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In 1939 Elizabeth Caspari visited the Himis monastery.

The Abbot showed her some scrolls,

which he allowed her to examine, saying: “These books say your Jesus was here.”

Robert Ravicz, a former professor of anthropology at California State University at

Northridge, visited Himis in 1975. A Ladakh physician he met there spoke of Jesus’ having
been there during his “lost years.”

In the late 1970s Edward Noack, author of Amidst Ice and Nomads in High Asia, and his
wife visited the Himis monastery. A monk there told him: “There are manuscripts in our
library that describe the journey of Jesus to the East.”

Toward the end of the twentieth century the diaries of a Moravian Missionary, Karl Marx,
were discovered in which he writes of Notovitch and his finding of scrolls about “Saint Issa.”
Marx’s diaries are kept in the Moravian Mission museum. The pages about Notovitch and the
scrolls have “disappeared” and their existence is now denied in an attempt to discredit
Notovitch, but before their disappearance they were photographed by a European researcher
and have been made public.

Notovitch also claimed that the Vatican Library had sixty-three manuscripts from India,
China, Egypt, and Arabia–all giving information about Jesus’ life.

In 1812, Meer Izzut-oolah, a Persian, was sent to Ladakh and central Asia by the East India
Company. Though religion was not his mission, he observed much and subsequently wrote in
his book Travels in Central Asia: “They keep sculptured representations of departed saints,
prophets and lamas in their temples for contemplation. Some of these figures are said to
represent a certain prophet who is living in the heavens, which would appear to point to Jesus

When Swami Abhedananda was in the Himis monastery doing his research on the records of
Jesus' life in India he was told by the abbot that Jesus had not departed from the earth at the
time his apostles saw him ascend, but that he had returned to India where he lived with the
Himalayan yogis for many years.

The Nathanamavali

The Bengali educator and patriot, Bipin Chandra Pal, published an autobiographical sketch in
which he revealed that Vijay Krishna Goswami, a renowned saint of Bengal and a disciple of
Sri Ramakrishna, told him about spending time in the Aravalli mountains with a group of
extraordinary ascetic monk-yogis known as Nath Yogis. The monks spoke to him about Isha
Nath, whom they looked upon as one of the great teachers of their order. When Vijay Krishna
expressed interest in this venerable guru, they read out his life as recorded in one of their
sacred books, the Nathanamavali. It was the life of him whom the Goswami knew as Jesus
the Christ! Regarding the Nath Yogis’ tradition, Sri Pal comments: “It is also their conjecture
that Jesus Christ and this Isha Nath are one and the same person.” Here is the relevant portion
of the Nathanamavali:

“Isha Natha came to India at the age of fourteen. After this he returned to his own country
and began preaching. Soon after, his brutish and materialistic countrymen conspired against
him and had him crucified. After crucifixion, or perhaps even before it, Isha Natha entered

ACCESSION NO. :J.l~,~4"",_4 .
CALL No. 'l15.B/~
,_- r/





l~ YU

'YEARs 1812·13.

Tll r\.l\SLA1·ED BY CA.PIAlS ru::>"DERSON, ATI'ACnED 1'0 TUE
FOn};lON OFFICE OP TIlE GO\'"E1l.."){E:>-rOf 1:>'1lIA.



C~NTR'i '\"_,'.'~-."~ICAII
LI'\ ), .. " ..I.
A •. ~ •. 21 ').~:'"
ft .... i q , B. S·
....... '1'" ,~. ~-
~ No. .... -=/t!?.· Bt . 'frJ.......-
TniS little work is a translation of n Pe1"'ian manuscript
kindly placed at tbe disposal of the Foreign omce by Nnwab
Zeea-ood-deen of Loharoo. No information regarding the
author of these travels is obtainable beyond that furnished
by himself in the preface to his work.
Under the altered ci:tcumstances of the countries visited
by the writer, it bas been considered that. his description of
the state of things in 1812-13 may have some interest for
all who have given attention to the affairs of Central Asia.
The sy-tem of transliteration adopted in the spelling of
proper names is as follows, no alteration being made in
the USUAl spelling of well-known names, such lIS C::IbuJ,
Cashmere, &c.
• 01 ,.. loag .. in .."w.
i 111 1' ahart .. 10 pfl .
• ,.. .hart .. in CIII •
... "'1,_01.0 both the long • 10I&II<I In _" aDd tIw ,bon
_00 in pol.
f 01... ,.. hard.
• •
In the absence of special ~Jt htuI Pllt been found
possible to represent the equivliialts o!:I tho<Arnbic gutturals
!lha;,. and kof, or the. strong aspil1lt~ It will, however,
be scn~ra11y found that where the letters 0 and j come to-
gether th('y represent olla;n, and k h, tbe kM.

(Sd.) P. D. BE.''-DERSOX.

Tws work contains an account of travel to Bokhara, and a

description of each da.y's journey from Attock to Cashmere,
from Castimero to Thlbet, from Thibct to Yarkund, from Yar-
kund to KushgllUl': also an account of every stage on the
journey Irom Ka.shghur to Beejeen, tho eapital of the Em-
peror of Ohina.; from Kashghur to Kooknn, in tho country
of Furgbanab ; from Kookan to Sumurkund ; Crom Bumur-
kund to Bokhara ; from Bokhara to Bulkh and Khoo1m;
from Kboolm to Cabul by the Boot-i-BamC()rul route. The
journey lasted from the 21th of tho month of Rujjub 1227
A.n., corresponding with 6th August 1812, to tho end of
the month of Zilhijjuh 122S A..H., corresponding with tho
16th December IS13.
Syud Iaut-oollah, who undertook this journey by
order of ?tfr. "'illirun Moororoft, started from Shabjcbanabad
on tbo 7th of llubbce-oossaneo 1227 A.II., corresponding
with 20th Aplil IS12. Ile bas committed to lvriting all that
he hns himself' seen and heard, and hns also embodied in
his writinga the result of tho enquiries and observations
ul' nnftz Fnail Khan, whom the writer was compelled to
depute to visit Bokha.ra, having been unavoidably prevented
Crommaking tho journey in person.

Exd.-T. Y.





JlYDROO. 'E.• Iightly N. 8 Krob.-.\ 1a~,'iII",,>e('OntainingalJ(>uL
lOO hOIl""', flituak.J in the di."tricI of Cbuch, 1~lol\j.';JIg IA) .\lIoc,1.:.
~ or four 'ilLlgei an, l.....w (In this,~ lU>GdOYer It,d
IltTSUN LUDAL. N.R l) Krob.-A well-known I'~" Wut.'r
abundant, and aboun<lin~ in 6.h. The U'I1lin,iar of this place is
Sh.·", ,\man Khan, of the Khurbarah family of II,.. YOCISOOfz:M'al,
11 robbtor hy prof,'S>illn, l1li a1<o w, .. hi. lat.bcr ZnlIur. Pi"e kroh
from Hydroo i8 tho Inrg.. villn"oocof !l<>orban,cont'liningo 10m!> 1,0110
house.., tho zemindnr of which i. Hubeeb Khan AllleZlI<oc.Tho
river Hnrroo, wbieh 110'\'0 into the Attock riwr, i. ~ in Il.Lo
ota!;'e at tl.~ferry of X..,lah. Further 00 0,,"";0 io a Oi!CXtnd ,
taking it. rite 0_ 11u un Ubdal,
SERAI-I-SALTH. N•• lightly E. 15 Krob.-Num,'rous 6pringwo of
motor ill ilie neighbourhood. Thi. i. the rarth~.-t paint in ilie
llDZAruh diatriet 10 which whOOed co"wyan_ can be brought.
DHU1ITORE, 10 Krob.-A TilIagto of lOme 1,000 b...... whieb jli"eJ
its ""me to the petgUlloah. It"'''''rormerlya dcp<·od"".y of .\tt<><k,
but now belongs to Cashmere. Tho inhabiwt.l are Judooo
A1fghlUl.ll,and hare no oclrnowledged bead. It u said that the
cIiitriet of Dhumtore contIiDs 12,000 armed men ; the !'e"mlle
deriTed Crom it is RopHS 3,000. The...I to this I'~ lesd. over a
mountain p.1SS pn.ctieabl" lor boroemco and even ca.m.1s. Yilbgs
and sprin8" of water arc met with 00 tbe road, mOlt of tho former
belonging to Dhumtore.

LUBURKOTE. 10 Kroh.-A popnlOIlBvillage in the Pergonnah l'uk.

helee. There is DO aeknowtedged head of the ,;llage, but Sberec.ollab
Khan is the leading moo. The people J.hsngeer ..ur~, a
branch of the Kakur tribe. Pnshtoo is IpOk... from Dbumtore IA>
tru. ,,1_.Revenue io paid te Caabmere. The population (>f the
diatriet is SIlid to be IIOme26,000, hnt they are not " mU'likc raoo.
Rood Over hills, and passable r~r ho"",mcn, but not for C&IJlels.
lIIany village>!an' pa.-cd 011 lhit .tage: the lim from Dbumlere,
two kroh from that ptact', io To""anga<.n. Fir aDd. l,ine t..--

MOOZUFFERABAD. 15 Kroh.-Silunt«l 00 the lert bank of •

,tream CAlled the i\[oozufl'erobad riv"r. At one end of the IA>W1I ia a
furl. ThP Raj~"rtru. place it Sultan )."uir Ali, of the BuLDa t.ri~,
who """"iv,,", from lb~ Ruler of C.. bm,'t"e an .Uo..-anc:oeof RuJlf'eS
2,000 nnnWlUy, in lieu of .. jaghil'l'. Ca.bmcrte ito gene....lly fIJ!Ok.n
bert'. The fort i. garrisoned by 100 liimlOOlotanoo makhlockrneo,
comtlUUldedby four offiool'll. ]/ur tbe wbole of thia stage the .-l
lNt" over mounlnin. and dim<ul~~. Xioe or t,'ft krob from
LuLurko~ i. .. mall f"rt calluolthe Ss'adul G orboo; ""low the £c>rt
i....(!mm, ero. ....d by " wooden bridge, the wah'r of .. hieb
remllin. cool even ;n the holt.·.t weather, &yond thia .tl't1lm ito
a very difficult (W"I, to the 8U1nmit of whi,·h ;. an _l of oome
H kroh, and lhll d•., 3 krch ; in many r'- it iI ,__".
fur .. horseman w dismount. The ){oozufC,-raLedri~er ia c:r-.d
I.y a rope brid~, ronoiBting of three ropel', 1...0 o[ whicb _ aho~e
the third and conneeted with it "y forked l,mnches. P...... ngers
Crull the river along the lower 101"', $Upporiing themM'l~ea by the
up!""r ones. 110...... are mad,· to .....un~..._ "I'bcft ia a omall
'-I here for the _ of tmwU.... of the hi:_..fItorcl-, IA> tJ'O!>l
• in which the S)X'<'ialpermu..nun of the thanadar is required. .All
intentling t"t"avellcrtlinto Cashmere ore detained bM until permission
ia reeeived for tbem to proceed.
Hl;n:E.\X. 8 Kroh.-A haltiog plaee, s.,wral.hope "-. &..l
over mountains and passett.
KLTAYEE. 12 Krob.-A~. Road very monntainODl, and only
puoable on foot for a great part of the stage. Some villsges are
SRAIlDURRLH. 8 Kroh.-A \;11-.."" where ;. the tomb of lOme
Saint. Road difficult and meuntainous, One p:ISS ia ealled the
Kewannust, A second p38S CWl only be cro--ud on fQOt r~r Ollt!
kt~b of ils lengtb.
RO~ mOl[ _U'l'OCK TO CASJIllERE. 3

GIXO{;L. S Kroh.-.\ small nu:.g... Road mouniainoua, but pa.»-

able tor horoeo.
B.l.RA)IOOLL..\n. l> KlOb.-A populous place 00 the right bonk
of the Caahme... river. Be_ tbe hills and the ri,-.r bank
t.h.ft it a gat" barring the entrance to the town, where duty it
levied 00 mt'n:haDcIize and pa5Sporb< are exalllinod; t .. nllen are
not ptrmitted to rr-l without bve from the Go.-.mor of
C;I.IOhm..",. Road ow.. level ground. stony io "I..,... Half .... y
to Baramoollah it the village oI 001'00 where .....idCllUkrum Khan.
AmCl('D-ooI-moolkof the Bameezai tribe, who in th& y_ lUi A.H.
commAlldoo an expeditioo sent into CIISbmcro by Shuja-ool 'Ioolk.
and waa d"r.,.~lby UttA Mabomod Khan. J3arumoollAb it on the
C.. hme ... frontier: the country between Moozurr"ralwl and thit .'
pIaNo it callod the Kobiotan (or Highlandt) of Cn.htlltr~. Tlti. tnet
.... in the poaession of the Rujaa of Kuhkub and Bubesh,
but DoW belong. to CMhm_. The territory of the formtr of th_
two Raj........ Oft the rij,>ht, and that uf tbe laUcr on the left of
the ri rer.
SREE~UGOUR (ealled by the writer Kbituh-i-C,..hnt.....,). 16
Kroh.-.\ ...ell·ltoo_ city. Through the Ct"nt,,· of tbe elty 8.....
the C... bmcre "' ..... caIJt,J lhe Wihut, on the Mt hank uf ...hich is
tbe fort of Sb. "'ph. The river ia o.-.'<! by I<'....ral bridf.l1!l, the
longo... t of ...bich ;, tbe Zaillubltudul bridl,"", on both 0;.1,'1 of ....hich
Ilre bazaro. Boat. of allltind.$ ply on tbe river; UIIl Imallm. ealled
obiIcareet, cury two or three POl'8OnI. Largtr thao lb_ are
dungab., of which there are two description •• one long lind nar-
row with a cabin: these boats are extremely ftuot. 'The other lrilld,
broader than the dungab. is called a chukwari, and hu ..... ooden
roof over ito wbole length. latger boats agnin are ustd to cany
grain. Almoot all the passenger and goods tmffie it h-re carric.l
OD by meana of boat., which are alao used withi!! the ~;ly. The
boatmen are here called bsnjees.
On the )tarao Hill, imide Sreenuggur, Utto :\fahomed W built
a fort. Thi.t hill ......£ surrouodro by a fortification enleIl!d
by the EmPftOr Akbar Shah, most oI which is DOW iD ruin&. On
one of the ga~ of the old .....ns is an inscription 5tat:ing that
the EmPftOT gavc fOT the construetioo of the fort OOP erore and 1m
1akha of rupees. and provided 200 skilled workmen from HiDcIoost:m.
OuUide the city is • garden 1rnowo by the name of tbe Xi;;hat
(pI...... .,,), containing lOme elegant buildings. There is also •
_nd garden caIItd the Xu s~m (zephyr). 'The tomb of Kbajuh
Shah N....u Uo a baodoome and well-proportioned Ilructurt.

Artificial prdens are mode in the lAke Ly the J!COl'loof C:IOhlDfre

in tbe follo..-iDlt manllfl". ChOO'ling" pot whero ........u and nabN
:are (""ad :_"1'0.... inz do.d,. t~tbcr, they 'I're:IIl OD ~ Wp of !hem
• """"utyof dried gTL<s, straw, and otber rubbish. ~D. Cfftain
~......, ,of ootidlty baa 'been,.J, tbey plant willow ~ roomd
the .dge of the i.Iand thus formed, Ibe root. of "hi.b find their
WIo," do... to tbe bottom of tbe lake, and I"'<"'[IJ,'" it W<re anchors
fo; the "!Arul. .\lUl''' time tbe surface of it i.i covered with earth,
wh en it beeomes rudy for enIth·ation. One of the o<p«:ial J,rodDl-timls
of,'Te is ilaffron, which is grown in the ,"'rlysummer months.
or msnufactlln!S, the chief is th,,~ of sbawls made &om • poot,'
which i.the wool of n species of goat found in Thibet and other
cold eountri e.,.. The shawl-weavers are in Ii most powrty-strieken
condition, and receive only &om two to foUl' pice dAily as wa,,<>eII; their
employe.. on the other hand, who lind them in wool and s:ilk, pay-
ing ther daily ,"",<>eI, an! very wenltby. CoIlJl,'<;tcd with the shrtrl
trwle are the • W' afum;b,' who lend money to IDllnuf~, and
alto the • )[oobems,' who an! of thaw!., aDd ~ a
eommiaion for their trouble. 'fhc.;e men maua.,,<>eto ....... eoa-
tidn-able 'OI'l'aItb. Ml merehanto make their ~-baies thro....<>b
Of the -=red I'Iatti; in the neigbbourhood ill the Cbiluh Khsnuh
of Sbb Jlumudan, in the com.t:re of the city, 00 the right hank of
tb~ river. Another is the tomb of Mukhdoum Sahib on the Maran
hill. The nl_lue of )foolla Shoh i~ II building constructed entirely
(,r a 1'01i.1....1 ..luck awne, even the dool'l hc;lI!: or \bia material. In
tb. II uxru\ Bul, which i.; on the bank of th~ Dul lake, "'" 1'"""''''''11
IWmc hai,., .nd other ",Li"" or the prophet 'tahoDl'od. OuLlide the
(-it! i5 .. 10,.ly .pot., wb.", the thruM of H"JoIIlQDi••id tv ba~e

....."'nd;:.t. Five Ir.roh &om the tit) ia the tomb or ~hllb Xooroed-
in whose = 1'Ita lIahOnll'<l ,-au...'" ,-oUu \0 be rtruck after
.... bad thro..-u of! the yoke of tbe KiDII'or C.I,ut.
Tbe repee or Caahm.", W equi,.... nt in ",11Ie to II or 10 an .. ;
l~ tWo,..,. CO to • ru~. Rice i. tbr l,rin(-ipaI cn-eal !Ito......aDd
ito 1l\Ullb'" price is ..boat RuJlC'~ :I per klt.annr, or OMI, bd, in the
huOk. A duty u I.. it.! by the G()"~rD=Dt on t'~ry LcGt-Jo.d of
M: from thla IOIlml 1<.11IaltbJ or rul>CCSIICf IUlhwn are .....tized.
'n.e'I') tyit.""III i. in vOI,>ue in .... , .J""oW tneIIICD~ being
~mJ>lo,tel to ooU""t Iet'r.t inronnatioll nud t",..amit it dall,' to lbe
Moha.....joh. •
AI ttlC di.tlm .... of ",me !<rohfrom LIllicity it II named the
Oohll \lr DuI.i.!\ulan, ""vcral mill'" in ltn!;lh IUld bn:adth; duriDg
ROCTt: FRO:ll .\TrOCIt TO C.\lIUlIERt.

the 1.",w1~nre of atrontr winds, IlAvigution io '-U on lhio Iak~ io

T"T cb.~ The Dul-i-Khoord or lcaer Dul, which i. of
consideralJc ....t('Dt, Ii<5 e1_ 10 the city.
Bet .....-o Buamo<>llob and Ca.;hm.", ( the .-l Ii<s
0' er k\ eI eoUDt~ &,..1 ~ by numerous \;lIagt'fo.
From Dhumtore to S""lIU!!g'W' the eountry ueo,,·rt<! with r.-u
of pioe and ~ ... mll ... &nit t ......", IUChu the mallK'.. )" fig,
apple, POUl~t.>. &e. Sreenoggw' Ii,,» north...:»l of C.. hlDl'l'e;
ha\;ng no cooof'll$' with me, I was unable to take lIDy accu.r&le
oLecnu lion.


liA."DURBl'L. ~. "Krob.-ln PcrgunMh Lar, a ferry ""..- the

Sind riY~r.....bich 80... from th~north __ ~:above th~ frrry the river
i. not nangahl... JI.~ duly is luvied on mcn:bandize imported
froUl. or (·sported w. 'fbibel and Yarlrund. From Calhmen'. aba.. 1o.
tobacco.aDd Indian doth a~ uported i lhe duly on eacb .bawl is
Rupees 3. The impotU inlo CMbmcro arc lea. shawl-wool. and
y.unOOol... hi<:h btW- are ingot. of, aomctbing in the Ihape
of • boat. bearing an inscription in tho Chinese oh.,."ct4'r: _h
yamhoo weighs 160 odd rupees. On shawl-wool 1 Ru!*" 1"""
turk 1. elwgtd. TM following.. a table of the w~igbt. in Ole.
17 dauga being equal in weight to one tol,,:-
~PuII =
• 6 R_= 1~
16 .I>oDgo = 1 &poe
31~ = iN
I 8 s.w.
16 'rl&rb
Ga.ndurboll8 on the left bank of the river. Fin or rue villages
~ J--.I OD the .... Shoreo, 1;murhul. Pandehehub. te.
UKHUL. E. slightly N. 6 Kroh.-A village of l'c'rgonnab Lar
in tbe ~'-r of tb~ Raja of Tbibet. Four ,-mag.. ~ ~l
on tbe .....d. Noooor. Worupuh. WwW.God Nilab.
(;OONDES{'RSt:~G. E. alightly~. 8 Kroh.-In Pt'W'nualt Xannl
bt-IonAinlt to P(rJt\Innab Lar. From tho lime of Timoor thi.
rngo,.UI:r.h ba. h«D held on ~1It-'_ ttnure I.y tho an"",lo ... ~r
)Iulik {'krum. the zemindar of the viJlIIgtI:il compn- "'Yen
viI•• nayun. Palapoor, Sariwan, SlItrung, Kuntwul, Soombool,
and S.xlrapbao. RIlIId ever hilly eouniry and alony in parte,
IIOmetin".. 00 one and oomttilD8 on th. oth.. .ide of the Sind
ri«r. ~IOQIItaiuon both .ideo of tbe road covered witb treN of

• m_
all kindJ, oueh .. Ii.., oW, chuna .... nod _fccllll'.. The chunar;'
found .. koolKh in cirrumf...,_ and 20 yarda high. A kooladl
is a
a .nu, their ~
of 3 cubit. and a bolf. Soofedatt do not attain IUth

sa- a- is 0Ied
ctiamtttr being about half • yard. Timlin
for building pUl"pOMl.
GOOZUR.I-G"LG"!'AGEER. E. oligbtly N. .. Kroh.-Tbe bit u.rry
ill C.,),mere tmitory. Here duty is levled OD gooda that hs\'"e 1Iot
paid duty in S~nuggur or OandurboJ. If the owner baa a
receipt, it i. examined and the entrill8 eompsred with hi..
goode. Four Tillage. are pa!"'<Id 00 the .-I, lkwul, Koclun,
Reez1lll, and anotMr, all beloll~ng to .llulik l.ikrom. B..d goooJ.
From S_nuggur to tw p1ace the roatl ;. ~blr by CIIoIMLo, but
th_ animA!. are not WIfd in thi. perl of tho couolry. ~ 0 more
fruit 11"1.
... arc met with a£~r lW plae....
SOO~A-'IUJtO. E. alightly N. 6 Kroh.-A small nllagtoon tbe right
bank or the Sind river, l'Cllt.ainiag 100_ SOor GOh_; it belull~
to )lulik IJkrum. T"o lrNh (rom th.· (""1 or (iu~"" .... tbe ri,er
it again c...-xl by a wood..n bri.lh"', '*yond whieb, rur the diolAnro of
aboul 000 kroh, the ""'" ~ owr ... lid rot·k,_bic·b u. so Ilippery
and difficult to croa that a ho......,an it comp"lkd to dieloWlt.
ThiA rocky portion of til<' "osd beom the ~ of Uun~. At S,,.,......
murg the ruins of • ""roi, built ),y Ibraheftll Klwl, ore '"-'hIe.
Hero tho inhabited parl of Cashmrr. ends.
BALA.TUL. E. sli.,<>btly N. ;; Kroh.-An =inhabited plsee, con-
taining only one building for the IIoOCOmmMatiooo of tnTeu"",; it
is situated 00 a monotain pegs OIl the ri.,oftt bel: of the Sind riTer:
stream in the Ticinity of the building. Three krob from Soonamurg
is a place called RAnu, also uninhabited, but containing 6ve or six
houses (or travellers: there are a few line tree. d_ by. JlGId 1.".1
and good. Balatul ie on the Cahm_ fronti..r, the Thibt,t &untitr
cotDJn!'tl('ing from ..... t • short w.t.ance to the .... t of it.. 'J"be
hills in th~ neighbourhood are dbtituw of graa: mOUlltain atl'ftJllll
nwnorol ...
M E. ~lightly N. 10 Kroh.-,\ nna.. on the right bank
of th.· river of :r- Thi~t, inbahiW by S. ,'"te )fMomtdaIl5.
Tho juri...tidion and lan~ of Thil- t II. re <.OmUlC2lc..... We
ro:,<.'I",dtho awnmil of the pus 11('(.. een Balatul ao.1 this p""'" in
4+ bou",. The road throughout WII pl'IICticable fur bol'lOJ. 1-'"•
• bout one kroh of the d~t .... ~ ovtr th~ (roun lIUJfare of
the now which bad I«ome perf«tly 101iJ. On. hiD eee Irrob
from ,rutayun t...o large reel.. II'f ,i.."blf, eslled the \"~
Soogun.1. ACC()rdin~ to the rormIt Itgend, h,o brotJu.,. of lbe
8pe<!ics or lhe cleo or g<'nii dispnt.ed .t lW spot for the ~iQII of
spring of Wllter: it ..... finally dtttrmined that halt of the .... ter
shonld be allowed to ftow to'll'Vlli t-r Thi~l, and the _!ling
portion towanls C.,.),mm'. 'Ihete brothers ,...,.., bAlDed resp«tin11
V ooga and Soogond, and hence the lWDe borne by the rocks, which
are rogo.rded as the g.wdi.ans of the ""0 divi.rioD8 of the .tnoam.
The explanation or the legend .ppear. to be thst. spring here is

the common .OUTCCof two slrCAlMfiollojng to Tbibtt and Caohmere,

the f,.nner under the name of the Balke or TbiM river, and the
latter, the river of Sind. Both th.,.., subtequcntly unite II('IU'
)foozufTcnabad, and fio\\ through the Punjab under the name of tbe
Jbelum or Dhut.
P.\.."'DRAS. 1:. 't Krob.-On the !t·ft 140k (lr the riwr of n,ibet.
j\ crow with red Ix"k and r,..,l ruund in lhi. pArt of lb~ country
it conli<l.·rc,1 OIl lawful fuod by the )!alavDl,..u.n inbabitllnt... II"re
nlso i. Iound an nnimnl ~'nbling a jackal, CDIItd in tho
c...hmt'fee languAge a "duroon," thi" fur of which it nlusbl~;
the Il,..h i.e cou.icl"rt>dIl£'nefi";ai in ClISc<i of It·profY, though unclean
..."",rdll'g to l!obem,..u.n I",~. Road good, along the l4n1r of
the Tbioot river.
Dm.\S. E. I Kroh.-Tbe nnme of a small distriet containing.., m:my
villllgl." in close proximity to each othe that the ...hole .... ·mbLes
morc the different qunrt<!ril of a town, and bears the gtl1era1 lUUDe
of Diras. The names of the various ,;~ arfl known only to
the inhabitants. Dims is ';luat.ed on the bonks of the TIu"be1rirer,
For tbe whole eillge the road is by the river side. The ~
between l[ ut:>yun ...,01 lb;' plaoe are of the ID06t WJ\:tebed
About" year before the date of ODr visit, 300 men of the Dl1l"<Ire
tribe had attooked and pltmel"redDinLS,and carried any u prisoD£n
2:10 of the inh..bita.nta, who were IOld lUI .Iues. Since tha~
time 11[0".., of ijO mlltcbloc'kmcD, Dod<-rthe 100 of ){ubk likrum.
ha"e, by till' ord.·r of tho Ru!t'r of Cuh,m·",. 1"'.:-0.t,,(ioll .. 1 hCr$
for lbe prot;.·Uou ur th~ ro." all.! \'illa~. 't"lik l'krum rtcei......
trom the ILlja <It Thi),,·t lin .1I0"anoo (If half the ,<,,"U~..t the
\"illagt.. b-tween MutaYIOn and Di ......
The Dunl.~l1 "bow m~ntioUl,.J 0..., en iudel"'nolent lribe whl)
inhabitlh. Ioillt three o. four ILl)'" journt·y north of Dina: they
have" pe<"Uliar1311".".",<) of llwir ''''0 c:l1l,,1 Ounl,,', hut apeak
Pushtoo, 'I'b,'u. rt'lil{ion if not known. It i. oai,1 t~t ~ ;. ..
route through tI...0" ...1", country to »",Iul<l,.b ..n, hy whieh lbatcity
!'lUl 1>0.. ~hed (rom C, in ten <la, jl.
KURCDOO. E. slightly N. Hi Rroh.-Lilce Diru, a ~mall d;.mel
C<>Dtaining many vilIal(l.'S 01_ (ogether, aitost...t on lbe left bank
of the Thibo:t ri\"&, Qnd two Irroh irom it, Th. hoWleSare well
built and clesn. Willow and ",hit .. poplar ~ in ahomdanw. The
inhabitlmt.. are )[ahomedane ot the Sheeah sect. We arn\"oo here
on the 24lb September lS13. Betw..zn Dins anel this pIaoP two
passel are eressed, between which, ",,'en kroh from Dirv, is ..
Excl.-T. Y.
Rom PROll CASrornu: (mGGrn) TO TBlDET. 9
bAIting station for eat:l..-ans, where tbere is • Ipring of water at
the (oot of the bill ~ bob from K om:boo it! th~.malI ,.,l1age
of Brook, from whidI. the a-t to Kun:boo • ~ry abrupt.
Wild oDi,'De ahDDdaDt. Here th~ eo.... ha~c tail. like hortleS,
and the CfO..,. are black &Dd. wlDte.
TIRISPOWN. E. oIi~tly X. (Di.tauao DOt gi~\'o).-Two kroh from
the Mt haok of the river ; inhahitant. Sh.....h.. 110,,_ well built,
and .bundAnCf> of willow and I"'plar tn..~. RocW ".. .00. Five or
';x vill........ aro ~ 011this Mtar: • large "jlluge hull way i.
cnllC<l II urun.
PUSlII(Ul£. E .• Iightly N. 5 Kroh.-Tl'I\'O kroh from the Icrt
honk or the Tlli""t river, which rbao~ it, l'VUnIC. Tnhabi-
l.aoU ShCl...h.. Th. name of the Raj. of tbia I'ID'~' i. ~rahommcd
Ali Khao,.t.oo. She.>ah, who it ..feudatory of th~ Raja of 'l'bibet.
lle it marriEd to a siileT of that aoVtMgtt, and tu. compelled his
,,-iC. to adopt the )Iabomed:m religion. One of hit oi.k.. i.; married
to the Raja of T1u'brl, wbose 6Uth she bu emb-..>d. Pushkum is
• beaotiful opot, ",ell wooded ..-ith willo'll'$ ancll"'P1ars, and watered
by mOWllain stnsms. Road good. Several 1;J1a~ In passed,
the ~t of ",hicb is lIinjce, two kreh from the bot ~ta..<>e.
)ruLBEE. E. a1ightly X. G Kroh.-Xear th~ 1;11a~ is a hill eon-
ei.t!tiogo( one entire rock, on the aummit o( which iJ :1 fort and a
moo~t('ry of Lamas: there abo the iduI. Ilnl 1'I\"""l'Ci. Close
to tho ,'illage it an immense idol, twi.,. IiI. oi".·, ,.. rved out of lho
eolid stone, but by whom is Dot known. Tbe rui.1lI or Il serai
built by Ibf'llh~m Khan are still v;'il,l. here, 'rho iullubitout..J
of ~rlllbl'O are oot l[Dhomed3M, but (,Nf,... tbe rdi"rion of
'l'biJ,;,t. 'rbe junior K..loon, to wbom bdung. the whole territury
bet"wo Di
.;'it, which
trol •.... re Lt1n:: cut. SeTen
Loocbum, Su'1._I', &:c.
and thia plact, ","ida b"re. At the timr of Our
in the end of Sl'PWoht'r, the .. It....t an,l hllll.y
aN I-.,j OD lh~ road,

IfUNSKOOT. E.• lightly X. 6 Krob.-InhaLik..! by Il pt'Ople pro-

fllBliJlg the religiun of TIu"bet. Road over hilly ,"OOolry. Severs!
vii. an! ~, the umes of lOmeof which &I\l Wukb,
Tukbchoh, KhootpOO, &:e. YOOROO. E. slightly X. 5 .Moh.-A ,;!l:ageand Lamllmonas-
tery. The ho_ ...ell built, &Dd. surreunded by puplllra and willows.
Road good, rather hilly. Several villages are ~ 011 lI.;.. .t3ge.

KJltTLUCl1. E ... lil;'btly N. & Ktub.-A Ill'3"tiflll lilLIgC situated

among I''''ntali,,,,. of poplar, apple, and other I"..... ,(,'onnerly
the JVad t.u tim I'lace ,..... merely • mOWltAiuloth, but it IIU lntcly
10 nOUT! 7110ll C'\'sIDrEDE(susexrcorn) TO TIIIBET.

Le.1I imrrond by ODe of the ho ba.i oosutructed bridges

wbtnl rtquired. :mel widened tM .-I. 10 that it is now passable
for bo,_" throa",<>boot. At a !'pOt two I..-rob(rom KhoJuch the
roood ftnlte. a stream. :mel .. theDce _,tin~ along il5 left bank
te the ,;u.,...... 'Ibis stream comes from a north.ftSterly direction.
and Bows to the south-west, where it fi.naIIy unites itself with
tbe .\Uodl, rirer, It is ssid to be joined lin<t by the Shayook river,
which tak~ its rise bennen Thibet and Yarlrund. and then to How
t hruul,ob the Yooeoo&:aee, Beer, and Timoul country to a spot
within one or two L:l'Obof the fort of Attock. The stream has
no purlit ruIJlr name at this plsee, but ........1I1'<lthe SallBpOO,which
in Thi),dlln means a Wge river. A hridr over the river at
Khulueb, whicb was built by Ibraheem Khan • .till exists, and is
kepi in f,>oocI n:pair. Khulucb is on the right bank of the ri ver,
St'SPOW L. t:. IliltbUy X 8 Kroh.-A "ouNhing ,-ill_ge.the neigh-
I" ........ed of wbicb is well ...oucI..>d ..nth .n kiodt of fruit 0-.
It-I hilly, hot 110 di!icolt I*k"I an ~ Two Iaob £rom
tI.~.... t .tItt.", ia the Wge viIIat,,,, of Xooruollah, an.1 tb_ Iaoh
frum that .;....m ... H~. "rom UJ. Lwt village is a .-I
10 tbe !'1II>1- nvn-. Wild __ ""' f""n.t iD the neighbour-
1.0001. A mcdiciDe c:aIled Mr. much _I h) pbpiciana of tho
G....,k ochool. i••100procurahle bm!.
NE£'ttlJI. t:. .ligbtly~. a Krub.-.\ I"'plllo,," "illage abounding
in rruit I".... Two or thlft \;1"'l1\'li are poA<'d 00 tb;' atnge,
Ih. !ug....t of which ....Boozgoo, 3 bob frollt ::\'~'muh. Rood good.
LEII. N.• Iightly E. S Kroh.-Th~ 1Afg\ ..t to\\"tI in Thibet, 'l1lc
1tt'IlI,rIIl name of 'l1libet inde.:d "' oft"n 6"l'lil'd to th;' town. It
"' .itUllt..J on the right bank of the S3,,"i"'O river nod ono krob
rrum it. F,owfruit 0- in Or about U.. t..wn; I"'plalll .bundnnl.
Road good :mel run,; for the whole "f thi. ItAl,'t' along the ""nk of
the nv,·r. The COIllltrv in ...hicb Leh is ";tuat.od is eslled here
IAdakb, and by the c.llIo_, Booton; the name given to the
inhabitant. by the is Boot. In P.nian ao.1 Turkish the
couRtry is knOll'D by th~ _ of Thibet, which in Turkish &iguilies
.bawl-wool, :mel is applied to the COWltry in coDleCjUooceof the
aLandaneo of that attide exported """-.
~Ml Dir.o,.:mel lIutayun the country produces· ...heat, cotton,
an,II,arley; the ...heat \wTe;;t is in the m"uth of December. Bevoud
1M Iattt... plaee 110 ectton is grown. In the o.oighbourbood oi Leb
w..... t iA harv""kd in <x..tohtt. The", ... ooly one crop io the year.
Th. tun.i!'. of Leh are "..-eet and full of lIavur. Rice. Indi_n-oom,
&o.ll·u""' tlo nvt~ w here, Between ~[uta)"Daod Lob the woter
i....... IllI<l ......UlIIS diJlkulty of ""'rita!ivo anti alto !/oilr., though I
noun nOll CASIIllEllE (SREn"1:GGU"R)TO TBlDET. 11
did not _ ca,<>sof the biter in Leh i~lt. AllOTdrinking ""'_
for three or four days in Leh, I ns mpelf all',,,,ted by cillIicnlty in
b""'thing, ...hich diaappeaMI on my laking to Us an.! w.c.:.ntinoing
plain waln. The mater of the 5_110,- riveria 1:OO'l. n..-n are
no ...elJ. in the eountty, and the proplc _II drink (!'OlD oprin,.""' and
mountain atream., near ..-bicb their vilIa"..... are in,-.riabl, builL
The .taplr food of the inhabitant.. of ThiLtt ia "IGUOO,n or parched
pin reduced to meal and made into a ("IlIA!; thit th.y ... t with""t
any Iweeteuing. Their favourite food ia ".uttoo" in which meat is
cooked. The bigher elasses eat riee, All cw... arc d~ in
woollen oloth. The poor ,.-ear in winter a .1I"·l'-"kin c:oclt and a
black cal', thu Intl"'r worn on one ';do 10 .. to conr 00" of tho CDrs;
tb~ir boou of undrelQ..! hide rescb hAlf way up the ,...:If, and aN
lined witb woollen cloth. Tbey ,\"tv their hair l,laiw.1 into • tail,
which hnol," down the ~k. uPI",r If.'rru(·ot. are IODlt hst
.imilar in .bA10! to tb worn in Iodia, .... , are maol. in one , -.e.
Women ....,.r in their hair atringa of turquoiot-, ~Iiao, '" raJ, or
~rl "'..J•.
In conttqu4!D.... of the dilIicuity of Itrltinlt a deeeet Ii.'ing ont of
the land, an ." ominable """tom, which, ho"<'I!r, ;. nol t:lIIctioDed
by th, ir ,..,Iig-ion, pre\,uu among the Io.... r <~, of three Or roar
broth,·,. king tnAJTi,.,J to OD< ..... man; all the cbildn:n born of
luoh a "'Arri",,~ b...Jong to the eldest brotber, The tid ..., 100 h ..
tho power of tlifJ_ ... ing hi.. CAther..r hi. r'''''pm)' to the "xcl"';on
lOr lh,· olhrr 0001.

