vepinka Univ. of 2 i 1965 ae 1967 ay 8? 3 be ea, Ustv. of . oct 1931, ct 1956 . oct 1952 Sat 1938 ues’ ang’ es 1 dee 1961 vine 1962 Sep 1355 So iss son 1957 se 1958 Wabttentue tat 2 v0 982 ose 1952 Bob 193 eS iss Sen 1953, Soe 56 ise 1938 ihe 1960 tay 1963 oct ses, Maraer Uasbart Poarmscestical 1 Jon 1953 stun 1955, ie 1068 Sea 1970 ‘ex, Ree Teprovenent 1 war 1956 ov 1958 ae, $e. tay ‘ way 1967 sep 2968 even ioe Bs or see Bee 1960 Tov i968, ‘Thoapton Helicopters, Tac. 1 My 1968 My 1966 Smo San 3970 ‘owetend Engineered froducts 1 tog 1963 sat 3957 esteyen Ua 2 re 35 doe 955 wre ier a ie bs ‘escertab, Tae ‘ aos ose est ve. vat ra us 19 sep 1951 ibs 5 Son Use Soe 193 be Dot Dee se Hee 135 Bee 3355 Bos 1959 Son 1356 ibs He 1937 Jon 1959 Beaty i Dec 1938 Sen 1956 un 1958, ‘eavelers Research Corp, 1 1966 tan 1968 See 1935 Sch Wo37 ia 1335 Sie 936 Trident Bop'g Asoc. Tee, 1 mar 1965 os 1965 6 38 bee 7 Ses t358 ‘lovee Works Ine 4 S09 1967 oce 1967 Bh be Sep 1960 3 i967 Sep ios 3S bes ioe 96s iar ise mar be Sep 1966 Shr 9s i 1963 Dee 188 : ostern Reserve Ua > Mar 951 ep 1952 Pavard 1. rodans Foypdacion Jun 1952 fap 1958 fen at wey 152 tay 83 xy 1955 V.S, Indvetrtal Conp 2 ‘ape 1965 sua 1965 ei Mlerend, Farin be C0 1 og 1955 pr 1956 ¥.8, aabber Co 2 us 1966 Wisconsts, Taly. of a way 950 way 1952 8, Steal co 1: ar 1958 a 330 XS bse 3mm 1330 im bat ‘atv. watch Corp 3 eo 1956 ay 1955 jen 32 im bs Sop 1958 Son 1336 Sep 1952 ep 1953 wor 1956 Yow 1957 wae 153 ay 55 ee Bat braid ‘i eanatnte of ‘ aa 1951 re 1959 3b tase Sep 1396 tae 1953 Bob 1956 Dec 958 eet 1563 tar 1956 Noy 1933 ono commmacrons Worchester Pada, for ‘perinenesl Biology ‘vate Date, 100 coMTEACTS conrmacr ge 1956 ov 1356 on 1966 Sep 1330 Ney 1951 on 195 Sep Wat Son 1952 aay 1966 May 1960 Dee 1962 un 1968 Sen 1986 tun 1955 t 101 ema ; a ae foots see tet San 1961 ee 1969 snctpersooned and Sep 19st get 1 scrtorop mterfal, use boced ua tesimolegy devedoped in laboratory ane piLoc ia ba poInt eeklltsen at FUCE Doseick, The fiset pllce plenty datended for the ep 1952 3 sss prstecctea of Secunia cousa, wus completed tn Cetcher 1942, 4 ecsced plant Sop 1953 ines wus Sutlt fe Yoreh 1544 co produce anctrax spores and the anthrax etectoat. oe ep ‘ron these beginnings victl cessation of offensive BM operctioas in 1968, jaa Fore Deerick produced test quiuttecee ofa large number of antiperconeel and aes sntiesep 3M agonts and developed the productign procoee eventsaliy exployed at the Vigo and Pine Siuff Arsenal production factLities, A wide vacdecy of ase 1385 psseese egutpsent, cone of which was developed for the frat tice to support a she wndque requireconte of if productiou, coustituted the suncvous pilot plant se 1956 sstipersonnel agent and aumition prodverion. “the first large ccale ‘ai munttioe prosuctson Eactisty wes constructed st the Vigo Osdnsace Plant, 1944. the Vige Plane wee savsaded to produce bioiepicat agsate sod vaccines and to {41 st atsenble biotostea! wuattions begtnatag with anthraxftlled bonis, the Vigo Haat vas da 2 test operation phase productos 36, harciess simalont of anthtes, when the end of WOE coreinsted pigat operations. The plant wee desctivated eof eventually cxcessed by the Arcy 40 1866. ~ ‘Tee cnly factIity operated for Jazze sonte production ef + sertonnel BF agente ‘sas Ieeated at Fise Steff Avseusl vith cousisuct ion coapleted ta Noverber 4985, the pleut taser Secsce gercszontiy Jdertified eo ths Director ste of Blotogteal Operations (259). The inStéek eesebéLity oF pre accertel eats vas tater expside! ce tnetuse expsb 102 for gritng and tnie A agente. The cons ‘pultdlaga ineledad those designed for agent ‘fMinglprodvetton and Iaboretoey soppoee operations. The eattre tactlity yee designed and constvetes to, provida bath zbectute eafecy co opexscing personnel and #beolute coatsitmunt of the highly toxte and {afeettour terials produced thera, Between 1954 and 1967, the factlicy prodecsd the following Viologheal agente and toxins: Srucelle evis, Pasteurella tularensis, @ fever rfolaresta, Voneruelan Equine Encephalonyelitis, ectitus ant ‘enterotorte, Bolle 2, botulinun toxin and ataphylococe agente end antipersonnel wonitions filled with these various agante sed oaks vere produced and stored at DSO az « deterrent copabitity. D9 ‘opexntions vote terminated Sa Yovenber 1969, and all stocks of entt- persoasel biologlel mnitions, agents and torins sere subsequently troyed sn accordance with