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A true story.

When I was a teenager, I had a really good friend, in my High School: Juan. We shared lot of
activities and skills: we were quite popular inside our classroom; we were good in sports, in our
lessons, etc. In addition, we loved rock music and we were trying to save a bit of money in
order to buy a ticket for the concerts of the main rock stars who were giving a performance in
Madrid… Anyway we were friends and we spent many funny times together, doing that kind of
things we loved… Our friendship were great during three years, but the last year we studied in
the H. School, just before beginning our university degree, thins changed in a very strange

Someday Juan’s mother called me up so much early, in the morning asking for him. She told
me he had run away from his home, and even though he had leaved a letter, they didn’t know
where he could have gone. In the small notice, he had also written, as he had got nothing in his
life he would try look for the “luck” in other places…

Of course I didn't know anything, about that event or the possible plans that could roam
around his mind… Neither I could be able to understand what was happening with my friend,
because he didn’t share anything about, with me. Finally, the next day the police found him
among homeless, sleeping in the street. Although I didn’t want to say anything about that
event, our relationship were getting worse, and that kind of regrettable “runaways” were

Finally I finished the High School period and I went to the university, and as we took different
paths in our lives, it was quite common to lose the track of many of your school colleagues,
Juan among them and the rest is history.

Some years later, once I saw him while I was commuting, but I think he could not even meet
me… He was with a blank look in his face, and even I had some doubts about if he was really
my ancient friend…

About ten years later more or less, my brother told me he had heard the rumour that Juan, my
friend had finished his life killing himself. It was almost unbelievable how a mental disease can
ruin a success life… I was socked even though a long time since I didn’t know anything about

But the very strange event is coming now… During several nights I had the same nightmare: I
dreamt with Juan. I could recognize him although he had different horrible shapes, sometimes
like a kind of monster with his head, sometimes as strange beings who had just throwing from
their awful bodies to my friend, or at least something that looked like him ...

Talking about that experience to my mother she told me, that nightmare had a clear meaning:
it was the soul of my friend, that needed my help; and the only thing I could do for him, at that
moment, was praying for his soul as much as I could. At the beginning I didn’t believe a lot that
issue, but at last I finished obeying to my mother and I could avoid such nightmare from my

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