Th!. [<,talllT"ill produ~ of Leh i. fIIlimat,..! at 6,000 khArw..... per

annum. ~o t"x i. It·\;ed on produ,,,,I,.t a " ...rly u.'( i. paid Ly
I'UCII proprietor in proportion to the amount of laod 1••1J Ly him.
l'ur the I'd~ of this t:u the land i. net m<:Uu,...), but tbe
amount Ie> be poid ;. determined bythe ,ral"r .h"&D~ fd !1 el
b, _·h I'Npri<lur. Thus one io Mimatal to ha,. at command •
•umd~nt amount of ......ter to tum ODe fIour.mill, aootber lWC that.
'1lW1tity, and a third oulIicient CM .the im,,.:&uun of his land fM oiO
many <Ia,., and 10 on.
In Lth the b_ are huiltof st.>ne or unbornt Ln~k,the t-ms
being of poplar wood, There are mo~ than a tbowand ho.....
in the town, m<)ot of them three or {our.. t"riN_ Among the
Mahomodan. of Co.sbmere and Thibet membera oC both the
5hemb Dod Soonnee _18 Are to be Cound.
An export duty of Rupees -1 per load io levied on ."" w I·\\'oo!
taken to Caabmere. :Xo duty is clwg\..! on thii article when
brought iute Leh from the SWTOlIlIdingdi:;tncta. On .ha w L.exported

to Yulculld .. duty of Rl1~ t per lurl< (on~liftcenth of ..

kIlu "r) in .,.';gbt is charged. Eight hundred bo__ looadI, _b
I... J ill'hing tl) turks, of ""awl-wool an! e"l"'rttod to C.. hmere
annually; ...( all ka imported" omall ,.rol"'rtion i. taken m lW>d by
tbe O..,.m.nent. Shawl-wool i. 1"""II'ht from Roodult ud
ellA) ,-entban, the former bcing " town in th,. di.tncl of Leh tut of
tbat town. Chnyeenthen is D previnee""'on,,';n~ to lAD, the cbief
town or which, Oan1ook, i. flftc<n days' joum,·y from Leh. Lue is
a \\'"II.IIIIOIVII oity, two months' journey to thu wst of Leb. It
is the " ..itlcn~ of tho heed or tho LomlUl, wh,.. e name i. not lmown.
.'or the I,.. t nrt~on or twenty yeo", thi, chief 'AlIM, in eonsequenee
of trouble.. with tho Ooorl<"IIII, lJllB I'"~ hilllllClf under tbo I'ro-
tection of tho Em)K'ror of ChinA. 'I'he wool £rllm which lha" b are is the .hort soft substance on tho bodiea of goot.l, growing
Lelow the brur.
In Leb is a ~fahomedan mosque, the Imam of whieh reeei\"1!S
a dAily allo'fnIDooof one joo (a quarter of a nl~). This mosque
w... built by Ibraheem Khan, who..-as a man of noble family in
the ...mce of the ~nrbnts of Timoor. In ru.. tim. the Kaljmah
(Calmuek Tartare), ba,;ng in'l'8ded and obt.aio•-d JlO'-.ion of the
greater portion of Thibet, the ll#ja of that oountry claimed peotee-
tion from the Emperor of Hindoestan, Ibrah,,,m Khan W1li accor-
dingly deputed by that monarch to hi. .....w.lane<>,and in a short
timo lUeeeeded in el"l'elling tbe inveders nnd I11ncin~tbe Raja onee
mON on I,i. throne. The noja embrnet..J tbe )hhom,.Jan faith,
ami fumlUlly aeknowledged himocl£ Ill! 1\ rcudotory of the Emperor,
whn honored him with the title of Ruja AkilJUl )fuhmoed Khan,
\\ hich title to the l>rcoentday it Ixlmc Ily tho Rull-t of C....hmCl'\!.
A£tt'r a ~horl timo tho Rajn returned to bi4 an~i('nt f"ith, but, out
of n~n1 to tho tn~men'" eDit'''..! into I.). him, k.,.t up the 1CDl'
1.1"",., of lut..,rdiDlltioD to tbe C...hmere atl",rnml."t, which is .till
tvlltinU«l though without payment e! triL"tf>. C"iDl are ,till
.ln~k \\itll an inscriprien bearing lhr n.m~ of "uhmoool Shah.
Tho <umnt .Ii...r eoin here is th,' juo, four of \\ hith gu to a rnpee.
.\ )_11' ..fl'.,"nlt is ""nt I,y the Ruler of lA·h to the dUd Lama at
Tbe Rulrr of CruhmeN it cardnl nol to mske anr hestile
,"n8 a',""inst Thibct from foar of the 1_ of "';'cuue he
" uI1I,II\,fl',·rfrom any disturbance of tbe trsde in shawl.wool which
woulcl "'lillie the .top,~<>eof tbe manufseture of .howl. and deprire
bim of the )'l"Jrly revenue of len lakh. of rupo.'('Ithat he deri..-es
flOm this source. The people of Thioot are poor in the extreme.
llOUTE nOll C.1S1D('EJlE (!!II.E'O"t"CCtlt) TO I UlBEI. 13
During my stay there I n~yer sa ....any of them going about armed,
thou:{h some I---.sIIrIIla in their b_. lIigb....y robbery, mur-
der, theft, Ind crimes or nolmee an' ue 1m.".." be",. "litO two
Tbib...t.ansquarrcl, the ~ltlJt mad< of an:..",r lbat ,,.., poo..iblJ be
shown by either of the di'l'utants is to 6U his 0\\ 0 mouth "ith
4!Arlhand chew iL E3ch '-- his h-J Ind call. t.. the blh,.. to
,trike him, kno" ing that the .triker will be eempell•-d to pay. fine
of three rupees, or, if blood be drawn. IPX. A J'< 1"100 who otnk ..
BOolher witb Il .word is !cCJ.ltied to •• tune for. whole day, nml
i. lloco mmd,· to ray • et·rtoin sum .. romJ'C'OfIStion.the amounl uf
,..hit·h ;. fut....t 8«'Qrding 10 W positi"" .,..,.,pi ...1 I'J the ""rti,...
Sh ..uld the .....uDdc"J man die, hi, ....,lAnt is thrcoW1linto tbu ri,.r
,,·illo e hea,'Y .tone tied t... h;' mi,ldl~. The pec,,'I~ are milol lind
inorr~noi\"e 10 a d<-gree,In.1 hay" 00 1'(.lit.";oWlpl\·jutli,,,,,,. TIot) j:'ive
th,·ir da,lboobt .... in ~ ... to ~r:abomtdans, IUIII the-e ,.....Iily
em!....... tIw> 1'\·li~oo or Ibrir h....beftd.. "'tumin~ .......m to
",,,...,,troI faith on • seeoad marriage with a !laO,t! or Thibet. A
reroo of 500 men would ao.llice to eonqaer the "bole country.
Gunpo'll-der of eseellent quality is made in Tltibet, both ... ltpttN
an.1 sulphur being abundtDt; the sulphur mines an! at. p'- about.
three days' jourooy from Leb.
Tt i.customary in Thibet when a son i.. hom to th,· Raj" for the
IAtt("J'to abdi",,~, th~ admin.i.otration of tbe t'OUDtryI..,iug eon.lucw..1
by tt... ,....,......;J,~
omr.-.,. or the State, .. Ian U\' tbn.... in number.
Chi.,f of these i. the K.I.,..n or Deyuty ••r the Kin:!; ont. t<> him
the Chllghzool or T""",urcr, and third in rank llll' 'Iughgool, "10"
;. Ih~ Comoun.I,·r of ll,t .\nnJ·. At tl,. r"",,,ot lillie the 1\,,1,1<10
;. ,,11 I.''',·..nul. u,~Raja III"in~ onlJ' t,", "'ml,lAlIee or auU'"rit).
The name or the I''_nt Raja io CllIt_lorj ee.
1,verl" Tbil~·t," ma'h .. OM of hi.... p< a or N,.. who ( ,kIo.
tl,~wo~ld. Th~ word ti,,'1,iI11"• ~"\li,I~.and io oI.,ri".1 r rm UIl'
Thil'lun '' ..,..."in:{ a road or leth. .\ r.",.le t...rna i 11•..J a
Cheomnh, th.. rnalling ()C whif"h ...-"nl i. unknown_ Butb aula .rul
f."I1"I.·Lruna. 1'\1U';0 unmarri,.I. and are the ")lintu,,1 !,,,,ideo or the
'''''''M. From the difficult) .. r commllnicalingwitb tl", peeple, owing
to our mutual ign<'rIJ1oe of tach other'. Ian~. 10,1 .1.., r""," 10
£tar of creating • mo"piOODin the mind of the KalOOD, I ......
uoal,le to obtain any att'UTIte inforrlllltion .bout tbe reli;,;iun of
Tbit...t. I gathered, bow.,<r, certain lert.icnlAn; from tM Mabo-
medan inhabitant. of Leb .....bich tb<.y bad heard at \..noos tim ....
The religion is caJJ.d B.Kot., and ita "",ressol'!l bdieve in • d~ity
and rrvpbel3. TMr do not ....,....l.ip the idulo kept. in their
l.~BOUTE FROll C..\SlDlERE (~R'EID,,;G01rR) ro TUDlET.
templet, which thl!f decbre are merely l'l'pAlOefttatioDlof clqarted
Saint. and Lamas. to ClOntemp~ which if eolllidmd lID ..,t of
piety. " hen • uma or great man dieo. hi. body if burfttod. IIDd a
ICU!plunld ~nbtion of him flI-I on his Some of
th_ fiJ:'W'8'l are aid to n>present a ontain propht-t ... ·110 is still
&li.~ in th~ .... teN s.nd fo~ the former being nd,,,, hi.. ClOmpl.te
eentrel. From this it ...oold seem that th,'Y han lOme eoneoption
of the rropbet Khiu (on him be peace). Otb ..... again consider
the figure to ri!pM'Cnl a prophet who is lh'ing in the hearens, ...hieh
would appear to point to Jesus Christ (on him and on oar prophet
be IlCCIOO). The Thibet:ms consider their ecriptnre to he inspired:
(b" book contains many moral precepts and exhomtiona to worship
God, to fulfil. promise, to speak the truth, to aLandon what is evil,
and sueh like. It also oommanda that "if any man oake • .....,. thy
sheet gi". bim tby cloak also," Again," if any man ".ike thee on
one cbeek tell him to strike the other aLoo!' In that book the
worsbip of icIols and the OSttl'bing to other than God the attribllUS
of deity is forbidden. ,rrtn the exeeption of the c:u..-Wmof bam-
ing tM dead many of their obeensn_ &It' limilar to those
of Chri.'tian.. They are forbidden to eat the IWsh of the
bo..... or camel, and they are allowod but one wife. Their
grtat r..ut. .......
in is held It the time ...h.... the SlID enters
Cal,ricorn, corregponding with the Christmaa feStinl oI the
Cbr;'lian-. Form this time their year eommeeees, but I WII3
unable to uecrtoiu tbe exact date. Another aimilar eustem is,
d,at a man when tnking an oath .'«'VII by Kunehoogbaoom,
Kunchoogh meaning God, and soom, thn...., Uu.t i. by the three
God. Or Trinity. They a.cknowlod,.:e but one God. the other
membcrw uf the Trinity being a prephet and tbeir _,-red book.
In tbo inlhtuon on therru;el...,,, of b""J I""'2n",. &1.00 the Lam»
.._mble Chn.tian prie.t& Only a y_ ~ron> my to Leh
tb"n! .. "" • Lama th""', wrho, dll1'inlt the ....bole of hi. life, haJ lie...... lout in an erect pestnre. I ...... inr"t1JXI)by an III.-.d IlWI that
b~ had .... rlAinN beyoad "II doubt that ... "'" portion. <.f the
CbriAian Bible had ~ ""e.:oIod to the Thikt.. .... but that, in
ron"""!u..... <of tbeir not bring in p<&<Mlon Cof the ..·bole Look, the
practice of I.uming the dt:lldand the doctrino Cof the IftDI'IIligralioo of
""ul. hare been admitted as a porti~o uf tJ.tir (l1'11l:ti oe and faith.
In t.., wbich is the b_-quart<.... of tb. lamu, tbe dead an>
bnril'd and nol burned. The Thihewu aaerl that their 0,;g;na1
IIrril'lure \\'01 in a language now beeeme unintdligibl. to tbem, and
baa Iw,,·n tnultlilltod into their own toOgul', Notwitiu.taoding all
mYl'llU""YOf'l, I wu unable to procure any l",rtiuD of their acred
or the·n ~hsr:..:t.. there al"\' two r..nm in Thibet, 011" uted
only in r rintin!l', allCl the oUl<'r ror manu...ript. The moatba are
not di..tinj,'Ui>bed by dill.mlt names, but are kno,", as the lint
month, th.· ~ud month, and 10 00. 'l'im~ i. reckoned by ptriodt
of 12 y......,. t'alled Etlo, each bearing the name of ... me animal, as
the Suei.ku Eel Or "mocae ptriod," the Wudud Ed or I. eo...
period." I was unable to aseerLlin from whllt em their chronology
eommeneee, The lall!,oouag<lof 'l'hioot b.. in many tefiJ'l'<I!.t a
~... mblance to that of Cashmere, and all!o to Turki.b; to the
COI"IIlf'f, (rom the prnal"nee of the n_1 • (noon-i~oonuh), aDd
to the Istkr, from the frequent use of the letters g~a;., 1:aJ-i-hra •
....t, "«If, and d~.
The dogs of Thibet are twice the size of those ~ in India,
with huge '-'h and !Wry bodieoJ. They are pow."cw anjmali, and
are said to be able to Icill a tiger. Dnring the day they are kept
chained up, and are Itt loose at night to guanI thei.r masters' heuse,
Ylb, the tai1s ('{ which are exported to Hindoostan, are fOUJld in
Thibet: they are .bort in Eiature, and admirably adapt..'<l for cany-
ing lo;ld. in .. difficult and mounlllinons country. Though I had -
heard ,. gn.t deal of the Thibct ponies, I sa\\' hut fe....of them;
th_ eome chidly £rom .. pbce eslled, belonging to Thibet,
about 10 or Hi days' journey from Leh, The an-rage price of ..
pony is from Rupees 20 to Rupees 70; their pace ill an amble, and
though small, thrr are extremely useful for hill "'ork, being MIJ&o
footed and .~y_ Their food ill harley, and ro~, a speeieI of
white grus. Inorder to fatten them they arc fed with a description
of Corage called Rwohkub, gi"cu gtOOn in the spring and dry at
other timeI of the)"Sr; a pouy will cat about CoW"an..... worth of
RIIIhkuh cl.iily. A game eslled the Chowgan is ma.:h played in
Thibet, Th~ playen, divided inte two pnrti.,., arc aU mounted, each
being pro,idt.l with a long club curved at lhe end ; the obj.d of
the ~ ia to drive a t..1I bet,..~o two atooe pillara erected on the
plain, and which ever Ade ~ in doing thia nine limel is declared
the winner.
Being unpron!ed with inltrumentB I was unable to detnmioe
PolAr Star, taken by m_
the poIIitioD of Leb, but from an ot."..tion of 1M
of a rough io.trument mad. by my~1f
out or • pi«-e or curvoo wood, I mado lbu longitude 37 ~ ud
10 mioutn.
J had atartc.t from Cuhm_ on the 6th day of tht· month Ram_,
1221 A. II., eorrespooeliog to tho lSth September 1812, and arc«
a j.oQJDcy of Ucla)., including balta, reached Lth 00 tb. Srd

October. 'The actual distance between S.. ·nulmV and that tOl<11
i.e ollly 120 kreh, but the natural diJljculli,~ or the compdkoJ
me to 1".,,<1 II)"wly. On the 19th of u.., lDoDth Sbo........ of the
ame y.w, colTt"<I",nding to the 26th Od"LM-, I Itrt Leh, and af1ft
n j<>um,'Yof as da~,.arrived at 1"arkuod OD the 2nd Deeesaber
r"lIo" lflg.

Ud.-T. Y.
ROI'TE FROM LE1I TO rx s cuxn.
SUBOO. E. S 1\:.00.-.\ consi"~rahle\'iIIJ1G'O bt·lunWng w 1.<:11. It.-.!
ow, Lill.1 COWI!ry.
FOOT O}' THE DIG t It P \SS. R slilfhtly N. :; Krob.-.\ IIJ'fUI>r
of watt'r here; no "Mit",. F"I'ai.""and wcod UIII'roc<lI101>..... It..t
",..Ier with .. "'DliIlUOUI __ nt. The air here 1,,,,,1,,,... a difficulty
of LrtJI!hinJ,l'.
DIGl R. f:. olil.,'·htly:\. b Krob.-.\ "iII~ hclon!'';'1g to Leh.. \\ nter
iD .. Talley at .om" cli.taDee frulll th.· l'illaj.,..,. }toad difficull. .\
cootiouo1l5 IlU<ep Meent for the li... t three bou... an,1 .. half to the
.ummil oC the ~, and thtllce II d.. feuL La th.. \'iILl~ Otttll'ying
Courhollraaod .. balr. Fer the "b"le of the .....·\·nl 1 "'" oMig"'! 10
clismouot Snow bad Call,II a yanl in dOJ.tbon tM ro.!.
AIIG.\:\(. :\ .• li;;htly E. 3 Krub.- \ l'illa"..... klonll'ing to I.oeh on
the l.rt hank oC the Sbayook riltr, containing &Lout :!O '""'-.
Tlut :'>103yook uk.,. illl rise nt I\umkoorum, n I.Ll"" "bith will
h...,'&{tH be ml'Dliu_I, anu tHIII,""ly joi"" tl)llAlt. ..k ri\<r. ACttr
'''''ng Dill''' the road 1.",t.. alollg the mountain lick C,., a .bon
dinanCt', aad thcu tom_DCtII .. continuo ... d''CCCDt,Cor the .. hole
kn:.:th oC ... hieb the ro.! ;. ",,·k1 and .,.".1,. At the opc.l "MJe
the .I.-nt eommenees... IIlOOnd...>1<1 from Leh to Y.,kund, puring

&no...... the ri ..... is im.,_bk.

1>1' the ,il~ of X oobruh, bmnchl'tl off from the main road. Thio
";ul4 ;. I1Rd iD the hot ...... ther, \\ I" n, O\\inlt to melting oC the
II.." the iuhal,ited connny end...
°DOOKCIlOODDiG \. X.E. 7i hOllra' joum~y.-.\ haltiltg place
und.·, a rock on the ri~ht bank oC the Sbayook. Porose and "ood
pl'O<'Urahle. R<*i hilly bot [roo or rocks; it ItlIIWInow al61l1f one
btmk of the ri=, an.} "OW along the olber. W<, ",.re OOMl'tlled to
m& the ri\'l!l' 6\0 limb; the .....ter ....... 01' to our bo,_' girtb.o.
On this day, the 3111 Oetober, thr 6now "bi.·b fell on OQJ' bonreo
froze Iwd. T-oro or tbree p'_ are '*""'"
on the rood
travcllero might ball, Corage and firewood being procurable.
ClIOOXCUAR.. X.E. H boors' journcy.-A balting .... the
light bank of tb.: S_yook. Fo~ and fire....ced ..bomoIant. R<*i
tbroogb tM .....u.,. oI tM Sbayook along the btmk of thai. rmr,
which if eressed OD !hi.. ~ COut times. I bud great diftjca)ty iD

st'tting ..,...... the ...,nd Iord, &ad billy and roeky. Oae baIting
place GO the rood. f&1Ied Pokba, where f:ucl ia abundaDt but {onll:"
18 :ROt:TE FROlI LEn TO y.u:w:n."'D.

CHOO~G~GUL. N. .lightly E. 9 Ivcn( j<=ner. - Haltillj!

place Oft 1M right bank oCthe ShaY,lOlI:; a ,mall _m whioh ri..s
in the oei"obbourbood fIow8 into the Shayook oppooite the halting
ground. Foragt and w",>d abundant. :&...t rocl-y aDd lies ~ob
a nIl..... N .... this station the I{."';" twice. Half
way were two or three houses occupied by Lamas, ot a place
<ailed LmruI " Kint" in Turki.b _ a ~, and
'f thoo~J" .great ..
CHOONG OOLA.""G. N. H hou.... jOurDoy.-Balting place en tbe
right ""ok ot the Shayook; other otreams d_ by. Fuel and fomge
.bv.n.lant. Tb~ rood rocky and I;' t.brough a ..a}ky, the hil!. on
both oWes being like continuous walL. of nK'k. The ri..-.r ia twice
DOONGY.\ YljL.\K. N. 0 hou .... jo_y.-llaltiDg place ,)II klt
t..nk of the ~ha,'ook, Purl and firewood abuDdant. The ri...r ~
c:roucd tim..... Six haUl'll Crom Ibn wt stagu an entire hill
of marble ia Dl.t, about A gun ••bot in ""Ith, and further on i. a
bill <'ORr.,.} witb iItoD<S of '''';0110 <'OIon like a:...ate.. Two or three
balting 1'1ac>'S are ra-I, onc ... 11,..1 the T_hltOQn or balting place
of Kuftur Khannb. It Kuftur" i. till' Turk;'b Cora pig""D, and thill
plam takoo ito oame from the Dumtrou. bolts l'fti!mhli.nJt ri:zt-oDboles
Oft the f&;:e of tbt hill; it i. about two bou .... joarllC'y from D'lOngya
~nJNDLl:EK. N•• Iightly W. lOt hours' joamty.-Halung plsce on
tbt left bak oC the Shayook. •\ abort .... y from the ri~r on the
opposite bank "'lUI a small piece of watm cc,mpletely froz.,n over.
Wood abundant; rorago _. From thit place romm.n_ tbe
..&:. {' tbio TurlWh wonl m_ literally an od.,.". 01' omelt, but is
geenlly al'{'lied to a bood odour, ...hieh u pornieiOWI to mMl aDd
ho'_' alI'""ting both, and """, ....iruly the lotta', witb short"""" or·
b.....thing. Roa.! througb • oolcy, rocky and &lDdy. The river is
.,.,_..t f!igbt times, Two bOlml &om the ta.t sta!:'e b the halting
plaae (lr Shoor Boobk, where firewood is Abundant and Corage~.
Afkr that ogUD, at two bonN distmot, is the balting plaee of
Teertagh: fuel and forage abundant. Two boan lo11her em ia that
of Cbanugh; foel abundant, l~ __ . N_lhe station the
ccntinneus wall of rocko, through whicb lhr I<*l had hitberta run,
terminal<'$, and a ""''''' of 110 great height it ero.d. B.area and
....... r-Io ...1 hero numel'O\O'.
Y.UTOOB£E. N .• lightly w. 5 hou.... jonrney.-Ilalting .lAtion
OD the n.;.t ""nlc: of the ShAy, ,ok. Wood and forap abundant.
'IbtI ri'er it CI"CUl'd 6,. tima-. R<.cuIJ1LIOI'II tbroagb D ..-ide ,alky :
the stooIts on the rued are uf 3 ....ft d~ripti"D.
JtO'CTEnOll LEn TO y..uucm."D. 19
KOOTUKLIK. X. ;; honrs' joumey.-Ualtinl!: pJaoe. on the bank of
the Sharook. wbi<-hbee loses that name. and is caIltd the Khoom-
daa rinr. Other.treams in the neigbbourhood. Wood of the
1>00.... aDd jfU procurable here. The Conntr is a ahrub with a
Ihick litem used for rn..1.
either dry or gre<'n ; in the atMore oC fon.,-.e
the l('IOn'slien'\' as rood for horses, TrawUcl'l t.ak~on from bne a
ourp!y of gu& wood Iq the .'btiOD>! in ..Ivanee, )o'('I'lIf..'" in a ,1Illey
Ilear this ,.bee. The stones here emit n noxio... and uu...bol.....,me
odour. l1int and small stones like agut........ Iound "~I'\'. Ro:odli...
th",uKh • nJlcr. the hiIk Oil both .id."" of \\ hieb An' no I~
tntin·ly rod,y. Lut are in parts cove.....1 with ..,il. Five or .u
.t""'III' a", c..-d on lbi.~.
ClJOO~OT,\SJ[. ): .• lightly W. 7i hOllno' jounu·y.-lIa11ing place
al th,' r••,1 of • J:u,...., rod. on lb,' plain, M\u)' rr",. thn hilJ. 00 the
rilft.! L:mk or tho Khoomdaa rin·r. Boo..... wood anel rorage in
mall qnaotitieo procurabJ,·. Rocad '.11111),a",1 rocky. t'rom the
IMI stage the ....u.,. ~uaIly ";e1e-n•• and the .:.... or DOxiousodour
I'M'OmmcnC\'W _I conlin..... .\boul balf .... y 10 the left of the
.....J b • nll.,-. and beyond. this an .....eent 'I.cafing the name of
SlSUr. II..., the Xoobruh road over th,· monntai",. "'bieb ia used
in tho hot ~n Ly trawlI."no from Leb to 1'arkuOoI.joint the main
........ Th...., or r<Jur pusct are en_,I. tlo,. I\<onai",ltrof tho road
being "long th" .-t or r- of the mountai,UI. }'rom Siour to
N ",,!'ruh is IJ('I'cn day.. jouml.'Y.
KIlOO~lD.\N. N.W. 0 ho.....• joumey.-nlllting 1'1""" 00 th~ right
hank of the Kboemdan riv~r. To tho I~rl. thnt i., liOulh~~
of thi•• talion. is a mountain of ice whieh rernnin. solid throughout
tbe year. It i. IUp~ that this k~ boil. up lUI it Were &om the
surf~ of the """b. {or pearle .. y that II roek whieb tbey bne
-.. on the rscee of the hill ba" subsequently I.~ _D Ly them
on ilB summit, Th~ £act is thst the \\'~I<'r ,.hi,·b ~ £TOID the
inlmor of the biD beeeeses in>tAntly Irozen, and by iIB imprtns
carri... oom~ of the ""'"" .-itb it. In..,_ I'laceo this _lain is
white, and in others pale and deep blue, The mountain;' aid to
to be 200 hob in Jmgth; on one side of it if Thibet &1100. and on
the other SID'-i-Kool, wbieh is on the Budukahan froDlin. Tno..el-
kro from Ca.,b","" to Yarkund by lbe ThiLet Baltoo roete, whicl>
(lCC'1lpics 2~ day,. h21t three days at this mounuUn; tJoa roure,
ho...erer, is not much used, 'There is said to be a obo~r I'OIId to
Yarkund h,· ....hich tb.i. mountAin of ioo is avoid,..I. but the 'DUbct"""
refUM to ~Dt it out. Boorsa wood proeurnblo i fonoge Rotd
rode)' and andy. We had to CI'OQ! Ih'c or ~i%stream •• IK'metimes
~g 0'''' their lrozflI surfAce. and 8Ometim~tIuough the .nkr.

YA8CII.\:\D. :1'.W. 10i hoUIR' journcy.-I1alting ItatioD bmn!eD

twort_m.. }'o~ Boo...... ood I'rocmahl~. We••
on blanht. "l'nl:Id on the groaod. which wu eerered witb ""OW
balf. ,-a,,1 dt.~". The.-l It'd l..rtlr over mountaim aDd partir
0\\ r 1<ve1 eoua try. Xine tim ... we er-.I ever tho Croun mrfaec
or.t ..........
BUnCXnSllll (0' ".~lkr (or t,..veI1('1'1. ..) 11M half c,( tho ,...} ): .
•lilfhlly Jol.. and ibe "',.,>0.1 N .• lightly W. 10i hou.... j-y.-
A baltinll "lace lJclo,v.the Kwakoorum J'_. 11.", an three
.,,\1,11 l)lIihlinb'" huiJ~ of atone (0. the U80 o[ t,..vell..... These
buildi",.,,,,"'" called Uorungouh; to wbat ianguag't1 thi. won! bt·lon~
I do not know. 'I'he bud odour causing ,i"".o_ and difficulty o(
l'CI<Jlirntionill wry powerful here. We we .. o\.li,.,....1 to drink melted
sncw, but did not gi~e our bOred any. it Lcing D>Oft injurio us,
""f'l",wly to the larger and bett er animalo. causing a dillk11lty of
b"",thing: tbia climate is ~erybed (or bones. The ... ting o( meat
and gb"" preduees bad eltecta in _no and ill ind«d 10 some
people. For two or three thys JIl'<"'ous to I mysel! _ nothing
but ri... gruel. South of the Kwakoorum .. the """"'" of the
Sbayook river, and north oE it that of the ri,cr of Yarkaad. From
lhi; 1'1...... ti" rerritory of Khootun is 12 day&' i""""'Y to the DOrtb,
And Tbibtt Baltoo lies to the 5OIIth.-t. Snow ren the ..-bole
of lhia .tage; crossed four or 6". &oWl streamL The~,
Along the rigbt bonk of which the 6...t part o[ the road lies,
clulIlgct it. COUf8C noout half way.
BURU~(lSUII (.heller for tnlvcUOrll.) W. olijtbtly X. 10i boors'
jourlll'Y.-.\ .t.•tion north of the Kurakooriun, ...bere there are
two or three Ihl~t.[or travcUc.... "·"",llln.1 r"rDl,'" unprocuralM.
'l'h~ w"to·r I><'in~fruzen. our I."..,......... .,..,.;" .. 1 witbout rood and ""ler.
llo...l covered witb snow &om a roMI to • ,.a,,1 in <I'Ttll. The
wind hitkrly .-..Id. and, nOlw;thetaDding all OUt pn.'('O.lltions,
10111" or "ore 1t;Z<~ with ~omiting and ole.Iro<w. I,r <JIW'.balf
ortbi •• !age tho ""'" ;. 2 conbOUOUJ.....",t. and tMnce a dcsc;.>nt
to tho II"h"lI. On the ownmit or tb~ Kwakoormn is a hnp of
oIA>nH in "J,kb a poIt bat t...en (", .. 1 a yt.k'. tail at the
top... a will mark to lrawlwl'l. Two bbdt =-..""' al~,...
rUllD.l oitling on tb<ooe pooilJl. aDd a<O:OIDlCUlJ' all ...... ....,. ror tbe
d;"t.noo of 101M two or three kroh in th. hope of ~...tti~ r<JOd
(rum th••traf<ll,..... Road good. 00 tbe ...bole. Good lIint. found
here, Durin!; the de.cenL many.-u'l'lUn of wawr are &Cell. Tbe
Kurnkoonun mountain ends here,
SARIGllOTE. N. H hotml' journey.-Watct and wood DOt pro-
curnbh'; fo.....-e t.o be bad. Flit Old we "ere obliged to bring Woe
!lom nOll LEn TOT.UlIr;o-n. 21
from a dist.aDce and IDt'lt it bef_ drinking. Rood partly over
mountainOQ! ... d partly orer I. H·I to>U1Iby; two or three frollA!11
.t_ms erooJllCd. Aft« tra,-.lling for an boor and a baI£ from tbe
lut sta~ we reecbl.'l.lKiziltak, wbere boo ..... wood w..proeumble,
and f~ ~: furth~r on again, aft. r anoth.·, boor and a
half we mme to Cbadun...h. Here a -rioI... t ocorth wind al.... pre- r.
vail. during the earlier part of the day. .\ft.·r th;,. 1,1...", in another
hour al1l} a half We 1'CIICi>t'd a place .. II.,.) lulgh ....i-Buhaeed-
deen, fo~ is J1I'X"If"bI<'&rigb Ot" it one bour's rna",b.
(rom this lut p'__ TM hOl"k'll" -t ......wMd "ithont ".t.r,
,." in Turkitlh M(I&nl red,ancl h tal,." • mountain; hence Kiziltak
.. the red mountain. "Chadur" it Turk;'h for a knt, I\Ild .. tuMb"
fur. atoM; "..n.,<>h. ~ ,...410"·, aDd .. ote " gnaaa.
AKT \K. N.W. 9 boo.... joum<y.-IWtin:: pl_ on th.· right bank
(If a stream. BooM wood peocursble ; fom::e se<",,'.
The tutil'r
half of tb.· nud lay througb • ...noy. lw..! ,'tony and sandy.
Foor Or 6w .tream. c~. Silt bon.... jOlll'My t-:k from thi.o
station is a baiting place nam•-d :llulnbbab, w be re ""lcr, forage,
and boorss wood are obtainable. HBe we waterl.'ll oor horses.
Near this 1'Iace, north of tM roed, is a path o'-a tbe mouDtains
wed in the bot \'\'l!OltMr when tho main ,,_J ;. impasalJle.

KHl:t'L"'LOO~. N . .Jil,.ntly W. JOI boW'll'jouroey.-Ualting plACe

on the ri;cht bank of a <treoun, ~t ....een whicb and • mountain on
it. bank tb, ;" oDly .~ fo. t1l'O or three men I" '*"
ab".. t.
lie re the Ec ends. Watd', """,J, and r"flIK'! abnn.lanL From thill
,.1.... there " {_mwrly a .IIort roood to 'Thibet Dalt,,,,, but tho
K.liaaak and Km;,ilt triloes ba,iDjt fnoquenUy ... ik.! th_h· ...
of it to im...te, the roood ..,.., it ;. ald, c~ ul' by artificial
lIll1l.1I.. ror thi •• ~ the ro:ad io w1d~. Two or Ibn:.: halting
,.!a<o<w on th. road, Three .tNl"," an: tto--.l.
Tt'GII:'\UH. X. 'Ii~tl,.W. 9 bou.... ~~.-On the ril:ht ),..nk
nf a .1rt'01m. Frlglllenta of l'O(·k..., to be ...." at tho b_ ,,{ ..
mountain n,.... tbio .talioD, aDd It io I<3idthllt the mcuntain contAin.
""r'pcr,·b was (oflZlC'rly,.-<-rlt...!by Kalirnab. In tho 1bibet,w
Ia~ "tuI:hDuh- rD<IlJb a copprr miDtt. B<lCId l"Ot'ky and OllDIly.
S.Vt!ll or eij,... t streoun. eeessed, _\ few halting pJa.e OD the road.

EEGURSALDEE. X.W. Si boun' ~y.-H.aJtin::r'- On the

riI,>bt bank of a sIrIl&lD, in a 1.,..01."POt bttw<eD two hills. Wood
abuDdanti ("rage _. B-t _ky and .....dy. Half "1ly ......
• halting plaef, and three ho~ journey from !haL egain another
c:aIled Bokharee OJ.dee. F'rre or U _ craesed OD this~.
22 Rom nOll LEll TOT.\.llKm."D.

BAGU-I-H"\IEE )L-\HO)QrE.D. X.W. 9 bouno'jc;urney.-lWtiog

place 00 the ri~bt bank of a _m. Wood and forag<' abundant.
R"ad f,,'OOd. T_ or three balun!! pta.:.:. ~..J. Half way is a
tract of <"OW> try ea1Ied Ih~ KUghiz forest, wbere ruins of hOU!eS
are .till ,·wb1e. This pIaee fonaerly belongt<1 to tho Kirgbiz, ...00
"<I\' l'XpelW thenee by the Chi.Dt-e for ha"iog plundered cara..-an...
'The Kin:1.iz are a Mogul tn"" wb.- IangU&f,,~ i. Tnrkiab. ODe
day'. journey from the Kirf..>bU forod to tho nC>rlh~;. is a
'nile) in wlti.b it the lomb of Sbub."«Ioollllb Khsjuh, and two
doyo' journ,·y beyood tut -wUo it a mine from which agates
(or com,·liAoolAI\'extracted. loaw pl'Ollle ""iIIA' in lbat direction
from K'Klkyllr to ),un:hLe thlllie,tuo... Beyond the Kirgbiz forest,
(Ill th,' Il'fl "r th~roIId to the l<luth-w.",I, i. R vall••y which is
""id to I,oadto Sir-i-keel, Five or m: .t""o.o.... 'o•• ,,1 on lhia.tage.
\.\ltTOOIIJ-:l;' W.• lightly X. 2 h,,1In' joum.y.-lIAlting I'Iaco> on
the rigltt Lank of a nream. }.<,~ ami wood abundant. Road
M tho "001" level, hilly io plaroa. Five or .ix .trt"llDi. ~
Fn.m here ... had to ~ a "'ppl,. of 1i....,. .....1 to the n.slob:;...
\ L1:\Cln:l: ll(}\\'AX W. M Car .. Koolanwulol,,', thence X. 9
hon"" joumeye-" \ ~'I io Turkish mean. new, lll)t) II d(lW1Ll),".
1__ lInlting J'M ...... the IUlllmi! or th~ lolW. Boo ... wood
in I_II qwmtiU5; f~ra,.."'"D.'\ "t.tainaMc. 'n" ",1,1 w.. bell}
illkn.... Two bows after IftI,;og \arto<,l"", ,,,. n'll4·I",.j a balting
I.LIt'<! namn! Kooloo Wnldn-, .. hl"'~ 'VI' !t·fl lIII' \'nrkund river,
which teke.. it. ri.., frum Dowsn Kurako ..rum, oml r.... 'm !hi»
1,1",·"no". ill a \I',,,1"rly dir~di ..o toward. Chllmgh'lI!th'e. l!<·t\ve'<'D
"",.lnn \\'111,1,..,aDd YUD~b,,,, Do" ..n tho rUlld Ii,.. for 8Om~ dis-
Ian". throuJ.:b a narrow vall~y, Ihrolll(b which now.... t which
juiu. tb" \ .. kund river at th. former I.hlloc. '11", .tMlm was at
till' tinll' of our ";";t eompl,ot"ly fn •zen. Twe 100,.. .... beloDging
to my l..,m~i()ll 'Khajub Sb:.h X""'ll' died b....~. 1'hi. route iI
sberter by 1,,0 day.. that by the Cburor:bsaald,,,, p:.a. Th~
IUlme Koobn W uldee <igoilio .. Ihr I'~ "b"n' the wild _ died,"
from 1'-0 Turkt.h .........t. "loolan," a wilt! _, and .. \\uldee," be
or it din!;u~ ~ toO throw. The Yunghee Du..-ao ~
baa IMD lnaowo [or the Ia..-t iO yean.
TEEZIKLlK PAEEX. X. 9 bonN' jOClr'lK'f.-lIaltinA' place on the
Mi. benk of a nream. Wood and {orage procurable, also fuel of
tho dried manure of the wild yak. The summit of the pass .......
rscb,'t} t.r 011 in half an hoar !rum the ft",W!, ",bence COID-
m.'o.,.,.) • d'*"'>t as far "" this pl_, tbo rood Il!lIding along II
valley tbrough "'hicb 60wed a stream, which we crossed several times
ever ita frozen smface. This rtrftm, .-b.ieb rue.
00 the north
of the Yunghee DOWllI1, joins the Cbura~h..Jdoo n<er n81' the
next 1t4gt'. Muzar. wbere it is known bv the _ of the lltlZll"
ri"er. It tbence Oo,,"~by Kmgbakt-k; takio~ the _ of that
place until it finAlly unites with the YarkuoJ rin.... On this m,.'""
were thr ...• or four IuUting p~, 0"", kn<llnl I.y the lWDe of
T~ik nllla; in all these wood, fo....."'4!, and "akr ..ere pnx:arable.
~ZAR. N. 8 houri joumey.-The tomb of an unknown oainto.
sitllAt...t on till' right hank of the ~t.ream. Here it.hut iohabilA!d by
.hcph,.n1a. nnd two or three for the """ of t......II.-Ml. Laod 6t for
eultivation. I'i\',' or .is years prt\,;oualy a Chiot1i1!eu.tom. post ......
l..tnblilllll..l (\1 this 1>1800. In this ncighbourboocl al\! ot\cntl ...Mlthy
propricto.. owning vnot llocks of sbeep and (:atlll~ Forage IDd
\food preeurable. ROIIdwith a COOtinuOUI descent through a "alky,
now Rlong one hank, and now alOOI( the other I.....k of the .hsm.
'11'0 Beo or no.ioWl odour was a"...uo ",·rec-i,.. h1~. Stfl'flll haltins;
pia_ art. ~1. Near)fuzar the Churoghs:>ldt<.l and Yuol,>bte
Do"an rollt<.. unite, The former to..!. al'IQg • ,.. Iley ...hi.h .....
to our Irft, and through thal <alley fl~ .....
a .tn'aID wbid! unites with
the .tmlll along ....h_ bank ...... tn.clled. Tho 'l'lukisb languag.:
i. 'I'okcn from thit plac.!.
CIIIKLIK. N. 6 honn' joumey.-IJalting rl.... on the right bank
of tho ~[\l1ar .th",m. Wood and fo"'b'" .1..111&111. !load roeky
UU'oItgh It. rnlley, River cl'OlllOdsixt<'Vl tirne. on Se...entI
good hRlting "IR_ on both bank. of the ot=rn ""d on the mountain
KII ULASTlJN. N. 1l bolm!' journey.-1!3Iting rla~ on the ri~bt
b,,"k of the ~{" river, wbieh here IMl\'" the ..-1 an,l 11"..... to
the w.eot. Rolld through a ,-.lley. Trudie .. eould hall at any
place on thi. atnge. We erossed the fro••-n lUrfaro of the "Wi"
tweoty-two times.
AK MUSJID. First hAlf of thio stage to the north and IOCOndnorth-
wtot. H bou .... journey.-Generally known ... \1: Muu-e: DO tra«lI
of a mOlque ...wble. Forage abundant, but ntither wood nor ...-.-
rrocu ....ble: we were compelled to bring iee from a di ._ -~
learing the Iaat., the road mk!Js a Talley ...d (OODtin_
..eta!. East of this valley, and for the l.ogtb (of a'Lout foar bo....
sbot in the Talley imelf, marble is fOGDd. Bey<>Ddthit a"...m is the
patII o[ Toopub Dowao. which is c.-l in two bootll. .. Toopob"
in Turkish mC&DII enrtb or soil In the middle of the abo...e <alley
the Khulutun river quits the road.
OORTUNG. N.W. 9 hours' joumey.-Two or three handred houses.
An" oortung" io "customs postwbere goodt on ....hieb duty is leviable
21 Rom no)!: LEn TO Y.lRKtn-""D.
ate namined, ~, aDd ...... t 00 to \arkImd in cluug.l of ODO
t'bint. aDd t...o Y.lwnedan ~.... .\t thioi post ""' aixtAlen
Chi_ officia1a,the ebief of ...b<.m ia the Glllubdar, aDd t...o or
three ~ clerks. 'l\aoe are aI80 tll'goo or three ChiJ>eo;.,:llaho-
m~ one of whom is ~ in rank to the ebief Chinese
official. The chtty of • GallllloW.. to _ that all th~ persons aDd
s-Lt 'beIODging to .. earsnn are fust p'-l io • oeparate building.
H. then pi....... ticket on all clceed ~ and eumines other
packageo, entmng in .. li&t all good.> OIl .... hicb duty is leviable.
Next day tbe CAJ'lll'110 is sent OD to Yarlrund in cbarge of tbe officers
mentioned, wbo are AIlSWenble that no fraud ;" practised by the
merc:banl.l on the road, and that the ~ arc all delivered Ilt the
eustom house at YarIrund. From C, ....ree merchants ODe-fur.
tieth 0[ the ,.. lue of their goocL; is Lenl..!, and hom all othenl ODe-
thirtieth. When ~u ~ of _,..·ba ...lizc of thp same
_ription and belon~g to ODe 0 ......... n.acb the Dumber 0130 or ",0,
oneartiek, the~·tof itskiod,utaken by tbeeusto_omdaL.;wben
be",",. that Dumber, the good.. an> nlued aDd OII<'-fortitth at' 0_
tbirtidh (If the ,-..1...,ta.keD in opecie. Of s:oodo n.,b ..... (>nly be
.. righN and nol n_bered, • obare ;. takl"l> in kind """"nIi:ng to
weigbt. In.,...,. .. h<-re fraud u .tttmptN "y .. mtrcbant, he is
puaiehed L,. .. fine 0[ !.teD t.imeo the rq,...mted daly. &£ore
."...hing this placethree police Ntia"" at ioln"u. of .boat two
miles, ..... 1_1. At """" of th_ a Chin_ alld a Mabomodan
om ...·• am ,lanOON. The CbiD<*!)I.hom...un. art! kno" n by the
namp of Tovngan_. Culth ..tioD in Ih" Iwillbl>ou.hoexi uf Ibi. poll.
A .trt.. m i. lIIet h"re wbieh 00.... to the nul .lage l1li<1it ...1I,odthe
Kook) o. riv.....
KOOKY \ It. N.• 1i(tht!yW. I' houn' jOJlm.) .-.\ large 'ill1,,"'I', con-
Lably more than • tbo.... nd hotun, bclooginlr to China.
taJnln~ I.....
l'uur Ma!.omtdan oflicial. are ItationM a ~linghMh<-e, t...o
Yoozh:uh<-e,and o~ .~'alum .\khoond. RoaoJ 0"" t..ri oountrT.
IIitt. ,isib~ in the clir.taDft. •
3rd LUNGLIR. N • .tightly W. It houn' jounuoy.-A limp-;' :l
IbUoD .. "" .. G01"~t pon.horoel are kq4. These .... ridda
by ~ .... bfar\lll: oflieial Ittters at' IM"WL proenraL~. aDd
al.oo lih",rood, on peyment from the oIIici·l. at the port ......... L-and
2nd LUNGUR. N. H boom' joumey.-Tbe IWDP of mia &t:ltiOD is
Jungul.i.n-hturuk. Wain, wood, -anJ abnndant. In each
__ \"l1li Ibg\' thl"re are generally three equi-diJrtant
from tlI<:h otlu:r, the interval being ahout ODe kroh.
Esd.-W. A. B.

