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Over the last few decades there has been a considerable change in many people’s attitude towards
technological advances. Some people think that technical progress influences badly on human
nature, while others disagree, saying that scientific evolution always helps to improve the society.

I personally believe that the huge amount of progressive technologies really makes humans less
human. Firstly, while we are focusing on inventions and computerisation, the role of humanist
values is reducing rapidly. The humanity aims to develop the new technologies faster, often
valorising only logic and intellect but not simple human kindness. Secondly, the active use of
intellectual devices may create bad social ambient for upcoming generations. Children who are
growing up inside of computerised environment cannot develop their social skills properly. This
might cause lack of empathy and misunderstanding in communication process in their future.

At the same time, my opponents still claim that technological advances are being used to help
people and to improve the quality of human lives. They believe that technological progress and
computerisation will create a better world for all the members of the society.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with my opponents. Unfortunately, nowadays we can find a lot of cases
when different progressive improvements are used against the humanity. For example, big data
technologies and intellectual camera systems may be used to collect information about citizens.
And, obviously, the total control contradicts the humanism, so we can really say that such
technologies make us less human.

In conclusion, I would like to say that any technical improvement should be never trusted only as a
positive thing. Technological benefits have many disadvantages and can be even destructive for
human's personalities.

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