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1. Tell us about yourself.

2. Do you like to travel?

Where did you travel last time?

When did you travel there?

How was there?

3. What is your hobby?

Why do you like to do it?

When did you do your hobby last time?

What is the benefit of your hobby for you?

4. What is your favorite meal?

Why do you like this meal?

Do you prefer to eat in restaurant or at home? Why?


How often do you eat out? Who do you go with?

What restaurant do you usually visit?

What type of food do you enjoy to eat? Western or Asian?

How much do you usually pay when you eat out?

Do you enjoy spicy food?

Are the servers there friendly to you?

Have you ever tried Italian food?

Are you concerned about calories when eating out?

Are fast food restaurants like KFC or McDonald’s famous in your


Do you often drink alcohol when eating out?


What kind of presents are popular in your country?

Who gave presents to you? On what occasions?

What was your last present?

What was the one you like best?

Did you ever get a present you didn’t like?

How do you thank people who give you presents?

Who was the last person you gave a present to?

Is giving presents important in daily life?


Who’s your best friend?

How and when did you meet?

How often do you see this friend?

Do you and her share anything in common?

What do you and her do together?

Have you and her ever argued?

Do your parents like her?

Why is a friend important in life?


Do you like shopping?

What do you usually shop for?

Where do you go shopping?

Are there many shops in your neighborhood?

Do you spend much money on shopping?

Do you usually shop online? What items?

What’s the difference between shopping online and offline?


What is the most popular means of transport in your country?

How do you go to school or work?

How often do you take busses?

Do people in your country like traveling by bus?

What are some benefits of traveling by bicycle?

Do you prefer public transport or private transport?

Do you think bus should replace other means of transport?

What do the government do to encourage people to use public


How has the transport changed recently?


Do you like music?

What Is The Most Beautiful Song You Have Heard?

Who is your favorite singer?

What do you feel when you listen to music?

Do you like national music such as mugam?


Do you want to be famous?

How do you describe the fame?

Why do you want to be famous?

If You Were Famous, What Industry Would You Like To Be Famous

In? Why?


Do you like to spend your free time with your family?

Do You Have Any Family Traditions? If So, What?

What is a perfect family or alternative lifestyle for you?

When do parents' stop giving financial support to their children?


Do you like fruit or vegetable?

In your opinion, what's the most delicious fruit?

How often do you eat fresh fruit?

What's your favorite vegetable?

Do you think that fruits and vegetables are good for your health?
Why or why not?

What the means the saying: "An apple a day keeps the doctor


What is your religion?

What are some religions of the world?

Is religion important to you?

Can you tell us about your religion?


Do you like to sleep?

How many hours do you sleep per night?

What do you know about the benefits of sleep?

Do you talk in your sleep?

Do you need an alarm clock to wake up?


Do you like to play game?

What is your favorite game?

What makes a good game?

What are some more examples of games?

What is the best thing to do to stay healthy?
Do you consider yourself to be healthy? Why?
How often do you exercise?

What do you think about the health care system in our country?


What motivates you? Why?

Are you very motivated to do things or do you need motivation?

Have you read any good motivational books or articles? 

Does motivation come from inside a person or from their
environment? Explain why you think so.

How can you help someone who has no motivation?


Where do you get your news from?

How important is it for people to follow the news?
Do you think that news agencies sometimes tell lies to make a story
more popular?

How much do you trust newspapers, television news, and news

from the internet? Which is the most reliable source of information?
What kind of news stories interest you the most?

What is the purpose of news companies in society?

How much water do you drink every day?
How many glasses of water should people drink every day?
Can you swim? How often do you go swimming?
Think of the biggest river in your country. How polluted is it?

What did you like to do when you were a child?
When were you born?
Were you good at making friends in your childhoodc?
Did you play on the streets?
What was your favorite toy when you were a child?
What were your favorite cartoons and TV shows?