TOOK.\.f:E. ~. 10, holll"J'joaruey.-.Uoo a ,lOOOt.tati"D. A brancb

of the Kur~-balt6 ri\'et d.,...,. bo!r.!. Wood rro-'urabl., at the post
ttatiolL p.. tIIJ't'IabaDchnt. c.,.",t>y Ie..d. Foe thit ltag'e tb. road
1_ Ihrough a dtntdr p<>pnhu!d COUIIt.),. Four hoo... from the
laot .!age Ihe nll~ ud clistriet of K..,.~",*lttk it ~1. Thii is
• tOWli<krabieplaee..n-e • ..-.eIdy hazar is held on "Qdrs. Horses
&Del ('Sttle, at.o r.-JI blankets and other s:oods, can therv be purebased,
Tho ,-illa,,"e <ontain" lOme .chooJ.., and in it are iUtiuoed officisJgof
the rank oC lfingbashee, loozhssbee, and A'alum Akbeond. Crows
.re very aumerous, ADd beoee the name of lb. villnge derived from
the Turlci.b word. "kurgba, meaning a crow, and" lerk," of or

belonging to. Here the Khulast:nn river again meeta the road,
wbicb Cor iii! entire Ien.,<>tbpasses by plaotatio"" of poplar, willow,
and olh er tJ-.
CIIIGACII[O. N. !l hours' journey.-A poot atatiuo wbere there ....
!lOme kn inhahitod houses, Wood to be hod at tOO otati"n 00 pay-
ment, P.. ture .bundaDt. a-I ~ and Iev.l. Two rillage; ....
'--.1.00". Yehbumbnh Bazar, and tboo otlMor.Pootkam.
YARKU:\D. :\. 'i bouri<' jOQrlley.-A .. .n-known town. Weekly
buaro tW_" Frida.... ')1...t of tAo t.- ~ built of mud. The
tOIm is 1IDITOUn<kd by a mad ....u and is entered by 6,-. pWo;
that (>11 tbe wi'Sl is <SIkd tIMo A1tooo gate; the two on th~ ooulb
.id., tbe Khanukuh !lDd )fultra gat... ; th.t"" the _I. the Kubak
Utko<.n; ... d on tb. north, lb.. Too,k IlafI'b IC"t". Tbe haur
~~ttlld. Crom .... t 1<>We"I. :Sbol'. _up .. 1 by the Chin_ trod~ro
are " ....l and "..II kept. The tv"'" Motaiu. In".... lban t~o 6rot
ell..... IJ(.II,'II'" maintain,od by eodo" rment.t.
An bour arIA" "",,,,ing the La.t ."tag.' .... ,.-.1 t"~ 'arkllnd ri,-~.,
which i. the arne tt_", that w" leCt at Ko..lan Wul<l.-e. .\ little
bigh.r ul' tbe ri .. ",It,. (or co,noliAnl) ..... COllnd in tbe btod of
the .tmun .. h"" the I..r it loW'. 1'"""",.,., not allo....,.) to ItIU'I!h
, C..r th_ .100", "bida GO\'ft'Dl2I(1It mcnopolr. and 0 .... eclleeted
.t the rommm<:eDldlt of the ""t _0 by bboun .....~mp"'.red and er
lhe oupmol<'lldeD.,. of em- oIIicial.. From thll .tnnm lbe
watt. requiml for the i:rri,.,oation of the ourroandio,lf country. and
aIoo tbe water--wl,- of the "''"'' it dmved, tboo di.tribuuoo bmlg
eA"Il<~ b" artifleW eamh. Durin~ the ..inleT t.he inb.bitant.. of
Yarkund;"" d~ndent for the supply of wot.;r eutin:ly on the COD-
t..nbl of cinemt whicb ale &Iled from tboo ri~., ...brn in Rood. The
river in "inter ;.. too "' ... for the wald to flo... through th_ caruU.,
Wld tb_ btter aL;o beeome entirely froun. Pumpkini are much
used io thi. part of tbe conntry io p'- of eartheo or ..lber va1OCls,
and to ra.:tI"'I'haP'S may be attrihuted the gI'\'IIt prevalence
hr I:"ilre. .Most of the inlW!itanw (!f Y.,kun.l follow ind<pcndent
t...J"" and prof"""iOD5,u..... or diem bein)! en,played in the ..,nice
titbe, of Go~, or of pri,,.te jodhida:\Lo. Doty;" Ie.-led
"nl~' oeee from merchant> at the rate almady '}X'cili,d: country
1,,,,,luee I.Yw 00 daty. On tbe clay aft.r the ",;, ...1 "f S CJIl'3nuJ,
the vuluhdar HAmi"... all goooJ.;, which UAtil h~ ,j.iL are locked up
iu tl,,· euot<>mhOU!e, and c:oml"'f'C" tbem with the li.t received Ly
hilll Crom the Cronb.'r lUI. He tbeo li.u.. tb.· allloont of duty
• lev in1.I., 00 I.YOlI"Dt (or whicl> tbe !;oodt are gilt·u up to the 0'....""' •
0 u nrU<'i,,"oCtrilling nloeinteeded fur 1'''''''111.01111) duly i. charged.
III ON'" 10 obviate the levy of duty ill kiml, m,'rchlUlts IU'I! in
the 1",I,it "Cdividing their pllCkaj,...."" tin thnllho numbe of nrtid~
u r 0"01 "' ... ·MI,lioo in web ,eo:lmg.l m"y Ittl h", than 30 or
10. '111111the owner of 100 .bawl. "0111.1divide Ih.1I\ into four
(or 1I10re ,lilt«"nl rod<3!,""', _·b 001""8iL1y Lel<>llgingw elilt."",t
1.,.....11'. '1' re duty would then be I., j",1 011 .. valuaticn of .....-b
lock"G\', lIIIa would be 1"'Y"1,1e in 'llt<ie.
trl' to the ,...., 10:'0 ,\,n. the country of r.,kund, including
lb. lowwo "f Kub::bur. ) nn.,"'- Ih r .\kBOO,
&:e., "at in tbe h:wcIa of tho ~r"b 1 Khan..
"'0<"'' ' ',
It ",·.1 ea_ into
tbe I""""';on of the K:.limak. \e.llIlu, ka}. 'l1w.., 1.ller \Tel'<!
~"O\f'nltd 1.~ • to'·i"M!.,rQ+ Ryleel the- TtJonlll. \f)IU.. ' C:lpibl .... at
t:'·llIh, a",1 tbo I'n"in~ (If Yam",ol ..... 11"01,,,a "'alimak om..."
vr til" Tallk (1( Ji-nm, in fbe mme manm-e lIB tl1tlt I,ro,·inc.'\! is
""W A"',,·n.N Ly a C1Uneoe l'ml>WI. Alit 1111'imp ....tunt "",II in
\",I"ul<l, and in,l>:<'<l the wbol,·I,'''''' mOltu! or thu <",uull,}" w.. in
tit,· halld. of tim Kurt.lAgbl,·~1tbnowh ••f lim .\1ukl ulocm A'lIZtlmee
Kh"jul,., who I",,) llei%.<.'11 ano.! 1,1are<1ill ""ufin,'ull'ut ot Eeluh the
m.·",,,,, ...lie the .Utot~hl...,k,II l'Ollatcnal "nalll·b of the -ame fami"·.
"b"ut Ibis lillie. r.....rul I'C'tiknee brok. out among lh~ K"li~.
ill ,,'bith it is ai.1 tbat m<>Te t.ban IOO.UOO of Ib~t lri"" ~
.... pt "It; lb, Tooruh with tbe .. bole uf bi. fumily, the cl!i.,!
.'II'tt....or the sUa"', IIIIt! • Ia~ Prol~'rli"n or the t1'oopo, being
Ilm0l\l: the "ictims. The Akta~,," in confinement at Eduh
",i",,-d this opportanity to coIlc.;t • Corto Md iuvade YarkuDd.
,Hit., dere'ltin~ their riT:ol., in battle tbn· Leeamc _en (of the
....nnuy, wbich .......u-J r." "'JIll! tUoo in ih,·i, I........,..;on. Ha-ring,
IIuwe"". shortly afkrwud.l munkred. an {1\voyknt In tbem b\' the
EUlptror of China. that ,",verei~ ....,mLI,,,1 an army lind ma~ed
n::;.io>l them. nO! 'R1ko joined by the Kumt!lghll"'k:s and tbeir
foil"" <1'' , aDd OQ~ding the beroic dtfcncc mod. by the

• n,e ~~.l Toanala ..c. that time ... ~. KMldlr 4.'

("burull.- ... .....
t n....... or tho f~ _ .. '<11-- ill ,lit orltrlual.-T.-.
1lO"tTE nOll LED TO YA1l~.

Aktagbl....,b,... "bo g:ainro se,1!ftl temporary._.._ e....... the

Chineoe army, the country remained in the ~ Of the
in ders, The AJ.-tagbl....,k.. onglll r.r~ in Budal.mban, ...'bBe they
w murdered by Sultan Shab, the rnler or !.bat COIDIUy. "bo sent
their heads lIB a ~nt to the Emperor o£ China. :If,'t'r .Mahomro
SlIah, the present Ruler "r Budukhshan, is the IOn oC ::iultAn Sbah.
Some descendants orthe murdo re'<1 Khajuh. are [lOW li,-jng in
Bokbllro. YarL."UJldI".. now been for about llisty )"<'lIN in the
("_....non of the Chinese. _
In .U the :Uahonlt'.bn dlil'8 of C'bina, tho Gon'1'II0r .ppoint..!.
by tbtl Empeor ;. ah,'aYB • )fmoulman, ""...,t
'IDe Go....mor or
Yarkuod i. IIaJrim Brg. who IIllS Leeo honourrd ,..ith the title (o{
Bi-Suh. t:ow'r him .'" two Chill...., oflic:iaU .trW Umbans, who
..... huIb"') with tb" e..ned;"n o{ th,· t'U.tOIWl dutie.. , an.1 ba,'~
jurisdieticn in acrio'1JI criruilill Cft8ft, Reb .. murdi-r, rohLtry, "nd
aAlult,.ry. 'l'bey collcl""I 1II·" ....tialinn. with COO·;gtl10'W"", and
mall"",, ll.., IIJT"i .. or II", l'tIlllltry in il. external ...Iationt. TIle
hakim', dllty is to col""·t tl.., ..ulb..n" or carik,tion tax, an.1 '" octtle
Ih" I.nd revenue. ll •• h1,1, ... 11,·;';1.00 the li~htn oriminaJ ............
There ;" " gm.t wallt or 0) .~111 in the Idministration or the
eountry, For lb. d<eio;ou oC qorstJollJ aNin~ out or Mahom<dan
I.... an officer call,"" the .\·..Ium .UbooDd, corrcopooding III the
K__ I.Koout. of C'lt~r J".ti ee, ;. .proinled. IIdo..- &hit oftl~r
..... the mooftee and knz.,·. 0.,11.. I\I'ol a)"..... adm;n;'t._1 10.. u..,
kAZ<'('. The p""""ut A'a1um .Hhnolld of Yarkund it ruun.. 1 K';,puk
Shah. A llukim i. not liIlLI,·to I\·II}O'-.I exccpt f..r 10111,' (auh, but
the offiocnIenlled Umt..,", 0"" Irun.C,'mod .n·ry tbree Y""'" Th"
II ulban" is a poll (Ax 1.·,i,,1 {rom evcry p-rsen ..ver the ....... of
12, at the mte of (rom:; pool. III 1:1 tnn:::uba toonthl~, __ rding
to eieeumstaaces. Stn,lenu, mullahs, tranlkn.. and r"k..... ,._; ..,
.1Io" ..n~ from this tA,. There 8'~ f,.rt), tbow:and propl" in Yar.
kund wbo 1"')' the ulbsn 1.;>,<. 1'Iut Nalam .Uboood it nat in "",It
to th~ Gcvemer. All ,-.. eeneected wit.b tnId.l are d~ o{ by
''''011:1 of 0&i'SS()1$. Frorn tath c):,,,,,or"", and Dlt·rclunu oat>
individUAl is sppointed b) tI,~Governcr ... an ..... '!SOror Abukal.
All Coreigners residing in \' nrkuod are to be (la..cU"""
even tbough tbuy =y hIlvu .. wiCe and family in the oount..,..
The lowest copper toin cllrrent is. pool, fift). or ....bieb go to •
mnguh. not COrTeOt b....." The yam"'lO it • oUT.....
coin equal in ...~bt to aboat 160 rupees. It RILo at tbe pmelt

• n.two dUru of _ Wall, "" .-hocwd .. _ "'*- __

L.. ""'j_h aad _.w.r .... lxr Al .... j.... ~ ~ .dolW.
28 ROt'TE FllOll LED TO YARKvxn.

tim~ f~ two bundred aDd twf'llty-fonr tun~ ~ --..ures of

.. eight ....... follon:-
I )I.. _ 8 GIImtoooIo 1 "- = S l(iobIa
I Ghulooel= S Chrab llliobl = U X .... 1.: a
1 a.....k =20) Stet
A nookbood is literally a gnUn of gnm-
Wheat .dlI here at one aDd " half cllurak. pe1' tungub- The
country prodUOl!$ ... heat, barley, ]*IJr, moonll, and jowar. Insteed
of gram, barley is given to horses be"'; IIDdto co...... bran iD.Staul of
• forage. Baidub, or bazley Sour, either fre,;b or dry, iii a good fattening
food far horses, When fresh barlev is fri~ and eedueed to meal it is
called baiduh, Horses are bro....<>bi to tho bGzar for sale on Fridays,
'!'bo value of .man geldings varies from 20 to 100 tunguhs, and
the price of " borse in no case ex«<cLIon~ yaml"",. ~{o,t of the
borl('Olamble. Horses are gelt bteawe tbe Chinese do not like
~Dt;"'animaU, and some prefer gelJinl.'" I"""...., they make no noise.
In this ('<'UlIlIY ill foond " bird calloolthe burgoot, tmoe the .;"" of
" hawk, with elan a< ~ ... the band. of • msD. Thi.o bird is
• hom ..... ly ronrfuJ, &Dd wba tnoiJa..J ean brins:.l""" a dCC'r,...hid>
it d_ by 11m rWJa.o::one of iu ..I......on the Leek l.r thedee', and
... the amuW tlU'llS ill heed to.....,,), tbtl b:w-k in eo"l..... to rid iuelf
or the \,ird, it wUeo bold of the~. nock ,.ith the other ct.... and
I,ri"go it down to lbe I-,"",ulld. R~p<>rtbaa it thAt a bUI'l,'OOt,,
" d.'t" baa ("""'pod from ita dukh~. ",ntleN<! funoUl I,y dionproillt-
ment, ofkn turn. 60 and kilt. lM bunter,
ODe of the curiOfitil" of this eountry is a Iton~ r.Il",) the" yedh,"
",hi.,hi. ("uml in the b,...&. of ho~ IInJ C'<>WI01111~,-v thi.
1~'I'lIliarl'I't)I~·rty,that , Ct'rtain IId;"n,'n with it min and
on01\ can without fail be peodueed, The men who.,.,...,.. a know-
1.. 1gt>of tho forn" n~ to ... _ thi. ...,.,It aN ,,,,1i00iYooIhc"-
'fhougb 1 haw bad DO Uf'portnnit~· of u.ting th" truth or thi.
alkgt<d I>bCDomtnonpenonallJ', yet 1 ha... oft.'lI hmtd of it from'<-table J'<OPle of the rouotry, aDd ""CD Dp to tbtl rr-nt day
lIWIy '\ olbcbees art' to bc found in y arkund. In unit. to t'OIlUO!! a
r.u of miD 01' 1M", th~ Y<dlw:~ rut. bi. \edh .nth tM blood or
.. me anilllSl!,thea thro'11"5 it into rain, ane! I~ to rtad Ol'n it
~ iD<'8IItatioeil. OD compktion ,of which rbe,d -wt .. at
ODCle oLtaintd.

The Chin_ 11'OOJ'O an otyled Noyun, and r.bcir merchants 1ang-

dayo.~. The two prineipal ti~, which the "bn of Beej<en"
(«.. "l'"n ~fahomecbm, ""' th_ of \\' ang an.) Bi-sub. The
• Pokia.
ROUTE PROY LEn TO Y.!.RKC:o.-n. 29

iu.igoia or the Wang doss is II jooo..- ooml_..! of mhit"' and a

I'lum~ of three peacock's feathers worn in the hat, which ,,1l11li0 js
calkd an ootaghat. The joongsoo is globular in Iorm aJ>d about
the liz., of a pigeon's egg, and of tbis crusment th.", are ..,,·en
c'_. The Snit is composedof rnbi ... and i.. confined to ..fIiciah
of the Wan~ nod Bi-suh classes ; tbe lOeWud,of ooral besds, is
_tricted to ofli~ of tbe rank of Hakim ; the tbinl d 'iS i. made of
luuli; the f"unb, of blue gl_; tbe fiftb, of white glA. ; the oixth,
of a wbite stone ; and the seveath, of bnut.. The the 10wM
are worn by tho nobleil aeeording' to tbeir " .. ,,,'(·tive mnk.. The
Jlakim of "~verycity is attended by some UI or <ill follow"".. To
,...... neble ,,,,tnt,.. and stipends R1'\' n... ig",,1 hy th~ Chinl1l4l Govern-
ment ,"~'ol'lling to rank, The Ruler of Chill. i•• tyl,..! the KIuw,
and hi. <~pit,,1i. ot Beejeen. The Chill,"'"lI"\.",. ('<,n.i.t chieRy of
infontry, ",,,1are armed witb matchlock! or I",,,. an,1 ArrOW,.. Tbe
Chill_ ,,,<:orI~ garments nnd • I""nliar .h,,1"'tlbllt, and allow
t h.i, I....•.. bair to hau~ in Q long plait,..!tail '~hilla: t",·j, Loot.. are • of I be cloth .. 1100"lcirp .... ' 0' pal..,r; tI,.y ,hno th,·i, beard.,
"""wing only tho mo.....tache.
PI.a 0/ IA~C;/~0/ J;',l .. J.
T..... l"",h Ow.

C1(1, er lJOr··1



J ..
< rode. '"
Q<.. .w, ,.r Cl.i_


K tm .\OOL.J.\sll. GOYools.-A .tatioD l;to:lt.,1 on a IllAin; midw"y

to it is .. " mhlak," celled Kookril t, on th.· "",.1 IMol,,,oenwbich
and \ ",kUhd a,.., ("uod many otb k.blab. 1>111 frvnt !\:ookribat
t<> thi. ~tAtion th.,.., are DO habitAholll (If any killl1; in one plaee
art. the ruilll or a "ril>3t" built by .\WIIII.•b Khan. "KiJlhlaIc"
i. a Turki.h word, "kiib» ml'ADing wiD",.., "lAic;" ,,1_. It is eus-
WDlAry for th~ people t)f tim eountry W li..e during the hot RaSOR
in ~nt.o, but in winter they Iak. ",fu:l" in hOIl""', ....hieh are there-
fo... c:alled .. kiobJak.,," &lid this tA'rm io DOW appl;.,J g>!Dtnllly to
a ..i1~~. ..Ribat" io loA .A.rabie ....,rd m,,,,ning a COU'llvan.;erai.
The l~rt, obtain.J from the olli~ of the Umban of y",kund,
granti"lt pt'fID;"';"", W go W A&.bgbl1l', i.ebo..... at thio station loAd
CHU'nJLOO~. 40 Yools.-.A.-._ pM. Cl.- tA> thit station is
a \"illa..."'!; ""'" ~ throa,,<>bout. H~", alto 1M aI>o\"c peilIpOrt
i.~ aDd atteoUd..
'l"OOPLOOK. aO 100"'-..1.. ~Jru pooL )[any ki.hlab (villages)
along Ib.. rowdi at this place aIIo JlIIPporti are namin •'d.
Y.\:-; K 1m IlISSAR. 60 Yoot..-A town in ...hieb are two Chinese
11",1"'01 and one )[abomedan 1Iaki1ll. The nanw of the latter
"Ili~r .. 'Ial,om,..! Beg, who;'" relation of ti,e of K.e.obghUT.
1.\ ll·CII.\:\. DO foolI.-Tho lWJ> •. beth of a yjl~ and a diMtrict.
(' ... 101111 .talion bere. .sb rtl, a.hrr IfIlvUlg \ en kee HUsar i. Il
1101."lom Yilla!:e ....... I'd Hun;;ut
K,\SIWlIIJR. 00 \'oob.-.\ ~l.thra· .. i town •• \rl~rlta"ng Yab-c·han
a calW Kirmnlb ~ ~ 0.. <;.. tmds), the 2nd of th~
montb .Mobumun lfib A.H.,ClO"""POoding with the 6th January
hiS A.D.,we .-.hed K.aobl:hor. \1 the ouggntluo of Kbajub
!;hab :';'eraz, we took lip OW" quartm in the hOUlt of S....,.., Jan
n-." mm-hant of Tuhlnmd. '1'br nrune of the rresent llakim
of li:ubgbor it \'_ Bc1r. Who in the I1lOnth "f ~ha'.".n 1~:!6
,\.11. left hit eonatly tA> rittt the Khan of ~j"'·n. It it
....W that the IWrlm ""J"I into the Clowmrnenl t""'_"I)' 600
11I"g"bo .. IIlODth,kinA' the proeeeds of the "ulbAn" or ""I'illltiull
tas ".lIlfl•..! at K.uL~bur. On th., .... 1 to thi, town is • ri ver
... mcd I\)...n A,~d,wbi.h ...p ...,·re oMiltlodto ~roo'. '(""lInh Nazar

Bl<:liJ1oa::N.-'11,c city where the Chin_ KiDII' 1;'0)10. '11,e country

l(t'llI'mlly known as Cheen is aI.oo csll,..J B..'<)jlocn, like Casbmere,
whl'l'I!the name applied to the capil&) and country i. ideutieal, Je
Chung Khan i. the nlllllC of the p"""nt Rull-r or Khnn or ChinA.
'J'hc ,'ight,,,nth Jca. of hill ",igo com'fpuuda with 1226 A.n.
(,\.D. I '!11). II;' (Ather'. JlllIIloI) ..... eh.loong Khan, who ",ignod
III."ul III y......... ~"'D h..1Iao. geMrllly known by t b. name of
A7.I",rnKhan, ...... the bther of Cbaloong Khan, 11,' it 'VM tbat
aft,>. an "1,,uDAte ,'Ont,," ..nth the Kbajuh. oiol.ljllt..JI_ ..._on of
K.. ~""u. and otboT )lab<>lIICdan citi.,.. The Khans of Cbina
l.<'1onllto the )[anjoo family 0' tril>e.
1,\1.:\O~1I\ .:\0. 711\oola.-AI'i!b....""aul"oIied with w ot,·r from ...ells,
'n,~n.,.] .. lOOo>e1'bat IIto:>DY. On tbe "ar is. Iorl!'" river Sawin!:,
from oorth to oooth "'bid! is .,...,......I.) .I.ri.lgt-.
JOOJOO. 70 \0<01.. -.\ Tillage; ~ goool.
Jl.\ I.K 11.\. 70 \'001 .. -.\ \i1Iaj., th"n'IlI'\' ,,,,1101; I'OlIAI
over level
.""ntry .011j,>OOd. A ri... ronain!:, £n,m norlh to ",uth inkr""., ...
n...1 i...........
1 h)' a hri.lge.
UN.SHOO.lm. 110Yool...-A "illagc OIIppli<odwith wnter [rom well.;
rot"1 gond.
1100 0 1·:El\1'00. 60 Y... L;.-.\"'~ where th ... • wI·I!.; ~
JI'l\'O\ l ;:\GYP.Fh -is yoot...-A ~ ""r!.lit<1 with \\'&kl from
we11.;~I Ieveland good.
W.\SGDOOSHl.·, 45 Yoola.-A 'I'iI~ I1ll'l'lie 1 with .....ter m,m
wen.; "",,)good. Hrn ~ awdieine for "ye ditt ;:.,p1'tp&l"ed;
it i. calltd "yon'Yoo," ad rftDOTei paiD from the tp .
DD'GJOO. 6IJ y""h,-A .;n..,,,., iUpl'licd with .... ter from wel!..; ro:od
SHEEN LOOSHL~. 50Yook-A'~ supplied with ....ter from
wdls; road good. There is a large ri"er h~re which runs 10 the •
lOuth and it eroo.Rd by a bridge.
FOO.JING. YEE. 15 YooIs.-A '-illage &upplied witb wutcr from
wclls ; rood good.
Exd.-W. .l. B.
Rom PROl[ lIEE.TEES TO K.l.SnOnUR, &c. 33
Jl~G-DrXG-FOO. 4:' look-A ruu.g... &uPI,lied "itll water from
w .11.; """I !.,"OO<1.

KHOO-,U-LooSH~. 60 1001&.-.\ ruJage supplied .nth water

from .....u.. Jl.,..j IeCs _ 50IIle 10... hilJ.; the rest of the
roAd it J.·TeL
J1)1'O-Snn;O-SHUX. 70 loolt.-A 'riI~ rupplieci with 18
from ....elL.. Jl,...J atODY, and in ODe piAli! Iht~ i. a .t......" hioh
110'" (rom north to "",uth.
KUNSOO-AJ. 10 \ool..-A nlJ.gc IIlpplil<1 ,,~lb wster (rom wdl!o;
road good.
BAl-JINO- YEE. 10 Yoot•.-A "ilu~ Murplic<1\lith wnl<'t from
w~II.;ro:ul 1,..,00.
FINO-DIX'G-JOO. ~o \'ool..-A vilIagu IIlII.plil~l with wain from
well.; road through a ,..u..y.
Z.\8II \. Et:. SO Yoo....-.\ ~ ,ul'Pli.od .ntb woh'r from w~lI.. The
1'OGd, though ~Dg througb hilly conntry, ill 10 w .II made III to ~
1.... "'0 j,y carta; it ia ho .... ver ltooy.
SHoo-\ l1XG·srn'x. 60 \oot..-A ,;I~ ,ul'pl;lod .nth ..·.In Crom
",,110; roAd s;ood. Culti,..tioD ~.t. on rainf.n.
TINO..(i .\. Yt:£. 60 Yools.-.\ rutag.. 0111'1'1;,<1 "ilh w.l~r from ....ells ;
roed ~'OOd
WA!'O.Klloo. 70\001...-.\ village o"),l'li,,) with \Volt'r Irom well-,
The rood "'f'llly lico througb a ,..U.y, but Io·ad.a('_' til" hill. iD
101110 pl ••~...

SIIOOOOOSIlUK. 10 )'oot'.-A ,;110,,'" onl'l'li,,1 \';111 water Crum

wei!.; ruad p"!. CI_ tt) the villllgOli••• tI\1"n. In this
l'la~ a~ made good kniv<'ll,&ci_rs, lod .t<.'('l. for .triki"g fi~ from
Oin ....
JEEslll X. 60 \'ook-.\ ...ruag..1UJ'P1~with ... Ier (rub) ,,·.11.; fUll<!
f~O roo. 1i0)'oolo.-.\ rnbgeauppJiN "ilb .. ater (rom wdU • .-l
JAl.SBoo.sUU!'. '>') )'001..-.\ YiJIage .upplo"') .ith "ata' from
..en.; I'Iled good.
LINOSBEE.-A rillage supplied with 'lnkr &om .. ·.U.. The road
lead. througb • ...nq, at the bottom of which 60"" • mWIltre&m ;
.!:rt_ ;.~ by • b~<>e.
-l0 100ls,-..\ Tillage IDpplieci ~lh waler from ... ells,
The nloI.<lmna through. nlley, the hill, .ndOfling which are oot of
• 1'0<'' , uatun!.
3} R01:TE PROli BE:&TEE)(TO KA~HGHl:ll, &C.

KHOO.GOO. 60 '1oolo.-A vilbge IGf'Pli,..lwith wain from ...-eih;

rood good. Numeroa. artificial .tnsm8 Isding 0111 of 1M maiD
.trum in~f'l<'Ct the rued .... d han! to be ~ OIl !hi. man:h.
JOO.JI~G. 60 )'ool..-A '~flIPplied ..ilh water from ...en.; rued
KnOON DOO~GSBl'N. 35 )'oola.-A ourrlioci wilh wa~
from ",ella; rued good.
FINO YUNO.FOO. 60 Yoo1s.-A "ilIage IlUl'pl.ied .. ith watB fro...
wella i road good.
SEE.SOONO.YEE. 60 Yoou.-A village IU1'l'Iiucl with ....ter from
weU.; ro:.d good.
KUOOMA. 70 YooI•.-A '-iIlage IlUprtied with .... 1.:rfrom ... !hl rood
DINOSIU:E. 80 Yoole.-A village IUl'I'lied ,,;th .... te. (rom ....u.;
rood good
BAI-SII eNG. so Yoot..-.\ ,'i)IIj,'" "'l'I'licd with from wcn. I
rood gwd.
FIN.JOO.LU'G.JING. 70 Yoot..-.\ nl"",-e ourrti.,d with ..-atft
{rom ..cll.; ,..,.d good.
YOONO-JI.SIIUN. 70 Yoole.-A village "'PI.lied with from
w.11o I "",Id good.
SAl. lo'()O. DEE. 70 Yoole.-A village ""1'1,1;•..1 witb ..,.!t.• from...~IIe;
rood goo<l. T.... i. brought here for ulo from Jinlt·nun, Khoo-
nun, &c. 11m! the Kook ~ft. whieh i. tJ.- bt><t of .U t<u • ..,J1a in
TOONO.GUN. 701oot ..-A town tOlnat .. 1 on tho right Lank of •
large riHr, whi,·b i. eAlIed afwr the place the Toong~ rixer.
Tbi. ri,'" ;.6 yoolo brood and of •• nftic:ieDL deptb LO II"", ~
~_I.. It flo.... from north to IOUtb. I n the t.:>1rD there ~
.... 11e.
KHOO.EE-){1'OO. to 1'oo)a.-A ~ supplitd witb ..--r from
...elt.. H_ then. is • >'err large t...1DP!e,frum .. !rim 1M ruJage
dm.....ito name; roed good. On the roed fruit tftft, whi~ poplars,
and willo," _ oeen.
KHOO-A.JOO. 50 1'oo"'-A ~ IJUpplkod with .....ter from ..-ells;
road goOO.
DOO-AI.NUN ·SHUN. 50 Yools.-A ,·jUage ""rrli,..! with WllM'
from wello; roed good.
ltO'CTlI FllOll 1IEE.JEEN TO Jt.ASHGBUll, &C. 35
L'D'G-TooXG. 1;0 rook-a ';})age supplied .. ith water &om trdls;
roed 1lOOd. CI_ to this vilbge is • mountain ...~ there is •
bot~. u-n-oj,rs haTe been conatrucUd to store W water,
bathinlt in ...hith .. efticaeious in rt'mo'wg itch. From water
DO _,,11 of ouIpbm is percei..-ed. "Ling" in the CbiD_ ~
mGlllA hot, and .. toong'-' means copper.
SHIX G - UX - roO. 50 rools.-A Jargo city lupplil.,! ";th ,...ter Cram
...ells, n-J ~ In this r'-
there are 11W11moeques of
ToonguDlu, which is the general name ol'l,licd to all :\fah~mecl.n.
rnhling in China. The derivnlion of lIll. name it probably from
the fact that Mahomcdnns at lirrt oeWctl thcmtol..-e. in th" town
of Toongun, of wbich mention hll8 been mndu al.o\-c.
surN _YUXG-SllUN. 50 YoollI.-A lal'ltll ~ity .itua\{..1 00 the left
bank of th.· river. It is .uppli.'\! with IYnt~f (WID ..·dla; toed
good, and Ii.. aloog the left bank of tbo river,,-h 110... Cram
~ north to the ..... tb. There aN two Of three bundred ~ bc.t&
with ~ibon tbit river,
LEE-goo- Wl>~. 70 loola.-A ,ill""", .UI,,,li...l with w.ter (toni
...ella; ro:>d geod,
ClitiN -Joo. '0 Yoola.-A vilL.,.... 101'(11*1with .... In frum .. d.b;
road good.
YOOXG-SIIOO. 90 Yoola.-A ,-illal,,(,'UI'I,lil..l.. ith ... tcr from .....IIa;
roaJ good.
KING-loo. 70 \"o..II.-A '-i!.Iagc ""Pi,li(>d witb watt" from .. ella;
roe.1 ,,"OOC).
CJl_\~-G_\O. 80 \"oob.-.\ village supplied wilh wak' Crom "'ella;
WOO.\-l-:'£'z_\. '5 Yoolo.-.\ villAge supplied \\ith .... ter Cn,m ... en.;
ruad good.
JEEN-JOO. 65 Yonls.-A village supplied witb .... ter from -n.;
roed good. ~ .....;',.,me ri3ing ground here,
BI-l:;fJoo-EE. 70 Yoob.-A Tillage supplied with water from -n.;
roed good.
FING-Ll_ -G- FOO. 70 1'oolo.-A town supplied with _ £ram
...db; roed good.
WA_TlXG. ~ Yoolo.-a vilbge supplied with ... 11 water. The
.-oed i••tony, and leads through. ,-..1leyin which there 1& •
IID&lI Itr\'!am from west to _I.-
LOONG-DAI-SBUN. SO Yools.-d vill"l.>e supplied ,,;tb water £ram
wJl.. FOf tht' entire distance of tbis atage the road trsverses a
mountain pa8Ii. it is stony, but pas.;able for wheeled con,-e;yanc:e.
30 BOrn: TROll lIELJEn> TOJUSUSnt:B, &C.
JINK.NL'f(;.JOO. 90 Yools.-A villar supplied with water from
welL<; road good.
nXG.JA·EE. 90 l ....Is.-A '-iJI:Ige supplied ,,-ith water from "'ells;
road good,
KIIOO·NIXG·SHUX. 90 1"oob.-A village IlUpplied with .... tcr
from wella; .-..d ~
SHEE·KOOXG. YEE. 60 Yool•.-A ~ supplied with "",ter Crom
wells; road good.
IX. DIXG.SUl"X. tlO \"ooJ..-.\ '-iIIage -upplied with wlll<, fro..
wells ; -.I good.
JING.KOO.EE. 60 100),;.-.\ \-illage .upplicd with water rrom
'veIL<; ro...! good.
JJl\O.SUOO-I:E. 711 \ooLl.-.\ \;lIage oupplit'd witb walAr from
",.11s j road good.
JOO·ZOO.\·lm. tlO \"""Ia. .\ \~ IUI'plied with "at er (l'0III
..en.; 1'I:ad good.
L.\N-JOO. 511 YooLl.-A town ,u('pliC'<! with water &0", wells ,
ro3d ,_,.."oo. Tbil toWll it 011 the right bank of Il river tunnilll( from
w... t to C".1I'I.. The ri..", ia ~ by a brid~r."""t.I; 0' n ODe
hWldn:J I... t.. ba'e 1«0 wed in th~ contttuction or the bridg.!.
SIIA·GEElS.\I;E. 60 1'001.0.-.\ \;lIalf" lupplil'<l with WIlt.r (rom
"eU.; ro....! 1...,,00.
KOO·SHOOP.t:. .\ \~-e "'I'P~ with ... ter from well.. The rotod
tuM through a "n.y, .",.1 in on. I'Lle·. leadl over &ome riaing
KIJOOX..JIXG.ZA. SO 1'oola.-.\ nlla_.-e "'pplit'<i with water from
..... [1.0 AIId ..100 from a Itftam; I'I:lOId goo<l.
JOO·UN·L.\NO. 70 Yoob.-A to'"' .•upplicd with WilIer [rom welL.
and atres..... At tbis vi- thr", &1'0 many Hoar mills, and mask
pod. ur the ~'t kind lll'e aIoo oLtaiuN he",; road good.

OO·SllEEN.YEE. 311 1'ools.-A ..-illage supplied with water !rom

wells , rood good.
eM .\.KOOEE. to 1'0015.-.\ rilb,,<>e supplied with .....ter from ",·Ils;
road good.
llNO·CB..\..'\G.l'EE. 50 YooJ..-~ .-i1Iagc oupplied ,,;!h ......
wells; ",.,<1 good.
KJIl'SHOOXG. Ill) Ywl>.-.\ ,iIbr.-e ""l'!,!it'd with water from wells,
road gwc.I.
llOl:TE FROll B:EEJEE~ TO K.l..SuaDuR, &0. 37
GOO.L.\~G.SIlU~. SO Yools.-A village IUpplied with ... ter from
sses through a ,...uey, the hilla fanning ...-hich
... 11.. The rood pe..
are «I'em with soil.
Jl~G.Bt:X. \ EE. 60 Yools.-A village IOppli.,.} with ...-ater from
IIt; .--lgoOcl.
DAK 11 lUll. 40 YooIP.-A village supplied ...ith -.rater mm Wells;
.--I g<>od.
L.\~G-JOO. 30 YooJ..-A large tewn IOpplied with ...-ater mm
wdl.; road good. •
DOO.L.\NO. 60 Yools.-A viUnge 8"Plllil'd with water from wellt;
rond goo<1.
SHAII.K)! UH. 10 Yoot..-A villugc suppliedwith ""t~,
from well.;
\ 00:-'-0 ('II \XG. 70 YooIs.-A village .upplil'd with water from
"~,,..; """I good.
SHOO·' El:UOOT.RA. 70 Yools,-A' oUT'pl;,'<Iwith ...-at.!r
fro........11.; road good.
SH.\KOO. SO Yoot..-.\ village .upplitd "ith "'lIltr from ...eIk;
"",I gooc).
SHIXG KII.\. 10 Yoolt.-A \ill~ ",pplied with ,,·.krfrom .. ell.;
rocW goo<l.
SH UX Vtl~. 10 Yoolt.-A villRge,oprlil~1 with w."'r from WeIJa;
road good.
nOON·LOO. loO Yool..-A villAgesupplied with \\,1IU', rl'O~ wella;
.--l good.
KOO·CIlEEN·ZA. 30 Yoolt.-A villAge mpplied with _ter mm
wei!.; road good.
KUNJOO. 10 yoot..-A large town "'pplied with ....UI> from ,ffilo;
rood good.
SHAH-JING·l'EE. 50 Yools.-A village supplied with water from
"",II.; roowi goOO.
TOO-VEE. 60 Vools.-A village IOpplied with water mm ...eIls;
roowi good.
GOOTEE. 40 Voola.-A village &llpplied with waUl> mm ....eIls;
roowi good.
KHt:CHOO·UN. 50 Yools.-A viJJage aupplied with waW from
-..ella; road good.
SHt'1lo'XOO. 60 YoolB.-A. village supplied with water from welli;
road good.