eppioved denslitarteation plans. The factiicy ‘wee then docontaninated and deactivated, and on 15 May 1872, the coupler (Gnetudieg Leng, butléings, and equtysant) war turigd over co che Food aod Drug Adstatetretion, en agency of the Depertamt of Hesith, Edseation nd WeLeare, who oporsce £5 ee ee Marional concer for Textootoyteal esoszeh (HCE). . Aaticrop Biotonical Agent Production, Three sntterop bictoplest agente vere produced besveen 1951 and 1969, Meee Soeluded both een ruse (of vest and yo, snd ice Blast. Between 1951 and 1957, vheat oten ‘rust opores and xye eten rust ayores were produced fron tonoculated crepe at planting sites loctced on Goveraaent fastallations. 3 108 ‘The harvested spores vere shipped to Hégowood Arsene, Yaryland for clansittcatton, drying and etorage. The operation vee teraicated 4a 1959 by che Ate Forse. uetween 1962 and 1969, vheat stem rust spore vere grow at Government sites, The crude matertal war troneferred to ocky Mountain Arsenal here 4¢ wep cleaned, classified end placed tn cold storage. ALL wheat rust eporea were destroyed by Februsry 1973. ‘ice blant was produced by a subucrgod cature procese under correct. The production contract var svirded in March 1965. Agent production waa terminated i June 2966 after Snitiad delivery of seeeptable matertal, The final agent was pockaped snd etoned at Tort Detrick, The totel rice blast tock vas deatroyed between 17 Januery and 18 May 1972, 104 ower & testing Generel. esting £6 an datepeal pore of rencarch and developaent. {Te de privartty concornod with scquteteson of data to evaluace and congirn or nopate porculates theortes devised in the Joboratorys Battonate for biolorical testing. BY testing, Like 412 eleneate ff the BW progran, was at tte dnceptton, unique, The ertifietal ezuly of biological material dtsseninated {nto the atuoephere, now knot at aerobiology, vas not a prectioed or orzantesd sctentifte éiactolsee ft the start of the BW propzen. Little or no kzovledge wae evattable regarding the biological snd/or physical decay factors of nicto- snisos in normal weather fluctuations, che ancunt necessary £0 cauce infections, sor the sethodology ox hardvare to offect dissentaation. sctentétie and tachotesl information to substantiate theories and S42 oovledge tended to eternine vulnerability to attack categorization of volontcal tasting. Biological testing een be etvided into throe catoqorten, Laboratory (eashl scale), closed chambers (rotivn 04 + cod open air Eleld Carge scale). Bach of these categoria cen be further divided fato tasting with etmlants and pathogens. The ogen ai fold eeating can be Fortier categorized sate conetneptal aud extra eonttnisental and thar perforsad on public and non-publie dowain (atiitery fastoliaciona). Wee ce reste forcher Bt pation cin La doitnsted ura the target of ‘the taee, 4.04, moshantoal derseas such oe desoessrs oF Motogtes} ampere, and * iting targets auch ax humans, ansuale or ¢rop5. Im addision to the ebove Lescing Snsther form nay be categorized der the general heading of fomnologtcel testing tm hunane and antnate Wctch var done to evsluate vaccines, toxéids and kin racte, Avpondix 1 ie 2 pictorial representation of biologtest testing. Liaison, The US PobLée Health Service Aloccly followed the progress of BY research and deveiopaant from the very atart of the progren because of tte civil defense responetbilietes. Ia 1950 lottteor was asctgoed to Fe, Deteick on & peraaneat basis to wadntatn leven clover Gontect for emergency health planning, and avareness ani rutuel exchange of Snformstion on new detection uethodology, epideniotogy, manent Mason 4 1951, the Departasnt of Agriculture assigned 4 officer to closely follow the BY progrés as related co crops and antnsls, Active Lisseon wae alee matncatned fioa the very beginning of the ‘progron vith the other military servicés. The Surgeon General of the ‘Aray uaintsined Me close Lstson with medical pergomel right on she scene vorking within the resoarch and developaeat laboratories. te 1956, as a fesutt of a Jofat Modieal Service and Chemtesl Corp Agreenent, the Ay Modicel Date was astablished at FE, Detrick with the stsston to conduct defensive RED including prophylactic and therapeutic meseores, nore rapid and effective diagrosese end identification procedures and te ovaloate the theese of Bi t0 the military frou 3 medical potst of view

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