Which school do you study at?
What grade are you in?
Do you miss for school?
What are the bad and good sides of online study?
Do you like to wear uniform at school? Why?
Who was your favorite teacher in school time?
Do you like to go a party?
When did you go last time to party?
Who do you invite to your parties?
What would you do if someone broke something at your party in
your house?
If you are invited to a party but you don't want to go, what do you tell
the person inviting you?

Do you often use the Internet?
About how many hours a day do you use the Internet?
Do you have a computer?
What computer do you use to access the Internet?
How can the internet help you learn English? Do you take
advantage of this?
Do you use the Internet for fun or education?
What problems does the Internet create? What problems does it
Are you an animal lover?
Are you raising any pets?
Why do people keep pets?

What is your desired job?
Is that a demanding job?
What challenge do you have when doing that job?
Is it hard to make your dream come true?
Why do you choose that job?
What does the society think about your job?

How often do you see your neighbors?
Do you have any problems with them?
Would you be sad if he moves to another area?
What’s the difference between friends and neighbors?
What do you need to be a good neighbor?

Creativ Person
Who is the creative person that you admire?
Why do you admire him?
How did he become so creative?
Do you think creativity can be learned and practiced?
How is creativity important in study or work?

What do you like to d on the weekend?
What did you do last weekend?
Do you like to make a plan for weekend?
Do you like to spend your time with you family on the

What is fashion for you?
Are you a fashionable person?
Do you read fashion magazines?
Who is the most fashionable in your family? Why do you
think so?
How much do you spend getting ready to go to school?
What do you think about the impact of uniforms to fashion?

Do you like to take pictures?
What kind of photos do you enjoy looking at?
Why do people take photos?
Are you a camera-shy?
Do you keep the pictures as memories?

Moving to another country

Have you ever been in abroad?
Do you like to travel abroad?
Which country do you wish to travel?

What is your busiest day of the week?
Do you like to be busy, or do you like to have an easy
What takes up most of your time?
Do you think you manage your time wisely?

Are you an angry person?
Is it easy for you to control and hide your anger?
What are you like when you are angry?
When you get angry, do you stay angry for a long
What makes you angry about modern life?
A Chinese Proverb said: “Never write a letter while
you are angry.”

What do you think of the brain?
How much of your brain do you use?
How do diseases affect the brain?
Do you have a quick brain? Could you think quickly
about problems?

Are you good with children?
What’s the most irritating thing about children?
Do you think children are spoilt nowadays?
Would you like your children to be like you?
What advice would you give to children today?


Are you interested in current events and news?
What stories have you been following recently?
How many hours a day do you spend reading about,
watching or listening to news?
Do you ever read or listen to the news in English?
Which area of current events would you like to be
more knowledgeable about?

What comes to mind when you hear the word
Why do some people like danger?
What dangers do you see around you every day?
What do you do when you are in danger?
Is the Earth in danger?
What countries in the world are too dangerous to
What are the dangers of the Internet?

Describe a successful person.
Is your idea of success the same as your parents’
idea of success?
Do you think people focus too much on appearing to
be successful?
How much pressure do your parents put on you to
be successful?

Have there been any failures that made your life better?
Is there a right time to give up and stop trying? Or should
you never give up?
Can you think of any famous people who failed spectacularly
at something?

What are the best kinds of stories? (i.e funny stories, ghost
stories, amazing stories)
Who told you stories when you were a child? What kind of
stories did they tell?
There are many ways to experience a story. For example:
book, movie, TV show, video game. What is your favorite
way to experience a story?
What is your favorite story?

Luxury Items
What is one luxury item you really want to have?
Do developed countries focus too much on luxury items?
What do you think is the most popular luxury item in your
Have you ever been jealous that someone had something
you didn’t?
Do you think that luxury goods make people happy? Why or
why not?
What do you think expensive perfume is made from?
Do brand name prices mean quality?