YUN ·CUEE. 30 Yools.-A \"illage .upplicd witb water from w~lle;

nrx...1ING·Z.\. .J.O 1'oo&"-.\.-ilIage ouppli..! with .... ter from well.;
road goud.
LUNG .SIIOO1-:I-:. 60 Y001•.-.\ vil. IUPlllic'li with water Crom
w el t.; road ~
S()()..JOO. .J.O \'00"--.\ WJ,'" town "'1'1'1i<!d with wa~r from ,,·e1I.
and 11__ ; .-J good. Tbi.t ia lhe fi...t Chineoe town whicb a
t",Wlll" n,·.d,l'! On hi. way trom K .. hghur to J}toojren,and from
hL'I'O oommcnt't"a lilt Chin_ ~.
JA1·GOO.OW. WUN. 70 Yoo"--.\. 'rillalluuppli •..J with watrr from
......M; "*,~. Oee of the entran_ "t the ,,-all whicll .urroun"-
the entire trrriw,y of China ~ eloee to this vill&g\'.
KHOO- YUKHOO· \ UFOO. go 'iool..-An oortunll' or C'WItom. poo.t
.. l ....trd in a ......" plain; it i.. npplieJ with .....t~r trom ..-eI.II; roId
~ It '" .aiJ that th<- wmb of S.'IId, tbt Ion of wnW, is
oriIUll"'..! there.
SH.U.EE. 110 \'ools.-.~ an oortung supplied with 'faler from
...db; road~.
DARTOO. go Yools.-A Ti1I:age supplii.'d with water from wen.; rood
SUN-D.\-GOO. SO Yools.-A vi1Iage8Upp\ied with water from wells;
road good.
FOO-LOOX-JEE. 90 1'oola.-A \-iIIaj,,,, supplied with waler (rom
wells , road I......,.).
SHOO-KUX. 110 1'00"--.\ .i11.oge ""PVIi") with water from weU.;
.-J good.
UN·SHEE. 70 '\'oo"--A rill..."e Illrl,lil-..l with WAt<', from wells;
"*' 1I00<I.
BEE-DOOXG·Z.\. 110Yoot..-.u oortung ",pplit<! w,th .....ter from
,,<II.. n..,"*, i..tODY; the _rounding cou.ntry ~a deeert,
JOON. LOO. YOOX-ZA. 711\'ools.-.\.Iso lUI oorbmg lupplil-d with
"'alt'r trom ...ellt; r* good.
DA-CIIOON-Z.\. \10 Yoo"--AJ.o _ ""rt.ilDg ouppliecl with wat~r
frorn ...tllt; rood good.
MA-LIXK-JING-Z.\. 70 \'",,"--ALIo an oortung' supplied witb
.....ter from w'"'lt; "*' good. The country is rather billy.
SHL~G.SlfC);G-SHa. "0 VooIa.-,\Uo an oortuog' <Uppliod with
walA!f from wdIa; road good.
ROllTE PROll BEE.TEEN TO xssnemm, &c. 39
SHAH.JOON .ZA. 90 Yool.s.-Also an oortung supplied with water
from weJa; .-Jgood. Country a level deKrl.
Koo.SHooEE. 80 Yools.-Also an oortung aupplio:d with water
from wella; road good.
GUZNEE.DOONG. 140 Yools.-An oortuog supplied with water
from wells; road good.
CHANG •.LUN _SHOOER. 70 Yools.-An oortulIg supplied with water
from wells; road good.
KHALOON .GUN. 80 Yools.-An oortung supplied with \\'lIter from
weJa; road good.
KUMOOL. 70 YooUo.-A town supplied with water (rom wells. Here
the Tllrkilb languoge is spoken. This town WII3 in lhe possession
of tho Chinese before they took Yarkund IWd KlI8bgbur.
Soo.:MA.KI.GHoo. 70 Yooa-A village supplied with water both
from wella and .treams; road good. •
TOO.GHA.CIIEE. 70 Yools.-A. viIJage aupplied ..rith water from
wells , road good.
YA.ZA.CHoo. UN. 80 Yools.-An oortung supplied ,.;th water
from wells; road good.
Loo.DooNG. 90 Yools-An oorlung supplioo witb water from
wells; road good, but stony in plsees.
OO.TOON .GOO·ZA. 70 Yools.-An oortung supplied with wen
water; l'OIId good.
OOTUR EGAR~fA. 90 Yools.-An oortllDg 8l11'I.lit~1with well wlIter;
road good.
Koosn. }l0 Yools.-An oortung supplied witb well water; road
Koo.SHOO.EE. 80 Yools.-An oortung supplied ,.;Ib ".ill water;
roed good.
CHIK.TUlIL 60 Yooa-An oorlung supplied with .....11water; road
FI1AN. 90 Yools.-An oortung supplied with well .... ter; road good.
Tbia oortung is si_ted in a plain, and it in the territory of
LUM.CHEEN. 70 Yools-A ,;)lage belonging to Toorflln, ""pplied
with water from welJs; road stony.
SUNGU;\f. 90 Yools.-A village belonging to Toorfan, .1Ipplied with
water from wella; road stony.
40 ROm raox B~ TO1USRGJn;R,&c.

TOORFA.'1. 90 1."o>ols.-A.IIancient Ott. A Chin_ CWltolUS offi<~

or UmbaD is .ationed heft; the Hakim is a :\Iabomedan. Old
ToorUn, bOW ~, is sitll&tA!d at a diatance of 50 ),ools from
ToorUn, IDwanis the Iae; sbge SU.Dg'<lIILOld Toor£&IIis styled the
city of Duk_" It is said &.bat the Cave of the Seven Sleepens
it .ituated at the djsta._ of 20 )'00J. IIOQth of old Toorfsn.
BOO·ORA.'I. 70 YooI•.-AA oortwlg lupplied witb water from ....ells;
road good.
TOOK·SOON. 60 Yools.-A station and nllage ,uJ>Illied with water
from w~III; road good, but rather .tony.
SOO·BA·SlIEE. A statien among billa. A ,t""am lIow. here. Road
good; country rather billy.
J.OnUR·BOO.LAK. 60 1."0013.-.\ ltation in tb~ hilLt supplied with
water from ....tll; road stony and t- through a vall"y.
KU)l00:;lI·.\K·'L\R. ISO Yoola.-~ .tation in the hills IDpplit!d
with .. ater from .prin~; road fIDo: and puICO through a ,-alley.
Kl·R.\K~<;l:E~. 9Q Yool..-.\ ,tauoa by the .ide "C tb~ road IUl'plit!d
with .... ll .... ter; road .lDay lAd null tbroagh ..... n.y.
oO·Sn.\K.T.U.. ISO Yool..-A ItaOOn io the bill. ,uNllit!d with
water from a 1Ilream; road Uooy,
TABIL.OIlOO. 00 1'oolo.-A alation amoog tll~hill. ,ul'plied with
",au'r from ,,-.·It. and .tzam_,; road good.
KURi\.SlIUlIUR. 110\'001•.-.\ city inhabilA'Clb) Kalimalc.; water
AUI'I,ly from .troama; road good. It is .itllat .. 1 on the left bank
of " river Ilowing from _t to "'eMt. which i. nl\vigahle by small
v .... Lt. At this pbce there is • Cbin_ ('",o om.ocr; the
OOVl,",or i.• Kalimak, who b8n the title of" Ji.. uu. "
11.\ KDl. 110 Yoola.-A .tali<.n; ... ter oupplied [rom
.t.....tIlI. TnT.II ... pr-oeo.'<'IIing from Ilctoj.~n to Kuhghur have the
ri•• r {JII their kft; 1M riTer null aoutbw"rd.. ROlid .lPny and
ha beh.«n hilt..
KOOR.L.\. 40 Yoola.-A ~ H..... it a Uakim, and aLlolUloth...
omorr tsllt!d • Reohk-agba ....ho it intnior ID rank to a Hakim. At
this place ... ftowiAg 1tnlarDs; u.. road ruM for tho moot part
bet .. etD billa, bat in OIle p__ .. hill of no r-t h";gbt.
KURA.SOO. 70 Yoola.-A station I1Irplied with _tvr (Tom rtream.;
roed rod.
ClItIR.CIIEE. 1",0 Yoot..-A .tation .itnate<1 in &<Igur t~nitory,
IU)II,li<")",ith .. au, from stream.; road good.
noun FROllllEEJEEN TO KASRonun, &c. .u
CHUDIR. 160 1'ooLo. A viIIDge supplied with watl'" from atreams;
I'OGd :;00<1.
lu~GEE fIISSAR. 60 1'006.-.1 tillage III1rrlil..J with ""t",r £rom
......".. The YOOdpas..""" througb (o"",w of t<>ogIIr* ~ the
...0001..{ ...hid> is ~ as faeI :md burns ,,,cII.
K(I'1l00sH TOORASH. 110 Yools.-A slation and a1Io a Tillage of
a1"'n~ SO" ho..-. Tooghrak t.- found here. The TillAge is a
drpendcn<'y of Boogur.
AD.ill. SO 1'001..-.1 ruIAge subject to 1300gur i 'nU:r IUpply from
Itreamt; road goocl
l'UKAU. 110 Yoola.-A ruIAge subject to Boogur; water supply from
.lramI; ,_t good.
KOOCIL\. bO 1'00....-.\ towu; water supply from .treams. It is
tituaW 00 the kft b.ok of • river, wbiuh runt W the ... nth. The
river ;. ~ by D1I!I&la of booIlII. Road ratbor ,wlly.
KlZlL. 11101'001..-.\ mtioD; waler (Upply from .t=mt; road &tollY
and fWI5 kt ..'t(:D mountain.; country billy.
SI.RU)I 0 1'ooJ..-A to ..... ; wawlUl'rly from .tretl'M; mad t:;OO<l
A ri, ..-!Jich iI (.mlahle c:r-. tbe road, runuing to the lOath.
B.\.EE. "'0 \"001&-.\ town; walerSUI'I,lyfrom otlulma. Th" town ..
00 IJIe right t-k. of the riwr whicb run. W tbe lOuth; road I,-ood.
OO:N.n.\SII. 60 Yool&-A alatioD; wat~r luWly from .t......,.; road
goool. A CordaLle ri,.". runniog to'\'IIM the ... uth c.....". the road.
UUK.;\.IU:I::K. 70 Yool&-A alation; water 11I1'I,ly frum Ilre,,,o.;
I'0Il<1 "oood.
KUR.\. \ OOL.O fn'X. ·10 1'oo!'.-A Ilolion; wota ,ul'l,ly from
.tn...01I; rued .tony, and runI thl'Oulrb Q vnlll'Y'
J A)f. ",0 \'ool&-A .tation; there Are ...... 0 r,·w 1111" .... I••,... inh:.bik ...l
by I....... nl.»; ""tor IRll'rly from .11"\11"\'; road gwJ. There
(oma 01 ~..bJak t .
AK.SOO. 70 \ools.-A U-lcDown town wb~I''' thue ito • Cbi_
CuolOnlI OffiCIT &D<l aL;o. )fAhomednn Uakim. \\ ater mrply
fromet_; roeJ J:'lO'l and c_ a .In...m. The ""' ... or Eda,
....hich oc.f~re the Cbin.-oe role ...... the CAI·italof th~ li:a1imaks, is
I" d., ..' jOllmty rrom .\k..oo in • DPrth·"·,,,I. rly di~ lion. L-h f,
a Chin_ caDtonmrnt. 'The officer o[ h~bl'lltranlt in UIllt I".....
.. call•..1 the ' Janltioo.' EcIA COOtBiM About one bund ....1 tb_nd
IC>Mitnl. Sixty day" journey north of Eel. i. the country of YuI-
doot inh.bit..J by the Toorab Kruimoko. It ito oaid that th"re i.••
m...untAin 00 the nurtb o[ Yuldoo1 .. hieh r"rllll tI", buuoclAryor the
~:! ROUTE PROll llr.En:E~TO "'A~TTGItt71l, ,teo
inbabiW portion (>f the world. On tI.e .. ..t or },"1:& tlu-l'I.' ;. a t.~
lake 1UID") I~hi.kool, which Corms the loOUtJd:uyof tbt> ('hin_
dominion.. The c:oGntry iDMbito! Ly lhe c-k tri""" iut .. 'Wno'S
l..t\\ _ l:.eb .....1the Ru-sian temt<orit& }:da mu oril,';~U.r the ruun_
of a ri,er ",bid, 110"'. from the <lISt to the 1rost., On the look of
that ri. <'1'. at the d",-un<<lof 3 few yoot. fl'<'ID it. arc the ruins oC a city.
Tht", it IUlGlh.r .ity at the cliI!1a,,,,, of a day'. jourIIt"Y [rum the
abo, e river, \\ hieh t'Ontains the tomb oC T""'.rhlook Tirnoor Khan, •
d•....-nd..! from the Khans of the Chugb~ )fo;,""t., who embraced
th. :\fahomcdan faith. At present.El!la coml'ru.:.. two eiti .... on. called
"Ghoolja," where the Mnbomednns ref'iM, and the other Koemh,
which it 1\ Chinese <!aDtonmllllt. The Jungjoo, • Chinese Officer in
Supreme CommAnd over the ~!ogul and K&limaltcountries, resides
here, The distanee between the cities of "Ghoolja" ..nd Kooruh is
(>..... t.o..~. In Eela stone is burned Wtad of "'00<1. Tb"re are two
kiD<1lCor this stone ; tbe smoke oJ ODe kind bas II pI,':>Dnt odour bat
tbe (olh..,. quite the reverse, These .t(>D('S _it II:unes in the
oame man11ft' _ ... oed, Thill kind Ql ltollC ;. aIoo ruand on the
mountains libat.,l at the distante of ODe day'. j<RIrwy from Aksoo,
lout iD the blur I,bee it iioot 0I0d u ~l.
KOO· BOO. "0 YooII.-A @(ation; wah. "'1,),1,. rrom It_; """,)
,,-ood. .A ~oe ri\'<f c"""_ the .-I, runnill;t the lOutb,
.. hitb ;."""Lle (or hoat&
\,A~(a:}:· tl RE}:K. 70 'ioolf.-A villo!:"; "'81<-r .url,ly from "rca,",,;
..... 1 ",,.,1. The rin" mel in the l.. t Itag.1 iolljPin .-.1.
J)OOCIJOOT. )70 Yool•. -A .tulion ""'"nginl<' tu Aboo. The r",~l
CN ..... noll' I'I..ill; water ,ul'l'ly Cro.n .tn..",o.
nlltl~-DOO. 70 \'""I-.-A stfttion 1.. I"nl.';ng to Alrf<)O;w."·r ."r-
I.!Y r,,",. ttYan". R.....t ~ th.. ,ogh r,.hW uf tooghrak tn-o<.
OOT.TOOZ."'.:'::\(.\U. 50 Yo<.I.. -.\n Oortunl!" unru-r YDtlron,l;
.. ate. ~I",I, rrom Itl'Ulll6. Tho.-l nma through C"RotouF
toogblak tr«s and ""'..t..
KI~(i-R.\K. lO Yoob.-_.\n Oortnng OJ>d,;,r YarkuDd; .... In ropply
{rom otr<ama. The .-I I'WIIi lhrollj,-h r"rtSU of ~brak th:.s
KOOK-CHOOL. 1(10 YooIs.-An Oortung and...... Y...mmd; ,.lIter
1UJlP1,.from ort:teams. Tbe road I'ilDS through (uf'eN of tooghrak
BAR·CHOOK. 100 Yools.-An Oortung under YarL'lmo); nter Stlp-
ply {rum .Iream... The road runs thrullgh Col\'ot.f(,e t«<;brak tTCt'S
Rom PROllBEEJEENTOxssncuca, .te. J.3
Koosn.KOOP.ROOK. 60 Yools.-.\n Oortun~ un.!"" Yarl"UDd;
...114., &apply froaa stre:una. The road run. through fvrst.> of
t~ tn.,- :mel mck
:\L\.R.LIB.\SH. SOYools.-Ao Oortung UDderY.n.ulI<l; wate' eop-
ply £rom.tfta%M. 'The road runs through (VI'IlIIU of lOOghr:ak trees
and .-Lo.
SHA.KOOR. :;0 Yools.-A Tooshgoon or halting r'-. l!ituated on
the ri~bt bank of the :K.sbghur river. It is in Ka.hghur territory,
I.ut th"n! are DO habitations here.
AK.CIlUKIL. 110 Yools.-lIalting plaee; no hotUCo. The road lies
through (o.....ts of toogbrak trees. •
lEE.~I£ESEI. GO Yools.-H..Iting plaee ; no hou ...... The road lies
through forest. Dr toogbr:ok trees,
'COOKJI.T.\L.GJImi. 60 YooLs.-n"lting 1,11I«l; DO hOUSCli. 'The
road I~ thrw;,>h f~ of too-.;hr:ok I..........
·L\~GE£..\B.\D. 90 Yoo1s.-Ao.pool .-talion or LUDJ:tIf; W1Itt-t- "'PI·I,
from It.....,.,. It beloogs to Kaobghur. The ruo&<1 runs through
tOOl,-brak f~"",tJ.
)<'AIZ.\D.\D. W \'0<'1..-.\ ~ villa'!". ('lnl.iniD~ "DC thOWilUkl
b_ IdoD.:iog14 Kaobghur;watcr .'"1'1'1)" (",m 01""""'8; road
",'UOCi ADd I,....t.. OH' level <lOUD!ry.
KEI;'~I.\.nOOt:l!. 50 yool.... -A ""Itin~ 1,1",·c. Th"re are aft'"
hCtul('!!I,,·.... bel<,n!(in~ to the fcrry !'""tm.'n. Tra,·..!"·'_ (", KMh-
ghur hon. "1'1'" the K ... bgbur river. 11.00<1 b""',.}·
A.D \0. 70 \00"'-.\ '<ill4gc belonging 10 Yorknnd; w_t..·rIUI·ply
r1'010,I n'llma; """I goocI.
K.\SIlGIIIIR. IN YooLl.-The btit"'.!. of th;' cily i'D loU'" ever II)
d,~ north,
)laIbh ~n:rur 'I.bummed repmk'nla the g.·ntral ,Ii"",uon of the
n:-odfrom Ji:BBh~>hDr _"·,Iy.
t" Beejeen to bo· 1I~ \ioilt<) II«-j«'D
in I.hetlOlh Y"'" "r the ..._.;~ .... of Eo~"n Klum. Imm that date 10
I.oo,_t ti_, ..-bicb;' the eommeneerm nt .. r th" J ..... 12~'A.lI.,
• Io('noo of a'-I. 30 y...... ._ ~lal-I. The )lullah IOnd .U:boolld
Tahi, "f T""rfaD, who had a1.., vilit,,1 &OJ,, -u, -n th:d 100 Klwt
(FoIIlJ1ffl>r)of China wall of lbe Knmk"ulA tribe, One of th e
•~ton "f F.c:z..,<nKlUlO, who Willi .. )lirn.(,·r of the J;n11... ror lOr
China. n·I...II.,1 and elaimed the rml'in" Art,·r .. prol"",t.ocI war tb.,
kin(l'loon and the country were d"~.Ic,1 1.·1\"...11 th_ twe, TI.e
Kbun of KUI'II"hut.1.lilll'l.'>iid"" in cue or Ih. IO\\Uf Dr China, bill.
.t a g~~di..laoC<! (rom Beejeee,
·il. ROUTEFROll BE:En::ni TO :u.sHGRUR, &C.
If Yoel" in the Turkish Jan., IDA!lln. <imply" rocul, but it is
now -' u • ........<me of dk-taDce:- S· _ .y a yool is 360
kooLoclJ. a koobch being equal to two SbahjehsnAbad ~.
Otbers a..,,,,un...ert that" ,-001 is equal to SIiO yanl& At aDy tate
a distance of 10 or SO yools is a pretty r:>irjoamey for one day.
KbootnD is the name or a coantry eoooiotiDg of sandy
dl'krt.. The a..... camel, and ya are f"und tbere in a wild state,
allIO Ole mu..k..d_. The clesen c:amtl baa two bump!', and is ~ery
.wiEt. The l'Ounby of Khootnn ,'Ontain. .ix cit,ee, tbe largest C1f
which", Belebee, where the Chinese U mbau and abo the Mabomed:m
Hakim live.
'}'ho ~tion or these cities with regard to eeeh other is shown on
the r"lIowing sketch >-


o It..,.kaoh.

The 6~ 00 the .ketch ihow the Duml.n or daya' journty
\,el"·",·,,th, 1It\·cral to....
Yarkun<1is Ilituate..J to the ,"",I of ~lthCt'. nth.r to.... rdJI tbe
north. at • ru.1AD""of cij,-bt day'" journey; th.- ",ad Ii"" througbout
OV"r" •.,n.l)" pwin, alony in pcu1I. The rollowing arc the .to~
Irom ~:.·ld"., to \ arkund-Z. ....., Pe...wn., Mojee, GIlDl:Ib, Chooluk,
Loobook, p_tkam, Yarkund.

K..\sUG Ifi·R.-Kubttbnr, pronouncodKnsbk.r, i. a ~II-kno,", city,

and hao b.e aImkIy dNCribOO. It p"T"_ a citadel, t}w, eke.n_
of "bich are of moJ. The town is entered b) four gat- Onli-
nary l.wars are held within the city 00 FYid.y., but tbe bo_ C..irs
take plsee outside the walls. A lurge number of horses,principally
of the Kurghun:e and eos.acl: breeds, all g<!ldio!:,!,are 1.".1;,... t Cor
s:ale; the priee of th_ wmah ,...ries from 20 tun!,""'" to 1
yaml_. :lluIH of the best breed are owned by the princ-i~
of JU..h,."bnr, both among the Nllt;""" and the Chin .....•. The
Cbio_ breed mulet! by crossing cattle nnd horses, the Cemol.,. of
citl~. ~e; bein~ (lOt to the male; of the op(1Of'ite: :moth .... 1>.....00
b. rn>daeed hy patting a 00'" to • donkey. I did not mywlf _ t.bis
wt blW'd, bert beanl of their esi.'(cnl"O! from t:lwt..-ortby informant,,-
It ;. oaid that mul... of this dl-..cril'tlOn ore .. Imitable C". II""'I-.... t;
they bave no bornt. A mnle mule, the sire or which is • he ..... and
th~ .lam a eow, alway" resemble.. the .ire; the rCuWe 1'"'I,,,,oy, in "
similar .,_ OO...,...,r, takts arkr the dam.
AlI.,..,.o{ the Chinse "",idoDt.. of K... bghnr lire in • ~
q~ OQtQcJ,. the city call,"" Goolbngh.;' ~ri.ooDtd
by a much ~r Coreeof Chin,,,," troop" lhan Ya.kuoJ. Wbile
tb.TtI are not 111('1"0 than one or two thousand m"n in th~ Lou.. city,
the sanUoD of lhe f"",,",,, co..... to of aome liw or oUr. thGo·..... l.
KEECIII'K-t'XDJ.\X. W.• li".ht1y N. 5 hou.... jo-r.-Tbe
Olml'ing ground u OD the bank <I' the KlIoh~ll\Ir river ; no "ilJ,..,..,.
I-'i uod and [0"'8" I,rocural>k.; 'Ml\'etul" Ki.IUili " or \u1at.".. on
the y.
KOOJlX.\. W. ~t11 N. 6 honn' jonrnt>y.-Yurmerlya Chineie
itallon; road good.
A ST.\TION WITHOUT N.\:\l E. W.• lightly N. S bou.... jour-
JI<·y.-In the "" 1D'ly of the tUlioll 111<) a r<" le.a.nt.' bub. Here
~rt.. &l\l ,''''''''"<""
t..,[Oh.. lra,e11mo ...... all~..-..d to (<rocmI.
PaMpOl'IIIate th.,. oblAiDtd. A II'I"dler ha> Ii.... t to proal'" ..nUell
..,'Only from a &y ..n or men:hanl, which be tldiH,. to the "abo.
m.. lan Hakim, .. Ito lwldJ it over to lltt' Cbin,'t<) U mt..n. an.l
t.hia Ialter CUlICUUIW'J',kping the original d""WlI<nt, Cnrnilhes the
,,'UOEl' PROll K..\SDODua TO X:OOIt.\.S.

t..~,<II,·r .. itb • tJ'anoL.tinD of it in CbiD.,.... ~ form in which the

d~Il.'Uoll"ntAare ,,·ritlc·n b 1\:t rolk,~",:_h'~ Lean-r i. • trarC!'IIer
"ithout any uot.<Un<iing Iislnliti...; 1 hold 1D,... 1f .... __ b~ for
&lIJ claim a:.,"';lbt him ~ bi, d.!tarlve." ~ati, ... of tw ''<lWltty
not I.·in~ l1C:mlilW to quit it, it "- beeome D~ to ~~bl.i.h
tb. ~I ...rt "Y."lfm. A r.,.,.. ChiD_li,c,al lbi. ftatiOll, bot JM,yODd
it there arc no hoWJeS.
KeXCUl'OIl1.1K. W. 4 bo1lJ'S'jOUfllty.-A baltin~ p~ in the
de....·rt at the foot of a lnll; fonge aud firewood proeorab~; .... ter
from a st .... 'tIm; mountains On both .ides or the road in the distance,
KlZlL.OO. rJ·;E. W. S boms' joumey . ...:Here there i.I only one mud
but, nClll'which wos a KUghiz enc:unpmcnL Forag» and firewood
procurable in ..,.aU quantities. The water bere ...... frozen. For the
first halI of the 6tage the road leads over billa, bot the ...... nd balf
io level. Numcroos encampment. of Kirghiz _'" from the rood.
jOllmeJ.-LMod fO<IDCl here; the min", art worlt .. 1 b:r 0... ~
w ho tntlf in th~ metal; one of their eDe&III~t. is in the oei...<>h-
bourl....,..; 6",wood aad f-..<>e prueurahk; t~ from a stftIOID.
lto.d ).,,,,,,,,,,,lIy level, hut oeeasi<>D&!ly 0\'''' '" .::-n>and... Boolsk"
ml"no in Tmk"h •• "nn~,and .. KoorghQOlbim," 1<OId.
SllOOR.UOOI,.\K.)f1)LLA.CHUP. W. • hour.' joamey.-Fire-
w.... 1, ro.. :,"" and .... ~ abWlWmL The I'UOId 10-..1.o\,'r hilly ''''''DUy.
OOK-S.\J,OOR. W.• Iightly N. 7 b.....,.. j"umt~.-Firew"aJ., [0""''''''
And \\lIt.-r abundanl; rood leach ever billy counlry. En',), b......
"",I tI",,,, are Ol"'n placu! .",tabl. tor c:AllIl'iOIC grouuda. The woro
fr 00"" figuifit... an 4n'O\V swd U S.luor" an .n:b(or.
PO\\.\;S.I.;\Jl·Z.\R. W .• li{! 'X. 2 hoo"" joumey.-Alao ralkol
n.....n.j.O,.k.Sa)' ••r. The """I ..... oda OOIItillu..... I,- IA>the 'lUnJlllt
"r thi. I....... hi.!, io, bo wever, or DO~t btia:rbL \l the IA>pO[
Ih;' 'I) .." .. n" or P.... is ..... riall~ or the KirgId&.
SIIOOR. nOOL.\K. Kl:EClIUK. W. ol~htl,.~. 6 boan' ~ s-
-W.I<1', r,,~. and firewood .1JW>danL .\ lew opota
tor roompiDIl' b'T'OGlld..are .....-I OIl tbio .t.a.gc'.
\ l'S.\.KEEClll1K. W... bollnl jou""'Y.~C;.tnaud ODthe bub of
•• I,,·am .. hirh 80.... into the K lCburri".,:!btl waln ...... bout up
I.. IIII' 'limll" my borw ... Y m.. na Iev~, !lat, .... 1·' K_holr"
'a fl'IT)J in Turki.b. R<.d good; ae"ral ,pot. &Olted ror camping
grona.\ ..... r<-...J..
SUR Kl':\IOOS II. W. ~ bou...• jou.rn.·y.-Wat.·r. ro~ •• ntl Iin:wood
abundant; DIlWCroDli c&mping l,'TOIlOO,~. Rood good.
SEElrEEZ.KII.\TOON. W. -It hours' journcy.-A good =tIping
YlrNGllEEN. W. 9 booN' journey.-About a mile to the right of
the NII(1iJ seen :l mounbin called the K"b·i·kAf. The Ka.b~ur
river ~ CI'O&o<..! bv a fern- 00 this "bli."" Firewood abund""t
near the ferry bouse. 00; bill near the bank or the river are some
ruins, oaid to be the ruins of the N ukArub Khsnuh of Afrasiab;
beuee the place is called Nukarub Chaklee. Firewood abundant
in tho llci,;bbo(lfbood, foroge scarce, country hilly. At Yungheen
is a Kirgbiz encampment» water supply from streams, fom.,...,
abundant. For this stage the road lcad~ through V(llIl'Y'"
TOOKAEEHASIIEE. N.W. 7 hours' journey.-'l'hi. place is situated
in 1\ vollcy to the right or the road; water 1U11rlyfrom streams.
}'onogc SCArce. 'l'hcre is found in abundllllcc the eommon willow,
the wood of which is erport..'<i to "'udnl Teeruk, Road over hilly
country; from this plsee we l>log:ut te C'<pcricnl'Ch03''Y snow-
STAGEWITHOuTN.ore. W. $ligbUy N. 5 bou.... joum.>y.-On
tbi. march we lost our WIly, and owing to .. b"",,), .nQw.t"rm were
unable to Snd the road. We encamped l('<"nlin~ly on a bill side,
wbere there was neither water, foral!\', nor lil'(·...ood: the trt:r.sms
mt.t on the .-I were frozen. Here a Kil"j;hi. (·nrampment.
DlIUNUll.I.DOWA.. .... IK1CEE.ZVK. ~·il hlllf P.., .... 'ODd S.• ~
houn<' jQumcy.-u lkIccczulr" in Turki,.h m"""ot,,;no, and is applied
to lhi. plaee (rom the £net of there being here two mountaius close
to _10 other. W nter from 8prings. l~()mj,!('i. Iit'IIr~. Firewood
II(It I'rOOllrnblc. The rood for this "tage liC!!ht'lwl't'n mouutains,
A S'rA'l'lON WITHOUT NAM~. N.W. 8 hou.... jOlln"'y.-5itl,.
at..'<.1bctwe~n the two mountains named Dn"'on lkk,,·zuk. ". ater,
fol'lb't, and firewood unpreeurable. JWad billy. The ',,·ighl of One
mountain whicb wo passed must have ",-"n .houL one and half boars'
1(001(500. W. ~ booN' journey.-The nom,' or a 'l'rin~ which i.
the lIOurro of tbe Ka.hgbur river, It .... 1 hilly &11<1 I.'lld.. O\'U the
... "n,1 Dow... J\keezuk, wbich is 0<,ua1 in h"il(ht to 1106 G"q. We
c.-J the frozm surfsce of lb. Kook-eo, on th" right bank of
""hi,·b i.&Doth"r mountain higher than the lkk ....-ruk.
DURWAZtlU.I.DOW.AN.TEEZUK. W.• 1iI..-Iltly S. 3 bonn' jour.
ney.-A£tcr the deseent from lb. mountain on the bAnk of UII~
KookAoo, lbo vnlley booomcs narrow allli Ii....b-tween high moun-
lnint. 1'hrough this vulJo)' 00W1Ia ItroAm which, dtcr bt.jng joined
by mnny othere, finally flow8 into the Seer river near L'ndjan,
):'iruwood and fOI1lge not procurable. Ro:ld for ita ...hole length hilly.
•.18 ST.\OES YRO)( KASnOm;R TO 'E:OOK.\N.

D.U(ID;'.T.DOW.\~-TEEZUK. ~. tJi.,<>htly W. 3 hours' jOU1'1l('Y.-

FOl'3:::eand firewood not proee ....l>le. Wald- from.-. Th~
road runs between mountains.
t;RCHliLIK. X .lightly W. 10 hOU15' joarn<oy.-Situaled in a nlIey.
Firewood abundant. l'rehab ttl.... in pt'Ofmion. W:a.ta m.m "
stream. Tho IlllCent oC the Dowan Tee2\11:is n two hoUl'!!'journey,
3Dd the cles«Dt ei,,<>ht hom... From the mOWltam .. road INo!. in "
&Outh.rly direeuon to S... ·o.1:ooI,.. hieb ill diatant some th_ or fum
day.. journey. Dun,,!; the bot IelltOn the ,.,.d by Teezuk i. impas-
""hie on _".,nt oE thc swellen condition oC the sUl'&als, and .t this
time tra.-.ill~", are ooml",lIeJ to uke:a cireWlQUs "",Ie by _lain
paths. Thou~b we exp<'riencro l1IuW...t.orms from KUDcbugh.i«-k it
W1I9 from the "ntran,,,, to the IlJsc ..,zuk P_ to thi. plsee thot we
were exposed to !.Mir C..n se~rity; the IDO.... Lor in pluea to ..
depth equal t.o the hd~t of a man and occasioaally t..;oo lb:at
depth, A hundred Kirghiz w,'re birtd 1'1 us to make tbe n>Ikl
Jl8->,.l.le for the .............. l,y p""""in~ down the IDOw t.ilI. it p",,,,,,nted
.. luud .urf:an~ Ki'l,ohU eoeam l'1DI!IIta are [0UJ>d ~ tbU pbee
durio!; the hut _n.
l 1n1.\."1 KlZ. H...t half o[ the road to the ~. w. and the rrmaintlet
(0) 1I... W. (I bows' jouroey.-'l1Ua ;. lhC' of a ",,!.-tribe of
the I\.irghiz, I,h" have an cnraml ment bere, 'I'OO p~ "' titu:at~..J
beh""n two mountains ; ",me eulti."tion bere, \\ at"r and fo~ ....
pl\lMllS!.I~, but no 6..... -'. R."",, Ii.,. in a ..,ull:y..-ith all"",.r:a!
.I..... Wah' [rom a river. .\'__t h:!ll -1 we c:une upona
Kirghi~ ~DI.."nl in ~ .aUey.
1I.\LTI"n PL.\C.; WITIIO\-T ,,\ 'IE. W. S hoW'O' joan -: ,.-
1Ia1t.e<1 at a li:il'l(hiz en... mpment,
abun.l:ml. rl',~
"'.kr, r~. ADd fu," ... 1
run.! It ill by U,rullilb tho ... mc vullr)' with a ""'n"ral
1I.\LTI"n PL.\Cf: WITIIO{:T:-'-.\:\1£. W. 2 boo,... joum.y.-
A 1\.irgloi""n"m'l,ro"nl with seme rulli""ulJn in it.t ,i";nity. Itoa.I
1",,·1. l'ire1000d and r"rII.'" abundant. Wat.r C",m. m....m..
1\1 UZ.\R-I-GOO:\lllUZ. W. lliltbtly~. S ho"",, joamt'}'.-.\t this
l'w,.. i. B builalin~ lUrIllounted wit.h a dome, in t.ho ,-itinity or 1\ 1oi('b
are tilmW of ~ KiJJ;:hiz. .\n tDClUDpmmt of the '\ WIUInsur
_tiun of the Kirghiz; fouod~. Water.uwir Crom Iprin~:
flt\lw""t1 Md ru...~ nhundant; ,un.! bill) end sr......,. with ftint.;
..eve....1 Kirghiz eUcADll'menu ... <~ f('(·n on thi. &ta~.
GOOLSlll~. W. S boun' jon .....y.-.\n ~kTsttd pbt4-an, .. ell
wouol,~; IUDOn{fthe In.a are the jujube, tht po~t.:,,,,,.1 olhers.
l:S.I.-T. \".
STAGES mol[ lUSJlGm:R TO KOOK.\N. .19

Firewood aDd (Qr.l,..<>e

ablmd:mt; WlIttr (rom a th\.'IUJI. The <tmun
which 0.,.. from U rehulik diviclo.~ • litll., beyond thi- 1'W!e, one
branch emptyUlg it;d( into the 511bz run,.. to the Mt o( the ._t
D.UltiX-I-DOWA .."'\CROOGllOORCnOOK. Finrt half of the
roed W•• 1iJ:bdy X. """';nder 5., I holllll' journ.y.-Kir,::biz en-
ClUDplDeDt in the Dei,..<>bhoarbood. A.tmun run_ t"""NJ the north.
Firewood aDd (ora,.,<>e-. R-t througb a ro('ky ,....I.·y.
ZER.TlJPP.\. W. 9 bonn;' joumey.-llalt..d at thi. 1.111<).'.
WB' unable
to __ rtain ita name. Kirgbiz encampment in the neigbhourhOO<l;
"l'ril1jp abo". the Tupps, wbere r()~ BOil firewood were I'l'OCuruhle.
Ill"'')' ano" on the Cbooghoor CbookP_; to the hill'hM point
of thll .- was some 2\ or S bolllll' jOlln'~y, whence the deseent
l'Omm~nO('d:on tbi.a part of the journl')' altO milch snow reU; one uf
DIy ho~ and aevenJ belon,,";"gto the c.':U'Ilvatt died.
LliNGUR. W. 4 holllll' jClUl1leY.-Nwn~ o( an uninhabite..1
•"",,00<1 aDd forage __ ,,'.t.!:r
'Ul'ply from "ot"""". Reed
over level ''OWltry.
ll.\LTlXO PLACE. W. sli".<>bUy N. r. hon"" jOllm.y.-HalW st
thi.t l~ace which bc::u! DO name. fi",wood, ru~, an.l water
proc:tU&ble. Boad over level CUWltry. Good CllDIl,ing gr<>Un.1.
"I.\DOO. W. rather X. 3 b"""" journey.-Ilero i.t ,,~lIl·..t or wsw
IlllTOuraMd by tncs. En......p....,..t of the Yo""a.ll, a snb-tribe
of d,e Kirgbiz. in the ncighlX>IIrbood. l'i",,,,,,,,I. ","It'r, tlDd forage
I.rocnra!.le. P......... Itwral Kirgbiz encsmpm ..nt•• ,n tbo road.
t:!UfTOun.\inlt roWltzy level From thi. Illoc.. we left U,,· moun-
tlliMU' region.
OOSU. W. rathtr N. 3 bou.... jnumry.-.\ 1"'l'lIlou. place from
which romm.neel tbe territory or 1'llrI(hnnnh. H"ud over level
country, Pluted oeTera! eneomrm.nt.. or Kirgbiz. ollbj.·t·t.. ,,[ o"..b.
All th_ Kirgbiz beh<een the OorluDI( of K... hKhllr ami Koorgboo-
&him IUe ""hjed. of K.b~bur. that io t" .. y. U"'Y tak~ f•.r ... 1.· in
thot dty firewood, ehorMal. "c. 'rb_ Kirgbi •• ft! not compelledto
(urnioh thmud ..... with Chin_ r:-poN "I ...n 1.'0'iug K...hgbur
krritory, but are free lo come aDd go III U"'1 1'1.....,. Thry are
all ChintM .ubjeeu. Those tn'ba, ho'A'\'t'T. 'Lch... -n Koorghooohim
and 0..-1> are oubj<d to the lhkr of Kookan, Tb.y an- (;'.'IIerally
wealthy, lind 0,", ~ namheri of boriC! all.1 ..... 1'. Durinlf tho
lime ..f .:-cl1r'-la B<ee ~r"'en! gi"l1l to) biglmllY rob"',,,,, but hio
..,n and .__r, .\lum Khan, "ook "'''en! 1111'3.11.... with tbMD, and
(rum th"t tilll~ tM .._it hav~ been IK·r(.,,·tly •.• f,•.
Til<' "lty o( o...b .. waid to bsve been the ""I'illll,,£ 8 ..1"111",,. It
i. abundantly ,ul'I,lied "ith ...,.t.:r [rulD .lr"u1l8. l1w OO'emur uf
60 STAGES paoli: KASRGm;1l 10 ... 00....\,..

thie town, who ~ app>int<!d by the Rnkr of Kookan, is ~

1oonai. and the Kazee,)bhomed Yar,> ... by the -
of :lfokbdoom. Thi5lattet 'WlIoS • former pari) of the riur.
The tomb of AIoof-i-J3ir"-, the )[inist<r "f s..t...mon. is here
ail.....,.. I Tisit.ed it and focnd it to be of ~t extent, On the
hill ",bere Solomon'. throne is said to ba,-~ d<SCC'Ddtd, • Imilding
IOnrmount.edby • dome bas been erected. During th,· .-pring, O'Omls
of pilgriJ1ll! of ....nom natioualiti ..... semble £rom the otIlT<>WIdiDg
countries to visit the throne of Solom"n. The fPC'! is on the
westem tride of the town of OooJJ. W,,,klv marl.;<u are bekl on
Tul'eday.. l\fooquitoes are .-err numero .... b"N! in the "pring. In
til" hot IK'U$OD tbe inhabitants sleep on elevated platfonn •.
Two doyl' journey £rom Oo.b to the oorth-w,."t is the town of
Nunlllngan. flUDoua for its fruit. Uudjan. the former c3pital of
furghanuh, if thrEe d3ys'jOutDi';r from O.,.b in the ame direction,
but ",ther more to the IlOrtb. On_,. Sheik illina, &.u... 0{ the
Emperor &htr. resided in thia town. U.djan b but • moderattly
1",(,ulollSto'KD no.....
UllW.\);UlI. W•• li';'l);r X. II bov.... j-y.-.\ ~ .-ilJage
inbnbilcci hy Ghnlchu. as the inbabilaDtf of BadukbObaD .....
call....t X ... r the Till• ee are 1!1l..uc.... lIills at • dbtan« GIl
l.oth ,id ... the r.-d ..... hich Ut. tbroD~ 1t,,1 roant..,.. Xumerow
t n"'lIIl'"lt·nl. of the Kiq;Ii% and bl'nl. of IIlJlroI- J"'&&<l'l. The
I'OIItICrom o.,..b to tbe other to"'" of rurghanull aN! [oasaLle for
wh~I ...1C<lDwyan-.
)1I~(I 'rl 1'1'.\. W. 3 houn' joum.y.-.\ large \;lIoge with cdl'1l-
.i". 1.. ,llI",g~in it. viciDity. It .. ;1110.1.;1«1 I,> T""rkolluna ..nd
"'.IIlI.· ... o{ the Kubcbak tribe. ,,1,0 O('("I'Y tl1l'1;(!grazing gruuoo..
during tho arring."d summer, 'l1~", "'" "),Ollt III or It tbODJ:loo
r'lIlilie- of thcs<' triLeo, ..11 iD 1;'».1 cimI_tAn-. The mcn AN!;om~. ,,·.11d~, and make good aoI<limo,f'Dtirdy oppooit,. in
all n'SJ'<'l'li to tbtl Kirgbi%, ....ho am ~=Ily I>oor. UDI'''JI1l2oemn,Z
ill Ilr~'_ • .,,<.1witboct martiaJ qu:aliti ...
1.001.1:.:KIIvxun n:Ot'R)L\B.\SII. W. 3 boura' jo~.-.\
,iiiAS'" Ii> the Dorth of "hieh at tbe dioo~ of ODC d3y, j~ ia
tbe to....n <>r trudje. To the north aJ.o is D I'bro e:oIltd KooLub.
,\ t the diAtAnooof one tm.1lk.b from the J-l is an mtallIptIImt e r
thr Kirghiz and Kalimak trihel; the latter ill tbia "bee rrof.~the
~I .lhoDlodaDftligion.
KOOPltOOK. ,,'. ",thfr X. ;. boun' joo"",y.-n.,.,<.1 go<>d. Stv,'Dl1
viUn",,, '"'' pUItd on th~Wlly. X..,. K""I'ro ..1.; i••• tnoam c"__..!
by • bridge.
MOORGIIA~. W. mtber X. G houn( joun ...y.-Pronouneed Moor-
ghulao. A large town in the territory of ~&Duh. Heft is
the tomb of a certain k:iog named SekWMlar. which is .uppoeed to
be that of _\Jexander the Great. Tb.ia is a ban.aome town, aod the
inhahitaotAI are courteous in demeanour. The (io'tTIIOr is a lOll of
the ~\m~r of Kookan. Silk;" produml bere in Iarg.! q1Wlti_, as
a .... obawl.w.,.,I, called in P.""""UKoork " and in Turkiah" Tihut."
Sbawl. are aW ...oven here, but not equal in 'IWllity to tbooe of
C".hlllcn.'. 'The town is defended by 3 mnd "all. wbich i. no'"
in ruin.. A lofty IWd substantially built .ninan-l hat been COD·
strueted in the eeutre of the town.
AK 111m. W. slightly N. 5 hcurs' journ~y.-T1l1"reare many vilIIIges
Oil Ihe rand to this plsee, but I tra\"cliL<lac""," country.
KUR.\K KUll'TAYEE. W. sli,!rbUy N. J hou...• joun ••y.-.\ village
inhal,it.,1 by)r.bomOOans. W. travelled lie"'*' country, bot ....
In our ltf~numerous n1lsge;. '!Wo """" k:kl from '!oo";'lI!an tD
Koekan, one of tbem IIcrQ,jl conntry. IUId th~ other pcaging by Iowna
a.ul '-iILtj,'l'II.
KOOK.\". W. liighUr X. S hoon' joorn..y.-Kookan. writtotn
Khookan, is a Iar;;e city nndelcnd<d by (ortiflCltiooa. It dates from
till" time of Xurbootab Bee, Lela", which it ...... no more thAD a
,·ill""",,. Stl"\Sllll flow through all the .tlftt. of !.be city. Th~
no",o or tb,. I'ruknt Ameer is Oomar Khan. T.. o, I'll'" l",",iol1l tD
thi. d"t.'. J 2i~A.H .• ru" elder hrotb er,; \Iuln Khan. the then Ameer,
hod. by hi. continued opl'"""iono and """atiou, ,·",,,,tiun•• eaw;ed
gn...t di",ollt~nt tbroughout the "'lUntry.8nel ,,,,,,,,,i_l1y incumoJ the
"""'lit 01,·,,1of his troop •• who. I""ving him .t 'r...bkend, d.... rted in
a be"ly to Kook"D and electro Oomar Khun u .\me"<'r. .\lum Kban
.hurtly .Eh·rwards preeeeded alone to I\whn in the 1Jt"I~fthat
1.0 would be able to .,. )""_;on of hi. '"1',141 without
o).)....itien, II. wu. ho....wr. killed before hu could ...... 10that city.
110 and Ju. bruthtr Oomar Khan ........ IODJI (;f X urLooi.&b Bee,
I. tl.., anny or the .\mecr of Koala... _ 10."00 bor\lem(on. who
,...~,~ land. and ,;~ in ",turn fl)r tbm militAry~. TIwy
are unaMe to ""'1' the 6dd I...n~r than tWI) montha at a ~. (or
which I.. rie,.) tho ""l'I'ly of pro..w on.... hieh tbt')" brillg £rom their
own bum .. ""ntnLlly WI.. 11ae 0 o100.. or militia, nu",,,,,," """"0
30.000 men, I",t. n...."i\ing no pay frum the StAte, they , .• 0 <>DIy !'e
1<1'1,1ftl_nt from tb";r homesabout ""0 month in tbe >_. :)ubj,~
to 1\oolcOln nre the (elll""'ing tribe... ~jl.• tbe l\i..,,>I.iz..Tuorkol1lllll.
Kubohnk, MiliA'. and Kuralc.. l\{OOIt of the t"'oro ....01 "nil,..! with
HI ........• md wbal 6re-:mns they have arc mat, Mock.. Bdunging Ie>

