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Grammar (문법)

Korean Grammar: 초급
단어와 문법 Week 4 Unit 4: Listing and Contrast

1. A/V-고 (“and/and then”)

Day 19 Day 22 Lists 2 or more actions/states/facts
Expresses the 1st clause happened before 2nd
217 생강차 Ginger tea 253 통화(하다) Telephone conversation
N도 V고 N도 V = two+ facts about same subject
218 결혼기념일 Wedding anniversary 254 한국무역회사 Korea Trade Company
2. V-거나 (“or”)
219 외식 Eat out 255 부탁 Favor
Verbs/adjectives (usually 2, sometimes 3+)
220 단어 Vocabulary 256 부르다 Be full
3. A/V-지만 (“but”)
221 평일 Weekday 257 운전면허증 Driver’s license
Verb/adjective stems - Past tense = ~았/었지만
222 한가운데 Very middle 258 수리하다 Repair, fix
4. A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데(1) (“but”)
223 빨갛다 (Be) red 259 임신하다 Pregnant
When 2nd clause is in opposition to 1st
224 귀엽다 (Be) cute 260 켜지다 Be turned on (light)
Present verbs = ~는데; Present adj = ~ㄴ데/은데
225 준비운동 Warm-up exercises 261 묻다 Ask
Past verbs/adj = ~았/었는데
226 ~기 전에 Before ~(v) 262 잃어버렸다 Lose
227 방문하다 Visit 263 끊다 Cut, sever (relations), give up
Unit 5: Time Expressions
228 태어 Unborn child 264 친척 Relative
Day 20 Day 23 1. N 전에, V-기 전에 (“before/ago”) Usually 하다 Ns
1시 전에 = Before 1:00; 1시간 전에 = one hour before
229 이를 닦아요 Brush your teeth 265 면세점 Duty-free shop
2. N 후에, V-(으)ㄴ 후에 (“after time/after action”)
230 입원하다 Be hospitalized 266 산타클로스 Santa Claus
Also ~(으)ㄴ 다음에 (“After that”)
231 집들이 Housewarming party 267 ~되다 Become, reach, be OK
3. V-고 나서 (“upon finishing/and then”) (only Vs)
232 내리다 Descend, reduce 268 ~넘다 Exceed, conquer
Indicates 1st action is completely finished
233 영수증 Receipt 269 사귀다 Make friends with
W/motion verbs (가다; 오다; 들어가다; 들어오다; 나가
234 들어가다 Enter, attend, be inserted 270 짓다 Manufacture, build
다; 나오다; 올라가다; 내려가다; 일어나다; 앉다; 눕다;
235 나다 Be born, grow, happen 271 용 Dragon
만나다) use ~아/어서 not ~고 나서
236 눕다 Lie down, lie sick in bed 272 숲 Forest
4. V-아/어서(1) (“and/in order to”)
237 서류 Documents 273 공책 Notebook
Second action cannot occur without first
238 서명하다 Sign one’s name 274 공휴일 Legal (red) holiday
~고 = 2 unrelated sequential actions/wearing clothes
239 대답하다 Answer 275 과 Department, lesson, chapter
Verb tense expressed with 2nd verb, not 1st
240 독후감 Book report 276 과일 Fruit
5. N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때 (“during/when”)
Day 21 Day 24 크리스마스에 = 12.25; 크리스마스 때 = around 12.25
6. V-(으)면서 (“while”) (1st/2nd simultaneous)
241 쓰는 글 Piece of writing 277 괜찮다 (Be) permissible
Subject = same; if not, use ~는 동안
242 생활하다 Make a living 278 교과서 Textbook
Verb tense expressed with 2nd verb, not 1st
243 동안 Period 279 교수 Professor
7. N 중, V-는 중 (“in process/currently”)
244 목걸이 Necklace 280 교회 Church
~는 중이다 = no natural phenomena (use ~고 있다)
245 모든 All 281 군인 Military personnel
8. V-자마자 (“as soon as/right after”)
246 굽다 Be pretty, be warm, be sweet 282 권 Volume, book, # of a book
Verb tense with 2nd not 1st; subjects can be same/diff
247 깎다 Sharpen, shave, cut the price 283 그거 That
9. N 동안, V-는 동안 (“during/while”)
248 벌다 Earn 284 그곳 That place
~(으)면서 = subject of clauses are same
249 부채 Folding fan 285 그날 That day
~는 동안에 = subjects can be different
250 빨래 Laundry, washing 286 그동안 Meantime
10. V-(으)ㄴ 지 (“since”)
251 공사(하는) 중 Doing construction work 287 그래 Answer of “yes” or “no”
~(으)ㄴ 지~되다; ~(으)ㄴ 지~넘다; ~(으)ㄴ 지 안 되다
252 공짜 Free charge 288 그렇지 So it is.

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