Do you like money?
Do you earn money or do you 2want to earn money?
Are you good at saving money?
Are you saving money to buy something?
About how much do you usually spend each day?
Do you ever give money to charity?
What do you think? How can money make us happy?
How much do you have to spend to eat a good meal at a
How much money did you make on your first job?(kim
işləyirsə, onlardan soruşarsan brat)
What kinds of things do you like to spend your money for?
If someone gave you a lot of money, what would you do with

Traffic and Transportation

What do you think about traffic in Azerbaijan?
How was traffic on work times?
Do you often use public transportation?
Which one do you prefer to use? Bus, metro or taxi.Why?
Can you ride a bicycle?
Do you drive a car often?
Do you have a bicycle? Do you like to ride it?
Have you ever been in a traffic accident?
How do you get to school or university?
What do you think about bus fare? Is it expensive?
How do you think countries can reduce congestion on the
What do you think is the most dangerous form of
transportation? Why?
What do you think is the safest form of transportation? Why?
What's your favorite color for a car?
How important do you think it is to use public transportation?

Are you a happy person?
What is happiness for you?
What do you think is the color for happiness?
What makes you feel happy?

+burden davam edərsən brat

What are the three most important things for you to be

Does having an animal/pet make you happy?
How can you become happy again when you are sad?
Is happiness a goal?
How often do you feel really happy?
What makes you unhappy?
Do you wake up happy every morning?
Do you agree that older people are less happy?
What do you think of the idea of a government Happiness
Minister who is responsible for the happiness of the
Do you think some nations are happier than others?

Do you usually remember your dreams? Why or why not? 
What was your nicest dream that you can remember?
Have you ever had nightmares? What were they like?
Do you usually dream in black and white or in color?
What language do you dream in? Have you ever dreamt in a
language that you don't speak?
Do you believe that dreams can sometimes predict the
What is your dream for the future?
Do you tell people about your dreams?
Do you believe in deja vu?
What is your favorite color? Why?
Is color important to you? When you buy something do you
think about colors?
Does color affect your emotions? Why? Which color?
Why do you think colors affect humans so much?
Do you think that certain colors are only for boys or only for
Why do you think there is a difference?
If you HAD to change your hair color, what color would you
change it to?
Most electronics are either black, silver or white. Why do you
think this is? Do you think we will have more colorful
electronics in the future?
If you bought a car, what color would it be? 

Whose advice do you follow more, your parents’ or your
friends’ advice? Why?
Are your parents/friends advice useful for you? Why do you
think so?
If you could give the leader of your country some advice,
what would it be? Why would you advise it?
If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice,
what would you tell your younger self? Why?
Who was the wisest person in your country’s history? Why
do you think so?
Imagine You won 100,000 dollars. How will you spend it?

Environment and Pollution

What kind of environmental problems do you know?
What are some types of pollution?
What's happening to forests in the world?
What's happening to atmosphere in the world?
How can we protect the atmosphere?
Which is more important, increasing people's standard of
living, or protecting the environment?
Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual
people or the government? Explain.
What is the most important issue facing the environment
Do you think overpopulation is an important environmental
issue? Why or why not?
What's happening to forests in the world?
What happens when we remove forests?
What can we do to protect forests?
Do you think cars should be banned from city centers?
What's happening to worlds water system now?
How can we protect sea. Ocean, river?


Who is your favorite teacher at school or university?

What made that teacher good?
What made that teacher bad?
How to be a good teacher
What are the differences between young and old teachers?
Do you want to be a teacher in the future? Why?
Do you enjoy spending time with your teachers?

What are some of the greatest technological achievements?
What are the advantages of technology?
What are the disadvantages of technology?
In your opinion, what is the greatest technological invention?
How does the technology impact people”s daily life?
Do you think robots will cause unemployment (loss of jobs)
in the future?
How do you think face to face communication differs from
communication using computers?
How does the technology impact to education?
What are good and bad points of using computers?
Do you think technology decreases or increases stress?
What is your opinion about children playing violent video
games or computer programs?
How often do you buy things on the Internet?
Have you used the Internet to learn English or read or talk in
Do you think technological advances are always good?

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