52 STAGESnOll lU.SltGIrrB TO i:OOK.\.."'·

KO"~1lI\Arethe towns of O""h and !\umUllW'D, a1~y described,

K'''''D "Dti Choo-, each of which is a cla)~. jou""'r from NWII11D,,"3Il,
L·nclj.n, )roo~ubn, Kan·, I.furWr.,&I.d Kboojund. Except
CbOO8ano! :\ umuo.,""", all the..: lo...-u nre Ihnat ...1 00 the left '-k
of U.e ril<t S-, which is another nam" of the Jihoon (or <>SUS).
On the ri~bt bank of the S.. '1' ""' the l'ndj"n hil.. , oovend with
verd u", auo! fruit.beariog 0-, all!O till' town. of Sbahrookheea,
T.. hkund, Siram, Kula'a.i-Toorkil'tao. 'lb. I'rolio,'" in which Tasb-
kU1II1i•• ituatod ia known us ToorJ..-i.<tu.n;tho ftnci"ot name of the
city \\'UH Shash. It is surrounded by ext~n"iv(' "lain8, anel below it
11"11'0till' river Chirehik. North of the Uudjan bill., and adjoining
thl' R.... inn territory, are vn.,t Imete; inhabited by the Kuzak and
Kun ••ooleeuk tribes, The chief tOlVO o( the Kh.~n. of tbese tribes is
Iloolgllllr, now cnll<:dKizan, which ~ in ~Qn of the Russians.
To th,· "'c>t of tJu.,.> plains i.. the Bhk·k S"", ano! 1)0 the _t, the
Chill...., t,·rrilory. At the P",""Dt clay the Kuukl have DO IIIlJ'reme
h~d, but are gvl·.med by vario"," petty Cbit:£Sor TooruhL
OODla. Khan iI" .... a ooilllll:e of hio 0"0 U; Koe,kan.. One
tllDgII" c<>nJists of Axte\:n peels, 0IICht'<ltI31in ...tight to about 1;1<0
11lA>buhL One tila of Bokbana ;. cow •...,.} in Koob.A to be
"Ioal in value to 150 tun~ of tl.tir coi~. This t""l.'1Ih
it. """1"" eein,od with silver,
Thn Khoothuh i. not read in the Damn of IInr Sun-rei~. K()(\kan
nn,1 Uokbllnl, though f't'Of,-')ly nt I""""', I\J'~, _II), on 1..1 tC1'lllJ,
till' ronm·. ,\'filling to a<:).-nowledl,"O it. lulojortion in "Dy ''''Y to
Dukla.ra. 'ru.ld,,1a i. tbe ianf.."""A'C of tI", country, th"ugh tbe
tUlvl"I"'''I'I" (I'" "I"" able to CO,II'C1'""in I\·..,inn. )linll Yoo"""r
"h""jullelt·,. i. tbe hcud orne;"! II! Un, .\01...-r, .nel i. in rlld fhe
Prirn. ~Iilli.t.·r; UI':a;Lto him in nlllk ioo 0'", )Iiru. hmntoollab.
'1'1",f"fOlI'r conceived sa ~t fri,·rul.hi" r..r me, llnol l';eel to induee
rue to meku II I,rololl~..! .tay in Kuoluw I.y olf,ring me the 1""'( of
l'rillt11..J in tho C"Ul1.'" at that "t-'.

RorIE FROlI li.OOli.~-'TO srxrnxrxn

BEESH.UREEK. '\\. slightly X. S OOIll'll"journey.-A ",Ullge of

Kookan. A w-eeldy bazsr is held here on ){undaya. Nwnerous
vil~ lire ~ on the reed,
STIATIDIRDr:.E. W . .tightly S. 1 hour'. journcy.-A village. Week·
Iy loin< held on Tuesdays.
JU........ I.UAD.\..'l. W. slightlyS. 1 hour'. journey.-.\ populous place
.itualoo at the foot of a bill which n- to the north-west of
tho town. X umd'OOlI.treuru in the ncinih·. In ronn"r times an
immense '1=ntity of :almolld.""_ grown he';'. Rood goo.l; viI.IagH
on the ..-l "'lDUC)W.
::II.\.HRU){. W. ali!;htly S. t bows' j<lW'lley.-.\ ,"illA~ IUn'OnruIed
.oth a Inud r"rtifj.2tion, -ituaW ."""1 .. from the Seer
riH~ on it. Id\ Lank. 'Ibe COWlIe of thnl ri_ ia Io.. anb the ",est.
KIlOOJl!XD. W• .ti:.,'·htly S. 7 bouro' joumty.-A ...ell-known
to" D .il\lOloo OIlthe kh bank of the ~err lOme 1"0 or three 00""
.hot froln the river, and ourround"') b,' • mil.) r"rtifi, .. tion, Fruit. of
\~riull•• 1.",·ril,tioM and of e..""lk~t (11I4Iil,-.... I,radue.oct here,
'M,n 1''''l'h, Iln> int.tlill\!Dt and ""'1WA1,1~in tb,·ir ,,,,mnen;
1.IIW'"f..~ is 1"'mAn, though Tllrk .. h i.e .Iao ""·,,,·n.lly 1111I1"hltood
Ollt! .,,,,Jr.,·n.In hawlliro~ ID tllia r~ we roil."" ... till' bigb reed
alung the Idt loank of tbe river,
AK'l'lll'I'UII. S.W. :i! hou.... joumty.-.\ ,"Itag" ,.·ith. 011.1 fort.
\\'(1 c..,_..1 tb~ Kboojund river loy • hri<l~ ."me 1..1£ a fut>oukh
from the town: the n«, aDaJcd to ... D"l the t; .
A KSOO. S.W. 3 boun' ,joun>Pr.-A ..ubge ._, hich i. • IItream.
The It-rritDry of Koobn t.mninallB be....
KOORKl'T. S.W. i!. horus' jourDey.-.\ nr.Jage ,.ith • mud fort in
the territM)' or Ovruh Tvppnh, ...hich here commen-.
OORUII TCPPUB. '\\. slightly S. b bOW"l' joum")'.-A town
aituat. ... betwe..." two hills, defendtd by • mud fortification; the
Luildings of the IDwn extend ID the IUJl>lDit of th_ bills. For six
yea.. pre,;o05 IDthe present date, 1221.1A.B., Kbajuh )lohmood
Kban hna been the Ruler of this wntDry. TIe i. an inhabitant of
Sumurkuod and c!esc:ended from BllZl'Ut Khajuh Abrar, and on
(i.j, ROUTE F1l0~ KOOXA..'i TO snnmxmm.
the mother'. side claiIus connection .nth Abool Fiaiz Khan, the KiDg
of &khara: his matdtW uncle ..,.., Kbooda Yat Bee, an o"zbuk
of the Yoo% tribe, ruled Oorah To.ppuh a. an independent
So"'.n.~gn. On the ckaIh of Khooda tar Bee, hi. ta"ritory 1nI$
annexed by Bokbars, Alum Khan of Koo"'n DOX1. it, and
left a .oWl gnrrison for its defence. Taking ad\=t.a.,,~of the
weakn ... of their numbers, "lIuhmood Kban att:w:kt<! and gained
~ioo or the town, Mter which he publicly, and by a let~r to
the, dcclnred himself to be a f""daJ,.,'Y of Bokhar:a. Being a
nephew of Khooda Yar Bee, and a deoccDdlUl~of tbe noble family of
Ahrnr, the Oozbuk tribes joined him, nod na be also received the
&UJI(lOrl (If Bekbara, AlIUll Khan w""
unnblo to shake big power.
lIe i. in rrolity an iodep<!ndent So\'ereil.'11, tbough Il,e Kbootbub is
still n.-ad nnd coin struck: in the DAmeof the King of .Bolduua.
IIi» troors are recruited from the Oozbuk, rOO%,
and Kirk tribes m
tbe ndghbourhood of Oorub Tul'l'ub, and be io oa.iJ to be able to
bring into the field o;ome15 or 20 thouand men•
SL'13.\T. W.• ligbtly S. 5 homs' journty.-.\

1arg.! vilb.,
.... in the
krritory of Oorub Tuppub with a mud fort. The.....t pa:.oeo
throogh thl nlb;,"L'S of Xij......., and Oorakint.
Y.\)1. W.• Iightly S. 2 hours' joumcy.-.\ 1arg.! viu...~ 1IIfr'OUJ>de.l
hy mud-built d.fCJlOO8. :Bazan held .'.'Y Tu~y. 'Cbe tcrritorv
of o..mb Tuppuh ends here. -
KOODOOK. W. s1igbtly S. 8 bonro' joum~y.-An Oozbuk encamp-
ment where we halted. "Koodook" i. a Turk"h word signifying
R well, o[ which there are .e'·CrIII bere.
DIZIKII. W. 6 hours' journey.-.\Joo called Jizikh. A large vi~<>e
RIII'I,,,,t alt.,iniug tbe dignity of a towu, with a mud fort and SUI'-
mu,ulins; wall.. Abdool R_I, tbe brother or
Uukeem Bee, is
the Governor. Here Iio.... are ~ of all men-ban,lize pro-
ee,.,jing from Kookan to Bokbara, and duty i. I<\ied on arrival a~
III<' rity _"'nling to th_ liot..
EEL.\X OTEE. W. ~ botuM' joumcy.-.\ I'*e ~tOriOlD ror the
num ber o{ snakes ('Jund in the Dei"obbourboooJ. )[ y ,ioit Leiug in
the ,,·iutu, 1 did not _ many, but tJwoy are 'ory 11_
during the !IIi! ",eatber. The to"", it built ill 10 vallry. On the
r~ft,uf A hill to the nore. of the t(l\m i. {ouD,1ao illlCription carvtd
in tb. I!Oli.J rock, to the clI'ed thAt in til" ), .. r Ill'> .\. 11. lh,' gnst
M.I invin ...ibl~. SuI~o AbdoolLr.h KMn, with an anny of 4,00,000
moo orToork .. tao, TlUlhkuncl,ami KuhduUc, Iwr,· ...n~~ and de-
rtatt'd tho KIw"" and thllt the .laughter "'Ie 10 I,rodi".-;uu. that IIII'
ROUTE FROM K001t.L'1 TO smrcnxtrxn. 55
a month the rirer flowed with blood in.t~'8dof wutcr. The river
alluded to it Il stream that flows througb the ,-.lI.y. coming £rom
the direction of Dizik.b.
YlI"XOEE KOOROHlJi'. W. slightly S. I hoDl'll'joumey.-.l forti-
fied 1''- ~IongiDg to Di%ikb. inhabited by Oozbuls. A stream
Bow1lnear lhe villa"noe. Rosd leads througb level <'QUO try ; mountains
on all .id.,.. nt Il distance,
BOOL.\K )[OOLLA CHUP. W. slightly S. .~ hears' journey.-
Hero id only 11 spring of water; no bo\18<.'8.
KHISlI'r K001'ROOK. W. dightly S. 2 hou...• journcy.-There is
hero Ii bridge IlCroSS a stream,
KUllA KlI,I'AK. W. slightly S. 6 bou..... journcy.-Tbis villnge
it called wier the tribe of the same nome. oo"oid(·,,<1to be " branch
of the Ooabuks. Severa' villages 1""""'11 00 the rond.
SU)lI,;JlI\.IJ~D. W. slightly S. 2 booro' journl·y.-'fberi,.c, Kohuk.
which l'Ontinu"" its course as far "" Bokhllra, it c...-I on lb;" ita,,"t'•
•\ b_eb of thia river BoWlSto Dubbeed, an .~bI. -pet, "here
thoro are DOme1'01I.I g:mI.os. about. fu",ukb and a half from Sumur-
kUI1.). Kboleefuh :Mabomed Ameen, the son of )(,,<1' Hyder, King
of llo,khan, """;d"" here,
The ("mouR city of Sumurkund contain. the tomb of the G"""t
,\m<'<'r Tllinl""r (or Tamcrlane) •• lofty building .u"nounwd hy a
deme, In the interior of the tomb i. to 11(1 .. ,'n R tahll'L of some
6I"""n atone 11O-..e;8inga beautiful pill, the nome of whieb is
unknowu. On lhi" tablet is inscribed tbe gcll,"1ogy "r Tnimoor.
1'1.., donu- W\\II fQrmerly covered with gold. which WA. removed by
Sh"l. 'luelrucJ Bee, The I.tknchmls ilL the (mllb inf"ntll ...J me that
"I' to th" time of the Emperor ~[ ..homed Shah, of Hindoo-ten, they
were in ""-"'ipt of pensions paid by lbe Sowrcign. or tbftt country,
whi..!. have now been discontinued, and tbey ""1ueol<,1 Ill" IA> ropre-
.. nt tb"ir iUllo,veri,hod eoaditien to any d""~'DcLlllt of Taimoor.
who migbt .till ....alive in Hindoostan. Of lbe ol"''''olo,y _"t...d
I,) )Ii",. O" &g I found only • h""I' of C'&rlh remaioed,
the hoiMing !.a,iog been compl.kly deotru),,1 by :;b",·t.ahec Khan.
TIl" tomb. "f .l\.hajuh Abdoollah "hrw, of .\1.1001 )1UIlSOOl'
)[0100 ..... 1,,,,, of tb,' Author of tbe 'H,..!ayuh,' all,1 of other ~
and faUlaUl men. otill en-t. Both the ciLadd and (lutA'rd,'f,,,,,,,,,, of
Sumurkund ore constructed of mud: there i. a l'(On.i,Il'raM"popula-
tion in.ida the citadel, and 00 the ouk, wall. of th,' cilY Ill'I' to he
.. ,,'n mllny hoUOCll. In the centre of Sumurkund i. 0 hpXJlKO"nl
buildinK, lurulount.-d with 0 dome. on llleh lide or which ),uihling n
I"" .., u. h,'l,1. The", arc ronny colleg... in tho cit) i the lU'l.'ftL ill the
Cia ]lot'TE FUOlI XOOJt.\N TO Rr.)J{"RKl"Nn.

Kb~mum C.,1I~. which, honTer. i. n_ in .. ,1_y ..1 and dil"pi-

,lakel <OIIdition. Some of theoc are ft.,.,riabillJr. amung
them the ShnL'JIIlk and 1'I.IlaIw...-. r""DdN by YdluDg TOlWhB<!IO'
&badoor. n,., Priuapa! of the fvrmer Colkg\' ;. the eminent
KIlU(I.)f.u .\t..oo S~ ....ho ;. .100 Ihe KIWt! of Samurl,und,
a I'ro{ouDdJ,.I.':med and aeeompfubro dWl. no. eon, Abdool Hye,
hoM. the ollke of Moh=ib or _r o{ mo"",. coturidrredto be
<>00~{ tl" Iligbe«t posts attaiD.b1~. ~ Sberenak C>lIege race.;
the we.. t, and the Tilhbn.~,th~ oouth. Ol,posite to the former
i. tilt. <'011.1,'"of ::\Iina Ooloogh B.g, """J'\: the P<mll1l ro<t Jamee
oeeupiedrooms, Dowler Bee Khooohbt.~ i. tbe pl'\~nt Ruler of
Sumurkund. Previous to the M:."Il of Shab ~Ioornd Bee the city
had falleD into such nita min and dl""'Y. that tigt'nl and wolves bad
II<:tlWIy takeD up their ahode in the <,on.."...... bove alluded to, and
which are oitnated in the centre of the city. That Ruler by hi,
.",.rtio... ~oo the city. and it ;. now daily becoming more
V""'-. &.,..,. are held t..nce ....tddy. on Sundar and Wednes-
da,.. : bo....~ ..... """""""Ie here at • ehtal"" rat.· than at B...k!lan.
'lb... L....,u ,,{ :-wnurl"'1IlId ....., .n.J... aDd lhrou.::b 11WIY(of them
lIow ftno=,. .·f .... Ift'. ren<krmg the air cool and J>l<-u>t. In the
ndW> bourbood c.f the city are to be fonnd ..."..raJ ncmad tribes, ODe
t..u.d ~ Khutayce and aoolhn the Kubebak: th('SOt...o are often
..t.-l 100000tberunder th" lWDe o{ the Kbutar~ Knbcbak. ..\
thinl tribe io the KurakiJr-k. Tb_ 'I\','rc .U probAblydilltinM.
tril ... in ronn"r tim'.... Lut are DO'" ""o....,.lIy d..-l .U tog.,ther ....
'Tl..• tI<igbta in UO('in SUlOllrkllllll_ t)", {..lInwing:-
• nlM •• XiAAl~). I ~~ ........ I ~~ (Ja&U' clllaraL)
•• ..,~tlt. I GIla , A. 1!C~b _Il .........
I If~ • 1 TUM1"&l. ..n.t.i. • I "-
1 'f....nd..l _ 1 , ......... "..... • I"",
I' ...... - I ~--' ......
The .Iao(bnl ,,';\thu ...tre f"""eny I1ri.,.. gn'Iltcr than thooe in
...... at rr-nt. -.rbicll Wft'Il inlnldurol ''''0 >,....... eo,

Exd.-T. r,
RorTE FRO)} 'nlrRl\r~D To JUJI\II.\R.\.

Rill \T.I ClllIRKIlEE. W •• li~I'II) S. 3b,," .... jlluml'.".-Cbur.

L:IIl-e la the name of • ,,114~ O<'3r tht' ... ~naior 'rif.;\l,' w Jakoh latter
"". erected by .\bduollah Khan. S.,,·rdl ,ill"I,"" ure I"'"""'() on Ihu
DI'I)OOL. W .• 1iJ;htlJ· S. t hunnl' juurnoy.-A \ill"I-"'1)~clollgiog to
Sumurlrund; below the nn:..,"l! Rowa • 011'1.""'.
XtiSSEEIU.BAD. W. slightly S. I hour'a jUllm~y.-A nn"ge;
WIll. r iIlWI)' hom. stre:m:!. Road over ",lbtl hilly country. x=
thi, \i!bge is that of Kumuroolt.
ASH I,; K AKA. \'\".• li"o>htly s.
3 hoano' j()om.y. neN! is tbe tomb
..r • :SaiDt after ....hnm til. rub:,... is 1ll1n100. Stre:uu 80m;
1...low the \-ilIiage.
K I'R.\!;OO. \'\"•• 1i;,obUyS. i! hottr<' joum.y.-.\ ,,,ring of Il':ltcr at
Ihi. 1''-', ....
ber.e b an encampment or o..zbll'" .t.lliPOl-d h~rc by
Ani"", lI~d., Cor the peotection of lruh·II,·... '1'1"•re i. hi"" "
mO'"'lu, built of MlJl~OO LricJ,;.; h>II<I "'11·1. OYl'rI<'\'d country,
K I'TUII KOORlIXN. W •• Iightly S. a
hUll"" jOllrllcy.-A \'iLlog>!
.um,ulI,I,,1 bl' mud.huill dcfco",,,. n","".
1...1,1 011SlItllrtlUl'.. 'l'bi~
"I"",· i•• "1.1..:.....1 to be ~ill'ht funlUlht (2~ lUil,...) From Su';'\II·kund.
1t"",1 Il""'. DC",". \,II.-tI'lAin.
Itlll\T.I •.\III)OOLL.\U KII.\N. W •• li~"t1J :So ... houno' jour.
D~.\.-'l'his--.i io elo-, ",. lilla,.,,,,,.
KI R\n:.::", \, W. oli,:lotl." S. 7 boun' jOllm'J.-A 1,,'11'<'1,1""" in
the- eentre of the ::If•...w...J Di.trict, ,.be,.., ", ..1.1), r~ino an,. bdol
'H'fY Monda,·. ::Ifan\'..;n,,~ an" ",,",,",Ion tl", "'<Id, 10 the ... uth
or ;bidl is ~ d<oo.rt ~'" no wattr ;. l,ro.lI"'J,J~.
KII.\::I( ROOB.\T. ,,'. di;,>btly S. :I hoo.... jOIlg'"y.-A .. ·mi built
1,-, .\I.I'JOllab Khan. Xonh of tbe>.-t are numeruue ,illAj,""", but
to II,,·",,,th ioI .till • &.crt.
Al RAP KIII::E. W •• Iit,obtlyS. ... houN' juum"y.-.\ hu'!,,,,;
north of the rwd \'illa.,_, and desert to the south,
:'\lI'Z.\R. W. ~lil,""U\' S. .5 bouTS' joum~1.-'rhQ :-.rll1Jlror tomb of
U""rut, Khajub ·&b:l-ood-<i....n Nul,hblllld, which t'OlI.iHt s simply
58 nor-rs TROll St:lll"RKD-n TO BOKU.\'R.\.
(.r .. pH' over ....hich DO bu.iJdin!! h:lt 1>«'11(·....,It.,1. OB'O~IUIand
,il"'\18.~ 1ooo«loD tlw!....J. On W .. In....tay, • Ia""", f'Uf iI h,·IJ
!.t,,' .... !.tD horses, _._ ~ ,,( 011d"",ril'tiono u", <spooN e..r
..u~;nortb·"...t of tho tomb;' no OflCD 111.... 1'...••
DOKII \ R \. ". 2 hoon( j®l'D<'y.-11Je eity i. 1.,,>1<"'1 .. 1 t.y O.rlllr..,.
l.uil! (.f ... n..JnN I";<k. Within the .....11. i. the dt",M. II h,·,,' the
KIDg resides. There are DumlNO< uw.k •.t place .. on.1 open "'IU:l""
in the lit), and tbe CD\-iruh.... aJ'\" (,,·rtit('r Dud c.'unt,iu tunny "'....u..1,·n".
In,u'. are to 1,,·found Pt:nn.ala, Turks, inhnLitant. or "lIghut't·,

ill RIltil.~,(Of (.' .•bul anll P.. hawur ; undvr the mihl n,lu "f till' Kiug.
::IIc.', lIyd,·r, hi. IiUbj,'(!ts are eenten ...,1 "OIl I"""I~"""" 'l'here me
...,n-.III ,,oII,·:,..... in the city .upport.,,1 I.y vuluahlo ,·I\,low,nl·nl., "oel
.11 M\I ",·11 .tt~noluJ: in addition to the cndewmont a grunt i.
_i">'lll..! t.y the King to eseh tolh ...,;e fn.m the Zuknl, the entire
amcunt of i. cL:Vt>l e..I to charitaLle 1"''1.....'" .",1 i. not allowed
to lleCumnbtein the Treaomy. .lil S"'t" I>,.. ill'''''' i. conducted by
the Kin:: in Pft""D ...-ithoot tIw! aid of a )Iin;'t,·r: be has, )1"""" er,
greot C(KIf.101l<C in Hnk_ Bee, to ....bolD he ent""'t" the entire
<~ ~r hit Clll'ital ,..hen sl"""'t. 'Ihia ~ffieer ill .Loo dUlrged with
the eolt..oUoDof tIw! Zubt.
1I0r..e fain! are held {oar times ...... kly: 00 )Iondays, 'l'hunolays,
and S3tnnln, within tht molls at tbe "R,ogi.lan" Gnw n..... the
l·i"",,·I. anol 'OD "" ..In....bys ouwde the city. OM' the tomb Dr
Kluojub n~..J .. n )i uk.hbund. III........ of lew price only,
MehinJt f...m 10 to I:' tilao, Me 1::'P'>8(..I for (1;,11.' Rl the Cui.. : the
more ",llIAhle animab are bougbl and ... 1<1 th.llugh the n~ncy of ){a".. are difficnll to precure, Rllil ei·tdl rt. mueb 11M20
Iii.. : they .re h""'<fIlU~' ktpt by tb,' w....lthy Cur un.,<,ling pur-
1_. hilt""' ",.."";onally ...,Id when, 0\\ in!; to " ....Ireity or ho"",",
t!.t marl" t ..~Iu.· rtAt'.b('$. hi~b f~. '11,. I'ri,'" of tar:.'" and
.t""'I; _ nri<-s from oM to t'l tilu 1I(',..,nlin.: to lilt·;. 1" ....... :
,1._ M lar,:e M p>nieo in lodi... '1111 an' never ,,*,1.
.I'bt. 1 1 d of bo....,. r,kb Ion to I:,Q hi 10111few "oim.,L.
or til.. cksaiption ..... to ~ had, peri",!" nol tnUn! than I a or 20
in the .. hele city. lIol'i<S ran~"1: rrom ~I to UII tit.... ,"".Id be
1'...... ",1 itt large num!.er.<, iIlRllIicient Dot;"" ,,, ro W\<n. Some 50
or I~Ih_ If" .~pooed for ale on
."'ry fair ,lAy, an,1 1'",
from I;' teD .. ( u.- ....... Id. ~k 1"'........
, bArdy ami endur-
ing animalo, are l,rou~bt Co. sak to) &kh... r....m :'h":llkaJ and
SllIlbu ••i.Sub1. Tb""" of tIw! TnrLo1Yll1Uh" ....1 on' hllntI"om. and
",·ti. c, but an.: .aid to b,,,,, I.". .... ,.. thllll Ih,' ho....... of Kurn-
I>b•.,r. TIlt.'" cum,·rrom tht n.igblo<,"rb_1 of )llIm ","1 the (,(.IIInl1'\·
on wtl> .i.i<'I of the Jiboun, and"", '..,....'I"."tl) nll'C in Ilukb~.
n01:T£ pnOll St"lIXRKC~l) '[0 DIlKU.\ll.\. 50
('._1. 1.0""" lin' ~aW1 and ~ml"""t and their r- is .n amhl.!:
tM1 ..... Dot capahle of <Ddurin~ DlUI·bIwat•• n.1 thou~h th<o dimate
of &k1", ... io ..001, t!uoy do not ,tan.1 till" hot ''''lItl .. r .. ~Ueven th<o.....
I D lb" ~~,""bonrbooJof Yark"".} and K""h~hllr. tl..y be b:uI
in w,.,~numbt-n, but on" bn",~hl to Bo"h..... The prin •
..-i.-J ......., of tbeir ~ {rom th~ BokllAnl mark.·t io tbe oc=cit)'
that (or t)w, p:L,t (~W Y""'" bAAbeen I'nl,·.I,·nt in \hp ~lr
....untry, laIJ,>e numbers of animal. died {rom wnnt of (ol"a!,-.!and
C",m• dO- that broke out among them, Anti ,ulIny Ih~1 _-:oped
d... th in lbi. (orm were slanghtered for fo<od hy their owners. 'O'e
C_k uund has tWD humps: u.:i'lg 1\ hniry nnimnl, it i.DOt capa-
ble of .nduring Il""t<lt beat, bat is well Udlll'tt~1 for mountainous or
llW'lOby eountry ; it etse carries less weight than the esmel with one
The bla of Bokh:ua is " gold coin. cue mwml in \\'ei~t and
worth .boot tl tnJJ"ouhs. • The tnJJ"n-uh i. D .il,..1' coin. wci~hing one
ciinn, 011 one side of which is jascribed "Zul'b-i •.Bokhana-i-Sbund U
atld On 1M re...,I'''' «.!.meer..ooJ.Mominecn )[,....,. [lyder." Rupees
are not eum:nl in this city.
1 arriv~ in Bokhara on the tOth <Loy of Rub~oanee HtS
A. H., coJ1'eOP"nding to the Ist, April 1b I~A.D., and beeame the
~ of Kun'-b Baee, • merchant of Ta.-hkend. the Deqwainbnre
of "buoe brother, SiWl Mabomcd Baee, 1 boo made in Kashgbur.
ODe<'in _b year " ear1l\'AO starts fl'oJll Dokhal'n to Russiu, and
once AI.., D car:mm arrives a~ Bokliuru Irom tim.. eountry , t:SA:h
CAnl''1lJ' numbers some £OUT or five thousnud Cllttlvi., nnd I"'rronns the
jOUnl".l' in from two to three months. '!1,r rrin";l'al of
Bokbara io with Russi:I, {rom whene..... imported iron, '""M><'r,_I·
.kina, COPpeT, ';J\'fl' and gold wire, &c., &c. Th,· "(,,,rlo OOl1>1,t of a
lIo..........I.binu ('aIlN ebeet-i-Leekb, ,pun y"m, .ki ... of the black
.Ioft(', ('a1lN hen! Kunl,;ool<.:, &e., &c.
fn'!D the ~ ol SwnurkWld J beanl In ~n" of tbe..-v
t..t the Fl\!JI(·h and R"",ilIIl.. It "1'11t'llIWthat jWiL hd'ore thr
"inl of 12H A.B., after a lit vere tDW'I.,,·m<'llt, in "'bich the
Rll!IJIiano... ~ hm"y Ioi...:.., th,· F....ueh bn!i'1.".land loe,k )fu&<Qw
alld let lire to tbt tily; owing to a OCAn:ilyor I,n" i';('no dwin~ tbe
inln thai l'DIW!\I, Ib'J wvre ""U11,,·1I,OC} t... ,_Ie
lit" ........ th,·
rountl), !.UlljllcOO.-d to reeemmence h... tilitil'll tluri,,~ the pnlll'lli
",_'0. Th ....... r Irwe [rom U.e Fn:n,·" ult"lIll'lingIu 'TOI!iI RIU>un
"'rritol) "itb the ';"IV of inv.ding In,lill froll' Uw 'l·o",~;"1i.1II.i.1.,.
11 "u in Bukbal1l that Turkey luW ...nk",) into an tillianoe
1',0 ROlTTEmOll srorcnxrxn TO [lOK1I.\R.\.

with the FR.'II~h,GDd 3!1<'r tt.. ""o'!Utot or Rll.II!ia WWl to he "riven

l..-...ion or aU tM ~(.>ho1Mdancount";"" bclon~ring to tI••L empin-,
...hile th~ !i<r", to ",!.aiD all pun-I,r R.... inn territ ..ry. '11..•
MIt.,: tak~ "y .... III'IIIY eDt..-.n.a~Toor\;i.ot.n r"lm Tt .... ia woeld ""
... £"lIon :-f"'t b) 1nttt &om Hujdur Kh!ul (\"'","lulO) to :\Iin~
Ki Link. 0 .. ..,1.·8 jOQnl~y; tbL'DCe Ly Land to U",I in ten ,Lay•• IlUd
r"..n Urnl to Oorgun;.,,,,.... other ten cia)" IID.ItI...D on to D<.khA",.
"I,i.·11I'J LuJ,1;.. tetl cis).' joom,·y. I,nt <'lin h., 1\,1011,,1to 6",' loy
I..".r..nning lart ..f til e j""m.~y .. rar ... Kllmknol, on tlll' Am""
riwr, hy ,\.I!c-r, "1)11 theoee in two ,Ia}. to llokhnrn. 'I'he c·ntil'll
cli.I"",,,, frolll IInjelur Khan to Bokh,un would O('{'ul'YnVeorII month.
u Hrul" in Turii ..h ai~fit" a tmct of land bl,t\y\·,," two \\'utt'l'iij
hrn' it ;oAI'J,liN IDtbe IJ'Ol where the Jihoon II.",,, iuto the 'l'inh';r ur
II....." SI.,.. th ... ~h ""me 3pply the name to tbe point of jlln~tion (If
th.· Jib"on and ~ihoon ri~. From lIujelur Khan the eountries of
0:.""" ...
P.·...;,., tan, .\"imb:od, 11.:<:., are -"'b,"" b)' c.... "in~ the Black
S...., which io lID im_use meet of 'II'1lW,four huncln:cl kroh in length
aod '*' hGDdn:clin hreadth. .\lthou,.,<>b lhia c:ountry 1"'~'<eiI im·
m<'DOe rtSOllr<eS. rezmI.s popalatiOD. aod ('011101 l"..,.il,ly bring into
tbe f... 1doome tlute OT fOUl' hanclrN tho........! ho.... men, it would yd.
I., "naLle to "If....lUIy el[",:tDaI re;UtlllD<'t' in eaoe of • French inTI>-
oi '0 from tM fac:t (of it II(ot being uncI,r one So\·cl\·ih'1\Ruler, Tt..
"b,,'" «JUDI.,- ;,. diri..kd into • number of ino]eloend,'lItkingdoms
and I'rillcil.lilies at pe~ \\'lIJ' with _It "lh,'r. ?fllwnm-oon-
nuhur (l'ran",xiaoa), by which Dam" tbe eeuntry ~it"nt,-d on the
ri,,1Il'-Ii: of the Amoo is known, i. divided "'''Ollg" severnl Rulers
tlu- mOOll. I"'wcrful of whom j" .lIcer Hyder, tile King of Bokhnra,
IIi. ann), iu<lwliD~ irl'l~131' mouuted k-vi..., nllml~'111nbonlllJU,OIlO
1,,,...."'1('0. Nrxt in rank <lOrn""Oomar K"..n, th" .\h"~'r or I"urgllll-
nuh, "ho 1J»lllrt=JJy 00c0 _ntiOI.lN in the "' .....unt or K,.. kan. '1' he
linN io ;llubmood Khan, WulIce of ().)ruh ""I'l'uh, I'n:\i"
nU:'1ItiOllt'd. .\£'-'1' him C()1DtS );'('t'U Ali, Bo..., "r ::;1111 -8ul>z, wbp,
though nominally 0.. iDg a1ko,,~ to> Ilo>klwll. d.ot- nllt ..lIo)wth"
Kbootltuh to be -.J or roiDo tItnIc.k in t.bc ruune uf ;\f.. r Hyder. lie
_mn('S tbtt title or Wu11K't'<lOO.QA'am (Iii, IvN or bcnefiCX'lI<'t')io
I';' (n\ II t.erritoty_ TIl<' fifth in ",ok i.Sp,eIBo'<'. G.", nlOr of II;"",
ItIliI at",,!, him .Moonod _\Ii B<-~."') l). I ;11:11.0",...1 ~, (lo",",on;
l.t J.:U\Q(lt'CID;Ibm .\Ilah \·u Bt_:. Il" lllid ot K""rghnn TUI'pub.
'J'be nomad In1..... ",,,,b JIj; the Kuyu, "u",kill'llk, or Kirghiz,
~"., ",·"",.wkoo4_", DO one s.,\..!I1'; tb. li.. t, indc,...., han' " n(,minal
},,,,,,, calW Ih.. Toornb, bul h~ ~ no 1\,,1 1.'I\'~r. S... crW
lIIn1, ...... Ia" ,·itieo•• uch "" larbod, '\"-1, TIlorfRII. KhootUII, lind
••tllt'''' Ill\: iu II", I~n "f the Chin, .....; thall'"rl or tbc cuuntry i..
Horn: Fila)! Sl"xt:RKl:O;» TO IIOKII.\II \. GI
....11...1 ~'c~:buli.t.n. 0" w ....
,ft lank or th.. \1"''''' OJ the t~mt..ry
c.r 1\hemzm, or "bi~h o.>~~~I"" rnnripa) I.", D; il if l:(>\<m,,1
I., ~lahCJIlltoJ nuhtem Kban ... ho _"....,. all Ib" irui::n.i.. DC in.
'';'ko<l,nl ..,,,'lYi;,""I). n.Ikb I",~}..." 10 0.'",1, I>y .. hi,·h I"",,,r
a.. ,\(1:'111111 O""'J1I<r. Xujreb-ool.loh Khan, """ I....." AI'P"ink..):
tl... ",,.11"'''' r, oo".·,.r, re-t.. with ~' ....r Kultorj \h 1\1",n 1 ",I•-ek,
hv "lluln the t'fttift" aJminit-trati(.n of tho ttn'iton i. eendueted,
'Ii", G""·",,,r .. r Un.Jkh •..,.... i- Yd.I••.• Klum...... ;.r Itcthrnot-ovl.
L.b Khlln 1 r.hnr, hund""" and Sh,,~lca .. An'·r .. ·,(unw
Chi.·r., ••• 1"" ;. Tuorkoman )hilllunub. 1l.,,'uklc,J,an. Ih.· ""I'itnl
"r which i. l"ni"~"II<I,belongs to ~I....r )1"h"m,.1 Sholt. who claims
Ih'll<,,'nLrn)m Alexander the Gl'(':lt, Sb ..·.nao RI,,,,in. n,·," nudakh •
•hau, ;. un.ler a ....1"'1'31.- Ruler. All Ib...., Rule'" an) ..t ~"..,tu.:l
.omil) .011 variance with eaeh otb er,
Another _ of the inaLility or thb country 10 or....,..,_istance
w an in\·1kkr i. the fact that ror a <"DII"Y th<l pc;"'PI~hal e b:od DO
"'I"'rien",' in -' ..-srfare. t1kir opftStiOllo ba,in~ alWllJ"been eon-
6n.J to plundering expeditiODS ~"t t.b.- ...""ler tb:m them •
•..,tlt.... Th-y.", geaer:>lIy.._j with 1aDces. _I "bat 6re-<mns
th.y ba"e are only Dl11cblpeb, in the .,.., of .. bi<b Ibe~· are not
)'raetu...). With amlIn}' tJw.y are ....ell Pn)' iJ",I, fur io the fort or
Bokh.m alone there 3n! nambee- cor ;''''1''' I);n:: about 00 the
und, They are, bo.... rer, entin-Iy uO),,,,,i.I,,,) .';th the eqnip-
ment ..... ttle, and ammunitioD required to bring art,lIvry into
the ficlcl.
n"khnm and it. neighbourhood are rich ill lnmt.. nr S•.ints and
b"I)' men, among them that of Syed Am..vr I\.nlol an.1 Khajub
llal",""",I-d.~n X uk..hbuncl, I"" Jail •-r in II... diM'ti,," c.f tic" '[nat
(int.· ".1,\\",n r,,"f ancllh~ mil,... rmID tI,.· ,·it). 11",t."riuI.I'Lw.,· u(
Imnm .\h_1 .\1"•• Uu£x-i.lul ....r ;. -ill .. ,,-,I in tbe l'1:Un"u~j.Ll
lice ";1\' n_ I be Imam Gate, 110cal ... 1 ar~f tbt- ~ainl. \\ ilhin the
nil i; the t..mb of Imam .\bm.,.) Gbwtakr, _I tb:ol.or the aatbor
,,(1l1(,!:'hufh.i." nkayuh ud oC lIuzrut ',"lAb,.....1....... the .\nrnal
<:3t" lldt or IW..i.Pand""L II"", aL!o b the Jna'" or ::-t..h
~Ioo....t U«. the duot ..r ..bit-b. it is ..u..t. if appl....1 to • wound
GI"_ an im:I&D'-""""" t"Ure. Thit !..".,~ il" loWn ow. c.'.r .. bitb
"0 ),uilclin~ b... loC!C'D er«'tal .\t t"" diot,a11OO or OUll ancl 3 hal(
clap' juurnc) (">In :n..khAra ;" the .. r ,\1.1" ..1 I\.haliL: Gbltz.
du\""tu,,'. (:hUl,)t,wan '" ont' of the M\,'D looruan .)r tli.trit·t,a into
"·h tl... I. rrit ..rr tlr I.l<1kham it di,iJc...t, th.· "",wIling Iii.... ·in~
\\'''n'',,~·. li.h~irk;""'b, ,,'.bkuD<1, &w" tUD, ZUDtlun,,', and Wllf'
02 nOrTE mOll snn:lllIT)."1) TO ooll:lI.\R.\.

~ city of Bokhsra hs. ele..tIl goot ... , the ruun... of which com-
_wg from the .... um sid~~ .. Iollo.... :-
lh"l.u, G..TL-On the _t- 'Ihi..:,;:ot.e leu!» 14 tho tomb o( Khajuh
~..u.en ~abhbUDd.
SlllrurSD G..n.
Jxn G.,n.-Fa..';og the Just ouUide this is the tomb of
Aboo Unfz-i-kubeer:
OOULU' O..n.
TAl.UI'.'CB O...n:.-11ore generally known as 'Iulpaeh.
KClt.UOOL 0...
S11.\1& J C L.I.L G .I.T&.
N '·II..\1-".UI O.u-z.
SIu..ut KJu_~ (0& GnL
Kt:alwBlC1l G..n.
'Tbe rampon-t.-...m>UDding the city are huilt ,,( omn-dried brick, ""
aloo io the citadd ikdf, wbich OttUpies some Mn;! ~od within
the city _ the Imam Gall. 1.0' the 'Mintt~,,( the latter are
""nnl -rr bUl1dings- 10 the cit4dcl ...., lOme iiXk>eOgnus
or oi_.
gste i. a ~
and &I,., 6re dismounted m","""". J u.l ouw.le the eitedel
and substantially buill m<»<lur, in which the King,
.. P,..b J mam, himself conducts the I(:,,·i,.... every Friday and reads
the Kh""llmb or sermon, A hazar is 1".lel ""'1')' rorcnoon in front
of lb., -m'*llte. and the plsce is known !WI the 8';-Regismn.
II,'''' i.e......t....! a "dar" or g>allnws,on which, by the lUng's orders
are ""'_'Dd,oJ the I>odie, of merderer-, bighway robbers, and thrice
wmi.·ted ~Y"'" .. 1.0 ba ..e bee> . -nteneeed 14 d('IIth by the KA=-
E,on momin.c a ..._.. called the llo.=r-i-Chanoo. •• is .bo held in
the ~. t-,oIace (Clr Cban>oo) in the , or the (';ty. ~ bazar
;. ....1d iu a Iar!,- baiJd.i.oz _._.,Ud b) • dome, wbicb has tour
d,JOnI. 0"" of .. hich is .h..d 1 tbe .,oote ntat' ;t occupied by
loOOk....nn... Ia the city IU\l nnl .. tb-bo ...... , or Hummams,
.. hid> an! mllth freqoented by the iobahitao ....
Two brrocla o( b6""" are -' in B<okbara, the Kuralobeer, other-
..i.: kllOW'D.. the Oozbukee, and the Toork"ruao. The Iormer are
"r medium be i~bt and .trous;ly buill; the) ("k" from 7 to 20
and .,,11 10 tiIu. J..arge IUId haudoom< Teo<>rkomanhorse. with
g<ood pk'tll range [rom 20 14 100 til... Ouzbuhe herses ore
cheal",r In BaILh and Kboolm than ill BulcblLra. wlieterul those or
lbe TwrkoDWl b-.l are cheaper at Bukhara than in those plM'CS.
ROt:TE }'ROll SDlt"RKL~(]) TO lIOlUURA. G3
There are a~ -whty coile".... in B.,khanI, tl!<·hl'Onlaininlt Crom
C..rty 10 t...o hUDdnd or evm tbnoe bundml roollll; tI,. K""kul
Tuh (',,11~ n_ the ::'\JuzarGote contAins U,.l.tler number, For
•..,h ('oll"!,"'Ctbm! is oue l'rin. il.I a('poinl<,l, DI1II ".·10 1'00111 i.
c.c<·"l'i•.J l,y two fl ".1"111<1. 'll,~ (' ••11"11\'" are '''I'I .. rt.,1 loy eudow-
,n,·"I. ,arying in ,.hoc Cnolllnul""" :100 to Rul'l..... 6,000 ""II"nlly,
II... iIlC<lm.1.t~ng II\'n.·...II) ,1.·ri,.. 1 Cn'", land 'OI,I_i,I,', or 100""" pre-
I~ rt~·within, tbe city, In ...Mition to tb .. ineome, th,' 1\ ing [""is,'1'8
t o "",·h l'>.I1~ a "'.... nt Crom th.· Zubt, and III"" j,-iv... 10 h'l'IAin
oC till! Inure rmint"tll ProC....... a Dluntbly "IIU\\Alll'\l oC ~ to
I!I tita..
Th. ri..,1' K""uk, I..,,,ing Iht· Snmnrl.;und hillil _houl Ie Icroh
10 lb. north-east of &khara. II"". J"'A the city. theo, ..• taking a
" ......·rly directiOll, .lil.>bll) nurth. From tbi. river till' "ilt"A'''' "lid
ganltnS in the neigbbourloood of Bekhara nl'e irrillftk...1 by m.....1llI of
~a.nali. Once e.-cry (ortnight all the cisterns nnd rt'l;('r\·bi ... oC the
city are fiUed from the .inr; there being no wells in or "rouml the
cit). the inhabitants are t1..pendent on the ri",r Ior their WBle •
•upply. During the rainy -.ob, this w2tt!l'is a Cruitful cause of
gWneaworm, ..-bicb genertlly makei ita appdJ'IIDl" in the knee;
&rodc:slf of the leg of u.-,altaeketl.
Little snow ran. it> Bokbara; the climate j, dry and eold, and
but ,,;nds are pre.-alenL 'J"ht-" inter 13013 ei~bt m"otl1., lea"iDg
I'Dly {our for the .pring and tummer. Like the hou...,. ur P4l>'lum'W',
th(li(' of &khanI a,.., for tI.' m.....t perl. built with "'1II.uril'<l brick ;
roany (If them are two aod ev,·o three-eteried buildings. Th~ wnlla
Are .Iight and often supported by wOOlI~n1''''1''' dri.,· .. illl.. the
~""'b"'1.)Io.l of the IOCIUN are roofed. 'fl,.n· .re li~. IIr oi"
.,.1.. tantiaUy buill ...rai. r.~ I~ IIttOmmotlation DC DIl'R'bal1t.., .uth
.. lb_t of Alum Kbaa Mo. g<2I<'rtlly ~ b) lIio<l.... antll~'()I.le
or l:'1,ikarpoor. Th_ "",. eae tita mOiltbl! Cur till' _ oC the
n~.rns,and a ~I aclditio.w1Ulll II> thr KinK: th,;r.I",·k ill l.....t· ..'J'&lI) indigo. AnoU' er lOr It.- l",il.tinlrb ;. ,.. 11,,1till' TUII11..t,;oo
(l"l>&tx'O) Serai; _ thin! it tho :\111;"- St'rai, UK..t by the N ugh ......... ,
"ho are inbabitanta of It"";"" u>rritory; ..,mc of U,I....' 10"'0
l......,m~ nAIurnli~.,j in lltokharn. 'l11ere are io the city aoout /iCfy
l'lts .... (penum .... and clrugIl'Ue... 'l .h"l'I', but 00 n·gular plly.idAD8.
'l1,e m•.Ji(-aJ I'rattitioll<'l'f are all pen,..:Uy ignorunt oC the b..aliDg
art; ~ of th_ co",," rrom PtSbawur and Cat.ul an.1 ,·I..,wbere,
&rod baH! .....,..,"td to """""' lQ(1'8ti..e pr:scti_. Guin,.. "orm is
1""a1...,t it> &khan, r_ or the inhabitants ~nl: r_ from the
dist:aae; it b here "., ~alIy tund by m:lkiDg c._ incision"
in Ihn .kin .t intervals, rommracing h= II~ '-I (If the worm;
1""'''l:h these ineisio... the .."l'1li io grad""'ly .Ira..... oul DDtil lhe
tail i "..1. Other J'I'I!yaJ,"'1 .1_ are r., ee, loprooy, ;.....
1.... .1 ml'baintA. Phy .....;."" fn.qo.,ntl, ntru" roticnt Ly eonrrset,
Should Ibe rali""t die. h;" h.·i........... titled to rmt1' • d:Um fnr
llt4l(.].nklll')~a~-aiDq the doetor, aoo if, OD ('D(lui.,· Ly the Km!?1
a .... ut hr .kill on tho pert of tbe Iatt ...· u I,,,,,ed. he is romrdk-l
to J1IJ tltt> nt-...w.atN amount (If hluoJ"rnOHt·)'. Socb ~ are
... t ,,·m,·ly Ilillirult te !""W, and hi-nee daim •• ,," w).lom prekm:cJ.
and, when pkr~IT\<l.Ill'C ran')), ~nt.·",..t. Th~ prof""; ..n of a
I'hy.idun i••therefore, eXIn-mdy I.",fil:ible.
'1'1",,., ore some three hundred nobl.", about the person of the King
or I".kharn. of whom Rujub Bee is the hiWtl$1 in These
,,,,1.10... ". divided into 1"'0,tinl.........h ....1 bl tbe title; of Bee
an.1 \fl~r rl.,'I~tiwly, the f""",,r l.einl{ the hi~her. The Prime
Min;"t" "f the King, for ee, is o.o.medUuk ...m Bee, sod etl!II
the,·T or the p~t King u...o.
thi-, til.... It is aid by Ih<,.....
\\ h.,... f'C>"ition.hoot lhe Court t'Iltitks th_ to ne<iit, thst the
~t."..ting army of the King OIlJD.Uon """"0,",0.000 ho......,.,." though
.. ,,,,n1in~ to l"'I>UIa.rreport it i< 0'", lOO.()o(). G,,,) a1.- boo"s
which i. rigbL The troops Ill\! paid in opMto. Sumurkund;"
IrA"';"'",,1 by about 10,01"1mrn, "" .1"" ;. \I .......-i-Sbab Jrban; the
"'main.l .... uf the army is stationed in B..kharo and oth ... ~ of
the ."untry. Descriptive roll. "f every !WInan.1 h",..., in tbe army
.rc hl't I,y the King, who himself <hreb Ib.. m....wr rolla..
'l'l".reveuue ~rBo1thAro i.. derived (rom th ......aoW'OOJ; from land,
(,,"''' 11", Zuht roll,'Cti""", and from tlu- Ju",,, ...b... r ""ll-ta" on
all .nn-~'oh()m'..u.ns. L:wd is .....-..-1 _",,,ling' 10 the ",·ttl.-
IIUlit nuu)t· 11)" tht' t.,'n1$t Timou:r 'l\i.llll·rlant-. &.I1fi l'OYlllt"bt, are

m,..j., in Lin,!. The P"'lw,rtion of 1,,,,,111<",,tal....from culti,ator-

\BritS ill ditr""nt rart.. of the """"try rrom .. r...-tcnth .. Car u on...
r..urth. Of the "bot.. ""<IIiit' tin.. 01..... ,.,.) on.. knth i5 okTot.,.! to
(,l....nbh)e 11urpQ'st-",«r IHr the ('flcottn .."l'1DeIlt of It:Lrain::. 'l'be
Zubt io a tax Ic, IlDd<"1the \IaboUX<bn law (rom all P"""''''
1-- ..... 1(.f I''''I'"'Y. of the ,,.)oe of "h;"h tb.y roy aruut:tJ1yoor-
r..rt~tb 1-: nlt,...hant.a .... • only "",wred t.. PIlY the proportion ..r
tI... ,,.)Ut' hf ~ that are pro"d to "",,' I,..". in thoir ~';"D
for a "1,,,1.. year. and Dnt of all !:"'.I. 1""1 baH' r-l throuj.,obtherr
!I"not. dwing that prriod. '11,. Jazreuh 11 .. Iw.lI-tu I.,;.J on all
""n-:\I.h,'ml .....n•• , b adnll ~ing ,.. 11.. 1 "I .. n 10 ,e) monthly ..
"tUd \nrylnf,f from tJn tu (our tUI'l{uh... Ilinc.luo. f,f Shika'llOOr an..
w I~.found in ""noid''I' nllllll...", in n..k"" .. ; tlo"r j.,"" then-
m.n-I) for1"''1_ of tt'lOlk, and r<m:UD. )t'ar ..r t,,"••i tbe.nd ,,£
u.1.-T. \.
nOUTEmox Snn;RKn"D TO BOKD.lll.\. 6:>
wbj~h tb.,. ",tum !J> tluoir Otrn COOJItry, D~~er ... ttlin~ ptmllmcntly
in that cily. )10"' than 1,(10,) Jewi-b (amilits h.v~ taken up their
abode in • ~ _!he Sillal;hanuh Gale; ~ are principally
R1k-...ftI~...., dr-. butdoe!s, and P"tt.Y tndcrs. The whol~ of the
Zukat ..,JI«tiolll and laod re.-en"", exoopt the one-tenth of the latter
It\ -1*'"1 (or ebaritaMe pozrpoEe$, is dtyot.!d to th~ t:~n.,... of the
anllY and to thp aIl0'nDeeS paid to learned men : all the King's
pel'lOoal <Xpe1lloeS are dclrayed from the Juzeeuh tax.
M""r Hyder, the King, is about 3~ years of OJ,''t', IaU and well
made ; naturally oC a £nir and ruddy eomplcz:ion, his incessant labors
in the administratinn of jnstiee, his nigbt ,~gilsnnd m"luent (liStings
have mnde him pale and mm. He is said to lilal every alternate day
throughout the year. His ordinary dress is • Ilowing robe ~nfined
at tbe wai.;t with " S3Sh in .... hieh a cb,,'"ger is carried. Over tbc
who~ he "ll"o!arS an a:;h..,.,1Dred upper g:o.rment, and on his hll'ld lID
Oozbuk.'C ""p, rocmd ...hicb is wound a tuiban in .\rab Cashion; his
C~-etare eovered with tine seeks of the kind calle<1he", i\luoeehee.
It .. the King'. enstom I<) rise at midnight, and, aft.<r "'pe:lting the
Tuhnjjood or night prayer, to employ himoitIC in pious recitations
till the moming. After tbc morning prayer h.· gi,... 1....-<l08 in the
Look. oC the 'IU£.~ aDd Hadees to a claa oC aome 10 or 50 pupils,
and then takell w. seat in the hall of audicoC4! on the throne of
green veleet, The courtiers and nobka of the CoW"t are then
permitted to present themsel .."", whieb they do one by one, wating
the KiDg [rom _ distance with the :\IabomecLm Iormula, Us - Sulamu-
AJelc, and then lake tbeir respective p1M.'<!S. EIlgtlg\.odos be is in
judicial busin.... , the King has no time to return the salutation of
esch noble, and this is done by an oflictt appointed Cor the purpose.
To the right of the King sit the Synda and l....rm,1 men, the Cormer
neart'Ot to W. pl'I'IIOD;00 the kft ..., the Dobt.. tA..,riling to their
rank. The Prime )fioi.-w, Hukeem Bee, does Dot take a _t in the
~.......,.,.., lUIJ all the 0fIieer,; i.n i.mmNiate att.·ntLutee on the King
nmain ill a IWIdiDg paostlIft. AU """'nging to the Court are
clroued in a uniform 1D.lUIJIe", bat pe"""'" I nted to tb.· King are
~ to ..._ the Ovzbakee e<~-tw:n... S h pe""'O' at\' led by
an Ood.aicb~ or ...-.bearer into the hall of auditll'" and placed
bef~re tbe King, thoogh at a eo....iduabLo di><tan ee ; {""III this l!pOt
the ,';';toradd_ thesabrt.atioat·.-Salamu-Ald t, Two .tkooaolB
tht'n placin~ them.elvcs on scll aid. of the vi>itor I,-adhim by the
baud up to the King .... hose hand b. ~; 00 a .ib'tl (rom the King
b.' if ecndueted to a _t, and, sftn ofrering up 0 belll-diutory prayer,
p~ to .tate lUi business. Should the "",itor eome in the
.baractcr of an eo.-oy &om any Sta~. be rec.i ..~. a .",rtoi" daily

(j(l ROUTEmOll srxcnxuxn TO BOKlI.\JU.

.uo.nnC<' for bis A1ppOrt until the compl<tion of bis milsioll and
d•.panu... To a Peerudab or religiool oekhrity a IU.II1 of abollt 200
tungubs is gt'~raUy gi..-en. ADy ~Dl to the Kiag gives
him great pI_, eo;pecially if it be .J*ie or any rare and useful
amck. After the enbT of the ~ the _bearets amtOllDee
that petitio""", are W'3itmg to be introd1lCC!d to the KiD~; 011a ";""'Il
from him they are broa"nbt in and t.ake their _til immediatdy in
front of the throne. Each lay" IW; caae before the Kin~, who gi.-eo
hia decision. ~rding to the books of the law, .,,,ne volames of
which are always at his side. Ahou~ noun • r<w of the most
1=000 ProfC880rs and Doctors 0.1'0 brought into the pre....nee and
eommenee di.ellBllioDA on varioue lCi~ntifio .ubj"".... To th,o<ethe
King i. An atfA>Dtiv~ IUrlener,ofkn taking. loart bi",""lf in the dis-
c_ion.. lie then, as ImAiD, conduets the mid~y I,rayer, after
whicb the COllrtt<nI IUld pditioncn lIj(8io 1'l\'ICJIl U"-!llKI,,,",
.. uain .... or tb., Suk and the admioi.t.notion of ju>tlce occupy hi.
!iDle until the afternoon pray"" in which I.., ~n t..da ... or·
.hip and rcmailll .t-rb<.! in I';"" "ocit.aUODI.... til _to .Ut.!r
I,,,",,,,ing r...l the ~ en!N,""" in the IJllDO<l pray« aDd thai
I...w.. ... "r a "'f.lUiar mfal. .u bour "rtfr dark be again """~,_
hi, dt,,,lw,,j,,,oJ ... t.eoqUl:lltly .,ocnJa oomc hlo Iaourf of his Ii....
in tho f. ",ale Altartmcnll bef ...... tiring 10 " ...t, .\11..,...... I .,.fdftd
In' ""I\I-rally ell"';.!.,}by the King on tl..,...,..,.d.~ ; Iny • .....,.. are
h.... II,1 u,<r rvr dtociIion to the K ..zee, who ii d<tt-....t "om pre-
IIQun,-jug unjll.t i\ltlgment. by .. wbukooml' f."r of the KinJt. dU-
"I,.... u... and by the 1I'-"'UnlfA>knowl",II.'" of law ~_.a by the
people, An appeal froID the Klw,..,'. d,~-i.i"n Ii"",to the King, who
would pun.. h with dismiss'! llDyPN~l-d inj ....tiee oD his ran.
Bv",}, TucedAy night the King SJl('nJa in lbe hOU$c!of bia moth~,
Ilftd on the f••Howing moming p,,__..J. on foot to the tomb of Kbajuh
&hA-oo<l-doam X nkshhand, ...-herebe oIr up pray ... , gin" away •
lIUmof money in cllarity, and thai ~tu on bo-*k to Bokhara.
It it the duly of .. specia.l.Iy appoint.<d olli_ to It...." tloe Ki:Dg
inform"" of 1lD1death oeeurring in the city, "beD His lbjesty
imm<diately ~ to the spot a.od ooaotitating bi-u tloe Imam
or l...d~r (W)ndoeto the funenJ pray_""
Bt-oid.. concuhinea, the Ki~ baa £oQI' lawful ,"VeL Jfu eIdHt
oon, "ho io 18 y.... of age, i. na.mrd Tooruh Jan, Tootuh !llMnjng
Prince or Kiog'• son, The King bu 1"'0 !,rotbe.. , one lWD""
N.. ir.ood·dl",n Khan, wbooe mother WOOl I talmud,; be DQWre.;idea
at 1I11.h,'Cl, and rec:eivllII from the Go,·.mor of that town an allow·
ance or so tom"WI, or Rupt,.. UO a month. '10 .... '('Ondbrother,
.llabomtd ll...-io Kha.n, wb_ moth.r ..... of th. family of
Rom FBOll ~trlCt'Rm"'DTOlIOKlJ.\JLI.. 67
Kbajuh Ahnt, li<u at Sbuhr-i-Sllbzwith X....a&Ali &to, the Cowr-
nQre,f that tD.... , &Dl rttci\'~from the King a _(Ain fi.,,1 .Uo\\'aoOt'.
10 the year 1227 A.II., eotlripooding 10 Iblt .\.0., two m\'oys
from n.jee Feerce-ood-deee, tbe Rail'" of Herst, f''''><Cnk'<l
tb,·mllt'h, .. at Bolr.hara, ODe of them a certain Moolul Abdool lIuk,
and the other 1\ member of tbe Dooranee tM~. lIewinA' ofrCI'('<lthe
King 1\ present of 10 .ha .... they delivered a leU.'r rrom their
ma.tcr, applying for armed _i.tIlrule :lgBin.t tho P,·",ian.. In
ember of the ame ,-tar the King dismissed the eovoy,. with a
No ....
I'.-ot of nine ho~ CorHajee Feerez-ecd-deen, and l181iured them
that after rompkting IOmll ..........<>ements then beiog matle with
reganI tD improviDg the coDdition of the previace of )Iurw, be would
pot the yeqnired a";sta'>t'e.
:\1_ Hyder is by birth a Syud, aoo in his daily Iile a rigid nnd
ICrupulous :\fabomedan.. lIe iadceply versed in thl'Olugy nnd law,
and is moreover a IJllfiz, or eae wbo knows the \\ bole of the Koran
by beart. More d"'TI, imp" ....... witb bia rl'ligious Advuntages
tban tb_ of ru. inhl'nt,od pesiticn, be hu all,,,,,,1the word King
to be "",,0\"1'<1rrom the IUptl'll<Tiptioo 00 the l'Om, or the ,,"1m,
"hieb II()W are .imply inlCriL<d on v~ side " Ameer-eol- \lominl't'n
Men H,......n aDd CIAthe rth'nC! .. Zurb-i-Bukhara.i-Shun..,C."
On l'riday. tbt Kiog ''<>bJU':U the tcn;'_~ in til. grt.,,~mOlqtle
of the city near thec:itaJd, an.laJ.. ckl;'·~""tb~ Kboetbuh or ... rmon,
On the oonclusion of "MI,hip, the cooldi.... IUIJ att.'ndnnt.l of the
King, all fully lU'IIIl'd, IUle both .idee the mad £1'001 Ihe mosque
to the citadel. The KinA' preceded by mace-IM'ru-cr' I'CIOoit'8between
the I'IIIl.b to the citadel, and talc"" his pla<:eon lbe throne. 'J'hu prin-
ci~ inhabitants or the city and .arrounding di.itri.ta are then
introduced, alId. pelS in order before the King, each making his
ubeisance as be am.-e. at the preseeee,
All classes in Toorki.tan go about armed with a ~r in their
.. oUt, alId. so_ ""... eany t.o; they are ....., un-.riably provided
"ith • ftiot aDd ottod.
Tbt. military ..._ ....... cluthel cut a£u:r tho Yarlrund laahion,
Rt""'rally of a clark mat.""', and either of tmbroid.n.~1 eleth Or 0.£
the .tuft called OodIWf', which;' a mixture of cotton and .ilk woven
in BokbanL. Rollbd tho .... i.t •• bawl ia WOrn. Syud~ anfll"llnllod
men wear ample anJ llowing ro""" generally of Nokrn Keeb, •
•triptJ sill: and ""tWa matm.! IIWU.laetur.d in Bt-naret. Tbe
higbf'l' e~ ......, """'" tlltbao. aDd ..boos and .t..ckingo, the Lotter
c:alW )Ia....... 51. •• alone are worn by the common people.
W_ ..., dn...od tn an llD<kr-4birt, open from th~ oe.:k down-
..-....I.; tbii ii -Ltaidod ruund the edge with blaclr, and over it ;. •
GS aocra rnoll SUll,,-nKl.;:SDTO DOKII.\R.\.

btgt' gann~nt ralltd tl • furj.,,,'; Ih~1r r",,\ Ilt'f co,end ,,;th .lockin"...
and bo<ou,Ihe lalt,r either of eleth or l... thCO',Lmutir ully embroi-
&nd. The bair ;. worn in t" 0 "lail8 IuInging down behind, and"
oilk b:l",lk."bid coml'lctetlIh~ hcul-dreoa- Co'l-ml .nIh Il Iarg1l
ohet-I to <OIlee>1 lb.· £ace the) wauu~r about the town at will either
on loot or on hoNt"""" .
•\t night guards l"'trol eeeh of lb. dilr,rcnl q""rt~"'of the tOWD,
......tin!: a olmm when about to eommenec their rooll.I' in order thot
1>eo,.I.may be lIoiufi!d o( the pre-euee of theie guanlillllll. Sbould
a ,.. trol m",·t any person aoout the stre...Lt .rh'r this notice has been
"";"'n, h., is DI'I'h'hended and kept in custody till the Illoming, wben
b. is laken before the King. A thief, or '''';1'''<:1<.1 tbi~I, is imme-
diately punished.
In &khara, and indeed tbroughout the ",hclot of Toor:m, the
morning meal of the p00p1e consists or t.....I o<Qkrd in an infusion
"f t<:I, to which milk and salt are adckd. For the t' .:ninl! me:iI they
at nth« a pillsn or bread and 'bn>th, or • 1.;,,,.1 of ~I made
.nth l.Grk,-, puke, rice, or other pin I at the c:ondlbion or this
~ they indulge in n:ry stronll t.... ){oot pror"" b'Gy their
L.-l in tM hazar, where it is al.....~. tv .....baol iD any quantity, ..,d
is ,..,I.bratcd ("r it.. excellence. Th_ ,,·ho hne c,-tn. in their
bo"..., I.....e once a week or 10; br..'IId _,ked OIl a griddl. is heN
al~tber unknown.
The "hu.boozuh M musk-melon is to ..... f....D.1in gmlt perfec-
non at ».,"ham, m."lncntly at(Gininl(' a w~il{bt ,.f h\'< nty 1".1011"••
Jt is tn be had fur seven or cightlDonths or the j''''', though !l[wr
I.. inlf "rl,t fur a tong lime, and "",.......
ially in ""Id ", .. ther, it 1--. illi
n"or. l:..ecllent gmpt...... aJ.u to. I.e round, .... 1 the ""k.-ml,lon.
are of '''I",n"r quality. Otb«.. fruit-, lu.-h .. lhe al'"I~, peme-
G'"'lIJltc, I'utoc:hio, are plentiful.
(}.nLuktU from the outlyio!\' dioWt. "f n.,kI.... an.! the sur-
rounding """Dlns, ..D<! )1....""- IIICI'CIw>Lt from 8.101';'.. in
R....w. t..--nitory, now knO\\'D III Kizan, '""'''' in the tily of &lchara
with ~IWI about the moath of ~.,em""', of _h ytlU'.
The [ an the principe! articb impot'l<.1 from R~-u., ~;:.,
«'l'I"", 10"""",iron, steel, wire of !OrIa, qukoiher, <Coral, cochineal,
locU~r, ...bite and blue paper, iron .-.set. aaed in apremng oil,
and doth uf the linds known &II Oonnuk and Fihril. From Bokbua
the mt'!\'lu.nt.. carry book with them .."""I the fvllol\;nj:' Jan""ry to
ltuosia "hite cotton cloth, ylU'tl, chintz, .hawlo,..,d black IamlHilcius.
The wrritOl'Y or Rw;sin is situatL..i to lb. north- ....t'st. of Bokbllnl
~t1& .liatan<~ of two months' joarnt). 00 the way thither a InveDer
baa to crou the River Seer or Sihooo, In,,wn also.. the Khoojund
Rh'er, ,,'bieb in th.·...mter is rompktdy &OU-O ~d ....... ble without
the aid of .. '-t. Xear the soun:e of river, io RIL--ian territory,
is the COGDuy of the KImIk tribes {C[ cluj. Thi" being but a
andy d_rt DO crops .... be grown there, and tb_ people are,
tberefoee, compelled to SIlbsist enti1'ely on aoimaJ food. They do
not obj.d to the Ilc;b of animal· that ba"e died a natural death
and enjoy equally tli2t of sheep, 1:0"18, bo ... ~, or CAmels; the meat
tbey Cry with a little salt, and eat without Bny aeeompaniments •
.Fvr the moootpart they are petty t""I" .. , o.nd ~'" o.LIo employed
I~ly as earriers of merebandize. They tin.... entirely in fuJ' gar-
Illcnt., and wear on their he:wls B tall fur '"IIP covered with cloth,
g.'lll·rally red. Their Chiefs in"wbly pn.... -nt tbe Killg' of Bokhara
with ft bo"", or camel wbeo admitt.ld to an interview.
Th., priorll"'l e:xporta from Bokbara to Cabol are lIS follows:-
UOI'lt'lO,COopedally of the Kijree breed, cnpper, ",,,,,- of the materials
known .. ' eedreo-,' '.u-dwh' (m... lin) and 'nnkru" koob,' wire,
tul'Ju ..i..,., corsi, !!ilk, la, China-ware, and oilk bandkerebivfs. Into
BoLbaTa ;. import<id frvm P..J.a..-ur, C.bul •• ",1 Sbikarpoor woollen
dotb,, cloth, chinu. mo",,"-, '''8''', turmeric,
r<1'pt"r, and 00<.'" of l{abomedaA tb,,,,IOley and law.
TI,e Oozbuu and Tajeek trsders carry Croln &kbara to Yarkund
"ural, turquoi .... , black lam1HlciM, and r"x...kin_. TOI'Juou.e. are
""'lIl:ht in tb~ tim m.tance from Budukh.lo.n. From Il erat and
M""bc-dcome the embroidered woollen -tic. worn in Bokhara,
Bill. or };X<Mn:::e are not procllnlbl•• rxc"l't rrom tho TIindoo
,",'",bAnt» oC Shikarpoor, who are ee...·aaidn.Uy induced to grunt
drart» on Ihrir Sma or loea! "<I'!ot»; for thi. "'_~'ommndotion they
orten d>all(l! (rom 2Q to 2" po:r cent, Uupt'l·. O'IInonly be passed
.t a h...."y tli_unt, and. tJ'a veller from India "out.! 1_ lC1i8by
lakin!: ""I" bim ~,Id tiW from Cabal. Gold anti oilver being ch...p
in Buklw-a, the HiDdoo merdw>l< II"!D.rally laito- '*1. in speeie
a ~ proportion of the &mona! .,..]ital by the A1~ or their ~,
The C.. Uowill; w.t abo," the pri«o c:um:nt in Bokbara:-
\,'-t ._po. -...d 15 """CUho.
.J1oa.r " 11i ..
Jvs..,. ., ,. l' Of

JuWazlit ••• ,. Of 12 .. •
T.,*, Woo ~ .. 3 ullu & 14twogub ••
M.. t pot ....... k I lungub.
M .. , 01 u.. DumbU or larp-Wl<tl .hoop ~ .. 2 "
OllflO' ..." ,. , It

Woo.l ... J"f1' kbUJ"ll'ar 1 "

0..... • daf•• appl" ..
70 nOCTE rnou SUllUnxp"D TO BORnoUt.\.

For OOI'('fl'and nl~b1e articles the weigbt. ,""own in the follow.

ing T.Lleare _,,1:- 01_ tIIr 5St pol mIobIo I X..... ~..-u.
2N_ X..-w.. . I :>_~u.
~N~u. I CIoanok.
2Chanb. ...1 N_,.....
:! :S'erm Serra ..• c: 1 ~. •
161"""" ... = Ill .....
Thi. mun, tberefore, contains t7,39~gold mi,lWa, equal in ....... <>bt
to RUI_ 10,957 or three Sbobjebanet- maunM and 17 seers, Each
Sballj~honee fK'C!' is equivalent in ""eight to 1)0 Delhi Rupees,
]I(cer Hyder, the King of llokhara, wbo _urn ... the title of
"Amccr-ool.i\tomineen,» is a son of 8hob .Moorod Bee, WulJee Na'amee
or the Moonlrit section of the Oozbuk tribe. The p""",nt pOOtion
athl.i.,-d by the ruling family dates from the time of the grand.
father of tbe present King, Khoda Yar Khan, who oblAined for the dignity of Utaleek, an office of high rank. The word
U tall-ek is oompouoded of two 'l'urIDob worda, "Uta," ei.,<>uifying
father, and" leotI<:" being" termination apn.iDg relatioosbip or <OD-
nenon. 'The deSgoatiao of the 00;"" tbeD may be taken to mean ODe
..·bois in the relation of a parent to ru. ....bjeeta. 10 the table belo....
t•• !.own the d_t of the pre.,enlKing from Kboda ..... Khan:-

.~t .....

...... ,.......
II-a_T __

Ruhff'm Khan, who had le£1. llokbara with Nlidir Sbob, OIl
tl,. death of his patron, returnod thither p!'<I\·ided with a Cor)!ed

Khan to make 0_
••rdtr, ,.orportiog to be from ~odir Sbob, di~tiog Abool Pm
charge of the town an,1 citadol to the ~r.
Abool Faiz Khan oomptied withou~ b,.it.lion and wu immec!iately
thro ....n into prison. Hu. adbcn:nlAl, lUlIonlf wbom ...... :llahomed
Ameen Bee, DOW Ruler o[ Hiaar, _n:tl,. formed a rlan (or

ROUTE PROll SUln::RKn'D 1'0 1lOI:nAIL\. 71
di"P'*<'" iog Rnb~m Klan, bot th,>!alt.r, Iunng ob~ an ink-
li0lt of the ochtme, pot bU ri.-.1 to death. aD<! hy thit 1111' _li-
elated at onee his "" .... r. In order, ho........,... to gi....a 1'0101' to his
....t. he rai;ed Abdool )[omin, SOnof .\booI .'aiz Kbso, th... boy of
IC,'cn y...... of ~, to bU bther'. dia'oit), and bimodl ~ed
• the title of VIal.,.,k, and married Sb,,_an Ayem, a chughl;!r
of Abool Faiz Khan. For more than lix yean he heIJ tho ......
1O,·cn·ill1"ly"f the counrry unchallt'D~od, till at I,ngtb the lIdherents
of the young King, gathering strength, formt'd a ('(In<p1nocy ... .....m.'t
bUtlite nnd all attempt was made tAl.boot him while at dinner, 'I'h.:
ball, however, only etruck his cap, and Rubl't'm Khan gue...;ing at
tho pcrpetmtAll'll or the deed ordered all the fri.nd. of Abdool
Momin Khnn tAl he put to death, Six monlha aft"r, be caused the
YOUDA'King himself to he thrown down. well, as if lI<cielmtally, by
ODOof his attendnnts. There remaining then nO male ~t of
Abool Faiz Khan, Ruheem Khan, in nrt~ of hit eonnmon by
marria,,»e \\;lb tbat Rnler, :I&'UDlecl the title of Khan, whieh he
mjoyed oDly fur about two years anel a half. U~ elieoJ • natural
destb, l('aring nO issue. DowIut.Bee, a .!a .... of Rnheo= Khan,
who bad held the post of Prime Minister, finding it impo...ihle to
MmiDiokr the country in his own _, ..-.ot (vr Dania1 Bee,
uncle of Rubeem Khan, from Kurmeeoa. ...h..... the laut'r ...-as
th.n Mlo'iding,and macle over the country to him. Dania! Bee,
prevented by re}ig;ouo scruples from .. ,uming the pesition of
Khan. contented himself with the title of tJ tal,,,k. and placed
on tbe throne Abool Ghazee Khan, father of Jbral,im Sultan, ..
Syud by birth, and a descendant of Chun~ (J~ngi.Klan). All
b... iDeM connected with tbe admioisttation or tho country was,
however, earried on hy himself. Dania!.Bee ,,'U .u('('"oJl!d br hi;,
IOn, Shah Moorad Bee, who for two r.....
~rmitt<oJ .\1,..,.1 GI1azft
Khan to n·tain the nominal lOyefti:rnty, but at I~h NDll*lIed
him to', and procured (.lI' himotlf a firman from U .' Sultan
of Turkey, in ...hieb he ..,..; formallr ~ .. A.... , r ' f
Do"".... JJe then ....,mod the title of "'ull«- =-a·...... , aDd opo!Dt
the "'Iuaind~rof hi.. lif. in attendiDI! 10 the in~ o( hUt eountly,
wb_ aIWre h. eondur:ted with ...u.dom and j...uoe. Oa hil ckath
Meet' Uycler ....ended the throDP. and aa.-l 1'Oi... to be IItnIdt
",itb the ;ntk'ril'tion 'Syud Am ...·t lI)dtr Pa.l.bsh-i-G"- ..
He ,.rocured a ronlinnation of hit titl .... fn.m th~ Court of Turkey,
and IUITCIUI"I.'(]hillll'Clf with all the ,••mp and citt-1lllut"nce
of t'D)·... ty. Two)l'IU'& a~ be renounced all thl..., 01l1:\\.ro di-tine,
tionll. undo in imitation of hUt (1Itber, "t....r",d tb~ UlmOot
.implicity in hi. pcnt<lnand lUl'n>undin~ lie Ilt ti,;' time _umed
the tide of Ameet·ool-llomineen lfl..,r lI)dtr, ...bieb, in p~ of the
fcmnn d••• lion uttol hy him, continu"" to I", t'In .11
«>i".. lie Iw no... (122'> A.1I.) "·i~cd I" "'arI. Hit admi";"
tntic.o hM beea dulract<.,.iz4ld by j".lk-e and pm'"""", and "" hal
,lI'Oved hi(llJelf bonn",blc aDd true in all hit .n~euta. In
I.a.:r _tleN, however, he i. Ii"kll' nnd ohungeable. lIit moo~
truatbl Crieu.h and rouM(·II<1rsro.\y Iiml th.m~I",. sudd.'!Ilv aud 00
the ........ t llU!pi<ion d.~Jed C"':m their p<>"1tiollS,md ~nal11
even I<lt to .1"",, wiU,,,,,l any Fault. ,\.1,.;",·1..·...... pbllrum no OWl.
The molh. r of )r... ·r Hyder WIla the Shumsman Ayem, already
menn..II<'<I, (,C .\0001 Fait Khan, nlld wbo ahtr lh.· d...ub
.0( Raheem Khan _ married to Shah )100 ....1 Bee, The fonndn
of tM familv of Abool Faiz K hall was BalL'" :llahomed Khan,
JJujdurkhan~ <If ,\.[fL'('n Kint, a "illage near Sumurkund, who ia
aid to hs,'" been s descendant of the great Chung«'%. On the
~'StiDttion (of the dyn .. ty of .l.bdoollah Khan, the 1O\'''''';~ty .......
eontiDued in the bmilr of W ull,~)labom4ld Khan. 'fbi. btur on
lU3picioo oC being. heretic \\'lIS compelled to relinquish the throne,
to whi.:b Moo ).[abom,'(! Khan WIlli then elected in his room, and
hi.. &escendanlb till the lime of About Pm
Khan were "",·ere;gn,. of
Bokhon. Tbe de..._t uC the p""",nl King from the founder of the
family it .ho.... in the I4ble I>"low:-

! ,- Koo'" OhM, I
r----l~...r::=7_-=;-1 ;....:=[ ._:::L.

_,.u~~ I" :=7a.,~ J
I ......,,_,._, I 1'1lI:-.,--.........
,Exd,-T. \.
Rom PROlI: StnrCRKIDo-n TO DOKIL.\RA. 73
Imam Kool~ Khan on his ~OD to the throne. after the death
of h.ioo Catht-r, ~ lfahomei Khm. be,-i...,:tJ and t<>ok the tA>wn of
MeoMd. He obtamed in msrriage the daughter of the ){""tuwull.le
of that ~ .... he, being a Syud by birth, the d_",ndlInt o{ Imam
Kool~ Khan t". bft-, also ~ that honorahle dbtinction.
Xw:u.r )Ubomod Khan, ",ho ~...Jod hi. {athl·r art.·, the latter's
',,"~ Mgft of ~ yl!lD'S, .n.. the eldest -<>0 l,y that rrumia,,"e. He
"!IIi l!U<'U'eded in his tum I.... his ..,0 Abdool .~ Kban, wbo,
afwr ....-igning 16 yeBl'S, sbwcatul in favour o{ his younger
brother, Soobhan Koolee Khan, and' proceeded 00 n pil:;,illlll,,<>eto
lIf~ where he rued. TbJee sons Well! born to Soo"ll1l0 Koolee
Khan, the eldest of ",hom. named Oebeidoollah Khan, came to
the throne 00 his rather's death and reigned 1 ~ years. lie was
an ~terprizing warrior. a,nd continually tDI,"'ll"-d in opemtioos
egainIII. his oei,,»bbonrs. 'The Oozbu.k:... w,.,.ri<..! of inWi6llDt fight-
in~, at length killed him at the L.'<I;,..h of Bokbara. .Uter his
,.._jo!ltion Abdool Faiz Kbsn, of whom an 8<.'COuotIus mlready
'-0 o';\'tG, ...-«tIded the throne. During the rei~ o{ Soobhao
Kcclee Khan the kin,,<>dom of Bulkh ....... rolC<!by )fookeem Khan.
He ... put to death by lbhmood,!;OD of Ndtmoorad. aD Oozbnk
of Kuta"nhan. who assumed the title of Khan. Tb. usurper was
d.r....W in battle by Oobeidoollab Khan, who esused him to be
Tu.'11 are divided intA> (,.-0 cWoseo. the Do'R!.>ooyan, and the
1\1ilitary, The former take their place on the right of the King,
the Khajnb.i.Kub.n being lit their head: U,i. ollie. is nlwnya eon-
f.mod on a Syud, and the incumbent;" provided witb a mised seat
or mUl'n",l. llidar.t Ali Khan, father-in.leiw of the King, now
bold. the pooition. Nut in on!.". COIllt!Jf the Shaikb 001 Islam, wbo
ia alway. eb<*'II for his learning: be is g>!n, nally • Syud or one of
the nobl~ The ~i-Kulan and \he Ku,-e-i·ll.kul' foUow in
rank, and bel_ them the If_-i-I.;'~, which om"" ;., "Iways
t'<>o{,...,.) OD ocme illit<ftte Syud. .\.ftec the .'!ooftee, then
the a-,.. and u..... all the Proft:..Ion of CoU<g<S&c\'()rding tA> their
rank. To tbe left of the King are all the hi~"""r \riIitary officers.
of "hom the re are three ru'fisioa... "-' .• Syud., Ooeb..l.:o, and SI&\'1'9.
Of tla_ Ii...t """,tiontd class the Nukec·b it the chic·f, and siLo
above all the ...,.1 "';tb the 6Cel'tioo ot th e Kart.
:\lahomt<l Ync.oof Khajuh i. the prftent Nukeeb, and it is
hia duty to inniet punishment 00 any S,ml found guilty of a
crime. or the other om..s held by S1"dc!, tbe Ow...." comes Dut
7-1 nOl'TE FROll Snn;JlJrtn,"D TOBOKRA.RA.

1... tben the!'ludur, Soodoor, aud O......u:-i-Kbrord. The higbl'&t
rank h.M I.) th~ 00z00k. it that of the Kart, who lit. sbove
tho :\v.1;",b, aod .. be. ollie;! it beld in ~t n by the King.
Ntnt ti> tho Kut ;, th. tJ~k, .. bich I'0"t it no 1i1l«1by Syud
Bee, (;0"'1'110' of lIia:u-, at.... • bthcr-in-law (.f tho KinA'. It it
not in tb" 1'(""" of the Kinot bim.clf to dtl'rive tho Ut ..I,,,1<of bis
rank an,1 dij.."itks. The Krort rollo.... nut in oN<" of I,rtll-roenoo:
Ih;, offi_ i. tlDrowl't'fd to eonduet warlike CJ:JW'<Iitionlwithout
• 1'1\·,ion. ",f.·l'\·nee to th. King. Alu" him comt. tho
lk"",., an.llhen thoee bolding the lill,· of ~!t", ...
,,\,wbicb ia given to
the dd, .. t lOne or Oozbuh on th!. decease of their Cnl,hcnI. Tb!lB4l
are foll(>I<Nhy the ){eena PurwnnjN, wbo i. the official empowered
to i... "e t-l"'rU. 'The lJoaks lit' att,·ndant .'Ourtiol'S mnk next,
and "'.low th,om the C1uunberbinJ, ealI,.J t>-.ukhah, and offieel'9with
lh~ litl~ of~. AU persona of inf.rior rank to t....t of Bee ore not
Ill" .. ed _Ill, and on oeessions of State e\ en tb_ are compelled to
.taDd. Xnt in l'UIk are the Ai;;hod< ~ 0' deoe-keepers and the
Cb",';'ta~~. Then the Took SaLoyce, • rwne d.:ri.-ed from
t...o Turki.b ..-ords. "Tool r" nwaning milk, and" Sabay ..... the vessel
iD which Kimiz, • drink made of DI!ln>" milk, it kept. It was
probahly in ancieDt times the duty of th_ OmOl'1II to sen-e the King
with Kimiz, bat their duties an! oow eonfined to taking chArge
of all ' ...... nl.; olL!red to the So\'eMgn. After these are tho Kum-
wul lk~, who are all expert Ill3rbmen. Lait of all come the
Qo.lai,·be.., II. m_!..rers. One oth~r unice i. that of the Shu-
ghll\vul. who is on officer appoiDted [or tbe purpose of entertaining
all from foreign countries.

The rollowin~ po.-t.. are h.ld by .lan..., ci:., thot of the KOO6h
Ilc;,~ 0. King'. 601coDl'I';the Sookoon:bee, wbc••' duty it ia to carry
an umb ...lla over the KiDg; and laolly, the Kbuunchee or Tren-

lIuk«m Bee, by bolding • title conlin.. l only to Oozhl1b, ;.

<o.,.i.kml to be optciaIIy dittingaitb .. l; tbougb, .. ilhoul tbe DAme
(If Mini-I< r, be is ",cb in molity and is 10 ,'OIlIi.I.·m1 b) the people.
DO~~BIE::. OP BOltlUR.~ TERRltORl-.
0.. lu ull.-n.., dty of Sumurl"lII.l. tis ltAll"'8 from BokMra,
,·n th~ frontier of Shnhr-i-Scbz, The OO\,",ur'. nrune ;, Dewlut
lll.., Kocoh ~,,- ..., oop of the royal .L.,.,.,
0" tA, Jr"t.-Thc to""' of KUfIlk,,,,l, two .ln~1 from Bokham,
N,.r1h-w ... 1 of thit town ;,. tilt' R<gi.hul or .h....rt. 'I'he Governor
;, KaLil Btt-, L",ther or llak«w lk'C.
RO{."TE FROll SUlmRKUXD TO nOK1L\R.\. 75
o. IA~ S""u.-The Tihoon Ri~.r, Cour .tlllI''' r.....
m BoIrUN in
the ToorIcollWt <oontJy. The Governor of th;' district is X..-u
B.,t .\Lak, bthn of S....t ~, lhe King'. D".lurkUnjft! Basbee,
or II Md Suward.
0. 1M "'",tA.-The to.." of )[ohu.hnrob, 1"0 .ta::s &om
Bokbo.... nortb· ........
-t of "hieb is the d..,rt. The Go\·,,",or is
Toorub Kh.tjub, the King's nephew.
0. 1M s...,A_'.-Tbe town of Kilir, eight d4g<'8 (rom BoIrUra,
on the ri~..j,t banlr of the lihoon, situntcd 011 the Crontieror Bulkb
and Hw.r. The Go~emor is Mccr Rubccm Kool, eousin of the
NDIt, M""r Hyder.
O. 1M X ...fA-ral.-Tbe towns of KhnirtlhRcl and Rameetun,
both O~ IIage &om Bokbam.. North of tbese towns is the desert
inhabited by the KazaIr tribes.
0. II" &,tA- ...aI.-The city of Mun\".i.ShAh lehan, 11 rlages
&om Bokbara, (112 the fnmtier of Meshed. Ihn is a ganiion, the
Com_nding 00_ of ...-bieh is frequently cbangfd.
0. 1M 'y""~.-'Ibe to.." of Duzikb, nine ~ &om
Bolrhars, ~joiDing the taritory of Oorah Tul'l'uh. The Governor
;,.Abdoul B_1 Beg, brother of Hukoem Bee.

KOORUK. E. slightly S. 4 Kroh or 2 bours' joumty.-A fort nenr

which flow. D stresm. The iuhaLill,d oountrv enoL.bere, Md the
d_rt. eommenees ; the whole rood Crom B<.I<b~ to this place lesds
through gardens and eultiwtion. It ia u.sual (or cam\"IUUIto stop
hero. They ore compelled to lay in •• 10<:1< o( (omge md pro-
\;';008 sufficient to lAst as tar 118 Kursbee, and .... ttr to lAst as
fAr u Khojuh Moobaruk.
RIBAT.I-100GHRATEE. E. !'lightly S. :I KrOO.-From the lAst
~"C forthe distsnee of ODe hoh the .-I l-u over kwl OOUDUy;
• lion)' _t tb..., ClCJI!UDftlCt>;. aDd ..,..tinues .. far as this 9!rai•
..·hith ia • brick-Luilt mcl.onJe 011 the higbM romt
of the_to
RIB.\ T. E .• lightly S. 10 KrOO,-A .."". COIIbliDing maoy rooms
and eal"'Lle of _",JJUDOCIating 100 hon<:-mc'D. Forat,oe mel dried
manu .... fur fj....orood procwabl~. OaWde the ...,..; ill • ~ of
_It'r an.1 .100 • "d)""nWning b....,kUh .... ter, One ~ ill ~
00 the rood.

DO-SURO.\BUlI. E.• lightly S, 2 Kroh.-So call.od from the t,.·o

SunlDbulli or covered cisterns found here. 0 of the-e, cslled
tho Surdl\buh of "'ulJoo N.·am' .... u. in PI'n nation. lien:
it 11 IItwly built ..,rai.
IUBAT-l-OO-Sl'RDABUII. E .• lilChtiv S. :I Kroh.-A brick-built
...raj in .I;,,"'t dion .
R1B.\T. f - UrSTl R-KR..\XCHEt. E. .lightly S, , Kroh.-.~
... 1;,1bllilt ....... oulAiicL!....hich ia • co'd .. 1 M.'f1l.
llUlT ItUNG. E.• lightly S. :I Kroh.-& aIled {nm .., •..., '-f'II
of ...".1 in tho ~hLourbood. The "b<.Ic ,,*1 to tbi.o ota,,--e lies
througb • andy tnl<:t. 1 kn>h in wiJtb.
ISURD.\BUll E. t1igbtl~' S. (, Krvh.-ROIId ClODtinues throagb
... ncly ,.,il.
KIlAJUII ~(OOn.\RL K. E.• Iightly S. t Kroh.-Fol1Mrly a ropu.
I<lUl 1,lac,' but now n_ly d,...,....'d, It COlltai'li • lD""ItI~ lAicly
cn~t,od. where. {ale,,,r bu taken UI' hi. .1....... and on,' .... U with
p..l driDlciDg water, Hoed ovee luvel coWllry.
FROl! JIOKU.uu TO KUOOLlJ, ROUTE 1/(0. 1. 77
KAS.\:-I. K .Ii,;:btly S. 16 Kroh.-.\ l'''l,ul", .. 14"0. Xumero ....
,';1. (lD this .,~..,; m.-<! ,,( tMID at , .. me eli-WI(" (n,m the roooJ,
hut t"o '1uit~._. :'IhDr OO):tLuk1I1~IlIJ'lIKlIlf .'" I_I "I",,,,
tlw", are .... 11.. .\ ~ o( thorny I.lllot on wbi.·b .·:uno....(.oed is
(ound in .oonden"". The COUlltry ia (.rUle, a",1 .. 1..1>t an.! loarl.·y
aro 10\\ n in the raiu.
KURSllf:r.. E .• I~tly S. 10 Kroh.-.\ weII.lwnwn town belonl,';og
14 Bokhana. The f"rt is ~ ami the to" u ''<InlAin" i>azal'llanel
e.. 11",,,"\11. n..zan. are held twiee .... ",Idy, un Sun.laJ' and W"ln ..."bJiI.
St=rn. Dow through the Wwn. 'II",,,, 111'\' nuul"f\"'" 1;;l,tiCIIlI in
tb,- "iduily eelebrsted for tbe exooll.'ncc or the Ulull><'rriesnod
''''''1* I.-'VII in them. From the l(",v.,~of n tI]>l'\li... or U.orny
plant found in the surronnding plairut'roorunjbetn, n kind of manna,
;, .-oU""Wd. The principal cropt> sown heN are \\ b"At and barley.
The Knnhee River comes from the direction of Shubr.i.Subz.
Yilla"nesand ha.mlttt; without number sro p:weJ 00 the road to this
plaoe, Cara\'aIIB make a rlar of tJu.e.. or four da,,8, and take with
th.·", •• ~~ of, forage, barley •• nd provi,ioo. -uffiticot to bo-t
.. r.r ... Cbarbagb. ODe stage from Bolkh.
11:l'R \ TlIPPUU S. lI1i,.<>htlr E. 6 Kroh.-.\ ,illaj.,... belonging to
Kunbno. Gard._ and eultivation on both , ..I... o( the ftJGld, oWo
wain in al~ FroIDhet\" oomm"Ul" tbe d. -ert,
KOOItKI:l::~CU UK. E. iligbtly S. I;; Kr ..h.-An O,,~"ulcencamp-
mvnt, lIel'\l are to w.n. of ..lightly bm"L••h watl'f. Hone! over
a c1c.. ·rt.
E .• 14.""tl,. S. 12 Kroh. Ont' w,·11 K"'ltl nlltl 20
or I,,·.. ·ki.h ",.((·r. R-I th~'UA'h an uuduilltilll:' and .. " ..Iy d.-..crl..
Shm',. of J ...., .. aud 1100",1<,..1 r..nn.) in 1,1,11.,.. 'I'h,' nnme of
thi" I)~ iI dt·ri"t..l fn-Im two 'J'urki.h \\(1nl., .. n:i~"uu.. uinl-: a
u1llicltn, and U Koodook," I. \\\.'11, tbt.~ "t·1l Hr .", ••..t wutr r h",ing
1«11 ~.t"II'''W hJ • amain mai,!.·n. "".t
''1'''''"no halt h.", a
.h",t ti_ to _t aDd ",fnsh ~lDO('h.... ~o rum~'"r'!\Icurable ;
.b",l ... and dri<d manure a...t """Cud.
CIiOOLUOOR. E. dil:'btly s, S Krub.-,\n ~ocan'I,mtot of 21 ~
buk IftIIL H_ are 13 .. dis of b ldah .... ~r. The roGtI ,liU Ii""
thro'll.-iI a dosnt whcft cmlr a f J,,1I'_ .hn,l.. are to be ("nod.
SHORE KOODOOK. E. .Ji.,<>btlyS. 11 Kn>b.-Tw<nty-Cour Ooibuk
!.:nt. and IS ....U.. of b~ wat.:r. II...", ;, 11 .pring. tbe water of
which i4 aW braclci.h.
SURDABIfH. E. Flightly S. 11 Krob.-Tbc c;'tcrll [rom whicb
thi. plac.! t.aJ«o,. its name is DOW in mini. Still $A1ldyd~ pro-
ducing ollly a few JOWII:Ii:a shrnbs.
78 FROll llOxnAR. TO KUOOLM, ROUTE No.1.

TOORABKOOL. E. slightlyS. 3i Krob.-Three Oozbnk tents md

two wellB of brackish wawr here. Fora,,-.e procurable in small
qWUltifS. I1ilLi are visible to the north_to
KILl F. S. E. 6 Kroh.-A ,illage containing about 100 tiled md
~O thakh.rooC<'<Ihouses on the right bank DC the Jibocm. Here
U th~ C-rTf known by the name of tho Kilif fen-y. The Jihoon
no... 10 the east slightly north. 1-10ur procurable in small
qIUUltiti,.., but nol sufficient for a cnravnn to take in a .toclt of
p""i.ion.. Coravnns lullt bere a day or Iwoo Opp!'Oiw Kilif, on
the left bank of lho river, is a biU where aro .till to be seen the
ruin_ of the fort built by Aurungu~h Alulllg\.'('r, and below this ogain
i. Il .~IIC fort built by Shoh }loornd U,~\,who feU in batlle wben
fll:hling ngain.t Timoor Shah, King of e"bul. Road over level

• c);'lance Cromeach other or .i.

rounlry, not qllite 80 68ndy. 'fwo ::l1l"lal...h. or ,'Oven,1 ."'tern. at
kroh "'" I'~) on the rood. Two
kroh art.'r the ia.t of these the ",,,,I I,..d. thouM'h • fol'\'St of large
t.". which ronlinue. u tar .. KiliC. Th,· 1_1.0 pi.)ing on the river
.,., toIIJOtnlt·lt,1of wood. from that fOlftt; th., am rud~ly built,
ano!kak ..,n.i.It .....b1y. OM of thtl boatmm i. ,~II)'lo),'<1 toldy in "I' the I,.. k. with "",.. , ectten, &c. '1\<.0 (of the ....... bale
Ihn 1.... 1 with" I,_t-.lcin ,_I. lor,..... ·h t.,,~ !aha into the
~t tWI) t11ultl'h. arc charg.'<l. On the 1,·Cthauk or th.. rieer
wOOIIanJ the thorny .hrub used at Iocd by ""nwt. ;. round in
SUIlDAIlUII. S. 12 Kroh.-A few ruined hl)llJI(W. Rood through
dCll(lrl. Jaw""" lind dried mnaure proeurehle in 010,,11 quantities.
KlIAN.I.NOWIlUT. S. 8 Kroh.-A dl...,ril-d viUDge; the ruins of ..
mud furtification, whieh £armerlJ surrounded the villllgt', is otiJI
INCeeble, Road tbroogb desert; no water,
11\ ,\T.\N. S. 5 Kroh.-A "lIage on ete'-ot.'<! ground, surrounded
by a mud wall, inhabited by Oozhuk.. A ItMun near the village
00 .... in the direction of Charbagh.
CH.\RBAGH. S. ! Krob.-A large ruJage in tho district of BuIkb
inhabited by Ooebuss, A tributary of the Bolkh Rirer 80"" ne..-
the Tillage. Wheat, barley, rice, &c., u al80 melon. of eseellent
quality, arc grown bere in Iargc quantitiua. &eel over level country;
fielth of melons on both sides.
Cn."RBAGn.I.SEED,4~. S. ! Kroh.-A village of Bolkh situated
about two gunshot to the east of the road. From the lnst stage to
lh;' pl_ there aro several villages east of tho rood, ot intervals of
nbout half a kroh; one of them is the £OrtifiL'Ci vi1In..neof Pokblan .

P AEEltUST. S. 3 Krob.-A \;!1age .nth mud r~rt bdl)n~g to
Builth .itllat....1 _~ of the reed, For about ODe b"b from the Iaat
~ DUUlt·ro""rillages .... IA) be _" _t of the Iiee c,f .-l
FORT OF Sm;IllB. S. 2 Krnh.-SituaiM about two ~l west
of the road. Inhabited by Taud<.. Ro.d throoj:b • plain.
BtiLKH. S. 5 Kroh.-Afamous city, called the Oomm_l-Boold3n or
"lJother of Cities." It corers a SJl8C<' about one hob in diamelB,
but ill now ~Im()j;t depopulated and containa only about 3,000
beuses, It i. inhabited by Oczbuks, Taj« Ie., and tbe descend-
AOt. oC those AIgIuw8 who in former day. ~migrated from
tileir own country. At one extremity of the ~ity ill a Corlbuilt
or .ulI-dri,,1 bricks. The b:lZllJ";,. ., .. -ious, and there are still
many tomba oC eelebrsted men, two or lh" ........ Ik;,.... , and a C.w
lIuth. in ,·siMl.oee. The Gowroor al"",int...1 ") C.hul is oXujeeb-
0<,1.1abKban, wb_ Cather ..... alio the C"",,or G"............. Wbrat
.. U. b,·n., Cur t"" Shabj"banll-d "",und. ,,,,r TUp«'. Oolr.bllk ... d
T""rku,n&n bo'_ are cheaper here than at I\buolm, allil the AIDe
.. ith fmit.

TUKIITIJIJ POOL. E. 3 Krvh.-InJ.aI,it..,J by 00zLuka.

I'ORT OP SII.\ II.\B.\D. E. i Krub.-Sitnoted • """,,"ot m.m, and
IOuth of dIU 1UId. Inhabited by 0uz1.1I1...
MUZ.\It-I-Sll,\1IMU'RD.\.'II'. E. 2 Xroh.-Inba!.ito..l br o""buu
And TIljoo'Ic.. A populous place wbeN a ,,~lcl) btw&r ;"·h-Id e~
TUl",.Jay. Fruit abundant. A 6tlt'am in the nt-ii{bt.ourhood.
FORT OF KOOL !ltAllO~[E]). E. S Krob.-Jnbabilcd by OOZbuk
KflOOSH RIBAT. E. 12 Kroh.-lnbahltro by 0.",1,00. Tbewbole
road for thi..1tage lies tmougb a deiert, ...b.,re no oral."I'is pr'Il<1llah1e.
OWL-I- \"1jTTOO. S.E. H Krob.-Ao Ouzbctlt: ~.
KHOOL!lf. S.E. 3 Kroh.-Tbe capital of Kul.. j Ali Khan. The
, .....y from BaIkh to this place _uowns are ';""hle AAJtb or
the road. Khoolm is • populoDS and Boa.ri.hiDg lOW'll. It i.. maeh
&rqu~nt.od by the Hiadoos o£ Sbibtpoor, UWly c.f wbom eany
on busin .... here, and make aD entn>p',t (or their m.,...m.nclia
b.,t '('n Csbul and Boltb.ara. Thtl _tern botmcLuy of Khoolm
Uo t o day.. journey from the CIlpital and m.rcbeo ""tb that of
Koondooz. On the west, at the diAance e>( tour .ug.., are the
...110",.. or SutbAYuruko It. ooutb.·mDlOlt ~"n it t.h<! Cort of
1IIJdon monr the Cahul frontitr, lilt day" journ.·y from the capital;

80 mOll BOKILUU TO Ii:nOOUl, ROt:TE xo. 1.
and on the oortb it is boonded by the Jiboon, ",lmh ia ~o st..ges
distant, 1M in~ space LeiDg a'desert, wb~r.! DO water is
to be funnd.
1>IeerKul"'j Ali K..han, the Rul er or Kboulm,;" a fllir Alld hand.
some mnn of ""me GO ye:u>I IIr al:'!. His beard i. .Iileb tly grey,
~·es small, and f_"-" "-;00.. He dresses in Oozbuk eostume
and ........". a turL:ut wound rooDd his Tutar ""p. 1-;\<r,- morning
abuo~ II o'..tuck be appoars in public, taking bia ..... l not on a
musnud, but ou • ""'l"'t .p......I on tbe ground. C"",,,, wbere
qw.",liQ""vf 'tabomed.on law are not inToIH'(I, are ""ltl,'II l.y himself,
..u oth"", by tbe Kuee. Tb"re io little ceremony nt his Court:
be is oalut,.... "ill, the usual formula in use among ~Iuhomednns,
and all pt non. are a1lowW to be ..... tro in hi. pre-enee. Thieves,
except aflt-r oen-ral coun.:tio ... , """ IIOt put to d... lb, but are
publicly I'ill.ori.d in frunt of the 1"'"1''' on the bexar d.y~, which
are twice wt'('k!" on )(ntId.oy' and Hi~hwaym~D...,d
mmdL'''''''' .'" ,,,,Midy ex''C'ut.:d on t'- days. M,...r Kulee] Ali
ahnlY' vi.iu tbe bazars in penon and on foot, U"virag on ..,vera!
OCC3!'ionR fvund tna<I",.,.n.-ing abort" cilCht, ho punished tho olI~lldc,.,.
and al'l'oinl •-d ,...rtain ollk".,. to ....cigb wain, and th,..., .,,·\'ive " small
remnn.ft\;"n f",m tbe ~rrain.lI,,..for l""ir I:n)nbl., Tbe )h ...r is
diBtin"... w...1 fvr bia grer.l ,';'1> an.) 10,,, of ju..tioo; he i. a)",.y'
.1h·~ to the inlenlotR or bia ... bj«.u and in_tlJ eeeupied in
im"",,;n!: th...... lmini:itDlioo of bi. dominio"". In hi. It4ble are
IOID. ""'" and .. Juhle ToorkullWl and KUI':Ibb.·", bo.....,., anti be
is also the OW"'" of I.arg.: hrnlo of ,.. n"," and IlllCk. or .lu....·p which
arc di.tnbut..l among his OWn' iIIl1j(\'" 'The ~['~'r h... four lawful
wi~CI; one 1(\.. in tbe north fort. which WU:I built b) hiM .Ider
Lrotbtr; "";Ib It.. be ~ t...o da~•. a.od ~ IIix wilh hi. other
....;,..". ,,~ ~ ;. in IIOLIthern r"rl, oae (If hi. uwn eon-
.trurtiuo. Th"", hw {oN are built Qn ele~,.t...1 JlTOund within
the W....D al.,lIl a ~ from Okb other, and ""l""n them
i. the 'Iuart" .... ,"'"i," loy Ih,' o.,zhub.
There "." 1\1.0""11;,000
boUaCI in tlll' town, all buill with .un-drh..! bncb.· 'l1IC
h.............. 1oM!,,'" lik... dome, ...,d owin~ tA.I lb,' ,·.CCIIODI qunlity
of tho

o[ the cIA) from .. b.j,b the bric:k.t.,.., made, the bo.,. .. ""'I ru. tlu're
or four Mllune.. 'The city it .utat,'" in a valky, an.! if n_ly ....t· b) hilli n""l.l on the oortb .......-t IIide.
About "'1,"'1 Ita".....from Khoolm, en) the m<>untaino, .. tht 'iu.g,..
of Z~, inb.hill..J loy Sbftah. of lbe Iluzan tribt-. III •."D.c·
queooo or lhe fn.-IUl·nl de('n..lali ..... ('Ommiltro by lh,.... 1"....,,10 or)
the cars'..". I~og bet ........n Kboolm and Cabul, .\ft,·r Kul"'j Ali
Exd.-T. ¥.
FMlI: MX UAn..\ TO EDOOLll. ROt:,..: !\O. 1. "1
KhID, in the year 1'i12.\.D., attark,..! the \~ with a for",· of 600 and captul'I,d 6&6 pri;olWno, mAIoand fvmttle. Of the 127
J'rieoDcro who fdl 10 Ljs 0,", .lutrt-, h.. eaqsed nil, exeept the ,,1,1and
inJirm, to be sold in I""
Kh<>olm IGZar, .. he", at.o the capli", ..... ho
felJ to the ~ of his Iloc>f"i ..... 1\' .... ld, They" ere :ill V',",lwied
by th" people of Bolr:bara, Oorgunge, Kcokan, and the o...I.uks.
Since thut time the road haa been purlectly stlfu for travellers.
ThirWen SOIl3 haTe been hom to tbe :\feer. tbe eld.&t "f ....hom.
Ahmad Beg, 2'-, yaon of ...~, wu appointed by the King of Cabal .,.
Oo.-.mor of Aibo.k with the title of Wullee of Bulkh. A canaI
in Bulkb, yielding an annual revenue of Rupees 7,000, W1I8 ... o4,>n«I
to him r,.r his maintenance, He died in tho year 18l1!.A.D. it wss
~~t<..I from poUoJl. The second son, &00 Beg, 16 yesrs of ....ze,
is tile GOTmlOFof 1'1U>AyOie. "c~k, and next to him is .Ali ~Ianlan
.Beg, it years old, 00'" Go'-ern~r of Du.mah-i- YOOCIOOf.Th~ remain-
ing aona lite cbildn:n, and besid.:s them there are twel ..e dAugbl<l'8.
Und,.,. the King are 20 offi('('l'l of the State, ehief of whom is
Kaue U..,.,. Sbab, a T_jeek, whQ is the Meer'. D..1'uty an.! conducts
all """'"'l"'~' Xat to him is llaboml..:l Beg Ooabuk, ....ho
ia tI,,· \(, "",,_ll<or in imporlant mntte".. The tbinl important
ofliM' it Khajah IJtrmutoollah, wb.. Iak"" the ~bicf mililAry com-
mnnd in the _""'nee of the .Mccr. Umanoollalr Dewan 8<'8'-'<',
a oJ.. e, ba& cbJu::e c.f the )0("" ... heusehold. Tbe ",mainin~ oftj""",
.... at) IN )fin~, 10hich mftUlSIik:rally rorumaneJ.".. ,,{ a tbou-
.. Dd b-. b.alr uf are required to be armed with blKleB.
and the ",maiod ..... ilb matcblud,.. They hav.. not, bow -r, their
l''''ll('r complemcnt ..f men, &lUI it j, probable U,nl the
d,,,,, DOt Dumbtr more tba.n 12,000 men, though "'port
O~ _ y_ the )1...'2' mDii<N hi. troope; b,' k.....
~r"" army
I'" himk:lr tb.e
d-nl.tin roUt of _h man and 00_ in tbn (0..,.,. The troope
arc nut l'.i.Jin .J~i., but are ..,.ignc..t certain landA in proportion
to tladr rank; to c:\t.'b ~nll3oo.hl" 20 plough. or land, and to ...,h
(of thr JO otlken undtr him ItJ I'I"u~ha. ":"'ry troor "r I QO
bone_n ba.. romen 6n ....
boNIDAIe oIG"" .. , to M' of "bom lOW'
1,lougb. of Lmd .... uril.,-.I, and to l1lCb private ... ldier t....o plougho.
A llAodiDg foft'O!"r t,IJOO bu"""rnco is al,vn). 1"'l't embodied, tho
~lUai, ..lcr t.dn~ ,1Im",.J to eultivate their lunele. All tla,-.e are
n''111irM to ~rt lh<""",h·.,. inuDeJiakly "he'n Ih<ir Ik·n~",. are
rtqWnd fur a c:unr~
::-';u~LooIlah Khan ••\I~, is tb.. Oowmor "r
Bulkb, &ppointtJ
by the King or C"Lul, but lb,' :l1""r Qf Klllloim Ur l'nltlicall) the
Rula of thst 1"'"
in,..:, • ..·.11 III or b;, own t~rril.uri,... lie
82 FROll BOED\B \ TO KllOOLlJ, ROUTE No.1.

der;".,. a ~l1!D1I8 of Rupees 2,000 a year {fO)mone of the eeqne-

d"",,", by IIlftIl)o$ of willen the .... ter.. at the are distributed to
th~ tultintioll in the na.,<>hboarbood of Bolkh. Of these eansls
th_ are Wd to be IS, all ~ {fO)m the '"i!bge of Ah'bood in
th~hillt two cIayo' joarDlPY to 0,; ...<IIt of Boot Bam~n. The
~~eoll~ of t~ aeqaedDct.s are .... ie~ to ..mous persons. For
inJrta ......, that of the lI<qDtdact J*8in~ by the )[ omr or tomb of
Shah ~[urdm. is dereted to the """ o[ tht' gaanliml of thnt tomb.
OM i. lWiA'Ul..! to the Go",",or of Builth nod Mother formerly
twloog....t to the )[eer'. elde.L son.
O""""ioJlally, M_ Kulee] Ali bCnds Q prt'fO:nt of TQOrkoman
horse.. to Futt"h Khan, the llini;t,,, of t1w King o[ Cnbul, between
whom nnd the )Iecr's father existe-d a Itrung attachment and friend-
obi I" Two b~ of borses are found in Bulkh and Khoolm, one
twing the Karahb...,.. or Oosbukee, wbich when bred in Bulkh are
tali •..! Bnlkhee. Hoeses bftd in the COWlt!'}' of Sukhayuruk are
tallN Kubehakee, aDd those bred iu )Iouzah 'O,,,orum, Khanuhz3d.
1'besr throe breeds are of IDl'diIllD Nc, Ia'l,~bon.d and are bArdy
anJ useful ,mmek Theirrn....
..-..ria m.m ;;0 to 200 )Iorndabad
Ru ..e<&. 'T'oorkomaa horse. .... 00 "otb ban,," of tbe Jihoou,
n..... the 1i.hoolm tT<iotit-T. The .u.lritt tllty are !onnd is
,·igbt 014:,"" eut of Bulkh, aDd _ (QUI' or fi.~fIaj,"" [rom llokharu.
The)' .n'.... a ruI., large uad handJonmcr tban tbose of the Ooe-
bukee I•.-l, ond Are heace prized ),y tbe ,,"n.'Il1. They nre not,
btl\\ c\ er, 110 en.Juriog.
FRO" nOKII \R.\ TO 1\11001.\[, ROUTE so. 2.

KOORUK. E. oIigbtly S. t bou..... joumc).-D_riool in Route

IUB.\T.!.JOOGIIR \TEE. E. ,li.,>btly S.-n-rib«! in Ito"t,· Xu. 1.
IUBAT. E ... lightly S.-A d.!s.:rt",1pla.:,>.
RIBAT·!·KUIL\ WUL. Eo wgbtlJ S.-~bed in Route No. 1.
SUBD.\.BUn.l.WULLEE x...\.'.un:E. E. .lightly S. It hours'
jOW'Il<.'Y (~PI"'l'I'Dtly £rom Kooruk.)-lHscribed in Route No.1.
Th... mod lur t~ "bole of this >'tIt,>.: lie.. throu.,<>h a desert.
KJUJlJR )!OOB.\RUK.-Described in Route Xo. 1.
Sl1RDABUH·!.ASIIUK.-W"w I'nlCl1l'IIblchero.
KISII I, \K A plaee inhabited by Oo7.bulo<.
't.U)I~"1iII. E. oli.rbtly S. 11 hoorl jouro~y (aPPlln'nlly from
Ih~ Surdahuh·i.Wulk... X.'""".,.).-.\ lo.n:e .-illA!l"inbahit,.J by
Ooil.uJ.". CarII\am bait ""It'; ""tsid e the \;]bge is a 1"',1<1(or lake)
.uJTuGDdcd loy Ilmb~_ m.u.. l!.aiJub and Rooobknh* rro-
rurable h,·n'• ..w 1,.-1 and ~rL v. F"",I Cor on" ho........ t.I ahout
I tungula •.
A trIUlIlEE. R .Iiglall) S.-D. ..,·ril",1 in Route No. 1. P..r tho
Ii...\ balf ••f til" 11I1;:e tJwo """I Ii through de-ert , ""tn" \ill"~.,,
ILI"~.J in the la\1n balf. .\1 it rn;'I".~, at thl' di.ta",.., ,.r
f<mlUkh131 mi"") from the ..-1.. the ,i1lai.'" or Kaall. 1II,·"ti.."....1
in Rout.~, I
... ,;l1,,~,lhe wt l,,·I""I,';ng
".HZ.\ 8.\D. ~. 2 honN' joumty.-.\ 1Al!.
t•• Korob,,'. n-I 1_ by nume",n. 'ill"l,'$; in elo-c I'l'I)ximity.
('QnmUl. rrom Ku .. bee Il'l'ncrally halt larN as tho d''O\'rt hence
wtnmc"_' '11.., wdl WIlter found I.'l"l~'nPaizabocl and lIll' rilt'r
l,<~ng b.... ki.b. a ""I'ply QI .... h'r ;, taken on from tbi. 1.13'..,.
lioNS IUIdeamd. drink w bradt:n.h \\a"'r.
Sl RDA1H!H.-C4.t..: .. '" 'ntcr.
KOORKEL'-CUlK S. 10 boarJ' jouruy (rrobahl) rrom Faiza-
!.ad).-Inhabit.<! by the Azul ..."tiun or the Oozbuk... Il~~ Ilre
81 mOll BOKlLUUTO KlIOOLll, Rom No.2.
W wells, which, however, all contAin braeki ..b Wllrer. No fora,,<>c
p~b1<, Ior horses; ..,me gruing for esmels,
KIZKOODOOK.-DescnDed in 1L:>ulC Xo, 1.
CnOOL13OOR. S. 11 bours' j.>uroey.-Inhabited by the Keen-
ghoorat sectien of the Oozbuks, No for.lge Corhorses, Described
in 1L:>ute ~ o, 1.
SnOREKOODOOK. S. 12 honrs' jomney.-See &nee No.1. In-
habited by tbe Koon:..-bo ",rat din..on of the Ooabuks,
RTD.\'T-I-ABDOOLLAU KHAN.-Rnined serni: nO water procurable.
RIGHT BA..."K.OF TIlE JUIOO. First hal[ or the 'W1IV to the S .
• and ....,.,.,.j half, E. 12 boows' journ<oy.-Call<~1 the hn)' e>r Kbajoh
Sakh. Xo hoeses here, The Ki!if furry ia three £un.ukb.s (to!
miles) rortl", r up the river, The.\.moo runs bere in ~ westerly
direction, Ilightly north. Road O<er a Ievel desert.
LEfT 13.\."" OF THE .\.)IOO.-Width of riTer About two bewshet,
There are bm! about 30 0.. 40 .,_ inhabited by boatmen, and
11little cnltivation in the nei"Dftboruhood. Two small nnd roughly
eonstruvted boats art' k'1't here, ......,h cap3bl... of Ul.uyiog about 10
tamels. Tbe bcJarnxon are u.n.Jrilful, but lIS tbere is but little current
io the nut, the crossin:: .. not atteGded wi1ll any diJliculty. HOJ'Sl'S
are bOmetimes -w to draw the b<.at ~ in wOOch ea.-e nothing
i. cha~ for them: whea carried across in the boot one langull
per horse U the clwge. The Bokba.ra territory eommenees from
this far,..
RlB.\T. E. :}boors' jonroey.-Aminedser:ri. A SurtW.uhorcisfem
here, but it rontains no water. Road lies along the bank o'f the
river, which ia ...ell wooded with la.rge fa_t trees, Good water
(<>WId about balC a bob (rom the Ribat. Tr .. ellers prcride them-
.dves with a "lIl'Ply to last as Car as ')laLeo>b.
SURDABlJlI. S.E. IS hoors' jonrney.-Wattr procurnble. Thero
mo.. form.rly a serai here, which i. DOW in ruins. No foroge or
fire.. ·ood. Dried IIWIIlre is u..<al (cor fuel in et Wl'Olth.r. 'l'hilI
I'lac:e i.., ,itaaUd in the dt.rt, and io the spot hen! th~ boundaries
of Bokhara, Bnlkb, Koondooz, and Undkboote meet. The Toorko-
mans were in the habit formerly of plundering c:ua''1lD8 in tOO8
~ruhood, bot the road is now .are,
though <till dangerous for
liwy t.... elm &.d t&rou.,Dft~
Kt RSlIEEK T.\.L£EK..\.. S. 12 bUIln' journey.-Taleeka ill • large
'illage klnn~ to Dulkb. Waler from Q otream. The houses in
too T111a,.,~are oE mod lUId haTe ..,.ulUd root.. Kursb, ...k was the
= of a large TilI:a!:'e ncr T~b,
",..I lJl ruin-.
...bich ioo III '... entirelycIes!rted
moll lIOKlLUU TO KllOOLlr, nom NO.2. 85
Bt."LKII. E. N~.j,tly s. S bOUl'll'j~y.-.l eelebrated city formerly
dell-Iy P"l"'lated, but DO'"1l11DO<t d.,eserted, ,\11 the 100....... in the
city I.. ve vaulted roof~. Bu.....held cwry Ttll5d~y nud Sntunlny,
.. h'·re &0...... are a100 t~ C~rClI.,. Sirdar Nujl'l'hooUah Khan,
n..,raD.~, IOU of ll00koomut Kb.,n, SnrL"" ...., i.o the DOlllinal
Govcmer of Bulkh appoint.,.) by tI", KinjC of Cabul. Th« rt'al
pow .. is, ho"t~er, in !be hanth of the If ..'r Kultt·j .\Ii Khan, of
'11", wah,. from the rinor i,di.tributetl by mtan. of oo.nILI., of
.. hieb t.bne ......, furm l~, but (lnly U al'\! now to bt, ruuDd.
Tb<-.e _ DAmtd th~ ~uhQr-( •..anaI)-i.Sbhl"', ~uhur.i.Sceah Jurduh,
N uhur-i-M_blnk, Nubur-i.Bnlkh, Nuhur-i-Isfahun, N uhur-i-
AI.I .....1bh Khu, ~ uhur-i-Ib-,>b-i-Shore, ?; uhur-i-Oozab, N uhur-
i-lSh.-ik Sb ,rit, ~ ahur-i-Char Duluk, ~ uhur-i-Akchuh. 'Th~ pre-
6<'nt revenue of Dulkb is Rupees 3U,OOO,one-third oC which i.8
_ill"'ed by )1_ KnI""j•\Ii Khan to the Cabul (lO\'Cl'Uor, and
the ",auiDd~r diTWI equally betWO!rll the Kohnuh ~o ...kur (old
scrvonL;) and the Oozbub in tho neighbourhood. Both these
clM;cs bS\'~ also c.rWn aso;gumt!D18of land rent-Iree r.,r their
IIWDknm.... The Kolmuh ~0W'kur are the rtomaius of the ori",>inaJ
Afghan garri..-on of BuIk.h in the time of ,\hmed Shah, Dooranee,
Thoir &)I~ duty is the c:h~ of the defences of BuIk.h it..elf.
In ......mid.:J1Ilj..,D of their .maIl pay they are not employ e..! on
distant tXr~tioru., which .... met Calls to the lot of the Oczbuks.
The climate of Bulkh is lcW, e.1'f'!i.alJy in the hol IICllSOn, when
£:" r ;,.., .... ,iruIooDtly.
MUZAR.-A murh fn'lueDted shrine, ."i.1 to be the tomb or Ali.* A
«>n.,dershle ,,,,pulatioo baa 1>«0 att.n&cled to the n(,ighbourbood.
WAt<:r from a _. W< buars bdJ on 'l'_Ia).. It is aid
thAl prior to thu rule of the ChunR' ·• fllmily, some tro.c<'" eu.tA.'d
htl't' of the tomb of .Ui, which wt subot"lueDli), I""t. The 'pol
.......,1.0"'.,'." al...ay, coasidrr."II .. ered, but ui.1 (101 attAin iUI'I'fIIIt'Dl
faille until the en,·tinn ">:Snltan Ilcessein ~lin:1l Dllyukra (.r tho
tum!. ...h~b otill u;.u. lie ...... 1M to I"Uruotru.'1the buillting
[ronl a vWoo ,..hkb h~ law. Numl",,.. or 1"',...,00 .mict.~1"ilb
blindne.... and kF""'y are ""id to be cured annllllll) by ,irlun of
their pilgri~ to thi. _~ ,,!act.
FORTOF KOOL If.\nO'IEo.-~..-ar the ..,..1 to the rigbt, • mud
f~rt Dell' "hi.h "'" 110m. hou ....
KJIOOsH Rln.\T. S.E.-)Il!IItiooed in Route ~(). 1.
86 FROll BOKRUI.\ TO ABOOLll, ROm xo, 2.
\17l'T00. S.E.-)[mtioJled in Book Xo. 1.
KIIOOLlf. E. 1-l hours' j~y.-Soo ckscripti~nin Ronte Xo. 1,
.1.., eslled TaabkOO<ghm, is the aocient Dlltne ot the town.
The b_ ~ bailt with SWl.dried brick, the roar.. being nult.ed.
SI_ &.. t.bnIa,,<>blIIo..-t of the otmou. Fruit.. of all k:incJg
ahaDdant; the melons e;peeially are of eseellent quality. ROIl<!for
thio ,~" t.:a.b ever undo.lating ClCKmtry, aDd ~ .., ..em! vi1Ia"oes.
Sbuhr-i-Sabe is II <hys' journey from Khoolm. The road
tbilb~rlies througb the district of Keebsdceen Oil the right bank of
tile Amoo. TIm district is three dap' journey north of Khoolm;
the intermediate stages being Chutturabad and I wachik, 11 ferry
.tatinn Oil tbe left bank of the Amoo, where " 8m~1 boot is kcpt.
11,i. "'rry i. higber up the ri..-er tlum that of Kilif. From Kooha-
d,,,,,,, Shuhr-i-Subz.i.sei.,<>bt~, the IWIlCS of whicb in their order
h\'m the former place ale Keekee, Sberabad, Durbund, Chikehik,
Boo~luh. Khanuh, ligdulee aDd Yekb1"'ICh in the territory of
lIi_r. liu! ruler of trhicll e<IWItn i.. S".d B..,.. Shuhr-i-Sobz is
iu,J~t of Bokhsra and nod.r ti". rule ..f X.....azAli Bee
t taIcek. <X.rg<m.,.<>e i. U day,;' j,_.y from Kboolm; the road for
aOOul lbr<e -ta_,-- ron.< throu;,>b Bokhara krritory. Herst is 11
da).' journey from Khoc.lm..
~IUz..\R-I-SH1.iREEF. w,
nOOX.UI\,l"R_\.. l.'.-Bd",.~ I.. '(,-e.- KuI"'j Ali Khan.
Ll.:RUK. "-.-Btlonging to 1feer Kulooj Ali Khan.
S(;RPOOL. W.-Cvot:IiM about 3,000 bon••,. inh.hit.,) by 'raj...,b
and .\ch~; the latter is a lUb-tn"b.: I)f the Oozl>uU.


lIn;ZAR. W.-1H>='bcd above.
YL"XGllEE KIL.\'.\.. W.-Belonging to lll"'" Kohd .\Ii Khan (M
KIL\ll: II KL'lll::ETEE. W.-JkluDging lo ~Ieer KulC<'j.\Ii Khan
(of Kh...lm.


uooxxr K l;'JU.-J),""";I,.-d .bo.-e.
SUNCIJ.\ \URt'K S.W.-.\ town inhabited by Kllt.cbal... It i.
ItOTemN by 11f" brothert', lIuk ... .I ~ and. Ril .. anknol B..'Il'.
tbe Iat~r king II. elder, The J""""·bo ....• din.;oll of I!-- Kub-
clulh a", UD,I.·. the ~1tI1'ran.l thl- GoscfuOIIec• bU!.cbaka on.l. r the
) 0IUIj."CI' brothn I Riz" t.n Keol B.'g lb. furt I)f S"",",ub,
aod )(w..-IlI<t; in SWlCba.f1ll'lk.
~I\J~G KlLA'A. S.W.-Said to be the bnrial-pb<e of Bayezeed
Boo«\an'.... ~Ioolla Teorsb is the Govemor of Ihi. plate under
l\J""r Kul""j Ali Khan of Kboolm.
CIL\.SlnlUII-I-CHOOB~. S.W.-Inhahitt.'d by the Eclat uom:ui
tribe ,,( ~f"lnb.
DURRAIl-I- YOOSOOP. S.W.-Inhabill..! bv the It.l .... Ooroogb, or
elnu, of the Oczbuks, and IIIso by I""'pJ~ of ·l[m:s".h, both SooD.D_
and 51",... 1",. The Governor it Ali )lu.nlan Bqf, son "f )1",r li:nl~j
Ali Khan.

ROUT.: l'ROli DURRljU-I-YOosOOF TO \1;11:11: \ OOL\XG.

GOO't.\U. S.-.\ \;I~ _r ...hieb tbf'l\' is. little t'U!thaUon. The
"""I from Durrah-i- Y_r ba IhJ'Oll8ha ,1Jlty.
WULE1:Sll.\S. S.-Inhabi~byDaim ee nLIJ J(uZllnlluo( tbt Sht.'f'Sh
lcd, lh,. "bi, f ~( "bom ;. OatDed )fahomruoo Khan.
DUSIlT-I-TOOPUU. S.-No hoDf<'oo here, R""') throngh Ihemoun-
tai ... AmIc.......... balI way the Dundsn Shikun 1.'......
YEKKA OOL.\NG. S.-Here are ii:d,'t'o ro~, th.· Gowrnor L. lfl'l.'r
ll __ in Beg, a Sheeah of the Tubnuh branch of th~ Huzamhs,
Thi. r~ i. inhabited by HD2.:lrI1!lJf. and it nod. r u... rule of If..,r
Kuletj Ali Khan. The Bulkh river 110.... ".. t thio, t..lcing a .,
crl)'cl~tion. A day's journey do,", the ri,.. ie a plsee ealIed
BulkhAb-i.JWa, inhabited by U=hI, iDd<-pc:nckDI of lreerK~j
Ali Kbao; the Chief of ~ ie 14m'" Kbao. One ota...<>e further
dO.1I 1M ri'er is Bnlkb.b-i-P_.... inbabitol b! HIll:Snlba and
Tajeeko. The name of their Chief is Khan li:bajuh a Soonolo!.
At tbio 1''- the river cbano,~ it. ('()QfIe to the DOrth ..... =biag the
looun"""",, or lturooomza.reo: aDd ~runl«.m l mrukb, lobMo iDha-
hih'<l by lIuzaruha aDd Ku!.:haI<., ...."Jed to ~fl'tr KuJaoj Ali
Kban, 11""".., the ri'er Oon I*t B«>llai Kn .. to Balkh,
it i. w.hiuuloo I.y meaJa of the I., canal. abo, e <I.... ribed, n."
1.1..... who'''' tb;, d.i\isiou or the .1....1111 int.. 1., channels takes
i. ealled Sur Punjab or A.l.Gdeoe ~0 ...a1u.b.
Esd.-T. Y.
RorTE FRO}! KIIOOl.lI TO "\lllB.\D. IS BrDIKI! I!\X.
Yl")IIOI mE un ImK.-J),,,,,rih..,1 _1",.,·.
OOltTl'JI IJOOD.\);.
KOO:-;DOOZ.·- A well-known town. The ('''''''nt GOVl'l"nor ia Moornd
Ik~, nephew of )f'Tr KuJeej .\Ii KIw, Koondo<>z is situated
!'.tween til.: \berai and Bank ... rivers, from both of which the watt'f
i. e...mdu c ted by DWIk"fOO..~ ~ to the town and ita envieons,
KIU)lUH AB.\D.-B..Ionging to Koondooz.
KH.U{;"H CIIt )'"lU.L.-BeJrul,,<>ing 14 Koondooz, iahabited by the
:\h'eJl&8 eliri.i n of the BeEhm ..... Katta..,<>bans. .About 200 ho~.
TJ.LK.\J.~.-.\bout 300 houses of tbe Samgbbosh sub-tribe of the
't<'Cllass. The Governor of Talkan is Durab Ikg, K,.....moor.
)Il SII t:n.-Il- I .nginlf to liUz.a'-l of Budukh han. The
,,( • Saint
KISIl,r.-Dd... nging to F.i..,bad.
1·'.\IZ \11 ~D.-('.pitalof tbe :\r...... of Budukhiban. TI", I'r,-.ent :\ff't'r
,. 'lahom ...1 Shah, 1100 of lhat Sultan Shah who mnnle1'\.,j tbt
larknn,1 n Iu.....-e, KI,_jub )I"klulooo .\ZUlIIl'<', an,1 ",'lIl hi. ht'lld
to the £ml"'"'' or Chins. In the ,,,untry of llu,l"kh.hnll Oi'll
"',~ral nthy mu.e.,.hid. are .... 1 DO'" ... orked, '\dj~nt to thia
1"";101} is the ~nl.r,. of ~""&D&D, tituatal in tb. mountau .. ,
inhabit"" loy Sb~. men. luhject of Sha'onnn ;,. unable to
l"~' his rent, the Rui<ra of that country sei.e his ,,·if,· and children,
aud sell thtm in T_. 'The (('malbo( tbat plsee arc eelebrsted
for thci:r b<.uly.

norrs FRO'[ KOO~()oOZTO :X.\REES.

" ell rsrcrcn.
I:sIIKl 'OslI -Containing about 1,000 1.0"''''', inhaLit...1I.y the lIhoe"..
daD of O.,zLult. n"luDut n..r ;. tlte (lo'<rDor appoiDt<oUby
K oondo..z.
XAR}:EX.-n..·~ 10 Kooodool aDd (.'ODtain. abont 1.000 1.0__
Inhabitants Onl.,<>11_ of )Iaidrah Koormllb. One daJ~a joUtll~1
."uth- ........t of X...... n i. the 14Wl1of L'ndurab, inhabitM hy T.jeelao.
That 14\\'11i. I".., dar" journey ..,,,Ih of Talkan.
ALI AB.\D.-Bel()D~1ll:to KOOndOOL
BCGHL,\S.-B .... .,ngs to Koondoot. It t..J trOutb of Ali Abad,
eouth.Wtot of I.hJ,:umi.h, and .......1 .lighlly north ot Nareen at the
dillblD<~'of "n' day's journey from eaclI of Ih_ three plaeet.
TASHKOORGHA.."\.-A dilI:erent place from that of the lame name
OtAr Khoolm. Belcngs to Koondooz.
OllORE'K-.\ well-known plsee btlonging to KoondOO%.


'ID. di."'.n~ ;. .t-t a (Ie 13 da~"'"jotlroty. 'IDe following are
the _ of the ftIo!:'S:-
'11,.n main<ltr of tbe rocod lit'll through the oIft<·rtalolll\' tbe ballic
of th~ .\mou river,
OORGU:\Ol:.-F"""",rI,- bdon..~ to tbe tnrltoo- of Kb.mzm. Tn
the coout" af o..ln,~ an! 6", fortIfied tow...., one, the eapitol
itlelt, an,1 the (>~ Kh«wuJr. I\.bankab, lIu",""" Pilun!\'. All
thew ""' a day'. jOW'Df)" (Ie t.. from fII<hothrr, an.1 an! all on the left
'-Itor the Amoo. Cars".". &om R-u.rome to O,.rgun~ Hajdur
KlwI (.\.usbn). being at the dinmceof al.outone month'. journey.
Turlriab iIthe guage of Ooorgunge. 'ID. p_t Ruler illIfahomed
Ruh.1'IDKhan, ho I'!Sides in Kh_uk, ""mmonly called Kheewuh
(Khi ....)He .. an indf1ll!nd.nt PrinCO'wlao .trile", eoins and has
tb. K.bootbuh read in his own name. 'Chto<>c<,in. 1 hsve mvsoll
lOttO; On on. aide is ~ "Abool Gb... ,..: ~[lIbomed Ruheenl
Khan," aoJ on the m-l.'1'se simply" Kheewuk."
Only" feW'yeaJ'S..go Fel Toozur Khan, of thel,.--nt Ruler,
in... ......! the m.entm""t of the King of Bolch".. in eonsequeoee of
hiI freq~nt predalO"- nCtll1lioDS undertaken again.t Bokhara terri-
to.,-. That _!l2reb at length ~tclted a force agajnrt him, and
in the M~t ...1W:h ensued Eel Toozur Khan wa. def .. ted aDd
met ru. d... th ...bile 0'0iiSiDg a river in rell'eat. For lOme time alia
thiI )[abol'llld Rnheem Kh:m profe.;o;ed ..Ueg;ance to Bokhara, bat
1>.,. .now Dgain shaken 011' the .


Yt'SOUU Klu· ...
Ku.ut U OooIW08.
l'!> OUOO-
~1'1"1' ,D.
For the mnaininlt three or four .tab.... lb. rwd Ii...lhro~b a
lrat'~ inbabited only by nomnd tn""'fI. No orto,,", ,illaj._.
Murn it four dI.,.•' jonmcy from ~r.rrb"""b.k.


-----' I'-,-'
l::J 1 ~- 3
c:5 ~ '-I _
~I --A_r---,
- -I


KIIOOL:-'f.-W·e ani<ed at Khoolm 00 the lllh cbv or Jomad~

Sam ... lU~ A.H., OOfmllOoding to the 15th ~rJune l"lS, and
al.ilrt.d thence ror Cabol 00 the 21st of JUly. Ml'('r Kuleej .\Ii
Khan luod .hown us ere 'Y kindness and nttcntiou during our billy,
and IJ('nt me B porting p~ot when we lofl hi~ <III,itnl. Tn several
int~n~e" .. that I luod witb him, after Itraring my IIC<'Clunt..of the
ben(·6C1'1lt rule of the Englisb in India, IIQ fl'CllucnUyerpressed It
wi,b to eater into friendly relations with the English Government.
TUPEE~K.EE. S. ilightly E.-A villa""".
SAlAD. S. -li,,<>btly E.-A nna,.oe.
GHt:Z~EE\TK. S.-A ruJage with mud fort, ouliide ..-hiob is '""
O..,huk -.Dpment. GrsiDand fo~ procurable.
ASEEA-I- B.\D. (liUTaIly wind-milf S. 2 Krob.-.\ d"",ned vill:a..,oe
00 an emio~ _ the ro&d; the name is derived (rom a "~nd-min
that fonnnl\"..toad be re, Water from a ~t_m which 80," to......-ds
Kheolm, Xortb_ of this pta.le, at the di.tnn.r of one-fourth
of • krob, ia tbe Yill."....,of BayneOO, inbohited bJ Taj..,1ul and
Uralu.h Oozi>ub. Outside the vilJa.."" is an eMnmpmcnt of Oozbuks.
Garden. surreund tbe village.
B.\RAZVCllUH.-l Krob.-A ruInge inhabitedby'l'nj,'('iaI.
DULK H L KEE.-l Kroh. A Ooun.hing '';'l~ inhahi",.l hy Tajeela.
Barl(.y, hay, and baidnh procurable; the whole ro.ld for Un.. .!age
lieo Ibroo~h gardentl•
•UBU K. S.W. 8 Krob.-.\ ...ell-known pleee. NumrfOWl ftreI.m.5
in' ..e~bnarb*. H_ is _ fort pta..'<'dnn aD tmiN'DC"t'. Ex-
cluding th_ ill loW fort there are _'-I 2.()Of)hou Inhabitant.;
T_jetk., o.)zbGJu, and other tn'bt.. Gardrn. on both 0111 .. of loW
r...d for the .hole of thi.> ~: many ,·illag." are r-"i,all be-
l,.ng;nlf t.o AibaI<.
SI1RB.\GII. S. U Kroh.-A <erdaot and £crtil~ opal .....tered by
nUDl"""" .tnsm.. Tbe road ra-t' for a If""It part of this .~
thmlljCh "'... nI.M 61100with fruit t..- of c,·,'ry d_ription; mdon.
(.xt'<'ll"nt. n.....l. harl,,), (o!'aS", an(1 firewood l,l'\'I('lImt.!p. Four
kruh from .\illl,k iI the ,oi.lla~ of Ziudntl, •• ror u which rll~ the
""",I throu;;b • valIr.)' call, ,I tbo Dllrrah.i-Zin".m, "'btre
91 FIIO)l KllOOL)l TO C.\Bt:L, IIOnE ~O. 1.
euen~nt fruie. ue grown. Two Iaob and a half fw1her on is
SbikarJ::ah, where there is a fort : outside tbe village are ganIens and
~ Beyond Sbilwgah, at tbe distance of one and a half kroh,
is Surlronduh, a populous place OOllsU!ting of several villages in close
proximity. Surbagh is 7 krob from this last place. Road genera1ly
sooth, 51ightly east.
1I0wzt'H-I-LL'-:\GO. 1 Krob.-Road for its entire kngth leodi
psst ganI."'"
GHAREE i Kzob.-A nJJage. F;n.t balf of the -.l through gar-
dens, remainder over a plain.
KTIOORtn[ DURRUR. 5 Krob.-A fertile nnd verdAnt valley,
oontaininjt many viThlges inhnbited by 'rnjeeke IIDdArab.!. Fruit
of all kincl. grows in this valley, such as grapeo, aprl es, aprioot..,
...-.lnot.o,aimoDdi, and melons ; extensive fields of "beat aDd barley.
'The.....J for uu...t.a,,"1! puo<'e through ganieDs and n.... DUJDeI'01>o
ROOEE. II Kroh.-.\ viJ1age on tbe plains surrounded by hilla. For
a krob and a half after lea';ng Kboorum the fOAlIlie... through a
tn.>eh.... ,-all.y. Tbence"·r b'lII tho choi,,~ of two rcIIId.4,
one 1.0 the wcot along D ,·.II~y, nnd the second <In'r tbe mouotaiu
1.0 th~ &Oath; throUllh the '-all~y run. D stream f1o\\;ng to Khoornm,
...bkh .. ....ned the .. Hufbld Wll do Ab" oreighty.t ...o rive.... from the
foc:t of Ie. boiDjf neeessary' to e.... it so mquently on the MOd. Tbe
lIIOon~n 1'<*1 l....ta for about a kroh and a balf through the _
,.. II.. · and th.'n turns 011 OVer the mountain_, "bi,·b an! c...-I
in about fOil. hours ; Um road iI nlxlUt Ii", kroh ill 1~"ll'\h. Both
,_a meet at lh,' 1_ of the ""0IlJlI4li,,0.
ZlIltDKIIOW.\L. II Krob.-At the toot of a meuntsin. Here are
C...... """- inhaLiW by Huzan,h.. There lll'I' al.a her'll lOme of the
• SUlDOOC:b: • name gi~en to ucantiont made iu the mOUDtaiAlid..
~ Itrob from Rocw, two roaclo bl'lneb 0111.0 Ihi'I'I"""" OIIeIhroogb
the DulT1lh.i.Tun~, a ,-aJloy u~nding from north to lOUth,
about 3 leroh in len~, au narrow that two hOl"ll('mmab.-t
ClInnoll""" through it, and it i. ,WNI imp:lllsnbl~ fur a la"~n hor.t.
Tb; """'0011.....J it on. a mountniu, the 1l5CC1lt of "hi.h eommf'll_
OIIe Iaoh from Roeee. '110. "hole di.hmoo by uu. r<lCId .. only
3 Iaob.
DO.\B. 3 Krob.-.\ ~ "jth mild fort at the junction of t...o
ot_",., l"habit<'.! by Tajeck. aool II uzaruhs, Roe.) I..,. through
valle,.. ; OftC hill is ~roooecI.
DA:lft."X-I-KUR.\KOOTUL. 2 kroh.-lIl11f A "roh from the wt
stage 1M r<lCId lfada over a ('MI of no ~t ""'ght.
rnox KnOOLll TO CAlIl'L, ROt:TE ~O. 1. I);;

MUDL'R. 7 hloh.-.\ vilLlge on lb. lOotheru Lue of tlle Kura-

keotul. Iuhsbitsut-, TajeekJI and Huzaruhs, for this &Iaj,'" the
road c...,._ the Kurskoetul P"_"" the ~nt Q{ "'hieh 00 the
)Iudnr side is ex~mely ahnpL
BAJG.W. E.• lightly S. 31 Krob.-A vilht,,"I! 00 tbe L!ft bank:
of the Undub river. Grain IlIId proeur..ble.
ONDUn. 2* Kroh.-A \-ilbge inha"i~ by'1'lljeek ••
FOOT Or' THE n:GHLEE P'C'J PASS. t Kroh.-R-.! all
ascents and deseents.
K1L.A.'A-I-KHA.TUrr. S. S Kroh.-A villa"oe at the southern bcaoe
of the Yugblee Puj Pass, whieh is crossed in tbi. sta.,- Inhabi-
tant.. Kooeesb-i-Sideek ee, and a C... families of In the
fort ;. ....ell ....._ for drinking. For inigatioll, ......ter is broUjrbt
from Seekan, Below the Iort is a.tream of bracki"b \\":ltcr, which
flow, t.o tbe south.
SEEILL'<. 2 Kroh.-.\ fort inhabit.«l by Tajeeb.
KILA'.\ )fIXGBEGEE. ;; Kroh.-.\ fort near lhe IDOWltaint.
AX RIBAT. G 'Kroh.-A omaII 'I'11btge'llith a mud fort, inbabil<'d by
lluzarub., the chief o{ wbom it Gbureeb Beg. The inhabitanu of
U,;, p~ used formerly to end • I..yment (rom """,VIlDB under tbe
pl'\'tut of pro~tiog them fruUl th. attacb of the people of
Zun~, wbo "'ore in the habit of plundering cuaYallll. )I""r
Kul''l'j ,\li Khan, o{ Kboolm, _I "n exp«lili ..o IIj(ainft the latt..·r
vi1l4;,'"ill the y<'tlr un 2, .inee" hieh time the roOO baa .....·n perf<'<tly
... r,·,
ACtt-rlea"ing ~lingbegt..., th • ....,..)tor rllur "ruh thruugh
a \.. Ik·y, ...,d tbt'D ac.... a t- .... 11td the Koolul-i-.\k Ribet,
Ib~ ...h..le I,·ogtb 01 wbich i. 2 Inoh.
nOOT-T-B.\'rEEA.~. C. 9 Krob,-.\ eol~brat<od"P"t. For Ihe fi.. t
.~ krah of this .to~ the road Il'IIli. o\,er mountain.: lh,·n.,· tor
3 kroh 0"" 1_ mouotainou oo'!otry, and th~ I'\'roaining du.unl -e 10
Boot-i-Bameesn i.oHr Io\'d l'OIllltry. Boot-i-B:un«:an;" .ituahoJ
in a ,.. 11'1, It boh in b.-th aut! .. or S in I~n~ In the ,..1l~.1
are 15(ortified villll~'" oituak-d .. itbin a fIlIIgot o( • hoh and • half,
inhabited by UUl\Aruh. and Tajtt'u: the Gov~mor """d.,. in one
of them. The mooent GO\'crDor ;, Kazim Khan, appoint .. 1 by
Cahul. On eseb horse bel~1\1t to • earann from Toorkiotwl t.o
ladn bo,..., Rupee- 4, and if
tbe "._t.
Cabul Itupe...,;~ 01'\' It"W: ~~
be \-.l ....LI,· a still b;~oob~rdUly;' cl.arged. (.°ars'I'aDII
proc,'t'Cling from Cabul w Toork;"t~n 1"')' duty on goo<U only at the
abcve nit", and "I'\' loot eompelled to I"'Y Ute Rupeol t per ho....,.
!)G FROll KIlOOUl TO C.\JlVL, ROl'Tf: ~O. 1.

X orth (f the rilIage of Beet-i- Bam.. ""n lh,· mOlllltaillS ri.....

aLruptly like s ....n fur the w.t:mc<>of about 1 bob in IengUl. In
the ,_ of the mountain au! mo.... than • th_d SlIJIIoDOCbor
~"=ntions. Two g;!!SlIti. figures ...., h,,,, carTl-d out of the EOIid
rock i OIIt', the fi~re of a female known b) tIM- name of Shamsmnh,
30 er 40 yanls in b<ight and It )aN. in hn'lldlb. Und..r ito ~
and arml'iu Ia~ cells haw been "1""'.1.-.1 •• nd from the form er
Ihe 1(11' (,f the figure is reeebed by • .111...-. The ~
flfo""re""I,,,,..,ot, .. male, and i. called S.......I. ..on uf DaI: it ;. saiJ
tu I..... m lar.,...than the Iemule 1i1tU"" .\1 the foul and sid es of
Ihi .. l"" ·11.1111'.been exesvnted, ,·,,,,It''''I.. hlc of ..... ,mmodating fi~e
or .i1h« and III or 12 men. IJurinll' tl cold w,·.ltlll'r tbe =1'3\"n,
pnt up in the...• ,'.c.","tio"". 'I'hl'llc 61-(1" "'" worobirloN by the
Ihod....... On" I.'Z and the chin of th,' 0101"imall" .... h".krn off. i~"
"';'11., .... 1 by the ",,!t'r
nnon...but f ..... or1< 11' Killl: in fonn er tim .....
It ;'l'rolel,l~ thut tim d.:ri\'lltioo uf the na n"........n iBfrom ti,.> won!
• liarnt\': ,.bi,,},, in th,lanf,f''''''''' "r the lIin,I.IOO!. IDfSIIJ tbe hole of.
mske i the' !>umOOo.·h ' at a di,lance ..,., not Itlakt-hoko. The
"ncicDt Iti~m of the 11indooe <'1t<II,I.. 1.. far north .. IhiB p~.
On lOme high ~und lUutb o( l!arm""", ruin ...... .till risible in
1"0 pbeea. •
KIl.\'A.I.TOOI'CIU:E. S. 5 Kruh.-.\t the northem extremitY',,(
the l\09tul.i.l\aloo. Inhshit.lOt.o Ilul.uruh.. Hood aloll~ the bank
of a Ittwm. 1'run.iuM, (um!l". nlllll~ ..h·) I,,,,,·urable.
1\.\1..00 S. ~ I\rob.-.\ villun-" l'OlIIl'ri.inl-; I"" ""rtions ealled
n'Olftth.l) Kaloo-i-Bala (t.:l'l'(" Knl"..) an,1 Kaloo-i-Pseen [Lowee
K.I oo.) \ otn""m neae the \'illlll!~' 'rho ,. ... 1Ii,.. ft\.... the Keorul-i-
1\.1<><>,which ;. ~""""-'Clin abuut .ix h,,"1'1I. At th., n"rt~rn ~tn>-
mil) uf the """" .umw. a tborny bush, (".m thu bran<bttl of ..-hich
b""l: illJlllme ...~t.I~
ra~: thio i•• "J"'t \';"ill.1 I.) l'i4,..-imsen """"unt
"r it. oul'I"*"l connection with Ali," o( th. I'l'C'phtL
li.f I. v \.I·:-;,\lfOOI.L.\H Wl'KF.£L. ;$ K,,'h.-.\I the southem
1_ of the Kootul-i. Uajee Guk. Sait .. ,n"h it th<- Dame o( • Chief
o( the JlU2IU'IIhi. The """" .. about 10""kroh in leagth: it i3 often
do.ed by 1110'" in the winter.
KIL.\',\.f.'{.\HOIDIED SH.W. U Kroh.-~{abOlllJll«!Shalt is a
Ch;,,! or tho. Hazamb tribe.
Gl RDUX DEEW A.R. S. 6 Krob.-A \-il)a~ inhabited by Hazamb
S.,nn_; on the rosd are 6"" ouix forti belon....;ng to the I1uzaruhs. liM througb • nIIey. ~ ear the ,~ it •• u-n hecu-ing the
lWDe of Almun, ...!ricb, near C:trulnlmr, it kno\\n .. tbe Heelmnnd;
it. coo_ it from east to west.
Exd.-T. T.
nOl( xnOOLl( TO C..uIUL,RO'CTE~O. 1. 97
stiR CnUSU1IUH. E. 12Kroh.-Hero are .. t.·... torts klont;ing to
Cabul, inhabited by 1I1WlI'Uhsand Tuj,,,,la. N umerons .1"'-&1". in
the o~i!l:bboarbood. Caravno;o [rom Cobol to T",.rlriEtan r.y here
Ru~ it per l000dwhich eka", them as £a, .. Boot-i-BWlNllUl.
Th_ ....ming from ToorlOstan .re met by the C... tomo om""" or
Cabul. who search and take 0. liet or th. merebandi ze, tbe duty I,
re>liu<1 in Cobol at the rate o[ Ilupees ,t IK'r load, The road Ior ,
thi. Aaj!c II'O'ds.lolI~ tbe bank of the Almun f,'r about one kroh.
thtn ... ""'" the Kootnl-i-Oenee, which;" • an"""";oo of seven omall
~"'. the lotal I<II ..-th h.-iug about tour krob. Uoood~. Wlltre
tbe C..bul l'OIId 1.... ,·. the Almun, " road branch to tI'e west
toward.. Unzaruh AmI Dba_I.
J FLDREZ. E. I I\rob.-.1. viJlngc or Cabul inbabitcd by Tajl't'k' I,,,l
HlUI,ub •.
C.\B IJ L. 6 I\rob.-Oo. kn,b from J uM",. the olICnN'.ntry calktI the
mlliclA"i. n""heol; Ihi~ i. a Inct ""me four kroh in r,,,,,,,hh. whieh
,·dellcl. all flU' U lIrll'hllndoo, n vill,lfCt! lit tI", [Of It ot the Kootlll.i.
Tukbt. 11ri. """" i. oo"'e two k.llb in 1,·nl.>1h, and in it an' eome
'ilb!:"S inh"bit •..! by Ghuljuho. 1\....1' U'rghuncl•..,;. I Cuoi"n .. root:
tho Can<lah:u """I brao"bea off rrom that ,-ilial,... tc rdo thn O<)utb.
w....t. Three kNb from IJrgbuod,,,, i. l\.il,,'... i·1\4 between "I.i(·b
anel Cabul the country i.o plain, M""y rorl~ i"hulril<<1by 'I'uj,,·k.
an! I......,.) 00 thi. .w~: the ro,," 1_ aloul: j,'1lI'lleoa1l1I,..1 ..·ith
fluit treees,
In til" eentre of the city ot (.',11... 1 i.. • builclinJ: kno..... by the
nan", ,.r the Char Chulluh, erect.. 1 hy Ali :\flll".,n Kban. lim,th
of lh,. city is a bill, whleh W<UI fortifo.<1in tile tin", or Abm,,1 ShAh
Duoran.... To the we-t, on" bitt, t111'1'C;" • lIindon .hrin,' called
1M .\':IIOlli; on th" ot the ,",uth"m bill i. ti,e tOIDb oC """job
R"'l8hy",-"" in I .....utLCulopot .h...I,.1 by b1'l.'" tn......... U it-bcr up
~in i•• plsee known .. the I\.hajub Suta; I",...... tso a...._hady
t~, .1111near it nt>w. u amall stroum. A river u,,_-d by a brick-
built Lricll.-erons lhruugh the city, and {rom it "al er is dj"jrihllW
III tb" ,llrivus qusrt...... or th. city by mtOm!!of clt-oodi ~(.rtb
of CaLul are th" ext..o.ive g:>nlell. of Tim, .." Shah IU>d ZUm&n
Shah; tbe.;e ore .urNuntloo by WIllt.. and wal"l'l<l by ean.~I. loci
from the ri"er. On lbi. sido of the oity is tile lomb of Syud
1£.h<l...... CMol baa two Bnln Hi$srus or citadds; th. nl'~
eitakl .... formerly the prison in which the memLora of th... Royal
hmily "'en! eonfincd, but ... Sbah ;\bh.mood b.. ""t hi;; b",tht-n
..t Iib;:rty, it is oot DOW used. In the lower .BaJa lWsar ia the
nsid.n"" of the King. We arrived at Cllbol 00 the 17th clay of tb.
month Sbaab:m 122b A.H.

S.\.IAD. 5.1:. S boarw' journ~y.-.\ "illaltt' """r ,..hi,·h ia •• trerun

which RuWI I<>\\...u. Khoolm. ODefu","kh lifter J.... vinlf Kboelm the
rUlidt'nt~ ... the Bunlr ee, ,·all,·y, whicb ;. 0111' ful'llUkh in length.
GHl'Z~t~:K. E. 1 houn' jou..".,y.-~btd ill Rout.! Xo, 1.
.\SEE.\-l-B.\D. S.E. :it boon' j.Jarwy.-Doeeribed ill Rou~Xo, 1.
Dl:LKliLKEE. S.E. :it b..D.... joumey.-DMcribed ill Roul<· Xo. 1.
AIBUK. S.W. 6 hou.... jonmey.-D.!ec:ribedill Route No.1. A
road I...ids from here I<>C.bul rut GhoJW.
Dl'RRUH-I-ZL"D"\""'. S. 2 homs'jouru''1.-A valI.y ill .bich ...-e
many ..ub:;es inhabit..! by • tribe wbo optal< Ar.lbic.
SrRKOOSDUR. S. 1 hour's :joom<-y.-A village ill II nIley
inhabited by Oozbuluoand.Arobs. G...-cIeu and on:bards Ilear the
,';Oll,,''''. R40Id througb • vulJey.
SURD.\(HI. S.W. 6 houra' jowney.-n-nW ill Bout .. Xo. 1.
DURIUU-J-KHOORU).(. S.W. 6 bows' joumey.-n-ribed m
Rout.! Xo. 1.
ItOOEE. S.W. 7 houra' joarney.-Duac:nl..d ill Route ~o. I.
DO,\.D. S.W. :; hou.... journey.
EXD OF TUE KURAb:OOTUL. w, 10\ houra' joumty.-Tbe
KUrUootul is • loft) .... ".hiclt ia ~ ill .u boura. The"f the road is k\'d.
BAJG.\II. E. .1igbtly S. ~ houra' jou..,.,..-.Dcotn'btod III r\4ute
Xu. 1.
l'XI>_\B. E. 2 houro' joum.·y.-A villafle Oil the I"",k .. e Ihe river
which com", from Bnad Burber, 1IDd. poaMn~ Obo,,'<', eve nluaUy,
~ KOOtIdoo~. Rood Ind aad along the buk of the ';,
through. ,-.lIer. Gardt". ".ith ftuit t near cbe t'11~.
KOOTllI,-I-' UGHLEE 1'IIJ. S. ~ hou joumey.-Thia rua eom-
mt'ot'('ll on,' krob rrum l'",lab, and ia <-.1ill about .·i!;bt heu....
n-I ""n"raIly wi,)o, but narrow ill periL Sulpbur milll~ in t"-
KILA'A-I-KII.UUH. S. l bow'. jounary.-n-ril...! iQ Roule
'No. I.
nOM ItnOOLM10 CABt"L,aorrs »0. 2. ro
SEEK.\:-'-. S. 1 hOllr'. j"nm~l.-Tn Il valley tbrou~h which. ot,....m
60wo. Tnhabitant. TlljecDIUl.1 • '.'W Hutnruh.. Near Illl' ,~I~
it a .uW1 fort. n....1 ~ It} 6.,1.t. of wh l and harley. The
mOWllAilH heft are eovered wilh rUI,'UOzuh ( C<rtida) I....... froID
",hieb the dm~ it ....nut.ctu.1'l'<1 in Ih~ ,-ilia...... '('b~best ......,r",tida
i• ..,J,J al • ru)'<\lf"r :H ebsruh "Iunl to 2\ O.,lhi .. "N.
SOKH1'UH crmUR. S. It houl'II' journey.-.\ fort•• bout kroh S
&om S<dam. II....;".. tomb ';,ited by I.ill,";""'. Xesr th(.
nllage are f'UllTatlOn. in the moWIWlllL "brAt aDd t.rkT .....t.
th"tion. Inhabitant.- HUZSJ"Oh.. :\lost of the rwd lies th"';"~b •
KOOTUL.I.AKRIB.\T. S. 1 hOIlr'~joumfy.-This pass, "'I,i"b i-
oOme t.. o kroh in 1"Dgt!J, eommenees about two krob &om the ia.l
.~. &ed..-ide. From. tbe f..ot of the pus • .._! ~ t.) tb..
,'lla::.....of Z"",,eee ... bleb is two or three fUNukh. eIi-tant•• mounWu
pas. inkrrenin:"
A.K RIB.\ T. S..E. 2 hours' journey.-Described in Route Xo. 1.
The eold here ... in_; even inthe month of Surtm ,Jol\' it
wa.. iml'l,,,.;ih~ to do without Srt'$ and fur dotbio~. AD the ~
\'I'fte &oun. It i. oaid tbst in ... me $C3SOn. the "Utl'r ...'" in
before the crop; ha\'O hnd time to ripen. The t'Ouotry bet ...een
Baj::,'1Ih and tbi. I'M is und~r the Governor of Boot·j·&u!can.
but in tomequeDa> "f his inability to keep lb~ Huu.ruh.< in ""I>-
j<o<tioo. If_ Ao_j Ali Khan. of Kboolm, baa Ink.... "'-'Clf the
"bol~ c:<>WItry ror the purpo;;e uf eo.uriog the ...ret) of the road.
BOOT·I.B ....)I.:EE.U~. E. 1 hOIll'l' joumcy.-D e...,ribed in Route
KIL.\'.\.J.1OOPCHEE. S. 2 b.........journry.-.\ mud rort lx.J.>n:r.
ing to Ilamfftm on t~~le~el eountry a~ the fuN or u.., IUIoo P-.
s» f"rdabl.', ..
Roa.J o'er Ieeel eouotty. A strenm, which ;.. .I....
c.-! once.
KOOTtL.l.K..,\.LOO. E,-n-riW io Route ]\0. 1. R-t "'N~.
aDd DOL rocky.
K.ALOO. t:. II hoo.... jouroey.-.\ \'illAge 00 the Idt banlt of.
""n.i,1<.. hie .ueam Ilo\\,u,g fronl lIOull<to north. rid, Reute
:!>.·o. J.
K.OOTUL.J.JLUEE GUK. S. ~ hou...• journr.\.-.\ J*8 or no
gmot ~1.. It ;..orloooek-ed in "'inter b) lOCo", ~ the oaI)
~ CO" the n.d bet_ Kboolmand C.buJ thus habJe to be dOOl'd.
At the foot of lb. I- i. • .mall rort """rritonl'dII) lIuzaruho. Th~
... i••bout halt. krob in Itngtb. I'illt Rou'" No, J.
100 . J'BOK JDlOOJ,l( TO CAlI1TL, ~tmI NO. t.

KILA'A 8AIFOOLLAII wt·XEEL. S. t 1m bow'l joamey.-At
the foot of the lIajer Uak r-, 00 the bonkr.of Blow- territory.
The fort ~Iopg-l to Saifoollab. a II wwuh ClUof, who .... 1",.
van. pay 100d'''''''nI p"r ho..... for admi..ioo through \he ....
UUR.\N nt:t:W.\R, S. "holll'li' jour'l>l'r.-n-ribed in Route No.
l; one fuNlkh and • half from the la.t .!age •• pring ;"ueo from
the gn>Ulld. the .a~ of whicb II utringmt and hal a taIte of
oKOOTt'L·I.OONEt:. F~ I an bow'& joa"""y.-'J'hi. paM eom-
menc.... ene buh from the lui iUj.,..... Tho de...~·nl
~ is Vl'rf abrupt.
SEEAII Sl.;'NG. H. I an how' .. jounK-r.-.\t the foot of the Oonee
Pa-. Henee eomme nees a ,a1I.y where llbek .Iones abound.
Sl'R cnrsusrt II. };. :I "'-'"' journoPr.-A large village. n.r
Cal.ul river takes its ri... here, T'iJ. Route No. 1.
TtTK.AN.I·B.\L.l. E. 1 Kroh.- .... smsll TiJbge inhabited l,y
Su!ilJWl Kbe,.! Gbulj ...oes.
TlAA.. "'.I.P.u::£.". E.-A .mall rilbge ....... the Iu, mmtioned.
Both belung to Cabol
Jl'LRt:z. };. :I Krob.-ri.k Root .. :So. 1.
ROOSn~ KHEYL. E. ;} Krob.-.\ ,;lIage inhabited by Rooetnm
Kb,),1 Gbu!jaeea.
KOOTt L-I.TUKIIT. E. 1 Kroh.-r..,.~ uDdn Jul_ in Roote
No. I.
I RGII UXnt:E. }:.. 4 Krob.-A nllage ouppli('<1 with walA.'r from ..

cranJlI. InbahilaDts Toj«b. oituated th ree mil... from the fOlOt vf the

KILA·.\·I·KAZEE. E. :I Krob.-A rillaj;e ..... fort I water ""PPl1

[rom 0 <anal. lababiwlol Tajeeb.
KILA·A·I.TOOPCIIEE B.\SHE£. }:.. :t Kroh.-.\ ..ilLage anti fort
belOUKing to Cabol, oit.uat<d in the Pumgbao Tuppab or Diotrict.
)1URUNO. E. t K ...b.-A village in lbe abv..~ .Iiotrict. IDba-
hitanto Taj..,1u..
I,OORY. t:. l Krob.-.\ village in the above di.tricl. InhabitAnto
OURWAZlIJl.I.ClOORl IIK.\R.-Thc ,,"A'" or lbe rort buill by,\hmed
Shah 1:100,........ by .. bicb the city of ('.hu! io eolni!d from the
T""mtan aide. .\1 Uri. gate th .... C"hlll piee _ takeD {rom ...,b
C.\.BUL.-Deocnl.edin RouUtNo. 1.
ExcL-T, Y.

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